THE MAN WHO HATH MUCH MONEY AND LITTLE WIT gfiMS TO COVER HIS MENTAL DEE ICIT Coos Bay Times Your Paper A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tlio Coos liny Timet la. A Booth, west Oregon pnper for Southwest Oregon people nd devoted to tlio best Interests of this great icctloa . Tlio Time nlwys boosts nad eer knocks. Tlio Cw Iy Times It proud of Its Utlo "The People's l'nncr," WhiI It strives nt nil times to live up to Its nnmo by do voting It energies to promoting tlio people's Interest. MF.MHKU OP Till'! ASSOCIATKD PHKSS (Eons Uxmts Vol. No. XXXIX. PEACE NIIRi HEARD TODAY United States Will Not Act Un til Assured That Both Sides Welcome move DENIAL OF C London Announces That Groat Britain Has Not Made Any Move for Negotiations' DISCUSS POPE'S MESSAGE Homo TIi'iiU Unit (.Vrmiuiy, Through Austria Which Is In (.Mono Toucli With Vatican May llnvo In- wplml Pope's Suggestion NO PKACF, MOVF.S nv kngland vi:t Ilr ArwIalM I'm tn cmm Oojr Tiinro.) LONDON, Sept. It. In high official circles It Is Icnrncil authoritatively that tlio roront rumors of peace have foiiml no foundation In In any Hlep taken hy tlio Hrlt IhIi government or In any statement Issued. l n AwnrltiM I'rrn to Com nr Tlmwi.1 WASIIIXOTOX, I). C, Sept. 3. The railed States will mtilio no fur ther erfort to bring aliout peacu In Kuropo until It lias received Infor mation that Its good offices will be welcomed by both sides. Tills is slated authoritatively today In thu official discussions of tho messago from Popo Ilenedlet delivered to President Wilson yesterday by Cur-1 illiiul (llhbons. May lto (icrumii Prom tlio fact that tho Vatican is In closu touch with Austria, some officials presume that tlio Popo's message Indicates Germany's pow ers In view of tho territory they Iinvo coimu'ered, nro willing to dls- riiss peace at this time. It was' NGLAND Btuted hy those closest in touch wltli tho administration that Ihir word would liavo to ho recolv- cd from Great Britain nnd her Al-'Cs. nvrlr lies lieforo Pies dent Wilson will' ItAIIIO OFFICKKK COMK TOMOHKOW A telegram was rerolved hy llenryy Songslacken this urternoon from K. II. Dodd, chief of radio on tlio Pacific and stationed at Mcro Is land, saying Lloiit. Illunk- ensliip and a .Mr. Ilauscoin '"ft Inst ulglit for Coos Hay, riiinlng In via Hosoburg to Inspect tho proposed null Ho . lto on Isthmus Inlet Th .. ... . .1 .- uiu oxpeciou uero to- rrow evening. iir nni inr nmrr morrow i runbL un tr SHOOTS A CAPTl'HICS PHISON. I'ltS WHO THV TO KSCPAK "d His SI.11II I'ractuml anil Xoso Hiolicn lint Keejis up F.'ght in MHisaclnisetls h; AnocUlo.1 rmt (a coo nT TlniM.J IIIXGIIA.M, Mass., Sopt. 3 With bin ukull fracturod uml his nose broken by IiIowb from n hnm "or, Chief of Pollco' Washlngtou James today shot and killed ono prisoners and assisted In capturing another after tho prisoners had sev erely beaten him and locked him in a cell la an attonint tn nscano. Two Clllzpim oo... ... .. . I .. a lIlu prioonur s eocupu and released tho chief nno started In persult. Ho killed ono prisoner In a revolved duel and captured tlio other. 'lies Suit. Arthur MoKeown to "y filed suit against tlo Star Gro cery Co. of Kastslilo ' for $531.72 wlIrh '" al'eg a Is due for goods 11 the firm by Mason, Ehrman & 5- Tie company's storo was re C(,"tly d strojod by fjre. Hare vn,- r.,..,., ., ,., ' hea.i , ""'." ".'" I - -, ..., irm(ei at 'I'llK Tlflllvn "nice, u i in v HstnMlshed J878 An Tlio Const Mall. t ENGLISH WANT X I U.S. TO ASK MORE X lily Axnw atcl I'ivm lr dun liny Tlmcn t CONDON, Sept. 3 Tlio X X British press is not great- X ly pleased at the recept- X X ion by the United States X X of German's promise to X I modify her submarine X X campaign, It complains X X that a promise which does X not include' protection for X the British merchantman X X is inadequate, X T HDLPH SHIP LOST SAN FKANCISCO SIIIITINC FIKM'S siui' mohpkdokd modav "Win. V. Lewis, rmlcr Itrllisl, Flag, Willi Cargo of Lumber From Kvcrctt, 'Wasli., Sunk (11 AxonUiM t'lrM la Coon liny Times ) SAX FRANCISCO, Sept. 3. Tlio Ilrltlsh ship William T. Lewis, own ed by Hind, Itolph ami Co. of San I Francisco, wan sunk today off Qiiconstowu, hy a submarine, accord ing to a messago by tlio .Marino De partment of the Chamber of Coiu- Ts-nioire. alio saiieu irom Hvcroit, Waslilngton, Mareli HI) for Shornuss, Knglund, with u cargo of lumber. ,. .,.... . .1.... .. 1 1 . .. mijor uoipn oi nun r nuii-wco is u nioiiinor of Hind, Koipn ami Co. I SHIPS LOST (JKItMAX PAPKK SAYS OXK OPT OI'' 20 i:.(JLISII (MIAI-r Sl'NK (Malm that Large Hallo of Vessels Over 100 M'ons Soul to lloftom During War H.r Ani IiKh I'ivm In e.Hia lur TiniiH ) i IIKHLIX, Sept. I). (Via Wireless to Tucliorton) Tho Cologne Gazette j published statistics showing the es to tlio Ilrltlsh sliipplng during the War at tho minimum amount to I 1-2 percent of thu whole tonnage. Ol i these vossels above 100 tons, nn ov-! slin-'erago of ono In 20 lu tlio IlritlHl. niercliantiuen. fleet Is lost it declar- I I - ' OKH.MAXS ANNOl'NCi: CAPTl'HK OF POSITION XKAH THAT (MTV Advance Within Forty .Miles of Im portant llaltie Port Hard Fighting at Orodno (llf AModalc! Vim t pom Ha Tlma. UIJItLIN, Sept 3. Tho German . 'troops which are advancing on tlio J liuportuit Husslau port of Itlga nave -GLDSE IN DN RIGAOUBT B U LG A R I A ... . ...i ...,l.. ' . . ... , .i inudo a further coiisouuontul galn.,ftro npl tntra y wlllig to satisfy fTlio offlclol aiinounceiiieiit today) ,, tt. t.UIMH (0 territorial cim. 1.... .1 ....-o.l ..nall,.., ,...., m ., ..., - i " Northwest of Frlodrlchstudt, which ' ia bo,it forty ,,,,,l's rroin U,BB- ! fho Oer.nans captured Grodno uf,ur f"rcliiK lli ,,uHBaB0 of t,, is; ss.zrjs,. imiiii rll'nr nn.l fl I'll Mill' I lid RllKSllUlS unt'K llirougii llio sueuia ui mu vij, H (m.osks di:i:h skason IN TWO COrNTIKS SAI.M.M, Ore,, Sopt. 3. Governor Wlthycoiuho Issued a proclamation closing tho hunting reason lu Union and Wullowii Counties on account of tho forest fires In this region which fires, It ap pears, aro largely duo to earclohs hunters nnd campers iPlPEB MILL RI0TS::r NKW VOHK NATIONAL OCAHD OHDMtKD TO DKFKHIT, X. F. .Men Injured at Dererlt in S'rlke Trouble Gov. Whit man Acts Todty Hr Anccliled rrc. 10 Coot Dtf Tlrc"- ALHAXY, X. V., Sept. 3. Gov ernor Whitman today ordered out Company C. of the National Guard, stationed at Watertown, to take l..iini-1'o nt thn strike situation at tho Stregls paper ...Ills and at Deferlt, n, rintmtr nccnrred last night ' """ " , , and several men wore injured. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1915 EVENING Ifilfl 11QT DM IIIU-IU UUUI Ull ENGLISH SI!! British Transport Sunk by Mine off Entrance to Dar danelles Early Today ALL ABOl LOST Included 320 Of.'icers, 1250 aumiers ana ouu memijers ', of Crew of Ship 600 BODIES ARE RECOVERED llerlln Announces DNmstcr of Allies mill (Juntos Message from Scofla jis (Jiving Particulars of Heavy Loss Submarines SUll Active f Ilr AMO'tAtM Prifs lu ('voff ilar TlmM 1 UKIlMN. Sent. L'. fWlralcni to I Snyvlllol-A. telegram from Scofla says oft tho entrance to tho jnr-l danelles u llritlsli tranport struck a inlno and sank with 820 officers, I'JfiO soldiers and !!00 memliers o tho crew, ull of whom wero drowned. Six hundred bodies havo been re- I covered. StTXK HV SUHMAHIXi: ,im,.ll0 Kl,.( to Itottolit Hut Crew Is Saved LONDON, Sopt. 2. Tlio llrtlsli ' steamer Itoumaiiu was sunk presum ably hy a submarine. Tho crew was lauded. AMKKICAN CKl'ISKU CAHHIKS HKFL'OKKS IMtOJl PALKSTIXK ) Des Moines ArlvesnT Canea, Crete,, Willi Large Number from .Jaffa 1 (Ilr Aixo. Iitisl I'm to Com llr Tlmtt.) PAItIS, Sept. I!. A dlspateli from ,.,.., (!roto. mivs that tho ITnltod I states cruiser Des .Moines baa nr- rive,i wltlt ra t refugees, mostly! Krencli, from Jaffa, Palestine. . I ... - . . . ttiKUIIIA. Hl'MAN'A AND (.'HKF.CK' ! OI'ICSTIOX IIKH FAITH Snv M'lint All i:cept Her Aro Heady , to Agree to Itevhed M'rcn y of Hue' a ot (lljr AworlatM IThmi to L'oim U; TJmi J UOMi:. So'it. 3. UovUlon of tho trcaty 0f lincharcst lias boon agreed t0 cx,,i,.ty b Borbla, Kiimanla IlU(i (jui,., but I' Is sallth-tt oy ,.. , ..... I.. ll.T, jREFUGEES SAVED; poiniai mi i'' -"'- ,': 'legross In the aha,o, they said. j war, 'j'10 imprcshlon Is gaining , (, M)ll ih.t,p lr("l,,', tln,t ,Ii,,;'''"111 H prjiciwiiiB . MllI of'th; hunlora tllut ,mvo Ul0 rgotlatlons with an aim "' K()ll0 , t,lroll(.h ,,0W0.H lmVo n,c-jioioihbuio i'ny of net on lmck wlth iloori lt ls Blil(l lusso It iMn cm r iiiTCHncn lIU dLL INILIUULU SIMPSON LC.MIH It ( OMPANV DK NIKS DUAL WITH S. P. I ( ' I Humor M'lint Hallroad luteudod Pay 100,000 for Waterfront. Ago Denied by Manager "An nbsoluto fabrication," wnB thu phrase used by Mutiager A. K. Arkloy, of tho Simpson Lumber Co-i lapnny, today In denying' tho ru- mor that the Southern .Paqlfle Is figuring on tlio for $ !". , tlio waterfront property tho box factory and Old M'ownloncc fro'm tho Simpson estate' for ter minal purposes. Not a letter has been wrltfon re- gardlng tho deal, said Mr. Arkloy iaI0 ajg0 contemplated, Including ono and ho declares that tho matter has for w J( mi diargo of the coin not oven been broached. mlssary and supply department ol The report was tha't tho South- tho Sniitli-Powors Company. orn' Pacific meant to buy this prop-j ,- orty for the purpoko of eutabllsliiiiB Wnnls Divorce, Magglo Shrok their terminal yards, the location has filed suit against Win: Shrook of which has never been officially! of North Heirl for dlvorco. Sho mado public. It was said that by alleged desoitlon and seeks her them securing 'Possession or tho 'maiden name of .Magglo Campboll. Slmnson Park, tho land would bo 'They wero married In Coqulllo In graded down 1110 . ue wl.uu.w. thus furnldns n great siretrn or I territory for the yards. ,. , jMEi DEALS WILDION 1DEIM KNGLISH POl'NDS STKKLING FKOM Sl.Trt TO S 1.(1 1 Kngland Said to Have Flouted $100,. 11(10,0011 of Mammoth Loan in AincrJcn (Ilr Awiorl.ted I'I'M tu Coot HJ VllliM.l NKW YOKK, Sept. 12. Foreign money values soared from low to high and hnck again In fruntlc fash Ion today, Pounds sterling went aa high ns ?1.7 r. and fell shortly he fore noon to $4.0 I. "No such start ling variations In values were over reported before. It was believed that the values, upward hound, were grouping for a stable position. Float Hlg Loan It was reported that Great Hrlt nln obtained a preliminary loan of about $100,000,000 lioro to tide over the pressing obligations and stem tho downward trend of strong cx chnugo rates until a mammoth cred it, loan can bo floated here. Tlio prollmliHiry loan was said to bo re- HpoiiBllilo for tho fluctuations toward j lho ,l'Bhcr vn,l,c8, i CHINES SHIP LIIEl: (MIIXKSi: SIX COM PAX IKS PHO- posi: to iiavk owx ships ()rgaiilo ..-.(KIO.OOO Company at San J'ranclseo to Operate Fleet to Orient H AomlMM Trrta to Coon liny Tlmn.l .v irf a vnar'n Cmtf ! Tim announcoment that '$5,000,000 ha J been stthscrlbed and half a million I has already been sot aside subject to Instant call toward financing tho now Chinese American M'raiiB-Pnclfle Company is mado hero today on au thority y John L. McNub, attornoy for tho Chlneso Six Companies. Ii the Chinese cannot purchase their ships, they will havo them built. s y WOHK PHIKJHKSSKS HAPIDLV OX XKW POWKHS StMIOOL IIOCSIC I iiuters (Jet (Jooil Kcsuiis ami i.o; gers Wear Hed Hats lu Hrusli as Pisitoctlou Pouring of concrete for tho full bo.seiuent of the big school houso at Powers wns completed sevorol days j ago, according to W. S. Tiirpcn and J. M. Wright, architect and contract- or lo r tuo minding wno roiiirueo , homo last evening. Workmen wilt start at once on tlio frumowork audi the striicturo will lie piiBliol for ward as (illicitly (ib po3lh!o thoyj said. MMio weather has been extremely j warm during tlio past two weohs and ! Will III (lllllllK l" pum l"' "tunn mill i (ho t, rIHOIIlotoP lIttyo,, .u ' . ,, , , K, ,., ' '' ...."... -1 ...v -- , Terrell, who with his wife Is hunt lug In that vicinity eaiuo In tlio oth er day with a big buck deer, 'said Tlio American cruiser M'onnoiweo i Mr. Wright. j from Plilliidolplila debarked 100 ar- 1 llecauso of tho hunters through tllleryiiieu with machine gnus to ! the brush a great share of tho log-, ilny. (inn. Cncos and his follower gors lu tlio camps are wearing red I hats while at work for fear tlioy j might prove a handy target for a i random shot through thu trees. However no accidents liavo been ru norted as yet. I .Mote Xuw Iln Idlngs Powois Is qulto lively and a num. lltlonul Improvements are there. Tho Craig hotel is )Cr of U(i,iitionul projected th crowded every night uml Mr. Craig! o-,roOBC8 t0 blln( nil addition to It ut Another party at Powors Is figur ing on erecting a story business blook and a unmoor of residences Times want nils urlng results. EDITION. TAKES MONO German Field Marshal's Forces Capture Last of Strong Russian Fortresses OF Pctrogratl Admits Retirement Along Galician Border, But But Germans Lost Heavily "" CHECKED FARTHER NORTH (Malm Kaiser .MmUIiij; Little Pi-ogresn in Center and Xorth 1'iviicli Cnii. 1 1 i:ue Artillery Assault. Hut 1'iii'ihiho Not Kvldent VOX IIIXIIKXIU'IKI CAPTl'HHS (1HOHXO HKHLIN, Sept. II. (Via Wireless to Tiiclvorton) MMio army of Field Marshol Von Illiideiiliurg lias captured Grodno, tlio last of tho Btrong Uiisslau fortress to hold out. ! tllr AworltrJ I'mi lu Cuirn llir Tlmn.) LONDON, Sopt. I. Tho Her mans achieved another big victory in tlio capture of Grodno. Petro- grad announced last night that the "'"" tor wcro "ulnK W,tl'- drawn. From tho right bank of tho Nlo moil, along tlio Galician border, tho Russians continue to retire, hut Petrograd claims that tho Teutons suffered heavy losses. In tlio cen ter and extreme north Petrograd claims tho Germans are making lit tle progress. French IVo Artillery The great artillery duel continues along u largo part of tho wcHtern , front hold hy tlio French. MMio ul tlmato purposu of this activity Is still obscure. KAISKK 1 1 ONO ItS (iKX. VOX MACKKN.KN III)' Am' Intel Pre to oh xtajr Tlmi, IlKltLIN, Sept. 3. .Kiupor or William has conferred up on Field Marshal Von Mac- j kun.en, thu ordor of tlio llliick Knglo, tho lilgest iloeo- ratlon within tlio Kinperor's H'lt' lEBELS M Fll (.KNKHAL CACOS AMI IMILLOW. ., ,,,,.. ,Ml u,.,.mvinii ' American Cruiser PhMadelphla Lands Artitl(;ryiueii Willi Ma chine (inns Today (ItT Annf''laln Vr1 to Cba lUf TllOM.) CAPK IIAITIKN, Haiti, Sept. S. dwlliied to luy down their arms mid retired to tho Interior. They left behind them, however, troops which took up positions outside tlio city to shut off communications with tho lu torlor, RUSSIA np H J1 fl 1 1 T1 P flMT. KS l 1 1 H M M II III BllUi 11111111 IU UU I L ALI.KGLD (ONSPHIAIOK l-'Oll MIKDKK (HVKS ItO.ND ('lieu bull Charge of I'lineinl at Providenco M'oday Wero l.'stlaiiged lit A Iiim t'rrat to Coot Ur Tlmu 1 PHOVIDKXCi:. II. I., Sept. 3. .Although ne-iiscd of bavin'; Incltoi tho niurdor of her husband, Dr. C. Franklin Mohr, ono of the wealth, lost physician lu tho (date, Mrs. Jlohr was jolossod on $10,000 bonds and had full charge of tlio funeral 'for $10,C00 damn es, Sho al oges that no embargo oxlsts upon the today of tljo husband, from whom! that her son, Win. Pond, was killod j exportation of arms and tho pur she had been sep-ruel fjr s voral 1 In tho mill a year ago through al- chases will be takon South with & months. A large detail of pollco was icnt to ''iiard tho Mohr homo A Consolidation of Timet, Const Mnll mill Coos Hny Advertiser. PRES. WILSON WILL X WAIT FOR RESULTS X Ilr AiworhlPil l'rr to Pom ny Tltlir. WASHINGTON, D, C, X X Sept, 3, President Wil- X X son has given up all plans X X of returning to Cornish. He will remain in Wash- X X hifiton to bo in personal X X touch with tho European X X and Mexican situations, X ELKS WILL BUILD MX) KHKCT $:t.-,000 SMMtt'CTl'ltK AT THIKD AXI) COMMKHCIAL Mnrsbfielil Lodge Figures on 'Vh or M'liree-Stoiy Hiillillug 'K Float llonds Tlio building eoniinltteo of tho Marshfleld lodge held a meeting huit evening In tho Chamber of Com merce to discuss tho matter of the construction of an lClhs Temple on tho property owned by tlio KHih nt tho Northeast comer of Commercial Avoniio and and Third Street. The committee present consisted of Hugh MeLuIn, Chairman; A. J. .Mendel, II. J. Kimball, W. II. Ken nedy, F. G. Morton, Geo. Gooilrum, J. W. Heiinett and J. W. 1 Hillen brand Mr, Moughtnllng of the firm of lloiightallng & Dougau, of Portland was present and Hiibinlttcd n proposi tion for tlio construction or the M'eiu plo. Cost About iis:s.,o(io After tho matter had been dlscus bciI vpry thoroughly with Mr. lloughtullng, who has been Insiru niental In thu erection of a niimhoi of Kll8 TomplcH tliroiighout tho Stato, tho eoniinltteo decided, to erect a Tomplo costing lu tlio neighbor hood of $ao,ooo or. $ar,,ooo. Most of tho money Is provided for but It will bo necessary to ralso n portion of this money hero nnd fort nu,i0ra who yesterday killed two that reason tho property will ho Americans and loBt ono oftholr nuni bonded nnd tlio bonds offered fur, 1iur u fKt with IJnltud States boI salo to tlio local members, but most j ,or8 Wns pressed with vigor today, or the money for thu erection of tho addition to the soldiers, thero M'oniplo will ho provided from out wore hundreds or cIHzoiih hoadod by shlo sources at five per cent per an num. May Ho MMireo Stories. Ah to whether or not n two or tlireo story building will bo con- Birclcii wn8 .UhcussciI by tho Com ,ntteo, but was not decided. Some woro In favor of tlio lower floor bo- ,,,, orrnnKt.,i for rout uml tlio sec- iniui floor for social Kiithors and tho third floor for n lodge room, while others wero in favor or omitting tlio renting or tho lower floor and mak ing that part of the social end ot It on the first floor nnd tlio lodgo room on the second floor. Ah soon ns tho amount of bunds are subscribed this question will ho ""--- - "l taken up by tlio Lodge and thirty days will ho given for tho Commit tee to determine wliat bonds can bu disposed of bore. , MMio eoniinltteo feels very much elated ovor the head way which him boon mudo as the construction or an KIIih Tomplo sooins now u certainty, as it Is anticipated that thuro will ho no trouble lu selling a small amount tho liouds hero, as each mumhor will probably lake ono or more. W. P. .Murphy Is also a member l tho Kilts building committee but was in San Francisco and could not attend last night's meeting. 4044 SAD DF.ATII OF A NOHTII HIIND WOMAN Mrs. Solomon drainer mid her Infant child, Just u few hours old, died today at North Hond. Sho wiih 3 1 years old and tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. X. C. McLood. Tho funeral will ho hold from their residence tomorrow, WANTS SIO.OOO D.VMAGKS Deputy Sheriff Laird bus bjivuI .lioro today to purchaso $100,000, not!co on Manager Arkloy or tho j worth or arms uml ammunition for Simpson Lumber Compuny, of n suit tho uso or tho Carranza rorcos. Men;: against thorn by Mrs. Magglo Taylor' lcr.h offlcinla havo boon Informed' lege J c rc-lo siioih or the rominnv. Mrs. Tny'or lives in San Frnne rco. No. 35 SilLL T S Two Americans and Four Mex icans Slain in Border War- fare Near Brownsville GANG LEADS Mexican Woman Accidentally Shot in Darkness by Amen" can Troops Near Border TEXAS TROUBLE GROWS Tevas Hangers and Armed Citizen Join United Slates troops in Hunt iFoi- llandll.H Who Coiunilttou 1 .Many Depredations In Texas jk J OTIIKIt TK.VAH TOWNS Alti: ALSO THHKATKXKD 4 (lly A'elalcl tpm to On liar Tlmrt. LAUKDO, Tox., Sopt. 3. A hand of Mexicans Is re ported at Knclunl, Texas, and to havo threatened to atlasck the town tlicro wnfl a coiisldernhlo movement of slderablo movemont of strange Mexicans along tho country roads In Webb coun ty reported last night. (Ilr AumirlilM I'rrn) In Cooa liar Tlm.a.J nuowNsviLid:, Tox., sopt. .3. Tlireo Moxlcan bandits oporatlng Just north of llrowusvlllo wero kill ed Inst night hy the county officers' at Los Cuntros. A .Mexican woiuijn, dtr-Jortod by her husband when tho outlaws ap peared last night, wns nccldcntaly killed by United StnteH soldiers whon sho approached them In tho dnrknoos In search of protection. .Many on MVall MM. a search for tho hand of mar- M'exas ItaugorH who pursued tho trial of tlio Mexicans to avenge thefts of eattlo, burned barns, tor rifled women and miirdors. VILLA LOSKS OUT Curruuxn Forres Itegiiln Top'o nnd 'J'eri;llory (III Am-kUIoiI !'. to rnnt nr Time. LOS AXGKLIJS, Sopt. 3. Pasaeo-; gors arriving aboard tho steamer Prlnro Alhort from Mazatlan re ported that Cnrranza pnrtlsnns had regained the city nnd torrttory ot M'ople after u desporato four-days buttle with thu Villa troops August until. '' " ADD III3VICAN I1ANDITS ,, Kill or Capture Quick retribution apparently la being metod out to tho bund which yesterday hurned tlio trostlo and murdurd two Americans, Karl Don uldson uml ' J. Smith. The men woro tortured beforo thoy woro finally killed, tho third Amorlcau was rescued by tho troops nnd es caped death by telling his captora that ho was n German. Tho In fantry and cavalry will romaln In tlio fluid until tho bandits aro enp turu or killed. 10 CAHHAXA AGKXT AHHIVKS ty LOS AX(iKLi:s tO PL'HCHASK 1'xpcrt to Huy lrgo Qiiuntlty of Ammunition for Itovolutlonury Leader MMioro (Ilr AMorittM !'" I'. c htr TlnM 1 LOS ANGIJLKS, Cal.. Sopt. 3. Col. J. J. Obregon, u brother of the Curranzu military chief, and a number of other Mexicuns arrived consignment hold up at San Pedro several wockft ago, i CHASE AM MEXICO