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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1915)
urn THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1915 EVENING EDITION. FOUR f T- ,:i Ha '"III Y"""0 ID A "V" HPTRflTTC M" love wl,1 a man afler 'ou mnrry him. V. C., MALONEV, Editor nnd Pub. , t)AN E. LLONEY, News Editor! A Coos Hay ma,, vlll work hurd- , 'er gettliiR a day's plensure than Official I'npcr of Coos Ccniiity ,0 m getting a week's pay. Official Vapcr City of Mnrehfield. B Entorod at the Postofflco at MarBh- Dancing Is wasting time, but some field, Oregon, for transmission I Coos Ha men peein to squeeze a through thd malls as second-class iot 0 i,engUio out of It. mall mattor. Is the Human Organism Unfit t Live Lomgeir? sn, cos ""' inn nr s wo1- i iinnnr-Ai iimn rmi- r,(i(1 oVor tho European situation I EUROPEAN WAR OIMb ulat they can hardly hold their own. YEAR AGO TODAY ?! $ K' A hoU ulster claims that a kiss (Hy Herbert Quick) .one blow our military uupieniucy: ITCHENER 8ujb that the llrltlsh'of commencing and tei initiating a will use poisonous gases be-1 war b olio vlctoiy." eatiso the Germans have done) We h'avo most ot us seen lather so. highly colored accounts of "Dumlon- Thus warfare sinUs a notch lower. nM' Death" In tho ncvvspnpeiH since ... . ,.,,,, (ll tiiinJlllu beginning of the present wnr. towaul a status In which the ethics " l , ,, , i That oonsoivutlve work, tho Hnc oi me JouBi KU u. """--" MonciUa Rrittunlcu, however, Is im- till mi lit Intif fni fif Inuct llill'l V con. French and British were ctrcat-l011(g Hull, Tmt,0 Keron(ls l8 omJvvlth the efficiency of tho highest lUliB uul )euow, and heio is what ingbeforo tiio Uonnnn advance norm 0nollKll for ., Coos nnv ,.ifo to tim civilization. lt 8lnlo8 . - . - i .-. tho Coos llay man who doesn't feel good when u friend has a sticnk of good luck. of Pnrls. Paris was preparing for out wlut sIl0 wn1s l0 kl0W elego, noncombatants leaving and troops arriving. Reported 1 German that Turkey woulil became an ally, Japancso troops landed on Ger man territory In Klauchau, China. Austrlans wcro battling around Lublin, Bouthorn Poland, with Rus Blans who wcro aiming to Invndu western Galicla. England declared all German and Austrian patents invalid. TRUE VACATION w n SHE In this world chiefly what wo look for. A farmor going along examines tho soil, Theio Is no use in piotpsting, as ..T,8 Iull tll0 ,ictniH ot htch many American odltois hao done, j jmu, n(nur UCell bulged, Dundon- Theio is something wiong with i Protest will not solve tho pioblem. ,n)(j proposed nB far back as LS11, A young man doesn't know It. giving an example of magnanimity But tho boss can tell tho man who which tan neor been attained by Is capable of doing a higher class mon whose duty Is to win In war. of woik IJy watching how ho docs J poisonous gases arc used against tho small Jobs ho Is started on. armed men. They arc part of tho hostilities. As between the uso of A Coot llay man will nlwnys I oI B , ,Jntt, , tho ngroo with you when you tell him B,nklng of merchant ships with no regard to tho lives of ciow ami pas sengers. I think the former Is far T6 ask ono sido to foicgo an effect- UIia th0 committee which was ap Ivo weapon ubod by the other Is fit- pointed to consider lt lepoited it ns tile. It ntny be that he should fore- effective but Inhuman." go lt, but ho cannot do so without I Should It (be used now? Well, why not? Tills Is the day of the ho Is overworked and needs n rest. ! QUESTION FOR THE DAY neater to being defensible. If now nnd tertlblo weapons ate What. 1ms lincnmn nf Mm old ... . ... ......... it.i . ...... ,.... .i bo used, will not thn RiitlHli wnr an arcillieci mo duikuukh, a wui- iauiouu(i niiik sea soon nun useci chant tho condition of tho trado, ajto roposo on tho old fashioned , authorities reconsider thnt terrlblo n,n rlnirPliLs. Anil so n whatnot? (method of destroying life In wnr man going through tho world will I which 1m Hnlil In havn boon Invented j by ThomaB Cochpnn0t lenlh L,nrl of t AT THE HOTELS $ Dtimlonuld, tnoro than 100 years a g? , , .... j Most people have read of this ntjs- TO DAY'S ARRIVALS j terlous invention. Dtindonnld was . ., Cliandlof Hotel a real poison, an Inventor, a skilled j. u, ivruse, uauuou; Jiny r. Campbell, Jarvls Lauding; C. I). Prayer, Hrldgo; G. II. Chancy, Do- seo chiefly that for which ho cspec lally looks. He who is constantly looking for troubles will find them stretching off Jnto gloomy wildernesses. Ho who Is watching for blessings will bco them hither and thither extend ing in harvest of luxuriance. jn tins vacation season uo uiu ,..,. T. jj. paic0i. Conullle: A that von take a vacation from your'n Ti..ia rnmiiiin' e r Vni.n.i .rm.l.lna ntul worrlon. Loavn thClll M , ii. i, n -iiiiii' .' ' IIuv8 Hammond, N'lkola Tcsln and .w..-u .... ..--. . MIIIIIVUfUltn, t.i V, illk..ll IIIUII, i Ull" , naval officer, and a 'crank. That I no was an able man there is no 'doubt. He was to that ago what such men as Cooper Hew It, young .iiit.. - ..... ... .i.i land; Davis Oastler, Ashland; Roho ",' ,". , , . , W. match, San Francisco; C. C. , , I),1,lo,1l'l clnlmea to have do- Woodrlng. Coqulllo; N. N. Nowninu, v,8oa ,l ,,lotl,otl of "arf,lro B0 cffcc Coiiullloi E. G. Leslie, Coqulllo; W. ! tlvo lllnt by ,ts l,H0 "'ll'0 of Ie- r. ln,.r t'nrtlnnil- V. V. Ko.,v . I"u -"l " (lesllOJCll III II IOW Lcoua; .1. R. Kenny o, L'otiuiiio; w. , E. E. Kenny, "l0 t0Ml r, Leona; Paul ll0,ira' Uy Us use, ho claimed, "Wo havo means of securing ut LchlucI as the most itselesa of all your baggage. Away nway with nil forbodlngs. Llght-ladon, go forth among na ture Look up toward the sky bo bril liantly bright by day, and at night merry with ten thousand stars Jolu ing hands of light, with tho Eaith In tho ring, going round nnd round with gleam and dntico and song, malting old Tlmo Itself feel young again. Go to tho woods whero the coolod and sifted brcezo Is Bccnted with nn tmo'B fiagianco and uweet with na ture's songs. Go whero tho stroaiim lean down off the rocks and tholr crystal Iico1hM Oladjs Lloyd Gray. San Ernn-' ROSIJIUTRG Chailes Uei clatter and glisten over the puro,t,liCo: M 'hUn Clink, Snu Finn- Cook, loft town suddenly, a: whito pobhlcH. f ii... ii.. ...1 rn r 11. ..... fSr. n whom Ihn wllil flowprsi"1 "'""' imiiiimi. '. .'i. IlllOBU, stand ill Inking out of the limpid brook, or, shining in the glass, look as If all tho orcadH had cast their crowns at the foot or tho steep. Hark to iho fluting or tho winds nnd tho long-meter psalm of thu thunder, saya tho Salem Capital Journal. Hear the fitful patter of tho fairy-footed rain dancing on tho swaying leaves. Look at the morning sltldlng down tho hills, l outing the skulking shad ows. Seo Evening drawing nsldo H. Sonic, San Finuclsco; Mr. nnd I JJ "8 "K0 Mrs. R. R. llennctt, Coqulllo. n" lf"llIo St. Luurcmo Hotel E. E. Duster, Poillatid; Henry Catlson, Lakeside; 11. N. Webster, Coos River; J. G. Miller, Coqulllo; A. L. Cook, Randon; (1. Powell, Wcd- deiburn; W. L. Peterson, Coqulllo.' ROSUHURG- Tho mother of C. Llojil Mold. lit. Pendleton was killed In nn auto Mrs. lleniy Clink, Sail Francisco; accident at Eetett, Washington. osford, ml left Cisco; A. Olson nnd wife, Not way; n,uny creditors behind effective method, lnhiiiunnlty is not so Important Is In 1S11, appar ently. I It was regarded as too horrible then that any such plnii bo given to tho world under which all humani ty might bo exterminated. I do not know that there Is any good reason for tho cumbering of tho earth longer by the .so-called hu-. ninu inco. It Is bent on self-des truction, nppatcntly. Jn the whole i com so of evolution the organism which la unfit to survive, dies. Man's reason hns heretofore enabled hltn to compoto with tho beasts of the field, but now that ho hns turned it to the nbitses of universal wnr, It may bo his destruction. "Diindonnld's Death" mny bo tho rope by which wo shall hang our-1 selves. Or, If tho exports who passed up on lt were right, It may bo the means of bringing us to our senses. War Is a means of racial destruction, Mnko its possibilities unlveisal, nnd. wo may censo to regaid as "gloii-l oils" tho act of putting it In oporn-, tlon. On the whole I think I ant In rnor of tho unleaslug of "Dundouuld's Death." it can hcnrcoly mnko things worso tiinn they arc Gveir OreHomi ItOSnUJHU A chatter amend- ASTORIA -Tho Hill liner Great Xoithern took four bundled tons of whent f loin heio to San Francisco on its last trip. DE.N'D -H. L. Hopkins, formerly ruporiitto..donl of tho Duqdon, Ore-, son schools, has been elected su- oitiand, Mrs. A. J. Hull, Saiij,uont to ,njt0 lIl(J ,,,at.0 ot l0 suit- poiintciulciit of Iho Ilend schools l.anclaco; Cuil Kelly, han Fran- CttB ordinance," adopted to pro-! HOOD RIVER-I,, eider to ca i cisco. Ilhiuco Hotel Flank Itotisou, llaiidou; O. Lat- tin, Coos Rher; Dot Modlock, Co qulllo; II. Decker, Poweis; 11. Cuius, Cninna Valley; S. Forbes, Salmon Cieelc; 1). P. Weaver, 'South Inlet; William Hillings, Myttlo Point. catch ent bilngliig liquor to Roscburg, a petty thief who has been robbing but which Judge Hamilton held In- the clothing or bathers, Chief of valid, will bo voted on in October. Police llalley went In swimming but PORTLAND Mis. A. P. Lovell, while ho wan In tho wuter, konieono a pioneer of Rosobuig, died ut tho fiiskod his clothes of every cent be homo of her daughter, Mis.. C. F. Sw under, bote. STAYTOX Honirace l L'tzol, ag ed twelve, tell under his fathor's wagon ami was crushed to death. IiEND Flio dostioyed five mll- MONDAV'S AltKIYALS CliniKlli'r Hotel Mr. and .Mis. L. J. SlimiKon. tho cititaln from heaven's wall of shoie Aries: Mis. W E Arnold ; "on feet of lumber In tlie lloitd Luin- Juspor, snrdonvx and aincthjst. 'Poitlaiid: It X Webster Junction !,IP1" Companj's yards. The lusuianco Look on all this God'H In Ilia pluco room in your soul for peaco s, nnd feel tho j city; Mis. D. Aekormnii. .Myitlo wbb J3S.00O. T and thnt thoie's I'olnt; F. H. Rhoades, Seattle; Mr. nK(1- hud with li I in. IXDIH'L'XDL'XCE Claud Skinner sustained a severe scalp wound when a tiio which ho was loiuovlng from an auto oxplodod. SIIDRIDAX Tho Sheildun Tim ber K)inpan,s lioldings have Iwun lMtichased by Geo. M. Ilrachor and ho mill was not dam-lJ- c- Hnuher of tho lliachor Timber jconipnny for $200,000. They will land Mis. w. II. Putnam, Seattle;1 Till: HAU.KS Tho o W R & Nt tait the mill for awhile I Mr. and Mi. 11. E. Troinalne, Van-j will expend $150,000 on new shops (Oliver. II. C ; Airtiira Spiague. Gar- "ll( '" "t J'oikiioiou. puuing in AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUAAAA ' jttttttttttt,tt,t,, iiui; 'h Flood, Porlliuid; S. S. tw eh o-st nl I lmindhouko heio nnd WITH THE TOAST S'l'alov. San Fmuu-Ikcii: .t. w Hmi-ia tea-stall roundhouse at Pendleton. " .. ... . -w ,, --- .--, . . . . . . v.. , - , m AND THE TEA t 'o. Scottslutrg; F. L. Xowklrk, OREGON CITY lilsh Rlciiort ' uul ,""" ON''ort on '-natern Orogoa. riaf ...a. .tar. T . . . . . illiwl Lnnn nftAM 1... .n. . . ? Ash: A. Caste . Klamath Fal s. Mrs i was sentouced to thlitv havs n Jn V """ "" "v " irom me HALFWAY nids nro helng ask ed on tho cougtriictiton of a $10,000 municipal water systotn. DAKEIt elms. M. Fostor, a plon- (iOOD EVENING In nil dopnitnuuiU of act ivity, to have one thing to do, and then to do It, Is tho Beiiet of success Molnud-or. ! F. J. Feouoy, llaiidou; A. P. Davis, lor using piol.iue language, Miss Coqulllo: Klva WUkhani, Coqulllo; Yeld.i Fox flllujf the complaint i mi- .ii( v nn neon, uoaver nil i(. aKunihi iiim vIO. Laudilili, 1). M. Hoyil. Seattle; William Kings. Rnsnb funoial or John II. Gtlswold, an old rrumil, who was killed la nn auto accident. POItTI.AND Warrants have boon Hoyil. Seattle; SALEM Henry W. S.ivnBe. long n '! n , Y.. " 011 olmrn: Gladys ptoinlnent rtwhleiit ol Salem, died of ' , , , "Ulk NN onvcr J,(1 -A .oreo O-Connoll, heait fulluie. U'ikiw of Titnlatln, Oiogon, for SOIt'l'DIt Slilt ii I (LA 1 If you i.iu't git .vout dcklio Of Joy for nil jour daH Can't hot the vvoihl on tire. You (tin hotter ulii tho bhuo. You can walk along tho wa Tuiu blnme ItHolf to pi also; If ou can't get till the lulglit lljlit You can htir a little blaxe, In It ou Jes' can't hit the snivel Wfieu the PruuiUed l.anil'd ' sight, For the other tolks that travel YOU can hotter fchluo u light. Lend eoutago to the duvs, Help weed the thorny wa Hy I'annlit' of the tiio You can stir a little bliue, F. L. Stanton. A fashion hint lor men uj that Hanley, Pondh'ton. I Pendleton ; Dim KlnnUut aoiiii. i. ii. vvuiie, Miiiieiiin; u. Dakota will bo bout heio to partlii S. Wright. San Francisco; W. K. ,,,, In the annual regatta In Sop I'oteis, I'oitlatld. ' tenilinr. 1 Mn.Vll Hotel j LERAXON E. 11. Itnlliliun rh. J. Stanton. Portluttd; T. M. litis-, tnlnod a broken mm uhen hi .not,,.-. soy. MjiUo Point: Mr A 1 Hull i . , ... ... " "" "loiiuis uero nav( o ,, , '....'. ' ,'L, t ollliiloil with an nutomob loigono to tlioli homo it win,,.,,. i,i San FiancUoo; (Mrl Kell. San Finn-, ,,,,,,, ttllll fnrilinrt ,.... ' ,T at Vnom' Illd 'Into; O. Xowqulst, Coqulllo; U. McTotioy, Camas: W. Wanko. Poit laiid; W. O. Hamilton, South Inlet: Htnetit C. Llojd, Notth Rend; J. W. Itootuo, lllitti Hldgo; Mis. Eve-1 ln Maxou, Ilauilou; C. J. Stanford,1 .Mjitlu Point. I lllaiiio Hotel I Alv.tln ARTnin v 'Pi.o,i.i.. x--..i. IHI,I,,,1K "I' ?S llllto bill heio mill ' w..... ...V .,.....v...ll OU.lll ,,.., .. ,, . . i'" iui (. i uoy tool! tholr girls to a dnnco and kopt tho car waiting HOOD RIVDR Evangelist Hilly Sunday and wife who havo been spending a lew months hero havo gone to tlioli homo at U'lnnim i..,i 1 Uatliliuu was fonnerl.v a motoifclo lie bajh that Oiegon climate 'com-1 policeman ut Independent e AL1IANY - Llglitnlug started eight flies in the Santlatu National fotent the other night. LTGLWE The A. T. O. Ftatotnl. t.v house w.ib buiglaiUud the otltei night and a i utile nttoiupt pletel lohtoied his health. John Klobas. South Inlet; Mr. ' ,u" l"" l,,u,,lu iwruwuio stoic, and Mm. Robert Robeitnon, Coqulllo; ' SAU:M ' D- Clantou lotalnod Joo Can-. Einplie: Matt MaUou, Ms l'1,,0 'lB mipoilntondont of (ICmplro. .lame Hi own, South Inlet. u,0im llil1 hatdiotles doplto tho G. L. Mldlock. ,Coqullle; K. S. "BUl ",uao ou """ "' CoinuiUnlon Selnoeder. Coqullle: John Whobroy, t'r Wtu"' 'l Flolbcliner He will .Myttlo Point: W. H. Shott. Sauitd- W0VH 1,u hudqti.uteis to Ilonovillo. ow Luke; Chat Ion Swaiihon, Dlue MKDKORU .IU Siibiiu Whittle) Illdgo; C. F. li.ui own, Handon; F. 'telobi.ited her nlueO-nlnth biithday S. Warten, Huuilou: H. II. Miller, lut tM0 ll0,"u of her daughter, Mis llauilon G. i: Mltdiell. Hollliigliain; ' w- Slioit. on Foofs Cieok with Mm. G U. .sidgle. litlo Point; Ef- u U1 ll reunion, flu Weekb. .Mvitle Point: R. L. ! .'ACKSONVILLi: S. S. Hnlil lins htrappod i.ttiitalootuaio coming back, vwkly. Mjttle Point; John Riley, "tteil to oleitilty the Jacksonville Into btyle. W can loiuouihei wlimilcgat, River. Modfotd Hue and two modoin trol- i apped paufaloout weio the ktjio for all Iiomi betwouu tha sites of four aud foui toon and wo weio In btyle then, toe, Some Copi HUy woiuon aut as though It Is unfashionable to be M. Liuiomo Hotel loy cans will be liutallod. . Powell. Weddorbuiii: W. L GRANTS PASS An avoiage ot I'uteniHii, Coqulllo: .Mis. Hioiuloy, 25 giown-upu uu,i chlldion Ubo the llaiidou, ilaity Fetibol, Kuiu:ik City; It. W. Ruy. Poit land; R. T. Car uiill. Fort Smith; Clay Dooley, Coos River. iniiuUtpal buth hoiibo dally. SALEM -Tho Oregon Stato Fair will be hold September 27 to Octobe, IF YOU ARE A DRINKING MAN You hud better stop nt once or jouil ioso our Job. Eiety lino or business is elosing Its doois to "Dilnklug" men. It may bo jour tuin next. Uy tho aid of ORR1NE thotiKaudk of mon have been ro btored to livos of bobrlety and inditb try. Wo ai o bo buio that ORR1NE will beuotlt you that wo say to you that if attet a tiial ou fall to get anv bonorit fioni its iibo, jour monej j Will bo lefuiulod. When j on btop "Drlnklny," think ! or tho money jouil bave; besides, I nobor mon nio worth moie to tholr emplojou and got hlghor wagos. ' Costb only $1.00 a box. We havo an intoi estlng booklet about OR. R1XE that we aro giving away fiee on loquobt. Call at our stoio and nun v (nor, i Winkler Plmnim.Ky 35 Central Avenue THE Earning Period of a Man's; Life is His Harvest Time l.lfo'M Winter will miom ovcUakc joii. Aio joii wast ing the fruits of jour liarvot? Will the btoinis of old ngc find on with nn empty grnnarj'.' Let Dili bank bo jiiiifgianaij and joii will leap n haivest (tf golden gains. Make Hay While the Sun Shines HANK WITH VS AND YOF CAN DANK ON lS First National Bank' OF COOS BAY SAFETY DEPOSIT DOXIN l'(JR RUNT FLIC & BENNETT OLDEST RANK IN COOS COUNTY Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid on Tlmo .AND SAYINGS DEPOSITS Officers J. W. Rennctt, President. J. II. Flanagan, Vice-President. R. 1 Willlanis, Cashier. Geo. I Wlndiester, Aist. Cnfililcr. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. Steamship F. A-. KII.BURN sails for PORTLAND ! ii WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 1, 1::tO P. JI. Steamship SANTA CLARA Sails for SAN FRANCISCO (VIA EUREKA) Tlll'IISDAY, Sl'.IM'. , ::()( P. SI. Km- fin t her Information see W. E. STUHR, Agent SSI1TII TEltSIINAL DOCK Phono 1!I EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater AIAYAYS ON TIME. SAILS KROSI MARSIiriEI.REVERY SUNDAY DUHINtt AUfiUST AT H:00 A. SI. AND PROS! PORTLAND EVERY THURSDAY AT A. Si. Phono 35-J. II. J. MOIIR, AKCtit. Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Weekly Service Coos Bay and San Francisco. STEAMER WESTERNER FREIGHT SERVICE ONLY Will Sail From San Francisco, Tuesday, August 24. San Kinurl-co Ofrite, MOO Fife IIiiIUIIiik, ami lMer Xiiniber li.' Coos Bay Agent, C. F. McGEORGE, Phone 44 Puget Soned Bridge & . Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction n COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" Die most powerful, best equipped anil most thoroughly modem tvventy.luch hjdraullo dredge ir. Taciflo vvnten Coos Bay office, Main office Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. Abstracts FOR UEIJAHLK ABSTRACTS OF TITLE AM) !NKURMATION AROUT C00S BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc MARSHFIELD AND COQU1LLE CITY, OREGON GENERAL AGENTS, EASTSIDE AND SENGSTUCKEN'S ADDITION AGENTS FOR CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD lInDH HENRY SEXGSTACKEN, .MANAGER 'GRAVEL' Wo are now prepared to furnish GRAVEL in anv ....ntiiA. from pile In our yard or in carload lots, at follLlnprK From pllo on ground, J2.J5 per yard. canoad lots, taken from cars, J2.00 per yard. Retail Departnient, C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfc Co Opposite lW-Office. T6 " Phone loo. Vacation Days, I At Goodwift FINE CAMPING GRO EXCELLENT HOME SWIMMING, BOATHVr and FISHING-5 DANCING PAVILION Several Im.hIh dally ,0 .. , .'iniHiincni in IMS ,1,,,, ?"i Iiiii In (Inn. r.,... "'"! ulUV, at 7 ,,! MniHhfleld ,(MIt Hiso. "w icason.iii c, j,, i of Ktoimer Rnlnljon. ! south coos nnTaTaS si:imm ' ruxcn iixritEsg lemes Mnnlificid cretj 4 H ii. in. Leaves head ot n at n:iB p. ra HTEA.MIIR iMlNBOw loaves honii of lircrdall,,,, . .'I-eavcs.Miir8liflelJatti ni. ForrlinitoPBPIIlX0llbJ ROGEItH & SMITH l'roprlctorj i n MERCHANTS CAFE l'opular l'lico for GnnrI Mpnlo Prices Reasonable Cor. Conuncrclal nnd 11W; T AUGUST, 1015 AUTO STAdH SCIlEDtU TO PORTLAND VIA FtORHa Lenvo .llnrsliflelil nnd Flortw Saturdny ...2S... 6:00 am. Sunday 29... 5:00 ia Monday .10... 5:30 u rn.. i n. . .. iiiuauny . ...Ji... ti:og lb, Leiuo Gaidlnvr Ono Hoarhwl jOn Trips Leaving MarsbfleU trtil cuu a. ui you Biiouid oati Full land tho aanto day. Marshfield-Coquille Auto Stage Leave Lean Owl rharinacy Mnrshflold CosSt A.M. Ail 7:00 7.00 0:510 0.00 1100 P.M. Pit 1:00 JOO 5.00 . MARSHFIELD-COQUILLE A1 STAGE TIME SCHEDULE Schedule arranged to cms with boats to Randon, EUfdt Mjrtlo I'olnt, Wntfner, Itoel1 No delays. Fnro from Marslideld to Cifc 7fl cents. Rlnelo & Lambeth, Proi Will furnish extra cm J oxtra trips day or nljitj vt chart&r care. TIME T.UJLK AViLLAMErn: lucino mow CAR Hetvvecii .Marshfield nnd Hunts" Dully. Leavo MaiBhflold 7:10 a.m. 7: CO a.m. S:50 a.m. 9:C0 a.m. 10: SO a.m. 12:0C p.m. 1:20 p.m. 2: IS p.m. 3.10 p.m. Ij00 p.m. 4: CO p.m. (1:10 p.m. 7:10 p.m. 7:25 p.m. 8:20 p.m. 9:15 p.m. W Dunlttr S 7:1S t 8:0H 5;U lO.OJi 11:00 i 1MIP lstSff 3:11 M 4:05 P 5:01 P 6:151 7:15 7:31 J:3P 9:30 r y:io p.m. . Rotvvooii.Mai&lifleldnnd.W Leayo Marshfield G:30 a.m. 7:25 a.m. 8:05 a.m. 9:05 a.m. 10:05 a.m. 11:05 a.m. 12:40 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 2:35 p.m. 3:20 p.m. 4:10 p.m. Kortl 1 6.45 u J35P 9:55 10-35 U'M1 lOOF !0IP !5 3M tsi 5-50P 5:35 p.m. v'jrti 0:55 p.m. .Marshfield W limits ouij. 7:35 p.m. 8:35 p.m.