THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1915 EVENING EDITION. SEVEN SIONAL DIRECTORY Housewortli, rVlm. nml Hiiwon Lflicilnii'tf ,,Im',c II (() 1a . in. in. 1! to turn t.. u n. F" " . ... .. i..... 1 I'l.T. lOffll'O lli'-'i nlT,' "-" bright phone 188.I IdINO CONTItAOTOIl Us furulslicd on roqucsi ' S'la! . B..,.l.nt iir mm Hi'""" "r HA8SKS I'lTTKH , ;,;,,!. Itooms UOU-UOl Inhig Work. rn: n. shaw. rslclnu mill Surgeon I'llOIIO ! , hours hy nppolntment. m ll 1 in usiimu .,.,.. ,Vfl BIjTINU liftui"""'" "' ARCHITECT fees, 20C Irving Dlock. h-L or 2C7-J. Marslifiold, Oregon, utler 31VHJ KXniNKKK i Coko Dhlg. Pliono 145-J. ildcnco I'lioiio 3GJ-L. Shandler AltUIHTKUT bl ami 302, Coko Dulldlng, llarshflclil. Oregon. Turpen AllClllTI-XlT Etarahdcl'J, Oregon. COMMUTATION nfl TICKETS, 15.00. CAi hflcld-.Vortli Jlcml Auto Lino very ten minutes from to 1" p. in.; to South ! onco n day, leaving at Id.; to Empire three trips WT & KINO, Props. coos hiveu ijoat service UXOH EXPRESS jMnrshflcid every day Leaves lipjul of river nt 'M1G p, in. KAMCIt RAINHOW Kittul of river dally nt 7 ciucs Multifield nt " p. ' rlmrtcr apply on lioanl. RO(Ji:itS .V: H.MITII Proprietors SAVE MONEY ordering tho famous JRYVILLE COAL per ton $1.00 1. por ton $ (ton ot both $1.70 I). MUSSO.V, Prop. 1H-J or Iwivo orders nt flljcr's Cigar Store llFE Q A. n. IIODGINH IfpfH PAINT AND & DECORATING CO. tiraates Furnished "It. Mnrnllflnlll. (rr,cr,n . , -w.wwm THE ROOF FIXED NUW fee CORTHELL rnone 3171 IRCHANTS CAFE E"i""r I'ini'o i or i Good Moals rices Reasonable "iicreini ami U'dw'y. plAXSKni A.Mi S'lviif f HOUSEHOLD cnimu n a.m haggage -4 Call USON TRANSFER Phono iim piilcuio Plume i;U, Ave. inn Waterfront FERN LOAN AND 1 Puiluing CO. I P $2,340,000.00 Per cent on savings KAIIFMAM B. nn cal Treasurer $ AN UNDERTAKING PARLORS mil b0 kept To Till! IM' u'ar fc(uto lcoi.sp, ertaker vWll bo u cnargo Mwno 105.J LOSS OF GERMANS ENGLISH AUTIIORITIKHS CJjAIM 2,000,000 MEN GONE m Pistol and Revolver Cartridges That Are Dependable and Accurate YPU selected your pistol or revolver because you expected it to u,ivc you results. Now, results whet her in casual fdinoting orinseriousworknt the target depend more tlian you might think on the wife choice of ammunition. It isworlhrcmcmhciing that tliu highest men in the 1'istoland Revolver classes nrcuhooting Ucuiington-UMC Cartridges nudeforcvery standard make of pistol nnd revolver used anywhere in the world. For thcright ammunition from thoflportMiicn'spnint of view, teethe Rem-ington-UML Dealer. lie displays the Red Ball MarkoJRcminglon-UMC. Sold by your home dealer nnd 645 other leading merchants in Oregon Remington Aim i-Union Metallic Cartridge Co., Woolwotth lildg. (233 B'wj) N.Y. Cil j WBMM1WW The Gunnery "Everything for Outdoors" 153 Front St., Marshfield-Phone 34-J Koontz Garage Agency for SOODYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repalriny a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: .. Phonp 180-J OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Goi'bt Al King. Cnrs leave Marshfield 7 a.m., 1 1 a.m.. " ".in., ft p.m. Cars leave for Kniplro 7 n.m., 1 1 a.m., - 'mii., 5 p.m. Cars I.oavo Sunset Hay 7 a.m., 0 a.m., 1 p.m., ft p.m. Faros, Umpire, ilftc; Tarheel or South Slough, ft()c; Sunset Kay 7ftc MARShTIELD-ROSEBURG AUTO LINE Best Cars Fare, $7 Best Drivers TiCnve Marwliflcld .ft:00 A.' M. Dally Icavo Itoschiii'K a :!! A. SI. Dally TICKET OFFICE, 139 FRONT St. MAItSIIITIIIil) New Dodge Cars Fare $7.00 The newspaper that gets results si is the READ HY. Kpf.oplf. WHO BUY) ONE READ BY A PEOPLE WHO WANT THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS. WHEN SUBSCRIBERS ANX IOUSLY AWAIT THE ARRIVAL OF THE HOME NEWSPAPER IT IS A SURE INDICA TION THAT THAT PAPER IS READ. YOU READ THE TIMES FROM THE FIRST TO THE LAST PAGE BE CAUSE IT IS CHOCK FULL OF INTEREST ING LOCAL NEWS MATTERS IN WHICH YOU ARE DIRECTLY INTERESTED. OTH ERS DO THE SAME. THEY READ YOUR ADVERTISEMENT, IF YOU . HAVE . ONE, WITH AS MUCH IN TEREST . AS . ANY OTHER FEATURE, BECAUSE IT IS ORI GINALLY DISPLAYED BY MEN WHO ARE ADEPTS IN THIS LINE OF WORK AyA THE HOME I'M IE erJ London Authorities Make Statement of Cost of War In Men So Kar Jlow Imk fan They Stand It ttlr AMoclatoil PrfH lo O)o tl7 Tlmf. J LONDON, Aug. 30. A Htntemonl from u Hrltlsu nuthorlntlvo source on Oerman'H strength In men and her Iobbcs wiib made public hero today. Tito statement asserts that about July 31, the (Icrmnns had 1,800,000 men on the western liattle front nnd 1,100,000 on tho eastern front a totnl of 3,200,000 men on the nrtutil fighting line while there also wero t, 120,000 Austrlans opposed to the Russians. There were besides a largo number of (Jermnn troops of various classes in garrisons, fortifi cations and on lines of communica tion, In addition to convalescents, In valids and others. "It Is impossible to say," tho statement dcelnres, "how far tho re servo troops have liccn armed and equipped, but tho fact that the to tal number of men on the two fronts Is only 3,200,000 appears to show that this is nbout the largest number tho Germans nro able to put fully equipped Into tho fighting line. l-'liNt Mile HO Per Cent "Tllo Oermans from n dnto short ly after tho outbreak of tho war sup plied tho losses In their first and rcservo troops from tho second nnd evon tho third line, so that is Is safer to rogard all tho German troops In the fighting line as much of tho same quality ns in tho first few mouths of the war. "It Is calculated that tho first lino troops lost nbout 50 per cent in cas ualties and tho reserves about 25 por cent, tholr places being taken by recruits from tho 1011 class and from other categories nnd reformed units, Including tho 1U1C class of re cruits. "Slnco then tlioy hnvo ngaln lost about GO per cent In casualties, so probably thoro romalns only nbout 2."i per cent of tho original first lino troops, to which must bo added tho men slightly wounded who have re turned to the fighting lino. I Total ,0((),0(() "Tho German casualties In killed, wounded nnd mlsslug reported to Juno 30 totalled 1,072,141 men, of All Over Gregoim 1 NEW DANCE STEPS HKND I'lro of unknown origin ninnus Deputy Sheriff Stewart destroyed tho Uend hotel, driving guests out in their ntghtclothes, and causing a loss of $1",000. l'OHTI.AND Tho lockout ot tho union musicians In tho local theaters' Creek. is Investigating alleged Incendiarism In connection with the burning of two largo barns belonging to Sam Hall and K. Ilollcnbaught on Mlddlo DANCIXtl MASTKltS TltV TO STAXDAItDIKti DAXtTNO terminated by both sides making concessions. PORTLAND Chas. Allsky be- EUOKNK Guy h. 1 1111. aged iiluo. through his guardian, Jessie Mnsler, lias sued tho Al Harnes clr- nml chain PORTLAND Carl I.cwollyn, aged 22 and Yale graduate, Is hero to vis it his uncle, Judge M. C. George, and wears tho German Iron Cross con ferred for bravery In the German nr my In the battle ot Yprea. ASTORIA .Mrs. ,T. K. Roman was elected queen of tho coming annual regatta. ROSURURG Saturday was tho hottest day of tho season, tho ther mometer registering 100. Raker City reported 05, Hugone 07 nnd oth er points similar heat. FOREST GROVE About $80,000 bonds hnvc been voted to liibtall a sanitary sewngo system to cover tho nntlro city. ROSEUURG Forest fires have douo considerable damage In Cala poola, North Umpqua nnd Myrtle Creek districts. HOOD RIVER R. Reeves Clnx ton says that one of his cows nto $112 worth of pears In his orchard before he discovered that ho had a fondness for tho fruit. lUUDAL VEIL James McCattn wns killed and Will Fulford hurt when n National Guard special train ran them down on tho railway tracks. TOLEDO Joe Gay, aged 78, sev erely slashed Shorn Lafayotto, aged 80, near here. Roth aro Indians. SALEM Max Gelhar has resigned as National Guard Captain. SALEM Rev. Robort flooth, aged 8(5, has returned from n 100-mllo auto trip to eastern Oregon. FOREST GROVE -Tho Cnthollc congregation lias presented Rov. Fa thor J. It. Ruck with nn nutomobllo. RAKER Claudo V. Shaw of 1'ny otto, Idaho, has been nppolntcd Y. M. C. A. secretary here. GRESHAM Mrs. E. L. Thorpe, prominent In tho grnngo and Mult nomah County Fairs Is dead. PORTLAND It Is claimed that all tho fish produced in tho Oregon Hatcheries cost tho stnto $38.50 por pound. NEWRURG Ruth Doyle, ngod 11 lost her llfo whllo bathing In tho Willamette and so did Louis Stoe bol, aged 10, from Lansing, Mich., who attempted to rcjoue her. SALEM Ex-Gov. "Went' In bohnlf of tho policy holders of the defunct n..ti. Dsvlliir Atiannt.iilntt ...t ... k.. linrilCUllllI U rilU ivunui jvhjuvihuuh wnom ..uu.i wore kiiioii, ir..S08 i ,B ,B to B1I0 tho director of the. body if Receiver Harvoy wchh noes died of dlscasa nnd 510,723 either nro missing or prisoners, or nro so seriously wounded ns to put thorn out of action for the remainder of tho war. Slnco Juno 30 thoro tins been heavy fighting, probably bring ing tho total loss up to 2,000,000 for tho year. "Assuming that half u million men wero only slightly wounded and re covered, tho offectlvo loss Is as sumed to amount to 1,000,000 in nil dltlon to which probably half a mil lion men nro wounded who nro ab sent from tho front on leave in hos pitals. This makos tho total net loss for tho year 1,500,000, of whom from 100,000 to 1G0.000 men wore killed. "Tho Germans, it Is calculated nt tho beginning of the war had 8, 000,000 mon arallablo for military, service, and that number might bo increased by a million or a million or a million and half If ovcry man of military ago gavo his service. Tho only reasonahlo suggestion, therefore, for tho fact tho Germans hnvo only 3,200,000 men In tho fighting lino is that they nro un able to supply moro than that num ber with equipment. From tlio totnl ot from 8,000,000 to 9, 000,000 men must bo deducted tho 1,500,000 net loss for tho year and tho same number of men required for making arms nnd ammunition," ENGLAND PURCHASES 6,000,000 R. R. TIES To repair tho railroads of Great Rrltaln which hnvo now boen taken over by tho govornmpijt, England lias put into Portland an order for (1,000,000 tics, about ouo third of tills amount to lie delivered in Sop tomber, providing there Is amplo ton nngo available Local tio men predict that tho or der ihay hnvo an effect In allowing contractors of Coos county to get -Id of a shnro of their supply at better than prevailing prices. At tho same time it is noticeable that the Allies aro calling for moro lumber than usual, n fact that also may materially affect local condi tions within tho next fow mouths, liit.1 Itln tlnn mill mtntt. In tiltl I n... r. Aim .1... ..n,u r.... ., I.....I. i,li;ikl.l ...w Y v.,.i" v .... w "HUB IJ1 ftl,1MMF llttllll.ttJO IUI ,. IJ,.J.,- wldow, his son receiving Ills wnteli en arm sustained when circus seats , couuapfcd at Salem. I EUGENE Tho Lano County Fniri will bo held September 22 to 25, the Fame dnte as those of tho Pendleton i Roundup. Et'GENE The first rain In tlilr-l ty dnys fell Monday, it was only! a light shower. KCGENE Police Judgo llryson lias fixed $20 as the minimum fltin' for Rpecdors. . ROSEIUIRG An auto of Geo. Euston of Prlnovlllo rolled ovo.' n 100-foot embankment on Roberto Mountain when ho attempted to crank it. DALLAS Rov. Howard McCon noll or Tho Dallns will hecomo past or of tho Clirlstlan church hero and Rov. Claudo F. Stevens ot Raymond, Wnsh. will become pastor of tho In dopendcuco Christian church soon. HOOD RIVER Scores of gypslos enmped hero on route down tho Col umbia and hnvo taken otfcrythlng that wasn't guarded. I'ORTLAN,D Spot blucstem wheat 'Is nolll4g on tjho Portland stock exchnngo for S7 cents and Rod flfo at 81, a decllno of tiirco cents. PORTLAND Workmen ltre lny lng hard surfneo paving on tho high ways nt tho rato of 1-1,000 yards or a milo nnd a half of road per day. SUMPTER Frank S. Ralleo has retired ns manager of the Columbia mine nfter twenty yenrs sorvlcc. O. D. Glover succeeds him. SALEM Two trusties, Lewis Stn cey of Wallowa and Win, llowen of Lako county escaped from tho stnto prison here. MEDFORD Forest fires swept 5,000 acres near Elk Crook, Rutto Falls near Trail, and near Applegato. Fred Sturgls' homo wns burned. MEDFORD Tho thermometer re gistered 103 Saturday, 101 Sunday and a trlflo cooler Monday. MEDFORD Dill llattlo, colored porter, fired two shotB at unknown mini who tried to senro him. Chlof or Pollco Illxon hns given public no tlco that anyono pestering llattlo will bo arrested and fined. SALEM About ton thousand hop pickers aro now busy In Oregon Holds. Tlioy rccelvo only forty contB per box this year nnd last year thoy got fifty cents. SALEM Attorney Gonornl Drown says that tho Stato funds cannot ho used In hnrd surfacing a rond load ing to tho fnlr grounds. PORTLAND Alvln Hawkins and Wnlter Nelson, two Jefferson High school students wero drowned In tho Willamette, Hawkins suffering from cramps while going into tho water overheated and Nelson drown lug In a vain attempt to save him. LA GRANDE Sixty dollars was taken from tho Hnfo of tho Island Ci ty, postofflco. Tho snro wus opened hy breaking tho combination. Thla Is tho second time tho office has boon robbed lately not. OAKLAND A fira of unknown origin eausod aovoral liundord dol lars damage at tho creamery hoforo it wan extinguished, GLENDALE A. II. Ilcnson mar ried Mrs. Sadie Clements of Rose burg. EDENUOWER Fire, caused by a dofoctlvo fluo, destroyed Iltulolp Jonnlo's $1,700 home WARM SOP LIFE INSURANCE PILOT RATES Simplify nnd Unify, Keynotes of the Convention .lust Concluded at San I'rnucl.sco New Dances The Waltz Trot. Tho National One Step. Tho National Fox Trot. Tho Waltz Walk. Tho Jitney Jog. Tho Duzurka. PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 27. Portland dancing teachers have Just returned from San Francisco whoro they hnvo been attending tho Ameri can nntlonal convention of dancing masters held at tho Clarcinont hotel. Untiring teachers from nil parts or tho United States nssemblcd to dis cuss nnd standardize tho modern danccH ot the day. Nearly 100 dolo gates and tholr wives wore In nttontl nnce. Portland wns well represent ed hy seven dolegatcs. Tho key noto or tho convention wns not to add something now to tho already top heavy list ot various dances, but to simplify tho popular steps of tho day and adopt a uniform method of teaching tho snmo dnnco throughout tho entire United States so that a person from Portland can go to Now York or San Francisco nfter having learned tho modern dan ces hero and bo nblo to dnnco tho same stops with tho samo grace nnd freedom as others. Four stnndnrd dances wero adopted by tho conven tion nnd Professor M. M. Rlnglor, or Portland bad tho honor or being tho originator of ono of tho now dances. MccIh liiNtnnt, Favor His dnnco, which will bo known an tho "Montrose" u wnltz trot la u beautiful combination of nlmplo movements In wnltz time, nml met with instant favor at tho convention. Tho other dances adopted wero n combination of tho ono step move ments known nt tho "National Ono Stop" nnd also a "National Fox Trot." In tho lnttor dance tho trot ting stops ot tho past year have boon eliminated and slow Fado or two stop substituted. This makes tho dnnco very catchy and gracotul. Tho other dance adopted was tho "Waltz Walk" by Oscar Duryca of Now York City. Smooth Walt. Coming Hack Tho smooth wnltz Is coming back nnd Is being danced throughout tho country, although tho Fox trot nnd Ono Step hold first plnco. Dancing for tho coming season will bo smooth and refined, and no jiiovomont or tho body or arms should be indulged hi. Tho "Jitney Jog" by Willis .Chambers of Omaha and tho "Du zurka' also by Oscar Duryca, wero shown, Tho convention wnB a big success and was tho first ono In 22 years to ho hold on tho Pacific coast. Profess or Rlnglor had tho distinction of having ono o! ills dnnces, "Tho Rlng lor Schottlsche,' adopted hy tho In I tornntlonnl convention of dancing mnstars, hold last Juno In San Fran cisco, a similar organization to tho Nntlonal. Rlnglor is tho only teacher in tho United States to 1)0 honored by both organizations. REDUCED SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 3. Tho pllotago rates Into and out of this port have been reduced from $3 por foot draught on all vossoIh iindor 500 tons to $2, and on vessels over 500 tons from $3 por foot draughts and 3o per ton for cneh and vory ton registered inensuromont to $2 nnd 2o respectively. This action Ima been taken volun tarily hy tho pilots themselves, and means that thoy aro in ofreet actually "reducing tholr own," wnges quite an unusual, and decid edly refreshing mode of procedure In those modern times, when the trend everywhere scomn to ho to get ns much uh posslblo and return therefore ns little as posslblo. However, this action on tho part of tho pilots Is doBorving of u great deal of credit, and must Invariably rebound to tlio bouoflt of San Francisco. Coos BayTimes ITALY WAR'S O.V LIQUOR PARIS, Sept. 2. Italy has decleared war on a third foo by opening a prohibition campaign, according to Milan dispatches. Scores of sa loons and Inns havo bcon closod and 1800 liquor licen ces have been withdrawn by tlio government, tho Milan advices declare. MINNEAPOLIS, Sop. 3 If tlio Uni ted States should beromo Involved In war, somo of tho fratomnl Insur ance organizations may decline to is sue policies to enlisted men, accord ing to Rrlgadlor S. Young, of Ada, Ohio, commaudor-In-chlof of tho uni form rank of tho Knights or Pythias who was In Minneapolis as a dele gate to tho National Fraternal Con gress of Amorlen. Tho question lh now In tho liands of nttornoyH to do tcrmluo whether candidates admitted to tho ordor hereafter can ho compel led to waive their inauruiico benefits in tlio event that tlioy enlist, ho said. Canadian Insurance S'opped "Tho Knights of Pythias nro writ ing no moro lnsuraiico In Canada," ho said, "and it Is likely that ir tho United Stntes wont to war, thoro would bo no moro written In tills country. "As ovcry tratornlty Is deeply in terested in wnr's mortulltlej, tlioy nro especially anxious to soo penco ...AnnKiiml 'IMia ltsiut iiiinrnnlnn I ,.. UU. ... ,.t h ...V--, '.J, , a , I(n,0 1oI, X bollovo, is preparedness. Thoro is ' now before Congress a bill which will I Surprise onahlo tlio government to tnko ad- PORTLAND, Ore, Sopt. 2. vantage of tho drill teams or tho var Lumber manufacturers and dealers Ions organizations by providing W Uwo Is a tendency to stir en equipment and Instruction to every rrlces all around, and it is bold tha mi,.,innrV nreanizfitinn. This ' nn advaiico at an oarly date should v.......v. j . ..! !... tl, a not comu ua a smimou. or iu past 30 days pricos have ruled steady and ns the demand especially for clears is somewhat improved. Manufacturers havo looked long ingly for tho happy momont when thoy would ho In position to olovnto quotations, for tlio returns now from I tlio log under existing conditions nro 'sald to bo anything but profitable iln fact, tho word has gono out re- ,...11.. Mm. tunllir mlllu nrn nnnr- JIL'UlUMiy . .. ......a .., w,.-. ntlng at uctual loss. Hut In many Instances R has been found loss ox iiniifdvn tn oiiorato at a loss than to shut down entirely. LUMIIKK PRICKS STIFFEN would form tho basis of u great do fouslvo army." ! : i i ' ! r . HERLLV HAS PLENTY OF WHEAT NOW (Or Pre" la Ci rtr Tlm 1 RERUN, Sept. 2. (Via wireless to Sayvllle Tho municipal council decrcod that hereafter puro wheat may bo used in baking wheat bread and up to 30 por cent of wheat In ryo broad. Tho supply of wheat is said to be abundant. WANT PltOIIIIUTION LAW AGAINST DANCES SAN FRANCISCO, Aug 20. "What wo need is a law that will prohibit a man from putting ills arm around tho waist of n woman whllo dancing." dcclnred Mrs. Ju liet Jones, ot East Oakland, hoforo tlio congress of re forms hero. "No respectable woman should allow any man to put ills arm around lior wnlst unless that man Ih lior fath er, brother, husband or son." Mrs. Jones described tho modern dunces hh a recruit ing office for tho divorce court. She advocates tho return to tho old square dancus. HAD FOREST FIRES Conriagrallou Near Walla Walla Controlled by Hack Firing tlljr AxkoclttM rrcu to Con. nay Timn. WALLA WALLA, Wash Supt. 2. Tho riro on Spackman mountain, which yesterday burned throe fnnu houses wus reported controlled to day by backfiring. HOTTEST DAY OF YEAH IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES. Sopt. 2. Willi n toniporaturo of 97 degrees at 1 1 o'clock, tlio weather set a now hot record for tlio year. Tito weather bureau predicted u coutlnuaiico of tho warm wuvo which began last Friday, SAWMILLS TO RESUME RVHI1ER SOLES put on. Union i w Two I'IiiiiIh Near Portland Will Start Operations Again OREGON CITY, Ore., Sopt. 2. After being closed for several months tho Mllwnuklo and University Park plants ot tlio Monofco Lumber Com pany will open ((gain to operate for an ludoflnlto tlmo, announced Pres ident Menofec. Tho Mllwnuklo mill will employ 50 men and tho plant nt University Park 75. George Johnson will ho foreman nt tlio local mill. Milwati klo will bo benefitted by tlio open ing of tho mill ,owlug to tho fact that heads or many families aro de pendent upon It tor employment, Mr, Monofco said that ho found tho shinglo market In a fair condition. I Tho plant of tho Hawloy Pulp & , Paper Company nt Mllwnuklo will remain closed until the river rises .in tho full and the pulp machines at 'tho Oregon City mill aro put In op I elation. i 1 1 n fl I ,1 u ...IpailBMHjnggggj " H