THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELfc, OREGON. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1915 EVENING EDITION FIVE Cn IE30 """1 ' kOGM IMS' F IIMIO) fir I I M 1 9 U E 3 I i I tiny, on tliolr way to tlio cnnnory nt Mm Parkcrshurg. They enmo In yester- court tiny on tho Hroakwuter from Astoria nml wcro In charge or n Chinese la hor eoutrnctor who delivers them ni the eunncry at bo nuicii per hens. -says "A good many 'guarantees of satisfaction' ought to be followed with a question mark, but the rjuarantce stands for just two things: Sat isfaction or Your Money Back, and because when you purchase here wo bolieva you expect to leave your money and keep satisfaction, we ?e'i enly such merchandise as KUPPENHEIMER Clothes CROSSETT Shoes CLUETT Shirts ARROW Collars the Fixup KKPTKMIUOIt Tim:K I Time nml heights of tides nt , Milrshflulil. Tlio titles nro placed In order of oeenrroiiee, with their times on the first lino nml heights on the 'second lino of ench ilny. A compar ison of consecutive heights will In , tllcato whether It Is high or low water. High tide on tlio hnr one hour nml 5 I minutes enrllcr than at Mnrshflcld. 10.15 3.2G Il.l 2.G ii. in i.i i ::.c .-, 12.00 Will Hold Meeting:. Sundiiy even ing, the JOpworth League of tho Methodist church will hold a rally, with Clins. II. Raymond ns leader. A special program with plenty of I good music hns heon ananged to mnko tho meeting mi Interesting one. 1 All tho young people mo Invited. es For Money. In the Justlco today Frank Durgn sued Robert Dow for $33.05 Bald to be duo on u I loan of $10. 55 made a year ago. Dow declared that ho did not gel tho mon ey mid the case Is under advisement. I Where the price is always right airsMieMNrtlh Eemd I Mrs. I Ft.., 1 ' lira. 'Ft. . r.IIrs. , ,Ft. ., OIIIlH.. Ft... THIrfl., 'Ft.., S lira. . Ft.., flllrs.. 'Ft.., (Jot's for )H'rrin. Victor Wick, man left yestordny for San Francisco and will enter Lnno hospital where Stage Itiiviks Down. Tlio stage coming from Scottshurg Into Alio-1 gany and driven by I). I. Koote had t a hi enk down near I.ooii Lulo late yesterday nftertioon and the 'boat j from Allegany did not reach here, with passengers until about u o'clock. A Word of Advice to the Thinking Man Von cim get more nliu In .Muii'm, LotUcs'', Girls' iind Children's ( lollies, Shirts, llnls, (limes, Shoes, In fact, mi) tiling 3011 ncnJ In wear n( tho .1. ('. PIIVXK.V STORK thnn oLsowlictc. COMIO IX AXD .MAKi: I'S PROVK IT. I .r.o o.s i.r.5 O.G r..i7 o.i o.:i2 0.2 o.oo n.o o.r.o r..i r..i formed. Ho Is suffering from mi affection of his skull which bothered 12.:!8 1.2 7.10 0.0 7. It 0.0 S.1G O.t n.i'i 2.:i c.:j i 2.0 1.10 1.5 1.11 1.8 2.11 r..i him once before anil on the ntlvlco of broke precusslon caps loft liy n road- 0.17 ho oxpcctH to hove an operation per 1.4 ' 10.22 11.17 ! I.C 0.0 0.0 7.1V i.r 7.r7 1.2 8.3 5 0.8 Mnko IIIk Offer. It Is known that1 the county court nt Its meeting of ' yesterday made a larger offer than j $500 to attorney 10. l.othard McCcuro on hehnlt of Paul and Luther Wy-, more, tho youngsters who found mid his physicians ho went to Snn Fran cisco to have the operation performed. frnmFzisxzzin EMEJLBfflJkUKSB The Noble Theater I Have Picture of Itulldlng. A largo picture, in wnter colors of tho proposed $25,000 Dlks Temple for Miirshfleld Is now at tho Chamber of Commerce whoro many liavb seen It 'and mado niueli favorable comment. . Oi,t,s ",,0,lt i0 uy :5C lnclu;8 nil(1 ls f'n- . lsucu in uciau, even io pigeons rosi ly , lug on - I I WKATHKR KORKCAST To-Night A Pleasant l'l.ii'o lo Spend the Kvenlii;:. The VHngruph llrouilwuy star Iratuie Til 10 KSTKKIIKOOK CASK. 'I lie nijslerj of the cii-e Is baffling;. Il rills one with a thrill of .Jojoiis surprise. A stoiy In three nets with nu iill-slur cast Imiiiiling .1 ii I til Swuyitc (Jortli n, Zcim Keenc unit Itodger Lyttoii. TIM! St IISTilTiKS An euccillnjily funny Millie Iteeves comedy TIM! GIRL KXGIXKKH One of "The Mniinls of Helen" mil- ni.ul stories. Another Keystone ( rtly, WMKX I.OVK TOOK WIXGS This new ciimle, IViitiirlu Muhcl Xnrinunil nml Knlty Aihucklo is u liiugh Iroiii .stall In Mulsh. 'Neil miisle .Mr. nml Mrs.' Anthony, lolin mid piano. Lower floor, l."c. Ilaleony, 10c. ('hllihcu, .r. Toinoitow nlgrt "llucksliiit .loliii." A superb livo-url Pma iiioiiiit. Menrst-Sell Weekly, mill good conieily. Set en reels. 'Monday "The d'lrl I Left llelilml 31c." tlf AMoclalc! Prrw to Cooi Day Tlnif J OREGON Fair, north- west winds. j LOCAL TKMPKRATUHH I RKCOIll) For tho 24 houra ending nt l:li a. in., Sept. I, by IlcuJ. j Ostllnd, spoclal government meteorologist: Mnxlmum 70 Minimum 4 1 At 4: 13 n. in fit Precipitation 00 Precipitation sinco Sept. 1. 11)1 ! 03 Precipitation iMnti period last year 00 , Wind: Xorthwest, clear. ! the roof and autos In the street. It was made by the archi tect firm of Houghtling ami Dougat. of Portland. Illy; Muck Friendly Captain Xed Galloway, of tho .North Star, says that whllo on his way up Xorth Inlot I on Wednesday afternoon n big four I point buck tamo down to the water . ... nun swmu neross mo strcnin not much ahead of the boat. To show ' (tin lit. u-na fulfill. 11.. II. A rn11... il..... stood on the bank, 30 or 10 feet from ! gaud near Flagstaff a short time ago, . Tlio offer has not ycen accepted. Thb' caso may go Into the circuit court to j ha tried at this term. One of the' boys lost the ends of tlireo or four1 fingers mid the other suffered a frao-. turcd skull. Men's new Fall Suits. You tan pny more, but you can't get more. $l.lf, $7.1)0, )&.) !,, $11.7.", lllue serge, nil wool French serge, sponged and shrunk, worth at least one-third more, $o.tH), $, .?i i.-n. .Men's Hats. Wo buy hats for 83 busy Btorcu and sell them at OHe, JjU.IO, ijtl.DH, $2.10 Men's Dress Shirts. D.indy patterns anil worth one-third more, !, OHe, .$1.11). The latest In Ladles' Suits. Wo buy these for 83 busy stores and therefore we sell thorn to you for very near what they cost our competitor!), Come In, try them, examine them, com pare them with others at half the price more. J?!).l)l, .', .f? 1 i.-n. Ladles' Winter Coats. Tho latest cut In all materials, weaves and styles, worth dou hlo tho price, $1.1)8, $5.1)0, $7.1)0, $8 1)0, $0.00, $111.50, $1 1 75. One-p'eco dresses, silk and wool, serge bottom, worth dou ble tile price, $8.00. lllack Mcssullno otio-plcca dress. A dandy, $1.08. Silk mid wool poplin dress, worth double tho price, $:1.08, $1.1)8. ' tho boat and watched It chug before disappearing up the hill. b f'WTXX'KUWMSMXiTJlXUlZVinii "nmrpvMfUsMkmwn,!BsxmEa FOR SALE lliohly improved dairy ranch on Catching Inlet Scvt 11 cows, fine buildings, Just right for small family, $8500, Terms, ?l acres on Larson Inlet; log house; some fruit; $800.00. Terras. Laieo ranch with 20 cws, Should have 35 cows, All complete for $16,000, Terms, 50 acres on North .Inlet, 30 acres cranberry maisli, Hero is an opportunity for parties with some mon'y, GO acres near Myrtle Point, 15 acres bottom, 6 acies plowed, $4000, $1000 cash, balance on time, 0 acres with house and some fruit, close to ci fcimery landing, $1500. $500,00 cash, balance easy, n 10 acres on Kcntuck Inlet, near landing; house, $800, Do you want a hotel, a fine confectionery store oi furniture store? Come and let us show you, , We have a fino ranch on North Inlet all modern imniovements in house and on placo, $4000,00, iiacio lor ualitorma property, WE HAVE PLENTY MORE. Ties In Kinplrc Ocorgo Flanagan who Is conducting a tie camp, buck of Llhby Is hauling his ties to Umpire now for delivery to tho ships. Ho ox eets to take about 14,000 ties there. Xo .Mull Last Xlghl. For tho sec ond time within u week the mall fall I ed to arrive on tho train last eve 1 uliig, not coming until shortly after noon. Xo reason was known 1 at tho local post offlco for tho delay j hut oven at this, tho mall Is still on I time, according to schedule. Adjourned Term lo Open. lie- i cause Monday Is n legal holiday the adjourned term of the circuit court will not open until Tuesday morning at Coiiullle. Judge Sklpworth, of Ktigonc, who hay exchanged benches : with .lutlgu John S, Coke, Is expecu led hero either Sunday or Monday. ' This term will last u week nml the I jury term opens on the following Monday, Sent. 13. Flint-mi This .Uterinum. Tlio fu neral of. Mrs. Solomon (Inrdncr, of Xorth Kend, ami hor Infant child, was held this afternoon from the homo of her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. X: C. McLeod. Many floral offer ings were noiit by friends. Tho In fant was hut a few hours old. City Knlliers In Poilliiul. Several 'of the city Couucllmcu, together I with City Knglneer A. II. Oldley, I will, leave on the Hreakwater tomor row for Portland with Frank Cat 'terlln, who Is agent, to make an In vestigation of an incinerator It Is proposed the city s! ould buy. It Is probable that Carl Kvertsen, (leo. 10. Cook mid Carl Albreeht will mnko the trip. They expect to bo hack !on Tuesday. KOOS OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO. NORTH BEND, OREGON Potatoes Already Short. Already ' PunH lt'iv lu intth,if Hl.nt't nf nntiifnns ... . .. ., ., , www ....j .u ri-"-"n -" . . ,-w , vtoru. rracucmiy i , . ,.,....,,......,, I III. HI' IIUl'llllBU 111 UIU IIIIKIll HUH .lUll l uu oi one luiiLii on inu uuriy morning train was devoted to Chinamen to- (VIisiii1m ' , that has destroyed the yield of doz- On Auto Tilp. Mr. mid Mrs. .1. T. Tally, of Powers, left Saturday eve ning in .their new Dodgo car for tho San Francisco fair mid plan to visit all otd friends along tho route tl.rough California, especially where Jack Is well known as an old lumber Jack, having run different camps there for twenty years. Mrs. Tulloy was at the wheel and looked like a Coos Day booster, with her rap band ami pennant of Powers, Ore., and Coos Hay. They will return about October 1. K'olo Apples. Johnny Manning brought two boxes of apples from his ranch and left them on tho wharf while ho went out looking for a pur-' chaser. He sold them to Chsrlos Stnuff hut when ho returned they wcro gone. Sonio conscienceless Individual with a tasto for fruit nnd without tho fear of God In his heart , had taken them. Johnny says if ho will bring back his brand and tho boxes he may keep tho apples hut if ho doesn't ho will start Carter after ' him. , Kind Klsli "Aplenty. Fluliorincn of "lato havo como back with long faces and glib excuses about Its being too lute In tho season, they urn't biting any more and such "stuff" but (leo. Dallies and Kruest Harrington helled their words when last night thei came homo from Gould Lake with 110 big beauties dangling on their, Hues to show that tho fishing still Is , good If you only know how. This ' morning Mr, Harrington went up to Powers- where ho expects to get In a few days of good hunting. Itlgli'ly Xunicil John. Mr. Coo was tho nama by which ho appeared on tho police blotter, mid following this, was a further description "drunk no cash" Twlco was Mr. Coe, then, lu had with tho police. Ills rout cognomen must havo, boor. John for ho camo to tho Carter Hotel Tho Originators of Low Prices J Intorporatcd - J We lentl Others Follow XUXT DOOR TO MAItSIIIiKLl) POST OKKICH DOES IT PAY? To Pay Cash For Your Groceries We say that it docs and anyone that is trading at our store will agros with us. Give us your trade this month and wc will show you that it PAYS TO PAY CASH. We are going to demonstrate Dependable Flour next week. Watch for date. ' Getting's Cash Grocery Worth Broadway Near Central Ave. teacher for tho coming year. Ap ply with references to W, Ii. Me-, Cluro, clerk School Hoard No. 1, Lock!. art hltlg. Not every Druggist uses SQUIBB'S CHEMICALS The Druggist - who does is' a good man to take your prescriptions to "The Owl" Frank D. Cohan ' The Squibb Drug Store I ons of patches. Tho commission men mImg (l Bhoo 0hor fot ftl I say that already they nro making I shipments In here from tho outsldo. 1 especially from San Francisco though they say tho crop Is largo lu tho south and probably tho prlco this winter I will not go above a cent and three quarters a pound. It Is about a cent a pound now. May Have Apartment. Col. C. C. , n..i.... i l.,.. fnii.. a n n,.w t I uuiiiK, nun in- uiuiui, . . viunih. , p(j ,jii. Diiiiuers or tno proposed uoing inuiu j lug at tho corner of Anderson and Hrondway, nro said to bo figuring I on whether or not apartments lu j tho placo of offices shall bo put In tho second story. A. C. Going Is ox I pected hero from Portland within a wcok and tho matter will ho settled thou. It Is planned to stnrt the I building this fall mid erect it ' through tho winter. PAIXTS AXVTHIXG AXYWIIKISi: AT A XV TIMI! the largest nod finest stock 1'all Pniier on Coos Day. Sells Paints mill Floor Paints. Vnriilshiu and VIERS V1ERS ''"."': VIERS VIERS VIERS w VIERS u Ylrfii i ,,"'t M,eet' M",'''l'f',',,, VUimv V Irli 1 Doe.s Decoratlii!; anil Paints Signs oil; gives Satisfaction ns his con stantly Increasing trade proves. lie nmu-yo mint to see lioforo oliiK anything in his llm. WHY.NOTBUY ! Home Grown Produce? ( I Fresher, hotter nnd ofton chenpor l thun Imported -tuff, nnd besides, you nro using your money to build I up your homo community. Tomor- j row wo will havo some moro of thoso choice home-grown Strawberries, only per box ...Kc, Luscious rlpo tomatoes, lb., ..-ej Hie ears, green corn, dozen . .I5cl Special nt - ! for -'-! Good pears, per box $1.00 j Good Spuds,' per lb IJacj Cabbage, per lb lie Heets nnd carrots, 3 bunehos..lOc Coos Bay Farmers Exchange Partner Is Leaving. W. K. Wlso nian is lu from Powors, whoro ho has o furnlturo store, to look after his second hand storo nt Xorth Hentl, Ills partner, Mr. Martin, who hits heon running the North Ilond storo will leave soon for Denil, Ore, whoro ho will locate. For tho prcsont Mr. Wiseman will conduct both stores. Ho will probably stay in Xorth Hentl most of tho tlmo mid look nfter tho business there nnd his wlfo will take care of tho Powers storo. VE9I DON'T BE FAT IIKXAM, OHKSITV THKATMKXT Will quickly mill easily re (luce jour liuiileu of ' weight THE BUSY CORNER The Rexall Store Phono mm Where Quality ls Paramount my I son John." Hoyond thnt, thoro wnsi nothing wrong with Mr. Coo, hut this ' morning ho was shown tho door with tho key of tho city locked against him on tho lusldo nml told to heat It fnr- j far a way. Pictures Aro Doomed. When .1 F. Tolnndor started his men nt work this morning tearing tho front nut J of tlio Tlmmermnn building, oreupl- July 1 by tho Nutwood Har, I tho pictures on tlio wnll mid tho coll j lug thnt have attracted attention I wero doomed. Traveling nrtlsls havo displayed their skill by making docoratlonfi, sonio of thoni oxtromo ly clever. On a large ennvas has heon roughly painted, hut wnll, a Gorman envnlry chnrgo nt Mons. Thcso nro all coming down, Tho building will ho remodeled mid Mrs. Max Tlmmorman will probably movo lu with a mllllnory shop. AMONG THE SICK K. Nolson was brought to tho Mer cy hospltul from Powers yesterday to recelvo treatment for a crushed foot which ho sustained In ono of tho Smlth-Powors ramps thoro. Dr. Taggart Is Improving nicely nt Mercy hospltul and will soon bo' nblo to return homo, much to tho ' gratification of his ninny friends. Mrs. Charles Van Duyn Is much ' bettor after her serious Illness nnd expects to be out probably next week. ' Tho older son of Dr. WHIInm Hors- j full, who hns been seriously ill, is. Improving, I HA I.I ISM MX Pocket Side line, new live proposition, nil merchants lu (owns of 100,000 mid under want It. Pays $! commission on each sale. No collecting no risk to mer chant. Wo take hack unsold goods. Kaslest, biggest paying side Hue over offered. Canflehl Mfg. Co,, 208 Slgol street, Chicago. KOIt SAIiIJ While Leghorn Hoosl ers from Imported uggs from rec ord hens. Phono 10.1, MONIIV Will buy short (lino notes or first inortgago. 201-2 Coko Kldg. t FOR RENT J KOIt llH.Vr (iioko l-'lvo Doom Kur iilshed apartment. Hot water mid water heat. W. 8. Nicholson, j Brontlwuy mid Aldor Aveniio. m i . . -i. , mi i - KOIt IH'.XT 2-room iipurtmontH, Htcn'.u heat mid furnished, $ir.')0 mid $IM0, Inquire apt. 10, Mat lock npts, 2nd mid CommorcliU. KOIt ItKXT Myrtle Arms imidorn furnished apartments freo heat ami water $22,fi0 per month up, J t WANTED t $$ WANTKD Strong uonian to euro for Invalid lady. Phono 1-171 North Hentl. KOIt HAIK Canary birds. Phond 383L, or call 7rG So. 11th Stroot. KOIt SAhlO Hlnncit rooming house. r,0 rooms: on easy tornm. Or will trndo for sultnblo real cstato In Marshfleld. Apply JO. 10. Forry,, Hlaiico Hotel. MaWrfM. WAXTKI laundry. ilii uiiuIn position In Phono 113 North Dead. WAXTKD Itoomers liy day or week. Mnrshfiold House, Iloleu Harvey. Hroakfust servotl. Phono 137-L. WAXTIID l!porjence( coal inlners. Apply Heuvor Hill Conl Co., Hea ver urn. X UPW TODAY t $$ KOH S.l,i: latest Xo. Ten itoyal Typewriter at $7.".00. $C per month puynientti, no interest. Phono 247-It or Times Offlco. uaxtud f.iii of day only. avenue. for housework par. Apply 5 15 Ingorsoil I Sf'HOOD HIST. Xo. 18, at liagslafr requires senlrcs of an experienced . WAXTICD Teams at Haudoii, Ore., fj hunt 0x8 ties-two trip haul. A F. IOstabrook Co,, phono 121 t t FOR SALE KOIt SALIO Aernled fro'1i milk, 1(1 cents per gallon delivered on tho wharf, Murshflold. No atlvnnco later. It, A. Church; phono 303-XX-l. KOIt SAliK My owner, nt a sarrlflco two lots In Plat C mid three lots In Plat H. lOxcellent location; must bo sold to settle estato. Xo reasonable offer refused. Lots clear and abstract up to dato. Ad dross W. 11. Hamilton, It. F. D.. Hnx 40, Ccho, Oregon. Pioneer Hardware CaJ CASH PltK'KS OX A KIOW OK TllH STAPLi: AHTKMjKS Other (Jooils Prlcetl lu Propoiilon (Coniiaro theso prices with otte cpuipotltorH or mall order houso prlues.) , Wire Nails. Huso, ' per kog; Cut nails, i?:i.0() per Hog. M Detail, por pound1 fb Sasli Weights. Jlfi Per pound l-b Harb Wlro. Hoavy galvnnlzod, !?,i. Id per 100 lbs; 80 rod spool heavy, tftJ.OO. 80 rod (jQ fjfj light yCiLlS aalvnnlzoil Pipo, prlco per 100 ft., 1-2,, 3.1 $.1.50. ton nr 1 Inch ipOiZlvJ Llmo, $1.90 pur bbl. Cement, $2.00 por bbl. lOx. Suporlor Mnnlln Itopq-r,-8 inch and larger 1R Por pound iuli Strictly puro bollod llnseod oil, 70o por gnllon. Turpontluo CKo por gallon Uuu Pioneer White Lend, (Jn IJP 100-lh. kegs tjiOiZu Pioneer Puro Mixed Paint, gal,, $1.7.1. 1-2- gallon, Ode. rn Quarts ullb Paii-A-Luc Floor nnd Porch Pnlnt, I- gallon, l)()e Crt- quarts, uU Ii Tho very highest quality Tho vory hlghost grado Hoofing Paper, 1-2 ply, $1.00 mu 1 ply, $1.10. Q4 rn 'i Ply ipiftUU Vulvolluo Gas ICugluo Cyl Oil, Tho very hlghost grndo. Por gallon WKDGUW'OOD STIOIOL ItAXGl-IS, Classic, regular. $D2.00. Special Rival, regular $32.50. Special Givo us your business and justify us In making theso prices. Thosp prices will change with the market", Pioneer Hardware Co. Marshfleld. Phono 101. North Ilond. Phono 401, 55c .$41.80 M:... $25,00 l