rswrw rM. -. j ; V I' I FOlm if COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEY, Editor nnil Pub. DAN K. MALONHY, News Editor Official Paper of Coos County Official Vnper City of Mnrahfleld. Entered at tiio Poatoffico at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho malln as. second-class mull matter J EUROPEAN WAR ONE t YEAR AGO TODAY X $$ September -I, 1011, Armed French air crnft prevent German aeroplanes from flying over Paris again. Seven German torpedo hoats and destroyers put In at Koll In a dam aged condition, others having been sunk. nelgliim announces that a com mission is to urrlvo soon to lay before President Wilson a protest against German airships dropping bombs on Antwerp. Tho Russian War Office an nounces tho capture of Lembcrg. Italy states that she Is firmly de termined to maintain peace. illlTU.TUC TO ACT AND THE TEA t '$ When you say that somo men arc fnthcaded foolB every man who hears you knows that you aro talk ing about the other fellow. Eva was tho only woman that over moved Into now quarters and didn't kick nhout tho dirt left by tho woman who moved out. Tlicro Is too much bull In tho world. It has got so that driving a gnrlmgo wagon Is a "position" nnd not a Job, and $0 per week is salary and not wages. Hoforo morrlago ho Imagines that It b sentiment that makes her savu his lovo luttors, but after marriage ho Icarus better. How much happier this old world would ho If ovory mtin who wields a hammer wero , a builder and not a knocker. $$ : PERSONAL MENTION : $$ JOHN WAYNE OP RRIDGE Is in the city visiting friends for a few days. CHARLES DOANE made a business trip to Coqulllo yesterday. P. L. GREENOUGH of llaiidon was in Marshfield today on business. MR. AND MRS. EARL GRAY woro shopping visitors hero today from Allegany. C. II. DUNOAN .was down from IiIh South Coos River ranch today on business. AV. O HAMILTON enmo to North Hond this morning from his home nt Lakeside. A. N. GOULD, ex-County Surveyor, was here last evening and today on business. EUGENE VANHURGER was down on tho North Star this morning from Lakesldo. LESTER AND TRUE BALING fame down op tlio Mllllcoma this morn ing from Allegany. .1. A. GOODWILL, or South Coos River was n Maishflold business visitor yesterday. A. H. HAMMOND, of North Rend transacted business at the coun ty seat yesterday. CLYDE GAGE, former deputy sher iff, was bore from Coqulllo jester day on business. MRS. JIM) MILLS, of Sumner wat. Wsltliig her daughter, Mrs. Clarke Harris, hero yesterday. J. (1. TURNER went to Rlviirtoit yes , tordny to aid In Installing a heat ing plant In tho buhool there, It. E. PINEGOR returned hist even ing from a business (rip to Hluo Ridge Camp at Daniels Creek. S. II. CATHCAUT has returned from Ten Mllo whoro ho has been for sovoral days engaged in surveying work. ROY LANDRITH was down this morning from his ranch on Coos River to attend to some matters of business. DR. AND MRS. II. II. SHAW and two boys loft on tho North Star this afternoon for an over Sunday trip to Lakesldo. JOHN C, KENDALL wont up to Powers this morning to look nf- ' """THE bbos FAITH I believe in the world and its bigness and splendor, That most of the heart beats around us are tender; That days are but footsteps and years are but miles That lead us to beauty and singing and smiles; That roses that blossom and toilers that plod Are filled with the glorious spirit of God. I believe in the purpose of everything living, That taking is but the forerunner of giving; That strangers are friends that we some day may meet, And not all the bitter can equal the sweet, t That creeds are but colors, and no man has said That God loves the yellow rose more than the red, I believe in the path that today I am treading, That I shall come safe through what dangers I'm dread- '&'. That even the scoffer shall turn from his ways And some day be won back to trust and to praise; That the leaf on the tree and the thing we call Man Aro sharing alike in His infinite plan, I believe that all things that are living and breathing Some richness of beauty to earth are bequeathing; That all that goes out of this world leaves behind Some duty accomplished for mortals to find That the humblest of creatures our praise is deserving, For it, with the wisest, the Master is serving, Selected ter his tract there that ho has re cently platted. MISS aRETCHEN SHERWOOD, Miss Clare Sherwood and Ralph Coko wero visitors hero yesterday af- tornoon from Coqulllo. V. W. PAGE, tho woll-known travel ing man of Portland, Is making one of his regular trade pilgrim ages to Coos Ray. DISTRICT ATTORNEY and Mrs. L. A. LILJEQVIST arc expected hero on Monday from Coqulllo to make their permanent home. R. A. CORTHELL, of Hunker 11111 Is spending n few weeks at Hnudon wheru ho has tlio contract for roofing the new II. II. block. JAMES LAIRD and wlfo wero In from Sltkum In their Ford today. Mr. Laird nays tho old Coos liny wagon road Is in tho best shape it has been In for years and that tho canyon has been greatly Improved. .W. R. FONTAINE and V. G. Hind marsh, in charge of tho Southern Pacific construction, tamo In last ovonlng from Ten Mllo. Mr. Fon- . talno mado a trip of Inspection ov er tho road from the Sluslaw down. MISS META NOHLE who has been visiting her father, Charles Noble hero and her uncle, Clnudo Noble at Ton Mllo will leave soon to re sumo her courso at tho Sister's School at lleavcrtoti, nenr Portland AL SMITH, who was In from his pil ing camp and ranch yesterday, says that ho can sympathize with Sam Pino when It comes to hornets for bo recently got into a nest of then. , and was stung a dozen times. W. It. FONTAINE, assistant engin eer of tho Willamette Pacific, ar rived In last ovonlng from Eugene Ho was accompanied from Lakesldo by V. G. Hlndinarsh, engineer In ehargo of track laying Coos Hay. north of CARL STALT.ENHAUGII. mid wife left yesterday for Camas Valley where they will enjoy a deer hunt and nn outing. Jerry Kinney ac companied them and expects to bring back an auto load of venison while Carl may go on to Poitliind to locate. ALHERT AHHOTT ctinio In from Powers for u short visit, lie said that on August 23, he celebrated his flfty-ioui-th hlrthdity and If someone had not called his attcii' tlon to the number of years ho had seen pass by, he would not have realized that he was getting old. LEW PRICE, tho Sunnier dairy king, will leave for San Francisco where he will take in the Imposition and then proceed to Kansas, Oklaho ma and ArKansas to visit relatives he has not seen for years. Mr. Staddeu will he lu charge of the ranch during his absence. CLAUDE C. THOMPSON leaves to morrow on the Hreakwater for u 10 days trip to Portland, Hood Riv er and Tacoma. In Hood Rlier ho will be best man at tho mar riage of Miss Leila Heshuer to Charles C. Loninion, who visited hero last winter. WALLACE ACKLEY, of the Smith mill machine shops will leave to morrow for his old home In Maine whoro ho expects to spend several months. Malooin Dresser will also nccoiupany him east hut does not MYTIMES, MARSHFIELD, i expect to remain as long In Mnlno ns Wallace docs. 0. A. MINTOYNE, Mr. Hoggs and Mrs. Thompson motored over from Coqulllo todny.Mr. MIntoyne com- ; 'ing over to consult Dr. Mlngus about tho recent Injury to his shoulder In an auto accident. Ills , shoulder was dislocated and ho fears than tin operation may be necessary to restore full use of It. DEPUTY SHERIFF W. C. LAIRD, accompanied by Mrs. Laird and dauuhter. left on an enrly bout this morning for Lakesldo for ov er Sunday. Mr. Laird conducts1 tho Bnlo thero today of property bc-j longing to Vnnburger on a suli' brought by Jerry Kinney and Mllo Plorson. i . E HAMPTON, and wife, ot tho Central hotel have returned from Portland where they went on u ( HAKER Tho annual Haker coun buslness and pleasure trip. They i ty fur wju i,egln Sept. S and an olnb purchased four lots In Syndleato , orutu nrogram Juis Uocn iifrangod Addition to Portland and plan to erect a seven-room house there, i Their son, Harry Hampton, of Smith-Powers Camp 0, also bought thrco lots there and expects 10 build a $2,(100 house thero In the near future. Stunnin Thnt's the word which moit nptly describes our display of Pnll nnd Winter Fabrics nnd 1'ashions for Men's Stylish Clothes. fTf And STUNNING you'll call it 'yj when you aco it it's from The Globe Tailoring Co. Makers of "Needle-Molded" Clothes A notnble fncl: about Globe Tailoring is tho Inrgo following it lina nmnnit more ivnn nr. L.nrlnrc I in business nnd nrofessionnl life. men of nffnirs, substantial men, nnd surely this would not be so without good reason. Tliat's the class of men wo enter to thnt's why wo want you to call. We will keep these suits pressed free City Cleaners and Tailors 169 No. Second. Phone 399 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM i "NEEDLE-MOLDED" CLOTHES 'A's'i , lMA-'l'l lijfe lf?v-i ! W JuSrnm 1 mrnm i tf I OREGON, SATURDAYSEPTEMBER 4, 1915 EVENING EDITION I $ I : NEWS OF OREGON NEWIlL'ItG Uuth Doyle, nged 13 years of Portland, and I.owls Sto hol of Lansing, Mich., who attempted to rcBcuo her, wore both drowned In the Wlllamotto river. PORTLAND The funeral of Wal ter Nelson, aged li, who was drown ed whilo swimming was held In Portland. EUGENE Nov. E. T. Simpson has resigned as rector of St. church to do special work for bishop at Newport and Toledo. tho MEDI'ORD Tho forest fires tin Jackson county nro now all under control and will bo entirely out In a few days. EUGENE The four year old daughter of J. C. L. Wolley walked a distance of fifteen miles with her parents, a feat which was regarded as remarkable. .ALHANY The Linn county grand Jury Is In session with W. A. Lane of Harrlshurg as foreman. SALEM The Oregon-Portland Cement Company with a capital of two million dollars has asked per mission to transact business In Ore gon. RAKER The wnter rights at Mt. Hopo cemetery arc Involved In a suit which has been started by local un dertakers who own a part of tho cem etery. HOOD RIVER Miss Katherlno Haker, aged 1G years, landed ti 21) l-l! inch stecllicud salmon. KLAMATH FALLS KlatnaMi Falls has established a municipal camp grounds with all conveniences for travelers. t HAKER A movement is n foot to bond Haker county lor tho pur pose of building a hard surface road from tho city to the Panhandle sec tion. DEE Tho citizens are on tho watch for fires and everyone has ll(rrmi t0 put out any fifes that tire found started in tho woods. PORTLAND Sixty Italians have left Portland to return to their nu tlvo country nnd Join tho army: for this goiison. j ftii.iA.' SEASIDE Henry M. Van Avery. Clvll Wur votcnui, nged 7a years dl.01,peii (ica,i nt tho homo of his son, 1Icniy yun Vory. aLHANY Lieutenant C. M. Hut- lor, who has been visiting his fath er, a county commissioner, has been ordered to Arizona iwhdro ho ex pects to bo engaged with tho Mex lcanson tho border. PENDLETON Tho Umatilla coun- ty boundary board Is considering tliu Sc-IioHok. Seattlo; A. A. Miller, San I her way to Eureka and San Francls establlshtnent of u new school dls-j Francisco; A. Hlauiii, Now York; P. ' co. It Is snld that sho Is carrying an trlct. W. Davis, Portland; P. II. Soule. Sun extra heavy passenger list this trip. FIRST ADDITION TO MAR SHFIELD imir njinmrv ITCT tU U M M LLM RKPORT OI' KOt'ltTII OP .ll'LV COMMITTEE RECEIVED Impended tf I ,."IH.I." I Celebrating This Year Have $1-7.1." Still In Treasury for Xet Year of tho Fourth of July committee with There was $127.15 In tho treasury practically till bills paid at tho end Keoclpt Concessions Mnrv'n ' Subscriptions '""' ".. . ,.i...i l.MM.i aimriu KCllllht Jiy unuiriiiuii ii;i ', - - Refund by Chairman Goddess Liberty Goddess of Liberty Contest . Total ' Disbursements Field Sports, (Original Approp.) .. $100.00 Water Sports, Appropriation $170.00 Advertising, Appropriation $150.00 Civic Parade, Appropriation $250.00 Auto parade, Appropriation $120.00 J)ecoratlonB and Light, Appropriation? Rest Room, Appropriation Music Coos Hay Hand Incidentals, approp. Rest Room. ... Concessions Goddess of Liberty, Appropriation.. Total receipts Total disbursenipntH Rahinco on hand to date It will ho noted that tho net cost and tho Goddess of Liberty was $05. receipts wero mado by tho chairmen Al'TO THPt K ON ItOl'TI IIROKEX DOWN Pour II Teams nro Now I'Voni Rock Cirei; to Mjr tie Point IS Coed TI o delay of the Incoming mall lately has been due to tho break ing down or tho aittoniobllo wlib'ii which carried It from Rock Creek to Myrtle Point. Tho mall did not get In last night as usually and has been delayed several tlnn-a within tho past week. Tho auto truck broke down some days a;;o mid is being repaired and It is nucesmiy for the teams to In Ing the mail from Rock Cvtini on Into Myrtle Point. The horse teams have not been able to catch ilie evening trains every day. Tho passenger machines however, are going on through and souio of the mall bus been carried on the passenger antes when there wim not too heavy ti load. The old torvlce. It Is salt!, will be establish ed again In a few days. t AT THE HOTELS t ti Chandler Hotel V. G. lllndiiiarsh, Htuiber; Avo A. Holmes, Sail Jose; llnrlcy L. John son, Roseburg, W. It. Fontaine, En- gene; George A. Sherwood. Tticoiiia: P. L. Liimlaught, Hnudon; p. H. I DELAYED of our most desirable lots arc now cleared, graded and ready for immediate home-building. The street is be ing graded and modern improvements are in. There is no better buy in Marshfield than one of these lots. They are terraced and well graded with the street. Their location is of the best. City water is already in stalled. You cannot make a mistake in buying one of these lots either for a home or for an investment. THE ONLY COST IS THE FIRST COST OF THE LOT. THERE ARE NO ASSESSMENTS FOR STREET WORK. Lots r,0xl0 ?:ioo each. Your Own Terms. f A Reynolds Development Co. j 178 Central Ave. .T ot tho big festivities, according to tho report of It. M. .lennlngs, chnlr- t . i. ...hi... i lnut nviMilntr before null,, Biiiiuiiinu ..".. - . tho Chamber of Commerce. It was accepted by them and n voto ot thanks extended to tho Committee for their efficient work. Mr. Jennings explained that nil hills now luivo been paid hut that there may be u few still outstanding, hut In any event there will bo a Bur plus, There was $127.15 In tho rensury $35',. no 121 7.50 S.55 , . 2.11) 112.15 f'niiini lice ... Committee $1,G!)5.S0 total total total total total total total total total total total cost $I50.QJ) cost ., $100.75 cost-. $1 10.2 1 cost $2(50.1(5 cost $11 1.510 cost 1 IS.tiO tost $ 2(1.50 cost $:ioo.oo cost $ 711.00 cost $. i (5.50 cost $170.00 $1,005. SO 150.00 $5)00.00 $100.00 $1,5 OS. 05 ? 127,15 ot the field sports was $$111. 1 5 35 since the refunds set forth on tho of these committees Francisco; F. J. .Martin, Portland; J. II. O'Neill, Poi Hand; Frank II. Page, Portland; Charles I. Hockley, San Francisco; Joseph Leek, Port land; II. R. Miller, Seattle. St. Linwciuv Hotel G. Rithsell Koohler. Vale, Oregon. G. II. Halley, Lakeside; Thomas Go nan, Portland; lien Wllley, Port land; Miss Frances Rower, Portland; Nathan Cutllp, Coos River; .Mrs. W. J. Fellows, Lakeside; Thomas Mur phy, Portland. Hlaui'o Hotel A. Johnson, Handon; I,. S. Taylor, Powers; George Cool, Powers; Prod Reltz, Portland; Georgo Hlake. Pow ers; Roy Magdalen, Myrtle Point; Tony Mulker, South Inlet; P. Perth-loll. South inlet; W. 11. Norton, Kitchen Inlet; (5. A. Stewart, (iardl- ner; J. D. Noah. Gardiner; 1). P. Weaver, South Inlet; 1. Delllgan, Heaver Illll; 1. N. Mecuni, Ilullards; H. Tnley, .Myrtle Point. Lloyd (oil,. I A. N. Gould, Coqulllo; .Miss Rose Pluck, Portland; Sam Street, San Francisco; .MJss Lena Rohhlns, Co-, qulllo; Jack Swain, Powers; J. .lov ing, Portland; Henry Yong, Astoria; .Miss Helen Motley, Portland; Mrs. Doris Motley. Portland; J. Hlack, Portland; A. Johnson, Hnudon. Sa'ls Tomorrow rho steamer Adeline Smith which f arrived at Marsh field til 1 o'clock today will gel nway for Oakland tit .s o'clock tomorrow morning The steamslilp Kllbiirn Is duo In tomorrow morning from Portland, on BuicirSi BE HEIE Sm nr.w. tiiiimiEi ai i .!.., OOOIUtl M i'ixm M:vrv,: "'men v.,,,,, ' Jn SEIIVK I!. "' OcorgeGoodrum tomorrow celvo the new t-.nn. m irk .,! ,,ok vjisrff as much comment l tIlc world us tho nun ..,.. "'i i. , "'"(ir, '" """"'l 'ui tmeuimtit ' and n fm-ii-lim... c B is especially nduiCI for '" Everyone ImIpio i.i . 1 ' M'"OV 1 U'n, . . w..v muil'lpi l. tricks si.ouM ninko It i --" in ii a Mum.. the new lll.'l'lllllH InniA..... will bo Immediately m i',",' 1" for tho Ilamlon-l'ori Ort! f If, 111 llnnnll, ...... . U"rt ""' Mime, t Ions. of the trupk wlllbcgd iiifclltituly after t unldMej k1 ' The truck soils fnr tut . Miirshriuld. and 9 tle ,,' J Itiftllitt ftinf t l .......v Him u.iH ecr been , In this type of rar. 44 1,1 vessel .movi:mi:mj i riicd Hardy, San Francisco, J p. in. i' riittiy Adeline Smith, 1 1 :-15 u. in. today. Suited OallanJ, , Rustler, Rogue rb, v day Hue Hero Klllnirn, rortlnj P. A. di tui ft " ' i ui'"""wli f"a rrantiita , Monday. , O tti, Fiom Portland tlieKasollajKU or Rustler bioiiKlit In quite si nient of powder, most otic! it look on to Gold Uench wlthbstt morning. Tho steam schooner Siwiu will make regular freight cil'tlr on hor-wny to ami from PoitUx out of Sail Francisco and the tac petted In hero on this first w somo time on -Monday, going tori J. J. Daly has resigned ascMtfe glueer on the dredgo Mlcble ibr. position ho has held since ttcH went Into sen Ice. 4 P. E. .LI,EY.W;.IX I I'MiCIt Allien The Roselmrg N"'s "I" that Frank E. Alley of tlittl-1 ly was arrested Thursday - Portland on a warrant tort i by his bondsmen A. Y. Krft I and George Flnlcjr of PotH land. These two men werej on his bond when ho wiir-' ' rested for wlfo desertion sri as ho failed to appear st tta specified time Ids arrest caused by tho bondsma lie will ho lirotisht to Re ' burg. Mr. Alley has bH defendant In a number i 0 criminal cases lately. !