.if-iaaaMBJwaas E?yg ' ' JJ1l ij.JIiim THE COOS GAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1915 Oh. 1- EVENING EDITION. ' THREE H entral Avenue Booster M CEXTHAL AVEXUE, CHID , SRPTRMllRIS ;l, 11)1.1 Xo. 2 !! . .... ftfl-H I S ib .. jl SS3E- li ii, ; kuksh bb an .'J Tlv ttec '.- ia!f u ble.po fr-oh Ul ( & s Kr Ei W' ! M-MIM4MM. Jjtjti ' Imik 1 ' v ft! ii '" TAKK" J r f Vi All Heps w v mll ' ' f" "'' "" f: . in In. . i P- ,o and Ma- le '- . .vince which TAGKEH i! - IJ ie trainee Man -- m for Pickling i"il MtMltw-il Swil, also Tumeric, sgi mil's absolutely pme atul bju'i tloniilly Mronu, will iitieHln ((iiitlliy of li yum1 home prudnrix, '"&. Owl" , 'I'llW CENTRAL AVI-:. 11R' NTOTIK iard's Pure Coffee illy pure product is sold under a guaran i t'on't find it pure and the best of its kind ai d we wHI roturn your money. One and a ht; of this coffee will go as far as two ta ther coffee. ' We have a full line of Fnitoaud Vegetables HE TABLE AIsiD FOR CANNING iCunK't . PE TOMATOES. ' 2 CENTS A. POUND NASBURG GROCERY Corner ('cnli'nl Avcnno itud Socond Street. CLOSING OUT SALE 1 1 'a out my Summer stock fouarlng for the Fall twill cause a severe shock kandy Nook'WiH close That's all. Ihe public -for the cem- iuv the Valley do. Brewster, . . .. ane's ciud I .win. join, "Chief Aveifue BoesteY," ED MEADE. ave - Money --on- Coffee Try a liiartd M nm j.W. Special at 35dfb. offee on the niniket nl, thte prlcfi ami Mr Vt imvft just rocolvftl miii FANCY GRAVENSTEIN APPLES AT$1.00AN0"$'I.25PERB0X it uy have tlio largest awl best line in the city utt lUle, Dill fkklM, Sour l'lckles. . i- m'TTRH . br, fio' MihJ ffife a jjloss. All of the Hvant & WeavcHr ntl Central." Phone 199, DAY PINNER -AT THE andler Hotel The Hub' of Central Avenue yJ II L TL. ! Smokehouse" That's what we wau: you to tell your fiieuds. Use our chairs, use our lobby or 4elphoue. We are onl loo glad to be of sorvtce. We have all the big league scores evy ev niiig. ' If yon' want the latest magazines. a good smoke, the beat that an ui- to-date tobacco shop can furnish or t enjoy a good game of billiard! or PQ?l, Mte will be glad to havo yonldrotfin. Gene Crosthwaite'& Jim Kelfond 1 It! I) l'CI.l 1 s, lirst -ssi-,l.mt. I ' !U 611011 II kfl-) I ABm I n lW -. ll.'A IM ! ""I N iiu uiui uives mire msii otiio nmnes! KW DEAL -. Till! 'Coutiul Avenuu Uaoster" aprs with this-Issuc un do?' entire new manngeuient. Xew fang and neU antics on Otnt.al. Atmiifi make it necessary (to widen tlfe scopo of this great irouklir or puiilb opinion. One thorough!; r-ompotcnt to do justice In tin, r.it.ifn m..t lin....i.ll, Coos Hi.S'8 main throughfure haBllla onew California In Tils Ford becn secured 'at en6rmoW dost tol tak clHorlul eharKo of th!a pape'r i,il'i4 thereto all his time, when not iMin:"!, ed in making a living. A (.omitlete cliHiiKe of nolicv Is allnnitllcoll. lh'1'..liifnro (tin It etna I tor Jhis paper liae had very gener al!) to bo com iiokoiI hv llin iidltntv Th now editor believes that enoug.i I"1, ' but AuK"st F'he. acro Ul items or Interent are to be had by,8troQt 8ay8 ob0(,y wlth a,,y m,Mlu sticking to tho truth, th.it t rr ! oul would buy one of Low's n , .n. .f w.-w. this Issue. We assumed charge oiv ly esterday, and owing to the short ness -of t io time, will have to use much of tho material already ac 1 cumulated. I Hereafter, Central Avonuo ueo ' pie .will Have to do something Leal- jly worth While to -get Into this .col umn. It was our tdea for this week to giye ;))entlon to those who have paid up their subscriptions; but it was ftrfltid impossible to fill the nl- .tyli'd simio by this method. 1 All poe(ry surabitted must be sign-, ed by tlio offender, in ink or indell- iuie pencu. Ttie new editor can-i not assume responsibility to the pub-j i He, una wants the evidence for an ma . -. ... emergency All good poetry will be paid for we to be sole judge, and our opinion that thero Is no good poetry nowadays to he respected. The fierce light of publicity will be turned on -all that you, do, and that have done you, without fav-' orltea. This ilooa not meilii Hint! tho editor has no heart, If properly ' worked. 'All donations should bo, Addressed to "Central Avenue llooit r." .'A ir All ..nn.nl.lnl. n.u.t .., nro.u.il.wl at' this office Niot sooner than two lo'clork on Sunday mornings only. ! If the office is locked, itluk th,am 'under the) door. They will receive jeitual attention upon the arrival of tho janltoj-, lie will do equal Justice j to all. t i The light Is reserved to mako new rules for this paper as new difficul ties arise, ft WOHTKU WAR ItUrjjliTIXS i : . V. K, C'ci'way is repotted to bo j negotiating with the Allies for the !s4te of Myrtle Arms. j Without violating his neutrality rrnnk L'oiiau wants to Know it tue Oermau soldiers In the trenches are heay weights because they are Teu tons (two tons) in wait (weight)? Henry Sengslackeu says Kitch ener knew what he was talking about when he predicted the war would begin In May. He says he , meant It would begin in Kussla. ' J. T. Harrlgan says Kitchener meant (next May. .J. T. Harrlgan was very muoU Atd hMt week to bear, that the Ui'tslans had licked the Oer minis on the seas, thus upholdlug the tra 'dllicns of the English navy. J. T, predicts that the French navy will call Into the North Sea and attack the Dutch fleet, and if they via, this wil further lmreaso the gloiy of tho British navy. If they lose the sold fleet Is just as it was befo'0. HMILK-A-WlllhK Ult. A. TOYE, DEXTIST Hours 9 to 12; 1 to 6. Uooin U04, Irving llldg. Central Aienuo. Marshflehl HUNDREDS OF Msrshfleld Housewives SAY Oil? XKW IS THE l)ET t OX COOS HAY Have you tried a sock? IllOue au orutT luuwrrwm mwnnid , HAINES Central Aeniic. I'lione .12 Imperial Flour i I, l.IXTHAL AVEXUE SAVI(JS i i I feesoxal mextiox. i , Portland lltl. Tim Central Aenuv uysfand means tommlttee tissued an Invitation to the entire upuulatloii or I'oi Hand to accept the courtesies at lllo Avenue on. "Dol- lor Day." ...... .. . j. ...... ... rl HUUK'S AIll'l' IIII.V. .rtllttr liailUtt W "uy soniu lmy- wo Woll,lur ' wh' any om wllh'!l Kora ('ar wallllj nun iiiiy. hi jb nay ih King. Well, that doesn't Hound o wild , Straw was nmyor. Here's a Knock. Lew Thomas snys SlianeapenrB was right about "the man that had no mimic in his instruments llot'aey Is lleltcr. Horsey Krolt rev felt strong enough to play a game of pool thin 'week. Doi'sey soys he can't )fut up the front ho used to. Just yet, nut'ho's stilt thero with tho (iiiue. (Diagram on filo In Ilooster ort'lco.) Knv I'nr Colin ii. Krattk I). Co han, our w. 1C. managing ortllor, lias the easiest newspaper job in town because, when news Is scarco and Ideas' seaicer 1'rmik never litis any trouble to produce a few Squibb, f Some Joke, "Owl" right. Too Xolsy. Dr. Toye, now on I i route to California, told M. O. War-1 ner, the popular piano luiior, to1 sleep In the Toyo house during I the Dr.'s ahseuce; hut Waruor says nobody could sleep there, beciuuu! the logging teams from West .Marshfletd keep up uuuh a rumble nil day long. Jtather toilet Central Avonue has been almost deserted this week, l"g J imhm Ijwl' tlml ,nny Klmlm I gil Tom .lau.es wuro learning io urivo new uuiosi joiiii UosS states tlml it Is doubtful that ' ally 0 JreI hy either, OJ- both, lot these gentlemen, tan recover ! damages', as (heir presence on tho stieet would lio hold ,to (oimtltutu contributory negllgeuco. Dr. llouso woith doubts tfuU tho lujnrpd poi; soiw will recover at all, Doihcy Is Jfiiiigi'j 'J'lu other day when leaving .lionio Doioy Kreltxor pulled a piece of lwper from hid pocket and was studying it lntsntly when Mrs. KrulUur asked him what was so Interesting. "Oh, It Is Just something to eat," Horsey answer ed. Investigation proved It to bo a Chandler Hotel moiiii and Dorsey, who Is dieting, likes to figure nut hearty breakfasts ami big illnpors that ho enjoys In his imagination. He calls it giving his stomach ab sent tieatmeut. Dux Klxht I'loiiil-cil. .lack Ken dal says that Kdison is not tho only one who is devising new war plans. Jack Is training up his now Alrdalo pup to lick Frank Cohan's bull dog, and aays when they come to gether 'some of thesu wits who havo been calling his Alrdalo a frog hound will liava to back up. It seems that the pup was taken out hunting, and when sent to retrieve bird Jack suspected, he,' had shot, brought back a frog, llouce "frog hound." i A Itulliler ami llmfci-.(Jeo. K. Cook Is rapidly deploying into quo of the beat boosters am builders on Central avenue. He has bought another lot adjblnlug the one on which he Is now .building and will orett another house. George's sys tem seems to be to buy a lot, build a house, rent the house to get inoic money tn buy auother lot to build another house, rent ttiu nougo to git more money to buy uuothor lot to build another house' oh, well, you, can see how It goes now ami you can figure it out for yourself tlitt If George keeps this thing up his tuxes are golug to bo something awful. MK. AND IHS. FRANK KIKK are h,ome from an auto trip, to, the San Francisco Fair, whore they saw everything from the Ohio building to "Stella." Frank is now writing 'a poem for Tho Booster entitled, "A Jitney Trip to tbo Fair, or How We Oregoniaus Cot There."' j.iiiia:.a .win iM Every Woman Who Reads the Booster Should have one of our handsome earthenware tea potsthe price only 40c to 75c. ' stt UUK WAKE UP Our alarm in and get one. ELO Ccnt,ral Avcnno ilHHHF GEORGE HOTXOll 1ms blew bark lrom j deer hunting trip. lie did not got aliot for a dour. HOY MILLER has KOifo (o Hit- lbkii. On business? Ccrtalult. "Whb would think ho wanted to thy there,? SAl PINE and lleorgo Ourletoii ro- Diimhl fioiu their deer hunting expedition with a couple of horns but no "Jerky." LAWltKXOU MUKQVIST will move Into tho Krlcdhur Iiouho on Ceiilral Avenue. Xothliig but tho best street in town for his. DON I.AWYL'It toggod out for tenuis this week, and u ciowd collected, thinking ho wna about to be married. Somo clothes, Don. GUY WAUXKIt was ruiiiiin around Inst Kilduy night In Yo lMltor's oQi'Coal, mid how ho is going to get through tho winter nobody knows. DAI. OATIICAKT says this renilnds him of tho fall of JS:i, to nay nothing of tho fall of Warsaw. Jn that year .Dal says thero was no rain until' along Into In Feb ruary. ' i U'"iA, im.riMt says that the 'l"T ot tho block occupied by nl8 viav t(" ""titled It to bo "tiled "Tho Smokohoiiso" and tIlllt t,0 Crostltwalto ought to rellniiulsh tho name. AIj JIYKHS had a notice from tho water company demanding a dol lar a mouth for sprinkling the grass In his display window. Don't stand for it, Al, its likely to ruin most any day now. DIt. A. U. llOUSDWOHTII, tho well known and popular physician, told us that Tho Hoosler hadn't amounted to much lately, anil wo naked how long since wo hud anything la It about him and ho said nbout three weqks, and wo said we'd try to do better this week. It. ,M. JENNINGS mid wlfo return ed rrotn San Francisco exposition Monday. .Mr. Joiinlngs hujh that San FranclHL'o, with all her, mar vels,, offers nothing to tho gaze of tho tourist to coinparo with thp magnificent log trains now par ading Coiitral Avonuo. IKE CHANDLER waa n Central Avcnno visitor Saturday. Staid In his office part of tho day Iko' saysa wOniuii cttiuo In and said she 'wanted to bo "Aotna-lzod," but whou ho stalled to oxplnln tho piocese alio said "Oh, exciiso me, I though this wus a dentist's office. RAY OLLIVANT didn't go out to Drewslor Valloy last Saturday as piomlsud, because Finnic Cattor lln, who was koIhk to take him out in his uuto imulo a trip to Couulllo tho night boforo and got ho roll of chicken that ho (.aid ho didn't caio for venison. Mighty moan of Frank, say wo. W. J. CONRAD has moved into tho llootll houso on Uth Streot. Con carried an, axo homo a day iv j tw6 ugo mid ran tho usual guuii't-, lot of Jokers, 'J'ho merrymakers asked tho logiilatlou (inustlou-- . "going to clear out your timber' tracts" to which Con loplled. "Xo, Just going to cut down ox-1 peiisos." (FRANK HORTO.V forded Io Coijttlllo .last Friday evening and thon Ford ed liack again. Frank suys ho can make tho best of 'om take his dust, if we printed whut J. Al beit Mutson soys about tho aamo thing, Hugh McLaln wouldn't let The Hoostor go through the malls. Frank Hague says wo nood en forcement of road laws moio than we need good roads. DUXCAX FERGUSON sava Wtmt Coutial now housts of more kinds! or plunked surfacing than any other street in tho world. Thero are blanks laid Jrosswlse. straight across; diagonally, and up-on-ond. 'Alio hiibted plunks. Ho says its a real ploaiiiro to tako a ear out there anytime, but especially so 'last weolt when the water maitis hurst. HJIILE-A-WHIW) WINUUWS. clocks will help you. Come HAHDWAHE CO. and llroaduay. A Regular Vacatiion To visit our Soda Fountain Clean, invigorating and pleasant surroundings are what Von find here. The thirst disappears in a jiffy and Oh! how you hate to break away A Box of Stafford's Delicious Candy should be in the. lunch basket. Stafford's Samtoy Fountain .- j ......... .. Central Atcmio Last Cfeance Canniiiig We received another shipment of BARTLETT PEARS yesterday. They are choice fruit and just right for can ning. Don't overlook this opportunity, as it will be the last chance of the season to get A LARGE BOX FOR $1.00 Phone your orders at once GROCERY I'hoiio GET THAT SUIT CLEANED AND PRESSED WHILE THE BOSS IS AWAY' We want to show you that we can do work as well as when he is here. Let us show you. . JAY DOYLE'S PLACE TAILOIHXO , CliEAXIXtS, . ' 1'ltKSSlXO Will call anywhere 2.1(1 Coutial Avcnmi'i FIRST 'NATIONAL BANK' OiF Coos JBay recommends "A.D.A." Cheques to travclero tohtng long trips In any pArt of tlic country. Safer to cxrry than actual money, which can seldom be recovered, if lost or ctulcn. Hotels, railroads, steamship lines and the best merchants cccept thm. Just counter-sign n cheemo und pay the bill. Issued in 810, $20, $50 and $100. A.B. A AH?0fe Cheques .....A . i&tVS & n .1- f . t i r x i m ii it l. . - . . .kja : -i. w.j imv is- - 4 .-. T "- "r ili'i ik-- &: JM &X ' t1 iM-V) yzit?jtt AttfcF.&mB'$!i ?25dp.i -- TL I I 111 . tf .. 1.I1 llu if . J.-f' ' IH Bwi .h'WN5s:'.HS.-,ii EHFELD Myrtle Wood Novelties for 8ori:xiRS .JEWEL HOXES, NTT HOWLS, CARD TRAYS, NAPKIN RIXGH, ('AXES, (JI.OM: AXD IIAMHtEIICIIIEl,'' HOXES, TAIILES, CHESTS, CHAIRS, VENEER AND Ll.MRER IX THE IIOUOII. Special Older Wotlc a Specially Phono 27.1-1. 22(1 Ceutial Avcnuo . A N S C O . F I L M S Get Insurance IIUUO UlU Mllll I VVIILU. E. I. CHANDLER COKE BUILDING1 Vivo In-jiuante, Life ami Accident Iiisiirauce, .Surety ltouds, Etc, CENTRAL AVENUE MUSIC STORE PIANOS, ORGANS, VICTR0LAS, RECORDS, SHEET MUSIC AND EVERYTHING IN THE MUSIC LINE We will be glad to arrange terms if you cannot V pay all cash. " Thomas Music Company Consolidation of Wiley II. Allen and . It. IlnlitcaMuilo Stocks Dii Central l'liono ' Wl-Ti Pears JIOMPT Popular rogressive 1H!. any timo. l'liono 250-X ya FOR THE BEST that Insures IUU UlU IIU UMUIIUUO y. Au'iiue. m :mgms JiU mi M an "llfl I, i VI l'"S s 1o r fld ' d 1osJ roDni i "til al i n todV ii 3A U1 II(I07R i bruiJ Jill no nwir --. ,. niuJJoj; HltnieHl .If -' ft n-sitfJt vtl "IVH lilt I ll' " a 1 A lr4 -I H&2 '.llMt ST". '10 )nl Rill tA vr i niolr ii I JlU'iB in v IR14 . fttl v ..biV . t"ft fimb anslt . )ji1 ii toft ttrid -. r t j ioa OlOl nnlT lo i Cn 4'lIliVl A ft am Yo flO .,hnt3 trt V(,