iBimfflLffliia mmummmmt- 1 ivs? niiminiii'! t.i ISiMUMUXtiidMZteMSMlMill liii LU, OREGON, MONDAY; SEPTEMBER 6, 1915 EVENING EDITION IWU TF,ECOOirBAY TIMES, MARSHFIE :i ah .t:i j-jh v'T M'i I 4 'jfft''Jff lit vkK 4 JtHETwH jQwfHwHSRl WRKHw3fi!Witi ,-. jCOOS BAY TIMES M. C. MALONEV, Editor nud Pub. DAN E. MALONEV, News Editor Offlclnl Official I'npcr of Vnpcr City Cooq County I of Mnrshfleld. Entered nt ttio Fostofflco at Marsh- field, Oregon, for through tho mails as mnll matter. transmission second-class X NEWS OF NEARBY TOWti X $$$ NEWS OF ALLEGA.W y (Special to Tlio Times) A crow of men nro moving out the 1 last of the Could donkey engines. Geo. KniRo In run nine the machine. They will renrh Allegany today. They nro "fixing" the road and tele phono lino n plenty. Jack Nowlln will begin on his now house in n few days, lie has the excavation made across the rond from his present plnco of residence. Will Elckworth is to build it. Karl Mny and wife have ronio down from Elkhorn where they have been spending a couple of months. Russia, Great Hrltnln and Franco Tncv fought with them some deer sign nn agreement thnt none of the ilorim IU1, (antity 0f bottled and three would make ponco without the ,rv venison. Ho reports tho deer consent of nil three nations. very scarce now In Hint section. Tho Maubeuge, ono of the ninln fort- ,nf.s nro in (ii0 ijmsli now puting resses of the Helglun-Frcnrh Hon- ,,oIl. j,oniH. We had n slight tier, resists bombardment despite mc sprinkle of rain yesterday hut destruction of threo forts. ! enough to lav the dust. ' A Ilcrlln official announcement ' - J I SHIPPING NEWS X !$ X AT THE HOTELS UN WO ITi riiMiidlci' Hotel Hny llernlmrdt. Onrttiner: .Clif ford I'crkins, Gardiner. J. 12. Co wan. Lakeside; Avn .Holmes. San , Jose, Mrs. Clcorgo Joliiison and .1U .. 1.1 ... It !... t. t... Ill iMMVr. iirmi i.Mifwi iniiTi,.vii"""K"i-,r. wnsiioiigui; wm. niggs, X EUROPEAN WAR ONE X X YEAR AGO TODAY X $ SEPTEMBER .", 10M YEKTERDAV MORNING Sails at 1 I'. M. Willi Several for Exposition Curries .Much Fi eight I'ro m .Vint li From Portland the steamship Kll- llllrn Pnillnttl MnfMnllllll Mt'rlvn.l In yesterday morning and left out ll'liensoii. Portland. S. T. Williams, again ubout l'::in In the nfternoon. , J-hubIoIb: Daniel Milton. Ilantlon: 1JW rnltooil rntislilninliln Itinnnvnii. i ' R- Reynolds. Portland: .Mrs. N. Hosehurg; It. F. Nnrrntnll, Port land; C. W. Hyde, Snn Francisco: Sadlo Powell, Koscburg; C. Hriim flold, Rosoburg; W. II. Keller, 12u gene; II. P. Iloey, Eugene; H. (!. Stlckney, Corvnllls: E. J. Uedell. Sacramento: II. W. Martin, Seattle: W. AleCord. Ashland: F. 1). Ste- snillng south from hero states that the Germans have occu pied llholtns, 100 miles northcaBt of Paris, without fighting. London states that Gorman ships hnvo Hunk 15 Ilrltlsh fishing boats. Switzerland mobilizes her nrmy In order to malntan peace. Tho Wilson passenger liner Runo, n. BTltlsh ship, strikes a mlno In tho North Sen and nil tho COO pnsscn gcrs and crow except 120 are snved. In Petrogrnd it is claimed tho Rus sians dofeated tho Austrlans, tak ing 5,000 prisoners. COUNTY SEAT NOTES News of OkiiiIHo Told In Hie Sentinel of Thnt Clly SEPTE.MUER (I, 11)1 1 Roports from Ilorlin declnro tliat tho Allies before Paris tire in full re treat closely followed by the Ger man nrmy. German losses In a battle nt Thls selt, Helglum, are placed nt 3,000 men. It is reported Hint the Germans dm riitifcklnir the forts at IXalluv and that Emperor William tinil Ills' general Btaff nro watching opera tions. Tho French fleet bombards tho fortifications nt Cnttaro, uu Austrian Hungarian seaport. Tho Ilrltlsh forolgn office declares that nlno neutral vessels havo been destroyed by German mines. Tho Russians claim to havo sunk several Gorman torpedo bontB Tho light crulsor Pathfinder of tho Drltish navy with 2C8 men aboard is blown up by n mine. Tho foreign offlco announces that Drltish casualties during the war tip to Sopt. 1 havo boon 15,151, Tho Gormnns demand war contri butions from French cities ns fol lows: Lille, fl,400,000; Amions, $200,000; Amcutloru, $100,00; Lens, $110,000. I LUM IIEII 8UHSTIT UTIiS AS COOS HAY depends largely upon the lumber Industry nud will continue to in tho future tho following statement regarding lumber substitutes from an exchange will bo gratifying: "It has been stated u number of times that tho market for lumber -was growing loss, becnuso of the liiuny construction substitutes for Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Kern, Clifford Kern und Edna Ray returned last Saturday from n tw weeks' camping trip on tho Dandon bench. Stanley Rartlctt, who used to be with tho Johnson Mill Co. is back tin in Coos county and may go to work again In this valley. T. W. McCloskoy writes that ho is now located In Portland and will spend tho winter there. Ills daughter Myrl ho roports much Improved In health. Mrs. McCoskey and tho rest of tho family nro spending a few weeks nt one of the Mt. Hood sum mor resorts. It Is announced that tho Insurance company In which tho Louvro res taurant hero wns Insured when des troyed by firo n month ago, will not ,imy tho $1,000 'policy until after tho grand Jury meets and makes an investigation of thnt affair. Judgo G. F. Sklpworth, or Eugene will bo hero Mondn September 13 to hold tho Soptombor term of the circuit court for Coos county. Ho takes Judgo Coko'B place for this term In order to pass upon a number of cases In which tho latter has n personal interest. loneo on the trip down, especially off the liars. The passengers from the north for Coos Hny were: S. Israel, II. II. Donahey, F. .Monroe, J. lllake, Mrs. R. N. Fenton, J. Teuton, Miss Helen Rocs. S. Carlson. W. Cord. II. Mar- not tin. Thdse were. Harper' Million, P. Lund, .Mrs. L. L. Mnliou, Miss Ross Million, 11. M. Sonsen, Robert McCnnn, Mrs. R. Mc Cann, .Myrtle E. Pratt, Mrs. Hollo Ilealy, .Miss A. L. Cox, Mrs. E. M. McColloch, .Mrs. II. C. Noble, Miss Hazel Mason, Mrs. Crosthwalte, Miss M.ixino lloutell, Geo. Sellg, R. Mc- George, Y. Gleason, John Smith, S P. IJnrtlott, Wm. Doyle, C. W. Wnr- nor, Wanda Winner, A. Walliunn, Andrew Fotichy, Mrs. C. A. Van Mnr- BREAKWATER SMS STEAMSHIP TEHDAY LEAVES OUT Y FOR PORTLAND :s. Curries Good Passenger List mill Freight. Cargo Unci; on Ho- turn Trip Friday The steamship Drenkwator, Cap tain Macgenn, left out yesterday morning nt eight o'clock for Port land. She carried 24 passengers and qulto a bit of dairy prqducts from tho Coqulllo Valley. Tho passongors north woro: Joan Fltzgornld, Nick Matson, Jno. Klrkpntrlck, Margaret O'DonoII, Mrs. II. M. Harry, M. C. Dresser, XV. Ackley, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Stotzon- bnugli, Mrs. Jno. Honey, Adollno Leader, J. A. Collier, Win. Norrls, Etta Jones, R. Lilly, H. E. Qulnn, Mrs. Hanson, Elslo Rrinkuin. Mrs. Ida Conrad, Mrs. Edna Lowell, Mrs. McMullcn Miss MeMullon, Mr. McMullcii. D. Singleton, Poitlnnd; F. T. Mr Mullen, Denniark; Rita MeMullon. Denmark; .Mny .MeMullon, Denmark. St. Lawiciirc Hotel Paulino Fry, C'ouullle: Alice Hay, Coqitlllo; Mr. and .Mrs. X. S. Cut lip, Coos River; S. H. Andrews and wife, Portland; Leonard F. Lltkle, Portland; Mrs. J. A. Smith nud son, Coos River; A. Dliss, Coqullle; .Mr. and .Mrs. C. Day, St. Louis. Llojd Hotel T. G. Murphy, Powers: Esther Roberts. Conulllo: Roy Perkins, Handon; II. C. Harris, Tuninlo, Dick Johnson, Couullle; Ed Vnrhrough, Heuver Hill; I). L. Rooney, Denver Hill; G. W. Reaver, Heaver Hill; Harry Smith, Taconin; Ralph Smith, Tncoma; Roso Llllie, Tumulo, 12ttn James, Tuinalo; O. (1. Garrett. Chi cago! Henry Russell, Hnndon. Hliiuco Hotel John Wilson, Coijullle; M. J. Cariuichnel, North Inlet; George A. Hinko, Catching inlet; Clcon Stcckel, Eantslde; Miss L. Robblns, Snn Fianclsco; O. II. Howe, Salem; I M. A. MeLuiighlln, Portland; P. L.I Lacey, .Montreal; Sam Wilson, Hlue Rldgo; Sam G. Downey, AlcKlnlcy: II. Hunch, Dener Hill; Charles Swaiison, Hlue Rldgo; Fried Nletue, Hlue Rldgo; L. S. Taylor. Powers. &a4Mum m iiii1111! hi'. i"i"ni, rf!55 IRVING BLOCK Large Express Shipments of New FaSS Suits Arrived Today We have a big collection to show you in all the ad vance styles for fall wear. Models to suit all figures, made of the very latest materials in all the new fall col ors. We guarantee every garment as to style, fit and workmanship. All Spring and Summer Suits to be Closed Out at Two Prices One lot of Suits. Yourtfc Another lot of Suits, 4 A choice at Your choice at P v LADIES, this will h, yuiii- ln-l opporlitnil) to gel such beautiful Suits ut Mich ridiculous pi Ice. . In the .SI 0,0(1 Hue ,on will liud late Spilng Snils ultli n few exceptions. The models are nil gocid, i!u materials ale (inbenllnes, Serges, wide Wales und black mill uhile t 'hecks, (iiiuil ruiige of colors. Regulai' prices range from .siy.r0 up to S!7..ll. Tk T They mo the lie.st values inn ever saw. Your Zh n SB B BBl f rf v v -w choice to clean tiiein mil at In the S.'.OO line ,uitt will Hud nil Into .spiiug nd siiiiiiuei' models. Regulai' prices lioui .SI(J.r,o up (n .S-I..il , ami smuo lieaiilil'ul cloth Milts wlilcli mo uol I coin the nasi, .sluing, mil Willi smuo changes can he made un lo date. The cloth suits in i go I'ioiii .S-7.."0 up to S.VJ.rii). Vour choice lo (lean them out ut I t II II WIIIV $5.00 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Dr. A. L. Houseworth, I'liystcinu jiixi hurgeoii Office: Irving Jlloclc. I Office hours: it to IS a. in.; 2 to1 I and 7 to 8 p. m, I Phonos: Offlco llil-.I; Res., l-UJ-L. XHW ACTIONS AT LAW As usual, just before the session of tho circuit court, thoro has been u rush to file suits at law. Tho fol lowing Is tho llBt: Hay Realty company, n corpora tion vs Esther Mnud Titrpou und Win. S. Turpon. Suit to forcloso mortgage. D. Scott vs Qua Warthum. Appeal from J. P. court No. J. First National Dank of Coos Hny vs Mat Anderson and Ida S. Andor lumber In tho way of steel, con-, son. Suit to forcloso mortgugo. creto and brick, that were being Agnos Potera ovocutrlv of tlm es- used more generally ovory day. To tntJfeaA , . v8,0 , ,? theso peoplo wo would call the at- , , ' tentlon of tho following statistics of',!lnm (Jrn'. Leorgo W. James, J. W. tho Htato of Now York alone. They i Hoiisomnii und Minnlo lloiisoinnn. uro authentic, coming direct from Suit to forcloso mortgage. tho Htntlstlcal department of that cbnrllo F. Ellerheck vs Florenco state. Now iork producea less than ,,,., ll,,,, ..,. . , one-third of tho raw material used I Mararcl l"orheck. Suit for divorce, in her wood Industries. Tho btnto , ' " Squibb & Sons, n corpora Js using yearly more wood per cup- itlou vs J. L. Rrown anil Robert XV. ita uian over omoro. .More man swnnton, partners, doing business iwiro nn iiiucu wuuu pur iieisun is ' ,. used now than was used fifty years ,,H 1Jrow" I)n,K commny. ago. More than six times iih much1 Paciflo Commnndery No. 10, NEARLY STRUCK PIER Steamer Kllhtu-ii' f'e(s Into Close Qimileis in Fog. When tho steamer F. A. Kllburn from Portland, arrived early Sunday morning, sho cnino up the bay In it dense fog and very nenrly run Into ono of tho piers of tho Southern Pacific bridge. It was tho same ono which tho steamer Yellowstone struck when tho plor wus being be ing built. Tho cnptaln of tho Kllburn saw tho pier loom up In tho fog Just tu time to back up and avoid the collision. J. M. Wright Phono 188-11 UUILDIXG, COXTRACTOU Estimates furnished on request Dr. H. M. Shaw Ejo, Ear mid Throat Specialist GLASSES FITTED Phono iiiSU-J. Rooms 00-01 Irving lllock. DR. SIATTIB II. SHAW. riiyMcliin and Surgeon Phono ilDO-J. Offlco hours by uppolntinont. Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. STEAM SPEEDWELL SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO FROM ' THURSDAY, SKPTU.MRKR DTI I .XT MARSHFIELD, i xoox PASSENGER SERVICE ONLY San FrancNco Office, (IOO Fife Hullding, nud Pier Number it Coos Bay Agent, C. F. McGEORGE, Phone 44- EUREKA GOES SOUTH Vessel Formerly Mulc'ng This in a Now Service Port wood Is used lu Xow York ns Is used In Germany, and more than ten times as milch as is used in Great Hrltulu. Of t WITH THE TOAST Z AND THE TEA X - GOOD EVEXIXG Men moving In nu official circle are apt to become merely official not to say iirnitrary Lincoln. 4 :i Knights Toinplnr vs. G. Gllbortson, J. A. Jncobsou nud S. Kogstnd. John 1). (loss vs Joseph XV. Conch. Martha Taylor vs Simpson Lumber Company. Xutlonnl Sales Co., vh II. Mnncelt nud George .Maiu'elt. First National Rank of -Coos Hay vs ( C. Carter, XV. P. Murphy, Ste phen Galller, P. Haurahnii nud K. M. Gnlllor. Coqullle Sentinel. A Portland paper has tho follow ing about the Uurokn which at ono tlmo ran Into Coos Hay: On tho arrival of the steamer Eu- iroko, of tho Oregon & California Shipping Company's fleot, about October 1U, sho will bo prepared to load un undordeck cargo of flour for the West Const, in tho servico of Sudden & Chrlstonsen. She also goes to tho plant of tho Crossett Western Lumber Company, which has her under contract for n year, to work a deckload" or lumber for tho West Coast. Tho Eurokii will bo tho fourth steamer dispatched from here by Sudden & Chrlstensen In n now monthly schedulo Inaugurated by that company from Portland to South American ports. CALVE:; ARE DYING Benjamin Ostlind coxsurrixo engineer and ARCHITECT.1 Offices, 20C Irving DIock. Phono 103-L or 2C7-J. Marshflold, Oregon. H. G. Butler ' OIVI-Ti ENGINEER Room 304 Coko IJldg. Phono 14B-J. Rosldcnco Phono 3C3-L. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. Steamship F. A. KILBURN sails for SAN FRANCISCO (VIA EUREKA) SUNDAY, SEPT. r,, 1::io 1 31. Stcnmship SANTA CLARA Sails for PORTLAND TUESDAY. KHPT. r For fin (her liiforiimlliin see .SMITH TERMINAL HOCK XX'. E. STUHR, Phono l.'SO Agent W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Roouib 301 and 302, Coko Building, Marshflold, Oregon. Wm. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Marshflold, Oregon. TUG ROH.XHTS SOLD THE OLD GHI.VDSTOM Tho CoiiiiIIIci Sentinel uiivm reported that lu Curry county uilvos f Portland and will It Is stated at Florenco that the tug Robarts has been sold bv John- "Is U BOii-Andorson Co. to Mr. Zimmerman ho taken to The hardest work I ever did, If you JiimI want the fucu, Was nm n hoy 1 had to grind The nicks out of nu nxo. At early morn, I'd hear Dad's voice "Coino, llllllo! jump up quick, Tho day will soon bu started. And wo'vo not lo Blind the nick. ' I've wondorod since If boys toilii) Woro ever in such a fix; And if there's any Kiiudmonctf- -if u.ou Mt 111 have nicks. And yet 1 know that life Itself. With Fato to pluy us tricks. Is Just n grunt big xriiidMouc-- And we're nil a-grlndlng nicks. Henuott Chappie. Sonio Coos H.iy people who lulk to the Lord ovory day consider themselves too good to talk to their neighbors. are dying of an unknown disease In the Floras Creek country, 11 Is bald, many hnvo' died within the pant mouth. It sueuiH thnt u small worm first infects the throat and then the lungs of tho animal, and whou once started these worms multiply until thousands have been found lu one enrensg upon Investigation. that city lu u few days. Some of the inaclilnery used In the Jetty work was ulso purchased. This has been loaded on ono of tho largo rock barges and will be towed to Port laud by the tug. SOUTH COOS IIIVEK HOAT SERVICE LAUNCH EXPRESS leaves .Mjd'.ihflehl every day 8 n. in. Leaves head of river nt :i:in p. in. STEAMER RAINHOXV leaves hwid of Uver dally nt 7 n. in. Leaves Marhlifldd nt 2 p. in. For chnrtet' apply on board. ROGERS .V; SMITH Proprietors EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TI3IE. SAILS FROM MARSHFIFLI) DURING SF.PTE.MIJER, I.OXVS: Septenibei-.l ut 8 a. in.; September It! ut 10 n. tember II) at 8 n. m.j September till ut. to . in. XS FOL. m.; Sop- Phono 3.1-J. If. J. 3IOHR, Agent. Puget Sownd Bridge & igmg iJo- Cut This Oat It Is Worth Money YELLOXVSTONE SAILS The steamer Yellowstone, with n cargo of lumber from the North neiui Liimtior Company mill sailed I last night for Sail Francisco, cross-1 lug the bar about 7: p. in. MERCHANTS CAFE Popular Plnco for Good Meals Prices Reasonable Cor. Commercial and H'dw'y. nnMpfrlTf??1??.?: , General Construction COMPLETE, PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" the most powerful, best equipped nud most thoroughly moder. twenty-Iuch lijdratillo dredge Jr. Taclflo water. Coos Bay office, Majn 0ffjPP Marshfield, Oregon. SeattJe, Washington. It takes a Coos liny woman who has all tho closets filled with clothes to keep on ImllgnMhiK becuusu she has nothing to wear. Anothor reason for tlio high cost of living Is becniuo ovary woman wantH to be better drovsud than other wouion. XVhon ii Coos liny woman Is around thirty und still iiuimuiiod sho docs an awful lot of talking ubout "us girls," Cut out this advertisement, onotoso G ci'iilH to l-'oloy ii On.. i!35 Hluutlolil Avo., Chicago, 111., writing your nuino uiut iiilili'ovti iliarly. You wilt ro celvo in roturii u trial packago con. mining: (1) Foley's Honey ami Tar Com pound, tho Htaiiilurit family romoiljr lor roughB, cohla, croup, wliooplm; cpuKli, tightness! nmt soreinma lu cliest, grlppo and bronchial couglis. (!) Foloy Kidney l'lils. for ovor worhcil and tllsonlereil Uldnoys ami hlachler nllmciits, pain in hldua ami wide tluo lo Kidney Trouble, aoro nnueles. btlfC Joints, linckuclio nud rlicunmtlsm. (3) Foley Catliartte Tablets, a: wliplcsonio and thoroughly cleansing cathartic. l-Jspuelnlly comforting to mm iiiii. Ullll purguuvo notuiod by overibo.iy with HlugRlsh bowela nmt torpid liver. You can try thvso thrco family lemeulos for only 5c, For sale by Owl Prescription Phar inaoy. Finnic D, Cohan, Central Ave nue. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Telo- phouo 7-1. . RUSTLICR (JOES SOUTH The gasoline schooner Rustlor sailed for Port Orford ami Rogue rler Sunday, leaving at 10:110 a. in. She took frolglu for the two Currj county ports. 040 . X WtbltKN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Vacation Days 13Mi PIMC nnun,.. I ""u m GRoy EXCELLENT HOME i SWI!!? - i ionium DANCING PAVlLioi' Several lmtH ,i, , .. Marshfleld t ., Tc" b Inn In ii.n t. ,,allr"i will's nt7ccryah' Mnlvlifl,,!.! ....'. !"0tllc2. h.. " ""mil :3o Rates ivnsiiiiaWc, !,,, t b'nriuers. ,. Uumwi ? of steal,,,.,. Ralilow tW! AUTO STAll HOpT Sv.ltli .. ...1 " r inner, ioij To Poll land lttH,,....... Leave MarsliflnM ..a .. . Mondav n "u ' Tllnmlnv 7 :(M ' it, Wei i :1Il , ituiBii.iy J ,,.- Frldnv in :"H Saturday i'i ".'.'.'.',','," J1 """ i- ... 'A!..,ln 1 " ............ ,, Tlllla.l.... II "'"I Wiwtiiiiu.t.... If """' ' C'Jli Thursday in .,,, ,' ' I'rWny 17 '.'.'.','. )$, jouiiuuuy js j,j. oiiuuiiy hi .Monday 20 . Tuesday 21 . Wednesday 22 Thursday 2,'! . I Friday 21 ! Saturday 25 , 'Sunday 2G .. Monday 27 . , iTttesdny 28 . i .-. I Wednesday 20 l!:Ml Hli I.lh I:lli StlJ Mil 5:l (:!Il Mh Mli Ml J Thursday 30 i.u I.cavo (iiirdlncr ()n lfnn.i.. (On trips leavlmr MnrMi.Mu. : 8 u. in., you should nulj pJ saiiio day.) TIMR TAUI.K wiLLAMicrri: pacific mon C.Mt Hetueen .Marsbfleld und 1M1 Dally. Leavo Mttisbflold ,ff Dtilsl 7:10 n.m. ' ( f-Wt 7: no a.m. 1 j;it. S:(i0 n.m. mr D:r0 n.m. iji Rillt 10: no n.m. ' lhiit 12:0fi p.m. " ' iMli. l:-0 p.m. - i:iij. -:in p.m. J:. 3.10 p.m. : S:ll. 1:00 p.m. ' Ml); l:r.0 p.m. ' e MIf 0:10 p.m. r (:li: 7:10 p.m. ' 7:llp 7:25 p.m. Wlj: 8:20 p.m. t:llp 9:15 p.m. :!ti Hetwceu Mar&htlcld nud Xortil Lcavo I .Marshflold ,- Korti B C:30 n.m. '' Miu 7:25 n.m. . Wlf 8:0C n.m. :!u 0:05 n.m. . iu 10:05 n.m. '' l';!itS 11:05 n.m. w -ii; 12:10 p.m. J:"5 1:30 p.m. -,"1 2:35 p.m. M"1 3:20 p.m. ';,,M 4:10 p.m. ,J,f! 5:35 p.m. iMl C:D5 p.m. Marshfleld Kotu" limits only. 7:35 p.m. v 8:35 p.m. u Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savings X SI.MPSOX SAILS The steamor A. M. Simpson with ,n cargo of lumber from tho Simpson Lumber Coiiipan mill sailed for California Saturday evening. SMITH OUT The steamer Adeline Smith sull- vii amiu4. mr uuiuunn. blie ar-1 neu in Saturday and made time lu loading hur cargo, ready to leave tho mill at s and crosued the bar at 12: J 5 I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. . Local Treasurer X X X Abstracts h'mi IM'I.I.l lir L-. ,lomiin..n .... ...,.,uu .uiaruavia yjv TlxliB A.N I) AHOUTj INFUIOlATlOW ft4; COOS BAY REAL ESTATE. Spo TITLE GUAIMNTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MARSHFIELD AM) COQUILLK CITV. ORFnn4 ' LNTS, KASTSIDRAXDSKXOS'BACKKN'S ADDITION FOIl OANA1HA.V PAC.F.o RAILROAD lZ8 HKNRV S13XGSTACKK.V, .MAXAGKR GENERAL AGENTS, AGENTS quick j being a. m p. m. SPEEDWELL HERE The stonmur Speedwell arrived this afternoon and is loading lum ber at thy Smith mill. Sho will s.ul iiuui .Mnrsw luiu soptombor U for Sun Francisco, ilDUNGAN I UNDERTAKING iiH HUKI IKSiH H will ho kept H OPEN TO THE PUHLIO I 'H' A regular htato licensed H ifl unilei taker will bo lu H H clinrgo H M H1 Phono 105.J Koontz Garage Agency for '-SOODYEAR TIRES -EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES-UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty :: :: " -. Phone 180-J Marshfield-Coqu Auto Stage Leavo Owl Pharnincy Mnibhflold A.M. 7:00 0:110 Itsfl W A I 111 North Front Street p.sr. 1:00 n.ito . nnnllllHS A11 STAGE 'IIMR SCHEDl ... . . ......Inn. SWS' with Uonts to iwuui -.i Myrtle Point, WBri "l No doiays. Fnro from Marshfleld to C r vnt. Single Imboth, W J Will furnish e ' i extra trins day or b'" I charter cars. . T. J. SOAIFE (g A. A- Bn Marshfleld $$ Kstlmntes Fml rsbflelA' Pbouo 110-K. , Wi ,x