WIBW-7IW if r mmmmmmmm mmm iwtWMBim (V558?"'B( i THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1915. EVENING EDITION. THREE '"( '','' ' i. I MDVIES PAY WELL EXPECT BIG YIELDS AMKIHCAN FILMS HAVE 1HGGKSTCI10P CONDITIONS IN OltK.GON Itl'N IN GKEAT UltlTAIN AltE HIGHLY KAVOHA11LE l'H ' II' Even a King can't dictate what you should like or not like If it so happened that Fatimaa were originally "Made and blend ed for the King of Wliatiz" would that fact prove that you were rjoinR to like Fntimas best? It would not. A man's tasto is his own. A cigarette that mic'it dellcht como old potcntatj'a palate would not necessarily plcacc you. That's why wo leave Fatimua up to your taste. But there ia something more than good tasto that is mighty important to you. No matter how good-tasting aci&arcitc may bo- it can only bo the SENSIBLE cigarette for you if it i3 comfortable, too. It3 pure tobacco inuct bo cool and comfortablo to your throat at all times. And it must leavo you feeling fino und fit ut the end of a hard-smoking day. Will it do all that? Then, it is the sensibto ciga rette for YOU. There ara thousands end thou sands cf men who boliuvu'thut Fat.ma is the most sensiblu cigarette there is. Try them yourself. You may discover aa those thousands of other men have that Fatimaa B 191 Em Ik 1 1 iip'jr Jiltj P j, " C f i -K.vaw3.Vrra .(amy B "rZK4AMy. . f.fVXW 1 lb SSL TfIE SH BLENDS Jfllk HIfi.ii mrommnnwiiiiM umiiiwin IB rc Ap ftlK&l'- IS' 'vtX'Ki2!? UlFATI MAS Ijtf J 1 mmmmmmmmm.mmmmmmmmwwb "m m-- have just the cool, mellow tasto that you've been longing for in a cigarette. You may find that Fatimas have the kind of mildness which allows you to snioko wore of (ham than you might of other cigarettes. You may find that Fatimaa offer you a little more satisfac tion in every puff than you ever before found in any other ciga rette. Buy your trial packago of Fatimas and teat them today. faUessjfCfaUJcffaceo Or. I'AJIMA HMt the Only rirnrtlle slnuwliit Iht 'tiitut "rr.fitl the I .! tMiflWtjic liiltmalioHiil Aoitlwn, News of World's Greatest War Day by Day AUSTRALIA ASKED WILL EMPLOY WOMEN TO SEND MORE TROOPS TO MANUFACTURE SHELLS Effort It Doing Made (o Despond Piotnptly to I hu Call Mndo by England Ilj Auoclttad Vim to tvci Bar Tlmtt.l MELBOURNE, Australia, Aug. 17. A messngo having been rccclvoil from the Imperial authorities appeal ing anew for as many Australian joldlors as possible, the Cgmmon utnlth la endeavoring to respond to tho rail without delay. A short tlmo ago lec.-ultlpg fell off seriously and the Minlstor for Defense waH obliged to mnko a por sonal plea for nioro volunteers, hut sliieu then tho recruiting has Im proved and, It Is believed, tho ro qulied number of rctnforceinouts about r,000 monthly will bo ob tained in tho near future. The gov ernment Is pledged to furnish tho monthly quota of reinforcements to mnko good the wastago In tho Aus tralian ranks In Turkey before It undertakes to raising of fresh ex peditionary forces. Onto tho shortago In reinforce f 01 cements has been met tho do fouso department will try to suud an additional contingent. Can Uiidci'Mill Competitors mill Crowds I,IUo lT. S. IVk-turos Rot ter Tlinu Others Big 1'ioflts Intimates Iiullcato that they Will Do An Iiu'Ivmmj Over lnst Year's Production Now Sclii'inp In England is llelug I'liiuneil by tho Minister of Marino Br Aiuoclttal Treii to Cw Ut; TlmM tUr AtsoclateJ hl to Com IMj TIdim. LONDON, Aug. 17. American film plays, depleting American Ufa in purely American settings, havo largely a monopoly on British mov- I.ONDON, Aug. 17. A schomo to , Ing plcturo theatres. A writer In I bureau of crop estimates and tho employ women who havo received ono 0f tho London dallies complains weather bureau of tho dopartmont of scientific educations for shell malt- that out of about nine films in each 'agriculture. Ing Is now forming In tho ministry i 8noW seven nro likely to bo Amerl-I Tho estimates of tho production in Every crop of Importance in Ore gon with tho exception of apples shows an Increnso In yield this year ns compared to 1914, according to tho August estimates inado by tho of munitions. The malting or mu- cnUi n0 concludes that whllo a unions Is highly technical and trnln- liumi,cr 0f excellent films havo been ed chemists are badly needed. .Many I put out bj. jirltish compalncs based women havo studied chemistry and I on wo ,nown novolB( tho ,lblc ro. done chomlcal research for years for . fcra tho Alnorcnn, and tho proprl no other object than teaching or In etors f1 thom cllcnpor tho Interest of abstract science. Their , Ono reason for tho success of names now appear In tho register of Amorcan f It , ,)oIuted 01lt , women ior war num. oiiumii uo partments for women chemists will bo created In tho factories, It Is said. I MIIAI-S MOUi: COHTLV 3uae Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Weekly Service Coon Hay and Han Fruncloco. steamer Thomas L Wand FREIGHT SERVICE ONLY WIMiSAII, ntOMSAN KltANCISCO 1'Olt COOS ll.W, Kill DAY AltaST ailTII, CAKItYINO KltKIOHT. En Frunilaco tfflce, 000 Flfo tlulldlng, Kiid Mcr Number 23 Coos Bay Agent, 0. F. McQeorqk, Phone 44. Second Hand Pianos & Organs Ql'IMN LIKKS DOATINO llulcr of tho Notlierlauds llanillcs Craft In Cood SImpo Illy AMOclaloil rre lo Coo litj TlmM.J TIIK 1IAGUK, Netherlands, Aug. 10. Queen Wllholmlna is now often scon taking her llttlo daughter, Prin cess .lullann for a boating trip on tho small lakes In tho vicinity of lhoWtii a reasonablo profit We have an over stock of second-hand pianos and some slightly used instruments that will be sold at exceptionally low prices, and terms to suit. r.QUII'l'KD WITH WIIIRLKSS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIMK. SAILS l'llO.M MAItSIIKIl'U.DKYKIlY SUNDAY DUHINO AUGUST AT 8:00 A. M. AND KllO.M KOllTLANI) KVKIIY THUIISDAY AT A. M. Wiono 35.J. H. J. MOIIIl, Agent. L .L THOMAS MUSIC STORE 73 Central Avenue. ' I'nr.ls Cafes Increnso Kates unci lie- (liico Aiiiiiunt Served Dr AHMiclilnl l'ross to Coot Day Tlmn.l l'AIUS, August 17. Paris is be ginning to feel tho difficulties of dodging war prices, particularly food prices. Everything was so cheap In tho beginning, nnd re mained so for mouths, thnt It was possible for restaurants to malto slight nnd gradual encroachments that were not notlceablo to tho pub lic. Ono or two sous could bo added to thu prlco of n dish hero and thoro In tho restaurants without attracting much attention, nlthough It added from 10 to !10 per cent to tho lncomo of tho establishment. Patrons or restaurantK whero there aro no prices on tho blll-of-fare havo not felt this, hut oven In Boino of tho fashlonablo resorts flvo sous to ten sous havo been added, almost Imperceptibly, and supported until now tho customers of thoso es tablishments nro begbinlg to nslt Vi by. In tho early days of thewar, with reduced help nnd reduced oxponsos, some establishments, profiting from tho closing of othors, did nioro busi ness than over at a greater percent ngo of profit. Ono popular priced Iioubo, frequented by dorks and sow ing girls, added twonty por cent to Its prices and reduced Us portions twenty per cont. A strong competi tor next door having closed, ho did moro business at forty por cont moro profit and beenmo rich in ton months. Other restaurnnls reopen ed. His incrensed prices uocamo no tlceablo; ho lost most of his old customers nnd now ho joins In tho wall of other restaurant men who , woro Iobs favored than ho. I Scarcity of malo help, increased I cost of meats and other provisions 'and decreased business nro tho reas 'ons tho restaurant men give for tho goneral advance- In prices. House In tho Wood, her suinnior pal aco near tho Hague,-and her Majesty needs no watchman to tow her sklf!. Sho Is qulto at homo with n pair of sculls nnd delights In tho cKeroIso. economic. Whllo American films , enter Great Urltaln duty free, llrlt- i lsh films nro taxed heavily not only In tho United Stntcs hut in Canada and Australia. Having tho monopo ly of nn enormous homo area by rea son of tho protective tariff, tho Americans nro nhlo to export cheap ly and undersell tho British on their own soil. British producers, moro over, pay heavy local taxes. British films can not afford to sell films at less than 8 cents a foot, In view. Tho Americans chnrgo 7 cents, nnd could drop nuothcr cent without dis comfort. They could almost go down to tho cost prlco of 3' 1-2 cents a foot for tho printed positives, Us (aunaayj morning, ns on mini 8lnco th0r local American sales summer Sundays tho Itoynl mother nlono ,)ny nrg0 ,,r0fls 0Il tho pro- was watched by crowds of visitors to j ,n,ction of tho original negativo. tho seat of tho Lowlands government Tho most tho DrllBll competitor can as sho rowed steadily about tho laito fiet tho g(ntcs ,8 c ,,ontR n footi whllo her daughter cast n tiny net nml out of thIg ll0 muat ,,ay ,i,,tC8 In nn effort to catch somo of tho W,Ch amount to 3 cents on nega smnll fish that swarm In tho water. tivos nnd ono cont on I)OSnVes. Most of tho peoplo who watched 0rent nritaln Imports flvo million tho Queen and her daughter wero fcot ot American film annually, tourists from othor parts of Holland, Fron, ono Amoricnn 2,000 foot noga taklng ndvnntngo of tho absonco of ' tivo j20 conies woro nrlnted In Enir- tho customary crowds of foreign vlsi-j lnml ,, B0,d nt n ,)roft ot 8(7C0,. tors kept away by the war to seo tho residential city of their sovorlgn. GUAItnr.D lY A1UMKN DUTCH NAVY HAS DONE GOOD WORK Aviators of Krench Army Are on the Set Mail Ki outlet' Dr Aiioclttfrl Trot (o coot my TlmM. nKLGIlADi:, Aug. 17. Tho'gonor al frontier of Serbia is jiow gunrd ed by French aviators, tho river boundary is protected by nn Eng lish naval contingent, and thoro aro two Russian batteries of artillery en trenched behind Dolgrndo. Oregon of several of tho leading crops this year follows: Winter wheat 11,000,000 bush els. Spring wheat 3.050,000 biiBhols. Onts 11,300,000 biiBhcls. llnrlcy 1,2-10,000 bushels. Potatoes 0,730,000 bushels. Tamo hay 1,710,000 tons. Apples 3,400,000 bushels. Tho npplo crop Is estimated at 200,000 bushels less than last year. Other crops show from ono to two million bushels IncrcnBO over tho year previous. Alfalfa, pastures nnd hops all show a higher percentage of condi tion than tho avorago for tho last nlno years. I'rcsont Conditions Tho dopnrtment gives out tho fol lowing statement of mid August conditions us Indicated by Oregon correspondents: "Ideal harvesting weather pre vailed during tho weok. It was dry nnd warm but not hot enough to in terfere with work on tho part of man or beast. Tho fall wheat har vest Is now about two thirds com pleted nnd a good beginning has been mndo In harvesting spring wheat. Tho yields nro meeting ex pectations In nearly all parts of tho stuto. Ilnrloy was not Injured so much ns wheat by tho hot weathor In July. Pasturage holds out well and only In a fow places Is feed be ginning tq got short. "Corn, whero properly cultivated, Is doing fairly well, hut this crop would ho greatly benefited by moro rain. Potatoes and hops nro doing nicely. Vermin nro persistent In somo hop yards end growors nro still spraying whoro noccssnry. Tho quantity of tho hop ylold Is now as urcdand It will bo lightly nbovo tho nvorago. Tho quality will ddpond upon tho hnrvest from now on until 00 and this Is not an exceptional caso. i - TfiHf Tho hazy ntmosphcro and short sumnior Benson of England nro a natural handicap In producing films. Most of tho American companies pro- duco In California, whoro light con ditions nro nearly perfect. Apart from tho nrtlflclnl, handi caps, it Is doubtful whether British films could undermine tho popular- U crop is harvested, ity of tho American to any extent. "aardons need rain hut growth Amoricnn plays aro full of action, 1,n ''eon. good during tho lost weok slmplo to understand, well stn'god I" b'o enstorn counties tho grass nnd generally full of tho kind of liu-, hopporo havo dono considerable mor that takes with tho crowd, al though French films aro moro pop ulnr with i( certain olomont of tho plcturo goora who sny Pronch plots damago to gardens, but, on tho wholo this pest, lias not boon so troublo- BOIllO tills Vent ns liniinl. linilii nro plontlful and pears, prunes and Spoclnl Proclamation Sliowluj: Appro-1 nppoal moro to tho mature lntolli-, npples nro making good advance- elation for Succeos Mlno Iiiiylug Done tUf AiiocUtcl rrl to Cooi nx TlmM.J THE HAGUE, Netherlands, Aug. 17. Tho Secretary of tho Dutch Na vy hns issued a special proclamation genco. Itnllnn films generally run to tragedies nnd nro slow nnd tiresomo In nctlon. Tho American comics stand nlono In tho affection of tho crowd, however, nnd tho poster of n certain eccentric Amoricnn film comedian can bo scon displayed In expressing his appreciation of tlionlmoBt ovory ,,ctUro houso in Lon- work dono" thus far by tho Dutch j ()on mlno layers, whoso duty slnco tho I , NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. steamship SANTA CLARA Snlls for SAN FRANCISCO, via Eureka .s.VH'UDAY, AUGUST HIST Steamship R At KBURN Bils for PORTLAND SUNDAY, AUGUST 22ND l'r fmtli or Information Seo W. H. STUHIt, Agent S,HTH TIIIIMIMI, DOCK Phono ISO .BflElD-ROSEBURG AUTO LINE Best Cars Fare, $7 Best Drivers je Matshficia 5:00 A. M. Dally ae HoM-biiig (j.'lO A. M. Dally TICKET OFFICE, 139 FRONT St. MAUSIIKIELD w Dodge Cars Fare $7.00 i t i: j: QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel. Phono 10U-L. MAItSIIKIHLD, OIlGON" GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OP THE! CADILLAC AND DODGK AUTO SUPPLIKS FOIl ALL MAKICS OK OAIIS :U7 Central uv. Phone 373-L WALL PAPER See VIERS About it. BRUSSELS BOYS ! BOTHER GERMANS Steal Su'nrds When They Get Chance and Curry Avwiy Wcrfpon ns Trophy IU AnocUteJ rr lo Coo Day TlmM.J AMSTKUDAM, Aug. 17. Tho Brussels kotjos, street boys, hnvo f,,.l n iinu' nmtlinil nt Qlinovlllg tllO ! German soldiers. They carry scis sors In their sleoves and when they ' get closo to a Gorman soldier In a ' crowd, they cut off tho leather knot i of his sword and carry It away ns a trophy. A hoy of fifteen has Just been son ' tonced to threo month's Imprison ment for having boasted that ho had secured 54 of theso knots. A Uol ,glan bnnltor Is said to havo offered I ?300 to anyono who will relievo Gen ( oral von DIssIng of his sword-knot. The knots aro generally sold for the I boneflt of tho Helglan lied Cross, and they bring higher prices than any othor trophies. European war began has largly been tho removal of tho mines of other nations which nro blown Into Dutch territorial wators. Moro than a dozen of tho mon havo been killed In performing tho risky oporatlon of blowing up these mines or taking them apart. Altogether 231 mines ot foreign origin have been washed upon Dutch ground and put out of harm's way. PltlKST NOT AKIIAID PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY we Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY "Winton Auto Sorvico DAY AND NIGHT Sixty horso power soven pas senger car LYNN LAMBETH Phfituller Hotel Phono 20 Read THE TIMES HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL ' Phone 3171 llusslnu Army Cluiplhi Displays Am uIns Coolness Under Klro Hr AMorUted rreu to e Ujr Tlron.1 PETnOGIlAD, Aug. 10 -An offi cer returned from tho Gallclan front tells in tho Crimean Gazetto af tho amazing coolness of tho Russian priests, who aro to ho seen perform ing their spiritual duties, in tho most exposed and dangerous spots of the firing lino. NORWAY IS NOW PRODUCING IODINE Kvlnicllcm nnd .Marketing of tho Drug Konneily In Hands of Kiiglish Firms mont. - I MUCH TIME WASTED ON I j SOME KAHMS In tho current Issuo of tho Farm nnd Fireside a contributor tolls the following story Illustrating how a farmor can wasta tlmo by not hav ing a well convtenont to tho barn: "How lntny stops ()o you tako oach day in your routino of work? "In HugC8 County, Oklahoma, n. farmer watered his horses from a spring 200 yards from his bn.n. Evory tlmo his work horses got a drink tho farmer and his horses walk ed 100 yards out of their way. "Ono day tho county agricultural agent, T. A. Milstead, visited tho farm and noticed that tho farmor dlno was oxtractod, Tho English firms had such completo control of tho production that it was impossi ble for Norwegians to competo suc cessfully, but tho war increased pric es to such an extent that somo Nor- DRY WOOD CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street Phono U70 cannot touch mo; I am a noutral.' In vain did wo point out to him that stray bullets do not respect any body's neutrality. "Onco ho was seen promenading Just by tho Austrian's trenches. The Austrlans woro obviously dumfotind ed at tho sight of tho priest calmly walking along their trenches, carry ing his cross In his hands. When somo of then raised tholr rifles, pre paring to shdot tho Llttlo Father jwas heard shoutlng.'Oh you villains; ' Can't you see my cross?' And ho waB allowed to completo his const! Itutlonal In peace." importations to England, nnd they aro sending tho raw material to the Norwegian factories, - Times want ads bring results. I SUIlSCItlllEllS NOTICE . Tho Times carrier boys aro j Instructed to put tho papers on the porch. It tho carrier does j not do this, misses you, or no- j j gleets getting tho paper to you j on tlmo, kindly phono tho clr- j dilation manager, as this 1b the j j only way wo can determine j whether or not the carriers are j following Instructions. Phono j 133. j v WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 :: Pays 8 per cent on savings " I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer t o 1 0 AnocUteJ rreu u Coo. DtJ TlmM. CHIUSTIANIA, Norway, August 17. Tho oxtrnctlon nnd marketing ,..,,. nncnrv ... of Iodine, which was almost entire- ,fho BBOnt BUgg0Btcd tlmt tt woM bo ly in tho hands of English firms o- ,iK near tho ham. foro tho wnr, has boon taken up In I ..Tho ngonti i,ejovea tnat wator Norway. For many years tho peo- t.ouIU ))0 Htruck nt 23 footi Tho farm. plo along tho Norwegian coast hnvolor uoubtod this but snld that ho wan mndo a business of gathering soa- wllllni; to dig CO feot If ho could weeds, burning thorn and exporting jJ0 nssured of finding u plontlfull tho ashes to England, where tho lo- water supply. Finally ho procoodod to tho digging of a well, and to tho surprise, alike ot the farmor and tho county agent n bountiful supply of wntor was struck tit only 8 feet. "Then tho county agent und tho farmer got to figuring how much tlmo was saved by tho well. Tho farmor found that he spent thirty weglav promoters started two lodlno "Our llttlo father used slrr.ply to factories, with tho seaweed produc- stagger us with his nonchalonce," , ors us stockholders. In less than al!""08 oach trl to tho spring writes tho officer. "Often vo would year's time ono of theso companies I "! back. During tho time ho had enjoin him to koep away from the has earned a surplus of 20 por cont lived on tho farm ho had spent 91 danger zono, away from tho shells 0f tho capital. (days of 10 hours a day leading hors- nnd bullets flying in all directions. Tho gatherers of the seaweod havo eB t0 wator- T,IQ tlmo ot t,l hor808 All lin U'nillll RI1V' Wnlllll lm.'TllOV i tilmlpnil Mmlilanlvna nimlimf furllini" I WttB alSO lost. " "" ' H'"""'" w...w..w- ...... . "Tho farmer figured that tho 8 foot well wbb about the best Jnvost ment on his placo." o wmmmtmmmm ommummsgSSSSi