NOT NOTICE YOUR VIRTUES BUT THEY NEVEI ! OVERLOOK YOUR MISTAKES ft3 i ffllY Coos Bay Times Your Paper 0& A Southwest Oregon Paper Tlint'i what Uio Cooa liny Timet is. A South, "est Oregon pnper for Southwest Oregon pooplo md devoted to tlio best Interests of this great toction . Tho Times always boosts nad noTcr knocks. Th0 O" y T,mcs to proud f tS ,JU MT,W People'" l'pcr," Btr,VM ftt "" Un,C' t0 Jv0 np :o Ita iinmo by dorotlnit 1U cnorgle, to promoting the people'. Interest. MEMBER OP Till: ASSOCIATION PRESS h r MAY .. 01 002 Mutt, tnta Vol. No. XXXIX. SHIE 10 GET LIE AililfT Minnesota to Collect $900,000 Inheritance Tax From Fred crick Wcycrhauser Estate LEFT BIH1T1E Estimated Now at $30,000,- 000 Instead of $1,300,000 As Was First Reported LITTLE RAILROAD STOCK i:ocnHiri Cliiliu Holdings In North ern Pacific Totalled Only !UMM Omit lleporl ol' Big Boilings or Timber In Pacific NorlliMtiil (Bf AwwUlM I'r. to Com nr TlmM.I ST. l'AI'I'. Auk. 27. Tlio report that tl'o stalo of Minnesota hopes to collect a largo Inlierllnnco tnx from tlio estnto of tlio Into Frederick Woy trlmiisor. tlio liunlior king, was con firmed today hy tlio Attornoy Gener al's office. It l nsscrted tlmt tho amount the Btnto tuny reullzo Is ap liroxlnmtoly $900,000 hiiBod on tin cstatoof $30,000,000, Instead of $1, 300,000 as reported by tlio execut ors. Wcyerliniiser was reputed to heavily Intorestctl In tho Oroat Northern Railroad but tho Invent ory submitted by tho executors show ed lils stock valuation to bo only $0, 000, In tlio inventory thoro was no mention of timber holdings In tho Northwest or In paper and box mills. REPLY OF NIL i'iti:sini:xT i:.iMti:ssi:s thanks TO GOVERNORS State Pverutivo at llostou Conlei cure Appixve President'. Course of Action (tlf AMwUt. tin la Oou. nr Time. nOSTON, Mass., Aug. 27. A mes socu from Pieslilenl Wilson In reply to tho telegram scut him Tuesday 'vim read when fi.o Govornora' enu-fetf-.icc ic-tibsemliled today. "I deeply appreciate and am Broit ly heartened by the ;enorou8 .osolii tlu'i of coiifldciico passed by tho boicrnors and I beg you will cou i,y tc them my heartfelt thii'iks " n said. NOVA liAN'DltlTH'S l'HIHNDS WANT HIM HHTAINKD Jluy Try to (,' (hoc Slieilff .loliu- mii's Hi nil mid (Jet Aid of tlio Count) CoiiiiiilssloiieiH (Special to The Times.) COQnu.K, Ore., Aug. 27. rrlends of Nova Uudrlth, who has leu notified iiy Sheriff Alfred Jolm tQ. Jr that his sorvlces as coun ty Jailor will not bo needed nftor Feptemlicr I. are said to ho Inaug uratins a luoiement to retain his Mace f01. Min Smr,fr .iils0ll i,na not made any announcement ns to lio Laiulrith's successor will bo. Umlilti s frlomlB claim that ljo Provision Is mndo for a county jail er ami that Uudrlth Is really Jan itor of the courthouse nnd draws '"0 Per month for that work. In wuietmenw, they claim that tho Position hliould ho filled by appoint ment by tho County Court Instead ?, T S' l"rifr' cvt, though tho Jan "or s duties ns Jailer are under tho "erltr. ru', iu nddltlon to tho vY as Janitor T.n.,:irii. ...i .. I,, . "wiiiii b nuu iu- ' .. . .,,oy as niatro " they mi!ii me prisoners. 't Is understood that Landrlth's '""Is win appeal to Judgo Wnt vn a'i'l the coinnilssloiiers. wnurlth la a son-in-law of W. W. "aEe. forincri.. CI. t ..... feaim I "' "". who was uo jJ! r selection by Shorlff ,8U" ias.t fall. st,,!'"' Johllso lias not mado any dent. ,nt aLout the ,ae'- " ovl cort . Uot worr,ea ab0l't the re so ov ,V'1lrltU,s frlenas trying to 80 'er his head In the matter. oUktK "rrts "',m'l t Tho Timoi IIIS HIS PLACE Established 1878 Ah Tlio" Coast Mull. U1L0IS DE HENRY HEDGES, HANdlER, SHOOTS HIMSELF Deliberately Flies llnllcl into Body mid Walks Into House Wifu Married I-'lvo TIiiiin (Special to Tho Times) LANGLOIS, Ore, Aug. 27.-Henry Hedges, who formerly conducted a grocery store In Lunglols but who bus been residing on his ranch about five tulles from town, died soon af ter shooting himself. Ho left a nolo saying that Jealously was the causo, Mrs. Hedges was at llandon at tho tlmo of the shooting. Ho had mar ried her about two years ago, making her fifth husband. Slio had been In Dilution getting hoiiio dental work dono and was soul for immediately. About I o'clock In tho aftornoou, Hedges took his (juiy and walked out to tho front gate. 1 1 Ih stcp daughter heard a shot flreil and looked up to huo him sotting tho gun down by the fence, lie turned and walked back into the bonne, calmly stilting: "I havo shot myself." lie walked towardii tho sofa and as ho leaned over to llo down, ho collapsed, llo died soon afterwards. Tho bullet penetrated his body Just above tho heart. Hedges caino to Ltinglols from Vancouver, Wash., w fow years ago.. Ho was nbout sixty years old. Hc sldes his wife, ho Is uurvlvcd by n stop-daughter and two step sons. Xeff's Relatives Not Found 11. II. Xeff, slayer of A. J. Witt man, wa (illicitly burled hero. So far, llo trace linn been found of his relatives mid his property will prob ably revert to tho state. Ho had hoiiio real cstato besides tho $000 In the bank at Bnndon. REPORT MINERS MADE BIG CLEAN-UP LATELY wrmu.s rnss .iien Main to nave uu;c;i i Out .-:i,0M) on llouldcr Creek May Have Itadliiin (Special to Tho TIme3.) 1JANDON, Ore., Aug. 27. Accord ing to parties from Poit Orford, two minors In tho llouldcr Creek section havo taken out $2:1,000 worth of minerals thoro in tho last fow weeks. It Is said they havo struck a rich platinum deposit and lire also claim Inr to havo discovered radium. The men renortcd to havo made tho bU, cleanup aro Mr. Curl of Grants IVisd j and a companion named Alusworth F WIKi: AND THIIKH CIIII.DHHN OP iiitK.'ADiPit (;i:.i:PAii pintisH Night Lnuip Hel.'oved to Havo Cans- wl Tragedy at Pie.sldlo Sov oral Others KM'uped Jtlr MHorlite.1 rp lo Coo llf Time I SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 27. Mrs. Frances Warren Pershing, wife of Hrlgladlor Gonoral John J. Porshlug U. S. A., and threo of her four child ren wore suffocated to death in their quarters at tho Presidio early to day. Mrs. Hoswoll, a relative, and her wo children escaped, as did Warren Pershing, aged flvo yenrs. Tho dead children aro Ilolon, An na, and Margaret, all undor eight. Mrs. H'orshlng was tho daughtor of Senator Warren of Wyoming. Her husband Is in chargo of tho bordor troops nt El Pso. Tho flro is bollovod to havo fcscn caused by a night lamp. W(.4iinii Heseiicd Habes Tho flro was discovered by Mrs. Hoswoll, wlfo of Lleutonant Waltor O. Hoswoll, who Is stationed at Van couver Harracks, but Is now absent on sick leave at bis homo In Geor. gla. Aftor tryluB to nrouso Mrs. Pershing, sho carried her own chil dren to tho roof of tho porch, throw thorn Into tho arms of soldiers be low nnd then jumped. Sho was In jured In tho jump and was taken to n hospital. Soldiers ontered tho burning houso and found Warren Pershing uncon scious on tho floor. Tho bodies of Mrs. Pershing and hor daughters wero not recovered until tho flames wore extinguished. Tho bodies wero badly burned. Moonllubt excursion mid DAXCN at CJOODWIIiVS SATCHDAY night, Str. Halnbow leaves Mnr.shnelil " !' in. Hound trip, .10 cents. SUFFOCATED MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1915 EVENING EDITION. SB: BAnRISON US. ROOSEVELT General Wood Absolved From Blame .for Allowing Colonel's Speech at Plattsburcj OF Former President Says That Secretary of War Was One to Prevent His Address HOT RET0Rf0F LATTER Declares Roosevelt Wants Soineono to PioUvt lllm AgnlnM Himself ami Prevent Indiscreet Speeches Likens Hull Mnoser to Drunk en Mnlno Fanner (fly AuorUtnJ I'rwn to Tool liar Tlmn.l WASHINGTON, 1). C, Aug. 27. El R S Secretary of War Garrison made BVo an illustrated lecture on tho public today tho reply of acnoral I ipu0 islands. Wood to his telegram directing that Tomorrow morning after tho de no repetition of tho Hooscvelt lncl-i votionnl servlco at nine o'clock nd dont at l'lattsburg would bo allowed. droBses will bo given by Miss Mill "Vour telegram Just received and ' Bpaugb nntl Miss Woybiirn of Port- tho policy laid down will bo rigidly adhered to," said Wood. Secrotnry Garrison said ho had just read KoosovcU'b statement ab boIvIiik Wood. "I sco ho blames tho wholo thing on mo'," said Secretary I wth addresses by Messrs Wright and Garrison. "Ho takes tho position Sprlngston. Miss Woybiirn will that It Is notorious that ho has the' conduct a young peoplo's rally t 7 habit of making Indiscreet speeches, 'o'clock that evonlng. At eight nnd thoroforo It was my duty to find o'clock Miss MUlspaugh and Dr. Eat- tout If ho Intended to go to l'latts burg and If so to bend lilm off and savo him from himself. "Woll may bo that's so but Its a rather largo order. Ho Is a vory nctlvo innn nnd I n vory busy one, nnd It Is a pretty hard Job for mo to keep an eye on hlni all tho "time. Tho colonel's nttltudo reminds mo of tho story of tho Maine farmer who was on tho way to tho depot ono morning when ho mot a friend. "Whoro aro you going?" said tho friend. Ho replied "I am going down to Pangor to got drunk, nnd great Lord how I dread It." GERMANS ARE ANGRY' AT C0L.R00SEVELT Former Presidents Condemnation of Supporters of Fatherland Ar ouses IJltteriH'Ss (Hr AmooIiIM I'iym lo CW Hay Tlnim 1 PIiATSHUUO, N. V., Aug. 27 Tho bitter denunciation of "(lorninn Ainorlcaus,, by Hx-presldont Itooao volt In his speech hero Wednesday, which brought forth tho caustic ae Hon of Secrotnry of War Garrison! yesterday, has created a furoro nin oug tho Gorman loaders. They de nounce ltoosovolt In tho strongest terms. In his speech ho Is quoted regarding tho German-Americans ,.b follows; I "Tho ovonts of tho past yoar havoj shown us that Iu any crisis tho hyph-( minted American Is nn nctlvo forco', ngalnst America, tin active forco fori wrong doing. Tho effort to hoist two j flags to tho samo polo always means. Hint ono flng Is hoisted underneath: and tho hyphenated American InvarL ably hoists tho flag or tho United Stntos iindornenth. Wo must all bo Amorlcans nnd nothing olso. "Thoro exists no finer body of Am. erlcan citizens In this country than thoso citizens of German birth or .,- i.n n, m Pond faith Am. . '.....i ..Mhiiin. i!o. The nro- . . ..i i,c!nn arson uang operating In Seattle, rneDiiinni iiiriiiiLiijiiiiiii ilhii hi show,, himself In tho- Uflt twelve .San Francisco, Los Angoles and Port no, s a. enemy to his country. .!. w. .. rested hero today and posurcs or tlio way n . u. - U0rilinn-iiiiujii;u..D ..u.u ..u... . 111. if. . InimialnCI fw ThH - . getner wun mo """'" "' '"i uormaii uvuiii.i .. .v reel corruption against the Integri ty of American Institutions nnd against America's doing Internat ional duty, should arouso scornful Indignation In every American worth calling such. The leaders among tho professional German Amorlcans have nreachod and practised wiiat conies, perilously near to treason against the United States." FHUIT JAMS MAHGAIN Mason and Economy Jars at a spe cial reduced price for a short tlmo. SCHHOEDEH & HILDENMHAND .Market and Wiiterfiont. Phono 77 ASSEMBLY DEED COOS l.V BAPTISTS MEET THREE-DAY SESSION I.V I'ubllc Imlted to Attend Scssli.ns Visltot's Taken on Life-Line (o Sco tlio New lli'ldgo Opening services of the threo day sessions of tho Cooa Hay llaptlst As sembly wero held this niornlng In tho IUiptlst church, about 10 minis ters being present, together with ninny of tho delegates. At the close of tho program this afternoon, aboard tho cruiser LIfo-llne tho vls ilorH wero taken by ltev. (1. I.o Hoy Hall to visit tho Southern l'aclfle bridge. Devotional services wero led ait tho morning hour by Elder I.. II. Stelnholff, following tho address of tho morning which wan delivered by Dr. J. I). Sprlngston on tho subject of Sunday School work. The ser mon of tho Assembly was given at It o'clock by ltev. O. C. Wright of Portland. 1 In addition trf the regular moot ing Oils evening Hov. Wright will html and Mrs. C. K. Short, of Oak- land, will also speak. On Sunday morning Hov. O. C. Wright will speak and at three o'clock n mass meeting will ho hold on will speak. Tho following Is tho Sunday schod ulo arranged: Outsldo Visits Flagstaff ...Mrs. C. E. Short, 7:30 Heaver 11111 Mlno Miss MIllsiraiiKli, 10 a. m. Eastport ' ( ... .Dr. Eaton right nftor dinner Eastsldo O. C. Wright, S p. in. North Ilcnd M. E..O. h. Hall. S p. in. South slough nridgo Miss Woybiirn. 3 p. m. Cooston Dr. Enton. 0. S. LEADS NATION .1 I'M PS INTO FIHST PLACE AS EXPOHTEIt Sales Abroad Ust. Year Total Ovor Two and n Half Million Lead (ileal llrltalii WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 27. The United States, for tho first time In Its history, now leads tho world ns an exporter. Figures mado pub- ju t0ljay ,y tho Iluroau of Foreign nnd Domestic Commorco show Amor lean cxportH In tho flnnnclal year ondlng Juno 30 totalled $2,708,000, 000 comparwl with $1,170,100,000 for tl0 united Kingdom, next ,:1 - est exporter L AMJ.(.,.: Nsi'HANCH SWINDLE!! ' c.i!(;nr IN POHTLAND ' (.,.,.,! wii'i Operat.lng In Principal Pacific Coast Cities Hunied Hented Houses ii.,W1.,nv....r..,Til POUTLAND, Aug. 27. Sanford U WORLD ARSON m: Currier, alleged to bo tho head of;ovpry i - hllV0 rolted howm tuu, ,, Ml0in uP,l thnlr I IV I I II I III IIILIll U 11 It I I "" goods; then removed the funrlturo , .,, . ilnBP rP... nti,ors wore n'sp arrested. Ot er arrests aro expected. o L1TKHACV TEST IS VOTED DOWN Ilr AaaorlateJ Pim lo Cooa Ilajr Jlmfi. ALBANY, Wy., Aug. 27. By a vote of 77 to C7, tho constitutional convention to day reversed Its action of yesterday and rejected tho literacy test for voters. 10 Mexican Chiaftan Announces He will Move Headquarters to Mexico City Soon Has Delayed Response to Pan American Appeal for Estab lishment of Peace There PRESIDENT'S SUGGESTION Ik'Hcvcil to bo First Step in Move to On In Recognition of Ills Lend er.slilp by Culled States mid O.liec Foreign Countries ) tlly AnoctitM Vint to Cooa llr Time. WASHINGTON, Aug. 27. General Carranzn will move his capital to Mexico City Sunday. President Wil son's appeal to tho Mexicans for peace especially referred to Mexico City as tho placo where tho capital of any government npplylng for recognition must be established. Curranrn's move Is regarded In I.atln circles as one of the stops In his effort to obtain recognition by tho United States. Carranzn's reply to tho Pan-Amorlcan peace appeal had not. yet reached hero today. SCOTP WIIjI HKTUHN Ciller of Staff Complets Mission on .Melcmi Horder IDj A"(vlilM rrvn to fool DI.T Tlmea. Eh PASO, Aug. 27. Major (Ion oral Hugh Ii. Scott, chief of staff of tho United States Army, planned to stnrt back to Washington lato today. Ho camo to El Paso August 10th and secured tho consent at General Villa to tho Mexico peace conferonco suggostcd by Secrotnry of Stato Lansing and tho Pan-American diplomats. l FOL'lt KILLED AND EIGHTEEN 1IUUT ON SANTA FE TODAY Hrjdge, AYeakeneil by Cloudburst, Collapses Seventy .Miles North or PlioenlV llljr AiinttaluJ 1'irai ( Com Wtf Tlmia.J PHOENIX, Ariss., Aug. 27. Tho northbound Simla Fo train was wrecked today on a bridge weaken ed by a cloud burst at Dato Creek, 70 miles north of hero. Four aro imported killed and 18 Injured. Tho locomotlvo passed ovor tho brldgo safely. Then tho Bpnn collap sed, plunging tho smoker Into the swollen stream. Tho Bleeping car remained on tho track. Haul to (let Help Tho wreck occurred olovon miles -. L.tmiiiKiilk ni ii llntt ii nil 14 uriiiM ,fl.0 I UIJIII II II'IUHMIIHI muuwil Mini ii nun nearly eight hours before help ar rived. Iu tho meantlmo the engin eer and firemen who had leaped to safety, and the other trainmen, help- i vi io rescue mo jiushoiikui- iioiu mu swollen creek, which was about six feet deep. WILL APPHOVE PLAN Hailicn Convention Will Accept American Piotectontto (lly Au. UleJ l'f' lo Cooi liar Tlrara.J WASHINGTON, 1). C, Aug. 27. I'ho United States Stato Dopartment ! officials uuu'jiiiiccd that tuoro Is Indication that tho fluauclul nrotectoruto convention with Haiti will bo rntlfled by tho Ilatlen Con gress In a fow days. Tho statflinont wui mado upon advices received from the American Chargo at Port I Xu PrIn:o, I'MPQIW HAH KKPOKT MADE MY COL. MOHHOW Col. Morrow Has SubnOttod Favor- able Findings for Gatdiuci- llarboi' Improvements WASHINGTON, I). C Aug. 27. Senator Lane lias been advised that il favorable report has beon submit. I ted by Colonel Morrow following tho preliminary examination of tho Umpqua rlvor and bar and entrance an tho report has been relorred to fio board or engineers ror rivers ni'd harbors, which will hold tho nei.t meeting for hearings on Soptomboi U. P NO REPLY FROM HIM WRECK A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull mid Coos Uny Advertiser. GEHU 0 SAYS TIIHV Wllil. MAKE MORE THAN DISAYOWAIj OK ARABIC Ambassador You lleinstoiff Says ('eriiiany Will OIe "I'ull Satis faction" tlljr , I'rcfW to Poo my TlniM.J WASHINGTON, Aug. 27. Cermnu Ambassador von llernstorff, acting on Instructions from lluillu notified Sccietary of State Lansing today that "full satisfaction" would be I Wen the Hulled States for tlio sink ing of the Arabic, llo explained that Germany would make mire than a mere disavowal, K it 'o'ind that ttio Arable was hiiiiic wlthoi.t warn- li'A. Von llerustorff called at tlio State Department early and conferred with Secretary of State Lansing. Iiiisltaula Cu"c. It had been suggested that per haps Germany was ready also to make reparation for the Americans lost on tho I.usltnuhi, but that sub ject was not discussed. Tho Am bassador did not make public tho extent of bis Instructions from Pur lin, but understood they coincided entirely with the statement of tho German Chancellor yesterday ex pressing tho willingness of the Gor man government to make the fullest i reparation If It Ih shown that the Arabic was torpedoed without warn ing. STRIKE IN EiLlllO iM.OOO MINIMIS IN SOl'TII WALKS QUIT WOHIC TODAY Coal Field Neaily Tied up as Hesult of Labor Treuble May Affect Navy 117 AMuclatcd 1'reil lo Coo llr Tlmfl.J LONDON, Aug. 28. Hepoits from tho South Wales coal Holds this afternoon stnto 215,006 minors nlready havo joined tho strllca which bognn this morning whon 10,000 re fused to work. Tho recurrence of tho lnbor trou ble Is duo to growing dissatisfaction with the award of Walter Uiiuclman, president of tho Hoard of Trado, who acted as arbitrator In tho re cent strike Tho situation was strained further when tho colliers learned that Itunclmau declined to see tho deputation representing them. Soma tlmo ago there was InJior trouble In the South Wales Held, but It wa adjusted on tho promise, of 1 Igher pay. Tho minors claim tho operators havo not kept tho promise. South Wales furnishes the coal for 'the Hrltlsh Navy, and consequently 111 I.I.. .llHnll.. ..frsinfa V.nrlrniil'u bllU 11UIIIIIU WIH.-HIJ UllVt.n ..lift. war policy. T DEMENTED DIVINE SEIHOl'SLY WOl'NDS HISHOP IIEFFHON Angry Hecmiso Pielato Would .Not Appoint Him to Charge Desired Wounds Not Filial IlT Auoelit4 ITfia X- r.if liar Tlmaa 1 WINONA, Minn., Aug. 27. Right Hov. Patrick 11. lleffrou, bishop of tho Winona dloceso, was shot ibis morning In his library by Hov. Father A. L. Leaches, a demented priest, who 'hud boon spoudliu; tne past week at St. Mary's College, tne dloceso headquarters hero, scek'ug an appointment which Bishop Her fion refused to give him. Ono bullet took effect In tho right sldo of tho chest. Th i other cauied u flesh wound In the hip. Tho physicians, although mlmtuiug tho chest wound Is serious, are hope ful for his recovery If eonipllcutlouc ilo rot set Iu. Aftor tho shooting Lesclum r. tinn ed to bis room u tho college and Ireked hlmsolf In, The poltci forced an entrance and arrested him, Tho priest ontered tho library as tho Bishop was reading and with out warning, drew a revolver and shot twice. Sl'HMAHINE (JETS ANOTHER VESSEL Dy AMorlatM I'reaa lo Cooa Pay Time 1 LONDON, Aug. 27. The British steamer Palmgrovo was Bunk by n submarine. Tho crow was saved. PRIESTSHO SHOP No. 29. GE11S FAO INTO RUSSIA Teutonic Forces Have Pene trated Far Beyond Ancient Poland Into Czar's Land Enormous 'Advances Force Emperor Nicholas' Troops to Ficjht for Very Existence ANOTHER FORT IS TAKEN Pol loved thai. ISiisskuw KctiiliKHl it I'ntll They Had Covered their Ite tieat and Hvariiatlon Control led Hallway Punning east ward to Moscow ANOTHEH RUSSIAN FOHT. OAPTUHHD t (Ilj AivblM l'rrra to Cooa nr Tlmn.I 11EHLIN Aug. 27. Tho Husslau fortress of Ollta on tho NIemon river, 30 miles south of Kovno ras ovacuat cd according to tho official announcement today. DAHDAXELLES FIGHT Iljr Amorliltnt rrr lo Coi Ilr TlniM.J CONSTANTINOPLE, Aug. 27. An official statement says: "Weak hostile forces which attacked our loft wing at Seddul Hahr wore repuls ed. Otherwise there Ss no change" lly Aio-lMl I'rcia to Coo Day Tlma LONDON, Aug. 27. Tho Auslro llcrmnn Invadors have not only prcu scd their opponents Into old Htisnlr, beyond tho political bo-'lors of iin clent Poland, but havo ponotratod' woll beyond tho district ot Russia proper, Inhabited by tho Poles. This enormous advance has iuw reached tho Btago In which tho troops of Emperor Nicholas aro fighting for their vory oxlstonco on tho soil of whlta Uiissla. Tlio main object of tho Gorman at. tack around Brest Lltovsk for a num ber of days was tho railroad running eastward from tlio fortress toward Moscow. This lino, with a branch running In a southeasterly direction, provided a means for tho Husslau oviieuutlon or tho rortress. It Is bo llovod hero that the evacuation was accomplished successfully hoforo tho fortress was surrendered. NINTH FOHT TAKEN Grodno Only Strongly Fortified Point In Hiisslnii Hand III. AnaiK-lalal I'wi lo Cooa liar Tlmoa.l BERLIN, Aug. 27. Ollta Is tho it In I li Important fortress to fall hn- foio the luvaderii Iu tho last tprto weeks. In all the wide swoop of Russian territory south or the Baltlo provinces covered during tlio gieut Austro-Gormuii offensive, tho rort ress at Grodno Is now tho only strongly defended position remaining in tho hands of the Russians, G'lta Is in tho principal Russian lino dc lenso, midway betweon VCo mi, t ' ready In tlir hands or the (lriiiiuis, aim Giodno. IS HILL INTERESTS DISPOSE THANS-PACIFIO LINER OF Largest Pacific Stoainsli, to bo Sold in Loudon Too Urge for Paiiania Canal , (Ur AaaorUtc4 Pllia li Cooa Day Tluioa.) SEATTLE, Wash. Aug. 27. Tho Great Northoru Steamship Company announced Its arranging to sell Its: only stoamcr, tho Minnesota, and discontluuo tho trans-Pacific ser vlco, which has never beou proflU able. Tho Minnesota, now at Vlad ivostok, will return to Soattlo for a cargo to ho taken to England by way of Capo Horn, as the Panama canal will not admit tho vessel, which la the largest on tho Pacific. Tho Ml in nesota will probably find a buyer In k oudou. 1TE REALM 1 1 OT