THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1915. -EVENING EDITION. TWO J POM fiW PUGEIEXPECT BIG CHOI PEOPLE THERE ARE ENGAGING IN MAXV SOCIAL EVENTS Surprise Parties nnil ISIrthdny Events Were Among tlio EtitorlnliinieiKs ( Held Recently (Special to Tlio Times.) .POWERS, Ore., Aug. 17. Tlio pponjp ,o Powera nro enjoying iimny Boclnl oyents nrratigqd by tlio resi dents nnil tlio past week has been particularly lively. The ninny friends of Mllln Stal lard' gathered at tlio liomo of bcr parents, Mr. arid Mrs. C. H. Plnl- lard arid agreeably surprised her, It being her eleventh birthday. The party was on Monday, August !i. A delicious lunch was served and nil report a pleasant time. Those I present were, Mrs. C. R. btnlmrd, Mis. Sherman Lowls, Mrs. Sui'.lei , Mrs. Tom Walker, Graco Oninblc, Gamol Durkhart, Mrs. J. J. Dinner oh. Mrs. Johnston. Mrs. E. M. Dun-! can, Mrs. Gordon, Nellie Straw, Claud Walker, Clifford Duncan, For nlo Straw, Edna Walker, Edgar Duncan, Helen Darling, Elmer Dun can Jr., Luclle Darling, Claudlo Dar ling, Clydo Lowls, Rcatrlco and Josq Bennett, Ireno Harrington, Maud Gordon, Johnnlo Dnincron Jack Gordon, Forrest Barklow, Rob Harrington, Myrtlo Epperson, Portia i Harrington, Donal Harrington, Joo Phillips, Hnlllo Harrington, Ernest Harrington, Willie Gordon, Verda Stallard, Marlon Moore, Minolta Stal lard, Eunlco Williams, Charl.-o Stal lard Jr., Mrs. Tcngarden, Mrs. L. Barklow, Ivy Bishop, Velma Bark low, Louis Tcagardon, Vernon and Evert Barklow. Another Surprise. On August 10, Mrs. Pleburn wbb happily surprised by n few of her lntlmato friends. The afternoon was pleasantly spent and delicious ro frcshmonts wore sorved. Thoso pres ent woro Mrs. Thurston, Mrs. Sug don, Mrs. Stallard, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Damcron, Mrs. Mnlialr, Mrs. Gilbert and Mrs. Wilson. Birthday Party. August ,12th bolng tlio birthdays of Mrs. Tom Wnlkor, Miss Nclllo Straw, nnd Lucllo Darling, they woro Jointly tendered n surprlso In tlio, form of a delicious chicken din ner at tho homo of MrB. Straw. Thoso present woro. Mrs. Shor man Lowls, Mrs. R. W. Harrlnton, Mr. and Mrs. II. Froy, Mrs. Tom "Walker, Mrs. C. 11. Stallard, Mrs. J. J. Damoron, Mrs. Lydla Johnson, Mrs Elmer Duncan and children, Clifford, Edgnr and Elmer Jr., Mr. and Mrs. E. Straw, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. II. Dennett, Mr. and Mrs. Gor don nnd children, Mnud, Jack ami "Wllllo, Mr. K. Phillip, Mr. A. L. Humphrey, Harvey and Lester rftrnw, Clnud Wnlkor, Edna Walker, Luclllo ' Darling. Nolllo Straw, Claudlo Bur- ling, Pernio Straw, Helen Darling, i Rcatrlco Bennett, Irene Harrington, Johnnlo Dnmeron, Iono Bennett, Bob Hnrrlngton, Portia Harrington, Min olta Stallard, Donal Harrington. Myr tlo Epperson, Hnlllo Harrington, Charllo Stallard, Ernest Hnrrlngton, Vorda Stallard, Joo Phillip, Mllln Stallard. $ t AT THE HOTELS t S At Tlio Clmndlei Hold Jlobert Andrews. Portland; Claude Moon, PowerBj Ralph Rarkor, Hm- this place. Tho death of Miss Me plro; S. 'Weekly, Myrtlo Point: J. K.Konzlo occurred on August nth, nt McCracken, San Francisco; L. P. Potllugor Snnllorlum at Monrovia, Harrington, Salem; Mrs. I). L. Rend, California, where she had gone for Langlols; L. L. Pock, Lnnglols; Mrs. her health. Roy Cook, Lnnglols; G. 11. Murray.' Billings; G. W. Holllster, Portland; I FLORENCE NOW HAS J. It. Bnrdslny, Oakland; C M. Curd- TELEPHONE LINES nor, Portland. I - C. M. Gardner, Portland: T. (J. j Wierl Comumulnitlou Willi Outside Murphy, Nehnlom; A. K. Ileepo anil family, Portlnnd; Ray Campbell, Jarvls; II. S. Lowls, Powers; .1. Ros enthal, San Francisco; Frank Sngn berd, Gardiner; Alf Johnson Jr.. Frank J. Miller, Salem. At tho Itliinio Hotel don. J. Glrard, Tarheel; Frank Rogers, Coob Rlvnr; M. Francis and A Fran cis, Jowecs: II.- K. HdwiiriU, Alle gany; M. W. Pnyno, Randon; W. .1. Barnes.' CUy! John Rood, Gardiner: Chaa. Duweoso, Beavor lllll. At Tho Lloyd Hotel II. Lewis, Oaklund; Jim Davis. Coos ton; Goo. Roberts, Bnudou; Chns. II. Kroogor, Allogany; Mrs, J. C. Million, Beaver Hill; Mrs. Fred Pnyno, Portland; Poto Perry, Port- land; Mr. and Mrs. ReVnln, Portland. J, L, Hotohklss, Coos City; A. R. Hodge, Arngo; Potor Scalfo. Randon; M. A. Joffo, Rosoburg; Frank Page, Rosoburff. At Tlio St. Lnwrenco Hold ! If. E. Edwards, Allegany; Get. King, Drain; J. T. Redford nnd wife, Drain. Mrs. O A Dake, Scottsburg; "Wm JarvU, Baudon T. Conwny, South Inlet; U. 11. wiih HlrunK "' tho poles of (he local t01l , .., l)f w ,,,, , , , ''nested Lewis Fnrntini for havlpg tll0 ,., Would drive the piling pro- , '"""" vw wook unj sama Smith. Coos River; W. J. RnnieB.i tt,.0,lu,ll(, ,.,,,,.. Tu, llow llno,.,w" 'uo'liiw Himo IiuiI :io icres ml lUH,r ,llonl maUy '" ,,,s '"l-" vldlng the owners would rurnlsh ' ,,,",,.,, ,,,.,,.. ,.....,. ,V14 C,1);:,.nf,,;ni0"v',,,!n!!1,,V,'IT0,':iwlll enter .he local exchange nnd ,, blaH,u, llml ,u,ai,; au K He was brought to Gold Reach and .om. It Is i.npemtlvo that (he, ' ...J ... '. ? . AM O. W. Phllhrlck, North Bend: h. 11. w, ,, ,mllllu.,, ,. 1Ilt, ,onU 0r. IU,H K(l,nK rcmlv , h.,vo Klvon a hearing beforo Goo. II. ataf-'Work be done now. before t.iirricient .,. , ' , 1,, rn O'Brien. Han Francisco; ll. L Ep-r. ,,,oroill.0 ,, lliut ,,.,,, com...... m.nualow and a" lo-cow ,ap..c.v i fonI' UiMco "f ' VoM Uo ' uround washes into the river ugalu dais and flshlnu tackle for u r.w polton. Ran iTtmclsco; A. L. Whar-1 . wllh 1P ouUI(le worl(, ,.,., ,,,. Poni,rm.u,. ,lt, ,n,0lllU tered a plea of guilty and the Judge and forms shoals nt the places where ,,.. 01Mb g'",". J.hno? l,i barton,, Powors; F. S. Warroti. Han-, lnI1K aiHtnnce lelephouo. i0 stun In dnlrvliiK with l or 20 ll'lseil (he d.unago al twenty-flvo tho dredge has removed them. For ., ,, "" . i. . ."..,." A. B. Miller, CoQtillloI JumciiSau Franclsro. I'XTKXSIVK PKKPAKATIOXH BE ING MADE KOR CARNIVAL Port Orford People Will Kn(er(ln Three Days This Week Hold- lug Annual Event (Special to Tlio Times) PORT ORFORD, Ore., Aug. 17. Everything Is In readiness for tlio Agate carnival which will begin Wednesday night and continue until Saturday night. A big rrowd of peo ple la expected and the elty Is prc- I paring to entcrtuln moro than over I ,)(;forc v,8t)1(, t0 )nco- Mnny who ro coming will camp on the bench and oxtrn accomodations are being arranged In private houses. On Wednesday thero will be n re production of the Rattle of Rattlo Rock which will bo carried out by a number of persons and by the aid of fires on tlio beach nnil fire works. Thursdny morning tlio opening ex ercises will start at the picnic grounds at Agato beach in a largo pavilion which bus been orcctcd. Thero will bo band selections nnil addresses and at noon there will ho a big free dinner when beef and mussels will be served. A wrestling match will bo held In the afternoon between Georgo Sut- ton of Port Orford and Smiling Dutch of Randon. There will also he athletic ovonts nnd dancing. Ev ery night thero will bo a band con cert nnd dnuclng as late as anyono wnnts to dance. Tho program will ho similar for each following day. On Friday thoro will be a wrestling match 'be tween Eddlo O'Conncll of Portlnnd and M. G. Lutsoy of Lnnglols. On Saturday M. G. Lutsoy of Langlols nnd Charles Rontrop of Rnudon wilt wrestle. Tho Port Orford brass hand will furnish music during the entire enr nlvnl. At tho grounds there will bo n restaurant which will bo run In cnfcterla stylo nnd for tho campers thoro will bo cream, milk, butter, eggs, potatoes nnd incut on snlo on tho grounds. Flno exhibits, of agates will ho shown nnd an ndded feature this year will bo a forestry exhibit which wIlTbo furnished by tho forestry do- piirtmont offlco at Portland. HIS LAST SPEECH I'luaer llernmii to Make Final dress lo the Public Ail. R'uger Herman, former senator nnd ono of the prominent men In tho Itory of the state, who Is now writing u history of Coos nnd Cur ry Counties, will make an address nt the Port Orford Agato Carnival. wll U -Mr- Horniann's last pub- ' ' iu Pioneers or uregon, mnny of whom will be thero to hear him. Randon World. .MISS MrKEX.IE DEAD .Member Well Known Curry Passes Aiiuy Family (Special to The Times.) PORT ORFORD, Aug. 17. Tho body of Miss Margaret T. McKouzIo who died In California, Is being brought to Port Orford for burial. She was tho daughter of Mr. and i.rHi h, (;. MrKonzIo who reside near )cr Pacific Slides Company I K Hlhliiiiiw Wires . , , . (hpcclul to The Times) m ,, k.,,,, . .- .... line of the IMclfle Telephone tc Tfl-,nu egraph company has i cached Flor- euce. From Ciishmau down the Hue EH.'HT WERE LOST That Number of Boats or Portland, Fleet Were Tornediied The sinking of .he steamer J'oss-'So llo which was under charter to Kerr, Glfford and Co. of Portland to curry, grain from that city to the United Kroin Crescent City Mr. Richards lu Klngdoni makes eight boats which I tends to travel the oat road In . . . .. . . woro going (o or rroni I'oriiauu wneu ilostroyeil. All hut the Rosalie were outward bound from Portland. They ,noro tlt, KrmKh bark Francois, the, "1WTKD FOR XON-SCPPORT Vorwoglan bark Morna, the Dutch Jowso Luke was brought overbore htoamer Marie. Rrltlsh steamer I'l"1" North Bend hu( Friday ami ar- south Pacific, Norwegian bark Kiitha, Riltlsh bark Invercoe and Russian bark Thomnslna Thorulon. Coaulllo: E. Kinney, North Rend; Clay Dulev nnd W G ReSsei, Coos River; II, 11. Stecnl, News Of Nearby :: NEWS OK OUT OHKORR Doings at Curry County Port Told In the Tribune C. W. Zumwnlt. John McKonzle, 13. J. Loncy and Frank Cook have boon suhpoonaed fioiu tills vicinity as Cir cuit Court Jurors. Schiller Hermann, wife nnil daugh ter, who had been visiting t Port Orford for some three weeks with the intention of staying until after the. Agato CnrnlviM. returned to Port- land last week where Mr. Hermann was called on business. I C. II. Pcnrsc came In from Mlddlcl Elk .Monday evening to start work on two new cottages. .1. R. Curl. For-, est Ranger, will have ono near tho I J. 1). Loucks place, while W. Hurst' Sr. will get the other, located across tho road south of I). Qucllen's home. 1)11) XOT PAV BOARD RILL Wednesday evening on n warrant Bworn out by Mrs. Norn Wilkinson who runs tho Travelers' Rest room ing house here, (liistruetloiyi were telephoned to Sheriff Qulne of Dou glas County, to arrest threo men, 0. I). Orcgwnrc, A. R. Orcgwaro and one Lnrson, for skipping out from hero without settling with their lnndlady. Tho message wns sent nt 'C.'IO that evening and at 11 p. in. he 'phoned back that ho had nppro hcuded A. 1). Grcgwnre nnd thought ho would get tho other two very soon. Sheriff Johnson left this morning to bring them back. Co (utllu Sentinel. PLAX UXIOUH EVENT Venison Hnrbcciio Will Ho Held nt Town of Riddle (Special to Tho Times) ROSERURG, Ore., Aug. 17. The members of tho Rlddlo Rod and Gun club nro making elabornto prepara tions for the third annual venison barhouuo which Is to ho held thero on Monday, September 0. TTho mi nimi, hunt, In which tho venison for the occasion will be obtained, will be held September 2 to G inclusive. Tho program arranged for tho day Includes u fly and halt casting con test, trap and riflu shooting, grand barbeciio dance, moving plcturo ex hibition or wild game, log-rolling contest and hand concert. Governor Wlthyconibo nnd mem bers of the state fish and game com mission aro expected to bo presout. COOS WILL SOOX BE PEXXILKSS Last year, Assessor Thrift Informs us, tlio people of Coos county wcro reasonably well fixed for cash re turning of $10, SIS (I for tnxatlon. It Is true that seems a small cash bal ance on which to do tho millions of dollars of business annually done In this county; hut this year fifty per cent of Hint amount has dis appeared and only $5,220 has been returned. Should tlio drop ho us great In another year apparently our peoplo will bo left penniless. There Is ono escnpe from this dilemma, of course, hut that Is so radical a ono that wo hardly exjiect to sco It ad - opted simply to tell tho truth when you talk to tho assessor. Coi-til Herald. WILL HAVE DAIRY (corgo P. Lnlid of Riiudoii lo He roine u Farmer The Itnudou Western World itivs: "After making several oMenslve trips up mid down the const in search of u more fawmiblo place to east his lot U r the future. Georgo P. Lal'd (manager of the Randon Water ciiin- I ftnAo it.itll tl..., t....L. ......... .... ' "" " , " ,'" "",l """ ' w" " j:' by (he city, has concluded Hint i,., , ..... ,.,,,, , , !' toiiil In Valley Is the p ucj for mf.mi , ,,,, .,.. , .,.. ..,, ,,,,, ,., .'....,. ,. ...,,,(.. ,i ..... I . ,........ irowh mid increase his herd up lo a Uni!( of 10 in three years." MARKS TRIP SOl'TH Dirk Itlehui'iU ih.ii.iI.uiii. ,.i n,.i on Deills uiilo stage, passed i Randon eiiroule to Crehcoiit ' City wllh sexeral traveling salesmen I.U. .-.I- ... C".... I......... I.-.. ..... .1 "" "" '" "" incu ii u nori 8U' " "" ,al1'- Randon World. j Som-'rnlgncd before Justice Stanley Sat unlay for failure to support his 'or child, who Is now living at John Offlold's. The complaint wns mnile by Luke's brother. The Justice fixed P the amount of liH ball nt t sou. hut ho has been uinb'e to senlre It ( Couulllo Srntluel. , it.'1'..u .in Mi.. I'lvni tlio in- IM,....- NF.WS OK IIAXIIOX Western World Tells What Is Hap penings There Rev. Chns. Barklow and family of Myrtle Point nnd Rev. Alfred Michel nnd parents of Washington, who hnvo been visiting at Myrtlo Point, spout the past week on Randon beach. '.Members of tho Library board met and ratified the Council and Mayor's appointment of Mrs. A. Garfield to serve on that body. J. Ira Sldwoll was elected permanent secrotnry. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Johnson and baby and Mrs. J. L. Conger went to North Rend to tnko the Speedwell for the south where they expect to spend several months visiting rolu- tlvcs and taking in the Exposition. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. D. Webb left for San Francisco where they will spend a week or two taking In the Exposi tion. They wcro accompanied by their little daughter and made the trip by the way of Roseburg. Mrs. G. R. McN'alr returned on the Elizabeth from an extended visit to Canada and to Covelo, Cnl., where she spent sovornl weeks 'nt tho homo of her porcnts, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Weddlo. Tho Ico manufacturing depart ment of tho Randon steam laundry Is doing a good business nnd Is talc Ig care of all tho local and Curry country trade, with cnpaclty to spare Tlio shipmontB to Curry by auto huvo been In lnrge lots. Ono order for 2 toiiB wont to Port Orford nnd one for 1100 pounds to Langlols. .MORE CASES FILED Tho Following Xoiv (Treull Court Cn -os Have Been Filed Willi (lie County Clerk Wm. J. LaPalme vs. Martltn A. Steckol et ill. J. W. Rennett vs. IS. Folsom. K. 11. Scott vs. Randon Construe tlton Co. Vonturn M. Rurko vs. Michael Burke, suit for divorce. .lunies C. Brown vs. Mary C. Brown, suit for divorce. A. '., Downs vs. C. A. Smith Lum ber nnd .Manufacturing Co. Miiirhigo Licenses Issued George 11. Moore mid Loreua M. Horrliigtou. William J. M. Cm-hill nnd Goldlo L. Stover. "' Ruild llnwlcy Rrlghnm mid Lconii Polk. DROWNED IX RO(il!l Another .Man Reported Victim or (he River Another life has been claimed by tho Regno river acordlng to tho fol lowing from tho Gold Bench Globe. A man by tho nanio of Creason was drowned In Roguo river noar the mouth of Hillings creek Sunday morning, Aug Sth. Ho attempted to wuilo across tho river to got u boat In which to tnko somo potatoes across and when near tlio center of tho stream, ho lost his j footing and wns carried Into dcop water by the currant. Ho sank soon nfter reaching deep water nnd nov or camo In sight again. Tlio body was recovered uboutj threo hours after the accident. It Is said that man fished here on, the lower river in tlio early spring mid his partner Is still hero but so far his partner Is uunblo to bo locat ed. Nothing Is known of the man's family. HAD di:er MEAT Curry County .Man Pays Penally lull In The (Sold Reach Globo says: Deputy Game Wardens John Adam mid Roy Dixon a fow days agoinnii owners and It wns ugioed that l,ll..M II.. ,,l.m.l l, -oa !.,, '" " " "" "" """ "'""' .in. i Hum I., j. in hi ji.i,. inn nun in ntiiiiiriniiiiitkttniiniitn $2.00 por day. Mt'CII LIMBER LOST 1-il.t, j( caiic,,,.,,!,, cases u Total' Loss of s:s.(,(H( SACRAMENTO. Cnl., Aug. I """ . . .1 ... ..... I i ' .mw iicmiomiik luuiner vniiieu ai ?ari0.000, the fire which swopt Por- tola iMiiniRs comity, today Is uiidoi- control. The blaw. believed to he thing dlfforent from any thing ever of lucondliiry origin, originated In shown ,ln this aectlou 'befote. li the yards of the Foathor River Luiu-' purpose Is to give the people an iu bor coinpmo and for a tlmo threat- slglu into what the Forest Serine u - mln-,nod the grout saw mill of that pany. 1 . ,.!..... .... u....v ui uir icu- It then spread to the California pie understand tho work better thev I'liio Box and Lumber company's' will become Inierented and help it iurn along with their lufluc'ii . ?'.i , , arn A ore Hum '" 000 000 feet of lum- 1cr went un In the Pinoke. Towns :: It GOLD REACH NEWS Xotes About Poonle nt County Soul of I'nrry Mrs. Geo. W. Henry nnd daughter, Miss Ella started by stage 'for n month's visit to relatives In Wash ington. Mrs. L. A. McRrldo after a month's visit with her daughters Mesdiimcs E. It. Miller nnd S. E. Mnrstors re turned to hor homo In Port Orford. Wesley Miller returned somo tcn'p days ago from a trip as far north aB Seattle. Mrs. Eva Crockett has rented a houso In Gold Reach nnd will soon become a permanent .resident of the town. Thos. Kerr and fnmlly of Kerr. Gilford & Co., of Portland aro now erJ)oying n visit with Mrs. Kerr's -brother, It. L. Maclony of Wcdder- burn. Dr. and Mrs. Dunlnp are now en joying n visit from Mrs. Dunlap's father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. LM.-1.1.. i iiuiuuii. Robert Foster of Brookings made final five year proof on his home- stead uslnc as witnesses Walter Ran- torn and A. Rales. J. J. Wcerslng, tho Gold Bench- Dothan mnll contractor, was a busi ness visitor In town. While hero he purchased two mules from Josso Turner which will bo used on the i route. INSANITY SAVED LIKE Last Saturday night Mary Ellen Olllnger who has boon living In tho Skookum lodging houso for over a year, was taken In chnrgo by of- flclals on a complaint of Insanity nnd tnken to tho court to ho cared for. Monday her ease was tnken up ' by tho probate court and she was committed to the hospllnl nt Snleni. Monday night tho lodging house was destroyed by fire and she would ' certainly hnvo uarlshcd hud sho still remained there. Thursday mornliiK1 the nttendants who hud come tw , from Salem took her buck with them. Coqulllo Sentinel. BARROW APPOINTED Hon. Charlos R. Harrow was ap pointed doputy district attorney by Judge John S. Coke, to servo until Mr. LHJecivlst's return from his hunt ing tilp In Curry county. The judge wiib caught below Roseburg on his way to the fair by a teloBrain from tho sheriff's office explaining tlio necessity of a deputy to handle the Hoiideon affair. An attempt had been mude to have Judge Hamilton of Roseburg mako tho appointment, but ho was out of town for u week. Coi'tillle Sentinel. Rl'YS HORSES Asa TouilliiKon and family, of Smith County, Kansas, )wlio have been speiidliiK a couple of weeks hero visiting ut the home of F. O. Tom lluson of Catching Crook, departed for tholr home. While heie, Mr. Tom-! llnson bought a car load of horsos ml 0RRINE li sold under this posl- ro1, Hl ,10l't o ' lo" te. TIio'tve K,mranteeil. If. aftor u trial, liorsos were uken to Roseburg for!yo Ket no benoflt, your money will loading. Myrtlo Point Enterprise. I , refunded. ORRIN'K COSTS only 11.00 per box. Ask for Free Rook- PORT WILL ACT ct, ! WINKLER PHARMACY .Makes imis for iToiccl.iig RiiiiUs nt' (ho CiKiuillo Telling of the plans or tho Port of Randon decided upon at a recent meeting tho Randon World says: A coinmltteo of E. E. .Johnson and T. P. Ilanly was appointed to Inter- view laud owners along the river In regard to furnishing piling for the purposo of constructing bulkhead. wherovor (he banks aro wanhlitg away. Sometlmo mist tho eomiiils slouors took the innttor up with the ... . ims roason me coiumiiiop ig insrruct- m . . Cll t0 j50t imsy at once. HAVE FOREST EXIIIIIIT Xoi el Feature Arranged I (he Agato Cmuliiil A novel and Interesting feature ut the Agato Carnival will he a Forest ! TCvlillilt ltnilni llw, ,e .i.. !...'.. ...,..'. ...v. ....i'. ..n.i.i, ui im- , local Forester J. II. Curl. This ev- hihit Is bolnir sent bv (be ltonm-tmam f,om Portland, nnil will bo somr- eoni-idolug and what it hope to do. The Dopnrtniont believe! that a the peo- along with their iiifluci. operation, hence ' h cvhi' H rv Orford Tribune ! VTiTl 1 iyTTTTn'T "WW" I 'mf'" " 1"" "" V9K1 3 Days Sales at The Fair GRATIFYING EVIDENCE OK THE I'NSl'RPASSED U ls (, FLUID T THIS STORK KOlt A KEW DA VS. LOOK 0 r TIIF OIKRIMJS LISTED HKRK. THERM ARE M ,,',, TO 111) KOI VD IN THE STORE. One lot Tablo Oil Cloth, remnants, I to 2 yards long. 1 reet wide, best quality, on ly nrI 10c One lot Ladles' nnd Misses' Middy mouses and Fancy Vollo Waists, values from $l -,o to ?2..".o, on sale nt $1.15 Men's Poms Knit Summer t'ndorweur. always sells ut :,ii( , now, garment 29c 'WHEN VOL' Rl'V Sat '-met Ion nlwiijs or money icl'iiiuk'd "THE IB , mi B3Zg3Ssaafl 5 nroADTMCMTC MAY COMBINE IN WORK " - Plan on Knot lo Co-ordinate Kore-try Sen ho mid KMi nnil (Jatne Commission (Special to The Times) SALEM. Ore., Aug. 17. At the rognlnr meeting of tho fish and gamoj commission nun nt aniem. i' woro taken to co-ordinate two de- lmrtments of tho state service ana j tho t. S. forest sorvlce In the mat- ter of game protection, provsntlon of forest fires, nnd the distribution 0f trout fry. birds Mini game animals, s. c. Rnrtrum, forest supervisor, f Roseburg, In u long talk beforo tho commission, outlined u plan whoroby duplication of work enn bo 0imiimteil and n groat siivIiik iniulo Jlol ()nIy In lll(, c.v1K.nso or parrying (ho W()rk ot nw(ii! different iuanulio. but In pieventlng loss of fish by Improper handling and care less selection of troHinn for plant ! lug. State Gbiho Warden Carl I). Shoe maker also outlined n co-oporntlvo plan In hi report to tho commission i that will eorrolato well with that out lined by Br. Rnrtrum. Tho gover nor, who Is ox-offlclo chairman of the fish and gnme commission, up-' pointed State Game Warden Carl D.I Shoemaker. Forest Supervisor S. C.I Riirtrum anil State Forester F. A. t Elllotl as a eommldee to devise ii coinprehenslvo plan of co-operation. These genllenien will meet for this' purpose In the near future. ORRIN FOR DRINK HAISIT So uniformly mu-ip: ni'n has OR RINK been In restoring the victims of the 'Drink llulilt" Into sober and use! ill citizens, and so strong is our confidence In Its curative powers, i (bat ww want to einiiliasl ilin fuel 58 Cent nil Au'iiuo nwnnni iwnnni KhllU,ng W00ll por loud $,, t() ,9r woo, ic to 24 i juches sn to .S2..S0 , i,'reo Delivery , u, jxfjo hone 227-J. North First St. ' 1 ILEAL Sl.MMKR TRIPS ' ?lT,ep IlaluUow ,ev1' ""- - i, - "7,u ,ul ,,MUU "'" ",VBr ovor I Sunday at S a. nt. and returns at 0 p. m. J-IVU.B VIUWHI K IllWI-iajr, Round Trip 75 ceuls I - " For charter apply on board or phone 310X3 or phoue 31G7. : 28 LW.U.MCTATTOX fin TICKETS, .yj.OI). J Murtiflold.Xortli Rend Auto Lino Ciuis every ton minutes from (I a. ni. (o li: p, in,; to South Slough ouco i( day, leaving nt II u. in.; to Elliptic three trips u day. GORST .V KING, Props. SAVE MONEY by oiilcriMjr the famous HENRYVILLE COAL Xut coal, per tou ..SI ,m com, per tou , SI (10 Lump coal. pr ton ..!!"" S.iViO Or hair ton of both ?'i' - - m Mi'oJnv' ',V' .." ' D Ml SSON. Proo. Phojir. is-T rr Icive ciders nt , Hllljcr'c tljir Store i H Ono Lot of Men's ir ym nnd Dress Suspeniir var. Ions kinds, only, isnr 23c Ono lot Ladles nniinh- union amis, iaiv or !( trimming, regular im vaj lies, now, suit 20c Largo Ralls I). M Strand Mercerized " Six iimij. ury Cotton, l'onuei ptt-i t now, ball 13c IX A CASH STORK, IT STANDS TO III S(). YOK PAY LESS" FAIR" Xet (o Hntcl ClmiiOlcr i i -Tim i inn n i. q -I wumxMMiiMmnJUmsssasamm nces Are Low Now . 0 . a Wholesalers anil mauufiii'iiirm .mVo Just announced a big icilmilon u n,o prices of leuls and wo arc now giving the people of this nt- lion 'the advantage of it. Wo hnvo Just received n ship. iiieul of (he best wall leiils liiade- In vmlous slcs. They me guiirmilecd by (lie maker nnd by us. Collie In mill lei us show tlicni In you mill "ii'uolo pikes on ili0 slo T lent you desire. ' Johnson-Gulovsen Co. The (Juallty Xuiiiu uilli Hie .Sen Ice I'anio XOIITII KRONT STItl'irr in,. .WW am mmi r.inwintfttwwiMOT TIMETABLE WILLAMETTE PACIFIC MOTOIt car Between .Mur.shflehl mid IUU I Leuvo .Mnishflold Dally. Leave llnukcr lllll 7.1'. a.m. s 00 a.m. J 00. a.m. 10 00 n.m. 11.00 a.m. 12-10 un. l.LTi i.Cl. 2:110 tun. :i:ir. p.m. 1:03 p.m. r.:00 p.B. CIS p.m. 7. IS p.m. 7.30,si.m. S 110 i.m. 0.20 p.m. 7: 10 ii.iu. 7:ri0.n.m. S:.r.O ii.iu. U:50 a.m. l o : r. o ii.m. 12: on p.m. 1:20 p.m. 2:lu p.m. ::.I0 p.m. 1:00 p.m. l:.r.o (1:10 p.m. 7:10 p.m. 7:2r. S:20 p.m. mi p.m. Ilcluuvii Miirsliflelil and XHl H"1" I.O.IVO .Murshflold I.cae North llcwl 0:15 a.m. 7.10 a.m. S 25 a.m. (S:.".0 a.m. 7:2fi a.m. V 8: or. a.m. . : o n n.m. 10: or. a, in. ll:0r, n.m, 12:10 li.iii, l::io! 2:ar. p.m. :i:20 p.m. -1:10 p.m. r::i5 p.m. (:&n p.m. ;i 25 a.m". 10-25 a.m. 11:25 a.m. 1.00 p.m- 2:00 p.m. 2 30 p.m. ,' 10 p.m. I -JO p.m. 1 50 p.m. Murshfiehl North CM limits only. "::!. p.m. s.-ae p.m. south coos rii:r nVT SERVICE .LAUNCH EXPRFSS leaves Mmslifleld every d'tf S a. ni. I.eine.s head of rlier nt :15 p. . STEAMER RAINBOW loaves licml of ilver dally t a. in. Leaves Mnr-.liflelil at !' For charter apply on beam. ROGERS Ai SMITU l Proprietors SDUNGAN tt HMnCRTAK Wli PARLORS will be kept OPKX TO THE I'l'llUt A regular stalo Hccnw iindertakei will l ,n cliargo K ' lf ' 8' m Phono JO."i-J 7,50 p.m. 8 70 p.m. 2HBO S j ' 'Ai 44 " Bptrrirrmrnv'Tiy .hU-i'MW