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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1915)
I?,, MARSHFIEtD-ROSEBURG AUTO LINE Best Cars Fare, $7 Best Drivers ftjE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1915 EVENING EDJT(ON, J,cno .Multifield licnvo Ro'cburg . ..":)() A. SI. Dully .0:510 A. SI. Dally TICKET OFFICE, 139 FRONT St. SIAHSHFIELI) New Dodge Cars Fare $7.00 -- ...,.-., I Second Hand Pianos & Organs s: tt News Of Nearby Towns " " t tt if K K tt OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst .V: King. plirH lfinc Miifdifli'ld , . . . .7 ii.iii., 1 1 u.m., 2 p.m., n p.m. Curs leave fur Uniplro 7 ii.iii., 1 1 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m. (, l.ciiw Sunset Uiiy 7 a.m., 0 a.m., 1 p.m., r, p.m. 1'it it. Empire, :t"c; Tarheel or South Slough, BOct Sunset Hay 7Bc COOS COUNTY HAS SOME LARGE CROPS '. A. Henry Demonstrates That Coin We have an over stock of I "ml MMtn Kl""t, (',ops c,m 1 bo Crow ii Successfully second-hand pianos and some I (1. A. cnry, ollo of tho I)roK1.CS8. slightly used instruments that ,vo ',u'rym ot ; vaiioy. iSH.c eoss'iilly demonstrating Hint coin will be sold at exceptionally nml alf,l,fI1 ta" b0 KroWM for Hlli,WJ to good advantage in tills section. IUW prices, atia ICrmS tO SUIt. Snmples of these two prod-jets .taken from Sir. Henry's plnee MYRTLE POINT MAN HAS ODD ACCIDENT 1-2. It, Jones, Former Hrldgo School Teacher, So Stunned dial Ho Can't Iteiiiemliei' What Happened The Unrklow and Davldspn eatnp Ing party returned foro pa,rt o( tho week from Curry county ..wlicru tfley WHOPPER OF FISH STORY FROM CURRY .f. It. Stannard mid Friend Claim Salmon .lumped Into lloat on Hoguo ltlvcr BLAMES BOOZE FOR ROGUE CUTTING SCRAPE THREEf,. Dan Connor, AVIio ANsnultcxl Engi neer Colvln of tho Hustler Well Know Character (Special to The Times) GOLD REACH, Ore., Aug, 30. Dan Conner, tho man who cut Dave Colvln of tho gasoline Bchoonor Hast ier, with a knlfo and Inflicted a wound on the lnttcr'a face, Is qulto a well known character In this locall, ty. Connor mado no denial of what, High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of the high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner & Hoagknd The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. . Phones 348-J and 326 r iBg . L L THOMAS MUSIC STORE 73 Central Avenue. Tent Prices Are Low N on display at the Western World of fice. Ono stalk of green corn Is eight feet high. It was taken from n quarter acre patch, planted June liith, nnd Is not yet tasseled .nit. The alfalfa snmplo (third cutting) ( Is threo feet and nine Inches llgli. Alfalfa growing Is somewhat of an experiment In Coos County. Mr. Henry has threo acres seeded down I and Is highly pleased with tho :rop i harvested so far this season. Ho jsnys It grows rapidly killing out all other vegetation, Including clover I which ho had seeded with tho al 1 fnlfu. Uitmlon World. LAWYERS IX (TltltV The nrray of legal tnlent hoforo tho bar of Justlco at this term of Court Is represented hy John (loss, ! Horbort Murphy and C. It. Peck of " i Vlimllflnlit rtnr, 1 '!'.. .. I .. .. 11... ., v.tu. i, inpillH Ol MUII- don, C. J. Walker of Lakeport, J. C. Wholesalers mid imiiiiifiictiircfs ! JohiiBon District Attorney, J. Ilunt limo Just announced a big i eduction i ley, C. II. Hufflngton nnd W. A. in tho prices of tents and wo nro Wood of Gold Dcnch. Gold Beach now giving tho people of this sec- Globe. Hon tho advantage of It. I : Wo hnvo Just received n ship-' DIVORCER AT (10 incut of tho host wall tents made I In various blcs. ' Sir. C. SL Drown, a fanner, living They mo guaranteed by tho maker, ncar I'NHBIoIh, was granted a- dlvorco Tho Qold Ueach Globe srtys: "Whllo fishing In Hoguo River on . ho had done and pleaded guilty but Sunday, J. It. stannard had n lie- " 8n,(1 tnnt lie did not jremombcr attended the Agato Carnival at Port ' ctillnr experience. He was trolling I jnnch nl,0,,t (t n that there was on Orford. K. It. Jones of Roseburgmnl had canirht twn flnn !,, .1.1.. .0,ie. "!',.n.nftt,?n-,.0 m.u? booz0.' "u !' hii.iui iiitiiii. wiuni ;uuduu rooks nnd was Just contemplating j tho troublo Is said to havo been hard when his boat was struck with great I c,,,cr t anyway Connor says ho was who taught school at llrhlgo last winter, was ono of tho party, and ho forco nearly upsetting It, accompan ied with a big nolso behind him. Ho reached for his llfo-prcservor and had quite a rcinarkablo experience. In fact, it Is probably as mysterious as It Is rcinarkablo In that sonic of tho happenings nro not Accounted for t tho snino time lokcd to what was as yet. Tho four horses belonging l happening, ami lo, and behold n very to tho party Btrayed away and tlio ! InrBo Chinook salmon had leaped lu men ami boys struck out In search jto tMo uoat' Mr- Stannard Immcd golng in different directions. Mr.lntoI' l"Hed for shore, looking be Jones camo un tho road toward. I,llul lllm flt frequent Intervals to crazed with drlnki Tho old man has tho sympathy of many In Gold Ueach ns ho Is well known and woll liked. Connor Is about GO years old, has whlto hair and In over six feet tall and moro of an athleto than most young men. Ho has been a miner and a fisherman on tho coast for many years and has boon located at different points but most of tho tlmo In lntor years ho Langlols and found tho horses near l)0 BUro t,,nt ll'o salmon llko a flock ''"s been on Hoguo river. Ho has Denmark. Once after getting nboitt threo miles from Denmark the ani mals got away from Jones. Ho re mit! by us. Coino In ami let us kIiow them to you and quote prices on tho slo tent you desire. Joliiison-Gulovsen Co. t V.ffM C4v,r, .4A " . Tim Quality ulth tho Scrvlro UCO Jl WIB UILLa C OLaiAU UUU Like This!: Store? by Judge Calkins yesterday on tho grounds of dcsortlon, against Cona Urown his wife. Thoy wore married In 1S74, his wlfo deserted him In 1910. Sir. Drown was corroborated by his son Clarence Drown. Gold Deach Globe. of sheep, "ono go nil go" did not overload his boat and sink It. This Is not a fish story. This Ib a true captured them again nnd headed for account and Sir. Stannard had about camp at Port Orford. About four 20 witnesses on shoro and In othor miles from camp Vletor and Heuben, boats to corroborate his statement. Stevens of tho party met Sir. Jon- At first It was thought hy a Globo cs and ho had tho appearance of i reporter that tho story might bo the having scon somo rought usage; hnd voporlngs of an Imagination supcrin a big bump on one side of his head, J duced by Indulgence In tho "cup that and was In a dazed condition, so , cheers" but a thorough examination much so that ho could not at tlio'B,1wcd Sir. Stannard to bo pcrfect tlnio tell where- ho was or where ho ly sober." got the horses. Tho boys helped Jones Into camp and about and hour later when ho en nio to his full boiiscb It was found that his purso and money wcro mis sing. Sir. Jones cannot recall what happened to causo the bruises nnd bump on his head. Othor members of the party say an auto wont up tho road somo time boforo thoy met Bovornl mining claims and has this year been fishing. Typical of tho old school minor and fisherman ono could not find a better fellow than Dan. Ho Is gen erous nnd kindly to his friends and tho many whoMiavo enjoyod his hos pitality wero sorry to see him In trouble. Dut when ho drinks ho be comes unmnnageablo and It was whllo In this condition that ho at tacked tho other man. 'OIII-2GOX IH2ATS CAMI'OHXIA Dr. and Sirs. S. J. Slann arrived homo by auto tho first of tho week from San Francisco, whero tho doc tor had spent two months taking up special surgical work at one of tho largo hospitals. Dr. Mnnn Ib oxtreii'O ly enthusiastic about Coos County Jones. Ho cannot remoinbor nieot-ilnco his return and Bays ho novor lug nny cur und It Is very probablo ' was. so glad to got anywhere In hie thnt tho horses saw tho machlno bo-1 life ns ho was to get back to llaudoti. I'anio XOltTII FltO.VT STItKKT SO.MH SPOItTSMAX DOES your store fron.t sell goods for you? Does it invite customers to come In? Watch how quickly business will boom, once you in stall an Electric Sign, Watch the big increase in tho number of new customers, An Electric Sign Brings Prosperity If you would grow with your neighbors, or faster than they, you must adopt tho most modern and efficient methods, Electricity is one of the most important adjuncts to a suc cessful business, QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, Phono 100-L. MAItSHFIKIjD, ODrXION WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, Sir. nnd Sirs. Kdw. Croft, or Tn coma, aro now enjoying a ivlslt and outing In Oold Deach. Sir! Croft Is mi expert line fisherman and Is hav ing great sport trolling for salmon, which are taking tho troll llko a lit tlo boy would grcdii apples. If - 11A1M2V IS HKTTIMt foro Jones did nnd, becoming fright ened, throw him to tho ground or against a treo In such a way that tho fall hurt his head. Whllo It will probably always bo a mystery, how It hnpponed, Jones nnd his friends nro all glad ho was not moro serloiiBly hurt. Myrtle Point Enterprise. LICI2.SI2I TO WI2I) GOODRUM'S GARAGE IIOSII3 OP THE CADILLAC AXD DODQI2 AUTO SUPPLIES FOK ALL MAKI2S OF CADS 'regon Power Co.;: .. : E. A. nallcy, who wont to Portland somo two weeks ago for modlca'. treatment Is getting nlong fairly well, but will not bo nblo to return for two months or moro. Sirs, llal loy and children 'VIII leavo Thurs day for Portland whoro tho oldor children will outor school for tho wlntor, but If Sir. Dnlloy's health will permit, tho rest of tho family will return hero for tho winter. Gold Dench Globo. CUItltV PIOXI2I2U DEAD COQUILLB, Ore., Aug. 28. Slor rlago llconscs havo boon Issued by County Clerk Watson to tho follow ing during tho past 'weok: . Arthur It. Slooro nnd Ituby Coll- vcr. Lloyd II. Slott and Laura Anotta Lawlor. Ernest D. Martin nnd Flossie D. Lattln. Lolloy W. Shotwoll and Pearl SI. nelgard. Floyd Galhralth and Slary Sllskos. Petor Nichols and Julia Hall. James It. Cotton and Slablo II. Shook. Ho snys Coos Ccunty has any sec tion of California beaten a mile on cllniato, timber, scenic beauty and natural resources nnd ho for one Ih contented to remain right here. Ilaudon World. 1IAXDOX KTOItE SOLD A clinugo of ownorshlp has takon placo at tho Avcrlll dry goods storo, Sir. Avcrlll having disposed or his in terests while In Portland last weok. Sir. and Sirs. S. Itaphaol of Portland, representing tho now concorn nrrlv cd last Thursday and Immediately took charge, Dandon World. DIG liUTTEIt OUTPUT WOMAN KILLS DEEIl Sirs. Geo. Slathers of this place ling tho honor of killing tho biggest nnd best flvo-polnt buck at Edison Butto this Bcason. While Mi'. Sla thers, was attending to his ranch his wlfo concluded to try her hand nt tho nimble rooted animal and was rortunato In killing ono first shot with a 22 ririo. Langlols nostrum. POUT Oltl'Oltl) WEDDIXfl E2SH1 aking usmess etter DESPITE tho handicap of war, busluess Ib on tho up grado. If each ono or us contributes n little extra push it will soon bo better. It means trying harder and Iteoplng at It longor. It menus, continual optimism and faith In tho future. And It means cnreiul. sustain-2 .i ... . . - -", won pinuneu nowspaper nu- earning m many Instances. The Coos Bay Times w 11 bo glad to assist those who want suggestions as to help nush business. SAVE MONEY by ordering tho famous HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, per ton $1.00 Lump coal, par ton $..B0 Or half ton of both $1.7B 1). S1USSOX, Prop. Phono If-J or leave orders nt llill)cr' ClJnr Storo. Thomas Cornelius, nn old resi dent of C003 and Curry, died nt His homo near Port Orford and waa burled at tho Port Orford cemetery. Ho has been afflicted for Bovornl years with kidney troublo. Ho was a widower and the father of a Ton nnd two daughters who wero noti fied by telephone nnd ariivod at Port Orford In tlmo for his funeral. Port Orford Tribune-. ,i WILL PAV COQUIL LOSS 20 COMMUTATION qn TICKETS, $2.00. . Slarshflcld-Xorth Dead Auto Lino Cars every tea minutes from (I a. in. to 12 p. in.; to South Slough ouco a day, leaving at 11 a. in.; to Empire threo trips a day. OORST & KINO, Props. T. J. HCAIFE &' A. n. IIODGINH I Tho ndjustor of the insurance , company sustaining tho loss on tho I furniture in tho Louvro restaurant threo weeks ago, was hero last weok and after making an investigation of the affair ho roportcd to his com pany that tho loss sustained by tho Insured was In tho neighborhood of $880 and this nmount will undoubt edly be paid In n short tlmo, as tho adjuster's findings aro usually fin al. Coqulllo Sentinel. J. W. Tyson has been receiving tho congratulations of his many friends during tho pnst weok, as ho returned from San Francisco re cently bringing bnck ono of Cali fornia's fair daughters ns' a bride. Sir. and Sirs. Tyson nro residing on tho Charley Forty placo on Elk River. Port Orford Tribune, FOX'S NEW VENTURE J. E. Fox, of this city, ami i.on U. Fox, havo started n pliot-j gal lory at Poit Orfo'd mid nio busy getting things;nd to tjlvo tho Curry Co. towns nn up-to-date jes tabllshmont. Tiny will ant innflno tholr efrorts iiUlruly to Port Or ford, but will iilso make vews at Gold Reach and varb'ia other lolnts. Dandon World. SInuagor Skcols, of tho Coqulllo Valloy Croamory, says that plunt Is maintaining nn output or 1K00 pounds or butter n day, notwith standing tho railing oft In tho sup ply or milk .nt this tlmo of year. Coqulllo Sentinel. SEATTLE SHERIFF HERE Jas. lloyd, shorirf of Kings coun ty, Washington, was In town Tuesday- visiting Shorlff Johnson. Ho camo down this way to visit his brothor who lives nt Deavor Hill. Coqulllo Sentinel. COOS COURT DOCKET ?2.- FOR KILLING DOE Marchfiplfl PA,NT AND liyiarsnnem DECorating co j Estimates Furnished ! Phonn 1-MI-R. Mundifleld, Oregon NEW SUITS FILED DRY WOOD CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Street Phono .270 1 il i i I UNDERTAKING I' H will bo kept H OPEN TO THE PL'RLIO H A regular btato licensed H H undertaker will bo In H H charge H H Phone ID."-J flj COQUILLE, Oro. Aug. 31. Tho i following lawsuits have beon filed In I tho circuit court during tho past I week: W. O. Cooper vs. 0. W. Slorrls. Jno. D. Goss vs. Jno. G. Sltillcn, as I nil In lolHn iIH """"", l,ur,' , n ,, , ',vo rool '"'"CTlow belonging to t Merchant Land Co., vb. Port of ,,. .' ...,. .. . ., i .iv. jniiui, nnw Hullu w wa. A man by tho naino of Lowollon was arrested by Constablo C. S. Gauntlctt last weok Tor killing a doo deer. Ho was caught rod-handed by tho orflcer, who nrrnlgned him boforo Judge Stufford, who ii3.iens- od tho damngo at twenty-flvo dol lars. Gold Deach Globo. To dato thoro aro 190 civil cases on tho docket for trial at tho coming term or court whoro thoro woro 25C at the April torm. Tho court clean up a great many or the old cases dur ing the Bprlng term, only 95 being cnrrled over to tho September term. Coqulllo Sentinel. TAXES COM 1 NO IN Receipts for taxes nt tho sheriff's offlco have nvoraged $2,000 per day for the past weok. It Ih a caso of noccosslty that thoy bo paid now. for gon soil nt public auction to tho high that 10 per cent ponulty for failure est bidder for cash in hand on the SHERIFF'S HALE OF REAIi PROP ERTV ON FORECLOSURE Nottco Is hereby given, That by virtue of an execution duly Issued out or tho Circuit Court ot Tho Stuto of Oregon, for tho County of Coos mid to mo directed on tho 13th day of Aug,, lOlC upon a Judgment and decree duly roudored, entered or record and docketed In and by said Court on tho 30th day or July, 1916 In u cortnln suit In said Court pend ing, whorolu Homo Mortgage Co., formerly known aa Homo Trust Co., n corporation was plaintiff and L. II. Holsuor mid Elizabeth Holsner, his wlfo, L. J. Simpson, Albort Seollg, Patrick Hennessoy, C. P. Coleman, E. L. Roberts, Goorgo Ross, John Dastcndorf and Amelia II. Harris ns Administratrix or tho estate ot W. C. Harris, deceased woro defendants In favor of tho plaintiff and against said defendants by which execution I am commanded to soil tho property in said execution and horolnattor described to pay tho sum duo the plalntlfr of Six Thousand Ono llun drod Slxteon mid SO-100 dollars ($0110.90) with interest thereon at tho rato of eight per cout por an num from tho 30th day of July, 191 G mid the further sum ot One Hun died Thirty-six and 90-100 dollars ($13G.90) with Interest thoreon at tho rato or six per cent por annum from tho 30th day of July, 1915 until paid together with costs and disbursements of said suit taxod at Five Hundred Forty-sovon nnd 83 100 dollars ($547.83) and costs and oxponscs ot said execution. I will on Wednesday tho 15th day or Soptombor, 1915 at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. in or said day nt tho Front door ot tho County Court House In Coqulllo, Coos County, Ore- to pay will go Into otfect on next Wednesday, Soptombor 1. Coqulllo Sentinel. HL'ILDS FINE HOME Contractor A. F. Millar Is putting tho finishing touches on ono of the finest houses In Dandon, It is tho Dandon ct al. Donnls SlcCarty vs Port of Dan don et al. Simpson Lumber Co. vs. Port ,or Dandon et al. Southom Oregon Co., a corpora tion vs Port or Dandon et al. McPherson-Glnsor Co. vs Thos. F. Sluddon and Lillian Slary Sladden. Pert Rush vs Nels II. Willing, Roso Willing, J. S. Edmunds and SI. Kennedy. W. II. Dlndinger and Co. vs F. C. Slosteller and Fay R, Mostoller. Dena Iiigman vs Andrew Ingman, Stilt for dlvorco. Francisco to bring back a brldo who will Bharo tho home with him. Dandon World. CALKINS COURT REPORTER Judgo Calkins of Josophlne arriv ed In Gold Deach Sunday night to hold tho August torm of tho Circuit court and Ih stopping at the Gold Reach hotel. Tho Judge Is a prno- day or salo, ull tho right, title. In terest and estato which said defend ants L. H. Holsner nnd Ellzaboth Holsnor, his wlfo, L. J. Simpson, Al bert Seollg, Patrick Hennessoy, C. P. Coloman, E. L. Roborta, Goorgo Ross, John Dastoudorl nnd Amolla II. Harris us Administratrix ot the estato of W. C. Harris deceased, and all persons claiming undor thorn sub sentient to tho nlnlntlff'H Mortcncn UMtos wore waiting to pass and thoyjLon ,, of and t0 nW rea, pro. iiii.ui iiuiBiiauun inu lurtymaii 10 opurato without ia cablo, using a small gas boat. sturtod across nnd but for tho timely nssi.-.tcutc .f another smi'li M'B CUTS FERRY CARLE Tho County lorry at Dullards was operated under difficulties last s-'un-day, tho steamer Drooklyn having Kovored tho cablo In passing down tlu. river about 10 o'clock In the morning. Numerous teams nnd orty; said mortgage premises herein- ' i linfnrn ninnHnnnil nrn ilouprHiferi In Tim fire I....1 .....o I j ...v. ...nt iviii ., no unl.l Iiot wo.-id huve. lunded on the ; J fiats ev. ml lundred feet 'ip tho i nor. Il.uii'im World. GRACE DOLLAR TO SIUSLAW Tho Graco Dollar has beon char tered to mako sevoral trips Into tho Sluslaw liurbor nftor lumber, bogln- dcal man as well as learned In diojnlng about September 1st. On her law. Ho was court roporter l.i the sccoud trip north rrom San Fran- uiBtrict ovor wnicn no is preaiumg iclsco on tho now run the Graco will as judge for ten years previous to Conio to Dandon and take a cargo of nm uiutuiiuu io uiu uuiiiu. u-,(H(tic8 to tho south for tho Dollar In Deach Globo. .torests.- Ilundon World. Bald execution ns follows to-wlt: Lot Six (G) and the cast half of lots two (2) and threo (3) of Mock olght (8) or the town or Mnrahfleld, Cooh County, Oregon, as preparod by William Hall for E. D. Dean and Company together wldi tho tene ments, hereditaments nnd appurte nances therounto belonging. Said salo being inudo subject to redemption In the manner provid ed by law. Dated this 13th day qf August, 1915, First publication, 8-17-15. Last publication' 9-14-15. Alfred Johnson Sr, Sherjf of Coos County, Oregon, ROY'S NARROW ESCAPE It Ib reported that tho youngest son or Sir. mid Mrs. II. Chosley nar rowly escaped being killed when n log rolled down hill, passing ovor his body. A whcol barrow botweon him nnd tho log saved tho little fol lows life. Langlols nostrum. If .! IVI t it 'ih Ov' id iot 'id IIO'I ilvr nil ii 1 tC nlii i ml lo rolf '0 un Mill nl '1 m tlU ll II ml ii l nmt ri J1 "IT Jl H i l0 in nt mil tilt i nil irt 1(1 ' rg