m THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 191 5 EVENING EDITION. TWO GOOS BAY TIMES had paid coquille duicl Dunnu dill. M. C. MALONKY, Kdltor nnd Pub. DAN K. MAIiONIiV, Nona Keillor Official l'npcr of Coos Comity Officlnl Paper City of Mnrsliflcld. Three ."Men Itiuiijilit KiitU 1'rom Jlo-oliiiif$ (Julrkly Dlsmlfcotl by Justice Stanley Other One The Coquille Horalil Bays. "The ease of the State of Oicroii nRninst 10. II. OiiKwaro, H. .1. (IrlRwaro anil BUCK FOR II VISIT IA0ULD SHIP FREE I'ATinm op vikitohs ijahlv s. i would allow kaiii i:x coos hav pioxi:i:it , nimris'roTUAVi:ri kicki: i & AUGUST ID. DM I. Entored nt tlio Postofflco nt Altirsh floid. Oregon, for transmission 'through tho malls as second-class ij. y. Laisen, canio to n very slid' mall mnttor. ,jen termination before Justice Stan- ! lev when It developed that .Mrs. f4? Xorn Wilkinson, the pilvnte prose- 1 r.,.nr,r.... . . . . i ,- rictitor, lmtl received payment lor mo EUROPEAN WAR ONE board bill which she had cliniguil 1 YEAR AGO TODAY 1 tllom wltl1 i""1"'"- , . ., ' I CHn H3J IUUHI I Tlln ,,nrtlm hint roomed nt the Trawler's Host for about tlireo weeks whllo looking for employment !lim-.. llitlni? mmliln In find Work President Wilson approves tho tllcy Htarted for Rosoluin,', where 1)111 In Congress piovidliiR iBR.noo,- tlloy Wcro nc,Mtnliileil. promising to. uvu ror uio purennso 01 Hiups ond the nni-iuitt thev owed .Mrs., sail under Aitiorlenii flag under wilkliiHon upon arrUliiK there. As government control. ' eom (IS tieJ nn.Ved they raised It Is reported that litin.Oiin Ilrlt- ,U, llmM,,v , Ht!llt u,,, amount of Isli troops have been In Kntticc ( tj,0r i,ij lc, yr. WIlkliiBon. In1 bIiico August 7. it),0 memtimu sho li.nl sworn out a, SI. Petersburg announces that the wnminl nM,j nU! mull wcro brought Russian Invasion of the Austrian ,,, ,, t10r pxainlnntlon was' provinces of Oiillcla and lltikoulnn pt for tl)H mornB before Justice is well In progress. ic,...,!,... The fact that the lady had AUBtrlnn troops mobilize openly rec,,V0,i ,or money was unknown near tho Italian frontier. ,,,. ,,. M1.nt,ii,r itnlue until the lady .w .. !--- n - - Allan A. T.olircc, .Mis. M. Wnlleiisteln Petition Now llcliiR CoiiMdeicd If mid .Mix. Demur lleic to j Grunted Coos liny Mn lliuo t .Meet With Old IVIeniN Dhj Display nt MjrUo Point Hrussols admits that the Germans linvo taken n number of positions, but have wasted fifteen days In ur rlvlng nt this result. was placed on the stand. Sho stat ed that she Had noiitieii hiiciiii Johnson of tho fact, and why the county was put lo the expense of irlnglng witnesses beiore mo justice I .iocs not niinear. Mcuo fC nocrnM ti Charles Smith Is being examined t NEWS OF OREGON ' ehargo prefeired by Landlord tHMWMWMWWWHH4,L! ?.f. '? ,1X .'.i! ' ireiiHon to bollove that he was about to skill lo San Francisco, leaving 11 $20 deficit In his board bill. .Mr. Young fitatus that other cases are on the way, as he has heconio weary of being I'cutcn out of board bills and haB sworn out some other war rants, In which cases the arrests have not been made. MRS. CHAPMAN and .Mrs. Leo Ful ler relurned today after a sev eral day's visit with .Mrs. II. II. Smith at Powers, who with her children, returned with them for a shoit stay in .MarBhfleld. K. II. WKSLHDKIt, the moving pic ture man, was hero from Ilaudou yesterday In his auto. Ho wiib flg urlni! on iitllllim tho old North western In milking 11 film, pro-' vldlng she Is towed out to sea and destroyed, as originally plan- , lied. t AT THE HOTELS t $$ ; Chandler Hotel ; K. J. Ilayuiau, l'ortlaud; George ! P. Holland, Portland; .ludgo J. P. j Kiivauiuigh, l'ortlaud; P. Mnlior, San i Francisco; A. II. Iluot, Seattle; 1). j I. .McGcu, San Francisco; John Kruf-' sic, Portland; .Mr. and Mrs. M. Will-1 leiistelu, Sun Francisco; Mr. nnd ; Mrs. A. Lobree, San Francisco; .Mr. i and .Mrs. S. K. Ilorzog, San Rafael;' ;.!. 10. Paulson, Coiuiille; II. II. I.aird, t44 j.Myrtlo Point; F. .1. Alex .Mayer, Port- HAKKIl Members of linker Lodgo of Elks have killed five deer and furnished venison for n big barbecue for the members and their friends. UAKIOIt -Mrs. Mary 10. Lake, one of tho best-known women hero, Is dead. PENDLETON Clyde Sillier was drowned, being ovcrcomo by cranipH while swimming. THE DALLES Peter Ilofer, shot by Constable Shaughnessy for re sIstlnB arrest, will recover. Sliaugh ncsBy is held In Jail charged with assault with Intent to kill. EUOIONE Hon King, or the Mo hawk Valley, was arrested by a Dentity Sheriff on a charge of lar ceny after King had escaped from a fusillade of bullets fired by a crowd of Irato fanners who wero his victims. FOSSIL The proposed recall of J. K. Starr, District Attorney for Wheeler County, was dufeated by n heavy majority at a special election held today. DALLAS Willie Lincoln County will hold no county fair this year, tho Indians of tho Sllotz reservation will make up tho deficiency and have a fair at tho agency August 21, '2t ntid 20. LA' (1UANDK Until and hall In ono of tho worst atorniH or tho year did much damage to crops hero. After an nbsencc of 31 years Allan A. Lobree, son of Abe Lobree who owned one ol the first saw mills on Coos Hay and the first mill In Hay City, nicoiiipniilcd b, his wife ar rived here List evening from San Francisco for a visit. He was ac companied by M. Wnlleiisteln and wife, formerly .Mls Allele Lobrre. and S. K. Hcrog ami wife, who was Kebekah Lobree. Hoth Mrs. Wnlleiisteln and Mrs. Horzog were born In Mnrsliflcld, though they left hero for San Fran cisco when they were quite young. Mr. Her.og Is the mayor of San Ita fael and prominent In business there. This Is his first visit to Coos Hay. Mrs. Wnlleiisteln was back here seven or eight year ngo. but hIio says that oven In this time there has been n decided chnnge In the appear ance of Coos Hay. Mr. I.obreo U now with the flrent Western Smelting and Refining Company, of San Francisco. Today ho met mnny old friends of the fam ily and wns quite busy trying to pick out old fnmlllnr spots, one of these being tho Hlnuco Hotel whoro he was horn. Ills fnther was one of the first mcrchnnts in Mnrsliflcld. He built his store on a dock, the same site now tnken up by Lnndo's store. Until his death in about lSr he conducted both the store nnd tho mill nnd following his death Mrs. Lobreo ran the mill for a year, then selling out to E. H. Dean and com pany. Sho now lives In San Fran cisco. The party enmo In over the Rose-hurg-Myrtlo Point rond nnd expect to remain hero for five or six duys visiting points of interest on the bay nnd meeting with old friends of the family. "The last time I wns hero." said Mr. Lobree, "most of Centrnl nvo nito wns a mass of saw dust ami slab wood. This doesn't look like the snnio placo and Its hard for mo to find many of the old land murks." Tho Lobreo family still hnve soino property Interests on Coos Hay which they are looking after while here. Free transportation to tho county Fair nt Myrtle Point, of all exhibits, Including the live stock. Is being con sidered by tho Southern Pacific of ficials. Through W. F. Miller, sup erintendent of the Coos Hay, R030 burg nnd Eastern. J. L. Smith, coun ty agriculturist, Is presenting tho query and word Is epected soon from the Portland office of the com pany. It Is Bald that chances uro very good that tho petition will bo granted. Should this be so It is believed that Coos Hay, for practically the first time, will bo represented at Myrtle Point. September S. n, 10 nnd 11. with live stock exhibits. Pre viously tho cost hnR been exhorhltant and tho farmers felt unable to show. Not only mny the shipping bo freo. but the Fair Association some time ngo agreed that nil stock nt the Fair shall be fed free of charge. This menus no expense for any farmer In the county to show his becT nnd dairy cattle nt Myrtle Point. And ns a further Inducement $200 has boon npproprlnted by the Asso ciation for special dairy prizes. This Is In addition to the regular premium list. Mr. Smith Is making every effort to get tho farmers and dairymen of Coos Hay nnd up In tho Ton Mile district to bring their stock over for display and show what can nnd Is being done In this section. Hut not only Is tho live stock con sidered. All vegetable displays and grains are wanted nnd good sized premiums tiro being offered for tho oNhlbits of these typos. MoirNey Here. 10. F. Morrlsoy, formerly with the Coos Hay P.iv Ing Company, nrrlved hero yester day from California to look after business Interests. MONEY TO LOAN Arrangements havo boon made with tho Hnnkers Mortgngo Corpor ntlon of this state to lend sqvernl thousand dollars on Improved farm lauds. Only requirement Is that n small percentage of tho loan be in vested in stock of said corporation lifter being satisfied such Is a good Investment. No Commissions charg ed for negotiating the loan. Quick notion. John W. Motley, Local Agent SOCIATi CALENDAR THURSDAY PnBtlino club with Mrs. R. Marshall. Mrs. II, O. Tromnlno, Mra. W. S. Chandler, Mrs. W. (1. Chandler nt bridge nt "Aldernopk" South Coos River. Allco II. leaves Murahfiuld ll.llO n. m. Allio II. leaves Miirshfleld 11:30 n. ni. SATURDAY "100" club with Mr. and Mra. II. M. Albco In Hunker 11111. Llhliy COAL. The kluil VOP lime ALWAYS USED. Phone 7:i. P.iclfle Livery mid Transfer Conip.uiy. laud; (I. Hrowu, Myrtle Point; Hur ley L. Johnson, Rosehurg ; William llllggs, KoHchurg; A. 10. and 1. Kruno Ilaudou. 0GEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst & King. Cars leave .Mtu.sliflclil 7 a.m., 1 1 u.iii., - p.m., ." p.m. Cars leave for Eniplio 7 41.111., 1 1 a.in., - p.m., ." p. 111. Cars Leave Sunset liny 7 11. in., I) 11.111., 1 p.m., .I p.m. Fares, Empire, itoc; Tarheel or South Slough, HOc; Sunset Day 7."ic DON'T GET OLD Before Your Time With Kidney Trouble Hundreds of women "umlor forty Imvo drnwn, old-loukliiK facro, lie cuuso o( kliluoy trouble. Mnny women urn drnKRlUK alouir, tired all tliu I Inn1, KlroidnK poorly nt nltilit, with p.iln In Imck and hips, dull libadacliex, ilcrp Hues la tliu fuco. tlivy think tlioy Imvo femalo trouble, but It a notliliiLT inoro or Iohu tlian wculc lUdnt'yu. Try Toley KUncy 1'llU, tunu up tVu kltlnoys fu 1 attain tha Joy of health und enemy and wnUii tho lines of wonrlnca and euro disappear fruiu your faco. Hero Is a womtitt wboio experience villi Koloy Kldaoy 1'llla Is iputo typ ical, Tb In wuinuu Mrs, II, Mcl.iuiKli llii, ot Decatur, 111., i'a: "llulng nwaro that many women fluff" r at tacks of pain from wlildi tiny eldom nro aula to b'ot toiler, I fool I slioiild ilu them 11 Kreut nonleo by tolling u( tny experience, llaully a, day pa.isud that I did not suffer uomo misery. 1 had Elmrp pains In my line; nnd loss of oppettlo, with lioad.iclies nnd dull ness, while my Kldnoja Kavo 1110 mucli distress. I Imvo nlven I'oloy Kidnoy 1'llls a trial and tlio irsulti aro that J am freo of tlio aiiiioylmr pains and dizzy spells and my condition Is healthy nnd Improving. I lioneMly liellcvo tlicy aro tho woman's bust friend In trouble." You will find Foley Kl.lnoy Pills nt your druggist's, lie tiuro to cut tlio b'cnulne. For sale hy Owl Proicrlption Phar macy. Frank D Cohan, Central Ave nue. Opposlto Chandler Hotel. Tele phone 74. St, Lnwience Hotel I II. 10. lOdwurdH, Allegany; Mr. 1 and Mrs. lleriuan Larson, Coiiullle; I II. It. Adams, Myille Point; J. II. Corrlgau mid wife, Mnrshlield; Mrs. J. I). NiibIi. (iardlnor; Mrs. (I. P. Ste- wurt, (lanlliier; Metu I'Mege, lluy flohl, Wis.; Mildred Saiiuilers, Coos 1 River: .Mrs. Del Saunders, Coos, River. ) lllniico Hotel 1 W. II. .Smith, Coos River; R. ; II. Weaver, lOiigene: Coorgo Snyder,1 Powers; F. Hurst, Powers; C. T. Munsell. Coiiullle; (leorgo W. Kriiso, Pony Inlet; Leo KobertB, (Sold Heach; .loo Kerner. Sail Francisco; P. N. Thurston, Norwny; .Mrs. (lion Nowe. (lardlner. Llojil Hotel . I A. Aslockson, Kent tick Inlet; W. 1 II. Wolf. lOmplie; II. W. Mather, Ihnplre; It. II. Schaffer, North Hend: lOd Mutthes. Hrldgo; Jaiues Strudley, San Diego; Phillip Lnuglin, Oregon City; M. A. Joffe, Powers, (leorge (ilhsnn. Tulare. Cnl. ' NOTICE TO CIHMMTOIIS J III the County Court of tho State, J of Oregon, In and for Coos County.' I In the mattes of the Estato of I William 11. Croxs, deceased. ' 1 Notice is hereby given that tho 1 I undersigned has been duly appointed I administratrix of the estate of Wit-1 ,11am II. Ci'otis, deceased, by the I County Court of Oregon, in and tori Coos County. I ( All persons IiiivIiik claims uunlust 1 said estate are hereby leiiulred to I present them, with tlio ptopor iiiuh-' i'h. to me nt the otflco ot Cluib. 1. 1 lltulKunl, III Itooiu No. 1, over the First Nutlonul Hank of Coos Hay huildliiK, nt Maishflold, Oiegou, j within 1 moiitlis ti'oiu and alter I tlio date of this notice. ! I Dated this .".1st day of July, A. D. I I I HI 5. i j NN1E SARAH CROSS. j I Administratrix of the Ehtnto of j 1 William II. Cioss, deieasod. , CHAS. 1. RIOIOARD, 1 lAttornc.x for AdmlnlHtratrix. '(Flit publliatlon, uKiut f.. mi.'. !l.list pub'l.atloli, Sept. 2, I'M.". ) PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of the high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner & Hoagknd The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS 5teamsMp Breakwater iii. ALWAYS OX TIME. SAILS FROM .M.ltSliriMLDE lOltV Sl'.ND.W DPIHXH AHJl'ST AT 8:110 A. M. AND FROM PORTLAND E ERV Tlll'RSDAY AT A. M. Plume U5-.I. II. .1. MOIIR, Agent. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. ' Steamship F. A. KILBURN SAN FRANCISCO' (VIA EUREKA) MO.ND.W, UMU.ST KITH, I P. M. Steamship SANTA CLARA Sails for PORTLAND Tl EsDW, AKU'.VP 17111 Fir fin Hi er iul'oiiualioii f-eo W. E. STUHIt, AkoiU SMITH TEKMIXAI. HOCK Phono RIO SOUTH COOS KIVKlt IJOAT SERVIC1C LAUNCH EXPHLSS lentes Mnrbhfielil oiery il.iy 8 u. in. Leatcii head of iHer nt :i:in p m. STEAMER KAIXHOW lonveM licicl of iher il.tily nt 7 it. in, Leaves .Multifield nt U p. in. For cluii'ter apply on hoard HOfiERS A SMITH Proprietors 2D 20 COMMUTATION TICKETS, aa.oo. Maiblifleld-Norlli lleml Auto Lluo Cars oery ten minutes fioin O a. in. to ii p. in.; to South SIoiikIi oiico n (lav, lealn at 11 a, in.; to Eiuplro tlireo trips it tiny. OORST Ai KINO, Props. MERCHANTS CAFE Popular Plr.co for Good Meals Prices Reasonable Cor. Coniinert lal and ll'ilH'y. - - Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Weekly Service Coos Bay and San Francisco. STEAMER WESTERNER FREIGHT SERVICE ONLY Sail From San Francisco, Tuesday, August 24. Sail rriturlM'ii Office, 000 Fife RiilldliiK, ami Pier Number 2.1 Coos Bay Agent, C. F. McGEORGE, Phone 44 1 . SfJr mam Made irom ihe right crude 3Iore than forty ycarV experience has taught us which crtuTe3 ma!:c lugli gradc cflicic"t lubricants. None but the most Mutable are chosen for the manufacture of Zcrolcnc. The fact that Zcrolcnc has made good in actual service, and in all sizes and types of motors, proves that it is made of the right crude, ami made right. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Cah f on ':il MnislKlcId POLiSl m E Ike Standard Oil for ffolor Cars A Checking Account A rlicckiiiK account with us means joii uie KctlliiK In tho putli ol opportunities. You coiuo in pcional contact with tho olTlelnl.s of this hank. Hy this personal contact Jim ctilllvato mi iiniiiulntnnccshlp which Mill he of value to you In ense of need. Rcttor lay nwiiy u little ncst-ew; for the Inter. Work mny 1m Mince ami it will come in inlalitj liaiuly to hino a llttlo on deposit, with us to check uKtiliist. T ill L I OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Tient. mm & BEIETT HI OLRICST RANK IN COOS COINT1' IMuhllNhcd 1HSI1. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid on Tiiuo Nli SAVINGS DKl'OSITS Officers J. V. Ilcnnctt, President. .1. II. I'lnniiKan, Vlco-Picsldent. It. V. Wllllnnis, Cashier. Ceo. !'. U'lnclicstcr, Asst. Cashier. Wo nro now propnrcd to furnish GRAVEL In any quantities from pilo in our yurd or in carload lots, at following prices: From pile on ground, S2.?5 per yard. canoad lots, taken from enrs, $2.00 por yard. Itctall Dcpnrtuicnt. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite PosM)ffico. 13" Phone 100. MARSHffiD-ROSEBURGAUTO LINE Best Cars Fare, $7 Best Drivers Leave .Mnrsliflcld I.eavo Rosehuru . ..Mill A. M. Dally .:: A. M. Dally TICKET OFFICE, 139 FRONT St. .M.itsnni:u New Dodge Cars Fare $?.00 Abstracts FOIt HUIilAHLU ARSTRACl'S OK TITUS AND 1M'UHMAT1UM AROL'X . COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, Sc TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MARSIII'IKU) AND COQUILU: C1TV, OltKGON GF.Ni:RAl, AGICNTS, KASTSIDK AND SRNGSTACKKN'S addition AGENTS FOR CANADIAN PACIFIC HAIUIOAD LANDH HKNRV SI.NGSTACICKN, MANAGEU Koontz Garage Agency for 800 DYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: .. Phone 180-J Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co- Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" tho most powerful, ben cfl.iilppe.1 nnd most thoroughly modor. twenty-Inch lijdraullo dredgo In Pnclflc waters Coos.,Bayt f!icc'n Ma'" office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. i Vdr'faJ-iAiiV I. Af fiAArl...!., i . vjiuuuyVIIIS FINE CAMPING GROUNDS EXCELLENT HOME COoJ SWIMMING, BOATING and FISHING' DANCING PAVILION (Jit 'urn if liiml,. .1..II.. liiclmlliiK nncnl ii. " M...sl.ricl,l nt !:!.- ,lnllynn, "'7 " "" ""I'l'cr; iwuj, wIII'h ni 7 ccry iiuiriiiiK JJJ1 Multifield nhi.ni M..ii, WrWl llii?oi rcasonahle. Phone 3,... inriuci-s. or iiuiulro of Cnnf SJA ..r kt,.,,..,.... ifMi.-i 'W-Saul ' t'x- - IIMJ Marshfield-Coquille Auto Mage Ia;iivo OiI Phurinacy MurMifield A.M. 7:00 0:110 P.M. , - l:oo n.:to t I. v CoqilJ, 4.M. 7:00 , 0:00 11:00 WL 3:00 0:30 MAItSHFIKMhCOQIJULrj Ano BTAiil'J TIM13 KCllKDULE Schedule nrranued to cciijM With honts to Rnmlon, BtsM) Myrtlo Point, Winner, ItosebiBj, No delays. Faro from Multifield to CtquHj. 75 cents. SIiirIo .M Ijiiiilwtli, Propi. Will furnlah extra can fa extra trips day or night; i! charter cars. SAVE MONEY by ordering tho famoiu HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, por ton litfl Lump coal, por ton $ui Or half ton of both U I). MUSSO.V, Projk Phono 1-.T or lenvo onlcnut Hlllycr'ii CiKar Store. AUGUST, 11)1.-5 AUTO STAGE .SCTIIIDUIE TO PORTLAND VIA IT.OItlLNCt I.eavo .Maihfleld and I'lortace Wednesday . .18. 'hursilny ... .19. Friday 20. (Saturday ... .21. Sunday 22. Monday 2!). Tuesday ....21. Wednesday . .2G. Thursday ...20. Krlday 27. Saturday ...28. Sunday 29. Monday 30. Tuesday ,,..31. .. CMS .. 9.00 ..10:30 ..11:30 ..12:00 .. 3:00 .. 3:30 .. 4:00 .. 4:30 .. 5:00 .. C:00 .. D:00 .. C:30 .. C:00 a.m. a.m. am. am. m a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. rf.m. a.m. a.m. aa am. On Trips Leaving Marshfleli e!W 7:00 a. in., you should nwkerttl land tlio sumo day. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR! Dr. A. L. Houseworth, Phyhlclnn und Surgeon Ol'llre'lll'lllir lllOCk- nrricn limns: 11 to 115 " sl t .....1 ,k U I. III. 1 null . ii . i'. Mill Phones: Offico 1 1 : I s ltc' "I I III 1 1 f t J. iyi. vviiyiu llHi 11UILDING COXTIUOTOR Estimates furnished oam ur. n. m. ouavy Kjo, Km- nnd Throat Bpcfl"" GLASSKS Vint." Phono a:io.J. Hooiim 200' irvlnir Hlock. im. MATTIK 11. SHAW. 1'hyi.lcliiii and Surge Phono a;iO'J. Office houre by appoint""' . 1 t 111 Benjamin usiimu . nAn) coxsuinxo KxaiM11 AUCUnr. Offices, 200 Irving B' Phone 103-L or -"' 0rrt Marsbfleld, 0"n H. G. Butler CIVIJj Room 304 Coko HldS Uesidonce Phono 363-1 W. G. Chandler AUCIUTECT Rooms 301 and 302, Coke Marshfield. Oregon Ufm O TurnPtl Villi. J. 1 1" tJ",'r.ffri J Awii- II ...1-1.1 nrPCOO, 'I iwarsuno". "" M3rrnqw'Tr rTrni-vuufaum7Zr" ' r