W, t 1 WORST THING ABOUT THf DEAD BEAT IS THAT HE IS SO VERY MUCH ALIVE THE rnnc Rav Times Your Paper A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what Uio Ooos liny Times Is. A Bontk west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon pooplo and devoted to tho boat Interests of this groat iccUok . The Times always boost uid aerer knocks. tm o" r T,n,cs ' proud of lta 1Uo "10 People'. rPcr'" nd U BtrlVC' M UBUm to Jre .p to lta bwio br doroUng it. encrRle. to promoting tho people Interest. MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. No. XXXIX. L HEFF KILLS Murderer at Lakepor Then At tempts Life of Charles Walk er and Flees to Timber Posse of Armed Men Search for Slayer Who is Armed and Crazed NO ,REAL 'MOTIVE KNOWN Some III Feeling "ml IMU'I Almut Sonic .School Mutter Hut Was Not MokiimUmI iih Serious Victim Known ns "Curly" (Special lo Tlio Times.) LANHLOIS, Ore.. Auk. 10. A. J. Vlltinann, u young rancher, win pMol to death In 11 field on hla own place at I.akoport. northern Curry county, Saturday evening and " u- Netr tho supposed murderer, nflor also attempting to shoot Ohnrloa Wallcor, Is at large nnd It Is feared ho will kill others In tho neighborhood. Walker took Neff'B kuii away from him hut It Is thought Unit ha nrmeil himself again itiul escaped to tho largo expanse of wild timber on the level country bnck of Lako port. Tho territory Is thick with underbrush nnd It Is an Ideal place for a man to hide. Aimed Posso Out. A posso composed of nruicd citi zens and ranchers searched all night last night for thu murderer but nlthout success. This morning no trace of Neff had been found and another posso was being formed to day to assist the officers In tho man hunt. It hns developed that Neff had Intimated that hi) was laying for others nnd It Is feared that ho will terrorlzo tho whole neighborhood and commit mora murders If ho Is not caught. Shells Cnricspond. No one witnessed the killing hut tho empty shells found near Wltt inann's body correspond exactly with those used In tho rlflo taken from Neff by Walker when tho lattor's life was attempted!. Noff carried n 30-10 U. S. Winchester rlflo. Ho used a silencer so tho shot was not heard In tho neighborhood. Ilelleied to bo Cra.y. Thero Is apparently no renl motive- for the crime. Thoro had been tome trouble about n school matter tut tho peoplo of tho locality say that It was not sufficient to lead to a shooting. It Is believed that Noff had harboicd Imaginary grievances until ho had hecomo crazed and had started out with his murdorous In tentions. Noff Is about CO years of age and has been around Lnkoport for about four years. Ho lived In a little cabin by himself nnd Is a hunter and prospector. Wlttiuaiiii Woiked Hero. A. J. Wlttllllllin Ih nlmnt :tn vnnra old. With Ills brother, Ross Wltt mann, and h:s mother, Mrs. A. N. W'tttnann, i cabled on a dairy ranch at I.akcport. Formerly both ho and lil brother bud worked In Coos C'JUnty logging camps, having been employed at Heaver Hill, South Slough and other camps. Among the loggers Wlttmunn was known familiarly ns "Curly," while his bro ther was known at "Shorty." The Wlttmunn family 1ms resided for a good many years In northern Lurry County. Doth of tho brothers are unmarried. Bled In the Field. Wlttmunn went out for his cows about 5 P. in. Saturday. Along "out that tlmo a lady in Lnkeport teard a cry Later when Wlttmann m not return with his cows a arch was mado and ho was found In tho field. Ho had been not through tho arm and also in taouth. a is supposed that tho ound In the arm was received first that he cried out after being thot the first time. The bullet In tho mouth had cnus d Instant death as It had shattered "skull. None of his teeth woro Z?f,d by th0 bu,,et 80 lt l8 a- t i , hls niouth waa "en when L J. MANN 11 UMT STARTED v uuei entered. Attempts Another Life. w,,t " Wcnt t0 the home of Charles ,.' Wilh the evident Intention ' J"! "ng him also. Mr. Walker !!Lh ?d,"B ,n th0 d00'r ot "Is Continued on Pago Two. Established 1878 Ah Tho Count Mull. CONVENT ON NATIONAIj EDUCATIONAL ASSOC IATION MEETS AT OAKLAND Ton Thousand Delegates Present and Tuonly-Soxoii Foreign Countries Are Represented tllr Attorlttml Tra (o Cooi llnj Timet. OAKLAND, Calif., Aug. 1C Tho National Education Association's nn uuul eoiiveiitlon oponod today with lfl. 000 delegates In attendance. Rep resentatives from 27 foreign coun tries were present. Mine. Maria Montcssuii of Home, and Ferdinand llulsson, member of tho French Chnmbor of Deputies, wero nmoiig the speakers. DIES AFTER FIGHT DUBLIN MAN KILLS HIMSELF AF TKK IIAItl) STRUGGLE Withstood Slogo of tho Officers Which Lasted for n Period of Two Days Hj ADCIII rr" to Coot Hi 7 Tlmw.J DUBLIN, Ireland Aug. 1C D-iv-Id Johnston wag found deud In his house at l.ugan, where for two days he withstood a siege of thu constab ulary. He used hls last shot to end his lire. Ho precipitated tho trou ble Saturday by firing at tho enum erators who went to hls houso to deliver tho forms In connection with the nntlonal registration. TWO IRIS LOST SWASHED OVERBOARD FROM HAT- tleship new Hampshire Vessel Was Going ThrougTi Ilurrl iiiiio In Gulf on Trip to South ern Waters (Hf AtiorlitM rrtt to Coot ntr TImM.l WASHINGTON, I). C, Aug. 1C Two American marines wero washed overboard from tho battleship Now Ilnmpshlro and drowned yestordny whllo tho ship was sailing through tho Gulf In a hurricane somewhere, south of tho Florida' coast. Thoro was no damage to tho Now Hamp shire or the Louisiana, which are proceeding to southern waters, It was reported. Tho marines drowned woro Jnmes Franklin Robinson of Ohio and Dalrlo Wiiyne Hay of Mississippi. Tho bodies wore not recovered. five mi :n killed Explosion in l'ciiiiiylvniihi Fuctory Causes Death tr.r Aocltte4 TrfM lo coot lit; Tlmi K.MI'OHIUM, I'n., Aug. 1C Five men wero killed whon tho goleaJno houso of tho Aetna Explosive com pany's plant ut Orovo Itun, near horo, was blown to pieces today by an oxploslon. Tho company wns on giiKed in filling war orders, It was stated. NOHWKOIAN HOAT HAS 11KKS KUXK y AmocIIJ rreu In Coot Ilijr Tlmrt. LONDON. Aug. 1C Tho Norwegian uteamor Albls, ia81 tons, was sunk by a submarine Tho crew was saved. l'ltOVIDlI FOR TOUUISTS Ktigono Has ('limping Oroiinds Wheiv Thoy Can Stop (Special to Tho Times.) EUGENE, Ore., Aug. 10. A camp ing ground for tourists traveling by motor car to and from the San Fran cisco exposition has been opened In Eugene. Tiie location seieciuu portion of the Lane County fair ground, mado nvaillblo by the gen erosity of tho Lnno County Agricul tural society, which owns the pro perty, and tho Lane County Fair as assoclat'on. A trnot of land to the inrt nf Mm main entrance to tho grounds, together with the machinery building, which will afford cover ior machines, Is to bo used. Dids for erecting a dwelling ac cording to plans and specifications now on file nt the office of W. S, Turpen, architect, will be recelvod up to Saturday, August 21, at 0 p. m. at office of undersigned. Right of rojectlng any or all bids Is re served, GEO. E. COOK. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, Mt 10 IK PEACE Pan-American Conference Within Appeal Urges of Leaders Border ' WELLING TO ASSIST Republics Offer to Act as In termediaries if Invited to Do So EXPECT REPLY IN TEN DAYS Military Heads Ai-o Asked to Como Together With Solo Idea of Kettering Conditions In Their Country (Special to Tho Times from tho As sociated Press) WASHINGTON, I). C, Aug. 1C Tho Pan-American appeal to Mexico, mado public yestordny, although ad dressed to political and military leaders, takes tho form of an an nouncement to tho Mexican people. Tho appeal, signed by representa tives of tho United States, Argentina Urnzll, Chile, Itollvla, Uruguay and Guatemala, says It Is Inspired by tho "most slnccro spirit of American fraternity: It says: "Wo, bellevo If tho men directing tho armed movements in Mexico should ngrco to meet, cither In per son or by delegates with no other inspiration savo tho thought of their afflicted land, to exchnugo Ideas and dotormlno tho fato of tho country from such nctlon would undoubtedly result n strong nnd unyielding ng reomont rcqitlslto to creation of a provisional govoiniment, which should adopt tho first steps nec essary to a constitutional recon struction of tho country and to ls suo, first and most essoutlal of them nil, an Immediate call to gonora elections. Willing to Help "An adequato placo within tho Mexican frontlors, which for tho purposo might bo neutralized, should servo as tho scat of tho conforcno nnd In ordor to bring about tho couforonco ot this nature tho undersigned, or any of thorn, will willingly upon Invitation, act ns Intermediaries. Heply Kxpoctod "Undersigned expect reply to this communication within a reasonable tlmo, and consider such time would bo ton days after tho communication Is delivered, subject to phorogatlon for cause." GOIXfl TO VERA CRUZ Doimrtmeiit Admits Ships Wero Or dered to Mexico. (n AMorltlwl rrti to Coot mt TIdim.) WASHINGTON, I). C, Aug. 1C Secretary I)aniols ordored tho battle ships Now Hampshire and Louisiana now in mo uwi oi .uuxitu, m imu- cecd to Vera Cruz. This course i ronerallr has Ueon expected but noti until today was It acknowledged, ut , tho navy department. , AN ANSWER COMICS Carrana Leader .lit Sonora Sends Reply to Appeal Illy Aoc Ute4 Vita to Con Iltr Tlinn.1 EL PASO. TOX.. AUg. 1, I no i Carranza consulate hero today nn-' nounced receipt of n copy of the roply of General Calles, tho Car ranza commander In Sonora, to tn& Pan-American appeal for a peaco conferohco or tho Mexican leaders. In effect It refers Wio state de- tpartmont'' and ( Latln-Amerlbnn dlp- lotnata'tD' Carranza. ' , t '. " WILL'NOT. STOP, APPEAL J, i i -m vJ; Cnrranzn (lives Assurance He Will Not Interfere- (Dr Atiocltlod net! U Coo Dt TIhim.I WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 10. Assurances that Carranza will not obstruct the delivery of the Pan American appeal to Mexico reached tho state department today In a mes safe from C. B. Parker of the Amer ican embassy In Mexico City, saying General Gonzales, Carranza's com mandered there, "Promised safe con duct to the messengers who are to carry the appeal to Zapata and oth ers." No replies to the Pan-Amor- AUGUST 16, 1915. EVENING REFUSES TO COMPLY MltS. PANKIIURST OIMKCTS TO NATIONAL RKOISTHATION Kngllnliwomnli Snj.s Sbo Will Not He Forced to Co to Munition Factory tnr AiocUII rrrn Is Coot I!r Tlron. LONDON, Aug. 1C Sylvia Pank husrt, fumed as a Militant suffrn gist, will not comply with tho na tional registration, she (inserts. "I think It morely n niHO to get more power out of the workers," she said. "I am not a man so they cannot tako mo to war, but they won't send mo to a munitions fac tory. They know thero will bo trouble." SENT TO THE COAST COL. I'KltKINS TAKKS COMMAND OF PUttKT SOUND POST Officer Iteently Restored to Service hi U. S. Marine Corps Is Assigned Placo (Ur AuoMtlcd I'rnt lo com Da? Timet WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 10. Co'onel C. M. Perkins, recently res ided to active servlco In tho mar ins corps by an net of congress, has bc'.-n assigned to tho command ot tho marine barracks at Puget Sound.. CONVENTION OPEN ' AMERICAN DOLLAR STANDARD OF WORLD NEW YORK, Aug. 1C Tho value of an English pound sterling went steadily down today until It touch ?I.GI in American money, tho lowest value ever placed up on lt since Now York be camo tho financial center. Tho normal quotation is $4.87. Franco foil likowlso and tho American dollar to day was tho standard of tho world financial market. lean mnssago had reached hero to day. , AMERICANS DESTITUTE Parker also reported destitution among tho Americans In Mexico City and said that 1-0 wero being aided by the American embassy attaches and had asked to bo sent to the Uni ted States. Advlcos from Monterey said tho Villa forces wero advanced within nine leagues of that city. SHOOT AT SOLDIERS .MEXICANS FIRE ON UNITED STATES CAVALRYMEN Handits are Crossing tho Hordcr In Scattered Hands and Renewing Attempt to Moblllo (Ot Amx-ltlM Prett to Coot Otj Tlmix.l BROWNSVILLE, exas, Aug. 10. A detachment of United States cav alry patrol woro fired on last night from tho Mexican sldo of tho Rio Grande near Progresso. The cav nlrymon returned tho flro and tho shooting from the Mexican sldo stop ped. No casualties among tho Americans woro reported. Renew Attempts Reports of ronowed attempts byj tho Mexican bandits to reorganize in the lower Rio Grande valley wero . brought hero today by a captain of tho Toxas rangors. Ho said tho Mexicans wero crossing by ones and twos Into Texas and attempted to ' gather again In Hidalgo county,1 west of Brownsvlllo. The Twenty-1 sixth Infantry from Texas City went on duty hero today. IS y SUCCEEDS SULLIVAN AS U. S. MINISTER IN REPUBLIC Man Selected by President Formerly HoM tho Same Position for Tilts Country (lir AttocUltJ Frew (a Coot Dtr TlniM.1 WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 10. W. iW. Russell, former minister to the Dominican Republic was selectod today by President Wilson for ap pointment to the same position, Ho will succeed James M. Sullivan, who resigned on account of charges, RUSSELL NAMED EDITION. II. 5. CLAIMS CANEXPQRTARMS Firmly But Politely Refuses to Accede to the Demands of Austria-Hungary E States International Law and Security of U. S. Does Not Prohibit the Practice JUSTIFIES THE POSITION Hinted In tho Xoto That United States If Attacked Might llavo In liny Munitions of War from Neutral Countries ttlr Aumrlitot! rrm To Coot nt; TlmM. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 1C The United States, in a noto to,Aus-trla-Hungary published today, firm ly but politely declined to accept to request that the export of arms to tho allies bo stopped. In justifica tion of its position tho United States recited that international law, prac tices of nations, the security of tho United States and othor nations without largo military or naval es tablishments, and neutrality Itself was opposed to tho prohibition of tho export of war munitions by a neutral to a belligerent country. The noto hints that tho United States may have to buy from neu trals If attacked. S. N. EHEHSOLE, FORMER DUN KARD .MINISTER. TAKES LIFE Hangs Himself In Ja!l at South Rend Where 11a Was Held on n Murder Charge. (rfr Aiiocliled Trttt to Com m TDurt. SOUTH REND, Intl., Aug. 10. SIlaB N. Ebcrsolo, former Dunkard minister, charged with tho murder of lfi-year-old Hazel Macklln a year ago, committed suicldo by hanging himself In tho county jail this morn ing. F MRS. ROSA DAVENPORT OF FIRST ADDITION SUCCOMRS SUDDENLY Afllctcd by Heart DIkoiino During Night and Never Regains Con- M'loirinohs Was Old Resident Mrs. Roso Davenport, an old resi dent of Llbby, died at her homo there this morning of heart disease. She had boon ailing for n long tlmo but Sesterduy appeared unusually well. During tho night, members of her fumlly found her uncon scious nnd alio remained In a coma toso condition until the end camo about S o'clock this morning. Her husband died a number of years ago but sbo Is survived by several cl.lldron. They aro Lulu nnd Gcorgo Davenport ' and Mrs. Edith Ileurlu of First Addition, Mrs. Uessle Manning of Portland, who Is now visiting horo and May Daven port of San Francisco and Ernest Hoff or Isthmus Inlet. The funeral arrangements have not been completed, Funeral Wednesday The runeral will bo held at 'i p, m. Wednesday from tho Wilson under taking parlors. Rov. J. S. Stubble field will conduct tho services. DIES DF INJURIES EDWARD KILDUFF ' FATALLY HURT AT PROSPER MILL Taken to Hospital at Bondoii Where Ho Passes Aivay Father ut Roseburg; (Special to Tho Times) BANDON, Ore., Aug. 10. Ed ward KUduff who was Injurod at tho Prosper mill and who was brought to .the hospital In this city died Fri day night. The mill was starting up and KUduff was working thero. He was struck by a belt and bo badly hurt that he died of the Injuries. The man's father lives ut the old soldier's homo lit Rosoburg. IT M JIL M DYING A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall nnd Coos Hay Advertiser. GULF STORM SIPT EFFECTS HKIXfl FEIr FROM FLORIDA TO TEXAS Heavy Rains and High Winds Make Trouble Oiilvcston lteH)i(s No Hunger Thero SAFE AT OALVESTON (0 AmocUled rrna lo Coot fit; TImM.l GALVESTON, Texas. Aug. 10. Reports of a destructive storm at this port today nro untrue, tho wind up to 2 p .in . was In no wlso danger- 4 ous. tnr AuocltleJ Fttm U Coot Dtr Tlmrt ) NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 10. Tropical storm raged over n largo part of tho Gulf of Mexico today, the effects aro being felt from Florida to Texas. Heavy rains and winds of 4S miles nn hour velocity nro re ported. At Galveston the sea wall Ih bqlng subjected to a severe test. GERMANY HAS NOTE COMMUNICATION ON SINKING Ob TIIE FRYE DELIVERED Rejects Proposal to Arbitrate DIs- tputcd Portions of tho Prussian A'merlcaii Treaty. (Ilr Auoclttod Prfit (o Coot II17 TImM.l WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 10. Tho American reply to tho last Ger man noto on tho sinking of the WII lluni P. Fryo, has been delivered to tho Berlin foreign office by Ambas sador Gerard and will bo given out hero by tho state department tomor row morning for publication In tho Tuesday afternoon papers. It Is brief and accopts the commission method of determining damages but rejects the proposal to arbltrato tho disputed portions of tho Prussian American Treaty. TWO ARE EXPELLED FROM U. S. NAVAL ACADEMY Action Result of Hoard of Inquiry on Chargo of "Cribbing" Recently Mado tnr At.orltlfcl rrmi lo Coot lltr TlmM.) WASHINGTON, 1). C, Aug. 10. Tho dismissal of two midshipmen nnd tho disciplining of 12 others for alleged "cribbing" at tho United Sta tes naval academy was revealed to day aa tho result of tho findings of tho court of Inquiry which Investi gated irregularities In examinations and recitations at the academy. Mldshlpmon Ralph M. Nelson, Jr., of New York, and Charles M, Ilea glo of Ohio, woro dismissed. Tho court recommended tho abolition of tho practico of giving out advance Information nnd rocommonds less vigorous examinations, HOLT IS BEING ' HELD FOR SHERIFF Man Who Willi Girl Had Vaudeville Act Awaiting Officer at San Francisco Regarding tho Holt arrest caso wherein Holt Is charged with Jump ing a board bill at Coqulllo and also travollng with her on a show circuit, a Portland paper tolls the following In a press telegram from San Fran cisco: "A telegraphic warrant was ro celved by tho pallco today from tho sheriff of Coos conty, Oregon, In tho case of Iloudeeu, tho Illusionist and hypnotist, arrested with his wife on advices from the Orogon authorities whon they arrived yesterday on tho steamer Elizabeth from Baudon. "Houdeon Is charged In the war rant with violating an Oregon law similar to tho Mann white slave act, prohibiting the transportation of a woman through tho stato for Im moral purposes. Tho Identity of tho womajn Is not rovealed, 'Houdeoi. whoso truo name Is Svenno Horr D. Holt, professed to bo mystified at hls arrest. Thero is no charge against hls wife. "Sheriff Johnson is on hls way horo with extradition papers. "Houdeen Is a son of Captain Holt of San Luis Obispo, a rotlred mar iner, Mrs. Holt, who appeared with her husband In his act, was Alleen Cobln, daughter of u Utah ranchor," CADETS DISMISSED No. 19 s AT Will Decide Soon About Pro posed United Movement in Favor of the Allies . ASSEMBLIES MEET Greece is Expected to Reject Bulgarian Contentions as the King Insists on Neutrality ' TEUTONS ARE PREPARING 1 r Indications Aro that Great Alistro (et'inau Offensive Movement In,,i Halkaiis May Ho Made Forces , Gathering on tho Hordor tnr AmocIiIM rrnt t root nr Tlmaa. LONDON, Aug. 10. Military op erations In tho eastern field aro de veloping slowly. Both sides show tho effects of tho Intensity ot tlijo Warsaw struggle. Berlin today an nounced Hint General von Mackon zon; continuing the pursuit ot tqp retreating Russians from tho south townrd Brest Llyovsk, occupied Clahj and Slawatycze, Prlnco Leopold, pressing tho Rus sians from the west, occupied Losyco and Mlcdzyrzcc. Tho German ad vance now centers on tho efforts of Von Hliidenburg to force hls troops ncross tho Dvlnn and eastward to ward Petrograd and near the ap proach of Leopold to Brest Lltovsk The Balkan crisis Is drawing tou climax. Assemblies to Meet Tho nntlonal assemblies of Sorbin and Greece will meet today with tho probability of a doflnlto decision ns regards Bulgaria's territory domands upon which will hlngo the question of united action ot tho Balkan states with tho allies. In best posted qunrtdre lxfro, the loutlook Is re garded with posslmlsm. Constantino Neutral It Is oxpected Sorbla will seek a conipromlso and Grcoco will rojoct tho Bulgarian routontloiiB. King Constantino Is Insisting that a now cabinet must maintain strict neutral ity, the effect ot which would bo to withhold Greeco from participating In united Balkan co-operation with tho Allies. Germans Prewiring In tho mcaiitlmo thoro aro many evidences' of Austro-Gorman prepar ation to deal with tho Balkan situa tion. Buchurest roports n Gorman army corps concentrated boa. tho Junction of Hungary, Rumania and Sorbla. This, with tho bombard ment of Belgrndo and tho nctlvity of tho Austrian artillery at many points along tho Danube londB sup port to tho roports of a groat Aus-tro-Gormnn offonslvo In tho Balkans, Outcome Important Tho outcome ot tho crisis Is await ed most anxiously as, dotermliilifg whether the allies will receive now support from tho Balkans und, whether Germany's supplies and ammunition for Turkoy will contlnuo to bo shut off by tbfi Balkan bar rier. CHOOSE PRESIDENT Greek ChaiulK'f of Deputies In Ses slon Today Dr Anorlitt4 rrnt to Coot lit; TlmM. ATHENS, Aug. 10. Tho Greek chamber of Deputies assembled to day. M. Zavltzutnos, udhorent of of former promlor Vonlzelos, was elected president rccolvlug 182 votes to 03 for tho randldato of tho gov ernment. FIRE NEAR SITKUM BURNS TELEGRAPH A bad forest flro whb rag ing near Sltkum yesterday nnd burned out about u quar ter of u mile of lino for the Western Union. This was repaired but tho lino went down again this afternoon and for a tlmo tho lino wob restored at 4:1G p. m. - J X AMONG THE SICK X Mrs. Frank Rogers wob reported quite 111 at her homo on South Cqos. River yeatorday. w i tr jnillIlllMMlfllillJB! 5s Sr'iVt" . -M , k &