"tywrtl jnjn IMC UUUO DHI IlincQi iiiniiuni iu.w, ..--- , . irni sTREETDtscuss hkwii o gktm case oneballsgoms; complication oi:it cothc- TONS' LIAIHLITY Clly Attorney (loss Says That Own ership of F.utmnee (o Pine Street IClMll I'llZll .Still more complications have de veloped in Hie Pine street matter. Ono Is over the possibility of dam- that the rltitbhWMl from tlie liai. Ity of doinjHlilts by liavlnn the contractors Ifleiinie this. City At torney Go (id Unit a clause could bo Inserted In the rontrnct nnd spe-. clficatlons tiansierrlim the liablll.y to the contractors. C. It Peck objected, soyliiR that It was a chaiiKe In the plans and Bpeclflcatlous which tho properly owners which he represented had not been Riven n chance to coimld"r. lf.t said that It would Iiutohko the age suits. resulting r,om an fmP "'::;;; k avmmI, of 10...I about six miles '""' iW am. greater ...an . 8 ., .. G21 uii.tiiiv nf iiiosr. The other is over ed h resolution nunln-i inMWif, i ,.Bli n,,. rout with Cltv lncneer v ... "1 . . tho ownc'rsb.p of the lo. at the en- and dance. along ...a. Hue There over mn . o, . )f " T,I .IJr" "'.Tw , xLo . trance to1 the street from .Vhirket. was much tniK ... ... inu muk .. , wln(,rfllu,,. Mr. Cum-, thoiiRht then that It could he built , ,,, iv:,tu;, --- -- !?;: ir1' ."!;' ,: ,1h,1;' ::' .&'" ""ixsz - ! . " . '-iji :rr: cost of their improvement, and thsylCliy Council last evening the con- wn.ii.i ni.i.i.1. Sr Ooss said that they could call for two sets of bids, one provldliiK ! for tfih contractor to nssuino the liability and the other to lot the rmnniiRlbllltr rest with the city. This was afireod to. - Connie's- W'nv Mest. .Mayor Allen wanted to know If ..... thero wnsn't a clioaper and bettor. i. ,..t. ( .lniarmitin 1 nut where tho street llmw on Pino slreut ! IWII llll 1IIU .!. H .v. -.,... . nro than by the way tlioy are kIk about It. City Attornoy Gosh oald that he though that tho plan outlined by Councilman Copplo at the oulsot to have suit bogun to eject tho jieople who are alleged to liavo fonrcd In part of the street, was tho right one. llo said this would determine, the iiuostlon and would ollinlnnto the llnblllly of tho I big work being hold up by lnjunc- tlons, etc. Councilman Ferguson said that this looked sensible to him as if ho was going to build a house, he cortalnly would want to first know whother ho owned tho lot and Just ho know wiiat tue council wanton. ' ny tlie hciituu in limiting me ciinii- pose., ai noon. ivhero the linos of hla property are. "" WH asked to bring beforo thojnel will hu ellnilntited from tho tax C. J. Green, tho export or tho corn Mr. Peck said that his clients Council at the next meeting what rolls. . mission, was itlso present.. wnniii (iiiimlniit to l.e bound bv the data ill this line ho hud nl liun.l and' The Port Commission has tabled I outcome of any reasonable test suit Tom Dennett objected to this. , snying Unit the cases or Dr. Tower' and Judge Coke might be (llfforii.it from thoso or Max Tlniiiierninii and. others, Owneishlp of Let. I Mnyor Allen wanted to know nbout1 tho ownership of the lot at the en-. trance to the utroot, from Market nvonue. This Is the property which the VIIICII inu. lH ndvocates of grading ami Pino street Insist belong to tho ril through tho right or .me It has never been deeded to the. clly or (ledlcntod as u stieet. City Attorney Goim wild that the title to the lot was In tho Mursh.luhl Itcally & Trading Coniimny's name. However, ho wild that the public hnd been nslim .bo part where the nteps liuvo been located ho long th.it they hud gained It by right of user. Tho balauie or the lot he w.ih not sure about. He wild that Hie only one ho could find who hud any rec ollection about the owncmhlp was John Hear, who recalled thai iimny years ago C. II. .Merchant. uiHiumer of K It. Dean & Company, which then In hi the pioperty. told Hear tl.iU the (ompaiiy did pot cIhIiu the lot. Mr. Com muIiI that be hud sevei.i! tlmeH aslud C. A. Mniltti and oilier oHIrlalH of the coiiipgiiy ubout Hie lot but h.ul neviir recehed it decUUn answer as to whether the coiupinv would Iii.hIk. on lu riKl.lH uf owner ship, .lust now. be said, he thought that Samuel It loss bad the nay about the mailer nnd Mr. Hl'i-m was expelled hi-re almost anytime. I FISH PHICliS LOW Poor P.Icck Au Helujt Paid on the l'i.i.iiia Kiver Tlio tat t i lint there U no fUl. wr on at the I'm puna river heeuis to keep down the prices paid .hero for iiiilinon. The I'nipqun Courier my- This season Mill be one of thr woist neuxi.il fur a uinuhur of ear-) for the (lbhwruiuu of the prleen et fish does not mine. The Kuropcnn eountrliii huvo bgugut nearh all et tho old stock of the chenuvr Binder or Kali. ion and haw left the wtrkrl flooded with the better grades. The deiuniid ut present It for the very ciionpiwi sru.ia, eouiequemiy tile itbhermen are ald a very small lirlce. -MlitL.lt not the fault of the . amir rv i.n ii u vimwurf ii.ni ., s8.i.Hr-.an Jt U reported thai one caiinpn ou the Umpnua iuleudg ing 2 1-.' cenU per pound fe nook and !;.' 1-K eueh tor ll i uion. I THE COOS BAY MATTKIt TAKF.X IP Itt uni cor. veil. VOIITH Object fir Sunday Affairs iiml Also lo the Nature of Dune- ' I it if Keen ' """ ( w. Cumber, lociil malinger Objections to Sunday dnnres woro!0f tlio Standard oil Company, hnd brought up nt the meeting or thu'n narrow escape iron, serious Injury . i... ,.r,i.i,r.n f Vmlli llnnil Inat nlitht. ' vi'Hletdav when hi? ear went over ... .. ii. Mntiii mnn fiinnpf in inn iM'niin mi ur mm i now in- n" . ,, -v ouu i-iunw IS v()uTil uii.vi) )txcii,.Mi:x ix SI-SIOX LAST XIC'IIT Small Amount of IJiisl.iess Trans- iic.e.1 Pavlnc ('oii.iac.s Are Approied b) .Members At the meetliiK of the North Kent) " - act for tlie wiving o. a pun o. Virginia and .McPherson to the Warren Construction Company was i aiuiroveil by tho Council and tho work will proceed at once. The mine action was taken In the case "f ll1" plnnltlnB of Virginia from I.Monioe West. Andersoii, Crockers company .. ui i-ms-i. ,. i .i .... i mm worn. Tho City IJiiKliieer filed Ills ac coptiuice of the work on Sherman and Washington and the Council set August -I as the date for the final acceptance of the work by tho Coun cil. The Clly Wnglneer was ordered to put In a weir at Pony Iule.t to meaiiiiro the flow of water In .tho dry season. The purpose of this Is to have some dutn on the water sup ply thero with the view of future Investigations In the nintter of sup plying the city City Attorney Derbyshire said that ho had been Instructed to prepare nn ordinance regulating plumbing, electric lighting nnd sewers, but that be could not prepare them until the mailer will l.e taken up In detail, Tlie regular bills against the city wore allowed. The discussion of the need or a city hall was brought up iiKiiin, but nothing was done. This mutter has been frequently dlscuss- Ml by the Councllnien lately. The meeting was a short one tin j .were- was uoi nuicu uusiuess io u. I transacted. HAVE FINE STREET nHUr U f I I f T I II l" I ll XOItTII Itl.NH MAKING SPLKXDIIM i.MPitovi:.Mi:xTs ' Shernian Aiciiue With New Pave-I ..,.. S-I.I..I...II.W mi..u. .. Flue Appearance ' . The paving work and sidewalk hiilhlliiK In North Heud Is progressing nicely. Shormuu avenue with Its new I pavemunt makes a flue street as it ,ls wider than any tilreel In any of I tho Coos county titles and with Hie now pavement down miiKeu a highly , Inviting highway. Tlio HldowulK are now being put in. The illy council btu ordered that III the husliiesg itct'll.iu there shall ne no new m.lewalU laid that are not coiicrele. The only properly own-' em that are eciup iroiu uiiHIug down walk are Hume who own lots on which tbeie are no liuprovcmoiilK. Ill audi eave the owners tire not forced to lay walk. Tlio new walk which aie being made will extend on both shies of tJliPi'iuau incline lu Hunt ol'piac tlcully h"1 ut the huiiliieM houses lu tlio main pint of town. The utriHt and nldewalk linprove .ueuu add giently in ik appeiirauce' of tbe clly and Sherinun ineiiue when riiiished will In- a l.lnlil) liuposlng' street. II UL u 2 ULU pn - Miitn com rui:ci: Ills MIDI. DITIMTi: l'LX ! eiaij I iiiisihh; s,ijs He Has Con sul. ed Piesideu. and Uusiuess Will l.e Iti'-i.i.itMl IU .VmxUIW Cm,, io tuu. utf TIiiii-. ) 'VASIUNlSTON. H (', Aug. l. leiy Ueflnile policy a in Mexhu ,B heen nureed un.m bv tl... .,... Aiiu.liuu Confeirnie, Socuuaiy of ,uu ''1 uiiiioiimeii today." "f he i onfereui e aUJonrued because , W,M,UM, lu ,0UU ,,,..,,,,,,.,, wlUoll aoout i." lie euld. 'I Imv cousitlt-i Hie i'renideul and (he conference ' lesumed." I.ansliig would . i iobc the plaui of the eoufer- .ie. MEETN SHORT nrmnc .nwi I :th C M. iH-MMIOItS HAS ACCIDENT t NI'AV (JDI-J , Itiiill) Scratched I'p mid Fcael Oilier Injuries llul Proceeds Wl.uMi'leld lli-oken to .Myrtle Point, (ioodrums servlco i ear was taken out by. Geo. Ilulnes j laud others and found that Cumber's 1-i.r was not damaged, running all rlh'ht after It was rib'iite.1 and put bark In the road. The place where Cumber's cur went over Is a bad one. Lust week K. HiidberK who was worklnj; a team t belouKltiK to ii man named lCrlckson, went over the sra.lo Into tho water and for a time feaied that tlie team would he drowned. TO REDUCE THETAX ,,,,., rmiMmmov imvoiik i.ow. Kit ASSKSSMKNT iVopeily Wllliln Proposed Harbor Assess. Uuw ,( 0 ,j0(1 ,,.,, ,,.. T. .1. Thrift Secretary Henry Sengstacken, of the Port of Coos Hay, has taken up with Assessor Thrift the question of reducing the assessment on the tldo flat property within the propos ed harbor lines of Coos Hay. This property, It Is claimed by tho own- slblllty of the Port exercising the I rights vested In It for fishing nilti em. ih i.iuiiu uiiniiiuiiuiu iii inu iiua- navigation purposes. They are also In a way barred from Improving it. Mr. Thrift said he would take tlito. Into consideration In making the new assessment. Also the lots plut-'ll. ted below the low water lino and some of which weie diedged uwny a bill from the Coos & Curry Tele phone Con. puny for $1.S for damuges lo the cable across the bay near Glasgow when the Seattle wiib oper ating there. I'uglueer Charlcson said that tho company was notified in advance and took up the cable and put It buck down without any of the dredge force touching It. FILLS SEVERAL JOBS ITIII.O. IHtADLKY TKLLS OF CITV MAItSHAL'S DITIF.S IX HAST , . "M'Vlllc. ML, Ills Old IIiiiiik Tiihii, "as Consolidated Many Offices Into One .Man's Work. Maisbal Carter, whose multitude 111 ll II I llltl ItMU Illll ir Ilium ii itxm.lj.n , " , " " ' .Tli Philistine. A portion of tho let- to strangers who were looking Into ' tl,r f00vs: Marshfleld city nflalrs. has a snap' "With tlio Death of Klhert Hub- bchltle the Clly Marshal In Theodoio , bard. The Philistine lias been dlscon- Hradley's old home town. Koseville. Illinois. Itosevllle is not a real rival of Chicago In size. The last IstMio of The 'I'lnieh-Cltlzen has the following In connection with the pro ceedings of the regular monthly meeting of the Hoard of Trustees at in,, it..,...iiii., vni,.u.. .,.,.. ..i...... .. nK iioad: "F. .M. Geoige uiiiile application for appointment as city police ut $l'."i per mouth lo ero from lu a. m to 1 1 p. in. "An appllciition Wat. nUo lead signed by G. Kldd for appoint. iieut as police at a salary of $:'.'. per mn.it Ii. "It. W. Tyler addioiicd Hie coun cil and stated Hint he found the work and hours too much for one man, and nuked that he be ieleed '" hU iilttht duties. He stated that I'1' would l.e willing lo servo for H'' per month ll lie should be re- ileved or part ol bin work. ' .Milled by Vaimhan. second- ,"' l,) w-- tuat u. w. i.Wer be employed Hie curieiit num. I. as JIumIihI. Knglneer. water rent collector, utreet ovemeer and Janitor of city hall, at the sum ol $1.. per mouth, and that F. M. George be employed lo act us po lhe and night watch for the sum of $211 per month. Motion carried, I lives." I COOS HAY TIMKS I WAR MAPS. TEN CENTS Itt'Y AX IP-TO-THK-MIXUTK I WAIt MAP WHILi: TDK ( Sl'PPLY LASTS mrSmswmmmrm. (Continued from Pace One.) Uldlei thutiKht that Its ptirposo was nuil l Angeles Defeats Oak to guard against a possible reduction land In Slugging Match In water rates In Mnrshfleld. i Mr. Corey said that the water pressure In North Ilond was pood, , beliiR from ." to (50 pounds with a niaxlmiiin of S." pounds, lie said It ' was adequate, for fire protection anil t tlie opening o. .no iiearinji, uny Attorney Gosh and KiiBlneer Gldley mild that Marshfleld had no com- plaint to make about the iiressi.ro now. So far as tlie proposed ten-Inch main Is concerned, they took the view that North Hen.l was more con cerned than Jlarshfleld. Tho bnly ob- j0t to bo attained In Marshfleld was better fire protection and water ser- vice for Kerndnle. Now only n two Inch pipe supplies that entire sec tion, it ten-Inch main is not put in, a new main on Seventh street would i furlsh nn adequate supply and also ' enable the Installation of a wnter ' main on the hill. . j . North Item! Complaint i i City Attorney Derbyshire, kiiglii- cer Cavanaugh nnd Peter I.ogglo of j North Uon.l were present. What they wanted was moro water nnd a great j er pressure. If the company does not ' furnish it by the new terminal main.. they wanted a lnlger supply tank ' put In on the hill. Hnglnoer Cnvn-' iinugh thought that tho new main j would cost about $3, GOO nnd would ' Increase tho pressure about ten , pounds. I The present supply tank holds ".O.-. ---- ... Knllons and they figure that an- otlior one holding 200.000 gallons would bo ndcuuute for the present., Tho Coos Hay Water Company is ' represented by Attorney .McCulloch of Portland. .1. II. Flanagan and K. Corey are also present, .1. W. Dennett was to be called as a witness hue he wns leported ludls- THE PHILISTINE HAS QUIT PUBLICATION Her ben Lockbiirt, Who Was a Life .Meu.be.', ItcceliOH Notice of Action Take.. Tho Philistine, the monthly pub lication which was gotten out by Kl heit Hubbard, Is discontinued, be cause of tho death of Mr. Hubbard who was one of tho victims of the l.iisltiinlu. The . Philistine could scarcely huvo been the snnio without Klbert Hubbard ut tho head as his personality tigu.eii so strongly in tlie tittle lion ic. Tins seems to nnvo been tho decision of the heirs. llorbort Lockhart of this city was ono or tlio "i.lfo Members '. Tula privilege was sold and In considera tion thereafter nil publications In connection with tlio Philistine were given, lt wns a sort of paid up sub scription. Mr. Lockhart has received a letter from Klliert Hubbard II, a letter explaining tlie disposition of Hniu'd. We will miss the Inspiration or i lie I'liiiihiiuo and wo are sure you will miss it, Hut to discontinue was the logical decision, wo believe. . "You huvo been a Life Member' for home years; you have received Itoycroft Hooks and Magazines. You have purchased Things Trout us. You Sirlip VieTw,:,1;10;:;!; r,nr!,.,x Hubbard was more Friendship than Huslness. Your nirangeinent with niv lluslness. Yoiy nirangeinent with my ." ,0 , .J!8 . ?.' .':!:::...,T.. . SI " " ' I.IIBIIlllllll lllllCt'Ut'll Minr subscription "May I say to you frankly, ns a Friend, believing that you will en- tlrely grasp tho situation, that with the Death of Klhert Hubbard nnd the stopping or The Philistine, tho obll- gntlon of Life Memories seems to have been fiil.llled. and mi w so we close Hint Set of Hooks." TRAINS NOW RUN AS FAR AS CUSHMAN Passenger Servlco on Xeiv Line of Southern Pacific IMeudeil Dou. i the Slusluw ( Special to The Times) I'l.OllK.NCU, Ore.. Aug. 11. Pas- sojgers on Willamette Pacific trains from Kugeue are now carried n far us Cushninn. the new station near the big bridge oer the Sluslaw a short distnnce up the river from 1 Acme. Triiins now leave Kugeno nt 7:20 ' ii. in. and uriivo at Ciishnian nt noon. lUotiirnlng the train leaves Cnsbninii ut I p. in. and urrhoh at Kugeue ut n:.(U. lhe launches Minnie Mltcholl nnd LunncnriypaBiengors from Flor- Tlie lnuncl Times waut an trlng reaulta. ...... . -.i... .,.. t yi'tiii'i my t in Tt " " " - - - TO VKItXOX San Francisco Shuts Sail I"!" " PKHCEXTAGKS OF COAST LEAGUE W. L. P.C O.t.t LVnniilDnM I'. T Till .fifiS V , terday were. Coast League At Portland H. II. K. Vernon .' 8 IT. 1 Portland 8 n At San Krnuclsco: Salt Lake r - San Kranclsco '"10 0 At l.os Angeles: Oakland " 1" - Los Angeles -s I "' - A. i. erica. i I-engue At Now York: Cleveland nNew York ... '2 Cleveland :Now York 2 At Philadelphia: Chicago H Philadelphia .tt At Washington: Detroit Washington -' At Boston : St. Louis ainoston 2 St. Louis :iHoston 1"' National League At Pittsburg: New York Pittsburg a. v,nicago HrooUlyn 3 ClllcagO 1 . ,i.., .,. , '"-X, 'inrlniuitl 1 1 1 l(1o1lHln. Cincinnati. rain. m m. uuam. "lun. St- '",. 'n,- Li:.vi: MOXHV HKItn Local Hani; Has Accounts of I 'eoplo Long Absent Cashlor It. F. Williams or the i Flnnngan & Hennett bank has Jus. i completed n report showing deposit ! accounts where the depositor has not made n deposit or withdraw anything I within seven years. All of these here are small uud unless the depositor or , their legal representatives claim the balances soon, the money will revert to the state. Ills report lists these ae. counts as follows: Mr. K. S. Craig. Sncrnmento Cnl.. dead, $1.20; Marian Cupplous, .Marshfleld. Ore., do not know If dead. $l.t;:t; P. U. C. llurke, Marsh fleld, Ore., do not know If dead, $1. , IB; Crescent Coal Mine. Marshfleld. Ore., do not know If dead, $(!.7."i: , lUverlou Lumber Co., Hlvertou. Ore., do not know if dead, $1.21. Tho Hlvertou Lumber Company, mentioned above a having n credit of $1.2 1 Is the firm which formerly operated the old Northwest which Is now ut the mill on Isthmus Inlet uml about the moving of which there; has been so much tulk. The company nlso owned the old Chinook which was wrecked here. The firm operated on the Conullle river business. lint failed In F.LF.YF.X ACCIDF.XTS That Is Hie Nun. bee Itcpmtcil from Coos County A total of 1215 nccldents woro ro ported to tho state labor commission.' - - or "- - c" Wt,,' fl'0"1 ('00R 'ounty as fol-, lows: , lows Wl,l,nm V- M,,,- l' ".' .,,.,, I.,l....,l ,.,,n. .... .1.... j-.... ., w.i-iiiiiiiii. Hoy Fuller, Marshlleld, foot bruised, sawmill, ! -101111 Llpskoy, 'cut. logging, i...... ..,, , , , ' "trained, sawmill. Marshfleld, kueoj Marshfleld, arm Tom Mangles, North Heud. fin ger cut and bruised,, construction. L. Sta.nas, North- Heud, finger brulhod, construction. K. It. .Tones, Mnrshfleld, fchoulder bruised, logging. Arthur T. Miller, Powers, foot bruised nnd' mushed, logging. MarquU Hroyles. Myitle Point.! leg Injured. logging. Mnhlo A. Lang. Mnrshfleld, finger mushed nnd burned, laundry. Charles T. Smith, Marshfleld. eve Injured, iron works. fimi:mi:x xotick. ftl ill mombers of tlio .Marsbflelu Fire Departinent are requested to meet at tho Flrehoiise, Thursday af-1 ! tonuoon nt ono o clock for tho pur loso or participating in the fuuoiul services or brother fireman Georao u"' QKORGB 8EELIO. President. HOME MADE BURGER and . 1 . .... llll II Ullllll II I ir mm shop by mum in nir " .-"i' -.' -- "v. iii-hl jj . I...1 .... HIKIK tit lt IllflJtjt III i 1 1.1 used. Vol. calllio. Hei urn' "" . i "- t-iill.ilry. We will liav some rlu.lfo Sprl.iK ('l.lcltei.s for Ki,j.g HittHMlay'H trnde fl.to frjers. Wo also have so.no choice beef, pork ...til veal. Itemeniber that e lvo special iit.eiitliiii to 'phono orJ anil delher promptly. THE UNION MARKET J. E. Ford & Co. Phone 58-J. 174 South Broadway, Abstracts I.'Olt HliLIAIILU AHSTItACTS OK TITIilil AM) IM'DltMATloi AIJOUB COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAItHIIKIKM) AND COOUILLN C1TV, OltKflON GKNKKAIi AGI5NTS, KASTBI1HC AND SKNGHTACKKN'H ADDIXIOX AGENTS l'OK CANADIAN PACII'IO JtAILItOAD LANDy ' I1KNKV BHNGSTACKK.V, MANAGKH BOYS! OF JSOl'TII MAItSIII'IIILD IJKATS WKST .MAItSIII'HILD HI TO H Lads Have d'oo.l (.a. lie ill llaslport (.'rounds Will Play KnsMito Hoys Weiluesda) Yesterday the South Marshfleld hoys' team defeated tlie West .Mnrsh I field hoys. 21 to S, on the Kastport i grounds. Albeit llnssford Is captain of the South Marsbrield team and Z Neil Patterson Is captain of the West i .Marshlleltl hoys. Tomorrow the Somll Mal.,rit.td lads will play the .:i,glH,,0 )oyrt. tL,a,t ,.,. Iliuiiiiw u-iirii UK fflllmi'H! South .Marshfleld West .Marsl.rield 1 Positions Kolley loliiiHon I I,. nufnlt.l I la. , , .......... iiiinniviiii ,.i I tiiiui nun Centers Crawford First Haso I Yake Ilascom i Short Stop 1 M,.... .,!.. . If.... ..IVl'tll IfUl I ) ,111111 Second Husc Schroeder Clark Thlrd Ilase Kulghl Mlrrasoiil Right Field Ilnlier Ceiiler Field .Mediums Left Field Giavei Mauyo HLKiHTTHIS YICAIt HAS CAl'SF.D DA.MAt.'i: LOCALLY Some of Hie Fanners Say Yield He Small .While Others I 'car Failure Will The potato crop this year has suf fered to a great extent In Coos coun ty on account of a blight which none of tho farmers seem to know about or ,I0W to check. The blight attacks' I t,lu leaves of tho plnnt and causes I t,ltm wither. In some cases all of ,M0 li'uvos will fall off, leaving only tlio green stalk, while In some other enses tho blight goes down the stem and affects tho potatoes. Some of the farmers say that their crop is ruined while others who have hnd tho blight In their gardens lo soino extont report Hint they will nave a small crop. It is hollevi..! bv many that the blight was rained r " I bore was so much rain In tho ei lor part of the umisnn mwi ,.,.,... ouilltloiis. arl- pnrt of tho season and once, or tw,'0 ,llfi weather was followed U...1.1....I.. I... ... ... , n.. ..,,,., f ol kk;hh. It Is lie oved ' that these sudden chaiiKes caused the plant trouble Matt L M3y Chandler Hotel, Tel. '20, MAUSMFIKLI), Oregon I ho representative of MAAS HltOTHlJits, H.-B. BRAND CAXMID (iOODS lias added to his Hues tho AII.MOI'lt V- CD'S PltODt'Ci'S known ns tho TOP XOTCII coons VljlHIIKST canned ,m.alSl leaf Tar'r '',,m '"''"'L'HK Their Star Simi.-i..,.. i !..! : --"" I1IHIIS Evie .. ' "'" w'iiiti; iiiiiiiil-y h01,i, WPAWIMfJ mi . i " uit;. ?" n(S a SOeC- -. vuuiiiiou, rnone 220-R Times Want Ads for reSU,U GAMES POTATO CROP SMIL SAUSAGE, HAM WEINERWURSTS ailllll ! IIII1V Illll I. epe.(H mill only (u, lw niitl t)J COMMUTATION U TIOKHTS, $11.00. .Marsliflelil-Nortli Hcnd Auto Jill.O Cars every ten minute from 0 t 1 I. in.; to South Slough unco n day, eiilnB lt 1 1 ii. in.; to lOinplto three t a day. GOIIST .M KINO, Projn, DRY WOOD at CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Kroiit Street Phono U70 - SOUTH COOS ItlVKIt HQ.IT KKHVICi: LAUNCH KXPHL'SS leaves Marsh field every iLiy H a. i... Leaves head of titer at it: in p. m, HTKAM1CK HAIXIIOW leaven Load of river dally it T a. in. Leaves Marshfleld nt 2 p. in. For I'li.irtor apply on board. HOUKItS Ai SMITH Proprietors City-Auto & Taxi Co. Day and Night Service For taxi, phono 20, Chandler Hotel For touring cars, phono 20, Cliandlor Hotel liVNN LAMHICTII, Prop. Now Cnrn New Ciri l - ttmmMj WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 m Pays 8 per cent on savings I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. I Local Treasurer t ! HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 i SAVE MONEY by ordering the fninooi HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, per ton "w Lump coal, per ton ' . Or half ton of lu both " . . r.mt II..I. l. .liun.tu.t ,vf I l'lioim 1H-J or lonvo ordert M Hlllyer'a Cigar Storo. 'WOOD! WOOD! i Kindling wood, per load I.7B to" Alder wood, 1(5 to 24 Inchea 2 to P Freo Delivery W. II. IilN0 Phono 227-.T. North Flri T. J. HCA1FE (to a. n. nopoi'3 Marshfield"gMffou KsUmatcs Furnished Phone lltl-R. JlarshfieW, Ottf DUNGAN IIMnCDTAk'lMfi PARLuno will bo kept open to the vvniw A regular stato license iinUortaUer will he f charge riiono 105-J 1U wi'-Tgrrx'airfrgMl