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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1915)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELfe, OREGON. TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1915-EVENING EDITION. -TV FIVE YOU CAN ALWAYS DO BETTER FOR LESS AT HE FAIR ednesday, Thursday an d Friday arc economy days at Olir StOI'O. UOme uany mm onuy u win uay yuu. kirn's ail " Lr Wild. In tnn or black, now nor pair Sox. The rog- 25c Clark's Lustre Crochet Cot ton. All shndes. On mile nt nor ball jC .. .1 or .. i .i..ll Lnillcs i '' nllu om; '""-"" k'iM,i (owns, uiiimifu i t,iii1f.tiK lace or -""" ""' Dn gale nt 39c Ladles' 10c Silk Hoso with llslo threiul tops. All similes. On sale at per pair LoZ brevities ' AUGUST TIDES Time and heights of tides at l Mnrsliflold. Tho tides aro placed In order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino and heights on tho t second lino of each day. A compar ison of consecutive heights will In dicate whether It is high or low , wnicr. iiigii liuo on tlio Dar one hour and 51 minutes earlier than nt Aiarsuiioui, 31IJro. 0.35 C.2C 12.01 .R.01 J JFt... 0.7 H.C 2.0 4.7 I .... .hi...., RVc nro Ht in souhik ui lest spool cotton or i;i(!IIT SPOOLS for. . "" Ono lot of Ladles' Inrgo Gingham Aprons; vtulous kinds; wore 7nc to -$1. On salo nt 45C liil F fIIV. Xct door to Chandler Hotel. Satisfaction always or your money Imek he Noble Theater To-Night, WEATHER FORECAST M Tlio Pleasant Place to Spend tho 'Evening A REMARKABLE THREE-ACT FEATURK JE WRONG WOMAN f it hit hiding Mabel illllps. MOST A HERO From n famous English play of un .iljliiK popularity. An all-star Edison I'ruiiucIIc, Gladys Hulctto and Augustus JROSS THE DESERT )E LIBERTY PARTY Yltngrnpli comedy. .Full of laughs. ScIIk Western drama with plenty .of action and bountiful kcoiios. Ono of tlio famous Knloni "HAM" .cumodlcs. 5 11)7 AMOclitod rresn to Con U; TlraM. OREGON Fair, winds mostly westerly. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 24 hours ending at 4:45 n. m., Aug. 31 by BcnJ. Ostllnd, spoclnl government meteorologist: .Maximum 74 Minimum 54 At 4:1!) n. m 05 Precipitation 01 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 10H 08.81 Proclpltatlon samo period Inst year CC.C7 Win (I: Northwest, clear. rested on a chnrgo of running deer with dogs, will ho held tomorrow nftcrnoon nt two o'clock In tho of fice of Judgo Pcnnock, Justice of tho Pence. It Is said that other arrests on similar charges arc likely to follow. Olo Visits Here. Olo Anderson Is spending his eii miner vacation on tho liny. He wng tho guest of North Ilcnd for u period of 10 dnys and, newly released, enmo over hero to look nbout. Olo hns n standing In vltntlon in tho Carter Hotel nnd forthwith put his right Into uso this morning. Ho has been longshorlng at North Bond. Iloturn from Synod. Rov. Rob ert E. nrownlng returned Saturday evening from Oakland Callfomln, where ho went to attend the Syno of tho 8th Province, which Includes the Btntcs west of the Itocky Moun tains. Tho sessions were held in the Clarcmont Hotel. Ono of tho most Inspiring events of the Synod was the mass meeting held on Sunday even ing In tho now Onklnnd Auditorium, Just completed. Twelve lllshops of tho coast states were present, seven of whom gave stirring addresses on tho work In their respective fields. Sovon or eight thousand wero pres ent In the nudlcnco. SCHOOL DAYS will soon be here and the Boys and Girls have got to have CothJng Bring them to the .. C. PENXEV STORE and fit thorn from bond to foot. Wo hnvo it complete, lino of Shoos, Hoso, Dry Goods, Suits mid Clothing of all kinds. Has New Ford. Matt L. Mny hns joined tho list of nuto owners with a new Ford which ho will use visit ing his trndo and enn now bid do- flnnco to railway nnd boat sched ules. Matt says business is getting better alt tho tlmo with tho II. II. ami Armour products which ho han dles nnd tho Astoria flour Is the j flower of tho fnmily. Ho thinks tho1 "going" will bo hotter than ever with his now cnr. Fords Popular.- During tho Inst few days I. R. Tower has stold Fords to Matt L. May, O. K. Ilulln and Gorst & Kinney. Iluss says busi ness Is good and getting bottor. stnlrs or down, 15 cents. Children, 5 oon t h ruiimiMitv night: .Mary Pick ford In "Mistress Noll," n Paraiiiount It nro In flo parts. Autos Collide. A dorst & King car collided villi tho vegetable truck of Peter Axo of Hrldgo nt North Bond yestordny, slightly damaging tho truck. C. O. King was driving tho ear. Grows Peaches. Mrs. Robert Kittson, wlfo of tho mayor of Enst- sldc, yestordny picked forty pounds of peaches off n treo In their yard that Is only thrco years old. Tho troo was rnlscd from u seed planted by her mother, Mrs. A. M. Cava- nnugh, thrco yenrs ago last spring. Its rapid growth nnd maturity la a wonder to all. Tho peaches nro largor than tho Crawford variety, finely flavored and handsomely colored. For Sale IUvcr home, furnished plete, with boat landing four acres of ground. By for liiiinedlato occu- Sinippy buy and easy s. Located on South Coos lr In popular bungalow dls- ln: limn about it" UEID, 150 FRONT STREET PHONE all orders for oolery to Nils burg'8 Grocery nnd oblige. J. 13. Fitzgerald. For Your ARTER'S r Your CREAM JVL'ltVTIIIXti H.WITAItV 'S ()1-E. van INSPECTION iinalvo Iro Ocam to order, ' Wim! mill in h ' p.irtlos, lodges, pt.. ;"" :: :: :: :: :s )Jo do not (.peafc r Its V L' A i. i m a- i '""t hpenlcs for Itself SALTER'S i'liono aiKW,! l wim.,( III,,,,,.,, II,,...! FOUND Hoys' coat picked up on South Brondwny last evening. Dropped from nuto. Mny bo had at Thncs offlco by paying for this nil. Moot on Hay. Tlio Coos County Pharmacists Association will hold Its annual meeting In Mnrsliflold Sep tember 7 and tho local drugglBts will be hosts to tho gathering. Party Tonight. .Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis will entertain n number of tho younger set nt a C ".dug party nt tho Myrllo Arms t ..a evening com plimentary to Mrs. Davis' sister, Miss Dan I By Dean Rush. t FOR RENT X $$ FOIt RENT Clioiuo Flvo Room Fur nlshcd npartmont. Hot water and water heat. W. S. Nicholson, Broadway and Aldor Avcnuo. Builds New (iiuagv Thnt his now Dodgo may have suitable covering Tom James Is building n gnraga at IiIh linmn nn Smith 10th St mot nenr Central, and ho expects to havohm"f' ' "ml .. .. I IJUULIDb illlOO (Jet Out of CivlDjitlon. Henry Hugglns and Sam Fletcher have re turned from u week's trip during which they ponctrnted into tho "un explored" recesses of tho mountains far In tho rear of Allegany. Over fallen Idgs nnd heavy brush they mndo their way, caught a fow fish nnd snw fewer dcor, to say nothing of getting any, but enmo back per fectly happy, saying thoy went moro ly for tho fun of tho thing and felt not a llttlo like Stanley in Africa. Collier Quits Place. Allan Col Her, who for the pnst few yenrs wns deputy assessor wns hero from Co qulllc yestordny. He hns retired ns deputy nssesor, effective today. He has Just roturned from n hunting trip on Elk River In Curry county where ho and M. O. Hnwklus bagged tho limit. Ho says deer nro very plentiful there. Tho Salmon Moun tain country was completely burned over a short tlmo ago and ho thinks that will mnko a fine hunting ground next season, all tho brush being re moved. Ho has not yet takon n po sition and mny possibly decided to ldento on the Bny. Hold Snlo on .Saturday. Deputy Sheriff W. C. Lnlrd returned this morning from Lakeside slio went yesterday to sell tho Vnnburger machlno 'and a couplo of cows to sat isfy claims of MIlo Plerson nnd .Terry Kinney. Ho found some ono hnd n 100 labor lion on tho machlno; nn- othcr man laid claim to tho cows nnd so camo back empty hnnded. No tice of n sale for Saturday was given nnd Plerson and Kinney will hnvo to put up nn Indemnity bond to pro tect tho Bhorlff's office. Mr. Lnlrd had trouble with his appendix nnd expects to have It takon out, saying ho dld'nt hnvo tlmo though this trip. Oood fast color ginghams, In fust colors: worth nt lenst onc- thlrd moro 7 l-SIf, 8 l-ile, JOo, It! l-2e Percales. A dandy 127-lnch-wlde; worth hnlf tho prlco more ( Me A dandy HG-Inch-wIdc guar anteed colors. A dandy value at ono-thlrd tho prlco moro nt only h 1 -:io Boys' Suits, worth nt lenst hnlf tho price moro ....::. Better grnde, nil colors. $5.00 value. Our price $:i.!)8 ?C.0O vnlue, our prlco !? 1.1)8 Hoso for the boy nnd girl, sizes 5 to 10 ....Hc, lli l-2o, Hoe Bungalow Aprons; nil stylos nnd patterns I0c Originators .&07Z4t0U'(9Pr - ... yy incorporarea or Jiov prices BBEEMZE NEXT DOOU TO MAHSHFIEL1) POST OFFICE We lead Others Follow it In rcnincss steed." for tho new "Iron onion's Mooting. This after noon nt tho Baptlsti church nt 2.30 o'clock thoro was held n meeting for tho women of Mnrsliflold and this evening nt 7:30 o'clock at tho homo of Mrs. Waltor Richardson, a young ladles' mooting will bo hold. All tho womou and young Indies of Mnrsliflold aro cordially Invited to nttond this meeting which will bo in chnrgo of Miss Carrlo O. Mill- Mies Woyburn, nctlvu Baptist Mission workers. FOIl RENT 2.1'oom apartments, Htcain heat and furnished, $15.00 nnd SIS. 00. Inqulro apt. 10, Mnt lock npts, 2nd aud Commercial. To Ilitvo Outing1. Tlio ladles' aid society of tho Norwcglnn-Luthornn church of North Bend will hnvo nn outing Thursday nt tho homo of Mrs. L. A. Strommon, on Cooston. Tho launch Cooston will lenvo North Bend nt 10:15 a. m. nro Nl'llSCRIliEHS NOTICE nines uirrler bovs '""eii tO nut llin n. A fMporih. if tho carrier does I w tins, misses von. nr i,n. t f1' sc'tl ; thn Imnor v l"nf, Kindly phono t,o clr- r'n niaiuiKor. n n.ic. i ,i. "a)' V0 can ilntn,i.. i F'her or not fim n-i Mnr ... " '"" I -a iiiouiiciin FOR RENT Myrtle Anns modern furnished apartments freo heat and water $22.50 per month up. X WANTED J $$ WANTED Sinitll furiilhhed house, closo in. Apply B caro Times. Ti Survey l.n"d. Bon Fisher nnd .T. T. Brnnd loft this morning for Lnkesldo vhoro thoy go to aid Dol Cnthcnrt is making n survey of a trnct of land which borders tho lake nnd In which they nro Interested. They will enmp out nnd expect to bo Bono several days on their trip. Youngster's Rabbits Killed. Tho children of Mr. and Mrs. Cnl Lnng worthy, near tho corner of Brond wny and Elrod, aro mourning tho death of two big white pet rabbits that wero found dead In tholr pons this morning. Tho foiuo wns found brokon down but Judging from the character of tho wounds It wns though tho work wns thnt of soino person rnthcr than nn animal. Tho children had rnlscd tho animals and thought a great deal of them. Knights Tomplar Suo- Suit has boon brought by tho Pacific Com-1 jmnndory No, 10 of tho Knights, i Templar, and E. L. Robinson, C. F. Pears (Jood Speci.nens.E. D. My- McIfnlht, an''A' p- !, truRteoB. morning' " uiiunuuu, o. i. jutuu- lunn i.l Q T)fT(i(nil t It i. it 1 1nn- bringing to tho Chamber of Com-""' '," ;:""'"-..:'" .Zl In March, 1912, for one yonr, to- thls merco several Bartlett pears that nro considerably Inrgor thnn any shown hero for some tlmo. Ho says WANTED Roomers by day or week, Marshflold Houso. Holon Harvoy. k,mt , llIa orci1(,nl ll0 lins n grcnt Breakfast served. Pliono U7-Ji. mmy boxcfl or (hl8 ,nrg0 B,zcd TOrl oty. WANTED Coos Day people to wivo their Standard Biscuit labol cou pons to assist crippled boy to got wheel cart to rldo in. Pleaso send them to Carl Hanson, Eastport. Box 580. Hearing Tomorrow. Tlio honrlug of Clniido Noble, of Ten MIlo, nr- WANT Apply ver Hill. Phono PJ'MNSKi:i, AND STOR-.t t OP nni'ui.nv. .. Rln.,w.,""u" uuona -"ill AVI Cull BAGOAOE ftUSON TRANSFER Phone l(i'( Residence iim T ! tUt Ave- "d Waterfront VE THE ROOF FIXED I NUW See CORTHELL nione 3171 'ED Eperoncol coal miners. TUP FIXUP SAYS: ly Beaver Hill Coal Co., Ben-, ' "u ' ,AUI "Value is a mighty elastic term often used to cover a mul titude of short com ings. Here value in gather with $50 attorney's fees. ' Of tho $500 about $140 has already, been paid, according to tho papers served this morning by Deputy .Slier- i Iff A. P. Davis. WANTED Teams nt lliuidoii, Oro to haul CxS ties two trip haul. I A. F. Estnbrook Co., phono 121 FOR SALE Steel X lumber vngon, hold up 8 tons. A Jenkins, North Bond. J X ' FOR SALE X $$ FOR SALE By owner, at n Mii'i'Klco two lots In Plat C nnd thrco lots In Plat B. Excellent location; must bo sold to sottlo estate. No reasonable offer refused. Lots clear and abstract up to date. Ad dress W. B. Hamilton, R. F. D Box 4G, Echo, Oregon. I Kuppenheimer Clothes means but one thing, through and through worth." Preaches to .Multitude. y. C. Humphries, arrested on an iusatia chnrgo, was muchly disturbed lastj night when tho pollco put thrco drunks Into tho cells near his. Ho ( stood It as long as posslblo and then quieted tho men with a short sor-i mon, brief and to tho point und! thereafter thoy kept (pilot. AH of tho thrco men must hnvo been nam ed J, w. Evorman, for that was tho only naino on the pollco blotter this morning and thrco men wero arrest ed last night. FOR SALE Bay mure, O yearn ojtls weighs 1000 lbs, for $13. J. B. Carter, Coos River Creamery. FIXUP 'ING All Wj- Timec' Wnf Arfc Mrs.W "VrLl5;"""" '. .. CH So.' Phone 220-f . rinS Kesults Where the Price is always Right Two Store.: Marshfield North Bend FINE STATIONERY FOR PARTICULAR' PEOPLE Finest Linen Stationery, All sizes Initial correspondence cards Cold edges Wo aro confident of our ability to pleaso yon THE BUSY CORNER The Rexall Store $ X PERSONAL MENTION X ?? JEFF HARTMAN of North Bend wns a Marshflold visitor last ovon Ing. CHESTER ALEXANDER wns down this morning visiting from Catch ing Inlet. NICK JOHNSON, Coos county fruit Inspector, is hero from Myrtlo Point. REV. II. K. BROWNING nnd wlfo hnvo returned from a trip to tho exposition. MISS aRACE FULTON was down from her North Inlot homestead yestordny. MRS. JOHN MATSON wns down for n short trip todny from her homo nt Cntchlng Inlot. MR. AND MRS. R. 11. BENNETT wore over night visitors In the ci ty from CoquIIIo. E. D. M'ARTHUR wns a visitor at tho county scat today, bolug call ed thoro on business. A. T. LAQERSTROM and wlfo plan to lenvo soon for n visit nt tho San Frnnclsco Exposition. P. M. HALL-LEWIS, county road mastor, was hero from CoquIIIo yestordny on business. J. E. PAULSON, of CoquIIIo, wns among tho visitors in the city to dny, coming on business. MRS. HERMAN SM1THOALL, of Catching Inlet, was down this morning on n shopping trip. MRS. C. II. PECK and llttlo daughter wont back to tho Peck cottage on south Coos River this afternoon. JUDGE GEORGE WATKINS loft on the morning train for tho county seat whero ho had legal business. N. N. NEWMAN, of CoquIIIo, wnH horo today looking after somu tim ber business In which ho Is Inter ested. GEO. DEUBNER Jr., hns roturned from Sau Francisco whero ho has been visiting nt the homo of his fnthor, Geo. Doubnor. BARTLETT FLANAGAN loft for En gena early this morning after a fow days visit nt his homo on South Fifth Street. It. E. PINEGOR und family have moved to Marshflold from Camp Ono whoro Mr. Plnogor bus given up his position. GEO. A. RAINES and Ernest Har rington will leave early tomorrow on a fishing trip to tho Allegany country and Gould Lake, MRS. C. LANDERS is down from Powers to visit at tho homo of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, L. T, , Matthows, on Fourth stroot. MISS ELVIRA FRIHEEN, loft this morning for CoquIIIo, whero sho will take up her now duties as stenographer In the Sheriff's office. iR. M. JENNINGS and wlfo arrived homo lust evening from Rosoburgj whero they made a short stay fol lowing tholr visit at tho Exposi tion. OWEN KNOWLTON and wlfo, of Co quIIIo, camo ovor today on tholr way to Lakeside whero thoy ox pect to spond about n weok on a honeymoon. MR. AND MRS. R, F. WILLIAMS and son and Miss Frances Will- More Prices GOLD MEDAL CATSUP, Per pint liotdo 10c WORCESTER SAUCK, (Imported) per hot Go 10c (Try this Banco and Bnvo 20c per bottlo) ARAGO CORN STARCH, Per package 5c ARAGO GLOSS STARCH, Per package c SALAD DRESSING, Per hottlo 10c DEL MONTE BAKED BEANS 5c PRUNES (A real bargain) Per pound, ifc; slv pounds for. ...liTiu PEANUT BUTTER, Per pound l'JJSc APPLES, Very fancy Gravcnstelns, per liov $1.00 CANNING PEARS, Per bov (Uaitlott) $1.00 TOMATOES, Por pounds, 5c; per liov 70c WATER .MELONS (u fow left) Kach 10c EXTRA LARGE MELONS (Each) ilOc GOLDEN WEST COFFEE, Per 1 ml JOo WE SAVE YOU MONEY. GETTING'S CASH GROCERY InniB expect to lenvo on tho Santa Clnra Thursday for a vlBit at tho Exposition. FELIX KESTER, who hns been with tho C. A. Smith Compnny hero for flvo yenrs, will lenvo tomor row for a month'B visit at Onk Innd, California. MISS MABLE DOWNER hns arrived hero from Condon, Oregon, to spend tho winter nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. May nnd to nt tond school hore. JOHN DOTSON nnd wlfo expect to lenvo tomorow for Sprngtio, Wash, whoro thoy will upend u month nt tho homo of their son' on a big ranch near thoro. 11. WILSON hns returned from n short stay at his homestead In tho Rock Creek section. Ho says ho bagged fthrco nlco deer, ono n slx-polntcr, while' thcro, FRANK BLACK nnd fnmily roturn ed Snturiidy to tholr Catching In let homo after n visit In Short dan. Thoy were accompanied by a brother In Inw of Mr. Black, Jess Dyers and his family. MRS. JENNIE LANDR1TH and Miss Helon Landrlth arrived homo Sun day on the Santa Clara from San Frnnclsco, accompanying the body or tholr brother Phillip Lan drlth, who was hurled Monday. FRED WEAVER oaino In today from Brewster Valjoy, whoro himself ni.'t' family have been enjoying nn outing on his farm. He said thut unison was plentiful In that sec tion. MR. BROWN, night chof. nt tho Right Cufo, and wlfo expect to leavo Thursday for San Francisco whoro thoy will attend tho expo sition and return to Portland to reside SAM POWELL, formerly game wur dou In Curry, passed through horo yesterday on route to Gardiner and vicinity whoro ho will bcrvo. Carl Wright wns assigned to tho Curry district. J. JONES and family of Bunker Hill expect to lenvo Thursday on the Santa Clara for Montoroy, Calif., to look after his ranch. Thoy will take in tho exposition on routo there. DEPUTY SHERIFF W. C. LAIRD wont back to Coqullo this uf tor noon taking with him W. C. Hum phries, whom the offlcors put In tho "crazy strops" after a short , tussol. C. W. CUMBERS, tho popular man ager of tho Standard Oil Co. loft this morning in Ills nuto for Myr tlo Point nnd Gold Beach to Bprcnd the light about Standard Oil prod ucts in those sections. MME GALBRAITH of tho Parisian Is expected hero tho last of tho wook for a month'B stay at Spo kane. Mrs. Marshall who has boon In chnrgo during hor absonco ex pects to leavo shortly to visit Spo kane W. S. CHANDLER enmo down from his summer homo on South Coon Rlvor Sunday nnd mndo a busi ness trip to CoquIIIo Monday. Ho Is having moro Improvements mndo at his summer homo, in cluding a now roof nnd additions to tho houso. J. W. KIRKPATRICK, for soino tlmo with tho U. S. Drcdgo Oro gon, Is horo from Portland to vis it E. . Sullivan. The Orogon Is un dergoing repairs, aftor finishing ii job at Vancouvor and will soon go to Tillamook to work. SOCIAL CALENDAR TUESDAY Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis entertain with dancing party at Myrtlo Arms for Misa Daisy Rush, WEDNESDAY "Happy Nino Club" with Evolyn Piper, of North Coos Rlvor. Prlsclllas with Mrs. Kntid sou of Bunker Hill. Auction Brldgu Club with Mrs. J. S. Hanson, Business meeting of Pres byterian Auxiliary at 2:30 p. m. at Church. THURSDAY North Bend Luthorau picnic at homo of Mrs. L. O. Strommon, Pastime Club with Mrs, Edward Thomas. FRIDAY Thlmblo Club with Mrs. Elinor Russell. 4 You can get it at THE OWL' 7til POUNDS OF SQUIDDS CHEMICALS Rocohod in u single shipment today to supply tho largo und rapidly Increasing demand of tho people of Coos Bay for flioso world. fumed products. Von usslst )our doctor vlion you bring Ids proscription to us. "THE OWL" Tho Central Ae. Drug Store Frank D, Cohan "41 I