THE COOS'BArTWES'MARSMFIELD, OREGON', 'SATURDAYSEPTEMBER IT 191,5EVEN1NG EDITION'. SIX A A ft--, - SCI) i I npFM TUB' YOUNG IDEA GETS REARV FOR SCHOOL HELL MONDAY BtfiKO All Sot For Flrnt CIiwmch Teachers Arrive From Vacations nnd L'l-cimro for Work Johnny's llttlo pot bunny nnd Mary's tnmo ennnry will look In vain oa Mondny for tholr playmates of tho mimmor. As rcRular ns tlio sun tIbo nnd tho comlnj; of tlio Qrlm Reaper himself, tho school hell will toll, ring, out nnow nnd another year o learning will hnvo started. 'Practically all of tho teachers arc 'plroady on hand, busy moving Into tholr now quarters nnd gottlng Btralghtoncd about before tho open ing on Monday. A conference of tho teachers was held this afternoon nt tho high achool to put tho finishing touches to tho schcdulo of next week. It la expected that on Mondny there will ba an cnrollmont In this district of cipso to 1,000 pupils, tho mnrk of 065 having been ronchod Inst year, according to tho school census. 'Thoro have been several now addi tions to the faculty of tho public nchool as woll as the High School, arid the ontlro list of teachers for Marshflold now numbor 27. Pupils will find that during their absenco many changes havo bcon mailo in tho two school buildings. B6th havo received now coats out side and Insldo thoro has bcon con siderable varnishing and rotlnlshlng ojffilosks nnd wood work. " (Oood weather Is a factor to bo token Into consideration at tho open Jng of tho school yenr. It Is pos jriblo that mny families, bccaiiso of (lbs nro not returning ns enrly to tho city ns in former yoars. Miss May Evans, of tho Blxth grado, will bo dotalnod at hor homo In Bprlngfiold, Ohio, for a couple ot tvooks nnd hor plnco will bo taken dllrlng.thlB tlnio by Miss Holon Lnn-drlthj VLircUs TDK UNCIIANGKAIILK (SOD Times change, nnd men change with them, For still the Now allures, Tholr purposo falters ever, No plan of their endures; Strange gods demand their wor ship, Strange creeds that como and go; Mon's thoughts nnd nion's opinions Are tides thnt ebb nnd flow. On ovcr-shlftlng currents Tholr minds drift to and fro, Their tvnv'rlng wills nro shaken ny all tho winds thnt blow. Dut steadfast as tho mountains And surer than tho sea And fixed as aro tho heavens, Clod Is and God shnll be. Annlo Johnson Flint. SnIHBlr 1 I EBS3bGb32mGp a SKVKNTII DAY ADV15NTI8TS. Local Bldor, J. B. Quails. Sovonth Day AdventUt services nro conducted ovory Snturduy 03 follows: uaoDatn scnooi at 10 a. m. DIblo Study at 11 a. m. Young rcoplo'fi Socioty at 3 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. DIPLOMAS 5SUED RESULT OF EIGHTH GRADE MX AGINATION THIS MONTH List of Those- in tlio County Who PftHsed nnd Deceived Now r-f y Htnndlnt; ' Diplomas havo bcon Issued to tho following on grades mndo In tho eighth grado examination Sept. ,2 nnd 3. Irene Holm, Mnrshflold; Ella "McLeod, Coqutllo; Kntliorlno ller ooy, Victor Potting!!!, Co qutllo; Mary Marsden, Coqutllo Edna Olson, Coqulllo; Hilda J. 'Anflorson, Empire; 'Annn Loulso Moby, Empire; Slgford Smith, Huusor; llonjnmln Monson, Tomplo ton; Elton Donn, Tomploton; Laur ence D. HcBSoy, MarBhflold; Will lam Jtttstrom, Mnrshflold; Ed ward Johnson, Mnrshflold; Eve lyn L. Mlrasoul, Mnrshflold; Ches ter Condron, Mnrshflold; Francos I. Lang, Mnrshflold; William Way no Painter, Mnrshflold; Ocorgo Doub nor, Mnrshflold; Hussoll Quartor mass, Marshflold; Ellzabuth Flnn ngati, Marshflold; Gladys M. Gard ner, Bandon; Karl Mnskcy, Dan don, Uarbara Columbo, Mnrsh flold, Dellda Columbo, Marshflold; James Allan Loyd, North Ilcntl; Frank Holler, McKlnloy. MAHSHFIELU PRESI1YTEUIAN CHUltClI I Nov. J. S. Stubblofleld, Pastor Chas. II. Lowry, clerk ot sessions Ooo. D. Stadden, Sunday School Superintendent. A. L. Dutz, Treasurer. Mrs. ChnB. McKnlght, president Women'B Auxiliary. Sundny school, 10 n, m, Preaching 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Morning subject: "Pressing To ward tho Mark." Evening subject: "Tho Gatoway" Prayer mooting, 7:30. p. m. Thursday. I UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH I I NORTH DBND . Mrs. II. N. Lowls, Pastor Sabbath School at 10. a. m. Christian Endeavor nt 7 p. m. Proaohlng at 11 a. ni. and 8 p.m. Prayer Meotlng Wednesday ovo nlng at 8 o'clock. I FIRST HAl'TIST OIIUllOII , DIblo School at 10 a. m., with graded classoa and competent teach ers. At 1 1 n. m. Mr. Foskott will con duct tho funeral services of the Into Cnpt. T. Ernst. Sorvlccs In tho afternoon nt Enst sldo lmmodlntuly following tlio DI blo school. Young Pooplo's meeting nt 7 p. in. PrnlHo seijvlco at 7:30, .after which Mr. Foskott will sponk upon "Tho Conversion of Moses," -or "A Man's Job nnd How Ho Did It." A cordial wolcomo la oxtondod to nil. SWEDISH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CUUHCH. Hl'JSCOPAL CHURCH. . Fourth and Market Strcota -It. E. Drowning, ltcctor- 8:00 n. m., Holy Communion. 1::I0 n. m. Sundny School. 11:00 a. in. Morning service and sermon. Subject: "Tho Kingdom of Oiid In Marshflold." Tho Hector will toll about the Synod at Oak land. 7:30 p. m. Evening servloo and expository sermon on First Chnpter of ,Ephcslaiin, 4 I NORWEGIAN IAITHEHAN. I Dov. It. O. Thorpe I Rov. D. F. Dengtson. Pastor. Rcstdonco 294 Highland avonuo. Phono Ot-R. Sundny school 9: in a. m. Service 1 1 a. in. At North Ucnd Scrvlco at 8:00 p. in. I MICTIIODI8T EPISCOPAL. I Joseph Knotts, Pastor, Sunday school at 10 a. w. Morning Service nt 11 a. m. Morning service Miss Lurn Hef ty, returned missionary from Chi tin, will speak. Evening sormon: "Our Spiritual Sorvlco." All nro conUnlly Invited. Epwarth Lcnguo at 7 p. m. Junior League Borvlco Thursday ! Aiiernoon nt a:46. Prayer Meotlng Thursday even ing at 7:30 o'clock. I CATHOLIC OIlUItOH SorvlrcH will be hold at Marshflold Sundny nt It a. m. Sundny school 1 10:30 a. 111. at 10 a. m. ! Sorvlcos will bo hold nt North 7:45 p. m. No Sunday school. NORTH DEND Holy Redeemer Cliuirli. Rev. Wm. Hognn, Pastor. Address Mercy Hospital. Tele phone 2tl. Mass at 0:3(1 n. in. and 9 n, 111, CATIIOLIO CHURCH I MAltSHFlELD M. 1)... l.V. .!... ..! I....I.. a IIU, J-illllUI .UUUUVIll - ( First mass, 7 a. in,, Inst muss i' A( f hviiy m Oil r I--' f 1 1..' w Let Jer Rain ! l , If you've a man's Tower's Fish Brand Reflex Slicker $3.00 The coat that keeps out all the rain. Jie UxEdgetalop every drop from running in at the front. rtotvetor I tat, 73 cents Sttlfct!on Guinnked f QWJEii'p A.J.TO WER CO. ei '- . IJOSTON SllW$$ I OHRIHTIAN SCIENCE Sorvlcos Sunday 11 a. in, Wodnosdny, 8 p. in., Auditorium Public Library. Sunday morning subject: "Sub stance." Sunday School, 12 M. In Christ- . inn Scicuco Hull, Reading Room open dally oxcopt .Sundny and holidays, 1,! p. m. , Christian Scieueo Ilnll 237 Third I St. North. I ! METHODIST CHURCH I Rev. A. 3. Hifioy, Pastor. Nortti uond 4 I JDE Tho services Sunday will bo ai follows: Sunday School at 10 a. m. 11: 00 n. m. Sermon. Vespor Circlo and Enworth Lcncue 111 7 n. m. j z: 4 - I CHRISTIAN CHURCH I ! Services as follows nt tho Church, corner Sixth and Contra!: Regular rvlces every Sunday. Dlble School nt 10:00 a, in. I D AN ounce of proof is worth - a ppund of argyment. A pipe of VELVET proves more than a page of print. D f" 1L 1L 1UL 3C in FOR SALE I?ANCIi 40 sicres 011 Lsirson Inlet, i'ine-location. $30 sin acre. RANCH North Inlet, 160 acres, fine build ings, tools, horse and cow, fruit, chickens, etc. $4000. RANCH Catching Inlet, 33 acres, fine build ings, plenty of fruit, 7 cows, very desirable place. $8500. RANCH Ross Inlet, 40 acres, house, sonic cleared, nice bottom. $2500. RANCH Coos River, 80 acres, buildings and fruit. $.1500. SAWMILL Portable, complete, 20,000 ca pacity. $2500. SAWMILL Shingle mill. Donkey, com plete for 60,000 capacity. Price way down. One of the very best paying hotels in South western Oregon. Must be seen to be appre ciated. RANCH 10 acres Kentuck Inlet, house, very convenient. So is the price. $800. Pine cottage Two lots on corner. $300 cash and balance $20 per month. Three-room cottage near Oregon street, lots 50x120. Price $600. Ice cream parlor. Terms very rcnsoniible on any of above KOOS OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO. PIONEER BLOCK NQRTH BEND, OREGON Don't take any chances Aetna-ize Yourself Today You cannot nfford to bo without health or accident lnsuranco. You not only ncod tho lnsuranco, but you want to bo suro and havo tlio corroct policy In tho best and most rollablo company In tho business. Seo mo or phono mo at onco nnd I will explain it to you. E. I. CHANDLER., Agent, Marshfleld. 300 Coko Dulldinc. SMALL WATER PIPES PRACTICALLY all complaint! of poor water pressure nro duo to Mimll null poorly placed wntor pipe in tho liouso or lullilitt:. Do j on know that tlio flow of witor IIii-oiikIi !M-IihIi iIhi In iiioio than i 11! time Hint flowing tiiro.iiKli l---ln(.'h plpu iuid thnt the rout for the .larger plpo Is only about UO per cent, uioro? If ou have poor pivssiiro ut ono fiiueet and piod piwiiro nt another, you may Im miro the liouso piping Is nt fault. Insist on jour plumber iihlng :!-.iicli kuIviiiiIihI Mmulanl MolKltt piH, or linger, In your next plumbing work. Seo that nil witter plpo ends and fittings nro reamed freo from all Iiiiitm and that all shut-off cocks mo full i-ouiuluny. Hnvo a roiiudwiiy htop mid wnsto rock nt mhiio convenient point m thnt you run Hliut off tlio entlio water Mipply at any time. Coos Bay Water Company. MAHSHl'IHLI) AM) NORTH I1KND, OHKCON. JJ510.H5 COOS HAY TO I'ORTLAXI. ALLBGANY-DRAIN Auto Stage Line Ihlux "vclS" kvk,,v moux,X(j 35i,' AniVK at (loot! Cars Careful I inters lost Deuiitiful Route to Portland. Fare $6 TTe Smokehouse Fare $6 AHK.VTS, .-MAHHIIb'IKLI) IMIONK (ltl.,1 o,. call 1). L. l-'OOTK, I'ropvlet.u- of Auto Lino, riin -JK-.I for Int'oiniatlon. TOR TRANSKKIt AN!) STOIN AfiK Or HOl'SKIIOLD GOODS rUKKJHT AXD llAOGAGK Call FERGUSON TliANSFER I'houo lo:t Rosldcuco Phono l.'t-J Mmkct Avo. and Waterfront WOOD! WOOD! Kindling wood, por load 1.75 to $2 Alder wood, 16 to 24 inches fa to $ a.Bo Freo Delivery W. II. LINGO I'hnno 227-J. North First St. i Times Waut Ads bring results, T HE Earning Period of a Man's Life is His Harvest Time LlfoV Winter lll soon overtake you. Aro you tvnst. ing the friiltH of your liar vest? Will tho storms of old ngo find you tvltli an empty grnuary? lt HiIh Imnk lio your grnnnry nnd you will reap n harvest of golden gains. Make Hay While the Sun Shines HANK WITH US AND YOU CAN HANK ON UH First National Bank OF COOS BAY " HAKKTY DIH'OSIT HOXKS FOR RIONT Statement of Condition of FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANKS of Mnrshflold and Myrtle Point, Oregon, at tho closo of business Septembor 2, lfllG. Resources Loans and Discounts $C-i.'l,4ao.OG Hanking Houso nnd Real Kstato i . . . 04, 182.77 Cash and Sight Kxchango 10:1,209.51 Total $901,182.33 t Liabilities Capital Slock Paid In 7C.000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 74,430.77 Donoslts 7C1.74G.C0 Total $901,182.33 Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. STEAMER TIVERTON SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS HAY THURSDAY, KKPTKMHKR KITH, AT i! P. M. FREIGHT SERVICE ONLY Bail It'rmictaco Office, (100 Fife Huildlng, mid Pier Number UU Coos Bay Agent, C. F. McGEORGE, Phone 44 NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. ' Steamship SANTA CLARA sails for SAN FRANCISCO (VIA EUREKA) SATURDAY, SKIT. 11, AT NOON Steamship F. A. KILBURN Sails for PORTLAND SUNDAY, SEPT IS, l:HO P. M. For further Info filiation hoc W. K. STUHR, Agent SMITH TERMINAL DOCK rhono liltl EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM MARSIIFIELD DURING SEPTEMRER, AH VOX,. LOWS: September H nt 8 . in.; September IS at 10 n, in.; Sep tember 10 at 8 n. m.; September SO at 10 a. m. Phono 85-J. II. J. MOIIR, ARont, Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging ;Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS rJOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" tho most powerful, best equipped and most thoroughly uodon twontf-incli hydraullo arodgo i& Taclflo waters Coos Bay office, Main office, Marshfleld, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. Vacation Days 1 At Goodw 1 FINE CAMPING EXCELLENT HOME SWIMMING, BOATlNr and FISHING DANCING PAVILION (Several boats dnllr (o ,, ., InclMUInB spec! I 1 Marshfleld at 1:18 ,i.n. "l IllR la tlmo for Blinnor! L. " tvlll'H nt 7 over, Kii"Jft Marsl.flcld nliont 8:30. ' " untcs rejisonnble. nm. . Fanners, nr inm,!... ..""Ha of Bteamer Rainbow. ft AUTO STAGH BCUEDUb September, idiic " ' To Portland tin Florence w m-iiYo miirsiuieia and pjot ' Saturday 11 J81 Sunday 12 '' t JJ TwW jj! Wedncsdny 1G ,., Thursday 1C .: Prldav 17 l' !! - Will Saturday 18 11H sBy" imi Monday 20 4:0, Tuosday 21 m Wednesday 22 .jju Thursday 23 i.... 50jJ I'rWny 24 wjJ Saturday 2D jjjj Sunday 2C 5:j,u Monday 27 6:0fln Tuesday 28 6:fl0 s.a. Wednesday 29 jjj.j Thursday 30 TlJu Lonvo Onrdlncr One Hoorbw (On trips leavini: Manhfleld Won 8 a. in., you should ijuke potfa samo day.) TIME TARLK WILLAMETTE l'ACIFIO MOKI OA!t Hctucen MurulifioTd and DulBl Dally. Lcnvo Marshflold 7:10 a.m. 7:C0 a.m. 8: CO a.m. 0:G0 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 12:05 p.m. 1:20 p.xx. 2: ID p,w. 3.10 p.m. 4:00 p m. 4: DO p.m. 0:10 p.m. 7:10 p.m. 7:25 p.m. 8:20 p.m. 9:15 p.m. Itn Duster a 7:15 u l:Hp $:(tu 10:09 u IVMa l:lili 5:1! H 4:m 6:11 n (:lli 7:11 y y 7:!IJ. I:lii !:i Hotwocti Marhhfield and North W Lcavo Mnrshflold 6:30 A.m. 7:25 a.m. 8:05 a.m. 0:05 a.m. 10:05 a.m. 11:05 a.m. 12:40 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 2:35 p.m. 3:20 p.m. 4:10 p.m. G;D5 p.m. Marsh!eld limits only. t:it North Bel (:llu T.IU l:!lu S:Mu l:v H:u l:M r ?:! 2:11 1 J:l !l 6:5 ! 7:35 p.m. 8:35 p.m. Abstracts roil REUAIILIC ABSTRAOTS OK TITLE AM) INFORMATION AUOUTj COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MARSIIFIELD AND COQUILLR CITV. ORPomc GENERAL ACIEXTS, EASTSIDE AND SKNOSOKEN'S ADDITION AGENTS FOR CANADIAN l'ACIFIO RAILROAD lS?I0N ' HENRV SENGSTAOKEN, SLNAGER ' Marshfield-M Auto Stage Leavo Owl I'lmrmacy Mnrshflold A.ftL 7:00 UtTi AJt 7:W P.M. 1:00 MARSIIFIEIAIOQUW'I STAGE TIME BCOfcD Schedule nrmngeO. to 1 wltli bonta to Ranuo", -r MjTtlo Po'nt, WWi W No delay. - Faro from 3Iahfle!d to W 75 fnta' Slaglo & ton" T,f Will furnish "tra.c'.,!n extra trips dor or nlM. cnaritr cars , --t P PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY .,ir- unMCY DAVC f'"f,ii by ordering ' - . HENRYVILLE COMy Nut coal, per ton " JI Lump coal, pot ton ..." Or half ton pW Tbone 18-J or 1"T Illllyer'e C1gf S,"'