CT T r-if iHiiiiiriuiiiiiirinmiTnrrniirtih rY ". gjftkjiT -sa 111 MmhWi tnuAtJO.'x.nllli "rtl1.; THf MAN, WHO CANT DO IT ALWAYS CRITICISES THE WAY THE OTHER FELLOW IS DOING J if' Coos Bay Times Your Paper (Eons lag fm0 A Southwest Oregon Paper That' what tlio Ooou liny Times Is. A South, nest Oregon pnpor for Southwest Oregon pcoplo nd devoted to tho best Interests of this groat section . Tho Times hviyi boosts and bctct knock. Uny Timed li proud of lte title "The IA .iolirna at all lrtlrta XliO C" i.' Pnncr, Mill 11 "- --- np:o,aamobyiIovoUiig its energies to Emoting tho lop1o'i Interests. MKMHKK OP T1IK ASSOCIATED PRESS .y.rt. M No. XXXIX. nn n rnp Pfl T(l uii i -n.n nil 1 11 i DDffliNQU 1 1 F Established 1878 As Tho Const Mnll. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1915 EVENING EDITION WILL PROBE CASE NORTH REND OFFICERS INVES TIGATK DISAPPEARANCE General Funston Dispatches Troops to Scat of Mexican Uprising in Texas I IE MORE DEAD Money Snlil (o lluu I loon Lost fn Ite.sort There Chief Anderson Not urns from South Tlio North Rond officers nro In vcstlgatlng tlio reported dlsnppoar nnco of $3fi0 In one of tho reaortH tlioro tho nlKlit before liiHt. No nr reiilH luivo been nuitlo oiul bo fur ns could bo tiHcartnlncd no charges fil ed. "Mldgo" WIIhoii In reported to havo lost tlio money mid 11 nmii nitni cd Stanley la IioIiib sought with tho oxpeetiincy that ho could throw some llgh( on It. Prisoners ut. Work A half breed named JohiiBon and another named Dick John aro today worltliiB out their flnoe ou tho North huvo liiHiiltcd a womnu and John llonil HtreotH. Joli'ison Ib alleged to charged with bchiB drunk and dis orderly. On Hunting Trip Marshal AnderBou who roturncd ycHtorday from n trip to California, will head n North Irond deer huntitiB Iiik party wlio leave today for Pow ers. Resides himself, J. O. Cllnlcu- Another Battle With the Ban dits is Reported Today But No Details Given OFFICERS WIlTnOT TALK Secret Orjpitilfi-N in Texas IMaii Up rising f Mexicans Forres to Maintain Outer are llclng Concent rated (Br Aorlll I'itm to Coo Hr Tlinm.J WASHINGTON, I). C, Aiib. !" General Kiinston reported todoy that he hail sent n Imtnlllou of tho Nlneth Infantry from I.arcdo to Rrowns tlllc. Ho mndo no request, however, f ..l.llllntinl Irnniiu rPlm fiit tin. ,or ,.. i.u..,. ......... ,uenn, or Co()s Hiver, Daddy McCuI- rartn.cnt officials would not "Iscuss , , . .Annrla Cntrjtt Mrtrntilvnru in TnvnH ,,,.. .....V. .......-w. ... "-. nro golng 0 th0 trp ire JHUUIIIU ill! Ill'linuift Hi mu ttlUA" lean under "Tlio IMnn of San Diego." It la npparcnt (leneral Funston In concentrating considerable force In Bronnsvlllo wlicro the trouble np peers to center. VILLA WILLING ID SIGN TRUCE Informs the U. S. Government Ho Would Hold Peace Con ference With His Opponents WILL SEW APPEAL Mexicans Will Be Asked to Make Some Arrangements to Stop the Fighting PRESIDENT IS BACK HOME ltd inn Today to the National Capi tal I'lom Summer Homo at Cor nish Secretary Lansing Say.s Situation Is Unchanged A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll nnil Coos Hny Advcrtlnor. No. 16 TRAIN IS WRECKED roc it KII,1,KI AM) SCOUK IN .IL'ltKD IN OHIO rally of Ki'lit or I'jthlim Ivmn Mount StorlhiB On SKclal Aro Vlcflnw I Mr A3clatel Prcw lo Coot llj Tlmoii. COI.UMIUIS, Ohio, Aub. 11!. I'our pcrsoiiB wcro hilled and more than a score Injured, boiho seriously, thla morning when a heavily loaded freight train crashed Into a special train bearing u party of tlio KnlghtB of Pythias lodge, of Mount Sterling, many of them accompanied by mem bers of their families. AVIATORS FALL; ONE IS KILLED Capl. G. H. Knox, of U. S. Army Aero Squadron Meets Sudden Death ' 11 T COUPLE HERE ACTOR AND STARK PAHTNIIU Alt JtlCSTKI) AT SAN I-'HANCISCO Tiiiu:i: moiei: kimjcd ftirtlicr fighting Is Itcporlod llmtwistlllo at ID AtfUM rwl to P nr Tlmwi.J DIIOWNSVIM.H, Tomib, Aug. 12. Tlireo nioro .Mexican outlaws wcro added todny to the list or hilled In a battle nenr Mercedes, It Is not re ported whether hiihllers, county of flcera or raiiKers wero In tho fight The officers developed n policy of ro- fnslnB to rIvo details of tho fights In hlc litlioy wer concerneil. This Is ald to necoimt for tlio lncic ot ron flrmatlon nf the report that eight other Mexicans wero killed In Hidal go county since Krldtty. MORE wWeNN0W" ARE SEEKING WORK In Austria An lncreasluKy Number Aro Applying for all Kinds or Work IB; AmwUIM rrnw to Coo Utj Tlwei 1 VIE.SWA, Aug. 11. From tho lat est reports of the Austrian trado-uu-lon It appears tliut the European r, whllo decreasing the number "t men unemployed, linn greatly In "eased tlio number of women tcok j"B ork, In normal times tho niiiii w of uncinioed iiiiiIoh has boon irom two to four per cent hlgbor tln tho out-of-work fomnlcs. Fig ures now shown from nlno to twelve Wr cent more women out of work than men. CLERGYMEN WILL "" DRIVE AMBULANCES Tfnty.f,(, Motor AniluilanccH Will Ut" Hamlin! by i:nUsh .Mln Mm In War BffAUlRj !, t C,, C.r Tlmu. j J;0NDO.V, Aug. ll.-Twonty-fivo 'tor amliulanccs which nro being gj'bytl,oCI,,el,Army.,, o ,, ,T""U,0"al -nhatlon. o.,r0f,!iWm'Knlll,ofrot.ro Si!,lrMlI,,irc,crW''.Bchni,i. - ru,,o, uommunlon AGIST THE BONDS TUX MIIjH I'KOI'U: SKXD IMIO TKST TO COUXTV COL'IIT Will I'resenl Objection lo llondlng for tho Itiilldlng of Itoads In Coos County (Special to ho Times.) LAKKSIDH, Oro., Aug. 12. Tho people or tho Ten Milo country will bo against tho road bond Issue, from nil Indications. A committee of peo ple living In tho lake district has Bono to Coiiulllo to protest against tho bond Issue and will appear be fore tho county court. It Is under stood thnt tho people In this local ity feel that tho road bond Issue will not bo of benefit to thorn and aro against It. If tho matter comes to a vote this locality will bo strongly against tho bonds. JEIAIS IKE APPEAL SAVS AMIIKICAN SIIKU.K AltlJ TllltOWN INTO POLAND Some to Drnmalie Stulomcnt.s aro Mudo tho People ut tho United Stntos let, M oi o I.J1I1 1,1777"" ss "''" ' linieti ""Hill m, rv..... I. ... on W'llllO us me Is consldor- a m II nChes,cr ' nd erecting ""are se-n, 7 C0UaS0 thora the,. n ..' ,lnB for ?l0 on Win. ... .,,- at 10 the Sheriff . '"eSent t,mo ant' ay, ha l06 most a. 1 "u"") uo or. . . "' --u"U'ra the 600(1 nn. ,... . "r. i..; :::,.: ncumer . the ,.. l "tu ot ''ecomo next row TODAY DL U'l !!.. xi nam n. ""'"i mo "UU"'-- I'l'MMlAirT oUi ,llI(l (uf Itenmlns 'noon S , e'ne held tl8nf Pc," e. "I! tmtt ,,on on ,U ottUutS ;,ev' Fa""- McDev ldaneo , . , ,lere R n W at- Hso .. ," ."m,s' Tl' "romon "..iiiii ing- (I17 AMncltlM rtii In com l!j Tlrafi.J nintl.IN (Wireless Snyvlllo), Aug. 12. Tho Association or .lows In (lorinnnj'havo Issued n dramatic ap peal to America. It Is based ou tho fact thnt American shells wmo thrown Into Polish towns by Uua- jlnus. It says In part: "Thou sondest Iron shells to iiiu ply tho army of tho Czar. "Thoii caveat Iron for gold, doath ror nro. "Chlldron nro murdering tholr pnr onts. "Ainorica, thou hast peaco. Thou art not fighting Tor oxlstonco. "Wo Imploro thco to listen to this uppoal." WIRES "ISlEPLJ 111; AmocIiIih rrrni to Conn Ilir Tlinn.) WASHINGTON, I). C Aug. 12. Gcnerul Villa has Informed tho Uni ted States goverumnut that ho Is willing to sign a truce or three lnontlm or mora durntltou with his opponents during which tlmo a peace conference shnll ho held. Presldont Wilson arrived hero this morning from Cornish and is in conference with Secretary Lansing. Lansing said the situation was un changed, and that an appeal to tho 11s would lie snut Boon ns rangciucnts for transmlssbn aro 'oiiipleted. He again reiterated that tho Pau-Amcrlcau peace plan noes not contemplate in any way the use of force or tho Impairment or Mexico's sovereignty or Inter icrrnco with her domestic nffnlta. The Peace Plan. The purposes of tho appeal Is to Influence tho Mexicans tliomsclvcB to hold n peaco convention and a gov ernment created by that factlton will bo accorded recognition whether or not tho aciiulesconco or nil ruc tions is obtained. Sending tho battleships to Vera Cruz and other movements thnt may follow aro doscrfhed officially as pricnutloHitiy measures to afford as slstauco to foreigners. Would Not Comment Secretary Lansing declined to com ment ou Carran.a's letter or protest against tho Pan-American peaco plan. Tho feeling Is that when tho plnn is read It will ho evident that Cat rana was misinformed as to tho purposes of tho peaco plan, and there Is a confident hopo thnt some or his hitherto close supporters will glvo adherence to tho Idea or the pence louforonco. Appears Sincere. Villa expressed in a doCiilto way his willingness to do anything Unit might bring about an early peaco. Ho Is understood to havo ordered his commnudcrs to avoid righting, evacuating places threatened with at- tni'l; as nn evidence of his sincere doslio to uiako peaco. LUKOWISCAP T AISTItO-tJIIUMAN FOItCKH PUIt Sl'IXG UUSSIANS TAKK CITY Airoidlng to an Oflclal llepoit (ho Teutons llnvo Also Captured Zamhi'ovto Wr AmimIaIkI Prr.! lo Cuu flr TIdim.) lllJULIN, Aug. 12. Tho Auslro CU nn a 11 forces pursuing tho Rus sians who nro retreating from tl'o Wnninw mllcnt havo occupied Lukow an oflclal announcement says today. Zanibio'vo wns also captured. AEROPLAN E DROPS UVINR TUItKKY !- -... . .. r : ARE READY TO SAIL ! ! ITALIAN CONSULS ! LKAVINR TUItKKY I ID; Ai.orl PA It patch from Genevn says nn 1 Austrian newspaper in Vlon- ! na nnnounccs that tho Itall- ' nn consuls havo left Turkish ! territory and tho Italian In- forests hovo been confided to 4 tho American officials. Lieut. R. B. Sutton, Son of a Portland, Ore., Man Prob ably Fatally Injured AIRSHIP DROPS 500 FEET Victims Members of tho First Aero Squadron of the Army Which Had .Just lleen Ordered from CaD forubi to Fort SHI Okla. llr Ainoclalcil 1'rrni to Can tnf Tlmtn.l FOItT SILL, Okla. Aug 12. QunrtermnBter Captain Georgo II. Knox, of tho first aero squndron, U. S. Army, wns killed and Llout. H. II. Sutton, his aide, probably fatally wounded todny when nn acroplnno In which they wcro flying fell COO feet. Tho squadron hnd Just been transferred from California, nuttor. Is tho son of .1. N. Sutton, of Port land, Oregon. S. II. I). Holt uiul Alleen Cobln, Tnk- en Custody When Arriving Ou PJinhcth (Special to The Times) SAN FRANCISCO, lAug. 12. S. II. II. Holt and Alleen Cobln, on act or and rvetross, wero arrested to day when they Bleppcd ofr tho steam er Kllzubeth on which they Balled r'rom Ilnndon. Tho arrest was mndo on a warrant from Coos county. ROAD 18 mm GO L I s. warships at navy pri:pari;d to movi: YARD ACCKPTS PLANCK ON TDK XHW CAIIINKT nj AinrM rrr to Coi llf Tlmn.) TOKIO, Aug. 12. Unron Ishll, tho Jupanoso ambassa dor to Franco, Iiob nccoptcd tho foreign minlstor's portfolio- In tlio now cabinet of Premier Okumn. RIELES ARE FOUND QUANTITY OF RUNS DISCOVIIRKI) nl'aii jii:rci:ih:s SON OF J. P. MORRIS DIES AT HOME TODAY Mrliln Morris, Agen Fifteen Years, Pnhse.s Axvny After it Long 111- I' no.ssj of Tuberculosis Molvfn Morrlss, tho rifteon-year-olil son of Mr. anil Mrs. J, P. Mor ris, died this morning after n lin gering Illness of tuberculosis. Ho Buffered from an attack of cold and grlpno and other complications last year nntl tho tubercular trouble do volopetl. Tho paronts did every thing possible and tried tho opm No Now Orders Havo lleen Recelv. eil mid No More Trouble ut Vera Cm, III7 Aoctitoil rrcM to Lroa Pif Tlmo.l WASHINGTON, I). C, Aug. 12. V vomploto report on conditions In Vera Cru. was called for by Sj retary Danlols today, nlthougn no anli-forolgu domoustrntlo'ii bus lunit icpoited. "There has boon no it'.M". htl urdors to tho Atlantic fleot ex cept those given to tho Louisiana, Now Hampshire and Connecticut.'' nld Secretary DanlolB todny. "Tho ships uro now in tlio irixy yardr and havo regular orders to be prepared ior' sailing but huxo been given no now orders. Wo 00 not contnmplato sending any moru ships south at this tlmo." COLLI KR TO RO Tho Jupiter Ordered From Newport to Vera Cru. (Pr Aunrlited rrru lo Coo fHf Tlmn.1 WASHINGTON, . C, Aug. 12. Tlio collier Jupiter was ordered to Vera Cru. today from Nowport and tho cruiser Denver, on tho west const of Mexico, was ordered Into resorvo at Mnro Island, Tho Al bany, now In resorvo In Portland, Ore, will take tho Donvor's plnro. Holt and his stngo partner nro understood to havo como to this ci ty about two weeks ngo. They nro traveling nctors and have a vaude ville stunt which they tried to put on In Marfiliflold and North Rend. They talked with tho theater luan- igcrs In both cities but nolthor wanted to undertako booking thorn na It was not regarded that their act would mnke a hit with tho pub lic. They had a trial net In which tho man put tho woman Into a big milk can from which sho disappeared. Not succeeding In gottlng nn en gagement on tho bay they went to tho Coqulllo Valley nnd finally wero booked nt tho thentor at Myrtlo Point. It Is said thot tho net was so poor that tho audlonco mndo n dem onstration against tho porformors. It Is understood that tho couple skipped a board bill in tho Coqulllo Vnlley nnd It Is supposed It was lor this that they xvcro arrested. M STER BLAMED HU'sSIAN OFFKIAL SUIMFCT OV AN INVESTIGATION Commission Will See Why Russia Found Herself Short of .Muni tions of War tnr AmocUUI r-rni to Cor lit; Time ) IONDON, Aug. 12. A commission of Inquiry has been nppol'ted, .ic cordlng to tho Dally Mall'.i Petro grnd correspondent, to Investigate the charges against former Russian Minister of War, Soukbom Llnorr and othoru In connection with tro uhortngo or munitions which ser lcusly Interfered with tho opora tlo'in of tho Russian army. BOMBS DROPPED nl,r treatment but It was In vain. Tho gunboats Annapolis and York- AHRKXTINK s MINISTKIt SWKRS PROTKST AN- Thinks Action of Conference Should Ho Regarded As An Act of I'Vy'iidllncss (Of AuocltpfJ Ire to 00.4 Da; TlmM. WASHINGON, D. C.t Aug. 12. Tho iiilnlstor of forolgn arralrs ror Argontlnn, In response to n'Vrotest rrom Cnrranza,' against forolgn In terference, cabled his reply In part as follows: "Instead of finding only cause for alnrm, tho Mexican people sdiouldH seo In tho conference proof of tho friendly consideration that her fato evokes In tho United States nnd calls forth our wishes for her pacification and development." "TmusifFiRir The Marshflold rire engine was ta ken to West Marshrield this arter noon to extinguish a brush fire. The fire was too far up Rlossom -Gulch for tho englno to get to It. No dnmngo was dono, Relief Raiders, uro Receiving Assls- tnnco F10111 Mexicans ou Other SI1I0 of 'Holder Or AmocUIwI Prm l tun n; TIhim I CORPUS CHRISTI, Tex., Aug. 12. A qiiiu'llty or Mouser rifles woio' found concealed In underbrush by rangers and troops near Morcodos,' according to word brought hero. Tho' Incldont .bolsters tho bollof or tho authorities that tho .Mexican raid-' ors .aro organized with assistant or Moxlcans rrom "across tho border. Tho equipment Is said to bo similar to that used by tho Currnnza rorccs, TURKU HOATS SUNK The date of tho fmiorn) bits not bom determined hut It will lio coudui't'id by Rev. Father II. J. MeDovltt. Tlio Morris family moved rrom North Rend to North Fomdalo n few months ngo. Mr. Morris Is one or tho best known real estato opora lor.s cf North Rand.. Thoj; hnvo several,, other , children, and .thuler many rrlcnds will J unite in oxtoud ing r-yinpathy to tpoin In their bo renvTiiitnt. ' i ILD ROOD TLMM Veterans Picnic nt Simpson Wiw Succchs Pink Tlio war votorans' picnic nt Simp son Park yesterday was a big succIsn, About twenty of tho "Old Roys" attended. Tlio tnbles seating about 12. wort spread under tho beaml- town, reached Acapulco, Mexico, to lay. ... - GREAT SINGER HAS JOINED THE ARMY Ferrari, Xovvl York MelroNltau ComjMtiiy'H Tonor Will i'lght With the Italians tllj AoltJ 'rr(Ki tqi'ooi lujr Tlmo, RKRLIN, Aug. 11. Ferrari, tho Now .York Metropolitan Opera Com pany, tenor, who Is almost as woll known horn as In America, Is report ed as having Joined tho Italian ar my He 1b tho husband of tho woll known German court singer, Mnr-j gareto Matzounurer. russianemperorTs back from the front 1 fill pines, Or Aiioclitfd I'fe to Coo 0T Tlnm.l LONDON, Aug. 12. Tho fishing Binncks Ocetn ,Glft. Esporanco and Georgo Rer- row have beon sunk. The mombers or tho crews were snvpil. $ t AMONG THE SICK t Z Rend Is reported quite sick today. Nols Rasmussen this morning un derwent an operation at Mercy hospital and Is reported to bo doing nlcoly. Ho Is ono or the host known Coos Rny pioneers. ARer lunch they went to the pav ilion whero tho program was glvon. Tho exercises opened with tho sing ing or America. Mr, Rcod then In troduced Mr. Graves who was thor oughly enjoyed. Major Zeok or from Arm' Headquarters arter a stay Handon, after a few remarks, read 1 of "ireo weeks. No visit of the many Holds Impoitaiit Conference nt Field Headquarters and Decides on Some Important Changes ID? AMocUtM Prm to Coot Dtf TlmM. PKTROGRAD. Aug. 11. Tho Russian Emperor recontly returned $' Mrs. Win. Wilson of North Rent a poem entitled "The Roys of 'CI," written by a war time lady and an old friend of his. Then he talked especially to tho G. A, R. on "Peace and Proparedness." Mr. Meoks of Cooston gave a pa triotic reading and Rev. Hlsey, Mr. Sehlbredo and Mr, Reigard rotated some personal reminiscences or the war times. After tho program, nil retired to tho park for a social time. which ho hud made to various sec tlons of the fighting lines has been so Important as this ono. In the courso of tho con ferences held nt field Head quarters during this visit the Em peror and his advisers decided upon the changes recent In tho higher ranks ot the government and In tlio council of ministers, and also an nounced that the Diimn would bo summoned to meet at an early date, FRFNCII AVIAri'ORS MARK AT IACIC ON GKRMAN TOWN Flalil Persons aio Killed or Would. (!, Rut Property Ditiii.tgo Is Reported Small llr Amo'UIM 'ff to Cooi nj Tlmn.l LONDON, Aug. 12. A vrolos I10111 Rorlln says French aviators dropped liomlm at Zwolbruo"l;en and Saint lugbort, killing or wouu Mug elgl t persons. Tho property dam age was small ELECT A PRESIDENT IIAITIKNS CIIOOSi: RKNKHAl DARTIRUKNAVA AS LKADKIt Votes Out of Total of 11(1 J,,S f. 1 tnr AwnclalMl l'r lo Cnun ritjr tlmn , PORT AU PRINCE,' Aug. 12. General Dnrtiguouuva was today el ected president of tho Iliiltlon re public by tho "nntlouul : nssombly. Calm provnllod at the election. Dnr tlgiienaVa received a majority of 72 vote out'of 11G cast. ' Teutonic Forces Have Started a Campaign to Penetrate Deeper into Russia ' FIGHT IS'DlSPERATE Russian Rear Guards arc Put ting Up a Strong Defense Against the Orislaught sacrificing"any LIVES Germans are Paying Rig Price In Men In Their Kffort to Capture Kov- 11110 Rrltlsh Aro Iooklng to tho Dnrdnncllcs as Itellef tllr AiocltJ rrMw to Com 117 TlmM. J LONDON, Aug. 12. Baltic flank of the Gcrninu armies under Gcnornt Von Hlndeiiburg vlrtunlly attained tho hanks ot tho river Dvlnn, bo tween Riga nnd Dviuskn with PotrcT gnul less than 300 miles away In a direct Hue. Thence southward tho lino sweeps west with tho Russian fortress of Kovno still holding out but noxt wcok mny seo a great bnttlo on tho rond between the Russian cap ital. It Is said tho second lino of do fenso upon which tho Russians pro posed to fall back after abandoning Warsaw hns all tho appoarancea of having been rendered untenable nnd tho British and Russian press Is be ginning to seo In thoso Austro-Gor-mnn phuiB a plungo decpor Into Rus sla with Potrograd a8 tho goal. lcsH'm(o F.ghL In the meautlmo, tho Russlnn rear guards aro fighting desporatoly es pecially In tho critical Dovnnn ro gion nnd ut Kovnno, to enpturo which the Gornmns nro making a terrific sacrifice of men. It sconis plain now that tho Ger mans purpose no grcnt demonstra tion In tho west ou tho theory thnt condltlonn In Franco nnd Rolglum nro such that tho Allies will not Im mediately attempt a gcnornl offens ive. l,ook to Dardanelles During tho lull In activity In the west, tho Rrltlsh public Is looking to tho Dardaiiollots ou bolng n rollof to Russia, though tho task of opening tho straits remnlun n difficult prob lem which Homo think may only bo solved by n chango In tho Balkan alt-nation. A OMITS RANGKK Ktishlau Newspaper Says Thh Dif fers From Napoleon's Invasion (llr AHnrltIM frf-il to Coo n7 TlmM.) PETROGRAD, Aug. 12. Tho No voo Vrebylm in discussing today tho theory that Potrograd Ib tho roal objective ot the Gorman offenslvo says: "Tboro Is an enormous dlfforonco between tho war of 1812 nnd tho pies'ont conflict. Tho Gormnns nro hurling ugalnst Russia forces oqulvu lent to seven such Invasions a3 that of Napoleon. Tioy know Pot.'o grad Is the political' center and It Is onl linlf its Tar from Riga' as Mos cow. It Is only a night's Journey Received. Miijor'ty of SoventjTwo tfioni Riga to Potrograd und a rtli- CAUSNC COMMENT GOVKRXMKNT ASKS AROUT FUR. NISI I ING MUNITION SUPPLIKS Inquiry Mndo of Manufacturers' hut Oflclals Say It I Regularly Done tnr AMUM-Ut.! frntt to Coo lUVTIpM,) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 12. Announcement that the war depart ment, had asked tho American manu facturers or war munitions for data iai.ro of 200 111 let. over good roids inn', two lines if rallwaya und dom mil offer Iiisii f rablo difficultly. Pi's Is no see .. 1 wnr of 1812, b .t sdiii'ihlng far mom serious." - ' INTEREST IN lilt AI L Conferenco Efforts Aro llelng Care fully Wotchod There (llr AuorlitaJ I'roM to Com Dr Tlaw.1 RIO JAN1ERO, Aug. 12. Efrorts or tho Pan American republics to scttlo tho Mexican question Is being followed with keon Intorcst. Tho na tional chamber approvod tho motion asking tho Brazilian foreign otflco for Information as soon as possible regnrdlng stnto negotiations. News papers continue to omphaslza that no attack Is contemplated upon tho sovereignity of Moxlco. 1. O. O. V. NOTICE. Mombers of Sunset Encampment No. 4.'l und Suiisot Lodge No. CI, I. O. O. P.. nnd Western St rnRebok- as to facilities for furnishing sup-!u, Lodgo aro requested to be In pljes, particularly in tho event of cmorgency, led to somo speculation hero today, although tho officials explained the action wns In accord ance with tho usual practlco In nor mal times, .itt3ndanco Friday ovonlng, August 1 3th, 19ir,. Tho Grand Petrlarch Itobt. An drews nnd GianJ Mastor Jahu F. Hull will visit officially. I. I ANDO, Secretary, u