mA THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER & 1915 EVENING EDITION. JEIGHT "m GOLD BEACH RICH When the Leaves Begin to Fall I'll Meet You at THE HUB They are different SIMPSON LUMHKK COMPANY OPERATIONS OF UUYINfl TICKET GFO. 18 MOST 1). WOOD SAYS IT PHOSPFHOUS CUTS MOST IN AUGUST FltlOnTHNS STHANttKR MILLlSlCl FORGETS NAME I fli Hit it rem THAT NEW FALL SUIT Tlio Intcst designs, lieu est fabrics, tailored by tlio MOST SKILL CD talent of new yokk. Prices $17 by ciiy Mages up to jpttTulO. ..' ' ,"," " SPORT SHIRTS m - JVinv and 1,npi' for ouug men nnd Initio ' " " Priced $1.50, 91 .7.1, $2.00. r NEW FALL TIES Conic nnd .took them oer; It w.'ll lie vicll worth jour time. , Prices r,(k; 7ie, Jffj.OO, $l.."i) IlubjMi MARSHFIELD BANDON FOUR 3 STORES MYRTLE POINT POWERS In Its history; five ship Ionds ber left Porfe fn tlnj jftist for snn Fraiilsc$ and tuo tl MARSHFIELD TEACHERS I High School ' Ethel A. Reese, Lntln-Hlatory: University of Michigan. Royal A. Nlles, History-Athletics: Whitman College A.' J. M. Robertson, Sclpnco: Uni versity of Minnesota. Roulah A. Stclino, Gcrman-Eng-llsh; University of Oregon. ;Nelllo lloguo, English: University of'Cn'llfornln. "K." M. Hnragor, Commercial: Loi Angeles, Cat. Norhinl. ' n. K. yalto, Matliomatlcs-Prln-clpnl: University of Michigan. , KKflal Subjects ' B. J. I.oland, Mnnunl Training: Os kosh Normal. Iva Stokes, Domestic Sclcnro: Oregon ARricultuml College. Anna Margaret Vol, Muslc-Draw-Inrc: ClilcaRo School of Methods. Frank L. OrannlB, Physical Train. Ins: Wlliamctto University. , ' Central School Louisa Wlllittr, FlrBt: Oregon State , ' Holm 'Corning, First: 'town State Teiinhors' College. Nellie Lulck, Second: ' Iowa Stato Teachers' College. Dcsalo Iinmnl,, Third: Monmouth, urpgop, Normal Rotters All PrcIoiis Mark I'lio Cargoes Iondel Market Comes Hnck i. i ; . ' t . ; More lumber was cut during tho iftbuthior.Aujtwt ') V'ai- siour1 Lumber Company than over before. in Its history: five ship loadB of lum. 30 days docks are still crowded. Tho mill Is receiving orders enough to insuro Kb running all or this year and wllli the Blow re turn, of bettor times Manager, A. K. 'Arkley believes there Is now no fur ther danger of a shut down unless something unforsceu should happen. I Running with a crew of approx Imatcly SO men ttic mill now has a dally capacity of liiO.OOO ect ot lumber. During August they, cut 3,284,000 feet nnd shipped 3,2?7,000 feet to San FranclBCo in addition to 'more than 200,000 feet of lumber , sold "locally. Mr. Arkley explained that more lumber thnn this has becti T shipped In a month from tho Porter mill but this was when more Bhlps woro available.' . Tho Hardy has been loaded twlco: ! bo has tho A. M. Simpson and tho Thomas L. Wand once. Tho Tlvcr- two aummcrs In th'o' UnlVerslty of lo" ls ""e "ow ' n fow l,n'8 for n Chicago School of MethodB. cargo, southbound. 'Mist) 'Nellie Lulck ban had six' '.Market Picks Up ' years' of experience and since hor, T, llin,i,Cr innrkct Is showing ani Hiiilun I In tl f Inllin Olnin Tin nil I crB- CQliege has taken sSmmor work Ilrcclnbltf tendency toward picking In CJiIcngo University School ot up, but very slowly, snld Mr. Arkloy Methods, 'yesterday. There will bo no sudden Miss Nelllo Hoguc Is a graduate .,., forward, ho belleVes. and tho 1. r -. 1 n wn oii ii ii nil nun n tr .ini u .n nir-rii ' . MMMMMMHMMMMM.MaHWMMMMMMMMMM.MMMM.MMHHMMMMMMMMM I of tho University of Arkansas nnrt Bale of lumber miiBt bo built back up llin llnlvnrnltv nf full for n In with n teaching experience of from ono to to Its former mark, gradually. two years. MIsb Houlah Stelmo wnB graduat ed from tho University of Oregon In Juno 191f. Sho was ranked as one of the best students In her class. She has had a short teaching exper ience In the Eugono High School and Blicnt quo year In travel nnd study In Germany. She speaks tho German lanRuago fluently Within tho next 30 days ho ex pects tho market to Increase about no cetitB n thousand on common lum ,bcr and H n thoiiBand on tho "up pers." However, nt tho present rato, Bald tho manogor, tho market 'for com- "Albort" ls nil of Cognomen Tlint Can bo Itemeiiitiereil nt Stemn wlilp Office Yesterday , i i ,, It was a 1 ijoji, hungry, tjireadbnro .Borj. ofi4feyow vlfcth sandy hair thai slowly pusiicu opon iiic uoor oi mo Nbrtti Pacific Steamship Company's office ycBterdny,' Just nB slowly clos ed It behind hint and very dollbor-i ately walked over to tho counter. Ho stood there several minutes with out uttering n Bound. W. Kv Stuhr trlod to waken him from tho trance. , "Ticket?" and frotp forca of habit pulled n long green slip out of the drawer. Tho lean and hungry ono gulped, hllifkcd and replied, stilt deliber ately,, ",Yca." "What's your name7" Still fijrther silenco nnd tho blink ing Btunt; "Why-why, my name's Albort." To his renr pocket he went searching for tho 8 Bteerngo. Out enmc u tobacco sack, and slowly, very slowly, this was unrolled, tho money dumped onto tho counter. J.ust $7 there was nnd thq Lcn,n and Hungry Ono went searching further. From IiIh Jeaim tlicro cnnp another sack with ono lone dollar In it mid this, too, ho slowly jianded over then followed a blinking spell more gulplngs and, still deliberately, Albert backed out ot tlio door whence ho came. Stuhr looked nt O. O. IJurnctt, the freight man, nnd vice versa, and the snmo thought struck them botii at tho samo time. "I havo It ho's a Bonambullst whatever that ls," and Stuhr scooped tho $8 into tho cash drawer. LQCAL OVERFLOW MHS. C. C. WILSO'N was a shopping visitor henvtoday, from Coob HIv cr. . i ,1) , mon lumber Is very low, logs costing Kenneth M. Ilnragcr Is n grnduatn about ?7 a thousand nnd the flnlsh- ot Lob Angeles IluslnqBH Collago, cd nroduct selllnb for JfJ.'CO. TIiIb Lort Angeles Nornml. and lias .two. ,0HB H imrUfty retrieved on tho sale! " ORn " d ' TT nvn . yearn In tho University of Southern! . .. ' .k ' .. , . .ufc.uituh hbLUi will l'nvo Sunday .. ... ... - ... . f.r "niinnru ' nt xi n I iifiiiHiiiifi 1111 i California, no represented tuai "' ..-' - - University on Its debating 'team last Bald. year. I-'or sovcrnl years ho hnn bpou i0gs for dm Porter mill arc be in tho Los Angeles office of It. O, . lirmll. no... frnm Tnr.. Heel. to spend a deposition. week or so nt tho Unn & Co. Tenchers' Trips Daniels Creek hnd from west Marsh- It should be gratifying to know, field. It In expected Hint tho -Tar, thut.HOvernl ,of tho former teachers, Heel ennui will bo inoVed somo- Mnblo ThoninH. Fourth. Monmouth wll W"W or, 9"""F J'01"; 81'ont, wl,oro 0B0 i abo,,t :)o Hays. There egon, Normal. l-ll ""yf "1 tir, Oregon Ellen Larsen, Fifth: OhIcohIi, Wis. Normal. ' Host (llosop. Sixth, Oregon Stnto, V.J ",, . V" ' . was a thrcatbned shortago ot logs at ,111 , , ivuifui IDIMI UIU 11. ttllllU hi- , tended, .the, Hijniuior school ot tho tho mill two dnys ago ahd yesterday j (MHS. J. IJ, DAVIS,, of Coos Klver, was down from her homo this iiornngtishopplng. MtS. M'CJ.I.f)POH. Miss Allqo Cox nnd Mrs. Harry Noble, will lenvo koo. Wis.. Normnl. High School Crudes VtlM. Utnllnv. I,' I rut. Miwirlliiilit M,... . .JJ , ..U. ................. , ... ., .' . ,t,. n . , Minnesota Normal. ' ' rtovp pr mo uiiKipnii VJV acnoui, helva Flanagan. Sci-oiiil, Mon- He i counts this oio of (lie mpsf, valu- moiitli Oregon Normnl. W nxiorlincpB of tlio suhimor. At Oraco (irlffln. T)ilrd: Ynallnntl, ,n( V"",'" of (Is work In Nat- Michigan. Normnl. unil Sclonco. Mr. NYoJto was offered ICleanor McMullen. Fourth: Osh- fellowship In tho I nlvors ty If ho llnlviirHltv .. ..of. California. Mr. nioriilni: n largo rnft cumo In front Helen Sprngim. Sovonth, Mllwnu- j '" ,wa niomljor of tho Uner- Cooa ,Uvor JllBt t10 1(,8t )og the ci;eB,ra7.1er;i;a;;Vo,knvVe;:."' " "" "'" J'-""' -' srs Tru'tner nnd Wood, muslcnl di" npomtlons were not suspended for n minute ami irom now pn h is ex pected thoro will bo i( plolUlfiil sup ply. No Largo Orders Alionil Tho voport that tho Simpson kosh, WlBroiiBln Normal. ' w" ronBeni to re urn uioro lor Myrtlo Tripp, Fifth: Monmouth, he coining year. The offer wan Oregon Normal. ! tempting but ho decided to return to May Kvruh. ' Sixth: Uelilnghnni, ' work In Mnrshflold. Washington Normal. ' Among tun ainrsnuoiu iimiciilth ni JoHO ' l,,u meeiing oi liiu iMiiuuiuii i unuii- ers Assopiaiion wore .mihh uiioiiey, 'Mth. Wilbur. Mr. Robertson, Mr. Walte. and Mr. Tlcdgon. and Miss lloguo. Others visiting tlio exposi tion during tho summer woro MIbs iVolz, Mrs. (lloHBop, Miss llceso, MIbs (Jrlffln, MIhh Shaw, Mrs. Wilbur, MIbs Mulnnoy. Mr. Walte. Mr. Hob- Sunday for, tlio exposition. HJLLIS SHQIlf anil, tamlly' ,cnimo down on tho boat this morning or n(phort visit from Saunders jnlc. , , San Iown Flora Shnw, Seventh California Normnl. Mario T. Muloney. Flghth: Stnto Teachers' College. KrllOoI ItllliM School opens September 13 nnd Supt. Tledgoii makes tho following statement: Ttftclmrs pro rt''iueBtei to meet nt the IllKli School nt 2:30 p. in. flrtson, Miss t.ulck. Miss Stokes. Mr., Sept. eleventh, HurnKnr. Mr. l.elnnd. Miss Uirson, High school pupils who have mat ters of liuslneHS (o tronsact with Mr. Walto should sen him Thursday or Friday afternoon, Sept. Uth and lOtlu I flrndo pupils who havo examina tions to tnnko up 'should'" rail tho superintendent's office and nuiko ap pointment. Phonu 22KX, (Iriule pupils who will bo now to the school this jour should enroll before school opens If possible. Tho superintendent will bo In his office In the High School building every af. ternoon next week (Sept. 0 to 10th) except Saturday. Pupils under six years of ngo can not be received. All pupils In Seventh II. will at tend the High nrliool-idlJIilliig this ear. MlhS Flora Shaw, teacher. All pupils In Seventh A mid Flghth II. will report to Miss Hprnguo In the Central school. AH others pupils will please re Mr. Tledgen. ber company bad orders ahead for 20,000,000 foot of lumber is abso lutely not so nnd foollHh ut tho snmo timo, sain .iir.Aritiuy. no eii"i"-u i that such o largo ordor at present market prices would not bo wanted for tho company, by contracting now, would lose tho benefit of a raluo In the market later on. He said that orders nro coming In just com fortably woll, enough to keep tho mill In good operation. Luinborhion of tho coast mot In Fivorltt a' few days ago for a hear-i MMB GAWmAITH, of tho Parisian, returned today from n six wco'ts tr'p to 8; ok." no nnd oh r north ern nnd eastern points. MISS MAIIY.'CLAUKB returnod last ove"Ing . Ia Itos'burg from San Francisco wliero the attended tho exposition" nnd purchased millin ery stock. Declares It Has More Money Per Cnpltn T'-nn Any Other Point on tlio Pacific Coast . (8pcclnl to Tito Times) 'GOhlJ UWACH, .Ore. Sept. 3. -I'Thcro Is'tnoro money por capita at Ool"d llcnch' and .orrtho lowor Itoguo rJvclMhan'iniiy point on tho conBt." Tills statement Is made by Oeorgo IX Wood, ono or the owners of tho Curry County "Hank 'at Gold llcach nnd 'in ohargu 6f the llank at Hrook-Ings.'-' 4 "This community," said Mr. Wood "Ib not depondont upon tho lumber market but derives its wealth from Its own resources. Tho salmon fish ing this year has paid good wages and tho working men nil havo mon ey. Tho sheep men havo recolved 30 cents a pound for their wool clip arid mutton has brought a good prlco. Thoro Is a fair domain! for "cnttlo nnd much vulunblo stock on hand so everybody Is In a prosperous condition. Hank DfM)slts Dig "Thoro Is no plnco on tho roast whero tho pcoplo havo mnro money considering tho population. Tho business of a bank shows tho condi tions of n locpllty. pTho Cold Hench bank doposlts roach almost $100,000 which wo regard vns, a flrfo showing for this locality, j Tho 'money paid out by tho fisher ies has been u big factor In helping tho locnllty. Tho .Maclcay estate each year expends largo cash minis among tho fishermen nnd othor em ployes of tho company nnd bns dis tributed many thousands of dollars In mnklng Improvements In and about Weddorburn. Is Dig Factor "Tho fact Ib I Invested In tho Gold Hench bank nftor tho death of tho former ownor on n chniico thnt some otto would buy the propnrty nnd op erato It. My anticipations along that lino were renllzed nnd the JJnc- leoy estato purclmsod the big prop '..(I i ' ' i .P. '- Havc you noticed the striking difference shown by us ndthosc you seo in other windoys7 This is 'due to tho facfthJiJii nHinr cfnrnc liiiv frnin (riunl!.,.. ... "?l H uilli.1 mmwMJ iiwiii -IIUVVJIIIHJ fTlCllrf May and June. Ouf-s were purchased in; the New York market in Aunust. nftor iu manufacturers knew what the styles were to be. If you wish the latest styles and best prices there is but one place The Golden Rule BIGGEST STORE BEST PIB SHIPPING NEWS ASKING PI Has (JiiiHl I'jissriiKcr !Ast mill Freight Cargo l.eacs Out Again for Xortli on Sunday when I state that the profit thin year to thostock holders are 37 per cent on tho Investment. I do nof know of' many other lines of busl- salo. BREAKWATER IS IN AllltlVKS KAHIjV KltOJI 1'OKT. ....' . .'... .. i it'inr irif .1 iiviiT. ,. .... "' iiwui.ii nui I COOS DAY IMPItOUHl Says Dredging Mint' IV Ik No Money "Jast IUM hiijn Uvmy 8cnp.lrU Surprise Hint Cooi Biylm Itnd rnlKcil a $000,000 Uik bottorhiont of Its harbor n dcnceil by (ho harbor corn! nt Kiirokn, according to Ho;i Btaeken, sccretnry of till Coos Hay, who had achiliKl thoro the other day while nil homo from thu south, They wanted to know bmri 'project could bo succwli out niul declared their a they could do tlio umttU liig tho harbor there Iff need of further drcdglntu! borg, It. I,. Wells, Miss l'Moronco Cox.'aj-o having a hard time It; With a good pasBonger list tlio steamship Krcakwntcr nVrlved In nt nine o'clock tills morning from I'ort- erty and tho extonslvo operations of hind. Sho also brought n good ear tho company-havo dono much to g0 of freight. It was a quiet trip bring the lower IJoguo river country i down the const. ' to Its present state of prosperity. I Tho arrivals hero woro: "That tho Investment in tho bank, c. Hoehborg, II. Hatcher, Leo Mlt was a good one may bo understood ' c,ell, 0. It. Hnhlor. II. It. Miller, O. W. Hunt, nen Wllloy, Krimk Pago, K. Pohrson, Mrs. W. Gnlbrallh, J. Look, Hello Steams, Mrs. L. A. Whltcomb, O. Twist, A. Anderson, 1 Anderson, iiosb which nro paying mat rQvenug,, Longscth, J. Dlsmi, Jas. Andorson In thoso times. .It Is needless to say 0 SV0I.( Hi iUolmi, j. Hendricks, that nono of tho banks stock Is for Art Henderson, J. (inidlo, l Nan- I.HO hlOCK rnjN. , n. Urnwn. MIhh IV KlnlKlimir l.'nul "The llvo stock industry in Curry Martin, J. II. O'Neill, Sam Niibb, Mrs. county, which moans Bhcep and cat-lSllln NnBHi MlBa Si N1B8i N M v(U tie, brings tho ranchers about $100, ! 000 a year. This is exclusive of tho dairying which creates a big incomo nnd Is cnrrlod on extensively in tho northorn part of tlio stnto and which Ib spreading toward other sections. Tho Macleay company has built a chceso factory which has started dairying on lloguo river and which noxt year will bo patronized much more extensively ami will make an Important additional wealth prod tic- son, Mrs. DuvIiIboii, .1, Johnson, K. 15. Dal, (1. Kdcsou, N. Halouon, M. Hill, A. Matson, C. Sagen, Win. Thomson, Loo I'oy. ls K. SHINK, former manager of tho Southern Oregon Couipnuy on Coos Hay but now u resident ofied for tho ranehorB. "Consluprlng everything I do not California, .arrived hero laH' night to look after his extonslvo Interests. CURRY COUNTY KEPT PROSECUTOR BUSY Ing'lioforo tho Federal Trades Com-(hen FISHKit and J. T. Ilrnnd re mission to talk nvoi means of better lumbering conditions) and It Is ex- j peeled thnt from this thero may bo I results of benefit to tho lumber lli- niHt.lct AUorncy .IhIiiim... Has l.lvH ,llI8try of-(llo mMi, ly Timo l.ooulug After ( astvs ' (i'immI Work (Special to The Times.) HOLD I1HACII, Ore., Sept. II. IHstrU't Attorney Johnson, tho now prosecutor of Curry County, fell heir to u largo amount of business at the first Circuit Court term of his udminlsttntiou. Often thu busi ness of couit In Curry County Is disposed (ft In a few ilays, but at tho August term thero was a large amount of busluebs, much of which " I-" " . .. ....... ... nort ill sumo hiilldliiKH.iiH nt close of kch mo insiriri Aiiorney very oiisy. iipnl 'lit ,.Iuii( Uj'iiuests,- for Tqo grand jury considered a nuiu-1 jlmfrRos of bvilldlngs 'Vlll hot cop-, bur of cases, uno of whlcli rciiulr' dilfrecrnfterVchoolotJi'hfl. ,, t.nti,rabio research and the Miss Klora'shaw'ls'T (earlier of linwHciilor'u attention was ilomaiideil 'xperlrnon.aud.iiti.oiie Uuw principal inich of , the Hmo wh (Im grand if grades In Oraut's Pass, Oregon 'juiors. Several of the matters ta in 19t3-l!ll 1, she took a year's -work-1 k,, fm. possible Indictment neci j il nan .mm, l iiiiui iiih, iuiuiii t.., , , H ...ulimlnir of liiiimrlnii rrcihoii up her teaching iniflhfMif hurt i w"llt,, " " f",l,0"h ' imp or an Hast year taught, at ShIum. .Oregon, l 'ylrtunc. lhoro were also crlmlna murine the present summer Miss 'cases to probecuto In court and li 3hnw did summer work In tW Unl-,aihltt(6n Mr. Johnson was attomo '. !.. n..llfnH..n 1 . . k peroiiy oi l. hum i .... n,t n ,m,r of civil cubes. Ho wai Miss Myrtlo Tripp, Miss.- llolva . , .. , , ... , Flanagan; Miss llossio Ininiel, MIbh"1"" ono of h lu"orB ! tho flHl" Mabln Thomas completed their work, K controversy cases, bo his ttuio in Monmouth, Ore, Normal nftor n teaching oxporlenco In the rural and SOCIAL (JAMJNDAIt Fit I DAY Thlmblo Club with Mrs. ICImur Itussell. 4 4 MEN'S HATS WATERPROOF In nl the late Fall blocks Black and Colors $3.00 .turned last evening from Ten ( Mllo whore, with S. K. Cnthcort, they havo been for sovernl dayt making a survey pf proport); In which thoy nro Interested on tho lako. J OK SCHPTT will leavo tpmorrow for Columbus, Ohio, to attend tho National Convention of Station ary englneors, being a dologato from tho local branch, Ho will spend a month or bo there, also visiting rolntlvcs at Muscatlno and Mnrshalltown, la. lago schools of Orogon. Miss IMIth Stulloy is a primary teachor of six years experience, three of which were In Forest drove. Ore gon. Sho Is n gradunte of Moor, head, Minn. Normal nnd has taken work for one year In Primary Meth ods In the rnlverslty of California. ' was well taken up. Mr. Johnson Is new In Curry 1 Count and Is not as well acquaint ed with thu people and conditions, in tho locality as tho lawyers who ' have lived hole longer, but tho new prosecutor proved hlniBolf qulto ca-l I pablo of taking care of the situation I Miss Ellen Larson Is n teacher of0'"' ""(l favorable Impression five, years' exporlcnco ranging from l mi tho people. rural schools to citv schools of Apl , I pirtnn.'WlB In audition tn her Nor arpjl ti-ainliifj, flbo hns taken work for Tl:iiP8 want iuls lirino reanjls,. t i Better see these before getting that new sky-piece W.H.DINDINGER&CO Banker Hill Department Store . ( il'otatoes Hllglitcxl. Farmers from tho north of Coos JHvor and nbovo Allegany say that tho potato crop, so abundant there last yenr, has been badly blighted this sum mer nnd thoy will not have many sacks for "tho market. This same report, coming from many Bourcob, In tho county, leads to tho bollof that potatoes this fall and wintor will bo high and ninny carloads will probably havo to bo shipped In hero from outsldo points. ' ' ' 'know of more prosperous communi ty than we havo right hora on lloguo River and ono engaged In tho bank ing business is generally able, to Judgo, its tq fiunucla conditions." , 4 No Haiti Times Cry I- , 4 It Is a fact that evoryouq scorns to hovo money nnd to bo sHtlstled with tholr condition. Complaluu of hard times nro not heard In Curry county and If It is 'dull In othor places no ono In this section Is worrying any thing about it. VICSSKL MOVKMKNTH Aiilved Hrcakwntcr, Portland, 9 a. in. Yollowstono, San Francis-, co, 8:. TO a.-in. Simpson, San Francisco, Wednesday, p. m. Hustler, vPorllnud. thl's morning. 'I Due Hero Hardy. San Francisco, to night. - . - -SalliMl Wpstornor, San Diego, 0 n. m, ' VICTIMS OF TURKS lt)tlt KIIiLKD AND Disi;i-i;s IN 10(10 DIK I 13HSIA OF Fto Months Ociipjitlou of Urumlali Futal (o ChrMlHii Population, Hays the Hopoil inr AMwltfcJ rfr to rw nf Time 1 NEW YORK, Sopt. 3.-uAt lenst iouu unris'ians "woro k'l'ed and about 1000 otloiB died of disease in Urumlah, Persia, during tho flo fnonthd" of Tuk'sh cccupation, ac t'ordlng' to a le'tor recolved from Df'Willlam A. Shedi and made pub! He today by the Prebbyterlan Doaril of Foreign Missions. No Woitl From London. Oeorgo Toots has as yet recolved no word from London regarding his proposal to build Bcctlonnl houses- for tho English government. His plans specifications wont forward some timo ngo but It Is bollovod thero has not yet been timo to recolvo a ro- L Ply. Sunday Sen Ices. Services will bo conducted Mn the Mnrshflold Episcopal Church', iinday f 1 IJavnii and at Empire uL,,7(t30 in. thpicvon InB. ... .. money from tlio govcrnrntK. AecordliiB to tho " od In a booklet KottcnoaU ka for tho lioiicflt of tin V Harbors Committee, n W thoro. Ilumbohlt by t" much water on Hs bar Hay and lo tho lnu lacking In lis depth ot ' tho main channel. Want llcdtttxKl M While Mr. ScngtUrtwH rnlm the iiconlo cre com iirnlinHttlon to BCCUre IMH of heavy redwood tlnt,k as a national parK. i Knut " the pW f W Ward. nrOBl""11 ka niul a good booster, eifi .,inimi Unit Bcversl mn Bocured who would ilH- nl., lm i.mollilt 8D! I".- . . ..... .!,.. to be w ovor hi r.iu". ' . jii n,,vrninnnt control. It 1 aro still looking for tMHl are optimistic In their w AAAAHH, 1 AMONG THESIS u no -i M. P. Guecn, nultn sick ported slightly W ..I. 01 of pneutewfal lliiprgu- - ifinrf crnltll IS C0I1 UUIUlu tl ..I Mil ... . ., jmiilile. Be'l of hip joiih v bottor today. nboM""1 ... ...i,r,i,t fnver. " iV"" '"',',' (, tm . ... all uonry"i,i' ,irJ(l tvDliold fever. ftJ"l licr i'IP'W Channel Is Decimal, TI19 chan nel on Isthmus Hilpt.1runinB' ujf to tho docks of tho Coos Hay milling riimiinnr linn linen I'ftnttilnfulv ili-mli?. ed out by tho Larson Dredging I HJ"'P QH.Ni: HOME company and It is said thoro Is more! s"0I"lff Georgo Qulne, wlfo and than 30 feet of water now at the 80n Kn,P". returned hero last even- - mill. As yet no ship has gono to.,nB af,er n couplo of days spent at tho mill for lumber but It Is bollov.j Hnm,on vlslt'nB with tho former's ed that tho Hardy will carry a par- l8te Tho' m!Ul !' run from Hal load from there either this trip! Hnndon t0 Hoseburg In 12 hours' or the next, for San Francisco. Ti,0w,tho"t any difficulty. Roslnirs! iteiiew. old Northwest is still anchored on ,tho east 8Jio pf the Inlet, waiting' 1 ior oruers irom wnsningion for ner M 'i Phono :2 t "' 4 j removal. Dance, afternoon a.i.l io,,i,, - fioolttUIV. Sun. ScpL-nth. lliul.v's aOi )fH"' trn. 1 J' ' . BE1TER MEATS-That's whatwc fuf 1 BEFTtR SERVICE-That's .What we ivc BETTER PRICES-The best "the ihafW' permit What more do you want? PHONE US YOUR MEAT ORDERS PALACE MEAT MARKET Phone 406 J 180No.r; tlilldren falling ami telephone, orders given ! J" t I tf'0M.: ifll 1 t.l ! 1 f.'