'- J-' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 1915..EVEMIMG EDITION. THREE ; .,,., --.--..ViWiiw.,., a. ,, urn ?r-fr,VJUfHnTininfmBfffflnBriffl LTrTWMIriiirWiffT1' ir- - " ' "? f-' to flo 0 .vandni .avian-imencai) iBank "WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE" m XV l-NVITH YOUR BANKING jU'COUXT AXI) sMiti: voir prompt, courteous and J()M'llli:XTIAIi SERVICE HOURS 9 TO 3 SATURDAY EVE 7 TO 9 NEWS OF WORLD'S GREATEST WAR DM BY DAY ! " 1 I OREGON'S MINERAL FOREST YIELD IS BIG ft BENNETT m OLDEST RANK IX COOS COUXl'Y Established 1H8I). Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest 1'iild on Tlmo AXI) HAVINGS DEPOSITS Officers V. Ileiinetl, Piesltlenl. ' J. II. riuiiugiin, Vice-President. It. F. Williams, Cashier. Geo. K. Winchester, Asst. Cashier. A Checking Account , thci-Mug in count vtlth us means you are getting in tho ulti of upini (unities. You enmo ill pciMinnl contact wltli (ho ofllrlaN of litis bank. Ily this personal contact jou ritllhntt) mi acquaintanceship iilihh will bf of wiliic l 3 '"i I" i',,M0 ,,r wil. Heller ln attay n Wilts nest-egg for tin winter. Wink may In- m-iiuc iiihI II "HI t'oiiif in mighty liiiinly in iuivts a little on ilcHilt tilth us l litTk against. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Sufety Deposit Boxes For Rent. Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Weekly Service Coos liny nnil Hun Francisco. 21 Thomas L Wand . FREIGHT SERVICE ONLY Wild, SAIL PROM SAX FRANCISCO KOI I COOS BAY, FRIDAY Al'til'ST UUTII, CARRYING FREIGHT. Ban Frunclcu Office, 000 Fllo Building, mid Iter Number 28 Coos Bay A gout, C. F. McQeorqe, Phone 44. i:qi'iiim:i with wireless teamship n ALWAYS OX TIME. sails from marsiikikmevehy suxdav durixg august at hmmi a. m. axi) from portland every thursday AT 8 A. JI. riiunu -M-,), II. J. MOIlIt, Agent. North Pacific Steamship Co. STEAMSHIP SANTA CLARA SAILS KOIt Tl IISDAV, AUGUST 17 XOOX 'OR FURTHER INFORMATION mi TiitMiwi, rock phone j:m w. e. stuhh, Agent MARSHHELD-ROSEBURG AUTO LINE Best Cars Fare, $7 Best Drivers J;'"0 J!""'"" n:no' A. M. Rally 1,4,0 ,to'""-K ,SO A. SI. Dally TICKET OFFICE, 139 FRONT St,. w MAHSHKIELR New Dodge Cars Fare $7.00 REFERS TO THEIR DAVID STARR JORDAN SPEAKS AT GATHERING Says Conflict Was Started liy Men U'lio Wanted to Hold Their Positions LONG REACH, Calif., Aug. 10.- STRP TYPHHS FEVERISIZE OF KN English Admit American Medical GERMAN' COUPS DAS -11,01)0 MEN ARM PRODUCTION IX 1011 WAS LESS TIIAX IX ll)lil Deep Mining Ontiiit rails Off Wlillo Placer Output Is on Increase Official Iteport Mndo Service OutsdOjm Tliom Over iioo.ooo i)0 of Disease AXI) 1 1,000 HORSES .Mala Procession :I0 Miles long nnil Require 110 Hallway Trains to Transport Them Tho value of the gold, sliver, cop per, nnil lend produced nt mines In Oregon In 191-1, nceording to Chnrlcg Q. Ynle, of tho United States geolog ical survey, wns $1,070,153, compar ed with $1,7-10,102 in 1913 and 5SI0.SS5 lii 1912, and a decrease of $70,219 from the value. In 191-1. tho None (lescllschaftllcho Corrcs-! , " "', , 101, , , , , . . , . all metals In 1911 and also In tho mr Asociatod r io t,o nr Tim.i UK It MX, Aug. 10. A writer In, ponilondenz has been trying to visu alize to tho caU8ital reader tho dl (nr Asoollel IrM Io Drm rr Timet LOXDOX, Aug. 1G. A report ilist rocolvpil frnm llm lti-ll Id. !),.,! Dr. David Starr .Ionian declared to Cm vm-M. i.. c.i.u ..i... I tho peace nsembly that tho present hluhlv of the work of n. a,,-m KiiroDcon war started by strategists, contingent there "Old men who did not want to ho! Tho work of tho Ame. leans . " b H0 ,WU10UC already challenges comparison with nionslons of troops as they march shoved of tho stago they were." Ho what tho U.Itlsh workers have land fight. A German nrmv corps, ho assorted that as n result of tho con-jdono." says tho report, "and It prom-jsays, consists of 41.000 men, 1-1.000 met, tho nations Involved would bo ,. soon to outstrip us. An Inter- horses, and 2,100 vehicles, Including reduced by losses of tho host men (national Sanitary Commission, of tho cannon. Such n body of men and to .Nntlona of mollycoddles." w,ch Sir Ualp, Paget Is chairman. 'their belongings make a procession has been established with headquar-l about thirty miles long on a single iGi of wnCn $i 03 m-j Camo tors at Xish. Under It the general road. Kvcn when In pretty cloo'Ico,; mincs and 6 18,317 from medical and sanitary work of tho touch with the enemy tho length of'- .. . . .. " ' XATIOXAfi ltlCSKltVKH TUHNKI) IX 9!!,n00,()00 IX VIJAK ITALY'S XLW PLAX number of producing minds. Tho gold output in 1914 decreas ed 2.2 per cent. Tho decrenso In tho gold output was 51.00 per cent of tho total decrenso In valuo of all mctnls produced In tho state in 191 1 as compared with 1913. Tho gold production wns $1,591,- from plac- (o eminent Cuts Out Pihate Con tractors In Supplying Army tnj- AaaocUlM rrcis to Coot D17 Tlmri. UO.MH, Aug. 10. In nn effort to country has boon roughly apportion ed between the different cooperat ing nations. France lias chargo of tho northern linlf of tho country, avoid tho manoeuvers of dishonest ull(1 tho United States of tho South, speculators, tho Italian War Offlco ',,,n nl ltH Inuncdlato neighbor ing decreed tho abolition of tho sys- ,l')01' I8 under tho Itusslans. Tho turn of private contracts for nicati I5rlllsh havo had euro of tho army smillHcH to tlui nrmliia In llm rinld ' tlllll most of tho boRliltnl wnrlr. V.'i. , TI10 government proposes to encour-j ccl't what tlio Serbians themselves ago tho fnrmlng Industry Is buying nro llng. direct from tho farmer distributing' "This plan is working smoothly tho order equitably through nil the 'nndjwcll; but tho share of tho bur- ! provinces of tho kingdom according lIcn which tho United States is bear- to tlitj relatlvo capacity of tho local i '"K continually Increases, and will fnrm lauds. Provincial commissions, each In cluding representatives of tho mili tary nnil agricultural Interests and a delegate from tho local Chamber of Commcrco.nro to select and buy tho stock from the farmer at tho ruling prlco. In rases where farmers tho corps Is about 15 miles; and when tho front detachments becomo involved in battlo It will bo flvo or six hours heforo tho men in tho rear get Into action to assist them. Before Tho decrease- of gold from tho deep mines was $133,938, and tho Increase from tho pincers was $97, 0S9. Tho placer mines of tho state, which In 1913 yielded $150,02S in H.i- i ii ... -. mis uur uegau u was generally as- BollIi ,,ro(i1Icot, S 18.317 In gold In sumed that a single corps would oc-l1014 nn ncrca80 ot 2.G8 per cent, cupy about 2 1-2 to 3 miles of tho Tno hydraulic mincs yielded $178, flghtlng llnojbut in actual exper- Sr,e ln go(1 ln 10n; tho drift mines Icnco it has boon found that tho av-!?12C mid tll0 mlrfnco pincor8 nn,i erago front of a corps Is considerably , dredges combined $30 1,992. Only broader, namely, 3 1-2 to 5 miles.' ,irc.ico wna i.. oncratlon but tho increase. Dr. Itlchard Strong, head of tho Amorican Commission, is nn oxceptionnl man of wldo experlenco nnd ho lias behind liim tho practic ally unlimited finmilclal resources of tho wondorfiill Rockefeller Founda tion. "Tho United States, moreover, refiiso to soil at tho prlco fixed, thol'8 t,1(3 01ll' nation which at tho mo- method followed in th state requ isition of horses will bo applied. 'AX V.I! PIIOKITS Breakwater CiorinaiH llnvu Xew Plan of liais ing Kiinds for ('ovoiiiiiicnt 111; lt4 Prr.. Id loi tlmj 'llu... 1 DltlCSDKX, fiermany, Aug. 10. A commltteo appointed by tho Dres den chamber of Industry to study tho problem of taxing war profits has reported that such n tax Is not feas ible, because It cannot bo equitably assessed. Wlillo expressing tho view that In prlnclplo a war profit tax would bo reasonable and justified, tho com mittee notes that In carrying tho proposal Into effect It would bo nec essary to consider In tho caso of each Individual concern, tho loss en tailed by Its not having been nblo to dispose of goods manufactured before tho war, tho oxpenso of con certing Its plant to war purposes, I and tho difficulty of resuming Its normal business when peaco Is res 'toredtored. In theso circumstances jtho real "war profits" could only bo ' fixed accurately long after tho end 'of tho war. . mout can spare an almost limitless supply of doctors. A party of 25 ad ditional American doctors is expect ed shortly at Salonika. They are tho advanro guard or n contingent of 150 or more. As they laud they will bo detached, singly and In twos nnd threes, to all points over Serbia whore they nro most needed. "Tho typns has now boon reduced to such coniparnjtlvoly trivial pro portions that ono almost begins to speak of It In tho past tense, although thoro will bo ninny thou sands of deaths from it yet. Tho to- 'Inl number during tho winter nnil spring was well over 200,000. "There are now 120 Urltlsh doc tors and nurses In Sorbin. Thoro havo been no new wounded for flvo months; typhus and typhoid havo declined until thoy nro now no long 'er a serious publfc monnnco, nnd rholera however anxiously nwnltcd, has not yet arrived. An army ot ten corps Is not very large, as armies go ln war; but oven such nu army would fight on a front of some thlrty-sovcii miles, and tho man who undertook to walk from gold dredged for exceeded tho com bined yield of nil tho other forms of plnccr mining In tho state. In 1911 thoro woro ln operation in Oregon 5G productive hydraulic mines, 0 ono wing to tho other would rcqulro drift mines nnd 15 aurfaco placers 12 or II hours in doing It. (Including a dredge), 77 In nil, n Tho shipment of an army corps Idecrcaso of 51. MUST PAY TAX War by rail Is no small tindcrtnklne. Tho troops nlono require G7 trains, wlillo the artillery, commissary and other belongings cnll for 11 trains n total of about lid trains. Tho feeding ot u corps nppcars to bo a big problem when tho matter Is worked out on tho baBls of daily consumption of cncii man and each horse. Tho dally nvorago ration of n soldier In tho. Gorman army wolghs about 3.0 pounds, while n horse gots his 13 pound of oats, nnd tho largo draught horses considerably moro. j 191.2. In milling tho ores tho nvor Tlieso figures work out at about ago recovery per ton from both bul 97,000 pounds of food for tho men lion nnd concentrates was $9,299 In nnd about 185,000 pounds for tho I gold nnd $0,290 In silver, horses, as n minimum. There Is thus In 1911 tho counties of TTnkor, nearly 300,000 pounds of provisions I Coos, Crook, Grant and Mainour to bo moved forward ovory tiny, not j show n combined decrenso of gold From 28 deep mines (a docrcaso of 17) 12 1,331 tons of oro woro mln ed and treated In 1911, a decrenso of 31,570 tons. Of this quantity 100,- 422 tons wcro milled, 12,815 tons wero sent to concentrating mills, nnd j 1,59 1 tons wont to smoltcrs. Thoro woro nlso 500 tons of old tailings treated, yielding $1.70 por ton. Tho nvorago recovered value from tho sil iceous oro in 1911 was $8.99 por ton in gold and silver, as compared with $8.21 in 1913, mid $G.St ln to mention ammunition. Under tho most favornblo conditions, therefore, it rails for a train of 150 wagons to bring up the food for each day. CARRY BAGS TO PROTEST AGAINST SHELL KKLOXS AID AVAIt Prisoners In Knglnml Provide Much Material for Army inr AMorlitfJ rre to Coot Day Time.) LOXDOX, Aug. 10. All tho Jails of earth on their amounting to $94,111, and tho coun ties of Curry, Douglas, Jackson, .Tos cphlno, Lnno and Whcolor, show a combined Incrcnso of $57,8C2. Tho southwestern counties of Oro gon, Including Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jackson, .Tosophlno, nnd Lmio, yield ed n combined production of $100, 085 In gold nnd $7,418 In silver. Tho Increase in gold output in 1914 ns compared with 1913 was $57557. in tno uortiicnstorn counties linker, Crook, Grant, Malheur, and thoro was combined gold hostilities. Tho ordinary prison work has been suspended whorovor pos sible and both malo nnd fomnIoprts- Does Xot Kxcept fiorniuu.s Front .Meeting Clmirli Dues Illy Auoitilikl I'rm Io Coo, nr Time. liKRLIX, Aug. 1C Fighting for Hut Vntlinrlnni. ilnorf Tint nvninnt nun from paying tho universal church I oncr8 ,,BV0 .bcc lve'1 'l'loyinont tax, according to n ruling by tho highest authorities who havo beoa deliberating on countless appeals for Tho "chief church council" of tlto evangelical curch decides that a man Italian Iiifantr.Miien Have a Xovi-I .Means of Avoiding Injury When Under 1'lro lllf AocltM rilM Io Coo. n7 Timet. ItOMK, Aug. 10. Tho Italian in fantrymen protect tlioniselves against. Whcolor shrapnel whllo advancing on trenches y0Id of $1,431,307, of which Unkor by crawling on all fours with bag8lonr)y 90 ,)0r conti Tho ,iocron80 ln backs. Theso af- coi,i fr0m theso counties In 1914 nn and prisons ln Groat Uritaln havo ford sufficient protection against compared wnn 1913 wa 193 goo, been turned Into manufactories of I ordinary ahrnpnol bullets and shell 'ho placer gold ylold In 1914 was war niaionai siuco tno . outbreak of fragments, un Mining, tno men con- jton nsn nn inprensn of "7 7fiR 1 t--- . -- - struct temporary parapets witn tueir bags. It was by this method that tho Itallnus carried flvo miles of Austrian entrenchments on the Cnrso recently. Iess Timber Sales Lo-is Than Last Year Hut Other Hecclpts Wero Larger PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 11. Tho National forests turned Into tho U. S. Treasury during tho flscnl year ended Juno 30, 1915, nearly $2, 500,000, an Incrcnso of moro than $ 10,00 over tho receipts of tho pre vious year, according to n state ment JiiBt issued by tho Forest sor- vlco. Tho timber sales, which am ounted to $I,1G 1,000 yielded on ac count of tho depressed condition ot tho lumber Industry about $79,000 less than those of tho previous fls cnl year, but tho gain was mndo pos s'blo by largor revenues from other sources. Tho grazing receipts, which totaled $1,125,000, Increased $127, 00 over Inst year, and tho water power receipts, which amounted to not quite $90,000 showed an In crcnso of ncnrly $12,000. , Ijoss Turpentine. Tho demoralization of tho turpen tine Industry on account of tho war's curtailment of tliu naval stores mar ket caused tho recolpts from tho sale of turpentining privileges on tho national forests to drop to about $9,000, as against ncnrly $15,000 Inst year. Tho sale of special uso penults, under which all sorts of enterprises from nplarlcs to whaling stations, nro operated on the forests, yielded nearly $78,000, nn incrcnso of $9,000 ovor last year. Thoro was a docrcaso of nearly $37,000 In tho revenue derived by tho settlement ot trespass casos in which govern ment timber had been cut without Intent to defraud, tho rovonuo from this source holng only a llttlo mora than $3,000. Moro than $7,000 how ever, wns collected from other tim ber trespass cases. (Jra.lng Trespass. Grazing trespass cases yleldod nearly $0,000, an Increase of about $1,000; occupancy trespnss cases, which occurred ln only jono of tho 8ovon forest districts, turned In bcmothlng loss thnu $250; nbout $00 wns derived from turpontlno tres pnss cases, nnd $000 from flro tres pass cases, tho latter bolng moro than $7,000 less than tho amount collected In tho previous flscnl year for damngo to government property ' through fires cnrolcssly or wilfully started In or near national forests. WILL PUTER MAY LOSE HIS EYESIGHT ' docs not sovor his connection with j his church by going to tho front, and that It ho worships nt a field church ho docs so frco ot chargo, so that his responsibility to Ills regular congro- gntlou does 'not cc(jo financially nt least. I Only n minor proportion of Ger 1 mnus nro members of a church, or attend services of any chnractor (becauso of the tax it Is claimed) but they nro nevertheless not Im mune unless they can prove beyond tho shadow of a doubt that they hold on wnr work. Their lutcrest In tho work has beon so grcnt, according to it statement from tho Homo Of- I flco, that tho output lias been moro thnu doublo that of peaco times. Tho government declines Informa tion ns to tho o.xnct chnractor of tho work bolng performed, but It Is TAXXKKS HAItl) HIT Tho gold from lodo mines wns $1, 02 1.090 in 1911, a docrcaso of $121,- C74. Tho yield of sllvor In Oregon In 1911 Aggregated 112,552 flno ounc es, vnliiort nt $78,831, a docrcaso ot 30,181 ounces In quantity nnd of ful articles havo been mndo for tho front." Special Instruction In tho now trades has beon given by tho a courso ot training for this pur pose. Inmates of boy's reformatories mid similar institutions havo been allowed to Join tho army In most cases, tho preliminary military In n roilninn whatsoever or havo no . !, , . .. ll slaughtered In Holland Itsolf Is u wife who attends church, or such as having been married by a minister, Tho great bulk of tho soldiers at tho front are thus affected by tho ruling. Abstracts "EUAIILE AHSTHAOTS OK TITLE AM) INKUKMATION AHOUX COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See "TIE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. E.VERT ' mi1 IK'' AX0 cool'ILLI'J CITY, OIIKGON WT (iPVTS' '-ASTSIDi: AXI) SEXGSTACKI3.VH ADDITION lb I0 CANADIAN PACIFIC It.VILItOAD LANDH HLXUY SF.NGSTACKHN, MANAGER HOXOH DEAD SOLDIEHS Vt Auoclal4 freu to Coo. IU7 TltnM. BUDAPEST, Hungary, Aug. 10. I A woman, who thus far Is known only at "Frau Gortrud," Is Interest lug her Swiss slstors in n proposi tion to tnko over for tho balanco of tho war, orphans from tho neigh boring countries. Tho Swiss author ities In thl crnton already havo i bec-n nblo to approach the govoin runts of two or threo countries ut war, pnd hnv.j been told by tho G. vnifln authorities that "Frau Ga-- trnd's" plan J? thoroughly accept Several hundred reformatory boys have already figured In tho casual ty lists fro tho fiont, and a consid erable number of young men from theso Institutions havo received men tlon In dispatches for acts of bravery. Young Man Knott u Hero Meets Willi Strange but Serious E Iierlent'o at Mrtlfoi-tl Press telegrams from Mcdford toll sorbins troublo In W. N. Putor wns bcidly hurt. Young Putor Is qulto woll known horo ns ho wns In Coos County for somo time securing loca tion for tho O. & C. lnnds. Tho stoo ls told as follows In a messago from Mcdford. W. N. Putor, boh or S. A. D. Pu tor, ono of tho dramatic figures In tho famous Oregon land fraud, csbo may never see tho light of day again as tho result of a piimmellng ho ro colvcd Sunday morning, nt tho hands of E. J Poolo, gnrdr;ior at Hie Sacred Heart Hospital. Tho prelim inary hearing set for this morning wns postponed for a week, and Poolo committed to tho county Jail. Doc tors In attendanco on Putor sny It Is doubtful ir ho regains his sight. His futlior will arrive today from Grants Pass. Poolo, recovering from tho offects of tho liquor, told tho police a strange story of tho motives that prompted him to boat his victim. For years ho was n Bailor. At thnt calling ho had many fights. In ono fracas ho was clouted ovor tho head with n martin pin. Ever slnco that encounter, Poolo claims, ho tins beon tilled with 'Mi uncontDollnblo pas sion to boat someone, wlionovor whlakoy pusscs ,lils lips. For this reason, ho. says, ho lias not cnrrlod n knlfo or gun for years. Ho suld that ho boat Putor until ho was exhaust ed, and would thon tnko it drink from a flask, that nwakoncd the lust for cruolty. Aftor linmmorliig him Thoro nro very tow largo milling i into unconsciousness, Poolo poured 1914 by 90 por cent, and this has "J1"""""" ' "iuKon, mosi oi wiu niilsKoy down the throat of his vie sorely affected tho tanning and oth- I",9',ertIes 1)cll,B comparatively tlm to rovlvo him. or leather Industries of tho Nether- Bma" t""opcrtles. i000 told tho pollco that tho lands, of which tho district of Lang- Tho mines of tho stalo that ylold-, quarrel started because of tho strnat, in this portion of North nrn- ca nn 0,ltnt n moro Dmn $100,000 1 inslstunco of Putor's uttompts to soil bant, Is tho center. . ,"'" l" -u"-"i" " "-. Tho lack of material lias brought ' uw ,orK' u,u """"" '"B ue., War Has Practically I'iiraly.cl lllg $29,308 In vnluo. As In 1913 Grant Industry of XetlierlaniN county mndo tho Inrgcst sllvor out- inr AuocUted rm to root mr iiiumj I put 08,550 ounces, valued tit $37,- GEEHTltUIXnEXHEHG, North '0U' In otIie, counties than Grant, iiriiiinnt N'niiinHniwiu Am in I Dakor nnil Josephine, tho silver stated that "several millions of uso- Dutchmen 0l. ut ,eaBt tho ot t, 'yield was merely nominal. cities, hnvo for many yoars theoret ically stepped in other mid this fact has been Tho mluo production of roppor In ,248 pounds caso of 4,- peoplo's shoes Oregon In 1911 was 39,24f ii brought dl- Yn,ue(l nt $c220, a decreai prison attendants who In sovoral , jectly homo ,0 t,0m Bnco , , I 082 pounds In quantity and $1,490 ..... .., uetrn uui. u recent,' gInnIllg Qf waJ. ,)y a,mofit M vall.O from tl.O yield Of 19 13 complete stoppago of tho Import of I hides. Usually an avorago of 050,000 j hides are Important every year In I times of peaco, mainly from Argen tina, whllo tho miniinl total of cat- In 1911 tho state produced 10,- 438 pounds of lend, valued at $011, as compared with 87,207 pounds val. ued nt $3,837, ln 1913. Load was produced In threo coun ties, Uakor yielding tho largest quau- ports havo declined slnco August1 REBUILD EAST PRUSSIA BERLIN, Aug. 10. No less than twenty-four communities, cities or iMstrlcts In most cases, throughout Germany have established aid assoc iations to tnko over tho work of tho tanning trade almost to n standstill. AVILL REBUILD LOUVA1X Br AuocUtod rmi to (Too. 0r TImM. AMSTERDAM, Aug. 10. and tho Commercial Mining Co (Rainbow), all deep mines, and tho Powder Rlvor Dredgo. (Asldo from tho dredgo, only ono placer mlno in tho stato yielded over $10,000 In Hholl914. Prussian Minister of tho Interior has lobulldlng and rehabilitating thoJ"st completed a visit of inspection places In east Pruss n that wero par-1 Louvaln in connection with the tmlly or entirolj destroyed by tho, reconstructing tho city as a modern Invasions of tho Russians. Each j Gorman town. A schemo for tho re comn.unlty through its aid orgnnl-l building has been prepared by a JUDGE AT CORVALLI8 Tho Eugono Guard says: Judge G. F. Sklpworth will go to CorvnlllB Friday to hold a short term of court. Ho will return to Eu gono and go for a two weeks' outing on tho McKonzIo, following which him real cstato, and that angorod, ho felled him with a swing to tho Jaw, Thoy 'wnndoroa f(lt jovor tho cast sido In tho drunkou bewilder ment, ttrgulng tho whllo. If Putor loses his sight, Poolo faces a long term In tho statu prison. imes Want Ads-Bring Results at Ion becomes sponsor for somo one German architect, and tho govorn .. ...... .. - I . . .AVAA.. ... .- ni.in to them A number of orplnns city or district in tho east and as ment plans to sponu nuout ,ihio,- i,n will go to Conullle, Coos County. . .... ... ..!. . .. '- probably will bo sent here from tiipjscon as possum1 will do away vltli uoo on the initial stages of the where ho will preside nt a term of . Portland, will tako up his now du fsouthom German states. state assistance. schemo. Icourt beginning Septembor 7. ties soon. EXAMINER XAMED PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 10. J. M. Logan, of Lancaster, Pa., nppolntod national bank examiner for Oregon, to succeed L, L. Mtillt, who resigned to becomo vlco president ot tho Northwestern National Bank of A MmiilWliWii1OT5fT)Mliii1illi1WI( WMrnTrifflrwriwar