The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, August 31, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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Parlors and Libr
Tailored Suits
1MMMIIIK HIH nm ii ,"" iiipicii) m- pallor (
iiiiveiiiiort. Wo havo lliem In stock In n... .. ''"nn
..,,., ..... .ite .,., in. ....
tt tt tt tt n
tt tt
t. Wo havo lliem In stock lu l0 (. 'ft
Fumed, In tlio Imitation and Grain Lom!
Dull and
in striking new
fall models (tOC
Tlu superiority of (ho Hub's show
liiK of Full Suits In iiuipiostloncd.
I'v;i'. tiling ('nil goes w I(li perfection
In disclosed -materials of siiM-rioi'
(iiullly, host of tailoring mid linings
iinl In (imilKy with the rest of thu
garment, Tlio new stjles are re
ceding good words from everyone
they iiru so sensible mid dignified.
Values Hint will lie appreciated by
those leaving on vacation trips,
Suits tluil are illfferent mill es
seiitlnlly now. Ilrondeloth Is very
much In evidence. Then there are
tlio new whipcords, the wool poplins,
(weeds, gabardines and checks In tlio
new, soft worsteds. Many aro hand
somely fur or hrald trimmed.
jw A , J LA
Others $12.50 to $45
Hub Dry Goods Co.
Corner llroadway and Central Ave. l'hono J101
Charles Hall and .lames Montgomery
Do Missionary Work S. lien-
son Would Coino Hero
111 tho Interests of tlio Good Itoads
UKivoniout Onirics Hall nnd J. E.
Montgomery, of tho Coos and Curry
tolopliouu company, lam week spout
several days In thu cities of tho coun
ty, meeting with tlio iironiluont road
entlitiHliiHtH, Coufldetieo that tho po
tltlonn for n special election on a
1.170,000 liond Ihhiio will secure ncc
esHary signers has huuu expressed
hy both mull at thu conclusion of
their trip.
Through tho cities of Goon tho
potltloiiH have lately heen spreading,
securing slgnors among tho men who
n ro anxloiiK to soo tho lilghwnyB of
thin county placed ut leant on par
with thoBo In other pnrla of thu Btato.
HeiiNon Would Cinno
Bliuou IIuiihoii, or Portland, mil
llouiilro lumberman ami prohupB tho
greatest Good Honda exponent In
Oregon Ih a pertfonal friend of both
Mr. Hall and Mr. Montgomery and
Iiiih written IiIh willingness to eomu
here to act In a ciifiipulgu for a Bpec
lal election.
Only through gradual education
of tho voters and through the show
ing by concrelo examples what per
mauont roads would do can the mea
Hiiro uvor bo carried Ih their express
C( holler.
Coiici-clo Example
Figures of Importance were hIiowii
to thu men of llaiidou at a speclnl
meeting held there. From llaiidou to
the Curry lino In IS iuIIch, with
Luuglnls hut a bbort dlHtauco over
the border. Freight rat en in theio aro
IK per ton; at Home sciisoiih of the
jonr tho road in practically InipnHS
nblo. With a hard road there It Ih
claimed the tonnage could be taken
,ln for fs a ton. In other wordH, every
toil of frloght to I.anglolH and beyond
u now paying a $t! "mud ta."
A flour dealer of llanilon dally
ships about ten (oiih along to Lang
loin. Tim other dally tonnage Ih
largo; a loss or $(! Ih being mado
on each 2,000 pounds.
To build a road to tho county Hue
would coHt approximately iffifl.OOO,
It Ih cBtlmitted; the Floras creek gra
vol Ih Hald to hu tho bent In the coun
ty. There will bo a having ot prac
tically $:ir,oo) a year with a perma
nent hard road and auto trucku could
bo put In iihu.
With tho movement launched Mr.
Hall bulluvoa that at least two men
iijiotild bo secured who can for tov
ojral lponths douito all their time to
ifdurntUig tho voters on tho value or
tlio bpnd luBtie. There hliould be an
nd'crl!ug campaign; tho men
should,, meet with tho voters and the
xjork through local good roads or
ganizations in nil communltlcH.
One WrHes Asking About Sowao
Sjsteni Supposed to he H Let
ters Come Every Week
Two nioro liuiiilrlea regarding
Crawfords Point wore received a
tho Chamber of Commerco thhi
morning from points In Nebraska.
On an average or l' lottorH a week
aro being received from that section
and a Hhnrt time ago many camo la
from Colorado, showing tho moving
about of tho agents.
Dr. Edwin L. I Instead, or Srrlb
ner, NehraHka, Iiuh aovernl questions
that bother him. Ho states having
been told hy the nRontn that tho site
Ih all graded and that a Howago sys
tem has been put in tlioro.
"IsCrawfords Point tho name ns
or part or Enstshlo?" ho iiHks. "Thoy
told mo there Ih no post offlco at
Cniwfiinls Point, the poHt orrico be
ing called Cnoston. Can you tell mo
what connection thin Point Ihih with
Cooston?" Tho doctor iIoch not
Htato hu has bought any lotK hut nays
thu price quoted Ih $l!r.O a lot, V-K
down and $10 a month.
E, W. Uuinmolhart writes from
Sidney, NehraHka, asking similar
questions about tlio laud.
Secretary Motley, of tho local
Chamber, says that IniiuIrlcH nro al
so being lecelved from tho east by
tho ChitmberH In Portland and Ku
geno and In turn aro referred hero
for Information.
HIh IctterH carry tho Hltuiitlon as
it obtain here at present, making no
allowances for what might happen In
tho future.
Supt, Tledgen Announces That Slio
Has Resigned Place in tlio
Mnrshilclil Schools.
Tlio .MarHhtleld public hcIiooIh will
open .September III. In addition to
the changes or tho faculty previous
ly mado public, Supt. Tlodgon an
nouurcH the following:
"MIhh Elizabeth Moore, who has
had charge or the department of do
mestic Hcleiice for the past four
years found It advisable to ask for
her release. Home conditions mado
it desirable for her to he close to
her parents laud her home scIiooIh
offered her a Hilary of J 1 100 to take
charge of the cooking department
alone. This kind of work wiih much
to her liking as the trouble she has
experienced with her eyes during
the past two yeaiH has made sewing
work a questionable occupation for
her." She will ho gioatly inlshed
lu Hie local schools and In this city
for hIio possessed qualities that mark
the superior teacher, mature Judg
ment, loyalty to tho school, enthu
siasm for her work, confidence lu
her department, largo sympathies for
young people, and a general culture
that mado her at ease lu any place
and with any people." Miss Iva
Stokes, a graduate of Corvallls, will
succeed her.
d'oodw Ill's .Sunday, Sept, nth,
Hound TCp ,"i(ie. Itlg Dance, Ilif
b)'s Orchestra.
We coriecl these defects and
eliminate the headaches with
scientifically fitted glasses.
Department Red CrOSS DlfUg Store
PH0NC 1?
To Submit, to Itesldent.H Taking In
of Section Hot ween licit)
and North Hcud
Annexation ot tho strip of terri
tory lying adjacent to tlio northern
boundary lino of tho city nnd south
of tho limits or North Bond wns sor
lously discussed last evening by tho
City Council ami tho measure will
probably bo put up to the residents
or tho section to bo voted on by
"hots or them don't want to
conio In though," declared City At
torney Goss,
"That's right," explained Recorder
Duller, "You can't shanghai them.
You've got to bo peaceable nhout It."
Unless Marshriold gets lu tho first
move North Hcud Is liable to do tho
annexing, thought Mayor Allen and
ho was for Immcdlnto action.
Under tho prevailing laws no sec
tion may bo admitted to a city un
less tho residents of tho pnrtlteular
community volo with n good ninjor-
Ity In favor of it. Somo of tho city
rnthers explained that tho peoplo
living thero llko our water works,
tho electric lighting, the uso of tho
flro ungluca nnd etcutera, hut they
do not llko our taxes and therefore,
enjoying all tho comforts of n city
at a low cost, would bo altogether
too wise to further burden tlicm
i elves.
Vehicle Ordinance Mothers
"Whoro's tills vohlclo ordlnnnco?"
querrled tho Counellincn of City At
torney Cosh. This Is tho self samo
question brought up eight months
ago and .revived again last evening
following tho announcement of
II. A. Copple that tho rov
enuo of next year will ho consider
ably under what It takes to run tho
Mr. Goss explained Hint ho has
already dug through dozens of or
dinances mndo elsewhero to tax
vehicles within city limits, hut Hint
he lias found none of them satis
factory. Portland has tried sev
eral, he said, in fact had an attor
ney once spend six weeks on draft
ing a "bomb proof" nioasuro, and
every one, including tho last, havo
been given tho "coupo do graco"
by tho Supremo Court.
With state decisions continually
to the contrary its a hard Job, said
tho City Attorney, to draft n meas
ure that will stand tho bombard
ment or the upper bench, though ho
refuses to get weary and says tho
proposed ordinance: shall bo drawn
A. J. Mumlul, of tho Hub Store,
linked permlt-slon to allow two show
cases to project onto the sidewalk
about six Inches. Ho said thoy
had been built and when put In
place wero round a trlflo too long.
Tho permission, revoknblo at any
time, wns granted by the Council.
Paving Is Accepted.
S. C. Small has completed tho
curbing and tho paving for Tenth
street between Klroil avonuo nnd
the bridge to tho north, according
to a report of City Engineer A. II.
Gldley, and on his recommendation
the work was accepted at tho con
tract price of $i!li,1.l7.
Plans and specifications for a
six-root plank sidewalk and n curb
ing on Central, between Kloventh
and Twelfth streets were adopted.
Mnyor Allen said that property
owners, saying the street Is now
torn up with logging operatlomi and
that hard surraclng may be dono
thero next year, nsked permission
to make temporary repairs lu the
planking for nt least a year.
"There Ih hardly a plank In the
wholo sidewalk that could hold a
nail." declared A. (1. Gldley. Other
ineniberH said tho city should bo
protected rrom rurther liabilities
for damages and tho mensuro was
Mrs, Itobert McCann spent tho lat
ter part of last week with relatives
on South Coos IMvor,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoswell and
Mr. and Mrs, Kd. Itoswoll wore Coos
visitors Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. I. n, Hartlo expect to
leave this wcok for I.oa Angoles, to
spend some tlmo with Mrs. Hartlo's
parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. J. Coke.
Mrs. M. K. Temple and daughter
Pauline plan to leavo this week to
visit relatives in Klamath Falls and
then will go to San Francisco to tako
III the exposition,
Miss Helen Mende, n teachor In
the North llend central school, at
tended the iiiBtltuto In Coqullle, last
Anna and Irene Hodson of South
Coos ltlver are spending the week at
the home of their grandparents Mr.
and Mrs. Itobert McCnnu.
With !j(!t(MM in Sight For fl(l,
Cost of Admlnlslrnt'un About
$11,000 SayH Figures
Marshflold Tnccs h deficit or $11,
000 lu thu conduct of Its administra
tion, according to rigurca submitted'
to tho council last night by II. A.
Copple. A provision or the law ro
ruses cities the right to Increase tholr
taxes nioro than six percent over tho
levy of tho yenr previous, Tho
question now stares tho city dads
In the race llko a bugaboo.
"Cut down our expenses," said
"Wc'vo tried It for n year," re
plied Carl Albrecht. "Uvorywhcro
wo tried to shave expenses, wo in
creased them. Its costing tho city
more to run now than It over did be
fore." For an entlro month tho council
rested in comparative pcaco nnd
quiet from financial troubles, hut
with tho return of Councllmnn Cop
ple tho truth Is again brought up to
them face to faco and, this tlmo
must ho threshed out.
"Thero Is about $30,000 in sight
for next year," declared Mr. Copple.
"It costs us nhout $M,000 to run tho
city this year. "Whom aro wo go
ing to get tho dirrorenro." Ho
brought up the question of bolng
able to Increaso the tax levy only six
Hy spcclnl tax levies for certain
purposes, City Attorney Goss said
I the city might bo nolo to get around
the omhnrnsslng situation, though
all of theso would havo to bo voted
on by tho citizens.
t Carl Albrccht bollevcd that If tho
1 city needs nioro nionoy thoy should
'got it through bond issues nnd not
i let their pn'per fall to a discount.
tiio uiscussion wns ciobcu iiiuii uir
ther notice
Ioggliijj Injures Streets
Tho logging over tho paved streets
of tho city Is raising havoc with tho
paving, said tho councllmen. It will
contlnuo for at least nine months,
they said.
"If It keeps up Hint long, ropllod
Mr. Copple, "wo'ro going to havo
new streets to biilld. Thero ought
to bo sono way of requiring this
company to keep tho streetH In re
pair. Mr. Gldley stated IiIh bollof
that noiio of tho loads hauled so
far havo been over tho seven ton lim
it, as limited hy a city ordlnnnco.
To cut down tho speed of tho au
to truckri r'would probably result In
less damage to the paving, thought
tho city engineer. It was pointed
out thero is no ordlnnnco so far to
this effect and special action would
havo to ho taken.,
"Tho trucks aro working tho ns
phnltum off the concroto base, tear
lug It out in somo places lu big
chunks, "replied tho mayor. Mr.
Gldloy pointed out that with tho
: lighter loads, heretofore, tho con
jcreto arches havo brldcB over mnny
I holes on Front street, nnd it took
tho heavy trucks and loads of tho
logging company to find thoui.
No action was taken In tho matter
of either cutting down tho loads or
limiting tho speed of tho trucks.
Trucks Interrupt Services
Heavy logging trucks, rumbling
piist tho MothodlBt church Inst Sun-
dny morning sorlotiBly Interrupted
tho sorvlcos, according to a lottor
I from Itev. Mr. Knotts, to tho council.
I Ho nsked that tho nulsmico bo nbnt-iccl.
To direct tho trucks onto other
streets would mean tho Interrupting
of sorvlces someplace olso and n mo
tion was passed that tho company
will bo asked to hereafter suspend
operations hot ween 10 n. in. and 1
p. m. on Sunday.
I'nderneath tho Chamber of Com
nierro building Is a leaky sower
that has caused considerable troublo,
; it wns said.
J. O. l.angworthy, Hon Ostllnd and
Dr. I.esllo wero appointed viewers
for tho sowor on Hroadwny, from
Hall to Johnson and thonco to Coal
Hank Inlet ami also for the ono pro
posed Tor north Front street, from
Market to Aldor avenues.
di:i:k iiuntku shot
Get your Job printing done nt The
Times offlco.
John Gates, Portland Hotel Man,
Victim Near Itoelmrg
UOSKM'UG. Ore., Aug. 31. John
Gates, of tho Ramapo Hotel, Port
land, was brought horo with his loft
hand nlmost entirely shot away,
where ho had received tho discharge
of n .22 special rlflo when he fell
down a cliff whilo hunting. Tho ac
cident occurred about 50 nllles In
the mountains east of Hlddle, Mr
Gates was accompanied by J. K,
Nichols, also of Portland, and the
two hail boon enjoying a hunt for
the past ten days.
City Fathers Say Teams Must (Jo
to Sandy Lots May Klluilniilo
Prlumrlc? lu City Elections
To hitch old Dobbin to tho shay
and allow him to stand for hours
on paved streets of tho city, pawing
nnd pawing until his hoofs wear
through tho hltulJthlc nnd tho con
crete will hereafter mean nothing
less thnn Inviting tho wrath of tho
city police nnd Dobbin will bo nsked
to rcmovo his pawing to sonic sandy
lot. This Is absolutely necessary,
said tlio city fatlieru last evening
after arduous debates, for already
Btnndlng horses havo destroyed many
square feet or paving on .Marshfichl
KxprcBB vnns, particularly wero
under Tiro. For hours sometimes
it wnB said, thu teams stand In the
streets, 'vlcklng, ever kicking, nnd
kicking, tul now lu some places
aro great holes through tho upper
strata of tho street, all of which
must eventually bo paid for by tho
property owners boforo whoso places
tho tcnniH stand.
A public hitching rack on n sandy
lot closo to tho business section was
suggested and well received. Tho
Councllmen said that thougt stand
ing tenuis might ho put under tho
ban, yet nt tho snmo tlmo adequate
provision must ho mado for visitors
who come hero In wagons and bug
gies to trndo and for all sorts of
teams doing business on tho streets.
Though no ordinance to this ef
fect was ordered drawn, the opinion
was that tlio police shall bo directed
to ask owners of teams to move them
if they stand too long on the streets.
Tho matter was also referred to tho
street committee,
Tho suggestion wns mado that
First street bo used as a proper
hitching ground, after fencing in
botli ends, hut John D. Goss thwart
ed this Idea when lie said it would
then ho Impossible for lltllo hoys
to uso their tricycles on tho streets
Hydrants Aro Ieak'ug
Two hydrants, ono nt tho corner
of Sixth and Central, and tho other
on Tenth and Central, havo been
reported by tho water company ns
being lu a leaky condition, said A.
H. Gidloy. i.rfflf'fl
It. A. Copplo said that two street
lights on Kriiso and .Johnson avenues
had not burned for somo tlmo prior
to his leaving for the Hast, and the
city should havo a rufiiml coming
from tho light company.
(Jet Measures Itcady
Six iliiyn previous to tlio city
election of December, measures for
tho ballot must bo filed, said tho
Councllnien, and next month they
Intend to tako up several matters
that will bo submitted to the peoplo.
Speclnl among theso will prob
ably bo a proposal to nonilimto can
dldntes for city orriccs by petition,
elluilnntlng tho caucus and tlio pri
maries Hint heretofore havo been
n heavy financial bunion on tho city.
Tho primaries of last year are said
to havo cost closo to $200.
City Attorney Goss staled that ho
has discussed tho inattor with John
Hutlor and thoy hollovcd tho peti
tions would bo practical and would
do tho work satisfactorily, but ho
hollovcd provisions Hhould bo mado
to havo tho petitions carry nioro
than tho ordlnnry number of names.
Tho proposition of buying nu In
clnorator for tho city was not
brought up last ovonlng, hut It is
expected that next Tuesday evening
ho matter will bo given consldor-
Prices-$35.00 $37.50 $55.00i
rt'l ,iiii nit omiiuI ftttti itt In flwt lni.i., ...i.
Jim., hiu m. ...,...-. ...x . ..... .....--,, paieiiicil nirtU
to sit, easy to rest on, easy to sleep on, See lliem.
Koontz Garage
Agency for
Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty
North Front Street :: :: :: .. PhonMrJ
coast i,i:a(;l'i: tkams to ni:w
' hattu: fifmis
llcaers To Try latck With Seals in
.South llaln Man at This l-ato
Season Husy in Fast
(llf AwnrUlM I'rraa to Cikh Iltj TlmM.1
PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 31. It
was moving day In the Coast League
yesterday. The Heavers went down
nnd will try thulr luck this week
with the Sun Francisco Seals; tho
Vernon aggregation wont to Los An
geles nnd the Oaklanders will play
with tho Dees lu thu Mormon capital
acroHB tho mountains.
All year thu Rain Man in gleeful
fashion has hovered about tho east
ern leagues, spilling a drop nnd then
somo over and anon on the diamonds
and refusing to hibornato during the
straw hat period.
I Tho scores In tho National League
I yesterday follow:
j National League
At Now York:
(Chicago, Now York, wet grounds.
At Rrooklyln:
PlttBhurg, Brooklyn, rain.
At Philadelphia:
St. Louis :i
Philadelphia i
At Iloston:
Cincinnati, Iloston, ruin.
PEACHES, per box (,c
UARTLETT PEARS, per box. ..ihi
APPLES, Per box v. 7)1c
APPLES, Fancy Gravensteln,
"or bx 91.00
TOMATOES, Per pound c
Phone Your Orders
Bunker Hill
Department Store
Phono 32
Lack of Wind May Havo Saved Much
Timber Two Fires Near Kchloy
Cause Little Damage '
Flro lu tho brush, back In tho
woods of Uudzlon Park waa discover
ed Into yestorday and two flro wnr
dons wore nut pn watch and thlB
morning Manngor Coroy, of tho Wa
ter company sont out two mon to boo
that It does not spread. So far this
.Biiinmor thoro havo been no flroa or
any BcrlousnosB In Coos, necordlng
to W. J. Conrad.
On Sunday near Eckloy wore two
fires roported. Theso might havo
developed into serious ones had
there been any wind. Tho -absonco
of heavy winds during tho past few
weeks may havo saved many thoui
amis of dollars in timber locally.
Coming homo from Urowster Val
ley on Sunday Mr. Coroy said that
ho saw dozoiis of small flros Bcat
tered through tho brush, all or thoin
small at tho tlmo, hut ho bolloves
they will burn themselves out.
Howovor from now until tho first
rains the flro wardens aro especially
vlgllont for with tho woods jlry nnd
hunters scattcrod horo and thorq tho
danger of big fires Is increased considerably.
GET IjA.NI (Jlt.M.ial
Former Coos Cmmljr higil
es Op'nliin Itrpinllnitr
t bin of rrorat;
John F. Hall, forcer', j
judge of Coos Count;, hu is
following letter to The lull
or at Koschurc in rcipocxtl
quest from them for intipr
his vIuwb ns to dliposltiod
Oregon html granta ihlckM
declared forfeited,
"You ask for an P
opinion as to wlint dlipoiltkil
bo miiilu of tlio OrttoiAi
Railroad Land Grant. SljtJ
that the railroad compjt
paid tho $-.r.O per acre P
er taxes thoy liaio beat
to pay; tile Imnl tbould link
od over to tlio StatoofOrtn
proper regulation!, so tW
cultural land bo soldim
tiers under law similar loft
stead lnws; that Is, settlen
polled to resldo on tbeW
tain number of j eari , as ;
n...,, ,.r Mm 13.50 Itl
Kothor with tnxcd paid b tt
pnny, a patent bo ls
samo. Tlio timber li B'
hold by tlio stato upon Ha'
tho covoriiinent the B
tho railroad companxndft;
sold, tho land rcserred w1
Ing. And mineral lanM'
iincni! nf tinder prop''
laud should bo safesmrW j
n.,i,,ni iniiiprs or pew"'
to manufacture the tlntofel n nlltnln tllC IW,1!1
iioriiilttcd to set Into tlel
n a I Uniic.PWuTt!li
' Physician nd
nrflrnilrTUiZ I"1"1
Offlco hours: 11 to"1,1
I and 7 to ! "' ,
Phones: onicoltWJZ
I Uf-inM
J. IYI. VIIUI" fi!l
. nUlliDLVfl CO-NIK;
Estimates rurnWN""
r . I Pi. Oil)
K,o, KHr.ndTh"2Jl
GLAShi.3" J
Phono 8W0J. Jt""1'
inlns !,
., BllAtt.'.
DR. NiVniN i..- "
IhyslcIU '' 57 I
I'lmllO iW1"'
Offlre liotiwIiE
OWces. 206 h
Phone 103-L or ,ji
Winton Auto Service
Sixty horse power seven pas
senger car
Chandler Hotel Phono 20
H. G. Butler . J
Room 304 Coke B;
W. G. Chandler.
Ar: '
R00mB Tar'SeiM
Wm. S. TumSSLrt