nWfliU. 4 i r HP I TWO J IBDEII IS CBMl! shipping mews 1 SCDTTSBURG IS Ciltli iSIIOK.MAKKlt TO LOOK ()V- nit hash: hitiutiox iikki: Vcw Violations of Deer Law, Hn" I)ciu(y fiiimo Warden Tlioinns No I'ImIi Shipment h this Year Cuil Shoemaker, State Oatno War den, Is coining to Coos to inn It o mi Investigation of the game needs In tills vicinity within the next 30 ilayt., according to a letter Just received rrom him hy Deputy Oamo Warden Thomas wlio this morning loft on a trip Into tho Valley after returning from Lnnglols yesterday. Since his advent to the office Mr. Shoemaker has heen limiting an at tempt to visit all parts of his ter ritory mid slzo up tho situation. Ho, states ho has wanted to come here for nonio time, hut other , . . ,,,... ..... ,,, .t,.tla IlllllCS . liavo Interrupted. Through his district there have como hut few reports of Illegal limit- "aiiKs hihiii.uiuiib con , any. .. .. ,. ..... .....launched the project and declared 111b, BUlll UI, X iiwmiio lino ...w. .....n Iii ono or two cases dogs havo been used, ho hollcvcd. In Curry ho found there arc n great many hunters. Cnl Wright has gono Into Hint section, with head quarters at Cold llcnch, taking tho placo of his resigned predecessor. Slnco tho opening of tho season Mr. Thomas has put a number of deputies Into tho woods at various places. Theso men nro not paid a regular salary, hut receive halt the fines collected In cases icported hy thorn, a stumbling block that oftet. makes tho business of special gaino wardens not overly lucrative. No l-'Hi This Year Tho deputy gaino wardon believes thcro will bo no trout sent hero this ycai for Coos county streams though tho matter bas tlmo und again been taken up with tho state officials and several times they havo promised to send young trout from tho northern hatcheries. It Is hoped that trout could hu placed in Wooden Hock crook over In tho IMcn Itldgo county especially mid also tho promise was made of about 20,000 black bass for Hoi Lake. Tho trout aro raised tu tho spring and Mr. Thomas believes that iiunI year, If plenty of work Is done in tho meantime, shipments of fish will hu received hero. JAMES BENNETT AND WIFEATEXP0SITI0N Well Known Mui'Mificlil Couple De cide to lU'tuin by RikiI To Vis it Southern fulll'ninla The Times Is in receipt or tho rol lowlng letter from James lleiinetl, clil'f engineer nt tho V. A. Smith mill, mill Mrs. Dennett who left here last wcok for u mouth's auto tour of California: "Wo arrived In San Francisco ... , , i.i i, ' ! v in .ii ....v u .i,. ..... if.i ti iii.- without ii mishap of any kind. Wi , ,ryhlB , v,.rlmul mi ocean wero six ilays and a hair on tliti roml. Krcylniniiil. A shark also was slght Vhllo wo enjoyed every mllo of Hioi,.,, riirllu.r ,,0Wl 10 t.0,1Htj Journey, It was a long and tliesomoi i Journey, nud wo have decided to ship our machine back by boat and return by steamer. Wo saw many boiiutl- fill sights and u fow comical ones -one or tho latter being a pig with a, boll on It. Wo Blurt for I. oh Angeles AugUBt iS. Wo met MessrH l.ocK luirt mid Duncan or MarshHeld in tho Oregon building ytwterday. llojiliig everything Is fine In Maish fleld, wo send our regards to all." E fri;d mooki: dui ,S TO MI;D- FORD IX A DAV Hast Side Man .Makes (.luliK Tilp In Dodge t'lir Leaves lor Caliroiiiia Mr. and Mia. Fred Moore and fam ily of Kastslde, left this nioiuiiiK for Kuiuka, Caliroiiiia, in their auto car. They expect to upend the win tor In California. Mr, Mooio Just letiirued the flint or tho week trom Crater Lake wluue ho bad been attending the KnlishU j or Pythias (oucUm and liuiduntnlly made a reiord bieakliitf run in his auto leaving Co'm iiuy In the morn ing at (!:l'i with a lull car and reaching Midion! at U. '' Hie wuue evening. There went five enrx lioni Coo Uuy, Uut Moore's car, a Dodge, was tho only one. to nmlcu tho diivu through to Modf'iril the hum- u.t. Ill Moore'h lar there weie Ue, D A. Mail.eoil, roriiu'rl1 of N't n Rend, hut now ol Coltuue Cu'oe; C. A .Smith, or Nor Hi Ilend; Charles Williams of N'lith lleud, and (ieoim Illake, of Catching inlet. The other tars and their ocm pantii making the trip wore Mr. mid Mrs t'haiicK Worrell and Mr. uud Mis. Air ItitfKM. In .Mr- Wor rell's car. Mr mid Mm. W. it. Sliupon tindi Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Morton. Mr. nnd Mrs. P. L. SwoaiiiiKen Mr, Guinea and Mr. Gruhb. Mr and Mm. HUgar McDaulels , I mid Mr ond Mrs. ArchlB Philip. , About -s can.ll.iata we.o liitlut-1 iii miI, ilin fiiiuii.i.u: ir M...W.....I ...mi ... iii.t''- .......'.m. Lodge on UWuiu Island ut tu.tei Lake The coieiuouie weio UBU.il and very liunrosslve. nn. Mr. Mo-no no lug to drive thioiiuii to California by easy ataansl and take life easv along the wa Their many friends wl wish then ID ORD RU a pie-sunt joutnv ai.d n afi r turn to 1 ins H.4 , I THE WOULD BUILD SHIPlMEW RULES ISSUED .south :su has ovi:ii mictii- Ol) TO ItltlXO PHOSPKIHTV Project Lullliihed t Meeting III Chamher of Coiiiinerre (i'eo cr.il I'liin I'm- It Hulldlng of h sailing ship lurgo enough to carry more than a million and a half root of lumber and to cost about $7',000 was broached last evening at a meeting of enthusias tic North lJond citizens at their Chamber of "Commerce. TW pro- nnuni umih iiiiidc that the shin be built through public subscription ami tho ntrrcMtiiiK o iomi moncjei men and capital. Its construction would furnish work for the heads of niiuiy families on Coos Hay. J" l"L KU '"I ' luninjmj ..in , . . ,,,,. .i,,, ,l 1I111 iu ,i I'll ii nuui i nunuun.-) ...ini . men piescnt. llobcit Hanks, of the Krusc and Mint lilu nnlimntiv u.nllllu ulllllllf in i ., m .. ,, irt.ri iB III take stock In the uiuieitai.iiK,. it !..... I .., .1.... ..1.1.... .. ...,. I " r ,l " ..; HMIli lli IIIII11. "- ..(-, "i rates and that the Investment would be a lucrative one. Five members now form n com mittee, appointed last evening, to take up the project of building a ship. They aro Peter Logglo chnlrman, Fred llolllster, A. IC. Ark ley, II. 0. Kern and Victor Ander son. To the Marshflcld Chamber of Coinmerco will be brought tho pro postlon for tho purpose of Intel est Ing tho local body. Tho mattor will ho taken up at tholiMioxt meet ing which occiiib very shortly. llecaiisu of the rotten condition of many of tho piling under the city wharf at North Ilend Victor Ander son stated his belief that now the dock should bo repaired mid nlso built larger. VKSSKIj .MOVI.MKNTS SlllIlMl Speedwell, San Francisco, 11 a. m. Yellowstone, San Francis co, 1 t::iu a. m. Due Hero Kllhurn, Portland, Friday morning. Westerner, San Francisco, Saturday morning. hwiiai,i:s off eoQriM.i: Ciiplnlll Smltli of Daisy Says Re Saw SliniliH mill I.evlntliiiiiN Tho Poi'Haud Telegram says: or tho t'oiiulllo river, tho steamer Daisy, Captain 10. M. Smith, arriv ing at the couch-street dock from San Francisco, niirrowly missed collid ing with a whale. The lovluthau was lying fast asleep In tho path of tho Daisy, and It barely woke up In time to escape being cut In two. On opening Its eyes and getting u glimpse or the steamer the monster tore through the water at a livelier linj.ii linn, llmt ..i li lliltiiil I... .. uiili- t AT THE HOTELS ('handler lintel. II. II. Iielaud, Seattle: (leorge Styling. PorHiiud: Itoheit Miller. Poiilnud; L. A. Iilljeiplst. Coiiillle; C. W. Ilackwood. Powers; A. (!. 'Tepee, Poiiland; .Mis. F. J. DeNeven, Chicago; .Miss J. .Marshall; C. M. ( Itrown. Coiiullle; .Mrs. Itulph Dlppel, llaudou; Mis. (Itiy Dlimel. llaiidon: I . P. Davis. Coiiullle; II. L. lloeck. ."eaiue; .mis. .lames cowan, Lake- Hide; Mrs. Nctn Noble, Lakeside. .Mrs. O. C. Iliiiiy, Sltkiun; F. (1. Leslie, Coiinlllo: (1. C. Motley, Sum ner. St, l.nii;nce llolel K. Kinney, North lliiud; K. 10. Iluster, Portland; T. Joluuou, Pow ers; 0. W. Ciimmliis, ludependmice; Ames S. JohiiM'iu and lamlly, I'on Orford; Frank I.iiiik. Co(iillle; D. M. I.oieusou, North lleud. Illanco Hotel J0I1.1 It. Ilnrrini Liitiin.-i! A II Hauls. Mrtle Point: Floyd Gal-! 1....1.1. v i. ,. ., . 111111111, lYiniu iit'iiii ni'iiiy iiiiei'K, 1 C'ios Kite, A. W. I.undy, Gold ( I'cach; M Hllloll. Gold lleach; W. W. Lawhmn. Gold lleach: Hubert ClnL. Gold Peach: J. J. Mellon-1 ..i.i n...,u in.,... i.,i.. m .. aid, Coos llhtir: Aithiir Moe. Pow- or; . L. iSteniiuermaii, Allegany: Irvine Heynold. Hinplro; T. W. MoriUoii. San Frnuelw-i: Churle 11. JimeH, halein; !;. Thom.n, Dulmar. I.Io.mI Hotel M. Clausen. Coqulllu: .1. I,, ll.ir-l Ker, Jr.. llaudou; Carl Sltteu, llau dou; Mi. P. C. Sltleu. llaudou: Miw Louise Sltteu. llaudou; K it t It . Redd Daniels Cieek; J. Harris' uud wllo, Kokehurg; l''reil Saundern. , Hogebuig: George Stevens. Hiuidon. ,,..,. ..,c ,.,.,... .... ,.,., ,:,,'',,,. ....Vi ,v ,.,,. ...... " ui'irii'i.'iiiv i 1 .1.. ' m nil r.iu.1, 111-11411411 (.ennuis Aug o. 1 u.st o in the world it heie tor laimlit. I Sultan, the blitg bus been brougl I lie wuh exhlliltod ion 111 till the I'U Germany. Ho Is u tllo fair In (ivriuauy. vlaul of llesli h and hone. j.Ht a to become n humorous writer, lllsenched Washington DC and Gcn an Inch under ! Pet dog books, stall as 'A Snob." Dou ,.. Too ,,, . ,'. " ,', .,.... 11 I.. Iflit and ..-s Dn ' and Dom of W.ir ' were erv UooKer. of tho I. S Ainu, irntloit on 1" in, he- I .iv'' j.oiinili 1 1 I urn wlip , n ullii 11 i'm. o liul in ' ill 1 COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, itKuriaTioNH ok xi:v kkamh.vs LAW OIVV.S OCT All the Provisions Xnt Covered List .In f Iviiicil hy (lie Hu i (Mil of .ulgiitlcn In WASHINGTON, D. ('., Aug. 2fi I'm Hal regulations for the enforce ment of tho now seamen's law have been Issued hy the Ilureau of Navi gation. Utiles for the enforcement I of limnv nrovlsloiis of the measure I cannot be framed until tho Attorney 0cncr. 1)MS ,mMCI, ,,,, tll0 offu. t of certain clauses in the law referred t i,i, r. , i me roguiauons sent to collectors of customs, shipping commissioners ))lU tllc nnmcs 8t1, IlllRer , nmny and other officials cover that sec- Instances, however, tho younger gen tion prohibiting "allotments" or tho orations now occupy tho "old home advanco piiyinont of a seaman's ! stead." Among tho familiar names wiilmu n iw.i-imiiu nlli.il. limn l.itinn. . , ., , dent rolntlves of tho seaman. All al - flotmontB m..t ho Hhown on tho hI.Ip'h --.-.. -- - .. !! l .. .. ..1111 . in iiiius. iie.uiiiiucH win ne reiiiseii where the nrtlclcs show violation of tho law. rhi. reL'tilntlniiH linmnin iiffoi-Mvo November lth as to American ships and March lth. 101 C. as to foreign " vessels, except In cases where treaty provisions would ho violated, when tho ofrectlvo dato Is postponed until I abrogation or the treaties. Notlco or ' tennlnatlon ot treaties Involved al- ready has been given, and most ol J j,ucJ Mc.Merrltt. George Snelllng H,nt0 antl lntor f(-,,loral J"BO for tl10 them will bo abrogated automatical-' nnd others. ' i Oregon district, once held court In ly on July 1, MUG. i Win. Sagablrd still lives nea.' tho old hotel at Scottsburg. It was Tho State Department has prepar-' Scottsburg and Chris Hacker is an- there ho tried Jack Knott on n eil amendments to tho Consul reg-' other survivor or tho early days. OT chargo or murder, ono or tho nttor ulatlons cos eiing tho duties Imposed ' tMo rcnl carly settlers, howewer. I ey8 1)0B A c oibhs, later (lover upon America,, Consuls abroad by, vIorttMrs?!"- Oregon. Gen. Joseph Lane tho new law, which has been stili-' xitirclmrI, IiiivIiik tlletl on tlio lth ot tho ruinous Indian Hghtor and states niltted to tho Ilureau for approval. hiBt July. Mr. Suwyors is still act- man. later being governor and V. S. Do and makes frequent trips to Sonator from Oregon was a fro- Gardiner with his motorboat. j ,icnt viBtor at Scottsburg during t WATERFRONT NEWS t, ti.0 JoTothZ is l.uiis- " rl- ' " Wo0"- 4 B0,"1,l 1,,,1wl vMi tho nnlilc r!wnnl -T8 0M0 of u, cnri,0Bt 1"l0,tt . Wireless Men -- Recause Need tors" Ro!,e,rrrwrrlrelnm.H!oX fusm-cto'oY'thlssU-S:,, K'S notlco that in Portland 011 September ...... u ...... ,. .... . ...W.....W. 3. win no neiii an exam.nntion for more operators. They aro needed aboard tho now lighthouse tenders now being put Into operatlton From Washington comes the word that the successful me,, .nay he used either soiiH, or "on 'the AHanHc 'c-msL making llaltlmoro tho headquarters, j Rail (iaieniont llc(uiu. When Hugh Mcl.aln ami Henry Sengstack-, 011 met the members of the Rivers j and Harbors Committee In Portland j a few daH ago they had with them J a large sized picture or tho bar and ,tho north Jetty with tho steam . schooner Cl.1r011u.nt wrecked on tH ' end of It. They said this was per- u ,. , , .., ... ,1.11 naps the nest Illustration that iouPI bo used or Coos Hay's illio need of , II1.II1I Scows Hero Tho Krusu & Hanks shipyard at North Head has been awarded the contract for building three largo scows Tor the .Miami Quarry com pany which was recently awarded the woik or extending tho Sluslaw Jetties. Reach hargo will be :!L' !0 feet mid will carry about 100 tons or rock. SHIP OREGON LUMBER AMn Ticc m rMPi Aim mimu i.uo iu tivuuHlMU Dig Freighter Due In Poll hind TjiKo Large Cargo Anot her Ship Loading New POHTLAND. Ore., Aug. lit!. From a seml-ot filial source It Is re ported that the Hritish admiralty will havo a steamer at Portland in September to load a lull cargo of rallro.id ties for the 1'nlled King dom. Her name has not been de clared, but It Is said that sho will have capacity for handling u.r.oo.oon through tho tiuwiltien law of com loot. It is believed this Is only the mon consent, tho town being now roiorunner or similar business which wl" r''"'t wbelhcr the war ends , ,,,.1 , 1 ' ' in' mini, tu 1, in iiii- tll'l shlpinenls or the product to 1 Kumi'o lit the last year tho Inrer- U110 Is that the Mock or lumber on band over there Is running low. I ...1. i. in 1 . 1 ho llrllluli steamer llackoiuack. which arrived at St. Helens from Isnu Francisco last night, will load a full .a run of 1 1r f,,i- 11... r..u.i Kingdom. 01 in . 1 . 1 bhe will mho out mon" 11. .. . . ... man ii.iMMi.euu leei. tho hulk of which will be lakei, on at St. Helens. Show III tiuUh loading al Westport. ti. -1 . ... OTi,iini'i iff uuiiKi- tllilllVI HI . F. Thano Ar Co. PIWCII WRITCIt DKAD I.) Vau. lalMl l'r.' iu i',, i) Ttrim LONDON. Aug. :l!.--Walter Lewis Knmmiel. who endeared hlnuelf to KiiKllth beau a the writur for Hf- ., ., . oen .veals of a weekl.v column ol I'onmots entitled "Chaiivarl" In Punch, is dead at las home heie. au- ed li. Hy prou-mlnn u hiw.vor. Mr. Manuel abandoned the bar In 1U01 popular loth eiiiu, In Fiicl.iud an I ni REAL OLD TOWN WAS FOINDHI) IV I Will AND (MIX- Tint FOR .11.1, HOl'TIIHRV OltH- .00kout Mountain, In Tennesse dm-1 (JO.V MANY XOTKD (ii:.i:RAI,S,,K ti,0 c'lvll War. Other nillltnry , WIIRIJ STATIOXHD TIIKRH men of note were from time to! JARLV SHTTLHItK' CNILDHHX STILL AI.OXO CMPQCA The Iloseburg Review prints tho following interesting history of Scottsburg and the Hnipnuii valley which wll be of interest on Coos Hay, as many of the residents that mentioned there are well known here and the Umpiiita valley and Coos Hay ,lttV- 'jolmi closely Interlinked for . years. AIoK lll Unipnun Hlvcr.betwecn VAMon and Scottsburg are many, fine farms. Here, too, most of thoiUmpnun argonauts claim to havo or,L,lm ,,.,., l,nv.. miHsn.1 nwnv "rC! ItlllUS 11111101, 110I1O 1II0WI1, J. A. Sawyers, Andrew Sawyers. Cy-i 1 ,, Mmi.t,,.i t.' rk,n,r ri, tint.! rus Heddon, A. K Ozour, Job nut- riol.l. Illman wcnthorly. J A. Pat - terson, .1. H. heads, P. J', paimcr, 'A. W. Reed, H. II. Hurrhartl. W. D. . . ... Thompson, Nelson Grubbe, Walter Lyons. Sam Turner, Capt. Hinsdale. , ait. Cornwall. W. F. .lewctt. Chris ''""""'i im-uiiuiu iiiiiu... v-.u.i. ,,. .... ',.,..,, ,., '" ......,'. nuiiry vuuu, wiinuiu n uuu j0, Levi Scott, Captain Ratcllfr. T. P. Sheridan, Henry Woodwnrd, '- '' Williams, Juoge Ready, Cov. Olhbs, fleii. Joe Lane, Judge Stmt- on James McTavish, Daniel Stearns, vyriiH iiciiiion ami r. i-. I'aiincr. t,i. i , ., m,ni..n..i unw in Mm ,,"8,neH "1 develop.nen of the I Oregon s fToSni2,ir.SoB,fori,B,w" th '" Uour, was lllH0 f01, In,in ,1L!"H built at ... . . ... "" ' l " ' ' "? '".""""Y, l V,",'""! of l1"8 I)"1"- ln. .?'' . ' lU1"u ""05 ,w" 80 " " ". "" c,()os (,,lt' "H n ll0,uI luB now un- dor tho nianagenient of Otto Gustar- J";;, Zrt U?"S gone by. Ilesldes being nn excellent hostelry, this hotel was then a also u sort ot s'jclal center and It has hous- ed many a scene ol gaiety. Mr. Palm- or and family were popular hosts. SS.J0''8 woro n,WnyB 8,nd t0 s,.oUHburg was first settled In ISr.O ,)y hov, Sc()Ui ol) imttorfloltl, .las. Mc.Merrltt nnd two others. Georgo Snelllng came a little later and start- 'iVIVtlln'r.1"!. liroMHt111,1,1!1.1! "tructuro which ho brought in omul (-"l'o Horn. Win. Sloan located ilur- J)K tho mnw yonl. nl)(JUt lW(J n,oa fHrt,or down the river whero l:e wiped out by tho great freshet of ISM, and It 1 cumins but a memory to this day. Ono or the bust Known residents or Scottsburg was Cyrus lleddou who settled hero late In tho year or 18." 1. He was a survivor or the Indian mas sacro at llattlo Hock. Curry County, on August IS ot that year. It was ho who, arter a fierce battle with tho In ,,ail8 the Coqulllo river In 1S."1. finally carried to safety his wounded companion. L. L. Williams. This heroic struggle liiBted for many ,1,,vi n'"l l,s repllnl, togethor with the fight at llattlo Hock against ter Ihle odds, constitutes two of the most thillllng inchleuts of pioneer history. .Mr. Williams later sened two terms las dork of rmpqua County and three ' terms as clerk of Douglas County. Ills portrait, as he wiib dressed In pioneer garb, now hangs In the Odd Fellows' hall In KoBeburg. Mr. lleddou proxed a leader In business as well as subduing tho hos tile natives, and added fame nnd for tune to the town of Scottsburg In biter years he was ably assisted b his son J N. lleddou, the present "'Aldvnr nt rnttuXwwtr wlm wnrviw unincorporated. The present Mr. Heddon Is a nathe mi,,, having been horn there In l.s.Mi lie and his two llllliulltei M Hllll miniMtn 11 L'.iniir.il store In Scoltsburg. and 0110 or the daughters. Miss Knimu acts as Post-1 mi;ess. Mr. lleddou has large land U , ",',It'r "l" ness Interest and Is rated among Hie ,, Bbstantial men in the coiint., He Is a dlieitor of tho First Nat. ,onnl ,,nlll; of Gardliior,and a 1110111-' ''er of the Hoard or Commissioners nf til.. IlA.t nf I'.. 1... ' 'v . 1,1. ... 1 iiii'iiiiii. a nw mltim.. ... t.-i. t i, urut.,11 . ---"- ...,r,.. - ......v.. .iboiit pioneer hislon In Scottsburg '' Itinlt.v. Dining the mining ex- l'l0"uiu "l So,l,"01' Orogon and 'Northern California Hi tho earlv BO's this was the main supply point. At ouo tlmo there were nine btores iu the upper town and an equal number In tho lower. Not less than Mil) mules woio In use In tho pad tiaiiis, carrying supplies to the mines at Gold Hill. Jacksonville. Yerka. Kerbyvllle and other nlaccs Autumn mill was actuallv c.irrled piecemeal """ "" """") 1 iu hi 11 1MIV.V.11U111 trom Scottsburg to tho mines pear ,.,., .,,., v . , 0l" " " Null,,n" KUMt de "",,,, ""' up tor a wagon roan, This clamor was so Insistent that It was sent heie to lav out and 'build n inlllt n v ro.ul R w is Mid t'Mt It AUGUST 26, 191 5 EVEIMIWG (was here he learned tho art of hill i climbing, for his road seemed moio likely to go over a bill than around It I i tin mutter how hlch It was. THIS I facult., which lie iicitttred while In, Oregon seems to have had a far reaching effect, judging from his lat-1 er brilliant success In touting tho f enoinv hv his famous charge up , .tntloiinil nf tho mouth of the Unipqua Ilivcr. Theso included General K. O. C. Ord, and (lenerals Price, Hood, liardoe and lleauregard the four later becoming nHer ward prominent (onnnanders in Hie Confederate army. All were grad uates of West Point. Scottsburg had probably the sec ond postotflce in Oregon, the first being nt Oregon City. A contestant for second placo is Astoria, hut tho beaten the Columbia Kivor town. Wm. Sloan's sawmill and furniture factory were located in the lower town and James McTavish oijencd tho first storo there In ISM. The storo was in a tout made from the , . ., sails of tho wrecked schooner lloS' 1 i..i , ...i ,..... ,,i ., lUillilll. ,1 lllj l ill! IIIIIU.lU muni- 11. Sloan's factory is still in the hands of John Redden. Among the early storekeepers was the late T. P. Sher- idan, who later located at Roseburg. ii0 jifKi n ii, son anil n iiiuiieii i,..,!.,,. . ,, ;. a,..,Ini, ,... llnr'wrc Hue. R. L. Stratton. wliO( was later ono of the prominent Jur-( Ists or Oicgon, had n slaughter house hero in lSRS. Judge M. P. Dcady. I aftcnvtmIs supreme Judgo or this. " i"u "! wniiiuu. Tim first Rnn-uolnir vessel built III south of the Columbia ltlvcr schooner rmpquu. It was dnnt lulillcr ,1,1.1 f1fllll IlltlU. 1,1.1.1. ,v ,,vu. ..! k, ...ill ..... .....M dale was Hrst In command. A relic I .. ... i.... ..,.,.. 1...11 1 " i""" "' "" "" "' "'" of tho str. Washington, which lies ,,,,,. the wmrf nt seottslnirK to "" "' U wnH wc" '""" KMoy and It was the Hrst steam- or operated on the rinpqua Hlvor. Although tho hull was covered with steel plating. It was a comparatively HIimll nllfti l)c)nB 0l)H (Imn li0 feL,t In length. After several years of service the machinery was taken out and tho hull sunk wheie Its decaying form still rests. Account hnni.-a nt some nt the nld. " Scottsburg stores ,o still ln- . ,,,,.,,, ,,,,.,. possession or Mr. llodilen. ineso j,0ok8 roiitiiln Itonis or accounts with practically all tho early storekeepers ' n" olr houuiorn uregon towns. A few of the prices listed in IS I wore: Calico ' I cents por yard: sug- air, $t! per such; candles, 10 cents I por pound; whisky, $l.i!.s to $1.10 per gallon; eggs, :i() cents per doz en; lard, " con Is per pound; flour. $3.00 per sack; cofrco sugar, :J0 cents per pound; hair dozen cups mnl saucers, $l.7fi; hulf-iloen 1-Inch plates, $1.2.; four tumblers, 7." cents; zinc washboard. $1.00. Scores of other things were llstod. W000! WOOD! Kindling wood, por load i$1.7."i to $u Aldor wood, 10 to 21 inches $i! to ijcj.BO Fico Delivery W. II. M.VtiO Phono 227-J. North First St. r- "" 1 riinwtMMiMTOwmj "CHiFOOKSAXMOT TODAY'S CATCH lso nil kinds of deep mii fKh, iu available. FISH HUMAN v MARlvHT Phone ill) SAVE MONEY by oideiing (ho famous HENRYVILLE COAL coal, por ton si.oo xm 1 mn co'al or to.j ';-',,. ' ... ' ' ' , . ,V, ' F "nU t0" ' ! L' 'V ".V1"3 ' .MUhsO.N, Prop. Phono ttf-J or lent o orders t llllljerV Cigar Store. HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW Sec C0RTHELL Phone 3171 ' a. . mmmMmmmamm1 dungan i 1 undertaking 1 parlors! H will be kept ll IC9 iJa H Ul'l.. IU TDK PU1LIC m Dj A regular btato Iheuseil H uiidei taker will bo in Bj H chargo H Ejj PI10110 tor.-j Q EDITION. but those will suffice. Tho books were very neatly kept and tho band writing was par excellence. Tho present day Scottsburg Is termed by some as being merely a relic of the past, yet it bus an ex istence all Its own. The arrival of the steamer Kvn from (iardlner and tho beach Is the dally event, while the auto Btnges from Drain and those from Allegany meet here. The lat ter brings through passengers from Coos Hay, avoiding tho more circuit ous beach route. Motor boats also como hero dally front Onrdlner nud other points on Hie lower liver. Tho Allegany road also passes through the Loon Lake district, one of the finest dairying legions to bo round anywhere. Some of its tim bered districts arc said to contain aking; i i .B usiness B etter DKSPITH tho handicap of war, business is 011 tho up grade. If each 0110 or us contributes 11 little extra push it will soon bo better. It means trying harder mid keeping at it longer. It means continual optimism ami .a. 1.1 111 1110 iiiwne. uc And It means careful, sustain-B cd, well planned newspaper ad- vertlslug Hi many instances. The Coos Bay Times will bo glad to assist thoso who want suggestions as to help push business. FOR ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME, AN INVEST MENT OR BUSINESS? IF SO, LOOK THESE OVER Dairy ranch, with 20 cows, horses and all tools 65jicres bottom plenty of bonch and range. Dairy ranch 160 acres 70 bottom. Good buildings Dairy and chicken ranch, everything roady to go to work. 1 60 acres, Improved ranch in Harney County for trade or sale, Six acre home with house and fruit. Coos River. Several improved dairy randies in tho county. House and two lots on Meade street, $85 "cash and $15 month. Huose and two lots on Sherman avonuo, $550 cash, jfr.ft Apartment house and store cheap, or will trade for ranch, 20-acre tracts for home-seokers, Splendid lo cation, Easy terms, Cottage with all improvement, $300 cash and $20 por month, Very desirable residence on fine street, $3400, Terms, One of the most attractive and best-paying ice cream and confectionery stores in the county, A fifty-room, full up, paying hotel, An established furniture storo in desirable loca tion, For terms -and descriptions of any of the above, write us, call at tho office, or phone. We have many more desirable buys KOOS OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO. NORTH BEND, OREGON - a the greatest volumo per acre of ma nlflcent timber to bo found nnywh " in the slate. Considerable i0RK"6 hns been done In tho Mill Crcolt and Camp Crock districts, theso atream, forming tho outlet of l00n jl9y The scenery iii the Allegany district Is said to bo wonderfully nne well worthy of a visit. ' a In common with all th0 Wcst part of tho county Scottslmrg ., much Interested in tho construction of the proposed wagon roa,i from there to Reedsport and South Head, at the mouth of tho t'mnnn u, "' Resides being a most ilrtur,.fn ' highway this road would b0 ono of great convenience nnd no sinnll j,n. oflt. Dniico lit Rink, Snt. nlglit ., per ticket. 1,1 00 SALE 1