VWHVraHMHPMMHKaM EB! Hi iHiihilif urn n II i- - THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELfr, OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1915-EVENlNG. EDITION.) fl" "s FIVE GOOD SUITS SS.M to qou.uu , "" ill-'- i l,"",s "''" j GOOD SHOES W $2.25 to $6.00 fflicn- l'" ,,,w N A,tt,,'H K,Kl" GOOD HATS $1.50 to $4.00 l,cl' ' 2r.IIra.. l.r.l GOOD SHIR rb , J"-; he to CbD.UU in. w0 VTT1E5 AUGUST T1DKS or Mrowslor Valley, ami Robert led to pasa tho outgoing stage you Gootz, returned about midnight from tcrdny In tho canyon and the former Curry whore they went on a hunt- machine slipped dangerously over "B urn. i no men report nagging lho ,,,. nl, u wng n,80 for ,,,,. some deer hut mty they were not , ,leforo lt c0lll(, ,,e rC(, bnck , successful In baBBlns the limit of lllto tho roniUny. ,lo wn th ,.. passenger In the ear. The other I iiiai'hlnc was delayed only about half According to a I .... ,.... ,ln Hni.i .... a.w ... , ,a, . same. May Flajit Tinks. letter received by Fred Chestnut Time and heights of tides nt i ''"om his biother who la now In Hue- i Murahfleld. Tho tides are placed In land with the second Canadian con- order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino and heights on the second lino of each day. A compar ison of consecutive heights will in dlcato whether It Is IiIrIi or low water. High tldo on tho bar one hour nnd 51 minutes earlier than at tliiBcnt ho jiuiy soon ho lent to 8.45 fi.H 0.11 2.:i I ti.20 11 1 I..I Uhcie tlie I'll '" Ahu,JW "i'" pi. S I A J r Where the TrJce is always North Bend O A IIm. 1 Vt.., .iOiliit.., , KI... liT'llrc. , !1't... 5.2 :t.io 4.0 .i.r.. i.r, 4.1.1 1.1! ri.:it i.i o.:ir 0.7 o.o y.r.a o.i 10.21 0.8 lo.r.r. i..i II. 20 1.0 0.20 a.c 2.40 4.9 .1.12 5.1 .1.42 r..i 4.11 r..i 4.45 5.0 5.20 4.0 12.01 .0 Hiiish I-'lu Scares. The North Ilend fire dupartnient was called out l. .... ............ ..... , the Dardanelles with the other troops msi ovomng on an of the Allies. The bZ oSd T") T I' . ' m""' ? with tho volunteers from Toronto. "'t 'X 1'T , ! imM? ," brush flro that had been started at tho bottom of the hill and which, If allowed a few minutes moro free- I Wt 1 ..... (at III nrtn nmi "w"i wouiii novo .irounmy CailBGU f II til f 1 f OM dvminf in linii n lni..l. I... pntiatflnrn liln ilnitm tm -, bociio on South Coos Itlvcr near Goodwill's next Sunday. They will Bo up In a special boat. To pre- $ Pare the scene, Bet all In readiness J r.i.i. ..-..--.-... t and to catch a big moss of craw- t PERSONAL MENTION t flh, .). C. Kendnll and Jack Pinna- . .... f vwwvvww (Ji celts ((, Hauiiiel. A number 0.01 j " f the SlRina Chi alumni chapter of n v-uuh i;ay wuii tiielr frle 0.7 10.2.1 0.0 11.0.1 0.1 11.47 0.C 0.0 0.0 5.U 4 : MarshfiGd MIUIW... m, Jill ttfff""i'Sgma WEATHER FORECAST SARTER'S For V ICE CREAM,: i.vi.rvthi.vh SANITARY I AMV.IYH M'KS FOR. INSPECTION 1 We niiilfu Ice Cream to order, ny kind ami In any uiiun tlty, for parlies, lodges, pic nics etc. :: :; ss '' We do not Micak of Its y r A I. I T v 'Hull speaks for llM'lf SALTER'S I'lioiie Uii:i-I, .Miitsliflclil Dr Aorld Prn lo Coni Ilaj Tlmoi. OIUXIOX Pair east, partly cloudy and unset tled west; westerly winds. LOCAIi TKMl'KUATUltB ItKCOIK) For tho 24 bourn cndlnK at I: Ct n. in., Aiib. 20, by llenj. Outllnd, Bpeclul Bovenuuent moteoroldglat: Maximum 0!) Minimum 5 1 At I: II! a. in., 55 Precipitation 00 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1014 G8.78 Precipitation ennio period Inst year 00.54 Wind: Southwest, clear. 1'iont St., OppiHlte lllanco Hotel l 9 AliHX JOHNSON and family Will leave tomorrow for a three orl four weeks cnmplm; trip at the I II. Cnrls'jn ranch near Ash, Mro-' Bon. FUKI) HICYNOKDS, son of Mr. and Mrs. U. C. Hcynolda of South In-' let leaves this week for San Fran cisco where lie will take In the Kxposltlon before roIhb east to enter Harvard University. i SHOES i D SHOES K. I. CHANDM3U expects to le.ivo tomorrow for Sacramento whore ho will Join Mrs. Chandler nnd son for a short stay. They will visit tho Kxposltlon and return to the. Day In a few weeks. Ban expect to bo up Saturday nlsht. IF. Q. USSL1H today was over from Man Known llei'e. SufferliiB from Co,l'" 'nB ' " trade. an Incurablo dlseaso James 11. ' , Kotins, a Biaduate of tho University I A. II. POWERS returned to the or OroKon, and known by some of; ennip above Powers this niornliiB tho old Braduates on Coos Hay. ,, ,., ,..,., on Sunday nlBht liaiised hlnisclr In " l" tlal11, I'ortlnnd. Ho used a towel for tho' purposc.HwlnBliiB from a hook in MAYOR F. 13. ALLEN loft on lho tho cellliiB. Nearby was found an, mornliiK train for a business lalt unsigned BKoicn euiiucd, '"rno Let ter Ho Left." Kouns was a drafts-' ninn, nbout .10 years of iibo and un-1 ARTHUR PECK left on the Kllbum today for San Francisco, on hla way to Michigan where ho will wed Miss Hnrkness, who last yeai was an Instructor in tho Marsh field high school. In Myrtle Point today. mnrrlcd. Slieilff Is Metier Sheriff Alf Johnson Is much better and able to bo about nBiiln, according to A. P. Uavls who was hero today. Hi wild ho wiib laid up several days after the auto accident on tho Daudon road when ho was thrown from tho machine. Contractor Mlntoyno, of Couullle, was moro seriously Injured but is recovering very nicely It Is said. I)R. MI NO US went up to Heaver Hill thl3 morning on a professional visit. W. P. MURPHY left on tho Yellow stoiio today for San Francisco on husiuesH. MRS. 11. HUGOE is in Portland vl3 itiiiB at the homo of her parents. Mr. and Mis, Heudrlcksou for a few days. She is also visiting her sister who leaves shortly for the University of Washington. SUPERINTENDENT HINSHAW, of the freight department of the Southern Pacific, returned to Port land this morning after soveral days here on business. Ho went out over the lino Into Eubcu?, JUDGE J. J. STANLEY, of Coqulllo. wag n Marshfleld and North Demi today on business bent. DISTRICT ATTORNEY LILJEQV1ST wns u visitor hero today on business. BORN .Month to lllvef. llrlduo men unv that tho main steel riveting for tho bridge across tho Ilav will not Im ' m.Minwv biii.mmi.m.' avmv i ha. , ... .. --- . .. i a . U. ....- tf.., a a . a'.- none uiiui tno spans nnvo lieen put ' in lllace nnd Hint It will Mini. l,ilm nbout a 2 dnys to completo tho op-1 county seat u.uuunii, nun ib iiiu iiui:i:o wiieru, VIS was over today from the EranrwriTTg'ara I tho men toss red hot rivets to tho MRS. JAMES COWAN camo In last For Safe Coch Itlvcr homo, furnished complete, with hon't landing nml four acres of groupd. Heady for Immediate occu pancy. Fnappy buy nml ensy terms. Located on South Coos Itlver In popular bungalow dis trict. "si:i: itnin auout it" W.A.REID, 150 FRONT STREET FLANAGAN To Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. J drivers, who catch them in buck- ovonlng from Lakeside on a shop ping trip. ftR. Tlln lihr ilrnw ann.i n n .1 ..n. Flanagan at their homo on South i tlcally nil tho spans north of tho Finn Btreet, n son. Jlothcr nnd main draw have been put in place. child aro doing nlcoly rend Mr. 'O. C. MOTLEY, merchant of Sum- FlnnnBan Is proud over tho advent Ono Oiso FlnMieil. John C. Ken-J nor, was hero today on a abort of his fifth child and third son. ,,a,i ,lllI0(1 ovr tho long dlstanco lo Gold Reach last evening with John WetldliiB A"iihei-siiry. II. , J. l)' a8S who "n1'1 tbat ono of tho MfKeown nnd wife nnd fiimllv have Fl811 War foiitcmpt cases had Just gone to Ten Mile where they will boo HiBliotl but that Judgo Calkins quietly colobrato their wedding an nlversary. business trip. W. J. HILL and wife nnd son. Hilly, returned today from a fow days stay at Powers. reserved his decision until later. It Is expected tho prcsont term willjJOHN YOAKUM, pi eminent farinor of CoMiillle, wns a Marshfleld vis- i last until noxt Wednesday, tho long' -Mrs l0St torIU 0Vor llcltl '" Curr' Itor todny. I nintlo d'ets Iron Ckiss . Plif.u Intui),. timl 1? I.1 fliililin 1'ilt aif ,........ ...t.... ...... ........ ..v xi. i ,,... . .. -, . 'North Rend aro second cousins of' '-' ' y-'ero was heavier i CAPTAIN I1RITT, of tho Const Max Gehhardt. n slxteen-year old' httt '"" , U81la ,of 8,no1ko ,an"'l Clunrd Station, wns up today ho Gorman lad who was awarded tho I"" "'? ? thlS. T?nK' CUUT' I c,,rl" H,"",lle8- LLOYD ROSE has leturned from Cooston where he has been a fow weekB working on a new school houso near there. The district wns Just organized and tho build ing Is 18 x 30 nnd tho first term of school will begin in September. SUPT. GEORGE MURCII of tho C. A. Smith mill has gone to San Francisco to tako In tho Exposi tion. Georgo Murcli. Jr., Mra. Murch and her sister and Jay Doyle left Monday In tho Murch auto and expected to reach Sail Francisco today. , , , i . i by tho burning of s ash ngs up the iron cross for bravery In a recent1 ' . ? . ... ,.,,.,. Coos River and also out near Gould's 9uJ battle there. C. M. ANDERSON and daughter. L.-I.O, whoro tho Clarence Gould out-, iinth Anderson, wore hero todav ll.-lialr !.Wdo.-Tho Anderson & ' !' ' dlnft considerable clearing. froni tholr ,101I10 nt AIloKnny. wmo utu biutb. i it vi u id u u uaiibi , , QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel. Fhono 10U-L. MAIISIIMEI.lt, OREGON Iv lrtfilrn re tlln (1 ilirt ililnli lin u linnn i li . . .' I nnvuhnrn from flion flrnn. working on South Coob Ulvor la no-1 I tit tnlrmt te CimMi Tittnf wlinrn ennm I liltl fcvii fc uuuvil Ht'Vl VIU UWttfVI II. It, STRICKLUND and son, of I Catching Inlet, "wore down today SOCIAL CALEXDAU THURSDAY Eastsldo Sowing Club. Mlnue-WlB Club with .Mrs. G. N. Holt. North llend Episcopal La dles' Guild with Mrs. John Lonnoii. Mrs. II. Largont entertains at afternoon party. Mrs. Dennis Hull entertains this evening In North llend. FRIDAY Eastern Star Session. Lucky Thirteen Club with Mrs. L. L. Uradloy In East port. Epworth Lcaguo Social at M. E. Church hall. For etery nieinlier or the fiunlly. SIiik-s (lint ii nil lentlier. Slmei that wear, fit, lmc Hie stjle nml give jou coin foil. (' ROSS K T S I) V T T 10 N II A tr K E It Makes UfoB walk easy. In Shoes for dress for ladles; button or lace. Un or black. In pattern vamp; cloth top; lace tho latest styles and leathers. or button. $1.50 value. Our $5 value. Our price. .. .$:i.DH price $.N0 Imported Leather In button T(J mt()flt u ,nlll(!1.8 ,, or ace; tan. black; latest styles , , , and shape. $0 value. Our ... .. . . . of tho so-called sales. Compare l'rr0 i Vi i"v ' v" "8 Vtt,ueB "ml 1,rlcos $-'Wi' $-AH Turns miles Into smiles. In v '"''' button or lace; tan or black. S,,0C8 for U scl'R) Krln: Latest styles. $4.00 value. Our v,cl- ,,uMon! lailles' ?,z?s' 2W llPi,,n y., ... to 8. $2.00 value. Our price A dandy ahoe, gun metal, hut- '" , ton and lace; good solid all Gunmetnl; button; Just tho leather. $11.75 value. Our thing for tho school tjlrl, 24 price : $:.lir. (o 8. $2.75 value. Olif inlco Try a pair of Climax. $11.50 $1.1)8. value. Our price $U.l)8 Ladles' shoes In nil leathers; Gunmetnl, button. A dandy, guuiuclal, patent, vhi; button $1. value. Our price ...SiMf) and lace; nt a saving of from Gunmetnl; luce; good solid 25 to .1.1 1-1 per cent on ov ull lentlier. $2.50 vnluo. Our cry pair. SiMI.-., SjiiMl), $2.(11), iv'co SI.D8 !?t.M)8. The ' fl ? rr ? Wo lead Originator, '$ S. g) Oilier, of Low Prices faBMM5F&7rfcVjF--bif'J. )J- WW Follow NEXT DOOR TO MAHSIIFIEU) PO ST OFFICE More Prices That Will Re buce Your Living Expenses CANTALOUPES (each) 5c GRAPES, per basket, 35c CRANBERRIES, per quart 12l-2o CORN, Green, Very Fancy, per dozen 20c CANNING PEARS, cr box $1.25 DILL, for Picklinq purposes, per bunch 10c DEL MONTE CATSUP, per bottle 15c FANCY GRAVENSTEIN APPLES, per box $1.10 Our peaches are cominn In very slow as yet but we will (jet all orders filled in a few .T e days at per box WE SAVE YOU MONEY. GETTING'S CASH GROCERY ''it llm fl-tltu I'ltm-litir rMili.C f'nw. t , additional piling will be put In for,tor lma (ol(, tll0 drvo of tllu ,.., I Biiopping. tlo drawbridge which Is again on-.,mullllJ ,0B8 from We8t Marshfleld T 0 TU1VIC, nniI fnmIv ,.,, dangorod by tho shifting channel. that horeaftor they must make wldorJ' Q' IAUV,S nn(1 fftI,lll roturnod - WALL PAPER See VIERS About it. turns nt the corner of Commercial SritSCRIIILRS NOTICE The Times carrier boys aro msiriicied t ,lt the papors ai..( i. c.,..,in,..i nnritnc wi,n nnd Front streets. Yesterday thoy , , ,. , .a i nindo the turns so that tho wheels have bee,, sending loiters and papers Lut c0, Uo U0 pavh nIonB8lllo to ranchers nnd cannier on Norta tim imnim iniiim mil inrn MinnVc nnd South Coos Itivor without stamp-! of tho .bitumen. Tho long length 'JKUKY KINNEY Is planning to lenvo next week ror unmus valley una today from a pleasant outing and camping trip nt the Merchants' ranch near Dullards. Ing thorn cannot do so uny longor. . 'Jf, tho logs has mado tho turning PI. M.r..l.. l.nn.c n.. .l.n.. ....... .. Mrt ' U ' ' XKl U ' l t111 H OlllllU 1 1 U II U I U IIUS i iiu ichumi I'uu.a ui. tliuau . i.n u.u now rural mall carriers and can only hnudlo stamped mall. vicinity whoro somo friends have a fow nice bucks staked out for a target for him. been experienced with the trailer behind tho auto truck. Til lliilld Another. Councilman George E. Cook bought a lot J HEPUTY GAME WARDEN THOMAS wont ovor into the valley today after returning Inst evening from a trip to Langlols. Excursion Postponed. Tho moon ' on the porch. If tho carrier does I llR,,t oxc,lrsl" to tho sand hills In ( Porhnni Park and lot a contract for ' not do this, inlsgos you or no- i tllQ Iowor ,m'' BCl,etlukd for ,ft8tia ""80' Ho ,lluI olB,,t Prospective " elects cettli'iir llm mnJ i ,... i evening on the Alice II., was iiulof- renters apply and so today bought Ion time, kindly phono the clr- ' ,,m,oly l8tl,one' 1,l't l ' expected through W. A. Reld the adjoining ' Station monnior n 11.1- i- n. that It will ho Hold n little Inter In lot and expects to build another MI A CARL SITTLN and nt . " b ' "8 tl'S l8 " I the Bummer. House on that. Tho work of erect- "aughter, Miss Loulso Sltten, v "; nu fun oiermino . i whether or not tho carriers are j uiiuwnig instructions. Phono I oo f(W RAY TIMES WAR MAPS, TEN CENTS I Btroot cicnninK "t'Y AX PP-TO-TIIE-MLVUTE sparks and cln 111' WAR MP WHILE THE I SUPPLY LASTS the sumnior j lug tho first building will ho very RVes llothor. Gordon Smith Is booh under way. Tho now lot is today fixing up tho old flro englnoj number 1!) In block 27 on Eighth ' to eliminate tho danger of fires itrrnto. from It. Yesterdny ho was using It! i '., i, ...i... ..i.,.. ,..,.!.. tr dm On Viu'iitioii Trip. A. I). Camp- . waa nau t.aaaa.i il..l.fl.aa "'v' a.. force and said that I ,:v" u l,,u uua "a "" " "' dors from It started a I oiumiura un i-oiupuny, aim wue, half a dozen HttliT fires. ,0lt iiourn louay ior inoir annual vacation In Callfornln, nnd Men (jet Ileei-. V. W. Lawl'om, of Ilnndon, aro visitors In city today. .MRS. RALPH DIPPEL and Mrs. Guy Dlppel, of Ilandon, were hoio lust ovcnlug and today, shopping and visiting. '(III.TMa1 jMaBa1a.Ma The Noble Theater A pleasant pl.ico to spend (ho ovenlug. COMl.liv XKiilT COMEDY XK.'HT CO.MEDY NIGHT Sv Reels nf Pjctuie Unit R ninlco jou laugh One hour ami llilrty iniiiiitvs f solid fun. M'da limn,, Riiailva'.s brightest llttlo stiir, in Edison's new ruur-ivel uiniwly. . ' . COHEN'S LUCK "III be lemeinheieil that Viola Ilium as tho llttlo leading ") In "Tin, Sliming- ulilch piovcil to ho on of the heat pltoto ') i'Ut hhonn on n motion picture screen. U'lle Richie, the lough Iiousd toiuedlnn In n two-reel slap-stlck coniedy ,. HILL'S HLIGHTED CAREER lis Piciiue, heliifj on the C'liapljn older, ulll surely liiiiw 'Jniiise down with laughter. jwi floor, in,.. IJalcony, l()c. flilldien, Br. T ,.,',""" I'Ottlo Pickfi.nl Iirtlio first chaper of""A Diamond MRS. RAY 15. DEMENT enmo ovor from Myrtle Point today to spond n weok nt "Klllarnoy," tho sum mor homo of her aunt, Mrs. W. P. Murphy on South Coos River. MRS. P. M. WILHUR, Miss Frances Franso and Miss Hesse Flanagan loft yestordny to attend tho Coos County Teachers Institute now In session in Coqulllo. I will bo gono sovoral weeks. After vis iting tho exposition, thoy plan to vis. It .Mr. Campbell's mother at Los An geles and friends and relatives there, at Riverside and other points. During Mr. Canipboll'a absonco Win. Sleep, a brothor of Mrs. Campbell, will have charge of his work at tho Standard ' 'Oil plant. ,, , I MRS. FRANK .MUSCUS roturned to Party Returns Home Mr. and Nor,u ,, t;,,a niorn,B Ilf(()1. Mrs. Allen A. Lobreo, Mr. and Mrs. vIa,.ng ffl vora, Uayg wU ,,.. Wallenateln and Mr. and Mrs. Her- Bran'dmothor Mr8. Jolm 3tlanB zog loft this morning In Lynn Lam- of Catcnng j rl3t. 1 lieth's machliio for Roseburg, re- i -----, . turning to their homes In California i (B.-BK. after a visit of a week on Coos Ray which the old home of soveral mem- lOll CtTI QC" linra nf flm nnrlv. Mr I.nllrnn Rnlfl that they had enjoyed tho trip Ini- ' mensely and that ho does not expoct 'TTl-lir O Wl ' , to wait another 31 years before 1 rlJC VJ VV JL coming on another visit. t AMONG THE SICK $$ Mrs. Waltor M. Mlcklon, of South Fourth street, Is suffering from a badly sprained knee, though la re ported much bottor today. Mrs. J. E. Tracy, on Sixth street, picked her llttlo daughtor from the floor und In some way dislocated tho elbow. Tho bono wns put Into place nnd tho llttlo girl Is getting along very well. Miss AHco JoRophson who re turned from San Francisco a few days ago suffering with pneumonia, Is reported much bottor todny. S, Abrahainsou, of Gardiner, who wns operated on for nppodlcltls at tho Morcy hospital two weeks ago wns nblo to leave the hospital last evonlng. I L, L. Thomas Is sufforlug from n sovero attack of gall stones nnd may huvo to go to Morcy hospital for an operation. He wns operated on for appendicitis n fow months ago, F. V. Cattorlln who hns been suf fering from considerable pain In his loft hand yestordny had an x-ray examination mado of it and found that ouo of tho small hones had been splintered while playing ball at Ilnndon with tho Elks team n month ago. Mrs. Lovl Smith is reported doing nlcoly at Mercy hospital where sho recently underwent an operation. Special Lard Sale 5-lb. Buckets 10-lb. Buckets 65c $1.25 PALACE MEAT MARKET Phono 40 6 J 180 No. Broadway Children calling and telephone order given special attention EASTERN STAR NOTICE Notice is lioroby given that n apo dal communication of Doric Chapter No. fill, oruer or Kastorn Star, w 11 no noid at .Masonic iinii l'liuuy eve nlng, August 27, 11)15, to wolcomo tho Assoclato Grand Matron Sister Dora R. Schllko, Doputy of tho Worthy Grand Matron', to make tho official visit. All members aro urg ed to bo present. Hy ordor of ELLEN M'CRARY, Worthy Matron. depend upon If a Druggist Tol"' 'J10 bUy. Mondy night we will show Hetty Xiuis.cn in Count 1 weeks business trip to Port ulh nusterpleco 'Ann.i Kiireniiiu." 1 1 evening. He said that tho M- . Bl ...l.lnl. l.n ivna i-ftf lirtlllll? Auto .Ovor .Edge. D wight E. Hodge returned by auto over the Coos Ray Wagon Road from a two Portland last machine i In which he was returning nttoinpt Offers jou u substitute or sonicating J iih(. as-good lie Is as apt to substitute on your prescription. "THE OWL" lias no substitutes to offer jou. or no ae to grind. Hi Ing your prescriptions to us for wo use Suilihs Pure Chemi cals and I'liai'inaceuttcals, which are your doctor's greatest aid In sickness. Tho Central Ave. Drug Store. Look for "Owl" Electric Sign : npw today : ?? A SCANDINAVIAN IHI. wants pot. ltion lu family. Cull -I1X-L. WANT you (o at (cud tPio Cooked Food Snlo nt Nnsburg's Grocery, Snturduy. WANTED To borrow ):l(l( on good chattel security, for ! months or one year; 10 per cent, C Times. FOR RENT Modern apartments with hot water and heat. $10 und $18. Phono :io:i-j. 'OR SALE RO.V SIIOOKS Leao your order for apple and other shooka with 11. G. McNay, city dock, North Rend, Phone U'M, Geo. GelBondorfer, Itundun Rox Fact or j. t WANTED t $$ WANTED Pupils for (lancing school Tucs. and ThuiH. nights at Odd Follows' Hall. 8 o'clock. Phone . WANTED Hy man and wife with 1 child 8 yearn old, place to work on ranch. Apply "D" TIiiicb offlco. WANTED Experienced coal miners. Apply Reaver Hill Coal Co., Rea ver Hill. WANTED Teams at llauiloii, Ore., to haul oxk ties two trip haul. A. F. Estabrook Co., phono i2l ! t ' FOR SALE t FOR SALE :. cords of dry alder wood, Btovo length, $ 1.7C per cord on ground. IloyiiofilB Dov. Co. t FOR RENT ! FOR HI. XT -M'oom apartment, Htea'n heat and furnished, ?1.V00 und 1.00. inquire apt. 10, Mat lock upts. 2nd and Commercial. FOR KALi: Heating stovo und small show case, in good condi tion. Art Needle Shop, corner 2nd and Market. , NEW Modish (,'oun for sale cheap. Address "A" care Tlmos. FOR RENT Myitlo Arms modern furnished apartments freo heat and water $22.50 per mouth up. I COOS HAY TIMES j I WAR MAPS, TEN CENTS I 11 UV AN UP-TO-THE-MINUTE j WAR MAP WHILE THE j j SUPPLY LASTS j j They Aro Going Fast j 4 FOR TRANSFER AND STOR AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AND HAGGAGE Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono KIU Hesldcnco Phono 13-J Miukct Ave, and Wuterfrcut WEAVING All kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason, 680 12th Court, So. Phone 220-R I