t r'f JlfcqftWtt 1 WWT-? - - '"-'! v- MMPfMSMMimHIMK STORED THINK. "WHfN YOU ARE TALKING YOU ABE NOT LEARNING ANYTHING Coos Bay Times Your Paper A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tlie Coos liny Times Is. A South west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon pooplo nd dovoted to tlto best Interests of this grot tcctloa . Tlio Times always boosts iuad aerer knocks. Tlie Ooj Uiiy Times li proud of Its lltlo "The People-'- Pniior," Mid it strives at nil Umci to Uvo up o ita name by devoting lti energies to promoUng Uio peoplo' Interest. MEMBER OK TUN ASSOCIATED PRESS .f ?-M..SV ,- . i TT jf Wt L Vol. No. XXXIX. TAFT TALKS TO Former President Says Too Radical Reforms Have Halt ed the Nation's Progress LI Declares that All Classes Are Dependent Upon Each Oth er in United States TELLS OF REFERENDUM , Thinks that Our System of He-pro- M'lilutivo Government in Mni'li the Best for the Good r Counlry .h It Has Been Tried Out llr Aorlalt-il I'nx lo Com llfl" Tlnim.1 SEATTLE, Wash, Sept. !'. Form cr President William II. Tart today told tlio American Hunkers Assocln tlon. lit ronvciitloii hero, that prac tically till of tlio radical reforms at tempted l connection with politics, rullroiiiln and "big business" had fail ed of their purpose, causing tho na llon to hult In Its' progress), and that Micro limit "ow ho a "retracing of tlie Hue of moderation nntl Jimtlce." In giving tin "economic nml poli tical Riiiuniary of the genorntlon just closing." Mr. Tnft snld that tho lat est outstanding featuro appeared to lie tlie widespread growth of tho spir it of tho brotherhood of man, des pite tlio Tact I hill tho war had Bhul-. tereil tlio dreams of universal peace. Clia.so For Dollar In his opening remarks Mr. Tnft .outlined the growth of largo combi nations In business; tbolr success ful adoption to politics, ami bow tho "clinso for tho dollar" has absorbed all the people until they suddenly realized they wcro almost , in tho grasp of a plutocracy. It was then that agitation for roforms Bwopt tho country, bo said, nml public Indig nation becamo acute. "The lovlathan of tho pcoplo can not bo stirred to such action as bus been taken and stop short at tho lino or moderation." said Mr. Tnft. "Tlio hostility of legislatures and Congress canio to bo directed against all successful investment of capital without discrimination. Nothing Is so timid nb capital,' and nothing Ib so easily able to tako caro of what It has," Ho then said that a doplorablo featuro of such oxcess of remedy was that tho wago earners suffered most. "Tho closo and absolute supervis ion over tho manngomont of rail roads," Bald Mr. Taft, "and tho re striction upon tho rates charged by them in iutcrstato rommerco nml in commcico within states, togothor with the Increaso In cost of tnalntc imnco and wages through tho offorts of labor unions has ground tho rail roads between tho uppor and notbor millstones. AH this Is to tho det riment of tho business of tho coun try, nntl especially to tho comfort and happiness of tho wngo earners dependant on norninl business and normal donmnd for labor. Tudulgo in lixcoss ' Wo nro all In tho samo bont. Tho prosperity of ono class Is de pendent on tho prosperity of all. This Is no reason why wo should not ropress Injustico nnd punish nb iiao of power, nut It Is u reason why wo should not Indugo in ex cess, "Wo must "promptly grant in creased rates to tho railroads when conditions require It. Wo must not "How the outrageous Injustico to contlnuo by which wo inaugurate tho real reform of parcels post, ai.d do It nt the tost 0MI10 railroads by 'oiupeiiiHu thorn to carry tho enor mous liureaso of truffle for noth ing Wo should ropeal tho full crow I' II that Impose upon tho railroads tbc burden of employing unneces sary ,abor. In curing .theso excesses tin re is no reason why wo should not retain tho real progress wo havo undo In dethroning plutocracy." Mr Taft said that conditions iden ,,cal w'th tboso affecting tho rail roads wero to be found in all lines t business whore large combinations t Investment have been made. About Referendum ' Mr Taft nlsn nnnkn nf ilin nf. taek3 upon our ropresentatlvo sys- BANKERS 0 lies SUFFER Established 1H78 As Tho Const Mall. X HAD HEAVY RAIN X YEAR AGO TODAY X A year aao today tho X 1914 dry spell was brok- en by a heavy rain, when X 2,94 inches of water fell, X X Today there is no pros- ; pect of rain so tho dry X X season this year will be X X longer than last year, blowsIoIupiii ii.-i couples seek divorces at THIS TERM OK COURT So .Many That Friday Is Special Day I ''ir Separation Hearings Soiuo Cases Not Contested Should' Dan Cupid read tho bar docket of the September term of Him Cons Coiity circuit court tho little fellow surely would fold his wings, whimper and possibly would break his darts. On the docket are 2." divorce eases to bo beard this mouth. Tho cases havo been listed. llllnia Ahbiu'st, versus, ligou Al.l qulst. .lulhi Allen vs. Thomas W. Allen. Sadie Hair vs. Dale liulr. .lames C. Brown vs. Mary C. Ilrowii. Ventura M. Uurko vs. Michael Uurke. Hoy li. Cameron vs. Abide Camer on. Harry II. lid wards vs. Amy F. lid wards. Dlxlo Hgenlioff vs. William Egeu hoff. Churllo F. lillorbcek vs. Florence Margaret Iillorbeek. Lllllo M. Elliott vs. Georgo II. Elliott. Joseph L. Harry vs. Goldlo May Harry. Howard Imhoff vs. Pearl Imhoff. Dcna Ingman .vs. .Andrew Ing- man. Agnes W. Johnson Johnson. vs. Alvordn Harriet Kellogg. Lyilln McDonald, Sarah 1 M. Kellogg vs. lilbert V. McDonald vs. Lester I'arkburst vs. I.. A. Park- 1,ui8t Lllllo 1'rowett vs. David IMowott. John Haydon vs. limmn Hiiydou. Anson li. Sinister vs. Mury L. Sinister. Georgo H. Hotuor vs. Mlnno C. Hotuor. Myru li. Smith vs. V. M. Smith. Herbert StaiuVsh vs. Florence Stnndlsh. Lynno C,. Wright vs. Annlo ' K. Wright. Anna Ii. Wyatt vs. H. F. Wyatt. lifflo F. Finlea vs. Jns. H. Flnlea. (Jet ?."S Apleco. Tho attorneys stato that $no Is about tho uverngo feo secured for divorces, thus tho 25 cases filed make un oxpondlturo of about $1250 at this torm of court for tho offorts of tho legnl frutornlty in securing separations for tbolr plaintiffs. This does not includo tho fees that must bo paid tho lnwyors of tho defend ants, whero tho cases aro being fought. corrupt control of politics, lie ex pressed his disapproval of tlio Ini tiative and referendum, nnd said: 'Tho system of representative! Kovommout Is an Institution ban.. ...ered out In the struggle for llbc ty by our Anglo-Saxon ancestors for eight hundred years. The systum of wrltton constitutions and an Vn dopendent Judiciary has vlndlcuied Itsolf in tho strouuous life of tho Republic for 125 years and tboro Is nothing in tbo actual results of the Initiative, referendum nnd recall that commends them us a substitute." wikks aim: down Tho Westorn Union wires wero down this ufternoon and consequently The Times did not receive all tbo Asso c'ated Pross report. Messasos wero received up to noon when wire troubles started. FIGHTS AT HANDOX They sny that at Handon Satur day night at tho wrestling match, the main events were "pulled off" on the outside of the hall before and after tho match, when several dozen fights wero recorder. Coqulllo Herald. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1 915 IS KILLED IN Hit Dies of Fright After Desper ate Struggle With Robbers in New York Residence ARREST EMPLOYEE Boy Servant Alleged by Police to Have Played Part in Crime $10,000 IN JEWELS TAKEN Kings S'rlpped from Woman's Fing ers and (iViiis- 'I'd rn from Her I lues TliJcies rail to Find Half Mil lion Worth f .leuelry III- Awoi-litr.1 Pirn In Coon .! TlniM.l NEW YORK, Sept. P. Owney Talas, Husslun Finn, hull boy In homo of Mrs. Elizabeth Nichols, the aged widow who mot denth last night nt tho bands of masked men who robbed her of gems valued at $10,000, was today arrested after bo ronrcssod, tho pollco assert, to hav ing played a part In the crime. Ho wan formally charged with murder. Dies of Fright wioow Mrs. Nichols died of fright nftor,ycnr8 , j0 i,n,j not i,c.on K00(j a desnornto striiKKlo in her home Just orf Klftli Avenue In tho heart of tho millionaire rcsldenco district. A towel wns wound around her neck but this Is not bolloved to havo caus ed death. Fortune in Jeweln Tho assailants stripped her dia mond rings from her fliiKors nnd torn vnluablo Jewels from her ears. They nlso took n key from around her necKjyenra nK0. Tho survivors nro tho belonging lo a strong box containing half a million dollnrs worth of Jow- els, but failed to find tho box. FARRIW IN TRQUBLEiBUfLD SPUR TRACK I'OltMKK .MAKSIII'IHM IjAWVKK AKKKSTliD IX I'OKTiaXI) Claimed llo Kept 1."( Which Should Have Turned Over to Client He PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 0. Oeorgo N. Fnrrln, attorney, with, offices in tho Spnuldlng building, was arrested early Saturday oven- Ing on a clfargo of larcony by bailee, a matter of $150 being Involved. ui'l!ft 8rvoy ,,lt0 f0r a spur track. Tho1 Co. vs. Arthur Coach; Lynn Lambeth was released from tho county J-1' 1 Simpson Company has been urging 'vs. Dr. li. V. Morrow. at midnight. Circuit Jiutgo cn . .!. ...1 T.nttt.'a ntt'tl oruoren mo ruicusu i ..... recognlzauco, on recommendation or tho District Attorney's office. W. Hoyor Is complainant ngalnnt tho attorney, alleging tho appropria tion of funds supposed to havo boon paid to a wlfo from whom Hoyer wns spporated. Hamilton Johnstono Is tiio attorney representing tho plain tiff. In tho complainant's story, told rtnnutv Dlstrlcv Attorney John A. .- . .,.l ...l ai.tnrnllil nil uonier, uojur ui. ..-,..... "" condition tnai me ...,. -- -, ,c0 ,0 ,)(J P,lluWll for KrllV0l u pay tlto wlfo a cortaln amount n ,a Btat0(1 tmt lho Sowthor1 ,.,.,,. month. Later a lump sum was set- M ()f 1h . tied upon, and Hoyer pal, ";,om 110lr ,.JllKollu Thuy ,m, rK. ?150 to bo turned over to Mrs. "'-n1 ,,,,,.,, ,,ilnstlng tho lino or. H is ciaimeu iiii in-...:,... '"ifl.nlll r.in- .,.. ,,, tllft unnunm with olng. Farrin put the money to own ubo and did not co n mmlc his ate with Mrs. Hoyor, who Is In Idaho, IMPORTS ARE LESS KF.POKT OF I'. S. FOKIilGX Hl'SI NKSS MAIM. AT WASHINGTON Tho Hundred Milieu Dollars Short age of Goods Shipped In Compared Willi l-ast Year inr A.wit" r". ' ,'" "' Tim 1 WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. SL An analysis of American imports Is sued today by tbo department of commorco showed tbo value of goods shipped into tho United Stutes dur ing tho fiscal year of 1915 to bo less by $219,700,000 than tho prev ious year. Tho total Imports amounted to $1,074,200,000. i FLOUR SALi: On Saturday, September 11 will sell Itnporlal Fltiur, $1.30 cash. livery sack guaranteed. HAINES, X NORWAY HAS LOST X FORTY-ONE SHIPS X in AnocUtril I'rr- .o foot r.j TlmM 1 WASHINGTON, D, C, Sept, 9, Forty-one ships X flying the Norwegian flag have been lost since tho X beginning of the war, and t 76 sailors perished, ac- cording to a repoit re- X ceived by tho State Do- X partment today from tho X American Minister at X Christiana. X BROTHER OP li. .1. AND KIKJAIt KIMPSO.V I'ASSHS AWAV Hail a I'all Vesteiday and llealli lows Tqilny at ItlvcisNIe, California .'id. Dr. Harry Simpson, son of tho lutoj Cant. A. M. Simpson, died at 1 1 o'clock this morning at Hiverslde, Oil. Tho message was received to day and tho two brothers, L. J. Simpson and dipt. Iidgar Simpson, left this afternoon at 1 o'clock to mako tho trip overland. They went to Kosoburg in u private car and will catch tho train there for California. Dr. Simpson was about thirty health lately and yesterday n tole- gram was sont stating that bo bad o a hard fall. Today came tho mes sago that ho wns dead. About a year ago Dr. Simpson was married. to a young lady who had nursed him during his illness. Ills father, tho Into Capt. A. M. Simp son, died last year leaving n largo fortuno nnd tho mother died several two brothers, U J. nnd lidKar Simp B0I1 nl, ono Bster. Mrs. Hoy I'lko of Snn Francisco. SOL'THICKX SIDIXO PACII'IC TO I'l'T TO POKTIilt MILL Claim That Survey for TW.h Caused Keport or Deal for Water front Property Tho roport of tho negotiations between tho Southern Pacific nnd tho Simpson Lumber Company for the inttor'a waterfront holdliics In North ,. . orlclmited In tM0 (.0,ny to build a spur track , ....... t,lui 1)roi)oitv and esnec lally to tho Portor mill und tho sur vey for this was mado. Parties who saw tho Southorn PacHle surveyors ut work- figured that the survey had it different meaning, according to an official announcement. The spur track may bo built Into the Porter mill In n snort t.n.o. d'mvel for Itallast Owing to tho Inability of Southorn Pacific company nnd tho . Smt.b.powers company to ngreo on gravel from Couulllo l" " 'I'"1 tbo Sinltli-i'owors wuiuoii ioo iiiku n price. Line to II union Rumors nro rlfo again roliillvo to the early construction by tho South ern Pacific of a lino to lAiudou. Southorn Pacific officials aro quoted as sayln'g the extension will bo built soon. Tho linn would tap a lot of boavy tlmbor and In addition to tho regular busiiioss would handlu a lot of logs for several yeius. 4 HOYS IlllUi TO COLLFGi: S Horace Ruhskopf and Roger i former xuoks repossession or u.s pro Frohu of this city und Lostlo Sparks porty had tho guardlun stricken out of Handon sturted out yogtorday j on tho grounds that tho dofeiulant morning on a tramp over the Coos 'hud not boon properly notified. Hay wagon road. Thoy plan to walk to Drain by way of Roseburg and at Drain Mr. Rabskopf and Mr. Sparks will tako tho train for Salem, whore they will enter Willamette University. Mr., Frohn will con tinue on foot to Eugene, where he will tako a course in physical train ing nt the U. of O. during the coming year. The party was seen about 12 EVENING EDITION. ilHB PASSPORT li is hiiirfi i Fn! Secretary Lansing Acts Re garding Man Connected With Austrian Affair ' 11 Justice Department Will In vestigate Whether he Has Violated Any Laws IS NOW AT ROTTERDAM Kmcrgency l'assMirt Will Ho Issued 111m lly American Minister Itrlt- Mi Officers l.'iiuud Mini Car lying Vienna t'ouiiiiuulcaCous III) AuarUtisI t'rmt lo IIJ llmM.I WASIIINMTO.N. 1). C, Sept. !). Secretary HauHlni; cancelled the imsHports of .lumen l Archibald, tho Aniorlcun correspondent, upon whom tho llritlsh secret service men found comuiuulcatloiiB from Austro-llun- garlan Ambassador Duniba to his foreign off'co on the subject of fo menting strikes In tho American munition plants. Archibald is now nt Hotterdam nnd Ainorlcun Minister Van Dyke has been Instructed to Issue ab emergen ey passport lo permit bis return to tho United Stntes, when tho depart nlcut 0r Justlco will probably bo cnll cd on decide If ho violated any law. 10 AD.IOl'KXS FOK TKII' TO MVKTLK POINT THIS AITKKNOON Slv Civil Cases Set l'or Trial Monday JJy .Judgo Sklpivorlli No Indict cuts Out As Vet (Special to Tho Times) COQUILLH, Ore., Sept. a. Six civ II cases for trial on Monday wero set hy Judgo Sklpworth this .uoriilug and court adjourned to attend tho races nt Myrtlo Point. Tomorrow Ib "divorce day" and Saturday moro cases will bo sot. No liullctmouts have been returned. Tho enses Bet for trial on Monday aro lingelbo WoIbb vb. Alvln Smith and W. W. dago; A. 'A, Downs vs. C. A. Smith Lhr. and MfK. Co.: I). Scott : vs. Cub Wurthuni: II. L. Judoll unci ii is snm mo grnnii jury yeu..u.,, Investigated tho case of Fred Nlemo, ucciiKed of taking a car iioioiigiug to 'Richard Ruhr Borne tl.no spring and riding about In It. Iljilo Is .Missing A roport that there may this ho no further developments in tho c; (ir)oH ToWor case Is evidenced by the fact that Hon llydu huu left Coos liny, A subpoena for him was REM I s tlmKVon t jlie .McDonald to bund to j ny,t0 ut lianlols Creek, llo found , tho lattor hnd been unuo for two days, bonce will not appear beforo thu grand Jury In thu wlfo abduc tion case. Claims Valuable Property On Frlduy a domiiror will bo beard In. nliiiriiiivu fur Mm ili,rendiint In tin. 1 (UB() of Al.na Webster versus Stephen C. Rogers, Involving thu ownership to a quarter Interest In tho Rogers llloek. Tho suit Is brought o:i the grounds that a clear title has not been obtained, It Is said. The laud In question Is valuable, being situated on thu South sldo of Central Avenuo, but ween Broadway und Front shoots. Sneddon Caso Again ' With a guardian ud litem appoint ed and with business about to pro teed, attorneys for the defendant In thu csBii of ChttrloM Sneddon vorsus Mis. lillon Sneddon, In which tbo Tomorrow mo court win nour a now motion to appoint J. T. Brand guurdlan nd litem, that la, for thu purpose of bringing tho suit. miles out, looking fresh and happy, but it Is probablo that they will not find walking so pleasant when thoy strlko the boat of tho valley. Co qulllo Herald. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnlt and Cons Hay Advertiser. X ZEPPELIN RAID X MADE ON ENGLAND X lly Aiwoi latol t'rrw l rH nny Tlmrn 1 .t LONDON, Sept, 9, X Twenty persons were kill t ed and 86 others injured Z in last night's Zeppelin X X raid, This raid followed X t another which was made X by the Gormnns tho night X X befoic, As well as tho X X loss of life, piopcily X X damage was done, X JIOTHOTnTlllDIIT (JIO.VDItAli HKKMIAKDI IS AS sicmcd to rn:u command Wru'o Hie lloolk "('ei'iiiany and tho et War" WI1VI1 Has lie. (SIIIIO I'llllKIIIS tllj Aa'latfsl I-rtM lo rum ll Tlmr".l HliHIJiV, Sept. !). tJenernl l-'rled rich A. .1. Vim lleruhardl, author of "(lorinany and the next war" has been assigned to u field command at his own request by limperor William! Ilo lias already left for tho front. E XIIAKLV KIVI3 THOl'SAND TAKIIX HV TliUTO.V l-'OKCHS Austi'o-lluugarlaii Troops Tako Prl ,oueiis at Positions at Xoi'li of Seretli Klver III- AnofU,..l I'm) tu I'm ll.i Tlm"",1 IlliHLIN, Sept. St. An Austrian war Htatemeut today says 20 Rus sian officers, MOO mutt mid seven innchluo guns wero raptured when tho Auslro-llungarlan troops captur ed Russian positions near thu mouth of tho Seroth river. PAPIiRS TllliKli DISCl'SS KKMOXI AL OF GRAND Dt'Kli Say be Jlear.s Illume for Catastro phles tu I'oln nil, (lallcla and Influence (Joiio (II AmUIhI I'rcaa lo Coat nijr Times, IlliHLIN, Sept. 0. The removal of Grand Duko Nicholas Is the text of long nrtlclos in the Herllu papers this morning. The Tagobkttt says ho was removed hecuuse, uotwith stnndlug his undenlablo girts In stiategy of retrontliiK, ho bears the lespouslbllltles of thu catustrophlos , ,,on1(, (U1(, cla(.(l allll thlU )iIh lfUm. H UoU)l Hhatlerod In con seiiuencu. , ' A view moro frequently expressed Is that his retirement U dictated by polllicnl rensous and iilmed imrtlc iilurly at tho party represented by the present Huss'un Koveriimeiit. COLLEClniES KS'llAHKOOK CO.MPANV .MAKING KXOR.MOl'S PI lili OF THIS Sixty Thousand lleiug Guthoied Ono Pilo and Total Value Is -.'.".(KIO In Tho lislahrook Company, which buys many ties In this locnl'ty Is piling up an oiiorinoiis quantity of tlos at Hroadbont on the Smith Powers Hue. When all the tlos which are being gathered aro piled up there the pile will be 1200 feel long, four t'oi'B wide, uiaking tho width !I2 fout mid nbout 20 root high. In tbo plln will bo 00,0(10 ties, nnd the value of till Is about .$25,000. The ties are beliiK piled up for shipment later on. It n Mated that the tie lmsl iiohh now Is better than a mouth ago. AMONG THE SICK John Kondull Is ublo to be out again after a suvoro attack of poison oak. Th's is bis second oxpuriouco with it, his first siege being several yoars ago. Get your Job printing douo at The Times office. GUI u Li COUNTS No. 40 IGERMANS IKE ii SLOW ADVANCE l f Von Hindcnbury Not Yet Able to Force a Passage of the I Dvina, in Galicia WICHQLASlEAVES Grand Duke Removed From Position as Commander-in-Chief Starts for Caucasus RUSSIA CLAIMS A VICTORY Allege to Have Inflicted n Kuvcro Dereal. I'pon tho Teutons -1'nrlH States thai. I'Vcneli Lost. Homo Tionrhes tu Severe Attack Hr AwndatM rim to Cool Pr Tlmaa. LONDON, Sept. SL Tho Gorman center in Russia Is moving forward slowly by virtue of sustained pres sure, but In tho north Vnu Hindcn htirg Is still unable to force a pas sago of Dvlnn, In Gnllcla. Tho Russians allege they Inflicted n se vere defeat upon tho Teutons, (rami Diiko Lenvo Grand Duke Nicholas, removed ns Commiimler-ln-Chlof, today was on his way to his new hondquartors In the Caucasus. Pending further de velopments tho Russian and lingHali press nro iiuuhlo to fathom Just what the transfer means. Attacks (bo French In the west thu Germans attack ed tho French 'Hues In tho Argonua region "with great ferocity," ac cord'ug lo ParlB, which admits los Ing some troneheB. 1'IIYKICIAX UKflliH I'HH OF THIiRIA ANTITOXIN DIP. Says Twenty-Thousand IHo Kvory Year lleeiiuso It Is Not Given In Tliuo III Awn. tatrsl I'ioi lo ram IU Tlmn. ROCIIIiSTIiR, N. Y Supt. 9. Twenty thousand lives nro lost in tho United States each year through do ijuy in use of dlptherla antitoxin ac cording to Dr. C. li. Wlnslow of tho Now, York Stiito Department of Health, who addressed the American Public Health Association on "Tho Laboratory In the Sorvlco of tlio Stato." "Tho dovolopnie.it of tho Public Health Laboratory during tbo past, twenty years has been a rapid ono," said Dr. Wlnslow. "In tho labora tory diagnosis of dlptherla, tuborcu losls ami typhoid fever, and many wore making examinations for other dlHOilSOS. Should Investigate "The laboratory Bhoiild not only dbiKiioKu cum.uiiulcublu diseases, but provido the sura and vaccines avull able for tho cure or prevention of i many of them. In this respect tho Slate Dopartmeuts of Health havo miulu .unci, loss rapid progress. Nineteen Stale laboratories manufac ture and dlstrlbuto the vuccino for typhoid fuvor, hut dlptherla antitox in Is fur loss generally used through out thu country than it should bo. Twenty thousand lives are lost In tbo United Stiitos oauh year through delay In tho n.o of this essential and effective remedy. Need Moro Money "Tho appropriations for laboratory work are still woefully inadequate. Missouri mid Tuiiuossee spend only $2500 ouch for tholr public health laboratories, whllo Massachusetts spends $50,800, Tho per capita ap propriations range from loss than ono tuuth of a cent In llllunlso m.d Miss oiiri to ovur five cents In Nevada and Vermont. Tho functions of tho pub He health laboratories aro growing mid multiplying, tho uharacter of its work Is becoming moro exact and rigorous, its problems of research moro taxing nnd more uumoroi's. An npproprlutlou of botweeu out, ! two cents per capita u.nountlng to ono-flfth of tho total appropria tions for Stato public health work, should bo provided for tbo laboratory In order to socure efficient service, F LOU II SALli Qn Saturday, Soptombor 11 will soil Imperial Flour, $1.30 cash, livery sack guaranteed. HAINES. QELnMnOEnT ten. of eoc-n.ment as a causo of