THREE'' Bl. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1 915 EVENING EDITION. ' Tent Prices Are Low Now I'll' ' ' " Wholesalers anil manufacturers hair tiKl uiiiwuiiml ii big rccliicUfiii In the in ii-c- of triUs anil no arc mm- K''"K th0 l,t,l,, r ,hls bcc' tlmi (do ndiantugo of it. o have .I"1! recoiled a ship ment "t '"' ,,L'st """ 1'"'H ",a(,L ,! tllllllllS slCH. 'Ilicj me KUtii"""1 ''J' '' maker niiil bj us. Conic In anil lot us Mimv them to jiiii iinil ipnitc prices on tho sl.o lent .Mm desire. Jolinson-Gnlovsen Co. -j ho Quality Name Uh tho Service Fnmo NORTH FRONT STREET rpc: znnnz 3C ac 31 ic tfBtWCMKBMll&nRni :c fl HPHAR'S two things yet to be invented a gun that'll shoot around the cor ner, and a "process" that'll take the bite out of tobacco an' leave the flavor in. nr VELVET is cool and bitcloss because it is mellowed by age. Two years the best Kentucky Burley is sealed in wooden casks, until every last vestige of flavor and fragrance is brought to the surface but every particle of rawness eliminated. The VELVET way is nature's way. IjMilJ L. innz 3r IE 3C 3C Jt cantata .-- --------- Second Hand Pianos & Organs We have an over stock of second-hand pianos and sonic slightly used instruments that will be sold at exceptionally low prices, and terms to suit. t5 s jTca tssrv L L THOMAS MUSIC STOR 73 Central Avenue. r - X GOODRUM'S GARAGE X HOME OP TUB OAH1LLAO AX1) RODGI3 AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALL makes OP OAKS :t!7 Central nv. Phono iJ7:Mj QUATERMAS STUDIO I QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, I Phono 10G-L. MARSHFIELD. OREGON I : SAVE MONEY by oidcrlng tho famous HENRYVILLF COAL BNut coal, per ton $1.00 Lump coal, per ton $5.30 i Or half ton of both 9 1.73 I). MUSSOX, Prop. Phono 18-J or leave orilcrs at llllljcr's Clear Store. HrYiiHIp tcwmt SSU.wu.wxv y vw-a V fl business suppose you knew a man. who kept his .shades drawn liyht all day and burned kerosene instead of lei liny in the suuliyhl; suppose you knew a man toiling atony a dusty road who would not accept a lift when (here was plenty of room in the wayon; suppose you knew a miller with his mill built he side a swifl-runniny strcajn who insisted on lum iny the machinery by hand. all foolish, you say? and yet look around you how few retailers take aduanlaye of the great ad vertising campaigns run by food, tobacco, cloth and every other manufacturing line that you cun name! think a moment! what was the last advertise ment you read and wondered just which store in town would be progressive enough to have the goods in stock so you could see them and purchase? more goods are sold under the evening lamp at home than ijou dream of practically every live re- ""'"" ""ra"''sra,'"The)Times put up your lightning-rod! let your customers know that you can deliver to them the goods which great advertising, paid for by manufacturers, has interested them in. they will yet the habit and you will gel the business. Aetinthe Vsunlighty The Coos Bay Times' MARSHf 1ELD-R0SEBURG AUTO LINE Best Cars Fare, $7 Best Drivers Le.m Mmshficld 3:00 A. M. Dally Uuo ItoH'buiK 0:ito A. M. Dally TICKET OFFICE, 139 FRONT St. MARSHFIELD New Dodge Cars Fare $7.00 GRAVEL' Wo aro now prepared to furnish GRAVEL In any quantities from pllo In our yard or In carload lots, at following prices: from pilo on ground, $2.?5 por yard. Canoad Jots, takeu from cars, $2.00 por yard. Itetnll Department. C A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. "I'poMto rot.Offlco. Phone iOO. Statement of Condition of ' FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANKS of Mnrsliflold and Myrtlo Point, Oregon, at tho close, of business September -', 1U 10. Resources Loans nml Dli-counts $Gia,iau.05 Dunking Hoiiso and Real EBtato CI, 182.77 Cash and Sight Exchango Total -IIULI 1001,182.33 Liabilities Capital Stock Paid In 75,000.00 Surplus and Undhlded Profits 1 1,430.77 Deposits 7S1.74G.G0 Total '' 1001,188.33 Abstracts D KULIAIILE AnSTHACTS OK TITLE AXD liSFUUilATlOrt ADOUT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See HUE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. Qr MAKSHKIELil AXD COQl'ILLK C1TV, OREGON X AGENTS, EASTSMK AXD SEXGSTiACKEX'S ADDITION aufcMS FOR CAXADIAX PACll'IO RAILROAD LA"NDJI iik.MIV SENGSTACKEX, SIAXAGER High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of the high rent district and keeping. our prices as low as consistent with, good busi ness makes Conner & Hoagland The Leading "Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY we Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY FOR TRAXSFER iXD STOR- AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AND DAGGAGE -tit- Call FERGUSQN TRANSFER Phono 10:s Resilience Phone 13-J Market Ave, and Waterfront I Times want ads Bring results. 20 COMMUTATION nn TICKETS, $2.00. ZU MarohflehLXorth Rend Auto Lino Cars every ten minutes from O a. in. to 12 p. in.; to South Slouch ouco a da.v, leaving at 11 a. m.j to Empire three trips a day. GORST KINO, Props, ews of World's Greatest ar Day by Day AT ED HEAVY ENGLAND SPENT HXOHMOUS ""SUMS SIXCE WAR STARTED Raised Recruits Ry This Means and Also I'hctl Pr.'utor.s ink for War Iioan nr AisoclltcJ riffs (o Coot ltj Tlmn.J LONDON, Sept. 9. Tow many million dollars tho British Oovcrn incut has spent In advertising dur ing tho first year of tho war no expert accountant has yet had facil ities to estimate. It is a safe state ment to make however that no na tion over spent one tenth ns much on printer's Ink In tho samo period. Kitchener's army has boon raised by advertising. Full page, half page and smaller advertisements In the papers aro almost dally occur rences. Tho billboards havo been covered with tho greatest variety of posters any advertiser ever had printed. A collection of theso would reveal every piny of Ingenious nppcnl advertising exports nro cap able of inventing. Tho signs on truitiB, busses and prlvato motor cars incrensu rather than decrease as tho war, continues. Thoro aro appeals for recruits lu proso and verse, In cartoon and suggestive pic turing all nddresscd nB attractively as colored Inks and trained adver tising men can mnkc them. Seemed War Iioan Tho recent big wnr loan, tho larg est lu tho history of governmental borrowings was, tho occasion of an other great advertising campnlgu. Even tho big ndvertlsors who have contracts for tho outsldo pages of tho dallies wcro pushed Into tho In- sldo so John Dull could nsk Drltons to pour their savings into tho nations till. If tho public hail not hecomo accustomed to Great Hrltalu as u big advertiser becauso of tho propor tions of tho army recruiting cru sado, the dimensions of this cam paign of advertising for money woiul seem startling, for In Itself It was nlthogother without preced ent among nations beforo this war. Thr.'ft Campaign Now thoro aro signs of a third big advertising movement by Great Hrltalu in its "thrift campaign." Already tho posters aro urging tho people to cat less mcu, to cat more vegetables, to Insist that each loaf of bread weighs two pounds, to re port any dealer trying to soil a smaller loaf, and giving similar ml vlco us to economical housekeeping. Tills third campaign on tho part of tho Emplro hitherto regnrded as conservative and not given to mod ern and scnsatldmil methods, has not yet reached tho proportions of tho other two tho campaign for re cruits mid tho campaign for money but It Is lu embryo still. All tho patent medicine and breakfast food advertisers in tho United States must tnko a back scat compared to tho Dritlsh Emplro now when tho tho dimensions, cost or dlspluy advertising Is lu ques tion. John Dull lias hrcomo tho greatest udvortlsor on Earth. MILLIONS ARE GIVEN FOR WAR CHARITIES Petiph of England Respond Liberally With Funds When Country Is lit Xecd Dr AsaoclileJ TrrM U Com D7 Tlmrt ) LONDON, Sept. 0. -Tho totnl val uo of Dritlsh contributions to war charities during tho first year of war Is estimated nt $ 125,000,000. Tho gifts mnilo through agencies in tho Dritlsh possessions would perhaps bring this total up to near ly ?17r, 006,000. Australian con tributions In money alono exceeded $15,000,000. The Prlnco of Wales fund for tho year reached a total of $27,000, 000, and local collections bring tills sum up to $10,000,000; tho Belgian relief Commission has had gifts of nearly $10,000,000; tho Times Red Cross fund was about $8,000,000; whllo other largo sums were given through tho Young Men's Christian Association mid other organiza tions. , JUICE IS IN DEMAND LOGAN RERRV GAINS FAVOR IN HAST AXD ORDERS COME WILL DISTRIBUTE BOOK ON ECONOMY ADMIT NEW CITIZENS Oier Ono Hundred Heroine Subjects of Great Hrltalu , Dr AuocUted rreu l Coot Ilj Tim M.J LONDON, Sept. 9. Thoro wore 101 caBcs of admission to Dritlsh nationality during tho month of Jufy. Five of tho now Dritlsh cltl ens wero formerly Americans, -C wero Germans, 111 woro Russluus, and I wero Delglaus. Of tho -f Ciormans 22 were cases of readmls slon of Drltlsh-born widows. (SUGGEST PEANUTS I AS CATTLE FOOD I English Government Recommends Vmi of Product Instead of More Hxpenslvo Crops (Dj Aixx-Utxt rrta 10 Coot Bir Timet. LONDON, Sept. 9. Peanuts, lo cally known as monkey nuts, arc recommended as cattlo food by tho Imperial Instltuto, after a scries of experiments with a vlaw of finding a substitutes for tho higher priced foods. Ileforo tho war, theso nuts woro Imported in great quantities both by Germnny und Franco. They wero crushed and pressed for oil and tho residue pressed into rakes for cattle. Hut England used but a small quantity as tho people, when thoy cat them at all, cat thorn raw, being Ignorant of 'tho fact that they nro Improved by roasting. India, China, and Africa aro tho great producers of poanuts, although thoy aro holng Introduced Into Drit lsh tropical dependencies. Times want ads bring rciults. England Teaching Her Pcoplo to ho Saving During the War Time Period tljr AmocUIM I'rfM lo Cool III? Tlmw. LONDON, Sept. 9. "Saving means spending less than wo get" Is tho mnxlm around wldch tho Par liamentary Wnr Savings Commlttco lias built up a text-book of econ omy which It will distribute broad cast throughout Great Hrltalu with tho aim of teaching Englishmen how to help meet tho cost of tho war. Tho Instruction given Is practical and elementary. Tho people must buy less from nbroud nnd sell moro. They should "trnvol by train, omni bus, and tram car as little as pos sible," thus setting frco for stnto service tho labor of thoso who work theso menus of transport, mid sav ing coal and K.isollno. Everything they enn grow or ralso for them selves "lu tho form of vegetables, wheat, chickens, rabbits, beef, mut ton, etc., is a gain to tho country." Tliero must bo "a rovolut'on In na tional habits." Coos Day .May Decomo Coast Crater For Industry Market Picks Up Now ( Loganberry Julco will probably bo placed on a pnr with tho Juice of other berries for cooling nnd ro fieohlng summer drinks. Lately In to the Northwest havo como many orders from castorn confectioners and hotel men fur this Julco which, they say, Is rapidly gaining favor. Stimulation of tho industry wilt cer tainly result from tho increasing of such demands, say tho producers of tho borry. Farmers of Koutuck Inlot, weeks ago, asked tho nid of tho local Chamber of Commerce lu securing machinery necessary to nttond to tho extraction of tho Julco from tho lo gan berries, nnd, with this accom plished, tho farmers intended to launch Into the now Industry. Reports nt that time from tho out sldo stated that tho lognn borry mar ket had had u Unt slump and tho product raised In tho WUInmotto Valley brought far from stnndnrd prices. This news for a tlmo halt ed tho project, and nothing moro wns dono toward establishing tho hordes hero on Coos Day. Mnnngor Holt, of Eugono fruit growers' Association, after a visit of tho region In this section, returned saying that novor had ho seen such soil of natural conditions for tho raising of tho lognn berry. INDUSTRIAL BUREAU HAS BEEN SUGGESTED 1,7I0,H:I PRUSSIAN LOSSES TO AUGUST 21 1 Puhttdii'd ListH Do'nll Hugo Xiii'n . ber.s Slain u Rig War nr AttotUtM l'rttt 10 Coot ruj Tlmn ) AMSTERDAM (Via London) Sept. 9. Tho Prussian casualty lists from No. .toil to 309 gives tho nnmes of 40,2 15 killed, wounded mid missing, uccordlng to tho Nlouwo Rottcrdnm bcIio Cornnt. Tho totnl numbor of Prussian losses published up to Aug. 21th nmoiints to 1,7-10,8 10 killed, wounded and missing, says tho pa yor. To tho above list must bo add ed tho Bavarian casualty list No. 211, tho Saxon list No. 181, the Wiitorttemburlan list No. 217, and the naval list No. 11. FINE RECORD MADE WITH MORTAR BATTERY New Showing ,1s Mado at Target Practice Held at Fort Stevens Oiegou FORT STEVENS, Ore., Sopt. 9. Firing at tho extreme range of l.'l, 100 yards, a mortar battery horo demolished a pyramidal target, 10 by 10 at tho baso, with the fourth nalvo of two shots. Tho fifth sal vo was fired In such rapid succes sion that tho projectiles wero on tho way whllo broken pieces of tho tar get woro In tho air, and tho shells foil with a splash among tho float ing remnants, counting as another hit on tho score. This record Is remarkable In mortar practico and Is tho first tlmo lu the history of tho United States Army that such results havo been attained. At tho range used tho targot Is invisible to tho oyo ox coptlug with the aid of powerful telescopic instruments, WILL TAKE PART Navy League Will Participate nt National Meeting Djr AuocltteJ I'reit lo Coot lUf Timet. WASHINGTON, D. C, Sopt. 9. Announcement was mado today that tho Navy Leagtio will participate In tho great Conforonco on National DofoiiBo, which will bo hold In Wash ingtoii October 4-7, uudor auspices of tho National Defense League, Im mediately following tho Grand Ar my of tho Republic encampment. 'Tuesduy, October G, Ima been set aside on tho conference program ns Naiy Day, nnd on this dato tho Na hy Leaguo will havo complete charge of tho program, Toledo Man Outline Good Plan nt Gathering In Session at Rochester, X. Y Dr Attoctiled ITftt to cwtt D7 Tim. ROCHESTER, N. Y., Sopt. 9. A central bureau of Industrlnl hy gtcno composed of members of firms for tho dlssomlnatlon ofknowledgo for tliolr mutual bonotlt was advo cated by Dr. D. C. Solby of Tolo do, 0 In an address boforo the American Public Health Association. Dr. Solby pointed out that many employers nro installing departments of hygiene sanitation mid accident prevention. Employers of largo numbers of men should afford to do this, but tho relatively high cost prohibits tho employers of n few mou from following this example "Tho functions of a commorco club, or other civic organization, can very well bo broadened to ren der this sorvlro, upon a mutual plan, for tho omployors of fow men," ho snld. "Tho service could take form lu n sopnratoly organized, yot affiliated, bureau of Industrial safe ty, sanitation and hyglono, as Is now being organlzod In Toledo, "Tho activity of such a bureau would display Itself in educatjonnl work, mid tho exchango of infor mation, tho making of Investiga tions or surveys and tho making of recommendations, In short, anything that would Increase tho efficiency of thu employe, nnd lesson tho haz ard to his limb, health or llfo. "By cooperation this bureau would become tho local representa tion of thu state Industrlnl com mission or department of labor nnd tho stnto department of health in tho work of nccldout mid occupation al disease prevention. "Low luorgliiB of profit now, moro than over, compel Industrial efficiency. Compensation acts com pel industrial safety, and soonor or Inter will compel tho provontlon of occupational diseases. Theso aro economic reasons which Justi fy u bureau of this kind. Hut abovo all, tho great reason Is that such a bureau would Book to con serve tho lives and health of indus trial workers, who now pay a tro mendous tribute to toll." CONTRACT APPROVED Work on Hliislaiv Jetty Will Go Ahead at Onco (Special to Tho Times) FLORENCE, Oro., Sopt. 9. F. E, Loofo, government onglncor In chargo of tho harbor Improvement work at tho Sluslaw, received of ficial notlco a fow days ago that tho contract with tho Miami Quarry Co. for Jotty construction on tho Simlaw, was approved, August 20. By tho terniB of tho contract, tho Miami Quarry Co. Is allowed thirty days from tho tlmo thoy aro official ly notified, In which to commence work and two years In which to fin ish their contract. Tlio company has already com menced operations but Is not yot ready to handle rock. PORTLANDDr. J. II. Boys, a Portland mlnlstor, condemns the film, "Tho Dlrth of a Nation" bo rauso of being historically Inaccur ate. Times want ads bring remits. j