The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, August 24, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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roiiT" to' tfii.rc pai'kiih ron killJoi'iiatioxh
Clnlm ,N Vw Alioiil Jii 1,0(111 Tw"
Other Suits Possible I'nlcs
I'nyinent Is Mwlo nl Onto
Suit ngalntB the SlmpBou Lumber
company for n dredge fill inndo on
thoir properly between hero ami
North llonil will be filed nt the coin
ing' term of the circuit court, ac
cording; to members of tlio Port
commission. Tlio papers aro now
lielnir drawn up. 11 In said that
thla Is tlio only suit Hint Ik positively
or riiAwroiti)
Claims of Mummer About I5I Im
proveinoiiM Tlier, Not Homo Out.
. Iiy Attorney (i'ciiciiiI llrow'n
Tlio operations of tho ononis sell
ing Crawford Point lots In distant
section of tho country continue to
brlnR undesirable advertising to
Cook Hay. Locally thcio has been
(all: of endoavorlnit t li t a stop to
HUB IS ill" OIll.V BH'l 1111,1 in jusiincv ' ..., , ... ,., ,,i ainliU
Hchuduled, all other dolliiduents Iiav-jUio oporatloim hut Just steps
icon ascertain-
Inir not vet flatly rcfusetl to maKo
liayment. Tho amount duo from the I
Simpson company Is said to he about
$4,000. . I
'.At a recent mooting of the Com-'
mlssluners one of them there stated
that h. .1. Simpson, ovor the tele
phone, told him, before tho fill was
1 .. H... i It., n.iiiilinlllt tmi lit till V i
I11UUO, UlUl U.u tU...,..w., ......... . . .
wore, it was ram nm worm .?-u iv -
can he taken has noi
Secretary Powell of Hie Coos Hay
PnslnesB Men's Association recent
ly sont tolonrnins to David City,
Nebraska, HcorliiB tho proposition
and declaring that tho property was
fnr the (lroduo
today Hint MnnnKor Arkloy Has uni
on the stand thnt payment only for
tho btilkhoadiiiK was promised.
This would amount to about $1,1 Oil.
Thoro was in all IG2.000 cubic
yards of fiil made at a cost of ono
nnd threo iiunrtors cents per cubic
yard, totnlliiK, $2.sn7.:.7.
,J"nC T.." wen TveT "i'X onl. have been made there.
regarding thorn as It Is said there
Is Btlll a chanco that payment may
be mado.
On the lists of tho Port Com
mission aro thor fills still unpaid
for, hut In those Instnncos thoro
liavo either been compromises, par
tial piiymonts mado or counter
claims put in. A mooting was
scheduled Bomo tlmo ago for those
counter claims iiRalnst the Port
to meet with a committee from this
body. This had to bo called off
and It la likely that another will
bo arranged very shortly.
that much por lot. Recently a par
ty from Colorado canm hero nnd In
spected nnd scored tlio project.
Little Improvement
A Portland papor quotes Secretary
Kloinlng of the sales company hb
claiming quite extensive Improve-
vlslted the place
Hunt AVInteiH or HiihI Send
West ( Loenti' .May Stmt
Cheese Hmiki'Iiiuo Hero
Though Wlwonslii has Tor years
been one or the leading dairy states
of America she has yet to follow
out tho Idea or env testing associa
tions as used In Coos County, ac
cording to H
prominent cheese mnii of Foil du, Wisconsin, who, with his wife,
ban arrived here and expects to go
Into business.
Ho had heaid much of Cooa Coun
ty hoforo coming Into this section
Not to lie On Regular Passenger
Hun, Says Amo Meieou, Hut
Halliei' for Accomodation
Passenger accomodations for be
tween to and 12 persons aboard tho
M. Bnckutt, a former '""'line nnu c oiu oi a n-
ruimu uiiiiiuiikihk inu uiuil in imu
passeugeru diet ween here and 'San
Francisco will bo In roiiillncss for
her next trip from tho south, ac
cording to Amo .Moreen, of tho C. A.
Smith Company. The service, ho
said, Is being put on as a matter of
accomodation to persons who havo
ties who have
..... nicfi u'nit Intnrnstcil
contly nv that all tho improvements""-"
,hcy could notice was who;
brush had been removed and whe.o' q ,s ,)Clow
Bireei hik nun """ !'"
and flvo years ago had an aunt, to mnko hurried trips. A rate high
Jlrs. HI ram llinch, living nt North or than the normal will bo charged
She Is now In Spokane. I Ior ,lllu Purpose or discouraging a
i.. i i,i , I regular passenger trade, ho Bad.
was extremely Interested In I T, . ,,,,
tho cow testing associations and be- th0 8M, Would go on dry dock this
lloves that tho method should bo In- J trip to tho Routh and there would
trodueod there as n meaim of telling I ' fitted with accomodations for bo
what each cow Is able to produce Jwoon M M persons, the same
in dollars nnd conts. i ..v0 couldn't afford to make the
Kor Hevoral years Mr. Sackctt was Adeline a regular passenger boat,"
cheese broker and hanilleil tlio ucciorcu .Mr. aiereeii, who lias Just
factories and returned ironi San Francisco. "Wo
' lino,. lrt 1... 1. .. f. ..
such I ""'" lu -.' 1 1 "i-1 "ii me go anil it
""iu im iuu Kuov u uuiuer to uinac
capt. iioivr. dollar scours r.
s. nixst'LArnoNS or. sua
Tells Trado C'oiiiinlsslon That the
Inpoucso Can lltiu lloats nt a
Quarter of American F.penso
SAN FllANCISCO, Aug. 21. Slilp-
itr,(i( rnoM rASTKiix ix-
I'OMCirs iHsrri) maxv yioahs
Mrs. Alice Kruso yostorday re
ceived a check for $-1112 from Kdword
I). Noonon that was given .by nn
lCnstern liisurauco company in pay
ping men, exporters and importers i m(mt of two ,,,,, ,88MOll i KS!,8
testified before the federal trade
commission to help them ascertain
the conditions and problems which
confront tho business men of this
Captain Robert Dollar, the vet
eran president of the Robert Dollar
Steamship comi)tny answered ques
tions concerning the new seamen's
The check was made payablo to tho
order of all tho heirs Including
Alice Kruso, Virginia IC. Matson,
Frederick D. Kruso, Archlo 13.
Kruso. .lullus Kruso, Sarah K. Van
Do Car, fieorge W. K'uso and draco
L Kruso.
An Interesting fact in connection
with these old policies being Issued
In 1S!)S, was that tho payment canto
im a direct result of the efforts of
of 1 I largo
In four
m'. i. nvsv siccrnHD animal
Winner Hum Hullt up Herd nt Small
ICvpensoNoiv lias 1- Head
Soon to (ilvo Mlllc
Concerning tbo latest
moiits In It, tho Portland Telegram
"Replying to a communication re
ceived from six residents of Fre
mont, Nob., alleging Hint n repre
sentative of the Portland, Kiigeno
& Coos Hay Land company or Port
land had Induced them to purchnso
lots In Crawford's Point, Coos'Cou
ty. by falso representations, Attor
ney General Brown said that if tho
salesmen had violated any law it
was that of Nebraska. Tho com
plainants chnrgo that tho valuo of
tho lots is only 15 per cont of tho
purchase price. Tho firm litis a per
mit from tho corporation depart
ment to do business. It hi located
In tho Plttock building, Portland.
Cliilms of Fleming
"II. 11. Fleming, secretary and
determined him In his cluingo to
the west, though tho decision was
mado after hnvlng been born and
raised In Wisconsin.
Mr. Snckett Is looking ovor this
section nnd may establish a cheoso
brokerage to handle tho product or
Coos County factories for tho out
sldo mnrkets. At present ho is liv
ing In apartments on South Fifth
M. L. Hunt, owner of n small ranch
between Wlllnnch Inlot and tho Coos
River, Is snid to havo secured a dairy
herd cheaper than any othor farmer
in tho county, according to .1. Ii.
Smith, county agriculturist. Ho owns
S&Tto SttTTrnduW a" upi Coos Ray Land company, says the
calves nt low prices, pnyj.ig- on an .company Is selling lots across the
nvorngo about ?-'. f0 a hond. Ono of j buy from Marshflold at from ?1!00
tho host cowh of his heard ho got ( (o ?;jr)() cnci,( IU1(1 thnt tho ugreo
for nothing. Noxt spring ho expects h ,()l H H uru carrol
tho animniB to oogiii ". , ... , ..., .,, ... , ,.,..., that will b
In yostoruay lo.iim iy Ki"""h ni. .- ;.."-, ,,... ,...,i w
Cuts I'nrm Out of Ten Mile Forests
nnd Now Is Hullillng Dig Hani
For Dairy Cows
Irnt.unrm. nt le I'OI't llllll. IIIKOMU
Wl.. ...... w. - " ,
Out or tho ilenso ami mountniuouH
forestH of tho Ten Mllo country has
I Leo C. Call, a former Mursliflold
longshoreman, hewn a homo and a
farm. Thin week ho Is starting
work on a now barn, a structure
that will bo 38 by r.0 feet In dlnien-
-u- if.,t ..niirn lii vnatnrilav In out ny KrnuuiK nil"-'" " '. , ...,.ii. i i,.,i i.ullt in Inlfo
hear nn expected lecturo on logged erecting a wharf and establishing fo ()f hQ ,my nn(1 t,(0 (llljrv Htoc);
off lands but the two government ex-1 fm, rcrry 80rvlco to und from Marsh. I oW on t, much.
jiortB fallod to arrive wnuo noro no .. Tho conlnu.ts wlt, it buy- u Mr.. Call hnB demonstrnteil In n
told tho story of how ho has built J ,.,.,., onll, Mr i.Minnlnir. practical way what can bo done with
t'lB 41IOfl IIIVMIliri - -- .-. - ..... .. .......1. .1 ... 11(1-
her run on schedule tlino.
Ho pointed out tho fnct that very
orten tho cotupaiij has been embar
rassed by having to refuso persons
passage to and from San Francisco
because the boat had no Hccnso for
tho purpose. It Is innlnly for this
reason, ho said, that tho llconso is
bolng taken out nnd the accomoda
tions made.
Hut few changes will ho mndo In
tho Adollno r0r this service. A now
pump Is now being Installed to sat
isfy tho law and for a week or moro,
according to Mr. Moreen, stnterooms
havo been undergoing repairs ana al
terations, Tho Adollno provIoiiBly had rfc
comodatlons for nbout woven pas
sengers reserved exclusively for tho
travel or company officials and employees.
My wire having left w, v , I
board without cause n?7..11 J
shall not bo responsible for v ! 1
Signed, A. P. p , l-'l
iinvo your piogrnm.
an ndvortlsemeiit which bo placed "'Q 'runes office.
bill, which he described as a mens-, Edward D. Noonan, the insurance
,. rrnnifnif in mil im nut of mnii. nnd Indirectly as a result or
"Congress may bo powerful with
in tho three-mile limit," sold Cap
tain Dollar, "but when they ge.t
beyond that they don't figure. I
nm not going out or business, I
promise you that. I'm going to do
business somehow, but none of us
knows where wo nie even Secre
tary Kedfleld doesn't know.
Captain Dollar quoted llgures to
Bhow tho competition which the,
American shipping men would he
forced to face.
Under the seamen's bill tho Am
erican steamer Algoa would cost
fit, 270 for the salary and hoard of
tho crew per month. Under tho
British emergency act tho Robert
Dollar's crow could ho maintained
ror $1,:!08 while the Asama Maru,
under tho .lapnncse ring, could ho
run for $777. Thcso threo vessels
were practically or the same horsepower.
11 Im nMmr... iit.
... ...v, ...,i;n il'I tip r,t .
amis or dollars now i,Pu " Ul
insurance comimni. ...".'Mltkl
.,, r ,v wa
uuio. HUH. ivruso
..i ineu tor several yearu,i!(
the money, but ww una. J'ti
ir. woonun nuuie n0 ch,;
"" "'"" U1 "is Bervlee .."
amount or the check wi. M"C
turned ovor to Mrs. Krw..101
It1 illamitifll,,.. .i lUgA
Kv Noona,r'I,U!?,,"1r u
drods of thousamls 0 : dS? l
t, t VJ 1 I ft 1 1 J
r J.,"1
tat. ,i
llloilrn...- " "HIV
awaiting tho lrcsbntatlonC,!
claims properly present' 5
aro liunilreils of people i.v '
old policies nmong their n h "
which they think vlP.6'
might bo t," T e, k
I will be pleased to n.1.,1.. 2,
vlco gratuitously to anj0& ,,'
win oring tiielr
Idea to my office
10 "i)on I SI
Printed J
VKSSKIj movijmknts
.... I.,., nn.nii iimirii
lli inn niiii... .. ... ...... .. ...., l.,,.oUllnllnll
Port of tho timo no inugiii scnooi tniu u niter puinumu ni'ii
a llttlo money nnd much determina
nt Cooston. having finished Ills worl: tu,y purchasor becomes dlsHallsriod 0n n tKx ,,0nt that overlooks a
thoro In Juno. With his family ho th(J ,,om,mi)y wm refund to him 'good share of tho north end of Ton
!S,a;;d.Knngnm,o would) whutover may havo been paid on
need n herd to secure a pennaneiit j tho purchase price. I His oiiiiwi
inconio Mr. Hunt began buying tlon tho company l prepared to rnl-
caives rrom ins iuueiiiiiii. , rlli , . b..i.i
I In lolls with Kront glee now lie
got his host cow from Harry Walker.'
n prominent dairyman of Cooston.
It senilis thai Walker let the mil-1
mnl In tho woods. lie searched long
nnd dlllgontly but without results
nnd. oxnsporated. ho told Hunt the .
animal was his ir ho could only rind J
"Hunt's my name," leplled the
hitler and ho stralghtwav went into J
tho woods and sat down on a stump
to mnko a noise like mi old mother ,
.,,.- in I. .!..! .... 1..... ....... I
COW. I 110 uniiiu imi'nmi iii iii'i uiiio
mid came hastening "pronto." Blio
wns cupturoil. Tho other day Walkor
tried to buy her back but his allur
ing offer wont begging
PHF.vr.vnoN or
Mllo Luke thoro sits a nent two story
dwelling. On the slopes that lead
'up to It from tho boat lauding aro
flowers or ninny varieties, rrult
trees and a largo vegotablo garden.
Hack or tho Iioiibo aro close to 11!
acres or cleared land, a good por
tion or It ul ready under tho plow
und tho remainder will bo within a
few months. A great deal moro of
tho hind Is (dashed and this fall
will bo burned ovor mid then soeded
down, thus furnishing pasturo for
Adeline, Hay Point, IliIJO nm.
Sir Francis, Handon nnd
tlio south, this morning.
Roninor, Itoguo River, this
Duo to Hall
Yellowstone, San Francisco,
Wednesday a. m.
Unrdy, San Francisco, Wed-
nosdny morning.
Adollno, Hay Point, 10 a.m.
You Can Always do Betler for Less J
One lot of fine grade $2.50 Silkaline Comfort
ers. On sale at
Tho only reason why there Is a
piano In a whole lot of homes Is he
cnuso a woman Isn't going to glvo
tho neighbors tho chnnco to think
that they aro any better than she
Pmimnn Cniial Tolls for
cccil tho Record
!sHi:itirr's sam: or hkaii prop-
krtv ox roRKci.ost'Ri:
Notice is hereby given, That by
virtue or un execution duly Issued
out of tho Circuit Court or The State
of Oregon, for tho County of Coos
and to mo directed on tho 13th day
of Aug., 191T. upon n Judgment nnd
decree duly rendered, entered of
record and docketed In nnd by, said
Court on tho 30th day of July, l'JIG
In a cortnln suit In said Court pond
ing, wherein Homo Mortgago Co.,
20c and 25c Boys'i Suspenders, with all leather
ends. Reduced to, per pair
.'lite Rest Gorman Ticking, ab
solutely feather proof, 32 In
ches wide, A "7
only, yard lib
Ladles' All-Wool Alpaca Hath
Ing Suits, complete with rub
ber cap and ribbed bloomers,
Jii.OO values (rn Trt
now vPiuU
J0c and l2yc Sol
White Handkerchief
IS inch Flno Tapestry Cltft
In Stripes mid Plain Coin
liOiingo covers ror dripm
Values to 8Cc. Re- in,
duced to Jj
Children's best 25c grade knit underwaists. All
sizes. Reduced to
iihvnjH or money
Horn I
PANA.MA, Aug. !i I. Tho tolls ' formerly known ns Home 'trust uo.,
collected for tho uso of tho Panama ;n coriioratlon wns plaintiff nnd U. II.
cniial during tho month of July llelener and Elizabeth Helsnor, his
wore the largest since the waterway I wifc, h. J. Simpson, Albert Suelig,
' ... .. . f 11 'll.k.A..
ratricic Hennessey, v.. r. v-uiumuu,
K. L. Roberts, Georgo Ross, John
has been in operattion. The total
was $7ii:i,:iuTi, as compared with
the .Mulch totals of $5G0,7SI, tho
previous record.
The excess of earnings for tho
year bolng $l.:il3,3S:i. Tho total
operating expenses amounted to $!,
Ill', 550, which docs not tnko Into
consideration tho interest on the
..........! l.i.n.l it ilnlrv fnu'tt.
About eight venrs ago Mr. and icnnltnl Invested, charges against de
Mrs. Call decided that working In 'preclatlon, sinking fund nnd othor
town for small wages was n losing I llko general Items nor about ?80,-
For inn they purenaseu n 0()0 whch wna ,ClllIPted from thu
on account of govom-
PotllloiiH to no ciiciiiaieii ny i.ui-, - ""' ",, ililllHI, ,,., nU inent vessels tisiuc tho canal.
people exert "" "" '"' " "" - , ' "
lu cou-
tlien ho turned them looae In tho pus
turo mid now ho has 11 gooil looking
hord of l'Jcow.
Aiiieilniu Neutrality l.engiio l. Res-
..ii. i.. ,.... i'iii.i i 'ii'i'iiin.
,,,ir,..... ,.., inline,
tin,, 'riii'iiimlmiit Stum i. , ....u....i..i....f... tfiijifn
IIOlllCHICail I-UII1IHHIBIUIH.-I1.I. """' lni.o
..I their home Is now located. At that
1.1...- Hull I Iky Itiuilklll iVVltl
r 7 Z " '., embers of Ton! !".Ht straight up and down
,.,!.... .tt tour.
I'o the young niilninls limit red ' ' '"';r;. ,", . '" ...;:.. ' Wife Holds HoiiioMoihI
oil moal und skim milk until they mum ,. .'" ,..:".' ' "',... i A small cabin was built there, n
wore largo enough to browo iiwli 'L:'"". .,!":: Illtlb clearing made and for many
! KErt by' The a.r,,m, of U.S ! ''? ':.. .ALJ
state tliruiiKli the American Neutral-." '" V u'1'. "." '." "' " """'" . , '"
Ity loague.
Kruomt Kroner, a pioinlueiit Ger
man lu Portlmid. hh' that at least
i .'iOOO Hlgiiatureit have lieeii obtained
In that city.
I Tlio petitions muieil the Impro-.
prloty of riiriiifthluK one hide IHi
' ammuiiltioii. tho Inhumanity or the
t tniffle which Is piolongliig tho con
' Diet and (lie prejudice against Amer
ica that will icMiilt. TIickc petitions
1 ...111 1... ......u, mt, til l,, ti,.. flniumi Willi
i- , .... ..,... ,,, I....... l
Htow mid eoiigrohiiiiin before they '"', -ei . "" h"
lonvn ror Wiwlilimtnu. 8"(1", ,, ''y wtl nui1 tXw fol1 ,0 ,a,u
'Pin. A in. ,1-1, an Vailll-Mlllv litnuili, Hill' in lllt'lll
ihoo mii,i:s IN DORV
r ,', ,i r ,. o . ." I t ho natoiialUatlon or the w
bills Promiitly or . car. I energetic
'".r'"1 ..? i" ? ' " h B"l"t lutorfo. erne with A
case deposits muni
Arbitrary Depnhli Sjxteni In Wnler,
(,',iw, l.liHlilfiiy mid I'iioiin Com-
pauios Slmlleieil
bitrary doposlts deiiuiuded by water,
gas, electric and telephone companies
Horn coiiiiimers wro abolished In
moat ce. except r-r new service,
nbout a million dollars in stub do
posits wns ordered returned and
rule were niudo governing all pub
lie service corporations, lu 11 de
cision announced by the mute rail
road comm'Kslon.
The general orroct of the rules Is
to order thnt. with rertuiu mlii-ir e.s-
ciiiitioiis nil consumer.-, who have
paid their
shall not
Jionlt. In ull
lie'1 interest.
' Dlgcontlnunnce of service may ii't
Va mado for failure to pay u bak
,1)111 nor until after roasonuoiw no
tice to tho consumor. The buppl.ving
company may protect itselt ugulust
n cousumor who ban fulled to pay a
1)111 by roqulrinif thereafter nn ad
vuiiee payment.
Tlu- signing ol u" horviee iniit.uet
by the consumer may Jiot be requir
ed cxiept where an exti'nslon Ih nec
C'88lr . . . . . A
. WASHINGTON. Aug. 81.
O Kvldeme .;uthcred ami
published by the New York
World, tending to show that
tho aorninu j"v'riunent l
Bpendlnjr $2.l(,u ",,) " w-'ek
in tho IJnltod bines to lu
fluonce public mlon has
stirred official V. ulniigton
us no incident 'lone
ulnr-r. llin i.uHltanl. ')k
ed In Marshrielil, coming homo for a
few hours each week end nnd at
Hrst lie had to walk most of the dis
tance each way.
Later he moved up and began tho
ulearlug of the land and now visitors
coming up the lake are at oueo Im
pressed by tho mniiuor in which the
rurni has been literally reclaimed.
"A lew moro years or hard work."
i said Mr. Call, "mid then I think wo
will begin reaping some of the lieu
Alnska PMicrmcii Huy for ri
deiiiiiieil Ci-iift ami Go
to Seo Foli-
has been organise.! lu all other states
; to carry on u hlmilur work. It is
I Htiid (hut ..'.oiio.dOi) signatures arc
' ready to be presented to congress.
I The league asks an embargo on all
kill els of war material to Ihirope;
the niitliiiuilUutlon ot the war inu
nction ,
merlcaii '
commerce; tree commerce on all oc-
casloiis lor all nations: the publi
cation of luteriiatloiial negotiations.'
It also protests againxt the inter
ference of foreign nation in Amer
ican at I'u 1 1.
He says llttlo of the homo lu tho
hills but what ho has accomplished
there Is a practical demonstration of
whnt can be done with the hilly
laud or Coos county that lu many
liiHtunccs looks Impisslhle and dis
courages settlers before they begin.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. lit. After
a voyago of 1S00 miles from Ungn,
Alaska, lu n id-foot, flat bottomed
codflshlng dory, Thomas R. Thomp
son und John Abrnms, Alnska fisher
men sailed Into San Francisco har
bor. They made the trip lu 15 days.
The dory which had been con
demned at the fishing station, they
bought for $5. They decked It with
canvas nud provisioned It with cann
ed goods and hard tack. The hard
tack turned mouldy and their drink
lug water went bad, but u fortunate
encounter with the steamer Quinault
enabled them to replenish their
They wanted to seo tho exposition,
they said, and choso this as tho most
TRAVEL OVER WORLD 'mmomU'al way r ,pnL'ull,K "
Red Tape Handles Kaggago anil Moil.
About mill Xm fulled
States Onus Heloiigiugs
llel'ote Frank Reynolds, xcnmnu.
died aboard the American ship Ary-
uikI u an. lu Portugese Kast Africa, he
was only mi obscure snilur. After
his death, through his paltry be
longings, olflclals oer the entire
count ami Into Washington, D. C.
knew lilm at least by name.
VVllim lit, ill.iil lilu mlrufiiinl .if.
i Urn lure, adopted i evolution, favor-, fwU ,, ?-r, , WUR08 lUu, wp.0
iii4 u navy second only to that of Mnt to the V. S. counsel to the
Great Hiitaln; a reguar army of!"diutrlct court at Olympla." In the
i -. ooo men; a reserve force of absence of this parsonage thoy went
, , ii.. I to the county elei'k. He shipped
.00,1.00. to meat In camp annually 10m ,,, n formor f.,01u,( nU, 1)1U,U
and the Apuolittiuout of a national they came again to the county clerk.
i.l.uive commission which would iTiiou the slate tax commission nan
The world Is full of paradoxes,
N v Like the moving pictures'
We know that they are hero to stay
And et they are not fixtures,
Want WmltPf, Second Nn vy
Huge Heseivo Aiiuy
DKTROIT. Aug. 31.-Tho voter. I
fliiH of foreluu wars of tho t'nlto J
' States assembled in national conveii-,
I t
i co-opciate
SOCll'l UK
with all othor patriotic i chance, passed It up to the V. S. ,1,i,i,iiiIiii,.iiI .it W'll.'lllllillnii 1"
l.. ,1. ..I ,.i I'.... iliinrt i """ H'l."i'l " " iioniiih.uil, i'.
lu the plans tor adequate . ,... ,,. ,,..rl111,, ,nfli-
Ulmrge, mostly ot tho money,
Thousands of wives, mothers and
sisters are onthuslastic in their
praise of OUUIN'R. because It has
cured thoir loved ones of tho
"Drink Habit" and thereby brought
happiness to their homes. Can he
given secretly. ORRIN1C costs only
f 1.00 per box. Ask for Free Rook
let. Winkler Pharaiuacy
US Central Avenue
Ilastcndorf and Amelia II. Harris as
Administratrix of tho estnto of W.
C. Harris, deceased were defendants
In favor of the plaintiff nnd against
said defendants by which execution ,
I nm commanded to soil tho property j
in said oxecutlon and hereinafter I
described to pay tho sum duo tlvo (
plaintiff of Six Thousnnd Ono Hun
dred Sixteen nnd 00-100 dollars'
($G1 1G.90) with interest thereon nt1
tho rato of eight por cent per an-J
num from tho 30th day of July, 1915
and tho further sum of One Hun
died Thirty-six nnd 00-100 dollars
($13G.90) with Interest thereon at
tho ruto of six por cent per annum
from tho 30th day of July, 1915
until paid together with costs and
disbursements of said suit taxed at
Flvo Hundred Forty-seven and 83
100 dollars ($547. S3) and costs and (
expenses of said execution.
1 will on Wednesday the 15th day
et Cittnmllnr 1 0 I T lit lllr. 1ir.ll t- nl
I"' ",',"v v " " "v "" ,
!10 o'clock a. m of snld day nt the
Front door of tho County Conit
House In Coqiillle, Coos County, Ore-1
gon sell at public auction to tho high-,
est bidder for cash In hand, on the
day ot sale, all the right, title, In
terest nnd estnto which said defend
ants L. 11. Hclsuer and Elizabeth
Helsncr, his wife, L. J. Simpson, Al
bert Seellg, Patrick Hennessey, C. P.
Coleman, K, L. Roberts, Goorge
Ross, John Ilastendorf and Amelia
II, Harris as Administratrix of tho
estate of W. C. Harris deceased, and
all persons claiming under them sub
sequent to the plaintiff's Mortgago
Lien In, of and to said real prop
erty; said mortgago premises herein
before mentioned arc described in
said execution ns follows to-wit:
Lot Six tC) and the east half of lots
two CD and threo (3) of Mock
eight (S) ot the town of Mnrshflohl,
Coos County, Oregon, ns prepared by
William Hall for K. II. Dean and
Company together with tho tone-,
ments, hereditaments and nppurte
linnces thereunto bolonging.
Said sale being mndo subject to
redemption in the maimer provid
ed by law. Dated this 13th day of
August, 1915. ,
First publication, S-17-15. j
Last publication 9-1 1-13.
Alfred Johnson Sr, i
Sheriff ot Cooa County, Oregon, I
Dairy ranch, with 20 cows, horses and all tools
65 acres bottom plenty of bench and range,
Dairy ranch 160 acres 70 bottom, Good
Dairy and chicken ranch, everything ready to go
to work, 1 60 acres,
Improved ranch in Harney County for trade or
Six acre home with house and fruit, Coos River,
Several improved dairy ranches in the county. ,
House and two lots on Meade street, $85 cash
and $15 month,
Huose and two lots on Sherman avenue, $550
Apartment house and store cheap, or will trade '
for ranch,
20-acre tracts for-home-seekers, Splendid lo
cation, Easy terms,
Cottage with all improvement, $300 cash and
20 per month,
Very desirable residence on fine street, $3401
One of the most attractive and best-paying to
cream and confectionery stores in the county,
A fifty-room, full ud, paving hotel,
, An established furniture store, in desirable loca
tion, For terms and descriptions of any
of the above, write us, call at the
office, or phone,
We have many more desirable buys
x, ''sfcabsasBwa.