"WMl THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST16, 1915. EVENING EDITION. FOUR COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MAI.OXKY, ttdltor nml Pub. DAN H. MAI.ONKV, News Kdllor Official Paper of Coos County Official Paper City of Mnrshficltl. J ( I WITH THE TOAST ' t AND THE TEA t Kntorcd nt tlio l'ostofflco at Marsh field. OreKon. for transmission through tlio malls ns mail matter. Bccoml-clnss SUIISCHIl'TION 1 (ATI'S RA1IA. Ono year fC.OO I'or month " WKKliUY. (.ooi) i:vi:.m(j Ono year Jl.GO , When paid strictly In ndvnnco the 1 mibssilptloii in ico or tno uoos nay Times Is $5.00 por year or $2.50 for six months. That Is truo cultivation which gives us sympathy with every form of humnn life, and enables us to work most successfully for Its advancement. Refinement that carries us nwny from our fellow men Is not God's refinement. IJeccher. The Fool and Ooir Forest An independent Republican news paper, published every evening ex cept Sunday, and weekly, by Tlio Coos liny Times Publishing Co. Address nil communications to COOS RAY DAIIjY T1MKS. ROOST YOl'R ()V TOWN COOS county lias 11 number of growing nml prosperous towns, in w'hlch newspapers arc locnt cd. Tlio hotter theso papers arc pat ronized by advertisers and subscrib ers tlio hotter It will ho for thoso towns and for the surrounding coun try. If you wnnt to bo a real booster for your homo town, stnnd loyally by your homo paper. It mny not bo ns big nor published ns often ns other papers in tlio larger cities, but It Is bound to bo more closely Identified with tho direct needs of your own town than any outside publication could possibly be. HOW TO 1JVKTO HK IN THH "Interesting People" de partment of tho August Ameri can Magazlno appears 11 n nrtlclo nhotit Henry F. Swanbncl', tho old est Odd Follow in America, who liv es nt tho ago of 100 nt Greenwood, Nebraska. Mr. Swanbaclc was 11 boy hood friend of Rlanmrk'ti. Ills grandfather lived to bo 117. .Fol lowing nro his rules for living to bo 100. "Go to bed curly and got up ear ly. .."Never Hleep In n heated room. "Keop fresh ulr In tho sleeping room. "Sleep out of doors In Bitniinor winter, too, If It can bo arranged. "Drink plenty of fresh water. "I'so very little red liquor. "Ah old ago conies on tako, oaoh morning. 11 small wlno glass of 11110 thlrd glycerin and two-thJrds good whisky. "Smoke as oflon as you please, but do not Inlnilo tho siniiho. or blow It out through tho nostrils. "If you uro unfortunnto "enough to loso your wife, got iiuothor. It Is not good for man or woman to llvo nloue. "Dont worry over imytliluK. Wor ry kills iiiitt'o peoplo than disease. "Keep an oven toiiipiir nt all times, lie cheerful at nil Union. "Kuup tho foot dry ami tho head clear. KISS II Kit ' Why don't you kiss your wlfo each morning when you go to, work? I Porlmps sho does look frazzled and her faco might scare a Turk, j Ilul rcinumbcr, mini, she is tho girl 1 you took for good or bad, ' And you're not such a wonder when you show your mug. he-dndl , 1 When wlfo Is wnn and tired, wise. hubby looks her o'er I And muses, "Gouli, she's getting old, nnd looking pretty pore." j And then ho spies u beauty young. ! n-wnlking on tho street Ho thinks sho Is tho rend kid-do mid tries with her to meet. Romoiuber, man, Old Father Time has lined up your fare, too. And If you'd use n looking glass you probably will view A drled-iip, grouchy nppoarlng fizz, red noso and bleary eye. when yon loavo the house for work just kiss the wlfo goodbye. K. W. .Torgenson 1 K. T.AM.KN. Goodby to tlio .'col with the empty guni Forgotten his bid Tor faino. Though ho kill '.! friend, it only counts oiio, .And that, luwumiys, Is tnnin. The fool who pbivfully locks t.'.e l.p,t I da tho front pngo po more lie m.'v rank high with the fools afloat 'llul his glory Is gone ashore. ' There's the fool with women, tin fool with wine, And the fool who games with slt-iingers, And the Joy-ride fool (ho dot" well in his Hue Uy c-ral'lulng Uiese an dent tlnngors). . Rut th.iy'10 nil still down In the primer el-ass, Mere kiv'.cos Uldn.? u ri.cr, , .Compiu'od with the piizo-tnklng, criminal si, Tho tool In the woods with Hie. A few linns break fur tlio deiids thcy'vo ilono In th-alr pitiful amateur wny, Rut flro slays dozens where the? slay ono And s?fi'i.gi!B a statu In a day. For thi rulnol homo and tho smckoloss slnclt And tho worker unemployed, Know ,1 huinlio.l years sh.ill mvr bring back The 'hli ihnl his 111.1 tth do troyed. All Over Oregon NKWI-OIIT Tlilelanil owners of FOIlKST GROVK Mrs. Julia Lincoln, eounty are preparing to re- Wehrlev of this city hip a strtiwliur slst tlio claim of the Southern Pneif-ry patch which benrs unit u itohmi Ic to some of tho vnlerfront prop erty. I SALKM Clarenco Rursell was found by n jury to bo not guilty of the chnrgo of killing Charles Zim merman near Sllvorton, his plea be ing that of self defense. PORTLAND It is oialmod that someone who Is giving his name as tho summer until the frosts In the fall come, the berries being of a fin er duality thnu thono which' are pro duced In the regular summer nensonl ASTORIA tt is believed tlint llnrry HIH. a cook whoso body was found, committed suicide by Jump ing from the wharf. MORO Congressman Nick Sln- "Lorenzo Dole" Is making alluring nott Is visiting snerman cinuuj iu offers to prospective settlers to come nrqiutliit lilinieU with the conditions to Lnne county for hoinestendH audi In the Irrlgntotl ilistricis. NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS M'WS OK IIAXDON I.WiTI'O FROM crilRY I So v..i.w nr Pi'imlo nt that PlueoTolil In I Vile There Wnnteil Coiuitilltee loLWrtPR i,3 wlfo that ho was sliang .....v.- ...... ... ... . , .. iioieii anil iiini no is in Kiinio jiori in Cnnnda. PORLAND RenJainlti Ryan Till man. Pulled States senator from Keeonlcr Clias. and liny nowninn and their Come l"i Cmmt The peoplo of Curry County were that he has been misrepresenting the facts. FORKST GROVE Robert F. Clarke has been elected professor of sociology and economics nml dean of tho Pacific ITnlvorsIly. JON'H Robert P. Wllmott. n pio neer of 1S50, and a nntivo of Miss ouri, died nt his home in lone, nftor having lived In Oregon' since 1S50. PORTLAND Tfno Theodore Riirnheltn wood wurohouso was en tirely destroyed by fire together with several boles of wool. SEASIDE Dahlia Park has been chosen ns the site for the now I'h lon high school which Is to liu erect !il nt a cost of $10,000. ASTORIA Edward Pastnw, who was thought to have been drowned. ...1 ll.nl .1... 1I. ....... I ,, , .... ,,1 ,, (rill HISU IlIl.MUIIB mill inu mi uin lllllll now Dodge nuto started on 11 trip .. . ,,, '. ihii iiuin 1 uiiiiiuiitu ui uii(,i""i'' 'uimu In tre irrigated dlsticts. PORTLAND Clayton Ward, n longshoreman, harboring n fancied grlovanco ngnlnst his wife, boat her with a hammer until sho was Insen sible. ASTORIA (lillnettors nnd sein ers alike have met with poor suc cess In the salmon fishing during tlio piiBt few days, but heretofore this season the fishing has been good. HOOD RIVER The Hrst crop or Unrtlett pears is being picked In the Hood River dlslWct and over tno packers are at work In the packing plant. KLAMATH FALLS The Com mercial Club has boon organized un der new plans and n innuibcwb'p campaign has been started. SALEM Three men who while working nt the penitentiary flax farm nnd escaped under the eyes of the guards, are still nt largo. to tho Wlllainctto valley and Port land. Krnost Render Joined them at Myrtlo Point. Mrs. .1. A. Ryrno returned from Comilllo whero she has boon doing Whon 11 man hates you ho hns a RtenoKrmihy work for a firm of grouch on when you como around. ' ,mit ,.ty whllo tholr regular stoii Rut when a woman hatos you sho''OKrnpiu,r Wns taking n vacation, sinlles sweetly when she meets you, 1 t,l)ert F. Munford and Sarah K although sho could bo urresteil for'look MOt, f Arngo woro married iijainoK t,c Oregon delogiition In con north up tho coast from Crescent City to Coos Rny so that they could view the Curry County hnrbors and waterways. Roderick Macleay of Wedilcrburii writes Hint ho has been making every effort to co-operate with tho Coos County people In in ducing the committee to mnko the trln. having personal friends GOLD HKril P. i:. Kgan who South Carolina, celebrated his TW died nt his home in tioiu neiicii was birthday while visiting his daushtcra well Known resident of Curry cnun In Portland ,v mid was ('.' years old. MM ll'ImimiiftH'ii'Jil I .'iiPM 1 1 I'M 1 1 11 I in TJTiTTT Vacation Days rt U-UUYVIIISI FINE CAMPING GROUNDS EXCELLENT HOME COOKING SWIMMING, BOATING and FISHING- DANCING PAVILION V Several bonts dally to Mar,l,frfd Including upeeil lmic, , .; .AIiiKshriel.t nt .i!ir. .i,.n " . nun nrrlr, lug in (hue ror supper; ra,e, fio(. will's nt 7 every inonih.,. , ,, MiiiMifielil iihout ,S:;l( ' "' Ru(e lensoiinlile. ii.....n .... l-iii-mew, or Itiqulro of ('I)ft Sm of steuiiier Itnliiboiv. what she thinks of you. Tho niiin who whines Hint n worn- Sunday evonlng. August sth nt tho home of the bride's parents, Kldor John S. Rook In tho prosenco of nonr nn drove him to drink Is a liar. -0 j rrlouclH and relatives. Rev. L. Tj. mini Is horn without 11 thirst. Mnybo this would ho n hupplor world If tliigs woro rovorsed nnd it cost $r00 to get married nnd only $fi (o gel 11 divorce. Overholster of Raiulon officiated. R. W. Rates and family of Rose burg nro among the visitors to U.in don this week stopping at tho (lalll or. Mr. Hates was rulaed at Port Or ford hut left this country many years 'ngo. Ho was formerly publisher of After silling down mid being lion- t,u XuWH or nosebiirg but sold out est with yourself you will admit n ,0pj0 0 ycllra nB0. Ho Is now that your fool frlemlH cuiiso you cnB11K(.,i tho Job printing busl moro trouble than your enimilos. )11(m nl ,)S0U1K. Albert Garflohl plans to JeaTri J?. When a girl has shown mi Interest; )lIfl ,nitoino,n0 tho latter part of tho In you nml sho ineetH you on '" ; Welc for Snn Francisco, ncconipan Hlruct rour times hi ono ufternoon.! e(, )y M.H Oiirflolcl. Mrs. W. K. It Isn't nn accident. It is n frame-' (,rulu ,, ,iiniKliturM the Mlsios Kr P. I ma and l'earl. and by Miss Norn a solve, to be gone for a two or throo I Ql'KSTION FOR Till: DAY I W(llIB lr,. : : : " " : 77 I itncordur KniiMriiil left this morn- inn gross. The efforts to got the com mittee to' como tills way apparently woio made too lato as word was re ceived that tho tt lp would bo made from CroMcent City to Grants Pass and through the Willamette. Valley to I'oi'tlnud. J(fie IRVING BLOCK sss TKACIIKRS AT ('(Hjl'ILLK New- Why is It that a hoiiso guts red noso from rum and Hint u pro lilhltloiilst always net his rod nose fiom Htoninch I rouble. One roimou why fnthor IlkoH to iiiovo In iiuolhi'i lioimo Is because hJ l-.niiWM Hint tho duy nfter 1 lug 1111 the Htngo for Itoseburg whero ho will take the train for San Frnu- cUro for u visit to tlio fair, lie was I granted it month's leave of nnsrnco hv the council nt lis Inst meeting Instructors Chosen for Coining Yciir There The CoutiUlo public schools will opon Tor (ho fall" term on Monday. Sept. lilth the Hiimo'ilnto on which tho other city schools of tho county open. 1 There uro only two changes In tho i 'corps of teachers from that of last 1 year. Prof. .7. W. Crltes, of Hood1 River, will he principal of tho High School, the position hold by L. W. ' Tiiriibull lust year, who goes to llan- don this year as superintendent of; the city school there. Miss Mnhli) Hanson, who taught lmithomntlcs ami (ieimnn In tho High School last year will not return and Miss Mable anothebrutsht'h?elnattEos? mmmM- AND MATERIALS SPECIAL SALE ON CHILDREN'S SWEATERS. WE ARE CLOSING OUT THS I NE AND ARE SELLING THEM FOR LESS THAN COST. iUlrfrS .CtfcaxZWfHriW Marshfield-Coquille Auto Stage Owl I'luu-nincy Mnrslifleld , Coqullj, A;M ' A.M. 7:0 7.00 V 0:00 11:00 t'-"' I'Jl. a:oo fi.JU) o:30 MAltSI I KIKMl.COy Ul r,M3 Alio JsTACJH TI.MK SCIII'DULll Schedule ninitigcd (o connect Willi bouts to lliiudoii, Stages to Myrtlo Point, Wnguer, llosebarg. No delays. Knro from Mnrsliflclil (0 Cqulile: 7." cctils. Single & Lumbcdi, Front. Will furnish extra caw lot extra trips day or night; alto charter cars. I -,- GRAVEL -- WW I I'll II' In1 II II III 1 1 11 Wo nro now prepared to furnish GRAVEL In any inantltlcB . from pllo In our yard or In carload lots, at following prices: From pllo on ground, $2.?5 per yard. ennoad luta, laken from cars, $3.00 por yard. llctnil Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite Post-Office. Phone iOO. MERCHANTS CAFE Popular Place for Good Meals Prices Reasonable Cm, Commercial mid irdit'r. - APf.TST, 11115 ai'to stagi: sciiiniuu: TO PORTLAND YI.V I'LOIU'-NTE I.envo .Mui-slificlil nml Florence during which time Mrs. Kuiisrud will ' "' of Ft. Collins. Colo., has been mother K "-'"Nluir eat meat. A lltthi '1ilekoii j gol mvlM ho will discover some will liuriii 110 one. but inuut not ho 0n!r house that she like better. eaten too 011011. "Hat plenty of frosh fish. "Do not drink coffeo. "Keep nwny from swoot stuff. It ruins tho stomach mid ultimo. "Tuko plenty of outdoor oxerclso. Wnlk 11 great deal. "Follow those rule, and any nor- STICK TO TMK. RATI Sluco Mnry went out on tho beach She's been as led as blaies. And cranky! Ge. lint she's h peach. Her peevishness niiuucs. For Mary look h dip one day. attend to tho duties of his office. Mr. Knusriid may go on to his form er homo at Rice Luke. AVIs.. whero lils iini-eiilH live hut wss r. c.'cldod I'll MARY "' ' ,rl' " ,1" mo of 0UV"K siinii narrows 111 ins ruru Binn ed for n trip Into the Wllliuueito to be gone 11 week or ten days. Ho was accompanied by his mother who will mi mm far us liiiRiMie. uiso ny .ns engaged for this position. Sho has been principal of the High School there mid Is highly recommended. Coqulllo Sentinel. OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE (Joist & King. ; Curs leave Mnrshflclil 7 11. in., 1 1 a.m., t! p.m., ." p.m. Cuts leave for Kmpli 0 7 a.m., 1 1 a.m., - p.m., " p.m. Cms I. eiuc Sunset Ray 7 n. 111., 0 a.m., I p.m., . p.m. J'ures, Kmplt'c, :S."c; Tiulicel or South Slough, noc; Sunset Rny 7."c MYRTLK POINT I'AIR I September S, 0, 10, 11, Wod ' Thurs.. Frl.. ami Snt.. are the days for tho Coos nnd Curry counties ex position at Myrtle Point. Fifteen luto the briny ocean; mal man, bailing accidents, etui RvolSllPt, l,m 1HH. ralheiV had to pny to bo line hundred." .... . ... 1 a...... n.ivrnw- nml noil chsillo. the'liorseg 111 irniiiing ami more neiiin I For lotion utter lotion. You see she dallied In the mm 1 ,, 1t ,,evlHteil. 1 AT THE HOTELS t wiiiin hi it Mary ihoimh ii f: She's i-lintiKPl her mlml. she's tfftwft5ff? ! Hinted ' Cliiuiillei' lluli'l. Xow judim'g nn pleasant plaro to b, i:. N. llnriy nnd 1.. ('. Utiinliiiuii. I RobuUes we got urc si'Hthlng, Fltkiiiu; J. It. MiGee. lcrtiin: H. j We're hoping tlmt lwrwtflpr ll F, ICstiibrnok, Sun Fiiiinlsco: R. Il.i will slick to hatlittib bnthlug. Liuul, Rosobiirg: Mr. and Mrs. Put- 1111111, Seattlo; R. K. Neul, .MedfurU; I ItKACTII'll, SI'.VSKT RAY Dr. .1. It. Wolheihoo and wife. Ung-,Tlio people urn flocking there lols; Reit SinltU. Muutnn: Irw 15. vam. Shaw, 1-ortluud; W. C. mrs mid Pnrknr Sears, HoMton; Mrs. J. Ness. Portland; L. A. .Iiihnaou, (ilenmlu: Robt. Andrews, I'ortluiul; lieu .MR- Nature surely Ims done her part mttor chnffeiir. id daughter Ma jmle. The parly roe first to Rose- burg where relatives will bo visited. ItIikii t Hugeite and from there per lliaps to .Monmouth nnd Cfcn'oii. if'OOS COl'NTY RKI.OW AYKRAOK They call It Riinsi-t Ray. side. If only for n tiny. 1 hell, Portland. I.Io.mI llnlel. .his. Ilo'uio, Powers; II. Junta und wife, HoM'linig: (i. It. .lotios, Roa4 burg; Frank Page, Itoseburg. Rlaiiin Hotel .T. K. Kvans, Port laud; C. llaus. chlldt, Stmt He: Frank Ward. Coos River; John Mo n folk, Coos River; K. W, (liiptll, Coos Rher; Ruy Nor ton und T. Y. Million, South lulnt: II. W. -hurl, ShiiihIui Uko; (1. p. Anthony and wife, city. St. I.iiui'iiuco lintel, Mrs. J. I). Lainl, Sllkum; 0. M. Smith mid -011, Seattle; R. L Hurt ding and wife, Seattle; W. W. Rob rits, Portland; A. L. Hay, Portland; .ItRsIu Laldlaw, Seattle; J. II Phiiter, Powers. The wildest flgurea vp over aaw publlalied are those Iu the hist laauo jot Hip Oregon YhIpi Iu which Mr. 1 Chapman makes Coos county's cant, jfor county offlcera $li1.0 a year, (o We have before 11a Aaspsaor Thrift's 'estimate of the coat of our county offices for 191''. as follows: I Coat of Sheriff's office JS.OOo j Coat of Clerks of the S.0"'1 Cost of Treasurer's office . . . COO'i Coal of Coroner's office 1 ,000 The scenes arc Intensely grand. iYo.?.,tt.k" ," La,,.K!rt " t0 "".Cost of lehoBl Superlntendenfa U' !"- l"" " .-. ....... I 1 dftrt Ol I HI . . ( i You can pilch your leut by the Hoah sea air. And teel the ocean spray. Or awread your coucu utMlor IH ov ergreeiia On beautiful Sunset Ray. Many coino to take a roat On bi-uutiful Sunset Ray. There's food for thought ut glance To drive tlio cares away. ovary Coat of Assessor's office (1,000 Totil $33,000 Mr. Thrift's est I mate Is n llboral one and as Mr. Cliamnau. In the Ore ion Almanac for the present year, puts our population at 21.000. it seem that wo full a long way short lot hla "county unit" of $3 per cap! from. Myrtlo Point KntorprUe. HARROW OPPOSKI) TO RKCALL Attorney C R. Harrow, of Co qulllo. spent Monday night In Han don visiting with his relatives, the J. R. Marshall family and attended lo legal matters while hi town, re turning home on tho noon boat. Re slated that ao far as he knew there waa nothing to tho re-cnll movement, anil that out or 700 or S00 voters In Cnnullle. he did not believe that there were " who would lgn am h n petition. -Randon Recorder. Koontz Garage Agency for S00DYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: .. Phone 180-J PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY Friday . . Saturday . Sundny . . Monday . . Tuesday . iWcdnoBilay 'hiirsilny . Friday .. Saturday . Sunday . . Monday . . Tuosday . Wednesday Thursday Friday 27... Saturday :..2S... Sunday' , .. . .20. .. Monday-. .'. . ..'10. .. Tuesday ... ..ill . . . . . G 00 a.m. .. 5:00 a.m. . . fi:00 a.m. . . r.:30 a.m. . . 0,00 a.m. . . 0:15 a.m. . . 0.00 a.m. . .10:30 a.m. ..11 no a.m. ..12:00 in 2a... .1:00 a.m. 3:30 a.m. 1:00 a.m. 1.30 a.m. 5:00 a.m. 5.00 a.m. 5:00 a.m. 5 30 a.m. COO a.m. .13. .11. .15. .10. .17. .18. .10, .20. .21. 21... 25... M U . . On Trips Leaving Mnrshfleld befoi 7:00 a. in., you should make Port land tho samo day. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Dr. A.4L. Houseworth, PhYMcliiii nml SiirS" ftiriro'livlni' Itlock. wi.. .. -. 11 . n. 111.: 8 . ...... .- a.. .) . ... I llllll l n i. .. . Phones: Office' 1 Ul-li l-i 1U SHIPS HHII'R i.oo.NRi:RRn:s 1 W. C. Snyder, wlio lives a mllo' liorthweat or (Ici-vbIs. shipped 72 on pounds of drlei. loganberries to a l'oillaiul wholesale house Tueda, where they will be stored for a fu ture price. They ute pooled with tho I loganberry association at 2o cents ter pound, and prospects are good for a hotter prli'tt. Thiwn berries were-! grown on fle acres, and the "yield ,' would have been at liaet a ton more if fiol had not nipped pnie of the vines. -Oervals Star. AXXIOfS FOR RKSORT llereta Reach, muo couuty'g new ocean resort, was tho objective point win lonie .iiiii-h ineiii 'iiiiiCMiuy,1 nut u.. will Htm loot iicii.) HI, Willi - jiiiIos for Piimimu .iilonied IxiiiisKI. 11. Sim IViiin isco. Fine Sin. 1 On l.inullin! iii-. I M Lo iCM'iviiHons einly. (orrkaii H Kiiov, Phone ao.., Right Cfe J la for such expcmllturea, instead of I It aI tin 'Mil imp jil (n avonm as lin You can view the ship aa they MllMlta jt. We wonder where on earth lKrnuTSulirul Kiet Usv. I 10 ot "fh " rr Cw- llul there never waa a urander aiaht i "' aliiRiilar is the fact that wheu 0f SSO Kugene excursloulsts Sunday Thau the settliiK of the auu nt It contos to the cost of county courts a train of i-lv conches made the trln Mi-1 aea. BU,i vommHlonera Mr. Chainiun,iroiu Kueeue to Cuhiiian oxer the 'some day man's hand Hill bwmtlfy '' "". '"," " "" ooa u,u, 0f tUe vmi,wtto Pacific in m - The nook down by tbv tu. . mui kiu-s our louiiiy couri r (line mid within an hour for n place nn get Sound Bridge & redgmg Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" tho uiobt powerful, best equipped nnd most (liurouglily modorm twcnty.luch hydraulic arodK In Paclfio wnters Coos Bay office, Main office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. iih ia.L'lil nml ulM's our louiitv court ' ir! iim.. 1 red It tor iislnt; up only $ Hint l'i.in!li' Si-iiilm-l Ml 1 m r.n of flie, mnl within an hour utter of j tts arrhal at ihu end of the line the hiuiM iiui'iin were nt the new le- " " -U i't r ,i boit ride of n'o-it tlx inltiitlniis pnnleil m Tlio Times , 'I o( the Sitifla-w river nml a "i ' o CHINOOK SALMON Ton.ws t'vrt 11 .lo all hluil". of ilcp sc.i f ii, whrn nv ill.il'le. rjSHritHW? MVHKKT PI -ue 110 HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 ".f. I Kfl lilllnlnM J. .... vv.iu.ii pbonei8l! iiinr.iiivn roXTRACTOn Estlmntes fiirnislied on requcit DK H. M. Shaw ,M GLASSHS I-'ITl'KIl Phono :WO.J. Rooms 200-2 IrvlnB lllock. DR. MATTIFi R. SHAW. Phyhlcliui and SuffieoB Phono :i:J0-J. Office hours by nppolotu'' Ben amin Ostlind ivppiid AltCIHTKCT Offices, 200 Irving DlocK- Phono 103-L or 2b-J. j Marshfield, 0MM H. G. Butler ... Room 301 Colco Rldg. P" Rcsldenco rnuuu - r W tl Phnnrllnp Ml UIIUI ..- ,.,, A11C1I !. ,ldM Rooms 3Q1 and 302, CoUe DU Marsnrioiu, vw Aln Q TnrnPtl ARCHITECT ,i .. i.ii nrpcoO. -1 F'vi 'c Re- l cr, Mlirunuviwi v--