Eas ...U. !SrJat THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE AS LONG AS YOU PROPOSE TO TRY ONCE MORE Coos Bay Times Your Paper A Southwest Oregon Paper That's wlint tlio Oooi liny Tlinei I. A South west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon pooplo mid dovoted to tlio best Interests of this great eectloa . Tlio Times always boosts aid never knocks. Tlio Coos liny Times li proud of Its title "Tim fGople'a 1'nper," nnd It strives t All times to Uvo up t0 lta UWll " do voting Its energies to promoting tlio iiooplo'ii interests. MKMHElt OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. No. XXXIX. Established 1878 As Tlio Const Mali. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll nnd Coot Hay Advertiser. No. 43 Jr .KiwOTytjjftfrS -i, iak SENATOR SMS BUSINESS GOOD George t. unamueriain uivus Encouraging Hepon as 10 Conditions in Oregon HULKS OF1 THE 'Says He Thinks President Will Keep This country uut or the Conflict BACK FROM CURRY COUNTY Weill Tlieio in Investigate Port Or- find llnilior Him I'liuim .eeu 01 New Const Guard Stntloii on ('nasi Soulli of llimdoii win. Mm onenurnelm: stutcmont tmi lKinini'HH lii Oregon In nrcntly I Improving. United States Senator tleurgo i: Clmniliorlnln arrived In ! Jlnrshilold last night fiom Ills Curry , ,.,,i,i. (fin it,, ennm In an unto !. Willi F H Tlchenor of Port Orford ; nnd Postmaster Hugh McLulii or tnitf : city, both or whom accompanied bltn ! on tlio trip as Tar south as Cold Heart) and back to tills city. It was thought that tlio senator tvnni.i iiavn oarlv this morning for tho north but lust night ho decided i tn rnimiiii over hero today and meet ; his many friends In this city. MllslllCSS IS C.OOI1 When asked about buslncH.i eou illlloiis In Oregon tho senator said Hint lluiro was a nuirkeil luiprovo- mcnl In tho state. "Tlio lumber Industry Is tho only lnifiliicHS which Is depressed" ho said. "Ami In tlio Interior nf tho statu there Is advaiicomont In that llnu A now mill Is being built at Dead, a mill at Wallowa Is being op rrntcil nt a nrnflt and somo othor new mills are being started so tho limilioriiinn mi llin eonst unpin to bo tlio only ones who aro suffering tho depression. 1 rather think tho sit uation was correctly stated recently when It was said that tho Irniinio turn llmt Hi., lilir lumbermen linil ills. rouiited the future. Throughout tho stale tlure Is a general business im provement." About tlio War As In tint effect nf tlin War the licnator points out that this country is iiiauractiirlug products which were mndu abroad before the war nnd that this Is shown by our smnll Imports and the fact that our oxports uro greater than ever before. IIo adds however that wlillo this country may benefit In some Hues hecaUBo'of tho great (unfile t that tho price paid is high ami refers to the war as an unfortunate affair. Slu) lug Out of It "This country Is out or tho war," said the senator, "and wo will keep out or It. Tho president will man age tn keep tho Pulled States out of It If he possibly ean, and 1 think that ho can As to when tho war will bo ovir no one can toll. Thoro Is no precedent It appears to ho a war of exhaustion." Need Another Station hkcd about his trip to Curry count) the senntor said: "I am of com so familiar with this part of the htato but I niudo tho trip to t'lirr) comity to look Into tho mat ter or harbor needs and also to In vestigate tho need or anothor Coast Guard station. At Ilandon I had a conference with (Jitpt. Johnson In tharre of tho llfo saving station or be t'oast (lunrd service there and learned of tho largo territory ho is expected to rover. I was convlncod that (apt Johnson with his equip "unt cannot possibly servo tho long toast e mil or him which Is now ex pect! -i In case of a wreck far down tho ( m county coast In tho lough "lather of winter ho has only his opm gasoline boat In which to got tnrrc and thero aro stormy times fthcn his men might perish before l"y could reach tho wreck. Tho Sites Considered ' I can clearly seo tho need of an Pitr itatlon In Curry county and JierhaMs w in ho able to do something toward securing it. P.ort Orford aim Hoiric river aro both consider 'I as uiltablo sites for the station. 11 will bo a technical matter us to vhlrh the most sultahlo but I nm iruilnrd to think that thero are somo "lings In favor of Port Orford." Port Orfoid Harbor As to harbor Improvements at 'ort Orford it is impossible to se Ull"e an appropriation now. Con ""a win not vote for anything in ic wav of harbor work without a 'commendation from tho govern- ft rrglneerliiK dennrtment. Tho r flep. before anything In this iinc rC.,i,i i,e done, would be to se :"rc Eiuve) of tho harbor nnd I ii ,, ab,e t0 l, something along "is line and at least will try to. or Orrord with Improvement could ')e j' ade a fine harbor of refuge. The ''UMer of the amount of commerce now or the nlU0(mt t nQt mlRht 1)P Qi Mo with Improvement, would IV ." ,nt0 consideration hv con t,rcss together with whntevor rec- 1 i I BULGARIANS ARE RECALLED FROM ITALY X Ily Anodntfd 1'reM In Coos nay Tlmca.l ROME, Sept, 13, All Bulgarian leservists in Italy have been recalled to the colors, Transpor tation expenses are being defrayed through the le gation here, : i x x X AFIRE (IT SEfl VESSEL CARRYING ITALIAN RE, SERVES REPORTED IN DANGER Mcssago Tiiduy States Ship Is Safe mid Hong Escorted to the Aores Islamls Itly AtaoclMod rrcaa U Coo 11a 7 Time. NEW YOIIK, Sept. i:i. Tho Fabru liner Sunt Anna, which was on fire in mid-ocean, is safe and Is proceed ing miller escort to the Azores, ac cording to a wireless received today. The Sant Auun was hound from Now York for Italy with liilio ie servlsts and was reported on fliu ilUO miles southeast of Halifax In a wireless received from the latter point last night. isti:ami:k wii.i.ia.m t. u:vis is iiAiiiiV wATi:i(i.o(i(ii:i) On iters Kecelo Wold Toilny That It is Doubt till If She Can bo Kepoited (11 AMniUtiil I'rrM to Cvof IUr Tluui SAX PHAXCISCO. Sept. l!i. A message to lllml, Itolph fc Co., of this city, owners or the William T. I.owls, which was torpedoed off the coast or Ireland September 1!, stated that It Is doubtful If tho clamaged ship Is worth repairing. Is waterlogged In Ilantuy land, wheru It was towed. Tho ship Hay, I re' IIIKK.'ATIOX WIMi IIK IHSITSSKII IXCAIill'OKXIA Meeting lleglns at Slockton nnd Will lie Meld In ScwrnI Different Cities Ilf AwoclitM Timi lo Cooi llaj TlmM STOCKTON, Calif., Sept. III. Tho twenty second International ir llgutlon congress opened Its besslon hero today. Tho congrohs will meet hero tn two days, at Fresno two days, and at Sacramento two days, ending .Monday In San Francisco. OFFICERS ELECTED (iOOD ItOADS ASSOCIATION HAS SKSSION TODAY .Joseph I. Illetlien, ir Seattle, Is Nude Piosldent ol" Ti'r State Oigaiilatlou (DJ AtiocUted J'foi to Cboa nay Tlroea SAN KUANCISCO, Sept. III. An election of officers wns hold by tho TrI-Stato Good HoiuIb Asboclatlon from Oregon, Washington nnd Cal ifornia in a short session previous to tho meeting with tho Paii-Amor-Ican Hoad Congress. Tlicibo nam ed woro Presldont, Joseph L. Hlo thon, Seattle; Secretary, Geo. K. Iloos, Medford; Dlrectorn, II. Milium, Kvorott: John Wostorlund, Med ford; J. Ktlgar Allen, Potaluma. Seattlo was chosen as tho next convention place. ommondntion was rondo by tho en gineering department." About O. V C. Laud Sonator Chninboiiuln was asked about tho coming conference whon tho representatives of tho dlfforont counties aro expected to frame some recommomlatlon to congress regaru lug tho disposition of tho O. & t ' lands. IIo was asked what bis Idea; was as to how tho land should bo disposed of and said: "I would not care to make any statement as It would not no propei for me to do so. If tho conference Is nn opon one, If all classes of peo ple aro allowed n representation nnd voice, and if a plan is presented which seems to be feasible 1 may consider tho recommendation." Tho senator explains however that tho Oregon delegation in congross Is In no wise obliged to net on tho recom momlatlon of tho conference. Is Looking Younger Senator Chamberlain looks woll. This Is tho first time that Coos Hay friends have seen the sonaior since ho shavod off his mustacho and with a smooth faro ho looks very much younger. . G'et your gasoline at .Marshflcid HiirdvvareConumny. KIU'IT OHOWIHIS See us about apple boxes In mi) iqunntlty. Price on application. I Srhropilcr v lliicienurnim. 1 NOT WORTH SAVINGJ piwrDQipr rmnie uusri LWUL un-nidi''.. LIS ORDERS Oil KILLED In Message Today Says He Was Tried by Court Mar tial and Then Executed T: X i Charged Insubordination and Says General's Actions Had Become Intolerable REFUSED TO REPORT ACTS, Villa Claims I'tlilim Had llcvn Tab- luft lilws of All Who lucinivd Ills Dls-ple.isi'i') and M-nl No Scruples Shot nt Villa ttlr AuoclatoJ rrc Co Cooi B17 Timet. WASIIINtrrOX. I). C. Sept. 13.--Conflrmatlbii of tho execution of (icuernl Tomas Urblna by Villa was received directly fioin Vlllu tnilnv i,y hirhiC'Tho durge;s ln.illrlml.Unt.Km, . Vllla's Statement. In explanation of the execution, Villa gave tho following statement 'For some tliuo pust the behavior or Urblna has been Intolerable, be-! cause, without scruples, ho cxeeu cd all persons who Incurred displeasure. Of his acts hu guv of Into no accounts whatever to headquarters. Taking Into eonsld-l ('ration Increasing lusurbordlnatlon, I deemed it proper to Interview him for tho purpose of impressing upon him tlio necessity of an immediate change In bis behavior. Meeting witli shots from Urblna and his staTf, I proceeded In tho most ade quate manner, compelling them to surrender, after which his execu tion was ordered by a court mar tial." cava i, it v i:n(.a(ji:s with IIAND1TS OX IIOHDCII One Trooper Killed niuf Tun Olher.s Wounded In ICarly Moiulug llatllo Today Ur a.iocuim Prf. f. coi ni Time J IlItOWXSVILLi:, Tex.. Sept. 1.1.' Ono United States trooper was kill eil ami two others wounded, one piobahly fatally, when Mexican ban dits early today attacked an Amer ican patrol of seven mou at the Irrigation pumping plant sovur.il miles up river fiom this point. Forty Men Attack The fighting was heard by nearby detachments who located It nt the pumping plant on tho I.'os ludlos project, but, assistance which was rushed to the lieleaguereii mem camo too late. A squad or troops wore ,rn,l Hn,Mi..ii nt in men U Ih &n?U ',,t n,., h. a ned ' ,, 'o ' thought bandits escaped Into Mexico. PP.OPLi: XOT ALLOWIID CICOSS .MKMCAX llOltDHIt TO Action Taken by lle.iltli Authorities to Aid In Keeping Undcslr. nbles out of Tev.ib Illy Aaaoclata I'wd to Corm )lay TlmM.l KAGLH PASS, Sept. 13. Strict quurantlno against all passage from Mi,lcr. intii Tnxus. oxcelit with the Iiormlssloii of United States mllltury I IKES STATEMEM nCHTIHI! mpyirami; DHDERlMnNTINEi authorities woro put Into ofied today along tho lower Toxas border by tliogpQpj FIDIIIG A utnlo linnltli IllltllnrltloS. 0 1111 I'll 11- I nr-r-.m.f- nt- ninilll, in order is .luniKiiod to aid tlio border natrol hi keening out of thoi stuto poisons suspected of huvmg no' logltlmatu errand In tho L'nltod Statos AMIIHICAN CATTLF.MAN WAS lulu) FOIt ItANSO.M Gets Away Kiom Men (uaiiliug Him mid Makes His Wa) to Kl Paso Oy Auclate4 Trua to Cooa Day Tlmn RL PASO, Texas, Sept. 1.1. John Lovvenbruck, an American cattle man held for ransom by supposed Salazor men fcouth of Hachlnta, N M., last week and who ohcupod from his guard?, antved hero today. 4 t AMONG THE SICK t $.-. S. A Carmlchnel who had an oper ation performed for the relief of appendicitis Is getting along nicely and will probably he out before many davs Invitations pilnted nt Tho Times office. i r h c 1 r n iiin r nfiB nr uiaiMlu Hid tubart ? RUSSIANS FLEE X FROM THEIR HOMES X X Ily Amor tatcd Vri" tn ft(m nay Times t LONDON, Sent, 13,- X A wholesale exodus of X X people in virtually all of X tho townships and villages X X of the Russian province X of Grodno is reported, The X people are fleeingi afoot, t Dnfnn-noc iiiiiYilni'iiirr in iiuiukuuo muiiiuoi iiits in tho thousands aro sleep- X ing in the woods at night X . A. .-..-I I ... l.l .... A i uieiiunuu uy uuiu ituns. T ITALIANS AND Al'STUIANS 01 TOOKTIICIl IN ADItlATIO Itepoit from Purls Sa)s AiisIiImii Torpeibi ltoat Was lladly Dam- aged In the Kiigagciiicut (11 Auioclated ritu tn Cut Ilijr Tlmn. PARIS, Sept. 1 .1 . A battlo be lWLU" ,l"" """ ""ni'iiiu niiviii $i abI11K;r a$$ ayz I' rOHCll Sll IlllUt rHIU, OLLIiriUCl I 11111 H- tween Italian and Austrian naval day In tho Adriatic. Tho Ministry I of Marino announced today that one Austrian torpedo boat was dniuaged " I seriously. NAVIES Sf ILL MEET UK ANOTIIIMt A. II. ('. COX'-'lJltKN'tTi DL'i: this wi:i:k Secietnry Lansing Discusses Car- I'liiin 'SToto With President To- dii) Uxpi'L't Another Nolo ID; AiocutJ Vrmi to Coo, llj TIiom.J WASHINGTON, I). C, Sept. II!. Secretary Lansing announced today that tho next meeting or the A. II. C. courcrccs to discuss the Mexican problem will probably ho In Wash ington Wednesday or Thursday. The Secretary today discussed with Dff.ul.lm.t WMImm tlm Intnut until c.. r m.,,., . TTi,nrri,.i.,i i-i.iinrtu HUlll VJltlllllll'MII . ( If reached hero that a uupiileniciitiil note Is to he sent from t'nrraua sources outlining in detail what might bo made mutters of Joint consideration. This would Includo war Indemnity and guarantees to rorelguers. ZEPPELINS 01 RI VISIT HAST COAST OK KXGLAXD L.VST NIGHT Xo Olio Killed and Hut Very Small Pionerty Daiiinge Is Done by ISoiiibs III opped tDr Aljilclalcl rrna lo Cool 117 Time. LONDON Sept. 1.1. Another t,fist coast of Kngland last n'ght. No rnH.mlllcH woio roporloil. Tho attack Is described In tho following official statement: "The east e0i.U was again visited by hostile air craft last night, llombu woio drop ped, but theio woro no casualties and thu only damago reported Is some telegiaph wires down and some glass biokeu. WINS AI'STIIIAX DKItllY AXD ;tf),.'()f (11; AMlale. 1'iwa lo Coa Hay Tin".) VIKNNA, Sept. IJi.-Tho Austrlun derby, run today ror a stako cr jiu.r.oo, was won by Anton Drehers Tovalib by three lungths riom a field or cloven. V J1 $ UtiUbll Uf MMUIUIVI Itecent Dlscnveiy of Piec'ons Meti In Cmr.v County Crcnles . Metal Some i:iilenieni Tho Port Orford Trlbuno bays: "Considerable excitement was o casloned recently when It was re ported that Chus. Cm I, brother to Forest Hanger J. H. Curl, had found a deposit of radium on Mould er Crook and had ovor $.10,000 of tho metal In sight. Tho luport. i however, wns premature, for while '.Mr. Cm I bus taken out ovor two tons or oio carrying a moial pro uouncod by bomo good miners to be radium, yet whothor or not the find is of uny real value will not be known until returns havo bean ie ceived from an assaying ofr'co. Mr. Curl Is v oiklnx In tho Monanza ISusIn country at thb hoad of Mould or Creek across tho divide from the J. II. Smith claims and hi Curry County. SALEM The' state superintend- .... I.. .!!.. 1t,fnn lr llrt4l CM. Ulll IH Ffliuinci luiiuin " iuii' ' lltjrinuuf .... ...v,., .w ...r" dolegates to tho O. & C. land con feronco to favor somo plan whoroby tho money from tho salo of tho lands will go to the schools of the state. PORTLAND -J. E. Megler, a ..-.,.!..... 4 . nl,n ,nr.l. rt. rt t ll ft Pll - ju uiiiuti'iii -,uimin t'tt fvt ml u " - umbla and for whom Hie town or Megler was named. Is dead need sev - pnty, R 0 C Secretary Lansing and Ger man Ambassador Discuss ing Submarine Attack Tl Lusitania Case Not to Come up Till Arabic Matter is First Settled ACTION NOT YET DECIDED It Is Admitted That Dlscussli f Indemnity Will Also Invoke the (Jimstluii nf .liiMiflcnt'nii of Coimiimidei1 mid of Facts AltlUTItATlOX MAY in: A(.'iti:i:i upon tlljr Atio.lAtr1 riraM to C'oor liny Tinir WASIIINOTOX, Sept. III. Von Uerustorr'n conference lasted half an hour. Prom his milliner some or his (luestloiiurs Inferred that thu conference with the secretary forecasts a favorublo outcome ami that probably aibltra- tlou might hu agreed upon. (11 AnoclaloJ I'reM to Coot 11a jr Tlmra. WASHINGTON, I). C, Sept. 111.- Secretary of Statu Lansing announc ed today, nftur a conference with President Wilson, that no decision had been reached by the United States of Germany's proposal to ar bitrate thu Arable case. It Is In dicated in official quarters or both Germany ami tho United States that tn arbitrate the question of Indem nity Involves tho question or Jub tiricallou and facts. lime Conference Ambassador Von llornstorff went ' Into coufoioiico with SuLTotnry I.nn .. t f'lig nt noon. It is geno rally be- lieved that before tho United States will enter into formal negotiations on tlio Arabic) ease In particular, It will hu necessary Hrst to confirm Germuny's assurance of cussatlou of attack by submarines on liners. Mission Iniportaiit A declaration that tho United States would not discuss tho Lusl tanla caso until it Is established whether tho sinking of tlio Arable was Justified, Increases the Impor tance of tho decision on thu Arable note. NOIIWHGIAX SHIP VICTIM GKUMAX Sl'llMAItlNIJ Ol' Iti Itlhli ltoat Ih Itcpnrtcd Sunk nnd Knur or tin' Crew mo .Missing lly AaaH Utwl row lo '"" DT Tlmfa.J LONDON, Sept. I!l. A German subiuaiino attacked with giinrirotho Norweglun ship Presto with it cargo of wood on Friday. Tho crew was saved. Ililllsli Ship Sunk Lloyds report tho llrltlsli Hteaiuur Ashmoro, 5 1 5 tons gross, gone ashore and sunk. Four men or tho crew mo missing and tho remainder weie saved. ' $ , i. LOCAL OVERFLOW I. P. MOltHIS was hero from Plat II today on business. fuaNK LAYTON. well known trav ! ollng uiuii, U In tho city, M. L. CUHHY bun roturiiud from an auto trip to Portland with Uoy Ruffnor. , Laud (iMinl Meeting. lloraco Stevens m rived bore Saturday night to maku arruugemonts for a meeting to bo hold ul the Murshflold Cham ber of Coiniiiorco tomorrow night to he addressed by John A. Jeffrey, for mer prosoeutlng attorney of Port land. ItAILItOAl) LANDS! ('laud Mall) Tuexliiy Xlght at Cham ber of Commerce) Enforce tho Original Terms of the rnilinml li ml L'rnnt! Tho citizens or Coos County will hold a mooting lit 8 o'clock Tuesday night in the Chamber of Commerco for tho pur pono or diMCUHHliiK the Issues Involv ed In the dlspoall'on ot the lunds cin- braced In the O. & C llnllroud Co.'s, u Hilt. HON. JOHN A. JEFFREY Former prosecuting attorney for tho Judicial District ombiaclng tho count los of Josephine, Jackson. Lake and Klamath, now of Portland, will i,0 the in liirin.il speaker Everybody i l.n,n rr,,.,. t.)4 r, .1 li llinlrn fll I I" i wen unit-, iiiiii iii nn.. in m.i- j,.,. i desires known n onier mat i ongrcss , may understand properly the nnntl- liiirnt-- of tbp community. HIGHLY MPOHT N nnnnr nrnnn p piiihi uunntduLLDuurii X X MUST INCREASE EFFORT TO WIN X t : ttlr AMorUlti'l rrrM In Coos liar TlmcK LONDON, Sept, 13, X English paners devot- i X eel much space to tho an- X I nouncement or David I X Lloyd-George that the na- X X tion must Increase its ef- X X forts very greatly if vie- X X tory for the entente al- X lies is to be assured, X CASE IS (HELD OVER O. T. TltKADflOljD'K !?.-(,()( DAM- An suit up ix"iii:ci:miVi:"k Issues to be Set Xn .ludgo Skip- worth Will Conduct Hearing Trial .liny Xot Vet Selected City AwiKtitcJ rrcM to Coo ray Trmra. (Special to The Times.) COQU1LLU, Sept. Ill, Today saw the opening of tho regular term of tho Circuit Court and the tnklng up of equity cases that were set for trial on Saturday by Juclgo Skip worth. Stipulation lias been mndu lit tho G. T. Treadgold ?r,l),(H)u damago suit that tlio Issues of the case may hu mndu up at this term or court ami In December Judge Sklpwcirth will return to glvo It u hearing. Juclgo Coko will not try tlio case. llcfore U reroreo arguments havo been heard In the caso or the San ford trusteo versus Pike, Phelan and lianinietto, of Myrtle Point, a much Involved caso which centers bnck to tho merging of tho two banks In Kosoburg Boniu tliuo ago. Thero Is approximately $11,500 Involved. O. P. Coshow, of Hosoburg, appeared for tho trusteo; C. K. McKnlght for Hnmmclto and A. S. Hammond and Judge Sperry for Piku and Pliobiu. Three drawings havo been made, but as yet no Jury obtained. Dep uty Sherirr Laird wont to Marshrield this afternoon with another list. Included In thb last two dra wings wore A. II. Stutsman, Fred Larson, or Murshflold; Alvln Smith, Coos Hlvur; J. A. Allen, North llond; W. H. Lundy, P. L. Phelan. Myrtle Point; J. L. Anson, W. . Mehl, U. F. Davenport, Fred Nosier, F. W. Jones, or Coqulllu; M. F. Shoinaker, Ilandon; Henry Hadabaugh, Norway. Ah witnesses In the .loo ShapoiH case, appealed from tho Marshflolil Justice Court and Involving tho pos session of oik horns, Oil Wright, Illllls Short. Charli'H IIIclcox, A. F. Cook and Tip Cordon havo been summoned for tomorrow. COUNTY COPHT .MUST IIK-DIS-TUICT UXDKIt XIIW LAW Knch Town Will bo mi Independent District linns Now Under Consideration (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Ore., Sept. 13. Tho Coon County ConimlsHloiierH aro to day wrestling with tho piobloui or redlstiictlng tho entire county for road mi muses. Tho now law re quires that each municipal district be Hindu an ludopumluiil road iIIh- ivli u. Hu. I Murul, fluid. North III, , 11,1 l.... V .',,. ".-I ..... 1 II I.... ('..,... Ill,, Mvrll,.1 Illllltl, JIlllMllllI, vu,utin,( ,.... Point and tho other towns will havo to bo separated from the old dis tricts or which thoy havo been a part. Thero aro now thlrty-tbreo road districts lit tho county and tho Commissioners want to reduce this number considerably, figuring thai a good road supervisor can take cno of more territory than has been assigned to him in tlio past, thereby reducing tho coat ol official super vision. Link llomls With Towns Ono plan under consideration In tho formation of the now districts Is to arrange Ihem according to the towns which tho roads serve. This will mean that tho road districts Instead or taking straight stretches or highway, will be composed or short HtrotchoH out from the city llmltB. Ilko tljo spoken or a wheel, each town bolng the IHib or tho dis tricts which aro closely linked with It will also moan that tho Coun ty Couit will appoint u road super visor for each town. It has been suggested that the County Couit and tho City Council ugroe In this matter, making ono man surve as street commissioner and county load supervisor, thereby avoiding u clash qf duplication of woik and expenses AHCIIIi; MADDUX IS INDICTED TODAY An Indictment Iiub been re turned against Archie Mad den anested some timo ago for shooting ut a companion who lived with him ut Coal odo. 4 Puul Fruonborg, chargod with house breaking, was sonteuced to 30 days In jail after pleading guilty. , , , - , ...nnt ,, ,.., rp.iti ' Tlmoa v,ttM n,m "r,"B rc8,UISl lupuu Rnnn histr rt I 1 W Make Progress Everywhere Except on Galicia Front Russians Claim Gains General Rusky Says No Dan ger of Petrograd Falling Be fore Enemy This Winter BULGARIA MAKES BARGAIN Statement That the Italkiiii Country Is Now on Friendly Terms With Turkey Several Tliinrsimd Ku.nnIiih Prisoners Taken Ily Aiaoctatnl rrraa to Cooa May Tlmta. LONDON, Sept. 13. Tho Austro Gurmau armies on tho Kastern front uro making pi ogress ovuryvvhoro ox cept along the Gallcian frontlor, where tho Russians report further success. In thu north Von Illndon hurg In directing a violent drive toward Dvinsk and tho crossing of tho Dvina. In tlio center, Prlnco Leopold has forced bis way over the Xcelfanka and is attacking In tho vicinity or Skldcl. In the south Von Mnckeiisen on both sides of tho Plnsk railroad, Is pressing east ward toward town. These movement luivo resulted In tlio capture or several thousand Russian. On thu other fronts thoro Is llttlo to report. Strike ii Itai'galu It appears to bu established that llulgaiia has struck n bargain with Turkey ami Premier Hadosavoff, in response to an appeal of tho Armenians, Htaled Sofia Is now on most friendly terms with Constan tinople. lias Xo Keai' General Husky, uommnndor of tho northern Russian army, declares positively that thero Is no clanger Petiograd will fall this year before the guns of tho Invaders. In thu DalkaiiH mid Italy, minora are current of an Austro-Germnu offensive movement toward Con stantinople. DIG IIA'PTLI) IS TUItXING Til Kilt KAVOIt IN Result of Kugugeiiiciit Along Dvlnu River .May Dccldo tho Fate of Riga (liy AtaoclalM 1'rc.l to Cooa nay Timet. MERLIN, Sept. 13. Tho battlo along tho Dvlnu river, which has been virtually In u statu ot deadlock for several days, swung In favor ot the GormaiiH. The War Office an nounced today that tlio Russians had been ejected from several posi tions cm the mirth bank of tho river. This battle piobably will decide tho falu or Riga. SENDS NOTE REGARDING AT. TEMPTED SINKING OK ORDUXA Sa)s Weather Such That Coinnmnd ee of Siibiumiun Could Xot Dis tinguish .Nature) of Ship tlly Aaaoclat) Troaa to cooa Hay Tlmaj. WASHINGTON, 1). C, Sopt. 13. Germany's explanation ot tho uu miccussriil attempt to destroy tho Cuuard llnur Orilutia on July 9 la that tho HUbiiiurluo commuiidor did not violate instructloii which woro not to attack any liner, but be cause of thu weather ho wan unable to maku out the character or nat ionality of tho Orduiia, Tho ox pluuatlon, which cumos In form of a note, was laid before Presldont Wilson today by Secretary of Stato Lansing. Torpedo Missed Her Tho Orduiia, bound from Liver pool to Now York with 200 pnsson gers of whom L'li woro Americans, wuh uttaekod by a torpedo which barely missed hor and then was shelled by a submarlno until out of range. To substantiate tho statement that the German com mander wiu Inclined to follow ordern It Is stated that ho soon after allow ed the steamer Normandy to pans unmolested. 0?t444 6 SAYS THE PUMLIC ! i , . MUST ME AROUSED Ill Amo lama l'iwa to Coca my Tlintsi LONDON, Sopt. 13- A do- maud Is made for offocttvo nieasuros of reprisals for tho Zeppelin raids. "It Is uso- less to dlsgiilso tho fact 4 that nothing big or strong will ho done unless tho gov- eminent Is aroused to act- Hon by public opinion," It v. is Mated by the Globe hero toiluj . Monogram Oil nt the Marshffeld Hardware Cuupauy. Gfli HOLD CAPITAL1 GERMANS II GERMANY EXPLAINS