''tfsjMrta ,f LhV r," ft,y(Wi.r .Jr j . t ,,. . WASTED OPPORTUNITIES ARf GENERAIIY THF ONrS THAT GO TO OTHER PEOPLE Coos Bay Times Your Paper Tlio CW Hy Times ! proud of lt (J tie "Tho feople'i rniHsr," nnd it strives At nil times to life op to Ha nnmo by devoting its onorBles to promoting tho pooplo's Interest. Cm mm ISxm&B MKMHKH OF THK ASSOCIATED PHKSS Vol. No. XXXIX. Established 1878 Ah TIio Const Mull. A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tho Coos Hay Times Is, A Booth west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon people snd devoted to tlio best Interests of tills groat toctloa . Tho Times always boost sad aever knocks. LEO 1 FRANK AUTO UKHD Hliffi MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1915. EVENING EDITION. Taken From the Georgia State Prison Farm by Band of Twenty-five Men m TO II TREE IS DITCHED SHKHIFF JOHNSON' HADIiY RRCISKD IX ACCIDENT ESTON Life is Taken Near the Home of Girl He Was Accused of Murdering CORONER TAKES THE BODY Premier Shotted Signs of I'nln From Hough Handling Kill Did Xot Speak it Wind When Taken I rom Prison Cttiitd Threatening PRICKS OF SHIRT AS SOUVKNIHS (tlx AwmUlM I'frHi l" ('"in llr Tlinm. MAKIHTTA, (In, Aug. 17. When tlio body wiih cut down, partH of Frank's Hlilrt wore torn utvny by uoiivonlr Kilters. It wiih roughly bandied before lining put In to tlio undertaker's tvngon. O. A. Mhiloyno mid J. S. Riirlou In Accident Muelilno Tinned Turtle on Kmhunkmcnt (Special to Tho Times) HANDON, Oregon, AugitHt 17. Shurlff Alfred .lohiiBon Jr., was quite sovurely bruised nud land his shoulder wrenched, mid J. S. Hnrton ami w. a. .iiininyno or uoquillo wcro Hllghtly Injured when their auto ran off tho grndo niid turned turtlo liiBt night. Tho party was en routo from Hiuidon to Coqulllo when tho acci dent occurcd. Mr. Mlntoyno wns driving the enr which belonged to him. Just what mimed It to veer from tho road and plunge over tho embankment Is not known. Shorlff Johnson said that hu was thrown about Iwcnly-flvo feet. Ills revolver, ImnilciiffH nud pnpora wore scattered .far and wlilo. Mr. Harton wan pinioned underneath tlio auto but luckily wiih not badly crushed. illjr Amu. Ulivl riwi hi Coon najr Timm.1 MAUIHTTA, (In., Aug. 17. I.co M. Flank, serving a life term for Hie murder of .Mary l'hagan and ttiio wns taken from the prison ?rm at .Mlllcilguvillu hist night, was ijnclici) two miles east of hero to dn:' by an nriueil party which took lilisi. Ilo was bunged to a treo. Token 100 .Miles. I'm li was brought DO utiles fiiuit pi hum to a point ulinoit within ebilt cf tho foiiner honi'j of Maiv I'l'nsar. No shots were flio.1. "'rani: was barefooted and cvJ nni.t l'i the prison trousers nud Hlilrt. II? ttn fjuml at S:::o llilu mDiii'ii". It Is believed hu was lynsliod about daylight. Several nutos, well loaded, left hero In tho direction of Ullledgovlllo last night. Of fleers Go Oul. After the return of sonio of ihu marliliiCH today tho officers stinted cut n tho road which thoy bolloied tlio nutos traveled. They bad only uono two miles wlion they flaw the body ol Frank not more than 15 ).trda from the n ml side. BIG DEAL CLOSED C. C. GOING AND A. Cj GOING TAKE OVEIt PIIOPEHTV IS STOBMSWEPT Much Damage Done in City and Part of Causeway is oamed Away CITIES liifCUT OFF Wire Communication Has Been Demolished and Few Particu lars are Learned WIRELESS NOT OPERATING Commercial Station Is Out of Htisl- nes The Whole of Soutltcust- oin Touis Has Suffered from Tropical Storm from the (iulf . , T 5 CYCLDW E Sri'lIltlNTKNPENT TALKS (hies Story of llotv Prl.soner Wns Taken A tiny Wf AunditM firm In Com lloj Tlmra. iili,i:ik;kvilli:, da., Am;. : :. - I.i'n .M. Krai k Georgia's noto-1 hf"-t mi convict, was romovod fri'in tho Georgia prison farm hero tonight by 25 nrined men who ovorpowored Warden Smith. Previous to tho at tack tho wires leading to tho prison had been cut, Frank was placed In an auto nnd rushed In the direction of Katon ,nn. It has not boon nscertalnoil whether Frank wns lynched or whom "o IMrty tlint removed him was composed of his friends. Is Overpowered. "I was called to tho door Just an I twiR preparing to rotlro," said inptnlu liurko. tho Riiporlntondont it it., .i. , " me niuo prison farm today. "Two Urorg men grabbed mo and soon "I'l'cil handcuffs on my wrlstB. four othors stood guard over mo. remount rated ami thoy declared tnl It wns of i(o uso for mo to "I'll'm as they md como for Frank a"l 'ere going to get him. 'I In oaten (.'mud's Life. "J was marched up to tho ponl Uary building. When wo reached "" building a demand was pmdo 'nr tho gate- to bo opened. ' Mean nio ono of tho men began cutting - viuim)nQ w rea an, infnpm,i ,e euard that If ho did not open no would bo killed as soon as an eatranco was effected. iiJmP Sa, Was unloc,io,l '' Hio wt guard cumo forward. Whon b 'f way y tho steps a dozen rushod room a"'1 ma,e a dash for Frank's "ragged Don-,, Stairs, one pnson guard declared four E 1mi Pranl b' th0 " an" 2.i a ,ifUl srabbC(l ,1' y bumno i' amI ,10 Was drageert out and "inped dow tho Rtono steps. apparently Wag BUffw,nB hUonSQ,y Will Erect Kino lliillding al Droad- tvuy and Andei-soti as Homo for (idliig and Harvey Company Tho final details or the deal for tho purchiiBo of tho Janies Kerrey estate property at tho corner of Hroadwny and Anderson wero com pleted by C. C. doing ifnd his fath er, A. C. doing today. Tho abstracts wcro approved tho doed transferred. Thu property Is ono of tlio most dcslrahlo In .Marshfleld. It Is f0 x lir feet nnd has frontago on Hrondway, Aiidorson and Second Court, South. C. C. doing said this morning Hint It might ho a week or so boforo they would tnko dorinltu steps to wards tho erection of tho now build ing as thoy aro now negotiating with sovoral parties for tlio leaRo of tho second Htnrfv nnd these- negotiations will not bo concluded for awhile. Tho lower floor will bo ccupled by tho ding & Harvey Kurnltiiro com pany. A. C. doing Ih now In Port land but wll probably return hero soon. and groaned from tho pain liifllctod In handling him in bis wounded con dition. Wns Well Ordered. "Tho wholo procedure was well ordered and only a fotv words wero spoken. Only two inon wcro mnsk? cd hut I did not rccognlzo any. Tho leader snld, 'Now, boys, for tho Btvamp,' and thoy wore off." Would '.Mutilate I tody. Frank's body wiib cut down nt 10: in a. in., but not until ono of tho crowd Hint had gathered had ad vocated tho mutilation of tho body. Nowton A. Morris, formor superior court Judge, Immediately pleaded with tho throng to nllotv tho Inquest to tnko Its proper course Vole Is Taken, A voto was suggested and taken. It wns overwholinlngly in favor of allowing thu corouor to tnko charge of tho body. It was then cut down and a two mllo trip to Marietta started. Taken Toward Atlanta At tho suggestion of Judgo Morris tho body was takon from tho under taker's wagon In which It had been placed at tho lynching (.cone, and put Into an auto on tho outskirts of (be town. Tho auto started to ward Atlantii, I.oft Hospital Sunday Tho party which took Frank from tho ponltontlary camo In fivo autos and arrived at tho prison farm prac tically unnoticed. Frank wns suf ficiently recovered from tho wound In his thront, inflicted by nnotbor prisoner a month ngo, to leavo the prison hospital Sunday. I'Kopm: iihixu hkscckd NO MVKS AICI-3 LOST Itlj Asnorlilnl Prrm to Conn llnj Tlmra. (IALVKSTON (Wireless to San Antonio), Aug. 17. No loss of life Is reported here, but all thu houses on tho sea wall havo been destroyed. Hunts on tho main streets aro taking peoplo from buildings to tlio United States trans port Dufford. WHOLK SOt'TIIKHX COAST IS DUVASTKD IJV STOHM Jinny VIcHiiin nro Itcported In De layed .Mosngo Dated Sunday ' From Capital tnr AmoIM.I rre to Com Uir Tlmm 1'OItT AIT IMHXCB, Sunday (De layed), Aug. 17. A violent cyclone devnsted thu entire southern sldo of tho Hnltlen republic. There arc nu merous victims In tho towns nlong tho const. A CotiHolldntion of Times Const Mail, and Cooi Hny Advertiser. No. 20 BRITISH BO SINKS; 1000 L0S1 Transport Royal Edward Tor pedoed by German Submarine in Aegean Sea FIRE li EnSTSIQE STAIt (HtOCKIIV AND WAHi: HOl'SH Ill'KXS AT MIDNKH1T Total Loss Partially Covered by In- surancc Itollef Is It tins of Incendlnry Origin TROOPS li A FIGHT iiavk i:n(3aoi:.mi:nt across kio (JltANI)i; AVITIl .MEXICAN'S 1IKACII TWO TOWNS 4 One Soldier Is Killed and Two Oth ers Wounded Iluixllls Are Kept Out (117 AhocIiickI rrcn lo Cout Dy Tluiw.t HHOWNSVILLi:, Aug. 17. Last ulght'B fight nt l'rogresso wiih fought entirely by .Mexicans firing from tho Mexican side or thu illo drnndo nnd no Mexicans succeeded In getting through tho army patrol Into tho United States. Itoports by tlio Mercedes ofriclals last night that more than 180 Mex icans crossed Into Texas under cover or this fight proved to bo unfounded. Tho bullotH which killed ono Ameri can troopor nnd wounded two enmo from across tho border. 1 li ABOARD Mostly Artillerymen of English Army and Only Six Hun dred are Saved IS OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED Xo Particulars Aro Itecelvcd Forth- Tblity-ttvo Offlcei-N tvero Aboard Nearly All Wore Soldiers 1)7 AaiocltliA Irf. ia Cno Utj Tlrnr.) DALLAS, Aug. 17. Communication has been reestablished with San An tonio and Austin. til Auoi-latixl l'rc to Coi Uj Tlmra.) (1ALVICSTON, Texas, (Wlroless to Fort Sam Houston nnd tulopbono to San Antonio), Aug. 17. Galveston today passed through ono of tho worst storms within the last 15 years. Fivo feet or water stands In tho city. Two fires started today and aro yet to bo placed under control. Tho transport MeClellan lato last night broko from bor moorings nud drifted hnlf a mllo seaward. Tho commercial wlroless station at Port Arthur la out-of commission and thu big aerial masts at 'Fort Crocket aro down. CITIKS CUT OFF Fato of (inlvesloii Is Xol Knott n at Dallas Toduy CHIT. REED QUITS ltKSK.'NS POSITION AS MAKTKIt OF HAH IIHKIH.'i: .MlCHIi: Will Kctlro fituu Poslllon Seplcituber 1 Successor Has Not Yet Hevn Aiiuoiiuced Capt. John Heed has resigned his position ait master or tho U. S. bar dredgo MIcTilo, effcctlvo Soptomhor 1. Ilo will continue In his position until Hint dato or possibly until his successor arrives. Capt. Kecd has been In charge or tlio Mlchlo slnco her completion nnd has long boon Identified with bar work on this coast. Ho has boon of fered positions on the Columbia and Paget Sound but has not announced his future plans. Who will succeed him bore has not been announced. TIIOSH AltOAICD AND O TDK NU.MHF.lt LOST Total nunibor aboard ..1C02 Total nunibor saved . . . COO Total lost 1002 co to ski: itivicu AND HAHIIOH .Ml IN (Ilr AmocUIihI I'rraa In Coon II17 Tlinra.1 DALLAS, Texas, Aug. 17. With tho cities and towim of southwest! Texas Isolated from tho rest of 'tho world nnd ono or tho worst troplcul ) storms or n deendo wenrlng Itsoir . out over tho const prarles, tho fato of Galveston Is still unilotormlnod, Hugh McLnin Sengstackon left Ing for Portland with Chairman nnd Henry this morn- to confer Spnrkmnn 4 444444 tllf Annrlalnl rrcm to Coo IU7 Tlmri. LONDON, Aug. 17. Tho Hrltlsh transport ltoyal Kdward lias been torpedoed and sunk by n German submarine, It was officially announc ed today. Six hundred men wero saved out of HlfiO troops and 220 other portions on board. In tlio Aegean Sea Tho text of tho announcement fol lows: "The Hrltlsh trnnmfnrt llnvnl Edward wiis sunk by an enomy sub marine In tho Aegean Sot Saturday ornlng. According to Information at present nTallabld, tho transport had on board 32 mllltnry orrieors and 1350 troops, In nddltfon to tho ships crow or 220 men. Mosily Artillerymen Tho troops consisted mainly or re inforcements ror tho Twenty-ninth division (anil dotnlls of tho ltoyal medical corps. Full Information hns not yet boon recoivod but It Is known about COO wore saved. LOSS OF LIFM DIG Tho Hrltlsh admlrulty'a record of transporting great numbers or troops to tho various righting zones without loss of life, ns far us official ly reported was broken nftor more than n yiar of war. A. torpedo of n Btibmbarlno at last round Its mark with tho transport Itoynl Kdward in tho Aegean Boa with a loss or life that may reach 1000, Owned In Canada Tho ltoyal Kdward wob 11,117 tons gross and wns owned by tho Canadian Northern Hteumshlp Com puny at Toronto. SF.COND FIHK ON Tin: sami: LOT nlthough It Is bollovod tho storm cen ter hns pnssed Inland slightly west of that city. This mornjhig San Antonio nnd Austin added to Isolated cities, In dlcntlug that tho troplcnl storm which struck Gnlvestnn yestorday Is working a considerable distance In land. Houston nnd Ilcnumont nrn still cut off from wire communication. and tho members of tho Riv ers and Harbors committee there. Tho Portland Cham ber orCommerce, In response to a quory, said Sparkman and party wero oxpected there Thursday to spend ono O day. So tho Marshriold men decided to try nnd seo them. :liSIS IS REACHED GKILMAXS AUK MKXACINCJ SAFK TV OF IICSSIAN AII.MIKS Teutons Held Ui Cbwk in Konm Places Hut Go Ahead nt Other Points CAFSKWAV HIIOKKN Olio NOTICK TO CONTHACl'OHS Bids will be received by Andrew Stora, August 21st, 1915, for the clearing of school grounds In dis trict No. 36, at tho Forks of Coos River. Right reserved to reject any or nil bids. JOHN RIASCA, Clerk. riiousaiid Feel Torn Atvny Is Report (0 Ai'octilM Prps to Coo l; Tlmra. WACO, Toxnfe, 'Aug. 17. A re port from Galveston says 1000 feet or tho Causeway at Galveston wns washed away. No furlhor particu lars wero given. STORM STILL KAGP.S Report That Wind .Miles An is Hloitlug Hour .55 (Dr Amacltteil l"tw to Cao lr TlmM.J TOPKKA, Kas.,' Aug. 17. A re port from Wall's, Texas, tho nearest point to Galveston retaining n wire communication, reports that tho storm Is still raging with tho wind blowing 55 miles un hour. IIRfSII FIHK AT NORTH HKXD I'ODAV Tho North nend Hro de partment wns called out this afternoon. Drush in tho Ilnngor dlstrlrt was burning Horcoly but was put out bo foro damago was dono. Tho blaze started from n bonfire of last night which It was though wns extinguished but which tho wind fanned Into llfo again. lljr Aworto. I'rc to Co ruy Tlmra, LONDON, Aug. 17. A crisis hns been reached In tho present stngo or tho eastern cninpalgn. Grand Duko iNlcholas will not bo able to assure tho surety or his armies until tho menace prcsonted by tho operations of Von lllndonhurg In tho Courland region Is removed. , In tho Hausk district of Courland tho Russians claim tlio GormaiiH havo been driven back whllo Kovuo still Is stommlug the German tldo. ! Tho chlof strugglo howovor, con- trs In tho region north of Nlemon, O notwithstanding tho rccont success o, of tho Russian roslsttuico. Detwcou Narow and tho Rug tho Gorman drive niCBsago wns received bore saying j8 making headway. If tho Russians1 a largo vessel had been blown plan to hold tho valuablo transvorso ' through tho. causeway connecting railroad through Vllna, Grodno, I This wns tho first fire nt Kastsldo bIiico tbreo years ago when tho Whltty grocery Btoro burned about the samo timo of night on the samo lot and tho cnuso was novcr learned. Tho lot was bought by Mr. Johnson trem Mr. Whltty nnd tho now grocery building erected. The Star Grocery Company store nnd warehouse at Kastsldo was en tirely destroyed by Hro at midnight and practically everything In tho two buildings lost. John Johnson Is thu manager or tho company and with Mr. Leo ol Idaho owned tho Btoro nnd stock and tho properly on which It Is located. Tho store Blood In tho neighbor hood of the bcIiooI houso but apart rrom other buildings so thuro was no Immcdlnto dnnger or tho fire spreading. Tho loss on building and contents, It Is said, may reach $1,000 nnd there wiib $2,000 Insiir nnco. Tho store wns quite n substantial building nnd behind It n fotv feet dlstnnco was n wnrehouso whore oil nnd other goodn were stored. Roth buildings wcro entirely consumed. Thought. Incendiary Whllo Mr. Johnson haa not minlo any stntoment to tho of feet It Is tho general boiler In Knstshlu that tho tiro wan of Incendiary origin. Tho place, wns closod ns usunl a 0:30 p. in. nnd thoro hnd not been u fire In tho building for a wcok. Mr. John son docs not smoke so It was not posslhlo tor him to hnvo left a burn ing clgnr In tho place, nnd anyway, It Is bollovod any traco or Hro that could hnvo been In tho building would havo canned tho flames to hnvo broken out nt an earlier tlmo. .Mr. Johnson carried n big stock ol goods and conducted a good store. Ho hns ninny friends both In Knst nldo nud Marshfleld who regretted to hear or his loss. Alarm Is .Phoned Tho Hro wiih discovered by Mrs. John West who hnpponcd to ho up nt tho tlmo and saw the blao. Shu tel ephoned to the Mnrahflold central of rico and tho operator In turn called everyone In Kastsldo who has a tel ephone bo they could glvo tho alarm. Soon many tvoro out to help fight tho flro. Xo Flro Protection Knstsltlu hns no tvntor system and no flro dopnrtmont. Tho nonrcHt water was a, block away nnd all Hint could ho dona was to attompt to save some of tho contents. However thu flro hud such n start when dlsrovur- eti inni mo wnoio Ijullilliig wus quickly enveloped, In riames. The cash register nud a fotv sacks of Hour were all that was saved. Tho build ings wore burned to the ground. Mr. Johnson boards nt tho homo or Mrs. Swausoii and was notified and wiui ono of tho first to got to tho flro but llko tlio others could do nothing. Seen From Hero Tlio blaze was Keen by tho night policeman and a fuw others In Mnrshrield but It wiih too far ud vaccd ror any assistance to bo given rrom this sldo or tho buy. It Ik supposed that Mr. Johnson will nrriingo to rebuild and open his store ngaln nud ho wns tlolng u nlco ' business. POSSE HUNTING FOB 1BDEREB i R. B. Neff Who Killed Lakeport Man Still at Large In Jhe, Timber PROBABLY S Women of Neighborhood Are jn Great Terror of Attack arid Further Bloodshed SHERIFF IS LEADING HUNT Assisted by Deputy and Klght Oilier .Men Woods are Doing Scoured Heller is that Neff Is in tho. Rhicklock Country VF.SSKL HLOWX IX Wind Carries Hlg Rout Through GuI veston Cunsoivuy HIT AaaocUtrJ rrrw to rooi lUf 'ilmri.l Galveston with tho main land. Operator Flooded Out After losing tho wires to Calves ton early last night tho Santa Fo fleers hero retained communication with Alvln, midway between Houston nnd Galveston, ror sonio tlmo, final ly losing It when tho oporator at Al vln stated tho water was about to cover his desk and ho was compel led to leavo. Before going ho stat ed tho water In that vicinity was trom three to ten root deep. Brest, Lltovsk and Kovol, thoy must soon definitely check tho Teutons COT IS Rooms and breakfast at .Miuli field Hotel. Gentlemen only. Will put up luncheons. .Mrs. Helen Hal- TEMPLE, Texas, Aug. 17. A '.'y. Phone 1117-L, APPEAL IS GRANTED JOHN It. LAWSON WILL GI'.T AN OTIIKR CHANCK (Ilr Auo' UlvJ Trux to L'ooa Utr Tliutt )' HKNVER, Aug. 17. 1'hi State Supreme Court grantod smorsodo.ib lu tho caso of John R. Lawu, con victed and given u lire son,.jno on tlo charge or murder growing out ot tho conl strike. Tho action allows Lntvsou to nn appeal of tlio caso U-foro tho court on Its own merJls, GHKLK KING WILL HAVH XKW SKT OF ADVISORS Today Aceopts t.'io Resignations Which Weio Tendered to film Yesterday, Report SajH (Br Aworlttel rreai to CNkw IUt Tlmaa.l LONDON, Aug. 17. King Con atalno ot Greeco accoptod tho resig nation ot tho Gounarls cahlnot, which was tondored to him yestor day by tho rormor promlor, accord ing to a dispatch rrom Athens. Ven zelos, tho lendor or tho opposition, was Invited to consult with tho king today. (Special to Tho Times) LANOLOIS, Ore., Aug. 17. With an armed Insane man (it largo in tho woods and a posso conducting a man hunt to find him, thu peoplo In tho uolghborhod of Lakeport aro in ter ror Tor Tear ot attack. It. D. Notf, who last Saturday shot and killed A. J. Wlttmaun nud attempted to kill Charles Walker, tho school toucher, hna not yet been round. It Is believed that ho Is Insnuo and al so that ho Is armed nud tho peoplo nro naturally In alarm until ho has been apprehended. Sheriff Rulloy nnd n deputy nnd eight othor men formed n posso which searched till night without suc cess and thoy aro still out todny. It Is believed that tho man will bo found today. Hunting In Tlmlier Tho orrieors nnd others are work lug under tho assumption that Ne(C is In biding lu tho Rlncklock dis trict botwoon Lakoport and Port Or ford nud botwoon tho county road ami tho ocean. Hero Is a largo ter ritory which Is denso with thick un derbrush lind small timber nnd no butter place to hldo could bo found. It will require a thorough search ov er tho entire country sldo to find tho man and then ho might cscapo uvea a largo number of searchers. Rome hulluvu that Neff may tnko his own Illo nud tho gonornl bollof is that ho will not bo taken without a right. Think Him Insane Thoso who know Noff Bay Hint they lire convinced that ho Is Insane It scorns that ho has somo proporty at Lakeport and about $C00 In a bank nt Ilnndon. It is said that ho wont Beeiirlty ror tho school board on somo bonds and that tlio board was In somo difficulty Clnnnclifjl' and Nefr feared that ho wna going to lose his money. Ho was n mombor of thu school board himself. Ills -acquaintances say that thoy think' ho had brooded ovor tho possible.! loss until his mind had become unbal anced .'. .. . .fj4 Xo Real .Motive Many say that Noff was ajjjodd man when In his right mind and thoy cannot lmuglno hid doing anything murderous unless ho was orazed. Thoro scoiiiB to hnvo boon no reason for hlu killing WIRmunn furtuor than that ho thought Wlttmann wns a Bymathlzor or Churlos Walker, tle school toachor, whom Notf biamVd for tho bcIiooI troublo. ' Nefr iittomptod to kill Wnlko'r aF so Saturday uvonlng and shot at him ouco but tho bullet penetrated Walker's clothing without Injuring him nud ho took tho gun awuy from Noff. This wns boforo It was known Hint Noff hnd killed Wltt mann. It Is said Hint Noff liriiV'iii tlmatod threats ugalust othors ln,,Uo locality and It Is feared that If ho Is not caught ho will como back and cnuso more bloodshed. Tho peoplo ot tho locality aro more exeltod than they havo been for many years past and thoro will bo llttlo rest In tho neighborhood until Nofr Is round or his rate known If ho Is without food bo can Bcarcoly stay long In tho woods whore ho is bollovod to bo hiding. Funeral Is Held Tho fuirbrnl or A. J, Wlttmnn was hold yostorday urtoruoon at 2 o'clock trom tho rosldonco. Thoro was a largo attendance ot friends. Will louvo Marshfleltl Thurbday, August 1I, with 2 nutos for Pnniiinii KvposKIon, San Francisco, Fare $lff. Make reservations early. .Cor-lgati Knov, Phone UOO-J,, Right Cafo. lit Fiwt .tgnimnrvfuwvp MUW Kiirwiiwitnmiiw