JI fHriflBMmlMBMiBBBBfiiffrilff' , P3EES7 IM"P ,'4. V r. .. .-. J a JMW'1f16fW ! mof MHHnMBMnm xuuixuKiiiaiiiiifwijjuiMMWoninminijw T - r-n , , . li abiw aiiwmm,uliltW,M1iiii I TTlHTWBMIiiMriMBMBEfi i i iTiT iHnlffllWftliWMMHllWIBMMBMiHlYBEii mmmh i ZaLSiJtu LOW WEEK END FARES I1BTWKI3N MARSHFIELD AND Rowland Baker Powers $2.10 2.20 2.35 Tickets will be " ,,olwl,CH M,l,ll J ,.,! nzy of (ho ubovo points arcs uliown every Saturday and Sunday, good for return Monday follow lug. CONVENIENT TRAIN SERVICE Farther jinrtltculars from nearest Agent. SOUTHERN PACIFIC JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agqnt. Second Hand Pianos & Organs Wc have an over stock of second-hand pianos and some slightly used instruments that will be sold at exceptionally low prices, and terms to suit. L. .L THOMAS MUSIC STORE 73 Central Avenue. - - . - SUIISCRIHEHS NOTION , Tlio Times carrier hoya tiro Instructed to put tlio papers on tlio porch, It tho carrier docs not do this, misses you, or ne glects Rotting tho'papor to you on time, kindly phono tho cir culation manager, as this is tho only way wo can dotormlno whether or not tho carriers tiro following Instructions. Phono 133. Have you seen it? the 1916 OVERLAND 8885 Delivered THE COOS BAY TIMES, MAHSHFIELty, OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 191 5 EVENING EDITION. ""BsasasiEszsHEasHEffasiSHasESBsan HTHIS store is the lo- - cal house of The Royal Tailors-Chicago New York Visit our Royal Tailoring De partment, Royal Tailoring means the utmost in Made-to- Measure Clothes at $J6, $J7, $20, $25, $30 and $35 FIXUP Where the Price is always Right, Marshfield North Bend Tent Prices Are Low Now Wholesaler nnd manufacturers have Just uiiuuiiurcil a llj reduction In tho prices of tents mill wo arc now giving tho people of this hoc Hon tho advantage of It. Wo Iinvo Just received u ship ineiit of the host wall tents made In various sizes. 'J'hoy nro guaranteed hy tho maker and hy us. Come in nnd lot us show them to you ami tpioio prices on tho nIo tent you desire. Jolinson-Giilovsen Co. 'J'ho Quality Xumo with tho Service Faino north front street CHINOOK SALMON TODAY'S CATCH Also nil kinds of deep sen fish, when available. FISH HUMAN'S MARKET Phono 411) FOR 'TKANSFNH AND STOIt AOi: OK HOUSEHOLD GOODS KIlKIGiri' AND HAG'OAGK Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono XL'S llcsldcuco Phono l'.l-J Market Ave. ami Waterfront -T J UST look it over compare it with any on the market. The equipment includes ,all that is latest and best. Those that have seen it say it is the best buy ever offered in a car of its class. See what you think. We will be glad to demonstrate for you THE GUNNERY MARSHFIELD w BREV1TIE5 ! AUGUST TIDES . Tlmo nnd heights of tides at Mnrshrield. Tlio tides aro placed In (inter 01 occurrence, with their times on the first lino and heights on tho second lino of each day. A compar ison or consecutlvo heights will in dlcato whether it is high or low wator. High tldo on tho bar one hour and C4 minutes earlier than at Marshfleld. 1!) IIlH. Ft.., Ilrs. , Ft.., lira., Ft. -Ilrs.. !!. 20 0.1 I. a 7 0.1 n.is -0.1 U.,'18 0.38 3.4 10.158 3.C 12.00 3.8 12.40 4.2 7.25 0.5 8.07 0.5 8.45 2.2C 2.4 4.08 2.4 5.30 2 ' u.:i5 1.0 1.29 4.5 2.0C 4.S 2.40 S.5Q 5.0 10.05 5.1 11.13 5.3 0.0 0.0 7.29 1.5 8.17 1.2 9.01 20 21 Ft. 0.4 HlH., Ft.., Ilrs., Ft.., lira., 0.11 5.4 1.03 ri.fi l.fil 2 2r, WEATHER FORECAST Dr Aiiorlateit Trna to Coot nay Tlmr. OREGON Fair, northerly winds. LOCAL TKMTKKATURH RECORD For tho 24 hours ending nt 4:43 n. in., Aug. 19, hy IlcnJ. Oatllnd, special government meteorologist: Maximum G8 Minimum 49 At 4:43 a. m 51 Precipitation 00 Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1914 C8.78 Precipitation B&me poriod last year GG.54 Wind: Northwest, clear. To llolil Service. Row II. F. HengtRon will hold service nt C. Sclaudcr's place Sunday, August 22, nt I p. in. lhi'oilaliiM l'VIemls Miss Mnliel Mauzey will entortnln n fow girl friends tomorrow evening nt n "stunt" party. Deliver Two KonR I. It. Tower yestordny delivered Ford cars to A. T. Haines, In Mnrshfleld, and fleorgo Smith at I. oon Lake. Auction llrlilKV Club. Mrs. Carl Davis will cntertniu tho Indies of tho Auction H ";o Club tomorrow nfternoon nt I.t. 'iyrtlo Arms apart ments. Servlco Tonight. Tho Hov. Alex Steinhofr, district missionary or the llaptlst Church, will conduct tho prayer meeting servlco nt tlio Mnrsh fleld llaptlst Church this evening, Slluht Accident. Dennis McCarthy had hN first accident as a chauffeur tho other day. While enjoying u spin in the country, a had hill, n narrow road and stump contributed to a badly sprung axle. Will Preach Here. Itov. II. B. Foskett, convention pastor for tho Oregon llaptlst Stnto Convention I will preach In the llaptlst church hero Sunny morning and evening nt 11 a. in. and 8:00 p. m. ' Teaches at llrldge. S. C. Shorrlll i who taught tho Hunker Hill school a fow years ago writes from Salem saying thnt he has taken a position In tlio school nt llrldgo and will op- I on tho tortn thuro September 20. ' Will Return Here. c. H. Landers who retired nB agont or tho Ureuk water In Portland this week, being succeeded by L. II. Keating, will re turn to Marshfleld to take a posi tion under Sunt. Miller on tho local railway. .MnoiillKht Picnic Soiup of tho yoniiR pcoplo or the town nio plan ning to give n moonlight excursion to tho Sandhills next Wednesday evening. Tho launch Alice II has boon chartered for the occasion and will leave nt 7:1", o'clock. Will Wniblo In Curry. Jack Flunngan, Charles Stauff, VInce I'rntt nnd Jay Tower left this morn ing In Mr. Tower's machine for tho Agate Cnrnlcnl at Port Orford. It is rumored thnt tho men expect to wnrble a bit and supply melody while visiting lu Curry. Is Itccoveili'ij. Dorsoy Kroltze continues to recupeintp rnpidly and Is now able to be out the major portion of tho time. Today ho ' n joved a long nuto ride with Dr. IfotiKPworlh. He nnd Mrs. Kielt Kor niny take a rottago on South Ccos Itlvcr and spend part of the Mt tumor there. Trip Is Hnlletl Dr. It. IT. Wal ters nnd family returned last even ing rrnm Hos'ohurg. hawing called orr their proposed trip to Klamath Falls and Crater Lake because of two broken springs. They spent nn ptijoynblo week In Cnrry county fol lowing n vncotlon, camping nt Tlns tondorr Peach. Parent Doth HI Mrs. Ward M. niake. who was called to her home In Minneapolis hv tho serious Illness or her mother, Mrs. Mullen, wrlles that Hip lattpr has recovered suffi ciently rrom nn operation to ip turn to her homo. However, Mr Mullen has suTTcred a nervoim breakdown nnd Is now In rather crltlcnl condition, which ivlns tho dai? oT her leturn uncpr'iln. Murpjiy's Guillens. A delegation ot Marshfleld Elks aro to inspect W. P. Murphy's summer homo "Klllnr noy" on South Coos Ttlvcr next Sun day, to ascertain if Murphy's reports about his big garden ni'o correct. W. O. Chandler contends thnt Mur phy hasn't nnvthlng except rocks nnd trees within thrco hundred ynrds or tho new homo nnd this resulted In n wager to bo decided by tlio Elks. T,ogs Were Draggliitf. Tho pollco stopped ono or tho largo trucks hnullng logs down rrom West Marsh Hold hocnuso ono of tho logs was dragging In tho street. City Attor ney Ooss warned tho tenmsters that thoro will bo arrests made It this rporcurs. Tho limit of loads on city streets, nccordlng to n city ordinance Is 1 1.000 pounds nnd tho ofricors said today tho loads must bo kopt within tho limit. Dark ltetiirus lleiv. E. W. Dark who was arrested here last wpok and taken to Hood Itlvcr on n charge of non-support lias returned from there hnvlng quickly adjusted tho matter. Tt BPoms thnt Dark showed that he left a eomrortnhlo bank account nt Hood Ttlver and thnt tho trnublo was duo to relntlvps or Mrs, Dark. Ho wanted Mrs. Dark to conio to Coos Hay wth him nnd ho rreo Trom her ES9BMHb1 MBNHH Bring Your Prescriptions TO li The Owl" FIIANK I). COHAN Wo uso Squlhb's chemicals ulili'!i,J4WWWWwww$ aro absolutely pure. SARTER'S For Voin ICE CREAM KVKKVTIIING SANITAItV ALWAYS OPIIN FOB INSPECTION Wo iiuike Ito t'reiiiii to order, any kind mill In any quan tity, for parties, lodge, pic nics, etc. :: :: :: :: :: Wo do not spenk of ltn V A L I T V That speaks for Itself SALTER'S Phono !Ji;J..r, .Mnrxliffflil Front St., Opposite Hhuico Hotel iHB The Noble Theater "A PLHASANT PLACF TO SPKND THH EVENING" Entire ('linae.o of Program 'WITH HHIDGES HUHNED" Pictured from tho fnitiousMory hy Hev Hcacli. A three red feature with .'Mabel Tiuiiuelle nnd Augustus Phillips, full of the finest impulses of worthiest motives that can iiituato any num. "THE GIUL AT LONE POINT" One of tho "Hazards of Helen" railroad pictures, "CTTEY'S SISTEH." Wnlllo Van Vltagraph coineily. Fable, of "THE GALLOPING PILGRIMS WHO KEPT ON GAL LOPING." A Geoi-Ko Ado comedy In slang. (Note Thin pic ture was mlveitlsetl for last evening:, hut was delujed.) Aro you nifssiiii; any of the bplendhl pictures wo nro &liow lug? Loner floor, 15c; balcony, 10c; children, fc. Tomorrow night i Tho Puiaiuouiit travel serial No. II. Coming; TJio greatest serial story, "A Diamond From the Sky." The first cplsodo will ho shown Friday, August 27th. relatives hut she objected. To Visit Lodge. .Judge John Hall I Grand Master of the Odd Fellows ' lodgo in Oregon, accompanied by Robert Andrews, Grand Patriarch, of Portland, will this evening visit the Myrtle Point lodge. This Is the last lodgo out side of Marshfleld that Judge Hall expects to visit now ' until next October. Kor the past . wi'uii .m, rtiiuiews nns ueen liniKinii a tour of the county. ' Cargo Shifts to Port. Head seas j nnd a buffeting wind late yosterdnv afternoon upset the John McCul loch on Front street and tho officers picked up tho craft In a bad condl- I tlon and towed It Into the Haven of , Host provided by the city. MeCul- j loch had hut 3.', cents remnlnliiK In his hack hip pocket, all or which, oven In dimes nnd nickels, failed to make n decent rattle In tho gpner-1 nl fund. Has Interesting Hello. Prescrip tions thnt dato back to tho tlmo when ninny or Mnrshriohl's now . prominent citizens were little tots j and look castor oil and ptcetpra have been round In old book dug up hv i Frank D. Cohan, of tho Owl Drug; store. These were mnde out hv Dr. C. 11. Golden who used to conduct tho store under another nntne. Tho first prescription dates hack to Ap ril 1. 1S73, and wns Tor Eugono O'Conncll. Shoulder Broken. O. A. Mlntonyp or Coqullle was more severely In jured In the nuto accident nenr Dan don Monday night, when his car went over the grade, than wns Tirst ro pnrtcd. Tip Telt pretty bndl.v bruis ed but wns able to toko his car back to town. An x-rnv examination showed that his collar bono wns broken. A-tlre blow-out caused his rnr to veer out oT the roadway. Sheriff Johnson nnd J. S, rinrton escaped with bruises. f'onies on Visit. D. B. Troxel. who wns formerly on tho gravel train of tho Coos Hay, Ttosehnrg nnd Eastern, accompanied by his wITo nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. II. F. Goodman nr rlvod yesterday rrom Itosohurg nnd Tor severnl dnys will visit here. They expect to go to Sunset liny Tor n short camping trip and thenco homo probably by way or Crescent City. II. F. Goodman Is a brother to Pole Goodmnn, or tho Coos Klver Hntchcry. , Goes to Curry. Mr. nnd Mrs. John D. Goss expects to lenvo Frl- day for Gold Pencil, having chnr-i tercd Lynn Lambeth's car for tho run through. Mr. Goss will nttend a fow days of tho circuit court ses-J slon nnd then with Mrs. Goss will I camp nnd hunt tor n week. They oxpect to go hack into tlio hills near1 Agness. Mr. Goss 13 disgusted Tor his first chnnco nt n deer this sen- sou turned out bndly. Ho went hunt ing nenr Glasgow nnd whllo sitting on a stump a. five point buck en nio twuKiiHK uunii uuuiu .iuu juiiiB unuj. nlttl.lllWf .Int.t.. nl.mA 1 fill IIAH.tn wasn't nny second for tho deer hail taken to tho hush. I Not. to Dredge Now. Julius Lar son received word this morning from Myrtle Point stating that nt a moot ing of the Port Commission held thero yesterday It wns decided thnt no dredging shall ho douo this year unless tho necessary funds can bo secured from tho War Department. ' It is said tho work would htive cost' about $1000 or $5000 and would ( huvo been principally on tho shoals nbovo tho south fork. The drcilgo, Heaver, owned hy Mr. Larson, Is nowj busy on Coal Hank Inlet nnd tlio Oregon is still on tlio north fork ot tho C003 lliver. It Is said that oth er projects tiro to bo considered nt. tho next meeting of tlio Port Com missioners. , ; PERSONAL MENTION ID. I. McGKH Is buck from u visit lu tho cities of tho Viilloy cnlllug on tlio trade. MRS. C. It. PUCK nnd littlo daughter was down from South Coos Kivor this morning. MHS. K. A. 1IAUHIS has returned from Southern California whoro bIiu spent sovoml mouths. MHS. JOHN IHJTLKIt loft Monday to Join City Uecordor Hutlor who is taking lu tho Exposition. MISS (1BNKVIUVH SUNGSTACKKN camu down this morning from their South Coos River summer home. HAItLUV L. JOHNSON, of tho unto utngelluo on the old Coos Hay Wagon Iloud, was hero last ovu- ulng an business. L. F. FALKHNSTICIN woh hero from North Horn! today. Tlio A. M. Simpson Is taking on a general cargo for San Pedro. MHS. J. I). NASH and Mrs. G. P. Stownrt, ot Gnrdlnor, tiro in tlio city, having arrived yesterday to visit with friends hero. MHS. DHL SAFNUIHtS and Miss Mil dred Saunders were visitors hoio yesterday and today from their , S STOP and see the wonderful values that the J. C. PEN NEY store has to offer you in Boy's Clothing. Here is another item that we save you from 25 to 331-3 per cent. on. - Boys' Suits in various patterns, $4.00 value, Our price $2.98 Boys' Suits, all wool, $5.00 value, our price ..$3.98 Examine these suits and see if they 'are not the same as you are asked to pay $6.50 for. Our price $4.98 Boys' Jersey Sweaters, these sweaters are worth at least one-third more, our price 98c Boys' Heavy Overalls, grey and blue, 50c value, Our price 39c Men's Black CAN'T BUST 'EM Overalls, $1.00 value, our price 83c Samson, the stout Overall, 90c value, our price 69c Tho Originators of Low Prices f-&. $h7z??zez '(per) 7 tnraroarfited ' J NEXT l)OOB TO MAHSIIFIKLD POST OFFICII Our Price Bulletin Sugar 15 pounds for $1.00 Kippered Herrings in tins 10c Pepper Sauce, in bottles 10c Cove Oysters, in tins, ;10c Powdered Bonami tins 10c And in regards to Canning Peaches,, we will have a plenty to fill all orders and our price will even be low er than we expected and we will take orders for later delivery for 55c per box and these will be a No. 1 fruit: Place your orders now. WE SAVE YOU MONEY GETTING'S CASH GROCERY homo on Coos Hlvcr. ,, ,.iicnV n lllrPCtor lu tho Rrnnillnnvlnn-Amerlcnn bank of this city, enmo over from Coiiuillo last evening on huslnesss. W. P. Ml'RPHY wont to Con,ulI!o to day on husluohs. Ho plans to get nwny tlio first or noxt week lor u visit nt tho exposition. W. J. DROWN of tho Palaco return ed on tho Stfutn Clara from n visit nt tho Exposition. Mrs. Drown remained for u longer stay. L. E. HLIVI2X left tills morning ror Salem whoro ho expects to spend tlio season In tho hop ynrds. Mr. llllven goes thoro every year. c. f. Mcknight went to coauiiio on the morning train to securo an order rrom Judgo Watson for tho .publication or n legal summons. MRS. LYSTER nnd son. Ilnrry, of Smith Hlvor, nro hero to visit Miss Virginia Lystor and nnother dnughtor, Mrs. MrCuHoch of Camp Ono. JOHN IHASCO who was lioro from his Coos River homo yesterday snhl that ho and Mrs. Illnsco plan ned to lonvo soon for nn extended California trip. ROLE GOODMAN enmo down from tho Hntchory on Coos River this morning to moot his brother II. F. Goodman who arrived last ovonlng trom Rosoburg. MRS. EI) VALL1ER arrived hero on tlio Santa Clara from California to spend n fow months with hor pnronts, Mr. and Mrs. Lnvl Eels nor of North Inlet. J. II. SNEDDON Is expected homo this weok rrom u visit nt tlio Ex position following a trip to Rosl yu, Washington, and to tlio Ku- glo's Grand Aorlo at Spokane. CHARLES LOWRY, tisslstant cash ier at tlio Smith mill, rot ur noil this morning from llasteudorf Houch whoro ho visited tho camp of .Tamos Cox, his fathor-ln-law. MRS. C. A. SEIILHREDE and Mrs. W. A. Hold mid children, llolon and Wnrron, will leave tomorrow for n two-wooks' outing on Mr. Sohlhredo'H South lulut ranch. EUGENE O'CONNULL was lu town today from his South Coos River summer homo. Ho suys that iuite a number of fish aro bolng caught on tho troll on South Coon Hlvor now. C. R. PECK IcA't todujy for Gold D'euch whuro lie will roprosont tho Macleuy cstato in tlio tilnl of tho fish cases in tho session of tho circuit court that opens there next Monday. MR. AND MRS. LEW GILLESPIE nnd hablos and Mr. nnd Mrs. F, E. Conway, spent tlio day at tho head of North Coos nivor today, making tho trip In tho former's Inutirh. MRS. RUSH nml Mrs. Vlors, who huvo been visiting hero nt tho A. E. Adolsporgor and C, L. Duvltf homes, loft this morning via Roso burg for tholr homes in Soutli Itond, Indiana. MR. AND MRS. MA1R DANO, ac companied hy Mr. nnd Mrs. Porcy Larawuy and family and tho Mios es Turnoy left this afternoon in tholr mnclilno for a visit of sov erul days lu Danilon. .ll'DGE J. P. KAVANAPGH, prom inent as u jurist In Portland for yonrs, passed through hero lu his way to Curry county for n briof visit, Ho left nut on tlio stngo this morning for Hnudou, HJIl'lllL DANCE POSTPONED. THREE Wo lend Others Follow t NEW TODAY WANTED MunV Scconil lluiid Ill cycle rcasonnble, Call Times of fice. LOS'l lu or near Hunker Hill JjUI.75 check issued to Norman Orr. He turn to Times office. !;, t FOR SALE X I 'OH SALE Reasonable, house fui'4 nltiiio. Hox "P," enro Times. I-'OU HALE Aerated freMi mlllr, 111 conts per gallon dollvorod on tho wharf, MniHhflold. No ndvanco later. It. A. Church, plipno .103-XN-l. l'Olt SALi: Woilc horse, would ex change for good cow. Phono i:il!3 or address Hox QUO, North llond, . t WANTED WANTED .'Maltese cn. Phono UHMC WANTED At once, good second hand safe, 78 Central avenuo. $. FOR RENT l 'OH HI, NT 'J-kmhii npnrtiueiitH, steam lieat nnd furnished, $ir,.00 ana ?l&.00. Inqulro tipt. 10, Mtt lock npts, 2nd nnd CouiniercHl. FOR HENT- furulshcd mid water -Myrtle Arms modern npartmouts frco heat ?JL'..r.O nor mouth up. FOR RENT Ouo iiiiriinilshetl apart ment nt Tho Haguo. Apply Pioneer Hurdwaro Co. ' For Sale Coos Hlvor homo, furnished comploto, with boat landing and four ucrou of ground. Ready for imuiudlule occu pancy. Snuppy buy uud easy tonus. Logntud on South Coos River In popular bungalow dis trict. W.A.REID, l.'.O FRONT STRERT ap1 Bl "SEE REIH AHOUT IT" H lJI 1 wiwwfiwni'"'nMMKrrwww: j?iMWMwinOTimCTwa3MBiff