THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 191 5 -EVEN1MG EDITION TWO i' ' . 1 I1!'! "A CONTRIBUTIONS concerning eoclal linppcnlngs, Intended lor publication In the society depart ment of The Times, must bo sub mitted to the editor not later than G o'clock p. in., Friday of each week. (Exceptions will bo allowed only In caBcs where tho ovontR occurred later than tho tlmo mentioned.) DORCAS CLl'H I Mrs. Ernest Smith of Catching In let very nbly entertained the Dorcas club at her home last Wednesday nt tho usual sowing and social sosslon. As n special favor, Mrs. R. M. Sarter had provided a bountiful supply of her delicious ice cream. In two weeks tho club ladles, their husbands and families will enjoy n picnic to the Life Saving Station nnd this Is being looked forward to by all. Among thoso out were: Mrs. Capt. Donaldson, Mtb. .T. C. Glsch, Mrs. Glsch Sr., Mrs. J. C. Collver, .Mrs. Clarenco Collver, Mrs.. T. M. Coll ver, Mrs. Win. Ilonebrnko, Mrs. I. I). Dlakc, Mrs. Ed Noah who was u special guest of tho Alert Club of North Coos Rlvor, Mrs. Harvey Russell, Mrs. Harry Russell, Mrs. J. W. Russell, Mrs. Dan Mutson, Mrs. John Matson, Mrs. E. Strlck lund, Mrs. Win. Lnckstrnm, Mrs. L. L. Hnzclton, Mrs. E. Smith, Mrs. II. Smithgall, Mrs. It. II. Van Auk on, Mrs. Mary Kalno, Mrs. Parker and Misses Mnrthn Donnldsou, Irene Holm, Nettle Smith, Gladys nnd Al berta Collver, Edith Donaldson, Ru by Collver, Marjorlo Hazolton and Harold Russell, Orcn Parker, Oren Hazolton. - 1. MINNIMVIS CLl'H I Mrs. 0. N. nolt. Mrs. W. T. Wniigh and Ccrtrudo and' Virginia llrown wore special gucHtH at tho meeting of tho Mlnno-WlB Club Thursday af ternoon when Mrs. W. E. Ilongland acted as tho charming hostess. Real enjoyable was tho Mmo passed in sowing and friendly conversation nnd shortly boforo departure, thu hostess, assisted by Miss Ruth Ilong land served u delectable repast to tho special guests and tho members present who were: Mrs. F. II. Dres ser, Mrs. A. 'A. Downs, Mrs. cfias. Davis, Mrs. CIiiih. Lu Cliapulle, Mrs. W. S. llrown. Tho club will incut ngnlit In two weeks with thu plnco us yot unannounced. HAY CITY AID At a meeting of tho Day City La dles' Aid Wednesday with Mrs. .1. 1). Ilommlugwny, Miss llrucu Kulluy wnB elected president for tho com ing yonr, Mm. Fred Moore vice-president and Mrs. J. P. Moloney wn ro-olcctcd secretary and treasurer. Tho usunl sewing and snclnl hour followed tho business session und 11 dainty luncheon was served by tho hostess at an appropriate hour. At tho next meeting which will be 011 tho 8th of September, tho Miss es Rose Moloney, Joyce Foster and Ollvo Mooro will bo hostesses to tho nld mombors. Present this week wero: Mrs. L. W. I.augdon, Mrs. II. II. Hrlnkloy, Mrs. Fred Moore, Mih. L. U. Kulley, Miss Ilruco Kelley, Mra. J. P. Moloney, Mrs. A. L. Foster, Mrs. W. N. Lyon of Marsh fiold, Mrs. W. Matron mid Rose Mol oney and Joyce Fostor. 4 I HONOR HRIDK-HliKCT Complimentary to Miss Lillian Dal gle, who on tho twenty-fourth of this mouth Is to bucomo tho bride or llurtlett Knox, was a surprise show er given by her friends tit hor home In Hunker Hill last Monday even ing, Tho homo was timtofully ar ranged In yellow and white and presented a very pretty mono for tho evening of Jollity and bust wishes for tho popular bride-elect. Games and music added id the plcab u ro of tho evening at t he dose of which light refreshments wero Borvod. Those present wen MUw- Gcrtrudo Sealfo, Lillian Thorwnld, Mario Vasoy, Madge .Simpson, Winnie THE ii KS&vifk, I jliffffBk, H !.., .AU Lint I fllMAOiNIHA VHP MW, Ull Qi m PERSONAL notices of vlBltora In tho city, or of Coos Day peoplo who visit In other cities, together with notices of social nffnlrs, aro gladly received In tho social do pnrtmont. Telephone 133.. No tices of club meetings will bo published and secretaries tiro kindly requested to furnltili same. 81m pr-in, Grace Johnson. Esther NiMon, Myrtle Nelson, MIhu Dnlgle, Eugenie Dalgle, Hortlin Davis, Coll ulii Knox. Ruth Knox, Carrlo Ross, Slgnn Larson, Irene Stnck, Frances Stack, Margaret Stark, Mrs. Pul len, .Mrs. Lovl Dalgle, Mr. Hart lett Knox, Emmn Hansen, Laura Dubny, Helen Ilebert, Anne Holland, Emma Erlckson, Ruth Willis, Lydla McCulloch, Lillian Dalgle, Mrs. dco. Hennessey, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dalgle. During tho evening, somo excel lent vocal and Instrumontnl selec tions were rendered by, Mrs. Lovl Dalgle, Misses Esther Nelson, Hortha Davis, Lillian Thorwnld, Ruth Willis and Lillian Dalgle. Yollow and white streamers woro suspended from tho chandelier to a tablo whero wero placed tho many useful and pretty gifts for tho hon ored young Indy. 4 . . I KENTFCK INLET PARTY . Mr. and Mrs. Oust Whit of Ken tuck Inlet wore happily surprised one evening thlH week when a mini- btr of friends called to spend thu evening hours with them. After sewing and telling stories light re freshments woro Borvcd to tho fol lowing guests: Misses. Jennie Johnson, Elsie Lar son, Joslo and Hannah May, Dry- ant McDonald and (iilhort Johnson. Tho honor guests wero Mr. nnd Mrs. Whit. ItlltTllDAV PARTV A very delightful party was given ut tho homo of Leah Groku In North llend this week In honor of hor sixth birthday. Various gamos wero play ed until four o'clock whun a dainty luncheon wuh served by Mrs, Groko. Tho children present woro: Teddy Philips, Helen Hlsey, Gornl dluo Groku,- Helen Jackson, Goral dlno Otis, Muriel Jnckson, Leah Groko, Isabello Groko, and Arthur Derbyshire. VISITS ON RAY I After an absence of eighteen years, Mrs. Summers of Prescott, Arizona, arrived this week lo visit with her brothers and sIstei'H on tho Hay whom she has not seen In all that time. They are Mrs. Dave Mubsoii, Mrs. Walter Condron nnd Mrs. Chns. Kronhnlm or this city, Mrs. S. A. Yoakum of Coos It Ivor and SI, Ed. nnd Geo. Noah, all of Allegany, Ore gon. Her coming wns u complete surprise to thu members of tho fam ily who are highly elated. Mrs. Summers will remuln hero about fuur months while her husband Is away on a business trip. I NARCISSI'S CLl'H I A ploasant mooting of tho Nnr clnu club will be held on Wednes- ' tiny of this week with Miss Hilda j West of Enstsldo who entertained the following members: Mrs. Ingle Podorioii, Mrs. I.eNoIr Ragsdale, Miss Stella Pederson, MIkh Annn 'Lund and the special guests: Mrs. jCarl West and Mrs. Gilbert Steckel. Social clint and sowing occupied I the nfteiuoon hours ut tho close of which, tho luwtowi served doll- jtlous dainties. .Minn lllauchu Toilet- 'son will entertain the club at its next meeting In two weeks. o I .IOLIA' DOZEN CI, I'll I Mrs. John Hoss was hostess Wed- ' neiiday altenioon to the members of the Jolly Dozen Club who spent the time protltably in sewing and chat. ' Cut How em were used prettily in dcorattn- t the close of the af ternoon, dainty refreshment! wero 'served to Mrs. L Christ mmmi, Mis. "GREATER OREGON" M'ltli lieu liulMliiL-a, liftli'r iiiiinriit, m ' luix'i'il iriiniiiiU, unit mil n r nililttlnni lo ll iikiiii,iiii 1 iurrillitr liriKiMi illl lircln lu rnrllrtli Ji'lir, Tiif.iliir. hri'li'iilliiT I I, Ull A, Him rial Inilnliii: In Ciiiiiiiu.r, , .ImmiiilUm, Arrlilliirtiirw, ljt. l-illiliir,Tini lihii.-, l.llini rt 111 k, .llimlt'. I'liliil Trill 11 1 11 i.- mill Finn Aria. iJirriMinil liniii.-ilipiirtiiK'iili.of l.llnr nl I.1I11111II1111, I - III ril l- nl inuro IIiiiii A.,000 nliinn , Hill-. Iri-ii liiillilhiun lull) riiiliit'il, lit uplfiiillil (.' lllllllklllllln. Tuition I'ri't'. Ddiniltiii Ifh fur mi'ii mill fur xuiillru,'llri l.i vv ! . W illi-dir liri'riilaloKH.iiililifimtiii: Iti-KWlrur UNIVERSITY OF OREGON I I ill M llltl I (IN nvxvsatBSKsiai Ed Duncan, .Mrs. G. Johnson, Mk. A. H. Snow nnd Mrs. II. M. Albee. In two weeks, tho ladles of tho club will meet with Mrs. Snow. J CHRISTIAN SUNDAY SCHOOL ' U Piper's Grove Inst Tuesday wai the scene of n delightful picnic par ticipated In by tho members nnd friends of the Christian church Sun day School, who loft for their des tination on the Alice II. about S:3fl o'clock. Sixty 01 seventy took advantage f the occasion to spund I a pleasant outing nnd nil report "one big Unit." A chicken dinner seemed to bo the drawing card about noon time nnd this held full sway until every appetite was more than sntlsfled. The younger folks delighted In swimming nnd wading nnd other out door activities nnd the homeward call was responded to with roluctnnco. The picnickers ro'iched Mnrshflcld about H : :t 0 o'clock. 1 . i COMMON WEDDING Lnst Wednesday, tho children of Mr. and Mrs, S. S. Endlcott of Myr t'e Point Joined in helping them col ebrato their fiftieth or Golden wed ding nnnlvorsnry, tho affnlr being a surprise to tho elderly couple. It was n very happy reunion, and nt noon a sumptous dinner was heart ily enjoyed by nil. As a token of lovo tho family presented tho mother with 11 pcnrl nnd diamond sun burst and the futhor with a signet ring. A dnughter In Los Angeles had ex pected to bo present but Is now unnlilo to mnko tho trip until the last of tho month. Tho other mem bers of tho family present wero: Mr. nnd Mrs. J. S. Lyons and children Thelmn, Frances, Jnmes nnd Au drey, of Mnrshflcld, Dr. nnd Mrs. Endlcott nnd dnughter Delia of Han don, Mr. and -Mrs. C. C. Johnson nnd daughters Florence nnd Allco Roll of Ilnndon, Dr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Endlcott and son Chnrlcs of Co qulllo, Dr. and Mrs. K. A. Loop und llttlo son Kny of Myrtlo Point, Mrs. Lily FIbIi and Mrs. W. A. Roberts of Myrtle Point nnd Mrs. Owen Endl cott of Coqiilllo. I CLASS OUTING I Miss Allco Tlckoll nnd hor Sun day School class of girls of tho First Baptist church nindo a trip to Sun set Hay last Tuesday in 1). L. Rood'n car and pnssed a delightful dny ut Coos Hay's charming Sumtnur Re sort. Of courso, the dinner wns the principal event of tho day followed by an nfternoon of wading nnd oth er outing sports. Owing to Blckness nil of tho class wero not ablo to go. Those who went woro: Mlssos: Nao mi Daniels, Ruth MuLnughliu, Leo na Post nnd Miriam Wrlglit. (JIVES LUNCHEON I Last Thursday Mra. A. Abbott of Powers gave a luncheon In honor of Mrs. II. Perkins nnd MIbb Holmes of Mnrahflold who aro visiting nt Powers, Covors wero laid for ten and tho rooms wero beautifully dec orated with sweet peaa and huckle berries. : I ALPHA DELPHLVN SOCIETY - "Egyptlun Civilization" was the topic studied by tho Alpha Delphian Society with Miss Myrtlo Downer as chalrnittii last Monday evening at tlio home of Mrs. F. E. Wilson, and the Interest was Intensified by tho following papers: "Why tho Egyptians Embalmed Their Dead" .Miss Myrtlo Downer. "Nile Worship" ...Miss Ellen Rudnas "Religious Ceremonies" Mrs. Harriett Kellog "Tho Morality of tho Egyptians" nnd tho talk on 'indlau' Worship of Niagara" wero mudo topics of geveral discussion for the evening. After tho discussion, the clitic's re port was given, also during tho evening, .Miss Ellon ltudnus was el elcted vice-president to fill the va cancy caused by the resignation ot .Miss Elvira Frlsoen. The members out this week wero: .Mis. Kellog. Mrs. Wilson, the Mlsnos Alice Curtis. Ellon Rudnas. Agnes Kuukle, lrone Preuss. Marie Gregg. Myrtle Downer. The Society will meet next Monday evening with Miss Irene Preuss on South Fourth Street. . CATCHING INLET Sl'RPIHSE ' v Chester Collver wns given a sur prise parly last Thursday evening nt his homo on Catching Inlet by n party of his friend, tho occasion be ing in honor of his sixteenth birth day. Soon nfter their arrival, the young people had n huge bon-firo burning and around this they played games, sang fouks and had a real good time In genernl. At a late hour, refreshments were served In thr house. Those attending wero Mr. und Mrs. J. 1. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. C K. Collver. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Colhir. Mrs E. W. Smith. Misses Irene Holm, Helen Smith, Gertie Gunnell, Edith K11I110, Estiid Holm. IMvlriu Lackstrom, Gladys Collver, Nettle Smith, Zoe Dolnn, Ruby Coll ver. Enid Collver, and Allco Church, Walter Kalno, Albert Gunnell, Char les Smith, Mildred Shepperd, Julius! Gunnell, Fny nnd Gordon Colllvor. 1 Clare Cavniiaugh, AIvln Lackstrom, I Chester Collver, Frcdoth Holm. Ralph Collver. Arthur Holm, Oren Parker nnd Arthur Moore. W. C T. U. CONVENTION , Very prettily wns the auditorium of tho North llend Presbyterian church arranged In blue nnd white; lnst Monday when the 7th conven-1 Hon of the County W. C. T. V. met 1 there for several sessions during tho , day. Tho State president, Mrs. Jcn nlo M. Kemp, was in charge. Hy drangeas and tho W. C. T. V. pen nants figured lnrgly In the decorat ing Bchetne nnd produced n charm ing effect. C. R. narrow of Coqulllo Jspoko on "Tln Dcjngors that Monaco Our Sons nnd Daughters." nnd Miss Edith Rnab accompanied , by Mr. llrown snug n selection. There woro present delegates from Mnrshflcld, Ilnndon. Coqulllo. Myrtlo Point and North Rend. 1 FAREWELL PARTV For tho pleasure or a number of IVny City people who are leaving Coos Hay, their friends entertained lnst Wednesdny oven'lng nt a ihltr bonfire party, nbout one hundred guests being present to enjoy the affair. A supper of sandwiches, cake nnd coffee wns served around the fire. Gt'tniCB nnd singing nnd "vlc trola music ndded nintcrlnlly to the pleasure' of tho evening. Among thoso leaving are: Mrs II. It. Drlnltlcy nnd Children, Vornon, Violet nnd GladyB who will go tomorrow on tho Breakwater for Kansas City on nn extended visit with her mother, Mrs. Mortonson, slater of .Mrs. L. S. O'Connor will nlso leave Sunday on tho Hreakwater to visit with friends nnd relatives In Portland. Mrs. Stownrt loft lnsti Tuesday on tho stngo Tor a trip to Southern Oregon and Mr. and Mru. R. A. Chapln lcavo next Thursday, on tho Kllburn for Mndrns. Ore gon. 4- 4 I ELKS .MOONLIGHT EXCt'H- I SION I Perhaps 0110 of tho most onjoynblo nffnlrs of tho outing senson this year wiib the moonlight oxcurslou given nt Goodwill's on South Coos River. Wednesday ovonlng by the Elks lodgo for tholr wivos nnd fam ilies. Tho Rainbow conveyed tho party, numbering 0110 hun dred nnd thlrty-clght In nil, leaving Mnrshflcld nt 1 p. m. nnd returning nbout 1 O'cloc': Thursdny morning. Tho foro part of tho ovjonlng wnn spout swimming lu tho river by most or tho excursion ists nnd later n bountiful supper was spread, which was followed by danc ing lu tho pnvlllon. Everybody ex pressed themselves as bolug delight ed with tho nffnlr, and wero enthu siastic over Its big success. 1 MO'rOlt TO Sl'NSEi I Mrs. Amnmln Rose, Mrs. R. P. 1 Harrington, and llttlo son. Everett. 1 Mrs. 0. D. Ross nnd "Aunt" Sally and "Uncle" Henry Hlnck wero guests to-day or 1). L. Rood on nn outing ut Sunset Hay, tho party mak ing tho trip In his car, and returning 1 this evening. A delicious picnic, din ner nnd strolls about tho beach made , up a dollghtful day. ' I Mrs. J. S. llancon und children will return tomorrow from n weeks outing ut Goodwills. 1 Matt L. May ('huiidlci- Hotel, Tel. 1!0, MAHSHl'MEM), Oregon Tho representative of HAAS HROTHEHS, H.-B. BRAND ('ANN El) GOOHS has added to his lines tho AH.MOl'lt .V t'O'S PRODl'tTS known as tho TOP NOTCH GOODS VERIIH'ST ciinneil iiieats. too per cent SIMON-PI ItE lent' lard. Their Star Stockinet lianis 11111I Imcou ami ilielr WHITE liiVEU laundry Miap. AFTER THE WAR IN EUROPE WHAT will the unprotected Widows and Orphans do? AFTER THE WAR OF LIFE What will YOUR widows and orphans do, if unprotected? You Should Worry Address , Edward D. Noonan The Marshfield Life Insurance Man Uttl Front street , ItiiMiiusscu Hhlg. MarMificld, Ore. jWiwwmmMmii aasaa f - fa Rl A.Cw, X? !1!ljs&&&w&u zsirmmm& mm ahs Making IpcJ gr What makes the' home beautiful? What greatly reduces the housewives labors? What adds most to the comfort of the home What proves cheapest What furnishings are How can you get Quality Furniture? For either cash or on reasonable monthly payments. ll I YiX.fllH 'ANM aaMarraatBHJu.'JTyT!gKl?g r.ffrri x mawairawn MMMIMIIIBBMII ! Mil r jwrnw WiWiiri i'f IS THE TIME TO PAINT For exterior work, this is the best season of the year as the wood is thoroughly dried out and will take tho lead and oil, preserving the life of -the building as well as adding to the length of service for the paint, It is also a good time for interior work, varnishing, etc, . .We carry tho world famed W, P, Fuller line of mixed paints, tho Phoenix, in all colors and shades and in var ious sized cans. In varnishes, we have tho famous Standard line, We will be pleased to show you these lines, estimate quantities lequii cd, and uivu suggestions on colors and shades. kj rwr lo y iiY el wi HUX Fill v4hml H JV w) rJ UQ Sporting Goods, Hardware, rroiH street, HE3XXZniKa22e2gKKS3Z Wfoeift m need PLUMBING aad HEATING CALL Pioneer Hardware Co. PHONE 101 FRONT STREET MARSHPIELD-RQSEBtlRGAUTQ LINE Best Cars Fare, $7 Best Drivers Leave Mai'-hflcld UU) A. M. Dally Leave Ro-ebuiK l : :I0 A. M. Dally TICKET OFFICE, 139 FRONT SL. MAHSIII IEI.D New Dodge Cars Abstracts FOR RELIAIILU AHSTRACTS OF TITLE AM) INFORMATION AHOIT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MARSHFIELD AND t'oyi'lLU-' CITY, OREGON GENERAL AGENTS, EASTSIDE AND SENGSTACKEVS ADDITION AGENTS FOR CANADIAN PACH'IC RAILROAD LANDS HENRY SEXG.STAl'KI.N. MANAGER ALLRGANY-DRAIN Auto Stage Line LEAVES H EH J()I!M(J .T:;lo. RRIls DRAIN a O'CLOCK. GimhI t'm Faivtul Dilxers Mi sf Iteauiiriil Route to Portlaiiil Fare $8.50 e SmokefaoUSe Fare $8.50 AGENTS, MMtSHFIELI) PROVE rttl-.l or call 1). L. FOOTF, Propiletor of uto Line, Phone 'JS-,1 f. i' nfiinn.itloH, in the long run? most durable?. Where do you get Quality Furniture? At miuTMGTVM If jy.OijuM-iu 364 Norffa Front, IMarehf neld Phooe 9)1 J - rT - e.Traxracr auMnrnmra wsnsxssosmiiamimtaxssrsw , A Builders' Supplies, Stoves U Marsiiiicici of Faro $?.00 ? Qiualitj OTnifain DRY WOOD u t CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Street PI10110 1:711 WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. i Assets $2,340,000.00 t i Pays 8 per cent on savings I I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. t Local Treasurer 9 City Auto & Taxi Co. Day mill Night Service l'or taxi, phono 20, Chandler Hotel For touring cars, phono 20, Chandler Hotel LYNN JjAMHETH, Prop. Now Cars Now Cars SOUTH COOS RIVER HOAT SERVICE LAUNCH EXPRESS leaves Mnrshflcld every day 8 a. 111. Leaves head of rhcr nt :t:15 p. m. STEAMER RAIXUOW leaves lioml of river dally at 7 II. 111. Leaves .Mnrshflcld at i! . III. For chilli or apply on board. ROGERS H SMITH Proprietors nn commutation nn U tickets, $2.00. cM .Marslifield-Nortli llend Auto Lino' Cars overj' ton minutes from (J a. in. to S 1. m.5 to South Slough onto n cla.v, leaving at 11 n. in.; to Empire three trips u day. GORST Ai KING, Props. SAVE MONEY by ordering t'"" l'",ou5 HENRYVILLE COAL. $1.00 Nut coal, per ton T.iinut nn,t rti fntl . . . . ,..M ..... mi vv...., t.u. . Or hnlf ton of both ''' 1). MUSSOV, Prop. Phono 1P-J or leave orders at Hllljer's Cigar Store. WOOD! W00D Kindling wood, por load SL.j u lAldor wood, 16 to 24 I Inches - lu v ' Fre,o Delivery V. II. LINGO Phono 227-J. Nortn r.o- ! TT. DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will ho kept Ol'KX TO THU I'll"10 A regular Mulo licensed undertaker will bo W cluirgo riiono 1D5-.T i nvcGve I ly la vJ l cJ' Ijyi Jil iy imnirinnffrnMaaM im&xmL. S.3B ii;JBMawMM&j..