MI3e!ffliii!MffliH maiaamiMmjM THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1915 EVENING EDITION. TWO CJ CUT MUD PAVING TO OPEN 0RPHE1 SHIPPING NEWS LOGGING TKUCKS IHIKAIC TJIHOUGII UNDKIUMIXKD 1MHCK Ht'ftvy Loads Doing Considerable Damage to Planking Tliroat ! en Litigation TIIKATKU TO OI'KltATK AGAIN IN MASONIC HUILDING Tho first bad hole to bo cut through tbo hard paving by the log ging operations closed Third street, near Central, to general traffic to day. Tho paving broke through be tween tho curb and tho ruanholo, tho dirt having settled or boon washed out from under tho concreto baso. How long tho concrete alono lias been sustaining tho paving Is notfrst foort known. Some other places In tho hard pav ing Imvo shown Indications of set tling hut bo far this la tho only piece that has broken through. llnrd on Planking The Central Avenue plank road way from Fourth to Eighth street probably has suffered tho heaviest damngo from tho logging operations. This was recently roplankcd and tho now planking Is being rapidly brok en up, many of the planks being split already. Tho logging company did not put a special deck on tho el ernted roadway lllto they did on tho etreot further west which was so badly demoralized that tho heavily loaded wagons would not havo been nblo to got over It without a special roadway being built Somo of tho affected property owners nro threatening to cornmonco action olthor against tho city coun cil or tho logging company, claim ing that tho logging Is extraordinary traffic and that the property ownors could not bo required to keep up paving for It. Itobcrt Mnrsden, of tlio Noble, Jakes Over lA'nsc To Put In New Machine The Orphoum Theater In tho Ma sonic Tcmplo has been leased by Hobort Marsden, of tho Noble Theater, and within tho next three weeks there will bo two show houses within tho city. This ar rangement has Just been complet ed, according to Mr. Marsdon, and he has taken over tho lease on tho Ho expects to mnnago both show plates. A now operating machine will be placed In tho Orphoum and there will be secured a popular lino of pictures with a good supply of features. The delay In opening tho theater will bo because of a neces sary wait to sccuro adequate films. Since tho closing of tho Orpheum several months ago Marshflold has had but one show house. IWOOSEATCOOUILL E Delegation 1-Yoni Coon Hay to Auto Over to County Beat Will Make Flvo Chapter In Coos County Thoro Is to bo Inatallod a chap ter of tho Mooso Lodgo at Co qullle tomorrow ovonlng, making the fifth In tho county, and a largo numbor of lodgomon from Coos Day aro planning on attending. Thoy will leavo In machines from Front 'Btroet tomorrow evening at G:30 p. m., returning about midnight. Already O. S. Torrey has 70 pros pective members for Initiation. Tho propor rogalla has boon received thcro for tho ritualistic work. Tho othor chapters of tho county nro at Marshflold, North Uend, Myr tlo Point and Dilution. PASTOKH ASSIGNKO Methodist Minister Itcvclvo Tliclr Appointment (o Station Tho following woro tho appoint ments of Methodist ministers to stations In tho southwestern part' of tho stato: Hosouurg circuit, A. J. Stnrmor; nosoburg Station, C, H. Cleaves; Myrtlo Creek, J. K. Wnlbcck; Grants Poss, 0. A. Taggart: Med ford, II. M. Hranham; Williams circuit, F. M. Canriold; Coqulllo, H. M. Law; llamlon, C, U. Cross; Teazle Crock and Myrtlo Point nro to bo supplied Inter by Bishop Lam-buth. HIS SHEEP HERE ANIMAL HUSBANDRY KXPHItT AGITATES TUB MOVE SajH Conditions Aro Itfght and Mon ey Can Ho Mulo on Hilly Land Also on Dairy Farms For 10 days E. L. Potter, profes sor of Animal Husbandry at tho Ore gon Agricultural College made an Investigation of tho cattlo and sheep industry of Coos and Us possibilities. Ho wont back saying that nowhoro In tho ontlro stato of Oregon aro tho conditions for cattlo raising bettor than right hero. Sheep raising for tho small farms and also as an ad junct to dairying wcro urged by tho export. Two reasons woro given by Prof. Potior why tho beef industry should flourish in Coob. Tho first, bocauso of tho cheapnessh nnd tho oaBO with which cattlo can bo raised ; second tho very high quality of a small min ority of tho cattlo. Prof. Potter had tho following to say about tho sheep industry: "Thcro nro a lot of good opportu nities for small flocks of snoop on tho dairy farms of Coos County, par ticularly on tho dairy farms which have In addition to good cultivating land 6no or two hundred acres ul hills nnd brush that Is too rough for pasture for milk cows. Most of theso lands aro now dovotcd to rais ing tho dairy bred Btcors for which Coos County Is already famous. "In tho outlnylng sections tho vnr mluts aro too troublcsomo for shoop, hut through a largor portion of tho dairy sections thoro Is llttlo trouble from this source In such places wo eortnlnly recommend that tho dairy men knock tho bull calves In tho head and put In a few sheep to cat tho grass on tho hill sides. "A flock of sheep will pay a good profit and will tend to koop down tho woods and sprouts where tho dairy Btccr does not pay tho taxes on tho land ho grazes." Havo your programs printed nl Tho Times office. m UNUSED articles you possess may be useful to some one OlCA tXOt . flTT In almost every home can he w ii i i i i if - ZU (Hutu o value, aisearaea, ana in me wan found some- in tht that would be useful and valuable to others. TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS Have given remarkable results to the people of Coos Hay and Coos County many big deals have been pulled off through' the use of Times Classified, costing (he advertiser a meager twenty-five-cent piece. .If you have somothing of value taking up space, advertise it sell it. The cost of Times (Massif ied ads is small and the re sults are satisfying. Lost gold has beon placed in the hands of its owner a proof of honesty on the part of the finder and a proof of results The Times gives its advertisers. Telephone Number 133 SOCIAL CAMCNDAH WEDNESDAY North Dcnd .Methodist Ladles' Ten at church par lors. PrlsclllaB with Mrs. W. Nelson of Hunker Hill. Presbyterian Auxiliary at church parlors. Pastlmo Club with Mrs, Mllas Richardson of North Uend. Auction Bridge Club with Mrs. W. H. Kennedy. Reception by Epworth Lcaguo for faculty and teach ers of High School. THURSDAY A. N. W. Club with Mrs. Nancy Noblo. Miss Wlnnlo Simpson cn talns at Bunker Hill. FRIDAY Mrs. C. II. Dungan gives luncheon to past matrons of O. E. S. at homo of Mrs. Frances Hazard Lucky Thirteen Club with Mrs. E. Camoron. Reception nt Presbyterian church for Marshflold School tcachors. 8ATURDAY Family Crrclo Club with Mr. and Mrs. G. Johnson of Dunkor Hill. HAS NEWS ON HULLITD TRADE EFFORTS MANZANITA SHOWS "POWER OF PRESS" ON DRVDOCK Nownpaiicr Placed on llottoni II Months Ago Still There and Printing Is Legible A newspaper remained Btuck to the steel plates on the bottom of tho hull of the U. S. lighthouse tendor Mnnznnltn, often a visitor on Coos Day. for 14 months nnd was discov ered when tho vessel a few days ago wont on tho drydock In Portland. Tho printing was still plainly legi ble. Fourtcon months ago the Manzan. Ita was placed In drydock for clean ing nnd painting. When tho paint ers wero ncnrlng a completion of tho Job on tho bottom of tho hull n sot of bllgo blockB was shifted to allow tho Bpot covered to bo given a coat of color. A newspaper was placed on tho hull at tho point to bo paint ed. Tho bllgo blocks wero placed against the papor and tho Bhlp soon nftor lowered Into tho wator. Tho Mnnznnlta supplies tho llght- houso In this district, Including tho Capo Arago station. PORTLAND AND COOS HAY DICK ER OVER ASSISTANCE $$ t SHIPPING NEWS : VESSEL MOVEMENTS ' Arrived Hero Adolluo Smith, Oakland, t 11 n. m. today. Duo Hero F. 'A. Kllburn, Portland, tomorrow. Westerner, San Francisco, Monday. HEAVY DAMAGES Court Allows 180,000 Damage Against Owners of Steamer SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. IB. Tho liability of tho Long neach nnd Pa cific Coast Steamship Companies as ownors nnd charterers of tho steam er Paralso, which recently rammed and Bank tho steamer Admiral Wat son hero, wbb fixed nt $180,000 by Judgo Notorcr In tho Unltod Stntes District Court. Tho ownors of tho Admiral Watson had libolcd tho Paralso for $357,000. STRIPPED OF ISTS OLD NORTHWEST IN FEW DAYS WILL HE TOWED TO SEA WILL SKIP A TRIP IJrcnkwntcr Will Ho Laid Up For Ro pairs Undergoing necessary repairs tho steamship Uroakwater will bo detain ed In Portland this week, according to word recelvod this morning by Agent Mohr. Tho vossol will miss a trip, arriving hero a week from Saturday. Entirely Dismantled nnd Now Only n Hulk Gleaner Will Cast Her Adrift on Reach Stripped of her mastB, reduced from tho ranks to a moro hulk, tho Northwest, orstwhilo barkontlno and Inter a menaco to navigation, will In a fow days bo towed to hor final rest ing place This action Is now In tho hands of tho government engineer, Captain PolhomuB. Tho old vessol will take her last rldo out ovor tho bar and to four miles above tho north Jetty whoro sho will bo allowed to drift in on tho snnds and lay down her weary bones for tho long rest that sho Imb carnod through moro than 40 years of ac tlvo sorvlco on tho high seas. Several weeks ago tho old craft was pumped out by Tho Coos Bay Milling company. TIiIb was after months of delay, long oplatlea to government officers and equally "as long answers, tho cnlllng and open ing of bldB, 0110 of which was us mgn as $1,500. Contrary to expectations tho hulk floated wiioii sho was pumped out and almost proudly rodo at anchor alongsldo tho vory dock that s.o had cluttored for flvo years. 13. O. Samuels yesterday Inform ed Henry Scngstackon, secretary of tho Port Commission, that tho masts havo been taken off tho Northwest and sho Is now completely disman tled and ready to bo burled. It Is expected that tho tug boat Gleaner will bo In hero qoon from tho Umpqun and on hor way out sho will jbo chartorcd to tow tho Northwest and cast her adrift on the beach. Local Chamber to Work for Colum bia Dredge If Portland Aids Local Jetty Fund In a manner styled sly tho Port land Chamber of Commerco dispatch ed a letter to tho local Chamber ask ing If n now dredge, bigger, hotter and moro beautiful Is not needed for Coos Bay and Just Incidentally for tho Columbia bar. Tho lotter caused much amusement hero ami lms Just been nnsworcd, Coos Bay is well willing to work for a dredgo to bo used on the Co lumbia, runs tho letter sent by the commlttco of which I. S. Smith Ih chairman, but with tho provision that Portland help us get a Jetty appropriation from tho government. Furthermore it is stated that tho dredgo Mlchlo Is doing good nnd ef ficient work and that a betcr craft couldn't bo used. IRVING BLOCK Drop in and say: "Adler Twentylve" We will show you the best suits von mm.. money. They are made of pure wool worsted W brown or" tjray. Hand-tailored garments. Ev 1 guaranteed. sawU u, in 6 Every MASTER OF BREAKWATER SENDS KITCHENER A POEM Captain Macgcuu Tells of Unity of llrltlsli Empire, Dedicating Vcro to G'rciit Warrior B H1ESITS.BIG TOF SI ADELINE SMITH DRINKS FIRST CONSIGNMENT OF HEAVY PUR CHASES IN CALIFORNIA TO SUPPLY LOCAL MARKET- FINE QUALITY. The Adeline Smith today brought In the first consignment of the largo amount of hay that A. T. Haines, tho 'flour ami feed specialist, purchasod during his rocont auto tour of Cali fornia. Mr. Haines purchased thp hay direct from tho growers, thoro by getting select quality nt a much lowor prlco than tho ordlnnry deal er Is able to obtain when ho buys through commission houses. Tho Adellno was uunblo to un load tho cargo at the Haines ware house, not having any wonchos, nnd so had to discharge tho cargo on tho Smith mill wharf where tho electric cranes could handlo It. This nftor noon, Mr. Haines had sovoral teams naming tho haj rushing It under cover so that no rain would dlscol or It or detract from the quality. ADELINE SMITH IN Tho Adellno Smith arrived today, reaching Marshflold at noon. Sho Is loading lumber nt tho Smith mill nnd will sail for Oakland tomorrow. RETURNS TO 8EATLE Tho gasolluo boat GJoa, for three months under chnrtor to tho I). A. Seaborg cannery on tho Roguo Is re turning to Seattle, whero sho Is own ed, and will engage In further work there. RORARTS LEAVES FLORENCE, Ore., Sopt. 15. Tho steamer Hobarts loft for Portland, having In tow a rock bnrgo for tho Johnson-Anderson Company, This barge Is ono of threo which wero used in the Jetty -work horo. Tho Robarts, which also belonged to them, has been sold, together with most of their other equipment used nt tho Jetty and quarry horo, to tho Zimmerman-Wells-Drown company, of Portland. TWO VESSELS DUE Apple lmxex, to cents each, Plo. uew Hardware Comimiiy, j FRUIT GROWERS See us alMiiit apple 1koj In nny quantity. Prlco on application. Kclirweder & Mildcnbrand, Got your Job printing done at Tho Time offlro. Times Wf.nt Ads tor resulta. Tho steamship F. A. Kllburn, Cap tain McClellan, is duo in tomorrow morning from Portland and It Is ox pected sho Is bringing n largo pas sengor list inuamuch as tho Break water Is not coming this week. From San Francisco and Eureka the steamship Santa Clara is duo in Friday from the south. WESTERNER COMING Tho steam schooner Wcstornor aalls from San Francisco on Friday for Coos Hay. Sho Is bringing freight only. R1TANNIA nnd Hor Hoys" Is tho title of the latest poem of Captain T. J. Macgenn, master of tho steamer Breakwater, who Is styled "tho poet of tho Pacif ic." Tho poem Is a patriotic war song, and Captain Mncgonu has sent n beautiful lithographed copy of It to Field Marshal Earl Kitchener, to whom he has dedicated tho verso: In his letter to Kitchener accom panying tho poom ho says, In part: "As a studont of history I hnvo mado a careful study of your car eer and havo long ngo come to the conclusion that you aro a man of few words and many actions. "Still 1 cannot refrain from ask ing you to rend the thoughts of a poot, and tho language of n gram king. "Tho Emperor William II, In promoting Von Hlndonburg to tho rank of Field Marshal, is quoted as having said to him: "Distinguish yourself, for the eyes of tho world nro upon you." rnd I, tho poet, nnd your nr- dont admirer, sny to the greatest soldier of tho modern world, tho des tiny of tho British Emplro Is In your hands nnd you nre worthy of tho mission." The text of tho verso follows: Her mustering pipes nro blowing And hor pennants flont tho breezo, And Hrltniinla's sons aro coming From far lands across tho seas. New Zealand and Australia Havo sent their gallant sons, And from Canada go heroes That will dlo beside the guns. India sent the (lurlchas, And tho Sikhs nnd tho Sepoys No dlstanco breaks tho tics or blood Urltannln and hor boys. In tho Emerald Islo ExcolBlor Britannia's Western shield, Tho bugle enlls to arms A race that never yield. Tho North and South united March forward to tho test Tho grand old Coltlc nntlon Sends her boldest and hor best: Tho Irish novcr falter In grim bnttlo's dreadful noise. No dlstanco breaks tho ties of blood, Britannia and hor boys. Tho sons of Caledonia Havo heard Britannia's call, From tho lowlands to tho highlands They aro going ono and all. Tho bagpipe thrills tho mountain, The vlllago and tho glen, And tho kilts and plalda aro waving On tho sturdy highland men. Tho Camorous nnd tho Campbells, The McDonalds and Rob Roys, iso dlstanco breaks tho ties of blood, iJiiiunnia ami ner boys, In Wales tho ancient Britons Aro arming for the fray, And to tho "Mon of Harloy" Thoy march in grand array. iGlcndowor Is tholr war cry And liberty or death, And Romo and all her power No'or subdued tholr mother earth. From Britannia Wnles won't sever Until grim death destroys, No dlstanco hroaks tho ties of blood Britannia nnd her hoys. Tho muster rings through England. Drums beat and trumpets blow; And to tho grand old Saxons take the Hold to moot the Teuton foe. Rcsplcndont nnd united Sho rises In her might, And with all her sons around bop Sho will fall or win the fight. The empire Is united In her sorrows and her Joys No distance breaks the ties of blood, Brltanuia and her boys. MEAT ALL OUR nnn mnhinlif pinnnnrl in ruin Inwm n..!i. diu jjiujjti'a miiivi in uui icii y, uciiiiiarv n nlant. That's why they are so tioorJ. Carofni ,3C butcher stock by our buyers enables us to fomi W all the time. No matter whether it is a steak a rS same treatment as if you come to the shop and Z! iy ociuuh'.i 1110 muni. We have some nice salmon now. J. E. Ford S Co. 174 South B'way Phone 58-J Union Markt - More Reason to Push Hard f 8 Spcakini- of business conditions rcconlly Job WnnaninkiT .sit: "People today are buying only four tluW Food, automobiles, wearing. apparel and shoes. "They are buying the first because they nny eat to live; the second because ihev iire'clicap, and shoes and clothing because they must lie re placed." Then he made the telling point that if iiianu facturers of oilier lines are to meet this condi tion they must push harder. They must follow the aggressive methods of the large stores. Then mn advertise. ii OMMBBBBMaMHHSBBBBMHnMHHBHHIMnMMI GRAVEL- Wo nro now proparcd to furnish GltAVliHi In any (tr.tt'il from ptlo In our yard or In carload lots, at following prices: From pllo on ground, $2'.?5 per yard. Canond lots, taken from cars, f 2.00 c nil Itetail Department. C. A. Smith Lumber &Mfg,fo Opposite I'ost-Offlco. rhonfinl PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDR! We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Seni COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY WOOD! WOOD! Kindling wood, por load $1.73 to $2 Alder wood, 10 to 24 Inches $2 to $2.S0 Krco Delivery W. II. IjINRO Phono 227-J. North First St. SAL! CHINOOK TODAY'S CATCH Also all hinds of dfp wlieii lmillillile. l'lSlllIltMAX'SMARKn l'hono HO M I M M I Making Business Better 1 D ESl'lTK tho handicap of war, business Is on tho tin Krado, If each ono of us contributes I u llttlo extra push it will soon ho hotter. It moans trying harder and hooping at it longer. It means continual optimism and faith in tho future And It means carjful, sustain ed, woll planned nowspaper ad vertising In many Instances. The Coos Bay Times will bo glad to assist those who want Kuccestlons as to he'P I push business. jkl-kJUQ