THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 191 5 EVENING EDITION. FOUR Autumn Suits for Women With the Charm of Novelty NEW LENGTHS, NEW.LINES, NEW COMBINATIONS Kvcry bo (lint no unpack reveals MMiietli'ng dlffciciit In these stunning Aiilumit Sulti Moio Hum two bundled now on display. ,1( mxmih (lint tallois do better woik imcIi season Cettnliily lltesc Suits show vvondcifiil stjlc, ivontlciftil tallmlng And are Only $22.50 Norfolk models mid strictly (nlloied models; somo lmo pleated coats with mllltaiy braid mid huttous. , Nny Blues, Hi owns, Illaeks ami Dashing Xovclty Patterns Other Models $12.50 to $45.00 HUB DR.Y GOODS CO. GO DM HOMEYMODMIDEEH ARE BDTHERrBASEBALL SCORES miss .wxxii liitini: 01 : taxxrr iii:c()mi:sk'm:m wklls axi iiaiiiiv iiuiim portlaxdrrs rhchivi: axoth. ..' .1. II. CORRIGAX HA FIVK ANIMALS j Ml DIU'IMIIXCI IIV RHUS "SMART WIIAIl KOI I WOMHX" Corner llronduay and Central Ave. Phono 3(11 I GOES SOT NAXX SMITH I,i:.Vi:S TACOMA l'OK SAX 1'IUXCISCO To Tako fieiicrul Carpi to Viilpmiso mid Theme 'to Xltlo Mines I 'or I'owder .Materials . Hound, for. San .HanclHco tlio BtcaniHlilp Nrimi Smith, of Murah flold, was scheduled to luavo today for Snn Kranclseo, according to C. V. McQcorgo. It is said that slio lins a cargo of conl to unload there and will tako a general cargo for Valparlso, coming hack up tlio coriflt In ballast to Iqultiuu, a sea liort In nortliern Clillo where nho Is to load nltro for Vancouver, II. C. Tlio nitre, or salt pctrc, mines of northern Chllo have for car8 lieon tlio Mecca of great fleets of Hailing 5md steam ships from every rouutiy of tlio world. It Ih with the cargoes taken from that point that powder and explosives aro mado. Mining of tlio nltro tliero Is In a manner varying much from the methods of other mining. The north coaBt of Chllo Is oxtrcmoly mountainous. Tlio Andes moun tains rlso directly out of tlio Pacific Ocean nirfd tower many thousands of feet ahovo tlio ships In tho har bors. Tlio small cities along In there novor got tho sunlight until Into In tho morning on this account. Tho mountains nre dry nnd bar ren. Tho seaports aro Iiiiiutie, a ci ty of about 10,000, AntofagOHta and Colcta Iliicua. TIicho aro all con nected by a puffy littlo train thnt "choo ehoos" along tho sky lino, back nnd forth, many times each day. IlocaiiBo tho harbors aro practic ally on tho open oteon (he Nunn Smith will prnbnblv bo loaded about lialf o mllo off Hhnrn by lighters, each ono of which carries about 100 bags of nltro, and which aro lowed by two natlos, genonily usliig two long sweeps. Tho Nairn Smith Is said to bn un der a 00 day contract nt about ?1. 000 a day. COOS BAY HAS SAY Auto to Imposition Second Car Takes Load of Mut-shfleltl Peo ple to Sun Kranclseo Newly married, .1, II. Corrlgan and brltlo this morning left In their ma chine for San Kranclseo on a hon oymonn trip. Old shoes of evtiry avallablo slzo nnd description adorn ed tlio car making necessary tho big sign "Just married" In tho rear of tlio auto. In a second machine, driven by Charles Knov, went Mr. , nnil Mis. William T. dale. Miss Rus sell, of Denver Hill; Karl Chlsholm and Stella Williams. Keeping tho matter pretty much i to themselves Mr. Corrlgan and Miss l.lonnlo Tanner went quietly over to Conditio yesterday aftci 110911 nnd tliero secured their liccngo and wero I married. They returned to tho St. j Lawrcnco Hotel last evening. This morning friends were waiting at tlio car. There was a delugo of rice, old shoes and tho )oung couple were wished gpod luck on their trip. Mr. Corrlgan Ih well known hero as tho driver who established tho KiiHtport Jitney lino. Ho Is In par tnership with tlio Knov Ilrothers It Is possible that ho will remain In California for somo months on a stage lino before returning hero again, 1 Tho hi do Is a sister of Mrs. C. A. I Doncbrako and has for somo time been employed In the Itlght Cafe. HIViniK AXI) HAHIIOitS COMMI'l ti:i: ok xi:i:ds '.I SKA WRDDIXCJ HALTS KHAST two vi:ssi:i,s ihji: The Hardy is duo In from Sau Francisco this nfioinoon with gen eral freight. Tlio Hustler Is duo tomorrow from Portland with cannery hup plica for Iloguo Hlvur. Mcl.nlii and SengNtacKeii Scenic l'lrst lleai lug in Oregon Willi Touring Congressmen Coos Hay had the first hearing In Oregon with tho membors of the Rivers and Harbors Committee of Contsrcss. according to a telegram received last evening at tho Chnmber of Commcrco from Secretary Henry Scngstaeltcn, of tho Port Commis sion, who Is In Pot Hand with Hugh McLaln. Kor an hour, the wire Htatcd, they wero closeted with the Congressmen, being aided by Con gressmen Havvloy and McArthur and Senator Chnmbeilaln. "McLulu nnd myself had a pleas ant nnil satisfactory hewing with tho Hlvors nnd Harbois Com mission In tho presonco of Congress nien Hnwlcy and McArthur and Sen ator Clinmhoilaln who aided much," states Mrs. Scugstnckcu's message. "We occupied a full hour of tho com mittee's time ami wero tho flist ones In Oregon to secure n hearing." Too well wero tho Congressmen treated In California, for theio In the land of tho Ooldeu Hear whero carnival and hand shaking spirit Is now nt its best, they stayed nnd ever and 1111011 visited rivers nnd harbors, So long did they tarry that finally S, M. Sparknuin, chnlimnu of tho com mittee, wired to ..Representative McArtliur In Portland suggesting tho cancellation of the eutiio Itln erarv suggested for tho (onunlttees In Oregon and Washington. The who oven said that but few of tho members would uet 11 chance to sen the inniith of tlio Columbia and It did sav that some of the mem beis bad cxiiresscil tho wish that thev could visit Coos Ilav. Thov will sueiiil ono ilav In Portland, tho wire Hinted, and tho fact that Coos lnty had their atten tion for 1111 hour of that time will piobably aid materially. Senators l.iiiio and Clinmhoilaln went down to (Iranta Pass to meet the metiibeiH as they came up from Sau I'r.melst o, tutting Into tho Val ley fioin Crescent Cit, nt which point they weie steeied aside from Coos Hay. Only four or five mom bent of tho Rlvcia ami lltirhora Com mltteo will visit in Oregon and Washington. Itoseburg Pah Aio Mauled Willi Ocean Hide I'niisiially Hough ROSHIIURO, Ore., Aug. 10. Ilurr .Touch and Mis. .leunlo Kendall, of Rosoburg, wero married on tho high sens off Newport. Tliey took pas sngo on tho Olllo S., and, upon retching tlio threc-mllo limit, were united In mnrrlago by Captain ear ner. Tho sea was unusually lough, nnd a wedding feast was scarcely in order when tlio newly weds and their f 1 lends reached tho shore. Have to Shoo U111110 Out of Camp With StlckH atid Stones In the Hilcn Hldge Country Klvo deer in three days hunting Is tho record of Clem Wells and Harry Robin, who returned yester day with well-filled packs. Hoth complained that tho deer were too iilentlful and ono night they bad a hard tlnio "shooing" an old doo out of tho grub boxes. The men brought ono fresh deer and about "0 pounds of Jerked venison. On Saturday they went about 120 miles back of Hrldgo Into the Ctlen llldgo country nnd weie out at sun ilso on Sunduy. Hy nlno o'clock they had secured a fivo-polntcr. ltohm snys tho deer wero so plentiful that they could hunt only two or threo hours n dny. Hvory one of tho thre6 dajs In that coun try tho men saw bands of 15 and 20 deer, and on tho way out they passed eight more. Altogether they shot threo flvc polntcis nnd two spiked bucks. Ono of tho five-point deer was stunned by a bullet that baioly graced tho base of Its horns. This stunned tho nnlmnl and tho men ai rived In tlnio to, cut Its throat. Thoro was not a wound on Its body nnd It vvna just about coming to when ltohm grabbed It and bold It fast whllo Wells used tho knife. lloono (Sets Kho James Hoonc, Mlko Hoono nnd Clalro Svvayno returned to Powers yesterday from n trip to the I'den Valley country whero thoy secured flvo nlco bucks. Several door havo been killed closo to Powers. Krugcr (Jets One Hob Krugcr returned last evening from Daniels Creek whero ho se cured n nice splko buck. Thoro used to bo qulto a fovv deer in tho Dnnlols Creek country but the last fovv seasons It has been bunted pret ty thoroughly. 4 our oxi: m:i:it Scoio Same as Hay llcfoie Seals and Angels I'lu.v flume Itifo Willi Hits and Hirers PliHCL'XTAOKS OK COAST LILYdUE W. L. P.O. Los Angeles . 70 00 .508 San Kranclseo 75 02 .517 Vernon 08 08 .500 Oakland .... 05 75 .101 Salt Lake, ... 02 72 .103 Portland ... 50 71 .151 Or Awlt(xl Trail to Cooa nt, TlmM. PORTLAND, Aug. 10. Kor tho second time In succession tho Dees administered a drubbing to the Portland Heavers when they Htung them jesterdny with a 1 to 0 scote. Inasmuch as both dns tho final re sult tabulated tho same, It Is ptov ed that tho Heavers havo woiftcd hard, nnd though bentcn, tho visi tors havo had littlo to crow about. At Snn Kranclseo yesterday tlio Angols bested tho Seals, 1 1 to 0, a. scora Hint sounds like tho opou Ing shots nt tlio first of the scuson. The scot es of yesterday follow: Coast League At Portland It. II, Salt Lake 1 7 Portland 0 5 At Snn Krnnclsco Los Angeles It 11 San Kranclseo 1) 11 At Vernon (Kiist Game.) Oakland 1 Vernon 15 (Second (lame.) Oakland :i 1 1 Vernon 2 C American League At Detroit Philadelphia Ladies-At tent ion MRS. ST. LAWRENCE, the Food Expert of the Burnett Ex tract Co. of Boston, Mass., will give a Special Demonstration Friday Afternoon at 3 o'clock at our store. PIONEER GROCERY 81 CENTRAL AVENUE 12. REV. HALL'S FATHER DIES IN HUNTINGTON Patent of Multifield Minister Sim - climbs to Old Ago After Lung Illness Was lllglil) Itcspedcd Rev. O. LeRoy Hall received a telegram last night announcing the death of bis father, Daniel A. Hall, at Huntington. Oicgon. Death was duo to old age, Mr. Hall being about b,'. Ho had been allium 'or it liui,; lime. Mi. 1 1 nl 1 wiih it niitlvo of Now Vmk but spent most of his life lit Xoithern Pennsylvania, coming from I hero to Oicgon ten yeais ago. Ho bad been engaged lit agiiculttiial 'puisults most or Ills life. He-Hides Rev O. LeRoy Hall, he Ih survived by a wife and two daughters, MUses Httttlo and Clina Hall, who rultlotl v. It I) the parents. rf Mr Hall led a remail'nbly uptight life, having no bail habits.' I tlnio ago ho expressed a dcHlre ti have his son lmptlso him mil was planning to liuve tlio baptismal et vice this fall. Rev Hall visited him a few mouth ago. Thu tV (e.tHfd lived at Pendleton for bov cir.' je.ttJ. Detroit At Cleveland Wosblngton 0 Cleveland ;l i At Chicago Knock Holland and son Knoch Jr. ' Iloston '- and Don Lawjcr went on a hunting Chicago 5 trip itji Isthmus Inlet last Saturday, At St. Louis Mary Holland and Kathleen Kit- Now York-St. Louis Postponed, gerald accompanying them for an National loagtio outing. Don Lawyer returned to j At Philadelphia town Monthly morning, tho rest of (Pittsburg 8 tho party staying until Tuesday ( Philadelphia , I ovenlnir. Knoch Holland .Ir. was tho ' At Now York only ono of tho party who killed a Cincinnati deer, CHIN00KS BEGIN TO RUN IN LOWER BAY New York I At llrooklyn Chicago 0 Hi ooklyn 0 At MoBton St. Louis 1 Huston U Parlors and Libraries Nothing will hot off jour Hlmny or pailor like a nmgiilfccnt lMvonpott. We have (hem In Mock In the (Junitci'.sancil Oak Dull ami Knitted, In the Imitation and C'rnln Leathers. ' gBHB . Q Prices-$35.00 $37.50 $55.00 $57.50 Thej aio all coiistrut ted in tho latest patented method, 1!m; (o Hit, easy (o lest on, easy to sleep on. See them. GOING (Mb HARVEY COMPLKTK HOL'SK l'UHNISIIKHS. I NORTH BEND NEWS 5 One Itout Repotted to Have Caught (10 Last Xlgltt Canneiy to Open Alxitil September T.M..1. ........... HA..nH, ,1... ii. nl.l m i' innci liiuil iuriill null- liiu win- ' a i nooks itro beginning to run well In ? tho lower bay ami It was reported ., . , , . . , ., ,. . today that ono boat last night secur-'North Uotid have roll rued from heir ,.,1 fit) lnnrn flwli Mnmitrnr I. Mnro nt Olttlllg lit their bOlltll COOS River the Tiillniit Cannery on North Kront llo"10,, , ,,..,. i,ii iu street a.d thlH morning the cannery . J- W. Oljon V .V II cl d. would probably npon September 1. mm r i 1 TRY OUT FI5H risiiiNti Titorni.Ks ok hooci: ItlVKIt COMIXO IH) HKAI) land wlfo letuined from Cooa River ii.. i- ,...., i fiui, .,( yesiuritay uriiiKiiiK oumu iuiiiduii 1111 in ,it i.i'iiii linn i ikl-puiii i - .-. . nnd will salt them down. This year ua c U,V1U'"' ,. , .,.. 1,., nv,o,.tU In nmnlnv- vn.,.r uo.nnn I 8. C. W. Martlll mill 8011, Oliver, lii tho cannery lttHtead of a Chlneso lL'ft CHterhi- crew. The ChlnookH uro stilil to bo prin cipally In the lower Tiny so fur this season anil have not yot. In any 1111111 beiH, stnrted up Cooh River. Tillies want ndn bring t ft. T. J. BOAIFK a. 11. iiodginh SAX PKDRO SAILS Thu steam schooitur Snn Petit o ct.ll. 1, 1 r...t KT.ill. lln.i.l r.l ll.H.... ' HIII1U., Iltllll AlWIlll IIUIIll lit lllllt, o'clock this lifternoon for San Krnn clsco. Sho carried tho following liassoiigorH, Mrs. C. .1. Carlson, Mm Cathorltio Sweeny, K. RohliiHou, 1. K ItobltiBon, M. Locktlam, P. M. Maker, I'. Oreg, 1-M Collom, Prank Triti's doll, Matt Salu, Arno Tervo mid .I0I111 Kinney. VKSSKL MOVKMKXTS BOYS ENJOY II HIKE Due Hero Rustler, Astoria, tomorrow. Roanier, Port Oifoul, today. Hardy, San I'ranetsco, 1'ilday. Sailed San Pedro, San Krunrlsrn, .1 p. in. Adellito Smith, Hay Point, I p. 111. GKORCK WOLl'RO.M, who made tho survey qf tho Coast loute ft out Coos Hay soiithvvaitl for the South ern Pacific, was heio jestetday vis" Ring C. II. .Matkb, W. 1'. Miller . and other ft lends. Ho expects to go to Uartlluor and Pimento with ' C. R. Hrotighton, who was ex pected homo last evening fiom n trip to Situ Kiauclsco, He Iiiih been ut North Head bovcial d.t.vs. Propel ly Kt hangetl. J A. Kn nininger, today exchanged some lots 1n Loa Angeles for a block of 1e.1l cstato situated near thu cieaiuei), on Coos River. MARSIII'IKLD iai)S MARCH TO MWSKT HAY AXD HK'ITHX Take lllaiiketN anil SjmmiiI Mgbt 011 lle.tch ami Nut I Hatlilug Havo .lolly Ttlp A doen Maishflelil bos, under the gtildaiito of K. II. Campbell, to turned .vesteiila) afteiuoou ftoiu a lilUo to Sunset Ha.v. The) took their blankets and spent the night la the open, having gone down Monday. Surf hatlilug, fishing and camp cook ing weie homo of their sport. K. 11 Campbell was the guide ami director of tho patt.v which lotihUted of Ceo. Mttiphy, lleibeit Mutphv. Tom CroHthwulte, Kugeno Ciosthwttlte, 1M. HouebrttKe. Klmer Hihlenhiniid, Leslie HolmeH. Win. Kielter, Alton Cuidwcll, Peter Noidstioin, Pasiiulu lliadfleld. Win. Stuiiff n ml K. 11. Campbell. T. M. I'KIUir.SON, or Hlaekfoot. Iilabo. U hero looking after pr ip ei ly Intel ests. He was 011 the Hay abouiit nine ears ago. but owing to a ttoveio attaik of asth 111a, hail to leave this bet Hon. He will make a tour of California and will piobabl.v lctttni beie MlOll KMPIRi: IIWCi: POsTPONKD. Kho suits on Court Dotkel for Set- Homeiit Next WcH'kAttoiuejM Depail Well (iroonietl Klvo suits In connection villi the Rogue River fish war clutter the cir cuit totirt docket at (loltl Reach. The session opens there next Monday ami piobabl) will litHt longer than usual. O. R. Peek, loprosontltig tho Mac leny estate left for (loltl Reach today; I oil 11 D. (iohh oxpcctH to leave to morrow there to altl In representing tho Seaborg IntcrcHts, Ho will work In conjunction with C II. Huffing ton, an attorney at (loltl Roach and who was beie for several mouths last winter. l'otir of the flvo sitlis have been Instituted by tho Matiea people. Ono of them Is brought about h.v the pres ent lotatlon of the Seaboig canneiy. the ebiliii being that the building Is hltuutcd paitbilly within the Mae leay piopeity. Another Is n Injiine tlon suit against H. A. Sctborg and eighty flsheimeii, tho claim being that they maliciously Intefered with the nets of tho Mucleay fishermen ami ulxo that they ticxpasHcd on tho title lauds said to belong to the latter. A tblid stilt Is the contempt pio ( ceiling brought agaiunt 11 man tunn ed Spencer for the alleged violation of a pepettittl Injunction. The Seaboig people havo brought Milt for $500 on bond put up by tho Mitt lea) Interests at the time they vveio gi anted a tempoiat) Injunction which was boon dissolved The) claim thev were damaged to the extent of $S!iu but the bond was only $.100, thus limiting them. Possibly with the coming of the touit, law and cider In the fishing on Rogue River will bo restored and conMuut allegations of unlaw fulness oil both sides with thtcutoucd blood shed can be uv cited. MnrchfiplH PA,NT AND lYiarsnneig DECorating co. Kstimntefi Furnished Phono 1 10-It. Martdifleld, Oregon I "Winton Auto Sorvicu . DAY AND NIOHT I Sixty horso power tsovcu pas I seiigcr car j LYNN LAM11KTH I Chandler Hotel Phono liO for Alturls, Calif. whcio they expect to engage In tho furiilttiro business. Mr. .Martin will probably remain in ihaigo of tho North Ilcnd storo for tho tlnio being. County Krult Inspector Nick J0I111- ..n l.Mn r .. IIA . ,.i.. M B1JII nun IHIIU lllllll UUIIIIIIU ;l-diui" day Inspecting fruit in thu local mar kets. Ho found qulto 11 fovv Infect ed apples and notified the tlcalots that they must get rid of It at once or bo prosecuted for violating tho state law. Ho does not want to woik any hardships on cither grower or dealer but wants the law adhered to. M r-w mrm'nmmmmsm'iU II PI '131 iliO" 7 T -(XB? Times want ads bring results. ii.Mi: TAitLi: WILLA.MK'ITK PACIKIO MOTOR ('Alt I let ween Matbfleltl and Hunker Hill Hail). Leavo Maishfielil 7:10 a.m. 7:.p0 a. m, S:.ri0 a.m. 0:r0 a.m. 10: no a.m. I u : 0 r. p.m. l::ro p.m. I'MT) p.m. ::.!() p.m. 1:00 p.m. 4 :r.O p.m. 0:10 p.m. 7:10 p.m. 7:"" p.m. S:L'0 p.m. 0:lf. p.m. Leavo Hunker Hill 7:15 11,111. 8:00 a, 111. 0:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. U':10 p.m. 1:25 p.m. L'::t0 p.m. 11:15 p.m. 1:05 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 0:15 p.m. 7:15 p.m. 7:110 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 0:20 p.m. WOOD! WOOD! Kindling wood, por load $1.75 to '.! Alder wood, 1C to lit Inches $1! to ? Krco Delivery V. II. lil.Nf.O Phono 227-J. North Klrst St. IDHAL Sl'MMHlt TRIPS Steamer Ruinbovv leaves Marsh field for South Coos River every Sunday at S a. 111. and returns at 0 p. m. Launch Kxprcss week day same hours. IDKAL KRKK (.'ROVK AXD PICXIO (.'ROUNDS llrlng )our lunch baskets, ko daks and fishing tncklo for n few dii)s' outing. Sunday school and all picnic crowds n specialty. Round Trip, 75 cents. Kor chaitor apply on board 01 phono 31GX3 or phono 31C7. Does Your Store Stand Out Like This Store? DOES youi stoie fiont sell goods for you? Does it invite customers to conic in? Watch how quickly business will boom, once you in stall an Clocliic Sign, Watcli tlio big incieaso in tho number of new customers, An Electric Sign Brings Prosperity If you would giow witli your neigltbois, or fastei than thoy, you must adopt tho most modem and efficient methods. Elocliicity is ono of tho most impor taut adjuncts to a suc cessful business, Oregon Power Co. Try Nature's Remedy TOR A GOOD LAXATIVE BETTER THAN PILLS FOR LIVER ILLS RED CROSS DRUG STORE PH0NC 1?? , NOTICH TO CONTRACTORS j 1 lilds will be received by Andiew , Stout, August 21st 1015, for tho cle.ulng of bchool grounds la ills-1 tilct No. :i(i, at tho l'oiks of Coos iRIver. RUht rcseived to icject any or aM bids I JOHN HI SCA. Clerk. Molucca Multifield and Not 111 Ilcnd Leav 0 Mm hit field 0::t0 a.m. 7:25 a.m. S:05 a.m. 0:05 a.m. 10:05 n.m. 11:05 a.m. 12:10 p.m. 1:30, p.m. 2:35 p.m. 3:20 p.m. I '10 p.m. QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, mono 106-Li. marshkii:li, orgox i . V WEAVING All kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason, 680 12th Court, So. Phone 220-Ri p.m. 0."" p nt M.iihhfleld limits only, 7 ",' pm S.35 pm. Leave North Rend 0: 15 a.m. j 7.40 a.m. 2:2C n.m. I 0:25 a.m. 10:25 a.m j 11:25 a.m.i 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. .,:, , ,4 4.30 p.m. 5:50 p.m. North Cit) GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOMR OK THK OADILIuVO AXI) DODGU AUTO SUPPLIES TOR ALL SLVKKS OK CARS 347 Central nv. Thone 373-L DRY WOOD nt CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD Xortli Kiont Street Phono 27U 7:50 p m. S:G0 p.m. i. WALL PAPER See VIERS About it. II , 4 . tmMiiiiMiiMiiiBniirWiwiMii dungan II : D UNDERTAKING 1 t parlors! t m " 'v twin h p opi:x to Tin: pcrlio m t A ,l'gular btate licensed H f uiidei laker will bo In I I H cliaigo H B Phono 1P.-..7 H HAVE THE R00F FIXED NOW See CORTHf U- I Phone 3171J k...UUAUMHM'" i WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $20,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savings I I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. t Local Treasurer ",H wrtm-rar- - nt "Vjff"t