dM THE DAY THE CLEARER THE THE. YOU TO SHINE Coos Bay Times Your Paper A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tlio Coos liny Times la. A Bonth. west Oregon pnpor for Southwest Oregon people mid devoted to tlio beat Interest of this groat section . Tlio Times always boosts and aeTcr knocks, Tlio Cwi y Times It proud of Us Utlo "Tlio (ooplc'i 1'niMjr," and It strives at nil time to Uto up to lis nu "J1 do noting Kg energies to promoting tlio peoplo's Interest. MKMRKR 01' Till: ASSOCIATKR l'RF.SS CALL EOR ExmtB Vol. No. XXXIX. TO RECALL DUMBA Austria-Hungary Asked by the United States to Remove Their Ambassador sitratioTseriOuS Action Result of Admitted Ef fort to Interfere With Work of Munition Factories REGRETS ARE EXPRESSED Nolo Slates That Ainei;lni Hopes Tlml Relation of Two Coiinli'h'.s Will Continue to he Friendly Reasons Cleat I' Set Forth 'lly Afnrn lalnl Tri'M to Com llay Tlmrn.J WASHINGTON. I). C, Sop't. 10 News of AiiHtrlii-IlHiiBiiry'H recop llon of tlio American nolo roquost liig tlio recall of AiulinHHtitlor Duinlm In Miserly awaited hero today' by government and diplomatic circles. Olfli lids of tliu lulniliilHtrutlon ttp Iirnreil optimistic In tlio belief Hint Btimiiiiiry action would not result In mi) International Issues, In nuking tliu announcement luut night. Ai'ted Jit Once. The recall of tlio envoy was uslt eil for In n roiiinitiuluntlon from Hitretary or State Lansing, whleh Ambassador Peiiflold at Vlcnnii, urs to deliver lininedlutely to thu AiiMrlan Foreign Minister. It slut cil In part. "lly reason of tlio admitted pur rose iind Intent of Mr. Diiniha to ronsplro to erlpile logltlmnlo Indus tries of the people M the United Sl.itcs, and Interrupt their Icglllinotu trade, mid hy reason of fltimimt lolatlon of diploniatle propriety in employing ail American citizen, pro- ti' led hy an American passport, us tlm secret hearer of official ills imtcliL'H through tlio 1'nes of Aua trr Hungary, tlio President directs me to Inform Your Kxcclloncy that Mr Diiniha Ih no longer nceept.iblo to the i;oviirnineut of the United Statcj iih Ambassador of II hi Im I'Ulal Majesty at Washington." Plans Not Known It was suggested that llarou Von Zwledlnok, Counselor of tlio Kin tansy, would ho mntlo Churgo d' Affalrea to remain until tlio con Huh on of the war. In ordinary timet failure of tho government to Find a successor to mi AmlmKHudor who has been recalled would Uull mto It'i displeasure over tho re am t Might he Serious It wan admitted a situation might iise which m'ght Imvo a serious effect on the lolatlons between tho two countries!, If tho Vienna Foi rlltn Office should determine to up hold the Ambassador, sovorunco of illl'IoiiMtlc nlatloim probably would re nit Smli ilevelopment, oven If war 'Uil not follow, would seriously tir fect Unircu's rolo as diplomatic rcirciitutlvo for tho Kuropean bol llRt rents May Affect Others I'" lik nt Wilson's rccpiost to Aus trlii to retail tho Ambassador Ironist about a situation which eoiitmiiH poj-slh'lltles of cxtomlliiK lo otlur diplomats of tho (!ormnii n'l'n MthoiiKh It has not bcon rall'-l officially to tho attention of tlds (.overnment, tho Stato Depart ment unilorstands that James F. J. v'lnliall, who was Intoreoptod with "tiiiihua iucssiiko, also carried a coiirnuinitut on from Captain Von I'apcu. military uttncho of tlio Gor man imhassy, to his wlfo, In which '"' C'aptuin made Blighting refor c"c3 to tin American offlc'nls. Invstlgnte Others. 'l I' known that tho activities i Consul Genoral Von Nubor of A,i3trla, ns well aB thoso of Count ," "''"istorfr, (ho Gorman Am uassiilor, aro ngaln holng reviewed W the stato Department. Waiting for a 1-otter. 0 " als aro awaiting tho enclos ntt In Uiimha's Intercepted letter , h rvterrca to negotiations ho wpcn Von Nubor and tho editor of a foreign language newspaper f'lccrnlns tho bringing about of etrtkrs i th0 Holhlohom works and otlur war munitions factories.. fipt jour Job printing done nt The t"ps offlrp, REQUESTED Established 1K78 Ah The Coast Mall. X ENGLISH VESSEL WAS t USING AMERICAN FLAG X X X Illr An3nrlnlp. l'rrf to fn,s nny Tim 1 t NEW YORK, Sept. 10, X X Confirmation of the Lon- X don report that a German X X submarine was sunk on X X August 19 while shelling X X the British steamer Nicos- t X ian was received here to- X X (lay with tho arrival of X X the steamer Lapland, It X X is also learned that the X X British patrol boat which X X sank the submarine flew X X the American flag while 5 X approaching the scene, t X Just before opening fire, X t the American flag flutter- t X cd down and an English X t ensign was hoisted, X 4q.46 1 in"IITEMEIT!r---': I CO.Sri,All Ol.' Al'STIUAX MM- iiassv (.ivi:s a.v iNTi:itvii:w Says lie Does .Vol. Think DiiiiiIu .Meant, to Stir l'p Any Tniuhle Hero Illr ilMorUlnl It mm to Coo liar Tlrnw, 1 MiNOX, .Mass., Sept. 10. Huron ttrlch Von Xwleilluek, consular of tho Austria-Hungarian cmhaHsy, xho will boconio chnrgo d affaires after tho recall of Ambassador Hum bu, Issued a Htatemeiit today In part tti ToIIowh: "1 know Mr. Diiniha peiBoimlly vory well and from my conversations with him I could not think he In tended fomenting Btrlkes In tho mu nition plants. One only lias to think of thu enormous number of laborers employed In those factories, which run Into tho hundreds of thousands, to rcali.u bow many mil lions of dollars would ho necessary to produce nny practicable effect. "Tho Imperial and Koyul govern ment had pointed out legal penalties which would ho Incurred by Austro llungarlan stibjcctu who returned homo after the war If they worked In factories making munitions tor tho allies. Dr. Duinba'a plans wore ilesgued only to glvo aid to needy workmen who had given up work." CONSK.WMHNT KltOM Al'KTHAMA HAS HKACHKD SAX KHAXCISCO Amount to Three Million Dollars And Is Mostly in (.'old Colli ami Some lluH'ou Illy AaaiKlatcl I'reaa tn Cooa llay Tlmft.J SAX FUAXCISCO Cal., Sept. 10. Threo million dollars more of tho Austriilhm'unil Now Poland gold consigned to San Francisco banks hero toilay aboard the steamor Moa ta from Sydney and Kinollliigton. Tho greater part is In gold coin with Bomo bullion. Today's shipment brings tho total gold brought - in from tho Australian and Now Zoa-j land banks within tho last 30 days to ?S, 000,000. AXOTIIKIt STi:i' TAKKX IX SXHD DOX CASK TODAY Four Dhorces me (irmitfd and Xa- tin allat Ion Cases Are Heard In Circuit Court (Special to Tho Tlmos) COQUfLLK. Oro., Sopt. 10. In the circuit court today J. T. Ilrand was aiipolnted guardian ad litem for Charles Sneddon. Tho action was necefasary so that fault could bo brought by Sneddon through his guardian against his wlfo. Sneddon seeks to regain possession of his proporty. Tho court was busy this morning hearing sonio naturalization cases. Four divorces woro granted to day. They Included the following cases: Kfflo L. Flnlea vs. J. It. Fin lea; George H. Rotnor vs. Mlnnlo C. Rotnor; H. II. Kdwards vs. Amy V. Kdwa'rds. Invitntlons printed nt Tho Time office. MORE GOLD ARRIVES GURDIi ISiMEU MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SMS CARRANZA REFUSES OFFER Reports State He Does Not Favo" Holding Conference of Factions in Mexico II Discuss International Af - fairs But Will Not Take up Any Internal Matters ANSWER EXPECTED SOON I'liilei-Mood that lie Will Tell I'au- Aiiiei'lciin Conferees that Pro- posed Coiifeicut'o Would XoL lie Of Any Itenel'lt to Mini u:ai say cahkanza. $ Ilr AwwrMlM )'ini to om nay Time. VHUA CIIU55., Sept. 10. Carranza'a reply to tho Pan- Amorkan appeal was handed to Consul Sllllmau at noon to- day. Tho text has not yet been made public. Illy AwoilitrJ ItrM U Com Ilaj Tlmra ) WASHI.NHTO.V, 1). C, Sept. 10. Carranzii in his reply to the Pan American conferees, It was learned I today, will agree to confer on any In- ternatlonal espects of tho Mexican situation, hut will decline to enter conference on Internal affairs. Declines tho Offer Carranzas answer, which is expect ed here today or tomorrow, Is said to dccllno tlio offer of tho Pan-Amor-Ican diplomats to arratigo a confer ence of tho Mexican fnctlona to choose a provisional government. Claims Control Xmv Carraiun's main contention will he that his forces are In practical control of the country mm to entor Into such a conference would lmvo no beneficial effects. DI'IUKJATKS XAMHD Villa Appoints .Men to Itepreseut I Mm at Conference (lljr AmoiUIM 1'kw to (Moa Hay Tlnua SAX AXTOXIO, Texas, Sept. 10. A telegram received at tho t'arranza agency today from HI I'aso stated that Villa appointed Kellpo Angolea, Miguel Diaz l.ombardo iind ICnrlque I.loront aa delegates to the Pan American confeionco. Tlio cunfor enco may bo hold at Juarez. GENERAL ANGELES WILL BE DELEGATE' To At'end Peace Conference for Vil la Instead of Taking Com maud of Troops (Uy AMotlatwl I'n.. run nay Time I Kl. PASO, Sept. 10. (lonoral An geles will not go to Sotiora as mili tary commander of Villa fonea It has been officially announced. An geles Is at .lit are;', awaiting orders It la uudoistood Villa decided upon Angolos as one 'of tlio representatives .to tho proposed poaco conferonco un I dor tho Pan-American appeals. PARTY MAROONED ON MEXICAN DESERT Hindus mid Ciriiese Lauded in Iso lated .Spot and Suffer Many llm-d.shlps (lly A.aoclnlKl Trc iu ruu nay Tlmw.) CALKXICO, Calif, i Sept. 10. Thirty Hindus and Chinese survivors of a party of 37 landed by a llrltlsh PvebKol below tho mouth of tho Colo rado River 1 1 days ago, were safe In Mexican, Lower California today after a torrifylng oxporleuco In tho torrid desert below the International lino. Tho survivors s!l tho Diitlsh ship captain rofuscd to bring thorn to tho United States and lauded them Instead on an Island 40 mllos south of tho mouth of the Colorado River. In somo boats tho party nudo Its wav to tho mainland. With a scam supply of water and food thoy started across tho dofeort. Hunter and thirst soon assallod them and ono by ono tho woaker members dropped in tho sands and woro loft by tho sur vivors. Two of the latter managod to reach Moxlcoll In four f'ays and ho romalndor woro rescued by Mox Jenn soldiers. CD OL I FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1915 EVENING EDITION. X CALL ARMY MAN X X TO COURT MARTIAL X tDr AiiKorlalnl I'rwi to Cert nr TlmM. WASHINGTON, D. C, X Sept, 10, Lieutenant- Colonel Lewis E, Goodier, X U, S, A,, stationed at San X X Francisco, has been or- X X dered before a general X X court martial October 1, X It is said Goodier lias t been Interferine with ad- i ministration affairs at the i aviation school at San X X Diego, . RUSSELLSFREED .not a Turn him. mriTnxiiD nv OltAXD .ll'ltY TODAY Caso of Alleged .Murder Which At tracted .Much Attention Has Come (n Close (Special to The Times) COQITIM.H, Ore., Sept. 10. The grand jury returned not a trim bill In the caso of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Uuasel who were charged with hav ing killed tho former's brother, Ar thur Itussell, near Myrtlo Point In 11M1. This released theni." It Is Bald that It waa shown that embalming fluid containing a huge porcentago of arsenic had been used by tho undertaker on the man's face and that this could have been ab sorbed through tho corpse and that in this way tlio presence of poison In tho body could ho accounted for. After tho arrests souio months ago the body of Arthur Itussell was dis interred and tho Btoiuach removed and taken to an expeit for an exam ination and Traces of arsenic were found. It la wild that tho investigation of tho grand Jury, whlcli was a thorough one did not' bring out enough suf ficiently strong on whlcli to return an Indictment. FAIR IS fl SUCCESS CHOWDS OVIvK COI'XTY l-'LOCK TO lOt'ltl'll AXXl'Ali KAIIt Races Attract Much Attention String Xot Ass l.sirgo as or Pre- Iouh Yeaih Mny Displays (Special to Tho Times) MYllThK POINT, Sept. 10. Good weather and largo crowds point, to I a big attendance for both yestordny jnnd .today at tho fourth annual Coos I County Fair. All exhibits aro In place. They aro tlio best In years. '-"I''iy rooii is thc hou-.cuituro display. Tho grand stand wes packed for tho races of yesterday and today. Tho btrlng of raco horses Is not so largo as last joar, fow holng brought In from tho oiitsldo. The racos of yesterday follow: Half .Mile Harness Raco Wahkota, drlvor .1. C. Slayer ..2 1! Dr. Dillon, driver .1. I.. Masson ..11 Running :i-H Miles I Hod Fly, Charles Tyler 1 Crlphani, F. Wilson 2 1 Zoo, Joe Knight 3 Half .Mile llaiiiess Harry N., F. P. Norton 2 1 1 Wahko, .1. C. Single 3 !! 2 Hill Murray. C. Kvland 1 2 -I Fred F Tim Sooley ,. 4 I 3 Time: 1:11, 1:10, 1:10. Running 'Half Mile Rogue River, Wilson 1 Abella, .loo Knight , . 2 Running Three-ijiiai ters Gift, Tylor 1 Veloskl, F. Wilson Greulaw .1. Knight 3 Saihlh) Horso Raco Creo, Stewart 1 .loo Green, Iliirkhohlcr 2 Dick, Jap Youkum ., 3 Soveiity-ouo, J. Knliiht I Tlmo: .38. WRLSTLKH .H NOT KILLKD IX MATTLi: Uy Aaaorlalcd 1'ieaa to Coot Day Tluca.) CHICAGO, Sopt. 10. Yus slf Mahmout, tho big liu-. gur'an wrostlor who was ro portod killed while fighting with Turkish forces, Is alive and well, according to a let tor received today. t GERMAN ATIAGK IS SUCCESSFUL French Trenches Are Attacked and Captured by Storm in the Vosgcs Region BUTTLE WITH FIRE Flaming Liquids and Asphyx iating ucisus u is Hiiegcu in Paris Were Used COUNTER ATTACK IS MADE I'rench Claim to Have Most of (ho Lost (iroiuid Itiissla Ktiitei At my Has Struck Kffcvt; ho lllow Against Germans (Uy Aaaoclati Pr t'. ftjot hay Tlmra J I.OXDOX. Sept. 10. Gorman of fensive act 'on lias again been re sumed on the western front on n largo scale. . Following their gains In Argonne, reported yesterday, llerlln announces today that tho French trenches near Schratzinanulo and llartnians-Wllerkopr In Vosges hud been captured hy storm. I'.se Homing Idipilds Purls sayH tho (ierinaiis made itso of asphyxiating shtdla and flaming liquids, na the result of which tho French trench of the first lino had to ho evacuated. Claims are inado that the French counter nttack re sulted in tho recapture of the great er portion of thu lost ground. Itiissluii Claims, Following her disputed claim of having defeated the Teutons at I.tir nopola, in Kasteru llallcla, Petro grad asserts another effective blow was struck at Tremhowla, SO miles south. COMMISSI RERE I'RKXCH AXD I.NOIdSH MKMIII.HS HI.ACII XKW YORK TODAY There lluslnchs Is lo Adjii'd (ho For eign Kvchniigo Situation in This Country Illy AwoilatM 1'rMa to Uoi llay TImM. J NKW YORK, Sopt. 10. Tho Joint Aliiilo-Freneli Financial CniiiMlHslfiii of Blx menibers named by Great Ilrltalu and Fiaiico to adjust tho Mr .elgu exchange situation heru reached Now York toilay aboard tho Lapland. They were met hy .1. P. .Morgan. Tho Lapland was convoyed by two llrltlsh destroyers through tho war zone. Decline to Talk. Members of the commission declin ed to (oiiflrm or deny a leport that they would act for Russia as well us for Gieat Ilrltalu and Franco. Jt,lw tho hoiichos whore thu Bail'Kllm aml tlim BUI(i(j ,ulor tho Is understood, however, that tho re port Is well founded. It is believed the pioposod loan will ho i) Joint af fair with Wroat lliita'n, Franco and Russia participating. It has boon vt ported that If would approximate 50(), 000,000. HAS GERMAN "iTE PRRSIDKNT STl DVIXG DOCC MIINT HKGAKRIXU DISASTKR explanation is Said to bo Dlssapolnt- lug About Paying of u. demulty lor Dead (lly Aaaot laiit rrvaa to Cooa llay TIiam.) WASHINGTON, 1). C, Sopt. 10. I'roHldont Wilson devoted several hours today to tho study of Ger many's nolo on thu sinking of thu Arabic. No official commuut was limdo, hut It Is Indicated plainly the Gtinmiu explanation Is dlssapolutlug. Ambassador llornsiorff had assuroil Hecreiary Lansing inui iuu sausiuo. Hon would bo glvon If it was dotor mlned that a Gorman bumhuiiiiu sunk tho Arable. Germany's statement that she would not acknowledge any obligation' to grant indemnity Is not considered full satisfaction hy this government C LAYING OF KKKU IS POSTPONKD ' I ! V V (lly AwlatM lia 10 tool llay Tliuea, WASHINGTON, Sept. 10. Tho laying oftho'keol of tho battleship Callfo-nla will not begin toduy ut the Now York navy yards as wos planned. It Is postpouod to October 1 1. A Consolidation of Time"', Coast Mall ntid Cooi liny Advertiser. TAFT GUEST OF ' V l SEATTLE PRESS CLUB X t X I lly Amnratpl I'itm lo Con Hay TImM 1 X SEATTLE, Wash,, Sep, X X 10, Former President X I I aft, who came here to X address tlio American X X Bankers1 Association yes- X X terclay, was the guest of X I the Seattle Press Club X ? illic mn minrr mul nl nnnii V UMU I.IWI MIIIJ-, mm HI 1IUUII X was a speaker at a X luncheon given bv the X X Chamber of Commerce, X X He left this afternoon for X X Tacoma, Ho will visit tt J tlio Citizen-Soldiers' camp ? fit Amnrirmi I nln hnfnm III IIIIIUMUUM UUItU kWIUlO u A X leaving for Portland to- t lA . . i ItegalnedlJ mOIIOW. $ GHJUHOERLAIN HERE SKXATOR OX WAY TO IXSPICCT IIAItltOlt AT PORT ORI'ORD Speaks at FuV In MjrHo Point Will Re Heie Monday on Way Rack Senator George K. Chamberlain will visit In Murshfleid next Monday. This was the statement this morn'ng of Postmaster Hugh McLulu na ho loft Tor Myrtlo Point to Join tho statesman for a short trip to Port Orrord and Gold Reach. Thoy ex pect to bo gone for Bovoral days unit will also bo accompanied by Frank Tlchenorl of Port Orford where tho horhor will ho 'Inspected. Only a quiet trip in hero before going back to Congress, said Mr. MoLaln. Tho Keiiator yesterday spoke to a largo crowd at tho fair in Myrtlo Point, addressing them on tho question of better live stock mid principally on tho Issue of lower rate of Interest on farm loans, u hill In which he Ik interested and is pre senting boforo tho Senate. Having been elected last fall for another long term, no political slg ifricnuco Is attached to this trip, though visitors at the Fair Joking ly asked Senator Chamberlain f this was his purpose. Ho laughed ami denied tho allegation. On tho return from Gold Reach , Senator Clittinliorlnlii will In all prol i. ably stop off at Marshfiehl ami mako a short visit hero said Hugh McLalu. He said thu trip to Curry Is only olio for u rost, but It li believed there must ho somcthtliig behind the visit us Senator Cham berlain, fur to (ho north, In tho vlclu- It v of Multnomah Falls, could find ii nice, Hiiiuiy ami quiet spot for as a - I I "l,"'h IUHt "H ho l'urLMl f(,r' or ovu" sea waves roll all day long. Port Orford has asked for gov ernment aid In opening her harbor and It Is said that Senator Cham berlain wishes to make a personal n vestlgatlou of conditions there be fore making any lecommeudatioii for an appropriation. Senator Hurry Liuio Is also com- 'lug to Coos county. He has pur chased a Ford, said II ugh McLalu. and with his wife and family mid Incttiitr iih Ilia null r'llllf fnllr iu loin- urely taking Iu tho country. Ho duos pot know when ho will ho hero. Having boon appointed a roprus tntlvo from Coos to tho O. nud C. land grant courereuco In Salem, Sopt. 10, Hugh McLalu expects to accompany Senator Chamberlain noith when ho goes. lU'SINKSS CIIAXOKS MADK IX IIANDOX (Special to Thu Times.) IIANDON, Oro., Sopt. 10, A roprosentatlvo of Port laud wholesale hoitkus yes terday took chui'Ko of tho Averlll Dry Goods Store hero whlcli was closed by the creditors. An Inventory of tho stock Is being taken, af ter' which It will ho sold In tact to tho highest h ddor. Flolsluier-Moyer & Co., aro said to bo thu heaviest ei ed itor. N. J. Crane has closed his drug store hole and Is ar ranging to move tho stock to Poll laud, wlioro ho will ro ongugo In business. A No. 41 U&NY H K N ZEPPELIN Mil Germans Fly Over London and Eastern Counties of Eng land Wednesday Night TWELVE ARE DEAD Women and Children Among Victims Who Are Killed and Wounded hy Bombs PEOPLE REPORTED COOL Kugllslt Newspaper State That It London's First Glimpse of Real Wiirfmc Official List of Cau dal! les s Oh en Out Illy Aaaoclalfhl Trnia to Cooa Day Tlnaa.1 LONDON, Sept. 10. No Amorl caiiB were nmoug tho Zoppolln air Tiild Ictlnis', tho American onilmssy ami consulate reported. Tho raid took place Wednesday night. An official statement gives tho fol lowing list of casualties: Killed 12 men, 2 women, tt children. Injured seriously: 8 men, 1 wom en, 2 children. Injured slightly: 38 men, 23' wom en, 1 1 children. One soldier wau killed and throo Injured. All the other victims woro civil ians. Tho nttack brings up tho to tal casualties of Xoppullu raids to 122 killed mid 319 Injured. Thoso figures wero glvon out of ficially. Tho German airships flow over tho eastern counties of England ami tho London district. IVoplo aro Cool The raid of tlio .oppellna Wed nesday night Is described hy tho rail Mall Gazette as "London's first glltnpso of war at e.loso iptartors." Tlio levelling Standard speaks of tho coolness Bhown ovorywhoro. BRITISH STEAMER WAS TORPEDOED Tho Southland, Foinieily of tho Red Star Line, Is Lost In Turk ish Waters (lly Aauxlalixl I'rma to Coin llay Tlmta. IIKRLIN, (Wireless Tuckerton) Sept. 10. A statemedit glvon out toilay by tho Overseas News Agoncy iiuolim tho Wosor .oltung of Drom on us saying that tho llrltlsh steam ship Southland, serving us a trans port, was torpedoed recently In Turkish wators. Tho Southland format !y was Red Star liner Vador- j iuf,,. S10 fluw n,0 nMan flog up ! to tlio tlmo of tho occupation of Dol American flag. Now thu Southland whlcli lately was flying tho Ameri can flag, suddenly changed Into tho Hi itlhh flag. A VICT GKHMAXS TAKK POSITION FROM FRKXCH IX AHGOXXK All ships Return Safely After Making Raid on Loudon Tuesday ami Wednesday Nights Illy AaaoilatoU I'rMW lo Cooa nay Tlmta IIKRLIN, Sept. 10.- Important Wctory In Argoiiuu Is announced by tho war offlco. Tlio Froncli over a front 11-1 miles long and 300 to 500 i tints deep was captured. It is an nounced' that tho Gorman .airships returned safely aftor the Eoppolln raids over Kuglaiul Tuesday and Wednesday nights iu whlcli bombs woro dropped on tho docks ami oth er port establishments Iu London and Wclnlty. ALLIKS ARRAXGK ORXKRAL AT. TACK AT DARDAXKLLFS Large Forces Aro Doing Concentrat ed Pieparatory to Attempt to Take IuiKirtmit Point lly AmoUatoJ I'rtaa to Cooa Hay Tlmea. SOFIA. Rulgurlu, Sept. 10. Via llerlln and Wireless to Tuckerton) According to Information from reli able sources tho ulllos aro now con centrating largo forces Including heavy landing artillery for a genoral attack on tho Dardanelles, Ml BY ID C SO