J'-MMhW-t Ul,.; .. BETTER MEATS-That's BETTER SERVICE That's what we give BETTER PRICES--The best the m arket will permit What more do you want? PHONE US YOUR MEAT ORDERS PALACE MEAT MARKET phone 406 J 180 No. Broadway Children culling nl telephone orders given special attention The NoM To-Night "A Pleasant Place to Spend tho Exciting." Robeil Kdcsoii and Clara Whitney In David Beluseo's spectacular drama THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME As produced by (Diaries Prohiuun at tlio Empire Theater, New York City. In producing tlio Beroon version of this first nml greatest success of David Dehisce, nulthor effort nor nionoy has been spared. It's i nlrtui'o extraordinary and ono that everybody should see. 3000 FKUT LONG! 150 PEOPLE! 1150 SCENES. Two other reels or comedy will ho Included in this ovonlng's nll-foatuio program. UPSTAIRS OR DOWN, 15 CENTS. CHILDREN, 5 CENTS Coming Wednesday: Gaby Deslys In the Paramount feature "Her Tiliiinph." . o I -umrmma-smsaiilammmMaaxil HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 nn commutation nn lJ TICKETS, S2.00. U Mnrsliflcld-Xortli Ucnd Auto Lino Curs every ten minutes from II n. in. to 11! p. m.; to South Slouch onco n day, leaving nt 11 n. in.; to Kutpiro tlireo trips a day. GORST & KINO, Props. CHINOOK SALMON TODAY'S CATCH AUo all kinds of deep hen fish, nhrii avallahle. FISHERMAN'S MARKET; Phono lit) DRY WOOD nt CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street l'liouo 271) FISK RED TOP BICYCLE TIRES $2.75$3.10 FISK Marie a little better, a little better grade of rubber, a little better fabric, better methods of manufacture that's why You Get More Mileage From Fisk Tires THAT'S WHY practically every stage auto line in South western Oregon uses FISK TIRES. THAT'S WHY more FISK TIRES are sold in Coos County than all other makes combined. THAT'S WHY FISK TIRES have made good in Coos . County. And you also get Fisk Service that is SERVICE and not merely talk. Compare New Low Prices With Others Size Tires Tubes '30x3 $ 9.00 $2.35 30x3 $11.60 $2.70 32x31; $13.35 $2.80 34x3i $14.90 $2.95' 34x4 $19.40 $4.00 36x4 $20.50 $4.15 36x4i'. $27.35 $5.20 37x5 'k l)-.stiiilt0l. siitheslcrn Oregon f'OltST & kixq OAK AGE, North what we furnish e Theater Take Care of Your Stock IXTEHXATIOXAL STOCK FOOD will keep your stock in good eoudltlon anil save you money. Three feeds for ono cent. Will wivo you !!" bushels of grain in n year. THE BUSY CORNER The Rexall Store I'houo Ut)H 11 it It 1 d Deliver y SAVE MONEY by ordering tlio famous HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, per ton J? 1.00 Lump coal, per ton $.'.150 Or half ton of both 91.75 1. MUSSOX, Prop. Phono 18-.T or leave orders nt Hlllycr's Cigar Store. Havo your LETTER heads, hill1 heads, etc., printed at THE TIMES ill office. i WHY TIRES ARE $32.30 THE GUNNERY llend Agents KIME AXD YOX S. G. WIHTSETT, llnnd"ii Agent EXTRA TROUSERS are n good Investment hut if they are DUTCHESS THOUS ERS, a SPLENDID Investment. Wo are now showing the now Kail Styles a tremendous variety of these nation-fumed, warranted Trousers. You will nolo some ovrep tlouidly sinaiL models imiomr them styles tliat could not nrdiuarily lie duplicated at dotiblo the price. Dutchess values are more marked than over, Woolen Mill Stores TWO STORES MARSHFIELD NORTH BEXD TO-NIGHT FINNISH HALL EIGHT O'CLOCK Gerald Hnut Baritone ' Jens Sevely Violinst Henrik Gjerdrum at the piano Admission 50 cents. Free Air. Filtered Gasoline. Open Evenings Open Sundays BETTER $6.25 Fisk Distributors Southwestern Oregon PEGKHT, Coqiilllo Agents SEPTEMBER TIRES ! Time and heights of tides nt Marshfleld. Tlio tides ore placed in 'order of occurrence, with tliclr times ,on the first Hue and heights on tho second line of ench day. A compar ison of consecutive heights will In tdlcato whether It is high or low 'water. High tldo on tho bar one iioui ami u-i minutes earner innn Cllrs. 0.32 0.2 0.0G G.O o.r.o n.i 1.31 r..i i;.:u 2.0 1.10 i.r. 1.41 1.8 2.11 G.l 0.0 0.0 7.17 1.5 7.r.7 1.2 S.HG 0.8 Ft... Tlllrs., Ft. . , 8'Hrs., (Ft.., alllrs.. !Ft.., 1.2 7.10 o.o 7.41 0.0 8.10 0.1 : I: WEATHER FORECAST Br AmscIU1 rttn to Coot Hit Tlran. OREGON Fair. except probably sliowcrs northwest. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECOIID For tho 24 hours ending nt 4:4i n. m., Spt. (!., by UetiJ. Ostllnd, special government meteorologist: Maximum 08 Minimum 42 At 1:43 a. m 42 Precipitation . . . 00 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1015 03 Precipitation e&mo porlod last year 00 Wind: Northwest, clear. ! Observe Labor Day. Tlio banks wore closed today and tho post of fice open only between 9 and 10 a. in. nnd there wore no deliveries lu tho city hecauso of this being Labor Day. Thcso were practically tho on ly observances in Marshfiold of tho legal holiday. tilings Xew Car. Lynn Lambeth returned last evening from Port land, where ho went with ills Wlnton trading it off thoro for n new 191C model which ho will use in his char tor work Ho hnd n quick run down with no delays. This morn ing Hoy Iluffncr left in his Wlnton for Portland whoro ho expects to trado it in on a new car. Huckleberries . Plentiful. Thero ,' nro probably several dozen huckle berry pics scattered through tho homes of tho city as tho results of yesterdays labors in tho highways and byways. Thero woro many par ties out picking tlio berries nnd tlio results in most cases woro vory good ! for at this tlmo of the year tho "hueklos" nro ut their best und ure vory plentiful. Motor to Drewstci' Valley. A de lightful trip was enjoyed by a party that yesterday motored out to Drow sier Vnlloy to picnic for tho day. Tlioso Included woro .Mr. nnd Mrs. 'J. T. Hnrrlgnu, .Miss Hnrrlgau, Mar Jorio Cowan, Myrtlo Cowan, Alice Curtis, Eva Drcssor, Itudolph Cop plo, William Curtis, Frank Curtis nnd W. A. Ackormnn. Tlioy return ed on tho road through Coqulllo last ovculng. ! Gets Two Ducks. Jesso I. Tor 1 roll returned with his wifo last ovon 1 Ing fom Powers whoro tlioy huvo been on n weok s vacation. Whllo there Mr. Torrcll hunted' with "Hud" Schoffnor nnd between thorn, they secured two good sized bucks. Ter rell oven tolls tho story on himself, of how ho demonstrated his Blioot- IiiB-nblllty In front of a gang of log gers nnd how tho deer finally walk ' od off into tlio brush and disappear ed from sight. 1 Go Via Drain Itouto. Mombors j of tho City Council, Carl Albrecht, i Carl Kvcrtsou ana ueorgo cook, witn City Engineer A. II. GIdloy, Prank Cntterlln nnd Stewart Lyons loft yesterday morning via tho Allegany I & Drain auto stngo to Portland I whoro todny they nro Inspecting nil Incinerator. Tlioy went In D. L. 1 Pooto's nuto und also arc expected back tomorrow ovoning over the samo road. Tlio Council meeting Is set for Tuesday ovculng. Pish Are Swirco. Tho Tallant cannery on North Pront street has not yet opened operations hecauso of tho scarcity of salmon. It is said tho fishermen In tho lower bay are .Rolling their catches on tho local market, In this way rccoiving a high er prico for tho fish. Managor John LaMuro s now rccoiving fish from up Coos lllver, the launch Mlco H bring ing them down und theso uro botng pnekod for shipment to Astoria. The cunnory hero will bo oponod us booh . as tho run warrants it. i Kingfisher, Own Captive Sev eral days ngo, last week sometime a kingfisher sailed out of tho bright j blue sky and into u door in the I Smith Terminal Dock und since I then It bus remained there, is own captive, for it fears to leave tho colling and will not descend to any j or tho doors or windows. So for days tho bird him flapped back und i forth along tho ceiling. Men on j tho dock huvo thrown sticks nnd J stones at It, trying to drive tho bird irom ino ceiling, uui it roiuses 10 go nnd may btarvo Itself to death under the roof, Celestial Takes .Oath. Clulmlng that a fellow countryman had gotten away with about $13.50 lu cash u Chinaman culled up the police sta tion early this morning, demanding what could bo done. Ho bolloved 1 tho man expected to leavo on tho early morning train for tho Valley. Chief Carter wont to tho train, , soarchod through the cars but found , neither Chinaman nor money. Tho I alleged loser claimed to be a laundry- ! man on north Second street and said that the other man had been work- , ing for him. Tells of Pi'uulc Cuso. Constable Cox has received from Thomson, Georgia, several copleB of Tho Jef- fcrsonlnn, a weekly published by Tom Watson, and the Issue is glvln over entirely to a review of the Leo Frank case. The stand is taken that Frank was guilty and the claim is made that he did not denj his guilt when asked about It. Just before his hanging. "Tlio law forfeited this man's life for a horrible crime, and ho has paid It. Tluifs all. Now let ouUldciri attend to their own business and leave ours alone,"is a final statement. New Thought Cult. Austin M. llarrit of Kansas City arrived here n few days ago with a view to start ing a Spiritualist or New Thought Cult on the Hay. He is n friend of Mr. Cole of Dclmnr. Cut Ills Hand. Leonard llrookler aged S years and son of Mr. and Mrs. ntlj. n. lJrooklcr residing near the Eastslde mill, Is suffering nn injur ed band which lie hurt with a hatchet. Unto Truck Arrives. Tlio new' Bulck auto truck arrived at flood-j rum's (laiago yesterday and Inter i In the day was taken to Ilandon by. M. D. Sbcrard. It was purchased' by Mr. Davison and will be used in the mall service between Llandon nud I Gold Bench. Hen Wlllcy Here. Hen Wllloy for merly engaged In the plumbing biisl-l ness here ns n member of tho firm of Wllley & Schroeder, but who left tho Hay about eighteen months ngo to locato in Canada, has returned here. Ho says ho expects to remain on the Day. Conditions in Canadn nrc very bad nnd Scattlo Is also feel ing tho business depression keenly. t PERSONAL MENTION X 4 $ DnUNO LANOE of Myrtlo Point was a Marshfiold visitor today. AltCHIE PHILLIPS or North Demi was a Marshfiold business visitor today. PltANK PAGE left this morning for Valley points whoro ho goes eall- ing on tho trndo. MRS. H. C. NOI1LE sailed yesterday on the steamship Kllburn for a visit ut the exposition, A. H. POWERS left on tho morning train, returning to Powers after n weok cud visit nt homo. MHS. It. N. KENTON nnd little son returned yestcrdny from nn ex tended visit with relatives. MRS. J. W. HONEY loft yesterday for Pluck Klver Pnlls, Wis., whore she will spend tlireo months with hor parents. ETTA JAMES nnd Ros0 Lllllo, of Tumulo, were passengers north on tho Brcnkwuter yesterday morn ing for Portland. P. T. .McMULLEN and Rita und May. McMullen, of Denmark, loft on tho Breakwater yesterday morning for Portland for a visit. CAPTAIN N. J. CORNWALL came in this morning from tlurdlnor to sco how tho new pussenger bout, tho Atlas, is working. GEORGE SEHLIU sailed on tho Kit burn yesterday morning to Bpend his vacation nt tlio fnlr. He will bo gono about two weeks. MIS8 ELVIRA KltlSJEEN returned to tlio county sent this morning, to her work in tho sheriff's office after a weok end visit at homo. MISS URSULA FARR1NGHK ex pects to leave on tho Santa Clara tomorrow for Portland where sho will enter St. Helens Hall for tho school year. WM. DOYLE who has boon working nt Turheol cump left yesterday for Btirllngamc, California, whoro ho will visit for nwhllo nnd tnko In the Snn Francisco fair. i MR. AND MRS. GEORGE RAINES nnd children of South Fifth Stroot nro spondlug u fow days with Mrs. Raines' parents, Mr. and Mrs. It, A. Harrison of RIvortou. LIEUTENANT BLANKENSHIP und Mr. Bascom, of tho govornniont ra dio sorvlco, arrived hero Satur day ovoning from Mare Island und nro looking over wireless sites. II. P. HOBY and W. It. Fontaine, engineers of tho Willamotto Pn clflc, after nu Inspecting trip over tho lino from Eugene, loft out this morning via Rosohurg, roturnng. MRS. MARY DAVIS of Kansas City is visiting at tho home of her brothor, L. V. Colo, nt Delmnr. Ills mother Is expected horo soon to spend somo time at his homo. W. S. TURPEN wont back to Pow ers this morning to see about tho work on tho now BChoolhouso. Ho! on tlio now BCltoolhouso. Ho! his rlflo with him, fearing, might be a stray buck In thu a KOinnwlinrn. I took there woods somowhero C. E. GODIN, territorial ropreaenta-' tlvo for tho Ford Motor Co., is iiij tho city on business with I. It. i Tower mo Foru agent Hero. Ilo brought along another shipment of now Ford stories. It. B. DIXON nud son of Rosohurg havo arrived hero lu their machine ' for u visit nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Lothard McClure. Mr. Dixon is nn undo of Mrs. McClure, They will visit for u time on tlio Buy. II. .M. SHAW, M. I)., E)i, Eur, Xoso and Throat Specialist. Will he ut Guei'iu Hotel, Myrtlo Point, Fri day and Saturday, Kept. 10 and II, and Powers, Sept. i:.', Sunday, Glasses fitted. PURE SWEET APPLE CIDER delivered to your home. Phono -IOL I NEW TODAY J $ i FOR HENT Squill rooming house.! Furniture for sale. Phono 113. 'OR RENT Rooms and apt. I teas ouublo. Teachers solocltcd, Phone 113. FOR SALE Furniture, of I room house and liouso for rent. Apply "H" Times office. WANTED Cupublo porter tit Blanco Hotel. Apply E. Ferry, Blanco Hotel. , WANTED Girl work. Apply for general house Uow Why. A Word of Advice to the Thinking Man You can get. more value in Men's, Ladies' Hoys', (Jills' and Children's clothes, Shirts, lla(s (Hows, Shoes, in fact, anything you need to wear at tho ,1. C. PEXXEV STORE than elsewhere. COMIC IX AND MAKE IS PROVE IT. Men's new Fall Suits. You (nn pay nioi e, but you can't get more. SO. IP. S7.t), 8.1)0' SIMM), R!.50, SI 1.75, .SKI.otl. Hluo serge, all wool French serge, sponged and shrunk, worth ut least one-third moie, SIMM), SIU.50, S 11.75. Men's Hats. Wo buy hats for S3 busy stores and sell them at 18c, SLID, l.t)H, S'J.ID Men's Dress Shirts. Dundy patterns and worth one-third more, He, DHe, 81. 111. Tlio latest In Ladles' Stills. Wo buy these for 83 busy stores nnd thercforo we sell thorn to you for very near what they I Tho Originators of Low Prices tylS. 9ieifizeu -iSo l"l I III 1 1 II NEXT DOOK TO MAItSIiriELD POST OFFICE DOES IT PAY? To Pay Cash For Your Groceries We say that it does and anyone that is trading at our store will agree with us. Give us your trade this month and we will show you that it PAYS TO PAY CASH. We are going to demonstrate Dependable Flour next week. Watch for date. ' Getting's Cash Grocery North Broadway $$ t FOR RENT 1 $ FOR IttiXT Cliofro Five Doom Fur nlshcd apartment. Hot water and water' heat. W. S. Nicholson, Broadway und Aldor Avonuo. FOR IIF.XT 'J.room apartments, steam hent nnd furnished, $15.00 and $18.00, Inqulro npt. 10, Mat lock Rpts, 2nd and Commercial. FOR KENT Myrtle Anus modern furnished apartments freo boat and water $22, CO pot month up. I ' it ,.,,.. I X WAN I cU i LiAAAAiAAAiLAAAAAA!! ' SCHOOL DIST. Xo. 18, ut FlnuMuff requires services of an experienced toucher for tho coming year. Ap ply with references to E. L. Mc Cluro, clerk School Board No, 1, Lockhurt bldg. WANTED StroiiK woman or tflrl to euro for Invalid Indy. Phono 1171 North Bond. WANTED Roomers by day or Meek. Marshfiold IIouso. Helen Harvey. Breakfust served. Phono 137-L. .... , 'VN ,;l''l,'M'en;ucel oi.l ndiiers. Apply leaver Hill Cou Co., Bea- fir Hill. WANTED Teams at Hnndon, Ore., to haul 0x8 ties -two trip haul, A. P. Estnbrook Co,, phono 121 if FOR SALE t FOR SALE White Leghorn Ileost' ers from Imported eggs from rec ord lions. Phono DM. FOR SALE Aerated froli milk, lit cents pur gallon delivered on tho whurf, Marshfiold, No udvanco lator. R, A. Church; phono 303-XX-l. FOR SALE By owner, nt n sacrifice two lots in Plat C und three lots lu Plut B, Excellent location; must bo Hold to settle estuto. No reasonable offer refused. Lots cleur and abstract up to date. Ad dross W. B. Hamilton, It. P. D., Box 40, Echo, Oregon. s FOR SALI'J Blanco rooming house. 00 rooms; on easy terms. Or will j truuo tor buuudiq real estate in FOR TRANSFER AXD STOR AGE OP HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AXD BAGGAGE Cull . FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono Hiit Residence Phone 1U-J Market Ave. and Waterfront cost our competitors. Como in, try them, examine them, com pare them with others at half the price more, 0.1)0, Sl2.no, SI 1.75. Ladles' Winter CoatB. Tho latest cut in all materials, weaves and styles, worth dou ble tho price, 1.08, 85.00, 7.00, S8-IM), SIMM), SliJ.SO, M75. Oue-plccc dresses, silk and wool, sergo bottom, worth dou ble tho prico, 88.1)0. Dlack Messalluo one-piece dress. A dandy, Sl.t)8. Silk nud wool poplin dress, worth doublo tho price, Sil.DS, 81.1)8. ' Wo lend Others Follow I Hi I I I Near Central Ave. Marshfiold. Apply E. E. Ferry. Blnuco Hotel. $$ I FINANCIAL $ 44444444t MOXEV Will huy short time notes or first mortgage. 201-2 Coko Bldg. Pioneer Hardware Co. CASH PRICES OX A FEW OF THE .STAPLE AltTICLKS Other G'oods Priced In Proportion (Comparo thcso prices with our competitors or malt order houso prices.) Wiro Nails. Bubo, JjM.OB por Icog; Cut nulls, $:(.()() por keg. Rotall, per pound .4c, Sash Weights. 4 Por pound , . . . . -C Barb Wire. Heavy galvnnlzod, SR.-IO por 100 lbs;i 80 rofl spool heavy, VU.uo. SO rod (Jn nn light...... ... , ,, . , .tDfcibv uaivanizcii Pipo, price por 100 ft., 1-2, si.no, 3-4 ijfj.no. 1 inch .... .$8,25 Lime, $1.90 par bhl. Cement, $2.90 per bbl. Ex, Suporlor Manila Itppo, D-8 Inch and larger 1K Por pound uC Strictly pure boiled linseed oil, 70e per gullon. Turpcntino per gullon 65c Pioneer Whlto Lead, ftm nr 100-lb. kegs pUi&3 Pioneer l'uro Mixed Paint, gal., 1.75. 1-2 gallon, UOe. Cfln Quarts UUb Pnp-A-Luo Floor and Porch Paint, 1-2 gullon, ooe rn uuarts. 3(JG Tho vory highest quality Tho vory highest grudo Roofing Pupcr, 1-2 ply, 1.00 bq. 1 ply, i.io. ha rn -i"y Ipi0U Vulvolino Gus Engine Cyl Oil. Tho very highest grudo. pp Por gullon ,. ..DOG WEDGEWOOD STEEL ItAXGES. Classic, regular. ?52.00. fhM nn Special (jHrlUU Rival, regular $32. DO. fjtnP tin Special ptUiUU Glvo us your business Hnd justify us .lu making these prices. Thcso Prices will chuugo with tho market, Pioneer Hardware Marshfiold, Phono 101, Co.. North Bond, P'hpno -101, J