'MMWniWWWMMIWMWli nittntSmmn 1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, NIARSHFIELb, OREGON. MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 1915. -EVENING EDITION. FIVE M-mjrjj,'H- ..Tji'--"jMMiiiiiiti amMMBKKMMiiMm;MiM!ni,HMiMi IB rHTlinr'Tirini1lliriWWlWIHWIMBItMir TlMillMMtii Mff' ii ii -- !.-..?.! -"."i''..i..iiiiiniwiiiaiiwataw , "- infeixtsaBxrttoiv i iKiH $19 aRiPl u the best odd trousers news of the season. I . fthe celebrated dependable Dutchess Irousers I'l ntir suit trousers are showing signs of wear fijE. "nVvct have still lot. of wear in them! A hd tne - ...-. would eive you a compartively new few pair or bridge-over until Fall-and just see the bit-a P,el . i ii1A.e nrices: conomy repress .hM Trousers that were $b.UU iNUW 4.o: utche" " $5.00 NOW $3.85 " $4.00 .... NOW $3.00 " $3.00 .... NOW $2.25 Don't wait until the best have been taken. They're oing fast. lars Woolen Mill Stores hfield North Bend he Noble Theater To-Night llloRinpli's Latest Two Reel Feature: 'CAPTAIN FHACASSE" picture Hint w HI Iioltl your attention for tlio full IciikIIi. I-HI4 I'OOII LITTLE i"tl," IllloRritph Comedy Drama. tiik roitn vi:kkiiV news pictorial- Anew weekly made liy the Ford .Motor cur company snowing Inmoitnnt happenings In tlio United Stales. HX Till: HANDS OK MAHAWHK' ' (hie or tin Sellg Wllil An Uniil zoo Pictures. OTHIIlt PICTURES TO HE SELECTED. ' Hnlrouy, 10c. Children, 5e. ower floor, L'r. SoMOllltnW Clmillo Chaplin in his lutcst coniely, "HY TIIK SKA," nUo Francis X. Hiisliiiiiin In u splendid two reel plc tuie. WKDXIISDAV The "Morals or Marcus," Paramount Offering. .MARTIN'S ORCHESTRA MO.VKIT TO LOAN IriDgements liavo been made I the Bankers .Mortgage Corpor- o( this statu to Icml sovsrul bud dollars on Improved farm Only requirement Ih that u percentage of tlio loan liu In- fl In stock of salil rorporntlon being satisfied such Ih a good Itment. No Commissions churg- tor negotiating tlio lunu. Quick P. John W. Motley, Local Agent Trios to Cut Kino. Yesterday u iran nnmed A. Klnnlnon was nrrest i'il liy Mnralial Carter for being In toxicated. Uo was ponnlless but a friend showed up later nnd offered Dost Sergeant Ferguson ?3.no to let hl'ii out. Mr. Forguson itald that tlio regulation fine, was SC nnd tbat lie would accept tlio $.1.50 ns a par tial payment and keep a watch an a guuiunteo for tlio balance Tlio friend finally went out and ralspd tlio liut $1.50. flgM BREVITIES AUGUST TIDICS Time and heights of tides at Marsh field. Tlio tides ure placed In order of occurrence, with their times Oil tllO first line nml linlirlita mi Mm uucoud lino of each day. A compar ison oi consecutive neigntB will lu ll Icato whether It is high or low water. High tldo on tho bar one hour nnd 54 minutes earlier thnn at Marshfield. 11.28 1.2 0.II8 :t.i; Fugles to Powers'.- August Frlz eeii and Dr. Stiaw returned today from a trip to Powers where thoy made urrungomeiits for a big Initia tion next Sunday. It is planned to have n special train from Marshfield and to take the band. u ml whs pulled out. He Insisted that he should have a little liquor to drink hut was told to He down ' In tin; sun to dry out his clothing. ' Hrs. . 11.31 Ft... 4.0 His. .0.51 Ft... 0.5 r. . 1 2 5.2 12.10 1.0 0.0 0,0 c.:i2 fi.2 WEATHER FORECAST tDr AmocUUiI I'naa to Coot Dir Tinea. OREGON Knlr, except showers extreme northeast, cooler westerly winds. LOCAL TliSn'MKATTJItH RECORD For tho 24 hour ending at 1:43 a. m. Aug. lfi, by IlcnJ. Ostlind, special government meteorologist: Maximum G8 Minimum 52 At 4:43 a. m 05 Precipitation 00 Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1014 C8.78 Precipitation i&mo period Inst year GC.54 Wind Northwest, clear. Cable Hreuks. This morning when the Kllburn wns making fast to the dock, one of the big cables broko and tho recoil swung the line against the side of the warehouse with terrific force. Luckily no one was standing In the way. Three Offender. Sheriff .John son of Coqulllo rnnio over yesterday morning. He hud Just returned from Itoseburg, biinging back with him 15. N. Grlgwnro and sou. Joseph Grlgware, and a man named Larson. They were charged with jumping a i board bill nt the Traveler's Hest in Coquille. Orlgwnro and his sou arc musicians. They camo to Coos Hay sometime ngo and did not hnvo mou i St. Alert will give Its annual e- oy to pay the express charges of n j rurslon to the Lifo Saving; Station 'set of druniB nnd had a lively time tomorrow, leaving Allegany at (I n. , getting them out of tho office, i m, Hound trip 75 retn; Mnrshfiehl They will hnve their hearing in Co- I nt Ii a. in., round trip 50 rents, unit qulllc this week, i North lleutl at I:1!0 . in. Leave' I from Station for MarMificItl ih, it . m. Visits Here. Mrs. C. F. Paxtpn of Uolso, Idaho, nrrived hero yes- 4444444444g J PERSONAL MENTION OUS NKLSON Is hi from Ten Mllo today. teiday from llolse, Idaho, to visit at'pKTI31l MBNB0AT Jr ralMo lu t0(lny ' inu numu oi uur inuiiu, .iib. ucu. Qoodiuiii. Mr. and Mrs. Coodrum and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis motor ed to Itoseburg Saturday to meet I her. They had n fine trip out and 1 back. : born : i44-444444 SIMPSON To Mr. und Mrs. Hay Simpson nt their home lu Hunker Hill, a daughter. HANKS To Mr. and Mia. Robert HankH at their homo In North Hcnd, u daughter, their first child. Mother and daughter are doing nicely nnd Mr. Hanks as well as cont'd be expected, Judging from the continuous smile that wreaths his countonnuco. Alert Kxcuislon. Tho steamer Al ert gives Its autiuuoxcurslou nt the Life Saving Station tomorrow. Has Operation.- " Scotncss, elec trician nt the Htj.or Hill mln.', underwent an operation for appen dicitis at Mercy hospital this morn ing nnd Is roported to bo doing nicely. Tlm Want wrta hrmsr rRiilt. Orgnufro Wednesday. Tho Koos Oregon Development Company will bo organized Wednesday, Aug. 18, at 1Q u. m. when a meeting will bo held in tho company offices in tho Pio neer Hlock in North llond. ' Ciimp llesiinies, Camp Ono on South Coos JUvor resutnod operations tndiiy, having been abut down Rut urday whllo thoy changed tho long lowering Hue. It Is ipiito a Job to rovorso 7,000 feet of Inch and a quiitur wlro cablo. INSURED MILEAGE from Ten Mllo. AXEL HUTU auO. wife are In from North Inlet today. HERMAN NAHH is In from North Inlet today on biiBlness. L. U. LARSON of Lakeside was look ing after business liore today. MnS. C. 11. HALH und baby left yes terday for a visit In Portland. W. II. SMITH wns here from Coos River this morning on business. No wonder tho .1. C. Penney Store, ."elli you better goods for tlio snnio money, miiiic goods for less money. Kxcrythlng nmrkctl In plain figures nnd tlio right prjee, unit that Is tlio first price. Hae jou eur stopped to tlilnk of the liiimeiiso umoiint of mer I'liaudlso tlint tho .1. ('. Penney Coinpuuy uses In n ,ear? Think of It buying fur the Hit busy stores us one big store, getting tlio lowest prices nml tho best meii'liiindlse. llettvr think this mer. I Have you looked at those Men's 'suits in nil colors and shades, non-brenkable fronts, hand made collars? $tr.0ll values, uur price .ijiil.DO Look ut this line made up in gray, storm blue Borgo anil novelty, SIH.00 value, our price . JjSlU.nt Novelty Suits in Llrown, Chock a dandy, 1?12.."(I value, our prlie .$1-1.7." Mole Skin Trousers for hard wear for men, ?:i.'J.- value, our price ..$2,111 Under Hill Overalls Hib, $1.00 value, our ptlcn . . . .Site Sampson Uib, good nml roomy, tide value, our pilcu ....(ll)c Hoy's Hlb Overalls, ill), It). Coveralls, good heavy denim, 7oc Milne, our price 10c Tho Orlginntors of Low Prices Think of it ladles, buying your Fall coat at the beginning ot the season for the prices that you are asked to pay for tho skimmings after the season is over. The latest styles und patterns Come try them on and exam ine them, compnre our values, und prices. These eoats nro worth at least one-third more. $.'.110 $7.1)0 $H.I)0 $11.1)0 $1 1!.50 $11.7." Sateen Petticoats, tho best that can be bought at money sav ing prices. I He, l)e, 71)e, Hl)e, DHe Ladles' House Dresses, $1.00 value, our prlcu . .70c House Dress, bettor grade, $1.25 to $1.50 values, our price OSc f9,&3$&7l?zeV'(20r oti.TiH Follow Ineerporated S T7fTM7IIMrje-ifJ. I- NKXT HOOK TO MAHSHFIKLH PO ST OFFICIO Catch Salmon. Quito a few sal mon aro being caught with tho troll on South Coos River, and tho trout aro rising to the fly in North Coos lllv.r lint tlio flalilnp nt Ten MMn di i . ni i, .n..t. i -'013 NOHLR ennio In from IiIh Ten In very poor. Sidney Clark caught I a dozen good sized ones near Camp Ono Saturday night, and others land ed some good ones. Reach Cold Hbucli. A card from Frnnk Denning und Ralph Matson announces that they reached Gold Reach the first day on their trip to Wild Horse Prairie where they expect to get so much venison that thoy will hnvo to hire an nuto truck to bring It back. However they had not secured any when they wrote but that was before tho 15th. Knjoy Outing. Saturday a num ber of tho girls from tho Marshfield telephono offlco enjoyed an outing trip to tho Goodwill place on South Coos River whero they took tho dance Saturday evening and enjoy ed bathing and picnicking yesterday. Thoso In tho party were Misses Kfflo Cameron, Nelllo Holland, Anna Hol land, Myrtle Mlllor nnd Elizabeth Arlandson. Finds Keys. Through n Times found ad, Mrs. 11. A. Wells found a bunch of keys nnd a motor bag which sho had lost whllo riding homo In an nuto. Geo. Dlndlnger picked thorn up on tho streot, brought them to Tho Times offlco und tho first Inser tion" of tho ad located tho owner. Mrs. Wolls Is more than grateful as It would have been difficult to re place tho keys. Helutlws Coming D. Y. Staf ford Is expecting his brothor, C. V. Stafford und family in by auto from Portland. C. M. Stafford Is pilncipal of the Woodlawn school In Portland and tho pupils from It wco i.wardod tho prizes In tho recto: state horticultural contests. Mr. Stafford's aunt from Illinois will ac company thorn hero nnd after a vis it on the Hay they will proceed l'i Uieir ailto to uruier i.anu. FISK RED TOP BICYCLE TIRES $M5$3.I0 Fisk Tires Free Air. Filtered Gasoline. Open Evenings Open Sundays I Picnic Party. James Cowan and i family, W. Curtis and family and K. R. Curtis and family enjoyed a plc ui" trip to tho Goodwill place on Iso.ith Coos Rlvor yestorduy. Mr. .Cowan recalled that JUBt twenty j years ago ho assisted lu opening a logging camp for Ren Smith an whom the Goodwill buildings, now j stand. It was owned thou by Mr. LuCusse. Then all tho logging was done by ox tennis. Backed With Fisk Service Compare New Low Prices With Others ( Fell Ovei board. This morning a young hoy named Craig Elum. wheso I, parents reside near tho bridge, fell II Into tho Hay ns a gasollno boat wa I making a landing at tho Commercial invenuo dock. Ho miscalculated tho 'oistuiice in reaching to make the , bout fast but hold on to the ropu r - r TIRES TUBES $ 9.00 $2.35 11.60 2.70 v 13.35 2.80 . . 14.90 2.95 19.40 4.00 20.50 4.15 27.35 5.20 32.30 6.25 NON-SKIDS EIVE PER CENT HIGHER SIZE 30x3 30x3y2 32x3V2 34x3y2 34x4 36x4 36x412 37x5 ftMrtl,,,,,,,, 0i?gon THE GUNNERY Fisk Distributors Southwestern Orogoii ST KIX(J 0AnAflKi Xort 1end AKents KIMB AN1) VoN PEGERT, Coqulllo Agents S. G. AVHITSETT, lland"ii Agent Real Estate AND Insurance If you wish to buy, sell, trade or rent, call on us. We have the bargains, why not let us do your advertising. Koos Oregon Development Co. Pioneer Block, North Bend Phone 151 Mllo ranch today for a short stay R. II. OLSON of Empire wns a Marshfield business visitor todny. LEVI 1 1 EISNER came in from his North Inlet runch today on busl- IIC6C. MISS MARY KRUSE left today for Fan Francisco to visit the exposi tion. H. E. HESSEY of Coos River wns hero today from tho creamery on business. W. S. CHANDLER left overland this morning for San Francisco on business. OSCAR GULOVSON nnd wife loft to day to spend a fow weoks at tho Exposition. WM. LEIGHTON roturnod to Camp Ono yesterday after n short stay on tho Day. MISSES ALICE TICKELL and Ag-, lies Kunkol loft todny for a short visit nt Lakcsldo. W. D. COX nnd wife left this after noon for n weoks outing at Golden Falls and vicinity. VERNON EUREKA and ifo spent yostordny at the Levi Holsuer ranch on North Inlet. MRS. NELLIE A OWENS spent Sun day at tho A. P. Owens summer homo on South Coos River. DR. It. W. MORROW spent Sunday at Powers. He said ho saw ono hunter bring In a fine deer. MRS. R. W. MORROW nnd hor sis-, tor, Miss Shaw, loft today Tor Sun- j Bot Ray for n fow days outing. HORACE HYLER and his fnthor-lm j law, Judge Turpon, roturnod from , Ton Mllo to North llond todny. T. R. JAMES nnd wlfo and chlldron1 returned yesterday from an outing i at tho W. P. Murphy summor ' homo. I MISS GRACE WILLIAMS left Ho-1 day for a short visit at tho Expo-J sltlon and with friends In San ' Francisco. WALTER RICHARDSON wont to Coqulllo yesteiduy In his unto to! bring Mrs. Richardson homo' from a visit there. JASPER F. MAU.EY nrrived hero ovorland from Portlnnd last oven-' lug to vls(t with his brothers nnd I sisters on tho Ray. T. C. RUSSELL and wife nnd baby ' roturnod today after spending I Sunset nt tho C. R. Peck summer homo on South Coos River. ' DR. IIOUSEWORTH and wife, Jesse I Frantz and Mr. and Mrs. Frunk , I Parsons enjoyed an auto trip to j Handon yesterday nftornoon. JUDGE HALL wont to Coquille this I afternoon to pay his annual offl ' clal visit as Grand Mabtor to tho1 Coqulllo Odd Follows Lodge. w. T. MERCHANT has given up his' position in tlio Woolen Mill Sterol I at North Rend whero he has been. employed for several months. MRS. RORERT McCANN of North Dond returned last evening fronij on over Sunday visit at tho K. R. Hodson homo on South Coos Rlv- er. CHAS. McCULLOCII returned to, Camp Ono yesterday after u short stay here. Mrs. McCulloch Is now running a small Btoro at Camp Ono. LEW GILLESPIE and wife nnd ba-j hies and F. E. Conway and wlfo and son enjoyed a trip up Coos I River yesterday in tho Glllesplo launch. I MRS. R. W. MORROW and baby and sister Miss Margaret Shaw loft for Sunset Ray today to spend a few dnys outing at tho C. F. McGeorge cottage. GEORGE SHERIDAN and Mr. Koer ner, the latter having been tho guest of James PolhemuB here, left on tho Yellowstono yesterday for San Francisco. PERCV GIRDS, tho North Inlet To Our Customers; We are very sorry to state that w will not bo able to de liver our cunning peaches on Monday ns stated for the reason that tlio ('im)s Hay Produce Co. will not bo iilluucil to sell us. Our brother merchants lmvo told this concern that If they sold us that they (the merchants) would boycott them und henco tho lesult and why aro they doing this? Fur the simple reason that wo were going to sell them for title per bo when tho other merchants wem going to sell tliem for 75e. Hut. remember this wo will fill all our orders at tlOc per bov, nnd wo will continue to sell them for title for wo can get. all the peaches that we want hut It will bo a matter or a fow days until wo can get them here. Watch our aiU for (Into of ilelhery. WE SAVE VOl' MONEY GETTING'S CASH GROCERY cranberry grower came In today with his aunt, Miss Eva Phillips, who left on tho Kllburn for her homo at Sacramento. FOY COX returned to Camp Ono lif ter a fow days vIbU here. Ho Is planning to visit his old homo lu 1 Illinois Into this fall und may pos sibly docldo to remain there. DR. J. T. McCORMAC. who has boon visiting on Coon Ruy since May, loft for his homo lu Rerkuley, Cul. today. He sailed on tho F. A. Kllburn for Eurekn und from thero will go by rail to San Fran cisco. J. S. ATKINS nnd wlfo loft todny on the Kllburn for Eureku and San Francisco to visit with friends und relatives and also to sou tho J : new today : $$ LOST Topaz. Stick Pin, gold set ting. Reward for return to tho Times office. WANTED Roomers, breakfast fur pltbod. Gentlemen only. Lunch eons put up. Mrs. Helen Har vey, Marshfield Hotel. Phono 137-L. FOR SALE Aerated fi-H-di milk, 1(1 cunts per gallon delivered on tho wharf, Marshfield. No ndviinco later. It. A. Church, phono 303-XX-l. exposition. They expect to bo , SALESMEN-POCKET SIDE LINE uonoubout three weeks. I 'H PROPOSITION, nil gone about three weoks. CLAUDE THOMPSON of tho Coos Uny Produce company, returned via Drain last evening from n week's trip to tho valley. Ho con tracted for several carloads ot peaches, the first of which arrived today. C. C. GOING and family hnve moved I merchnuts in towns of 100,000 and under wnnt It. Pays $5.00 commission on each sale. No col lecting, no risk to merchant. Wo (uko back unsold goods. Easiest, biggest paying sldo lino over of fered. CANF1 ELD MFG. CO., 208 Slgel St., Chicago from Eloventh and Central Into -- - i , ,, ,, , , e....i. ' 1'OR SALE Work horse, would e- the 1 . R. Hodson house on South , IMiono j., Fourth street, near Hall. M s. or Jox Q Nortu Iloml Jan. Forrey Sr. will occupy the tW4W4WWWWWi house which they vacated. . A. H. LOUD and wife loft today for J LOST I Lnktsldo for n shurt vacation. Mr. , 4tt464444t44i Loud will not report tho term of I LOST Hetween Hunker Hill and circuit court In Curry County this Marshfield, V. ('. Mandolin watch for Its roturu to month, another tourt reporter at Hold Reach having agreed to re lievo him, MILTON LATTIN brought his wife up f i oni South Inlet today and ex pected to tako her to Eureku for troiitmont for paralysis from which she has snfforcd for some tlnio. Miss Irene Lattln will ac company them fob. Rewind Times office. t FOR SALE X 'FOR SALE Fat Pljiuoulli Hock ! hens. Phono Howard Lnrgent, l'J-J. . MRS. R. II. COREV und daughter, j WANTED Ruth, loft today for their HUiiimor WANTED At once, good second, camp on South Coos River. Mrs. hand safo, 78 Central avenue. Corey leeolved word lust week of t FOR RENT t I'Olt HI. NT U-rooiu npnrtmcuts, stcum heat and furnished, 115.00 and S IS.00. Inquire apt. 10, T.lnt- : lock upts, 2nd und CoininercI.il. tlio sudden death of hor futlior In the east. JAMES LANDRITH nnd Roy Lnn drlth enmo down from their Cooa River runches this morning. Thoy aro burning tho flashings on about ten acres, cut Inst winter FOR RENT House, closo lu. Seo 1. and this cnusod some to think tho s. Kuufmun. smoke Indicated a bad flro yestor-j day. I FRANK HLACK and family of South ' Fifth street left late Satiirduy af-, ternoun for Coquille whero thoy Joined Mrs. Rlaok's brother Jess FOR RENT Ono iiufuriiished apart ment at The Hague. Apply Pioneer Iluidwaru Co. FOR RENT Myrtle Arms modern furnlshe'd apartments freo heat and water $22,50 per mouth up. Dyers and family, who In their car will accompany Mr. and Mrs. Rluek to Sheridan. Oregon to visit for two or threo wcoks.nt tho liom of tho latter's sister, Mrs. Arthur Selandor. TTo Let ('"ntract. Geo. E. Cook Is now receiving bids on tho erec tion of n now house nnd will award tho contract next Saturday. It Is to be u strictly modern homo. FOR TRANSFER AND STOR ACE OF HOUSEHOLD COODS FREIGHT AND HACCAGE Cull FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono 1(111 Residence Phono 1JI-.T Matkot Ave. and Wut erf rent m ;MSMnnimWMirirTiTW iimry,,yTrT"rirn7'' :j3&fl;