The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, September 09, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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li 1 1 l"-l 'I I LI
u . ' r Q j7 a jf " """"-l
$ ""Lfifig J . I
rsntTno officer matcks imao
Tnkcs Heavy Loud Abonnl Spends
Nlglit.ln I'orl nt Rottom of IJoat
.lodge Is Lenient
He looked the part of the "cold
gray dawn of the morning after"
when ho came blinking into Judge
Pennock's office this morning. Ills
Lair was uncombed; It hung down,
big locks of it, Into his fnce; the hat
was shoved over at n perilous angle
nnd him feet shuffled somewhat un
steadily. Three or four time he blinked
ns ho stood In the door of the shop
where. Justice, ever and anon, is
doled out.
Judge I'ennock sat up straight at
his desk and waited. The man came
"Shay. Jedgo," ho warbled, bird-
like, or rather crow-like, for Ills
voice Tvas 'a husky hue.
"Yes, yes, go on." ; t T T.
"Jedge, 1 got I took n little
too much last night a wee bit too
jnuch and I went to sleep In my
"boat. I live up Kitchen Inlet." '
At length ho told n heart render
ing' talo of how, when ho woko up
this morning two men stopped lihn
and said ho couldn't go homo with
out first seeing tho Justice to get a
rcloaBO. And bo IiIh errand was ex
plained, Ho folt extremely bad about it.
"What's this charge, .lodge?" nnd
ho stalled digging after his money.
J ml go I'ennock explained that no
charge had been entered against
him' nnd ho could go homo, thnt, Is
providing hu did It in a hurry nnd
Jack Carter didn't see him. Tho
fellow was so overcome thnt ho
ncaTly cried with Joy, and telling
onco more Whoro ho could bo found
In enso of necessity, ho plodded down
tho stairs and out to his boat again.
A fow minutes later It was chugging
away down tho bay nnd the Weary
Ono was homoward bouud.
DR. Q. W. LESLIE went to Myrtle
Point today to attend the countv
Inciting Talo of Pulling Unknown
Woman off of Cigar Sign in
Hay, Half Dnmiirs, Probed
Tho pollco aro today probing tho
story told by Qcorgo Thrush, night
forryman to Eastsldo, about rescuing
n half drowned young woman from
tho big cigar sign on tho Eastsldo
flats shortly before midnight on
Tuesday. The following dny tho of
ficers woro given no account of the
talo and somo of them expressed tho
opinion that it sounded too much
llko a Diamond Dick novel.
According to tho ferrymen's talo
ho was making hlu last trip to Kast
sldo at 11:10 p. m, Tuesday when
ho hoard a woman call. Tho Buf
falo 1)111 was hoaded In thu direction
and a woman In u red sweater nnd
light clothing was found perched., on
tho supports or tho sign. A row boat
was sccurod nnd alio was landed on
tho Marshflold sldo. Ho said tho
woman rofused to glvo her naino.
said sho lived In Plat 11 nnd hurried
off In that direction.
Chandler Hotel
Mnblo Wills, Sumner: It S. Week
ly, Myrtlo Point; O. P. Ciudiow.
HoBoburg; W. II. Payne, Seattle;
William Rlggs, ItoHoliurg; Mis. II.
0. Wright, tlreat FwJIh, Montana;
Paul Dlmmlok, San Francisco; .lo
soph Leek, Portland: K. F. Mcl.eodi
Portland; A. M. (lake. Portland;
W. II. Lee, Portland; A. L. Young.
Portland: H. II. Dorun. Portland.
HlniU'o Hnlcl
V. P. Wonir. South lulot: ,T. A.
Parker Floionio; (lie Nelson. Pow
cih; F. Kominko, South Inlet; A.
Anderson, Coijulllo: John T. Stoei
ar, Muploton; E. Nolhon, Powers;
V. Koontz, lClkton. Mich.; T. J. llall
nntyno, (Jravollord; II. Hunch, Hoav
er I mi.
Llojd Hotel
(leorgu Phillips, Haudmi: Call
Roberta, .Myitlo Point; John Hob
oris. Myrtlo Point; P. L. Clinlno,
Lakeside; Wllllaiu llawloy. Power;
fllailys Ilolllstor, San FrancUco,
Louis Dollish, Mount Angel; Mr.
j'nd Mrs. l- Mudgo, Francisco;
Mrs. Carl Smith, Portlnnd; James
A, lluruap, Emplio; U. Stanloy, Co
quillo. St, Lumoiiro Hotel
Ellory D.iggutt, Allogany; J. J.
Hcrlngtou, Allogany; Mis. N. L
Daggett, Allegany; II, AndeiBou,
Co Hlver; William A. Church.
Ah; Loland H. Mudgo, Water
fcwry. Conn.; It. II. Glasgow, Rul
knfc. II O. Warner, Kuguuo.
pom:isu dead
HKbVOHl). Or., Spt. 0.Janio
A VUon, fftd feS yun, a roaldunt
nt ti Nkm Rlr ralley for fifty
iAt; lld at bit torn In this city.
if M mrrlf4 by bla lf and son
4 a host of friendi.
T I nAI.T.AXTVXn wnn In vnstor-
dny and today from Gravel Ford'
on a visit.
DUDLEY HILL and Howard Kellej
returned today from a week's out
ing nt Ten Mile.
CEO. ROTNOR expects to leavo j
Sunday In his auto tor Portland
for n short May.
D. E. HOnr.E returned last evening
from Conulllo where he hail legal
business yesterday
MRS. .15. HYDE was n pnssengor on
the Speedwell today for' a couple
of weeks at the Fair.
CHARLEY HOWARD left estordny
to spend the bnlanro of the week
nt the Myrtlo Point fair. i
WILL CHANDLER loft this nfter
noon for Alderbrook on South
Cnna lllvnr fur n fv dnVH. I
New Fall Furs ready for yor inspection
Piepnro now tin- cool weather. It's hero. Special price reduction to eaily Illinois.
The luigest mill finest stork in the Vorlliwest anil vvvvy garment guaranteed to be as repie
vented. "At . ,
Tailored and Semi-Tailored Suits
They ui.' u'onllerlully ehle. anil o tllffcrent ; not socore In lines jet Inching the undue lluffliu'sH
of imst seM)iiM. Theio aie suits vlth slioit coats, other with in llltniy styles that lire esiieclnlly
ailnpteil for the slender and lneilluiii figures. Skirts arc luller, but Just moderately wide ami most
of thorn nie short. i
Rinlds mil! fur nlnimlngs are being used eMenslvelj. Many plain tailored s-ilts mo nlso shown,
MatetlalN mill coloiliigs me heaiitifiil ami our pi Ices aio er,v reasonable.
Sinus of niilltailsin arc prominent. Tho soldiers ot' ALL COUNTRIES might, find lills of
TIIEIH VN'IKOItMS sonieuhcro unioiig them.
One Lot of Soits
Which our buyers obtained while In Xow York as at u figure which will eiiablo us to sell
them nt ftoiii !S5 to .$7,r( below our other .suits. This Is u Hue of Sample Stilts mid Mill he found
to be nf the very latest materials ami designs and we aro going to iilro our eustoiueis tho benefit
of (he discount.
Swellest Line of Hats
In Town
And examine our New Fall Lino of Over
coats and Suits. Adler- Rochcstcrs' latest conccntion
We have a store full of everything for gentlemen oi
taste. Beautiful shirts, neckwear and hosiery,
Closing Out, Suit, Cases
We are closing out our Suit Cases and have nut
them on sale at the following prices:
Genuine leather Suit Case, originally sold at &a ak
$7..50. now only Wj
Japanese matting cases, worth $3.50, now 4)l.!)o
HBKT FOLSO.M and Zcno Strong of, MIL
Coiiullle are in Portland and are
guests at the Hotel St. I'aul.
known Sumner pioneer, came down
this morning to visit friends.
1 Km n , mi !! .nun n 111 mi mi it mi in h Mi, iimmii i rrnw'iini i i i ' m'"iiiii II
am ;u m us. uua joiinson, or r i niiT ii t i nnnn nun in nnrnnrn --.-n. .. .
NbH N MHtlKUUH b hMM i&mmBSgSl
BwaHEJM.eafflEaataaaa' ,
I Make Your Windows
Q'Js. Ql
3 hJESuait uamskuvu
1'olnt stock buyer, wau In Marsh
field ycsteidny on business.
O. P. COSIIOW, a prominent at
torney of Hoscburg, nrrlved hero
Inst evening on legal business.
on tho morning train for Myrtlo
Point to nttend the county fair.
RAYMOXI) 13. HAKI3R left yester
day for Coqnllle nnd Myrtle Point
after spending u few days on tho
MI3RL SILL, formerly of Hand on.
Is in Portland nnd will tomu to
Coon Dny this week to visit
R. M. Sartor were among thoso
going to tho Myrtlo Point I'alr
i:. C. DREWS nnd family and Uu
geiio Kolloy motored to the Fulr
ut Myrtlo Point yesterday, return
ing today.
RICHARD IIKHR camo home from
the county seat last evening lif
ter bolng a witness before tho
grand Jury.
San Franclseo on tho Speedwell
today and will remain for a tlmo
In tho south.
from Coiiulllo last night whore
ho hud been called ns a witness
boforo tho grand jury.
Empire, wcie Marshifleld business
visitors today.
MRS. A. 1). TRAER plans to leavo
next Wednesday via Portland and
tho Canadian routo for Chicago,
for an extended stay at the home
of her (laughter there. She also
plans to visit at the homo of a
daughter In Calgary en routo east.
returned' from Portland whoro
sho spent tho summer with rel
atives and will resume her course
in the Mnrshflcld High School,
being a member of tho J'JIC
class. Her mother will return
from Mansfield, Pa., today ready
to again tako up her duties In the
Marshfleld high school. Sho was
accompanied by Miss Ornco Griffin
who has been spending tho sum
mer at her homo in Rattle Creek,
Michigan, and who ulso returns
to teach.
Howard City, .Michigan aro hero
visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. C. F. Me
Georgo. Mrs. Llsk la a alstor of
Mr. McGcorgo. Thoy left tho east
last December and hnvo been In
California, visiting, for several
mouths. Thoy expect to stay hero
for boiiio tlmo. Mr. Llsk was for
merly In the Implement business.
A. LAOERSTROM Is expecting to
leavo In the morning for the ex
position mid Mrs. Lngcfdtiom
will go down on Sunday.
MRS. S. A. SIMPSON' will attend the
Fair at Myrtlo Point tomorrow
making tho trip for the purpose
of feeing the 'school exhibits.
l'liimnis A::!ior of TJuir-ar.Ji ef
.Sntstitiiinal .MtoiKv, Hill Put
Aitiuu on t:n ycreon.
Ever read "Tim Jamco Eojo" u
a "ouug Ldoiuh "f
UuinuiiiLur huw you sner.Uod o.f
early to bid, or wont out n:.d h! 1
behind thu barn wLh that hutmiinb
ed nnd worn "paper back."
Thoso woio the happy days when
you took lltcrnltiro uud food with
equal nppotl.o and It nil tasted
good, no lndlgontioa mental, -or
Probably i,ii n . gnvo ti
thoi'ght to tim i-i i v m.i wu pro
ducing all th'iHi urn i.-inlnjj fhap-
IRA HOWE uud RuTim Howe left
on tho Speedwell today for San
Frniu'Uen, where they will Bpend
u few weeks at the exposition.
T. It. SHERIDAN, or North Rend,
wiih hero last utculng to confer
with O, P. Coshow. a Rosehurg
uttoruey, who Is hero on business.
A. .1. M. ROBERTSON', science leach-
er in tho MurshUold high school. J
and wife have returned from their
Biiiuiner vacation trip to Cnllfor
& (kA CaiiJ. l ; , JOS
Will Combat tho Deadly (Jases or
fici'iiimm by Causing Hnplil
Spread of Flames
r AuocUlril rrM to Cool Day TImri.
LONDON', Sept. !). Tho Urltlsh
nrmy plans to fight the German gas
attacks with fire. This Is the Hellenic
recommended by n committee of
Inventors headed by Sir Hiram Mnx
im, who has designed a simple ap
paratus which tho government Is
now testing.
The object of the apparatus is to
cause largo and rapidly spreading
fires by means of specially-designed
Incendiary bombs thrownln tho path
of tho advancing gas at a distance
of several hundred yards. Uy this
means, since the heating of tho air
must cause an upward curient, it
Is expected to drive tho gas up out
ot harm's way.
Sir Hiram's explanation ot tho
scheme Is ns follows:
"Tho Gorman gas at ono ntmos
phoro ot pressure is two and n half
times as heavy as air. In escaping
into the nir it very iiulckly becomes
mixed with n lnrgo autintlty or air,
so that by tho time It reaches our
trenches It Is, ns a rule, less than
J por cent heavier than tho sur
rounding air; thnt is, it Is extreme
ly light ns compared with tho nir,
but it is quito strong enough to
piovo fatal. In most cases wo find
tho nil thnt has only one-thousandth
pnrt of chlorine Is tho ono thnt
has done tho most harm.
"It occurred to mo somo months
ngo that, If a flro could ho produc
ed between tho gas nnd our trenches
the rapid upward movoment of tho
air would tako tho chlorine along
with It, nnd this is quito truo. Tho
bombs that I mndo were to bo
thrown by hand, but it was found
that, In order to bo thrown any dls
tnneo, they had to bo made quito
small, and, moreover, they could not
bo thrown ns tar as tho officers
wished to throw thorn. I dellvored
100 to tho government for oxporl
inontul purposos. A fow of these
hnvo been tosted, nnd It wns found
that the fire should ho greater and
Wheat is Also Lower Than It lias
ISeen Pilces Are Cuming
Don n
Flour nnd wheat Is lower than
It has beou this season on Coos liny.
Flour has been selling for $1.(50
a sack uud It Is now adertlsed
at $i.:io.
Wheat Is nlso lower In prke. It
It Is now selling at $-,.L)"i a hun
dred pounds. It Is Hinted -by deal
ers that most all of the food stuffs
aro coming down In price nnd nui I Fsj$
got lower yet.
Hellglousi (intlierlngs Are lie ug '
Held on Coos Hlver mid Xo
Preacher Is Coming
The (nmp meeting on Coos River
which has been In progross for two
woolen will (ontlnuo Indefinitely
Rev. and .Mrs. Wnymlro, of North
Rend, who hnvo been doing the
preaching, were compelled to retuiii
homo becnuso of Mr. Waymlle be
ing taken ill. Rev. P. O. Hone-
brake, of Hood Rhor, has been se
cured mid will continue with too
meetings. He will nrrlvo Saturda
Rev. J. A. Parker, the pastor, an
nounces that overyono Is welcome
and the public Is Invited to conh
Sunday with dlnnor baskets and at
tend the all-day moetlug.
Offlco hour by appointment'.
fnrthor nwny, m I hnvo designed . ;
very much slnu.lor and hiruer C,,UJn Ci,u,s "r,"tcrt nt Tlio Tlmw
Fninier Ai rested Ami Put in .fall nt
EUGENE, Oie., Sopt. 9. John
Hriilm, a fanner, residing mar l.o-
rano, wns nrrostod aftor threatening
to kill his wife uud children. Ik
was taken Into custody by Depntj ,
hiiorirr u. ii. Pitchor, or Coltnge
(ii'ovo. He wns takon before .lustlct
of tho Poace E. C. Crowe at I.o
runo and held In the sum or $;.oo
for his nppenranca. Ho was umilile
to glvo bond and was brought to Eu
gene nnd placed In Jail.
Light your show windows better with the new
MAZDA "C" LAMPS. Increase selling effect-
iveness with modern Electric Lighting. It will
make customers of passers-by. Even the
smallest store can afford this striking, attention-compelling
window display, for the cost
is surprising low.
With Electric Lighting
You can secure many novel window display
' effects unobtainable in any other way. The
warm summer evenings bring the people to
the streets. Proper window illumination will
attract their attention to your store. Prepare
for better business now.
Oregon Power Company
made her homo with her aunt Mis.
A. F. Hansford for tho past nine
years. opuuts to leae in a wooK
or ten days lor her home In Wlll
Inmsport, P.i., to Join her motiicr
uud sUtor.
.MISS GRACE MILLER who has boon
assisting her brother In tho local
ofticoB of tho Puget Sound Hrldge
and Drodgo company hns gone to
Seattle to visit her mother after
which sho will enjoy n trip to tho
PAUL M. DIMMICK, of tho Swnyno
nnd Hot Company, camo up
Ironi San Francisco Into yostor
duy to nuiko a regular trip of In
spoitlon on tho bay ut tho North
Hyiul Mill and Lumber company.
Ho will bo here several days.
Francis orceMcr Doughty
Preparing Scenarios for Hie Din Id
Rorslo Prmliictlinis iVnlurliig tlu
Collections oi Ilostuclt AnlimiN, fi.'
Release In the Krfuhir .Mutual
tors. They wore just rlpronrbr.
bhootlng, snuggling, thr.lllr.t;
chunks of n . lid nnd enviable life.
Well, tho man whoso brut i fath
ered all those thrillers Is Francis
Worcester Doughty, who hau liter
ally written tlionuanilR of boohs.
Ono collection, the "Ilrnily" sorles,
totallod l,"o0 In numbor.
Now Mr. Doughty' master linnd
will appear In the making of pic
tures to ho shown at tho theatrea
using Mutunl pictures. Ho luu
boon rotnlned to preparo sconnrloa
for tho David Tlorsley productions
In which the animals of tho fomoua
rtostock collection of trained benst3
of the Jungle will appear.
l iiiiiuii nuiiiiur uiiii iiUK-i i
form. Tho firm In London who '
proposes to make thorn hnvo design-1 S55
ed a machine for throwing them
with gient accuracy a distance ot ISUO
jnrds, which will bo quito enough.
Jly this means n flro of nny bUe '
may bo produced and If tho flro Is
large enough the gases must be
dissipated; It cannot be othorwlse.
"Tho first bombs I doslgned in-1
volod tho use of petrol, but It was ,
thought that the consumption would
be bo largo that there might bo u
shortage. 1 have thoroforo been j
experimenting and am now In pos
session of a liquid that does just
ns well and only costs half as j
much, whllo tho supply Is unlim
ited." !
! WBfflaffll Y-
K G'vcs n tri I" r-'oisy shlno that Vi
m c . i ' r ') c, cr il at ul U I
ra II Ti , lot Jir i-li.Hi.lil,n, K
Geo. Robinson and wlfo and Mr
tlo DeLong returned from Rosoburg
Wodnosday, and roport nil onjoyable
time. Thoy went over tho old Coos
Hay rond and came back tho Myrtlo
Point route. Thoy found tho old
(Coos Ray road tho better.
The old plank road to Hrewster
0o. ; Valley Is in a vory rough condition '
times as lorn; ju nny omer.
Black Silk Stove Polish
I 1 n
Ii. il .
cr i .i
ll) .i
t r.u.eii, j ,
liitilwcre ur
uu.t i Urn
fJ .it It jr. -
i i ii a j i. .. r
Thora's "1
Ahtritit i
h" I Ii 4 mora K
'19 w.
wmmW &
11 U of war. business la on
Tho big problem In selling
goods is getting tho customer
Into tno store. Coos Ray .
Times nils will holn von solvo
this probloiu,
and most all of tho auto travel now
goes out tho Loo road, which Is In
flno shape. Coqulllo Herald.
Ilaro your LETTER hoada, bill
heads, otc., printed at THE TIMES
Also nil kinds of deep sen fish,
ulien nvnihiblo.
Plitno aio
DESPITE tho handle
of war, business la
tho up grndo. If ea
Is on
ono of us contributes
u llttlo oxtra push it
will soon bo bottor.
It moans trvlmr hardor and
keeping at It longor. a
It menus continual ontlmlsmFi
and faith In tho future.
And It means caroful, sustain
ed, well planned nowspap'er nd
vertlslng in mauy Instances.
The Coos
Bay Times
will be glad to assist thoso who
want suggestions as to help
push business.