a isn H t " sw Mali " -it -w JVwi'! r-- "yssmmmimmtn WitaiumwHiJUJf1 V"4 as-- BUhuA....!),.! nnw (WMfttfc 11 liwinimM mi I ill H iiiininiiiiiwiniiinimiii nil iiii"WMaiifc iii" iiiiiIi iiilj w i iihiliMliiiTlWIi niiiFfcip iftninTiTWIWltl i i MNfctCiWU'iitftlMlBigtfii VI . up ff YOflR kNOCKfR WASN'T AFRAID Of YOU HE WOUtBNT WASTf HIS TIME KNOCKING YOM (brum Hm ExtmB Coos Bay Times Your Paper The Cous Bay Times Is iiroud of Its title "The People's Paper," untl It strives at ll times to livo np to lt nnmo by do voting Its energies to promoting tho people's Interests. A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what the Cooa Hay Times Is. A South west Oregon pnper for Southwest Oregon people mid devoted to tho best Interests of this great loctioa . Tho Times always boosts (! aerer knocks. MEMRKR OP THIS ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. No. XXXIX. Established 1878 As Tho Coast Mall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall Mn 1 K and Coos Hay Advertiser. IS IIG1ED FOR I ' ff I VERA CI QUIET CARRANZA HAS LOSSES ARE NEW TRDOPS IT BO 1 u ET Carranza Troops Come Across International Border in the Vicinity of Brownsville 'TROUBLE EXPECTED "Announce Purpose of Rallyinp rviuxiuans vviui viuw ui diall ing a General Uprising TEN MEN REPORTED KILLED ;Moio lighting Hi-ported I-ist Night From Hrovnisvlllc and llaiullls are Hllll Keeping Up Their Italds on tin Ranches (Special to The Times from tho Associated Press). WASHINGTON, D. C, Ant,'. 11. 'Reports reached hero that more than 11,000 Carrunzn troopB from tho com imnnd of General Nuvnrctto in tho i Btatu of Tnnuuilplus moved over into Texas In the territory surround- i lug IlrowiiHVllle and scattered into bands to rally tho Mexicans In tho state with tho announced purposo of beginning an uprising. They ure reported to ho under tho commund of Juan Dolos Santos, VI i cento Davllu and Carlos Garcia. War department officials would not dlsciiBS tho report ,but it was said ; to be in their possession and prob ably will bo ono of tho reasons for the moving of troops to tho border. STILL FIGHTING Ten .Men Heported Killed Last Night and Yesterday Ittr Ataoctatr.1 1'rnu la Cooa Uay Tlmn HROWNSVILL7, Texas, Aug. 11. g.'Llttlo lessoning- of activities on tho fpart of tho Mexican ranch raiders is L Indicated In roports- of tho lost 24 rhours which told of numerous nt- tacks. Ten men wore reported klll ;cd In tho fighting of yesterday and ' last night, bringing tho death list, sluco tho coninicnccmcnt of the out- t rages by tho raiders, up to nearly i20. Tho ton killed yesterday includo one United Stutes troopor, who was t; Kineu iroui niiiuuuu iubi iiikih t 1 Palm Gardens. CAPTURES A FLAG i Indicates Mexicans Call Themselves Army of Liberation Illy A"!!! Tim to Cooa Bay Tlmoa. HROWNSVILLE, Texas, Aug. 11. I HangorB today captured In Hidal go county, west of hero, a flag bear- ting tho words In Spanish "Army of , Liberation for Mexicans In Texas." FIGHT FIFTY ItAXDlTH .Mexicans Engaged With Soldiers ami Citizens l'osso IPr AwnMatM Trr to Cuoa H17 Tlmra.J RROWNSVILLE. Texas, Aug. 11. -Fifty Mexicans wero In a running fight this afternoon 12 miles from Harllugen with a detachment of sol diers reinforced by u clttzons' posse. The Mexicans wore soon carllor in Htlio day trotting their horsos west- rward towurd Mercodos. CONFESSES THEFT IOWA PAYING TELLER ADMITS Hi: TOOK MONEY -Claimed at First that Robher Held Hlni Up and Locked Him Iu Vault B rn kkknftiA.1 Pma la i?aoi nir Tlmeo.1 CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa, Aug 11. According to tho police, Leo Her- rln, paying teller of tho Cedar Rap- I' Ids National Rank, which was robbed hot $21,300 a week ago; today con fessed that ho had committed tho robbery. At tho timo of tho robbery, f Herrln claimed ho was hold up by a I; robber who compelled him to hand i over the money and then locked him In the vault. ' Santa Clara Lnto ' The Sauta Clara which was duo In here this" morning was delayed at ! Portland and Astoria, not crossing out at Astoria until 6 o'clock this morning. This will put her In to Cijos Day about midnight. She will psall south tomorrow about noon. Bffi REASSURING MESSAGES AUK RE CEIVER AT WASHINGTON Governor Made l'ublln Disapproval of tho Antl-Fororfgii Reintmstrn- tlonn Which Caused Anxiety (By AaaorlatM rru to Oooa Day TlmM.1 WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 11. ltcnssuring dispatches from Vent Cruz to tho Stato Department said tho governor hnd given out a public statement deprccatliig tho anti-foreign demonstrations and incendiary speeches and that (pilot was restored. FIVES ASSURANCE SECRETARY LANKIXG EXPLAINS MATTER TO CONFERENCE Says Wai-shlps t Vera Cm. Are On ly to Protect, tho Foreigners In Mexico Illy AmoilMct l'rem to tout Mr Tluira.l NEW YORK, Aug. 11. Secretary Lansing nssurcd tho Latin American diplomats who gathered hero today to discuss tho plans of restoration of pooco Iu Mexico that tho United Stato in Bonding, warships to Vera Cruz Intended only to afford pro tection of foreigners. Ho explained that tho nctlon should not be con strued as affecting tho effort of tho United States to bring pcuco by pcacoful mcaiis. PreiMiro for Appeal An appeal to all Americans to sub ordlnao personal and selfish Intoresta to tho national welfaro has been pre pared by tho conference. President Wilson has givou It his upprovnl, and after today's .conference tho communication will bo destrlbuted. ROAT ROUXD FOR PORTLAND, ORE. IX TROURLE Russian Hark Is Sunk hy Submarine hut Members of Crow Are Saved IPr Anioclalril Trrna to Coo. Hay Tlmta. LONDON, Aug. 11. Tho Rritlsh steamer Rosalie, 272f net tons, bound to Portland, Oregon, to lond grain, has been beached, Tho crew was saved. Tho Russian hark Raltor, 31R tons gross was sunk. Tho members of tho crow wero saved. RIG SHIPMENT COMES FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK Supposed, (o Ro Sent to This Coun try to Reliifoivo RriLVli Ciedit Hero Ilj AaaoclateJ t'rex la t'ooa IU? TltnM.J NEW YORK. Aug. 11. A special train carrying $52,000,000 worth of gold and securities, which hnd been shipped by tho Dank of England from London by way of Halifax, ar rived today, guarded by -10 urmed men. Of tho total shipment, ?3G,- 000,000 was In b'old and In tho form of American doublo eagles. Tho weight of tho gold was 75 tons. It Is tho largest single shipment of gold over sent across the Atlantic. It wns brought over In a Rritlsh battleship, convoyed by a cruiser and flotilla of torpedo boat destroy ers. J. P. Morgan and Company uitf tho consignees. Tho purposo is un derstood to bo to reluforco Rritlsh credit here. DEATH ENDS TRIAL TACOMA WOMAN DIES TESTIFY IXG IX DIVORCE CASE While Giving Evidence Ajpilnst Her Husband She is Stricken W:th Pnraljbl (Dy Ataoclated Treia to Cooi liaj Tim" I TACOMA, Wash. Aug. 11. While" testifying against her husband In a divorce case today, Marian Elizabeth Hutching, aged GO years was stricken with paralysis and died In a few min utes. Her husband had alleged that some time ago when he had a stroke of paralysis, tho wife left him to suf fer alone. She was denying this when stricken. STEAMER BEACHED !) 000 000 ERE SENT DEFIANCE Says He Will Not Tolerate Any Action by Pan-American Conference OTHERS NOTIFIED Similar Communication Sent to Each Latin-American Coun tries Taking Part SAYS PEOPLE DISPLEASED Will Not Accept Precedent That La tin American Nations Can Inter fere With Sister Republic Iu tho Internal Affairs With U. S. IPr Auoclateil rrrfia U Coot Uajr Tlmn.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 11. General Carrnnza, through his Wash ington agents, today notified Sec retary Lansing that tho "Mexican people vlow with displcasuro" any attempt tending to frustrato tho suc cess of Carrnnza's armed forces. Car ranza's messago roferred to the Pan Amcrlcun conference and Is taken as plainly signifying lie would not agreo with its action toward Mexi can affuirs. SlumN Displeasure. Carranza sent a similar notifica tion to representatives in all the Latin-American republics participa ting In tho-McxIcan conference, say ing any attempt being mailo bo- tween them and tho government to solvo tho Internal situation In Mex ico "would Involve an act which could not bo looked upon with levity ns It would mean, on tho part of tho Latin-American nations, accept ance of tho precedent that they can take part In the internal affairs of a sister nation with the cooperation of tho' United States." An Open Defiance. Curranza's communication is re garded as little less than a defiance of tho United States in tho effort to compose tho Mexican situation. Tho next move of tho conference is eagerly awaited. FIREL0SSJS1ALL PUGSLEY CANDY FACTORY WAS DAMAGED THIS MORNING Woodwork Around Chimney Caught From Flue and Caused Scare Covered hy Insurance Tho PugBley Candy Factory on Commercial, near North Second, was slightly damaged by fire early this morning. Tho blaze was extin guished without tho water bolug turned on. The loss is small and Is covered by Insurance. Tho flro was caused by woodwork around Hie chlinnoy becoming over heated through tho brick and finally bursting forth Into a blaze. It must have been smouldering nil night. It wns discovered by UU Oloinan, a boy who ass'sts Mr. Pugs ley, when ho came down about C: 1 3 to start tho day's work. Messrs PugBley and McArthur liavo their dnmago covered by In surance. R. R. Montgomery, father-in-law of D. Y. Stufford, owns tho building. Fire Chief Dan Keating said that the brick chlmnoy In tho store was defective nnd will have to bo rebuilt. It was erected just a fow months ago. Messrs. Pugsley and McArthut this week disposed of their Ico cream business to R. M. Sartor In order to concentrate their efforts on tho candy department, tho growing busi ness In this lino requiring all their attention, 4 4 LONEY MAY OPEX 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 RAXK. AT. POWERS E. II. Loney, head of tho Stato nunk nt Port Orford, left last evening for home af ter a short stay here. Mr. Loney is figuring on estab lishing a bank at Powers but $4 has not made definite ar- 4 rangements yet. 4 4444444444444444 Increase Millions , Tho annual increase In the rail road revenues as a result of tho de c'slon will amount to about $7,600, 000. Commissioners Daniels and Harlan dissented from tho decision, holding that the Increases should bo larger. CLAIM THAT ALLIKS SUFKFRKI) WIIEX LAXDIXG TROOPS Turkish Minister of War Hays (?, ()( Men Landed at the Dardanelles Recently (t); Afoclati) Prraa In Coo. nn Tlmra. 4 AVILL LEAD TURKS LONDON, Aug. 1 1. Grand Duke of Mecklen burg, acting us an Athens newspaper correspondent, hns boon appointed com mander of the Turkish forc es Iu tho Dardanelles, suc ceeding Field Marshal Von Sanders. . . 44444 CONSTANTINOPLE, (Wireless Snyvlllo) Aug. 11. Tho Turkish minister of war declared today that tho eutonto allies In tho latest op erations tit tho Dardanelles landed thrco divisions, composing about 50,000 men. Tho losses among them, ho asserted wero heavy. NOTE HIRED TODAY ANSWER TO AUSTRIA HUNGARY IS OX ITS WAY U. S. Insists Upon Hlrfit to Send War Supplies to the Relll- ge rears (11 Aaaoclitnl rreia lo Coo cay Tirar.. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 11. Tho American note rejecting tho con- teutlton of Austria Hungary that thu action of tho United States Iu per mitting exportation of munitions of war to tho enemies of tho Germanic allies "Is not in consonance with the definition of neutrality," is on Its way to Vienna. Tho note, It was said, reaffirms the position of the United States that American cxportors have tho right under International law to send wur supplies to tho holligereuts. RUSSIANS ARE STARTING TO DE SERT ANOTHER CITY Preparations Doing Made to Remove tho Public Riilldlng to Place of Greater Safety Illy Aaaoclatrtl Troia to Cooa nay Tlmc.J LONDON, Aug. i 1 . A dispatch from Petrograd says the first stops for tho evacuation of Vilna, 55 miles southeast of Klvno, huvo been taken by tho removal of some of tlo public Institutions. Tho rail road from Vllnn southward has been the objojet of uctivo attention by Zeppelins. 44444444444444 4 ANOTHER RODY FOUND (Uf Aaso'Ulft l'raa to Cooa Hajr TIitim. 4 WASHINGTON, D. C. 4 Aug. 11. Tho Amorlcun con- 4 sul at Cork reported that tho 4 body of M. W. Hurvoy, pro- 4 sumably a Lusltunia victim, 4 wus washed ashore on a small 4 Islund off tho Irish coast. V44444444444444 KILL GEN. AUGUSTE ADMIRA1 OAPHHTOX REPORTS HE FELL IX ATTACK HtMid Two Hundred Men in Haiti Wlio Wero Repulsed Further Trouble Expected . (Uf AuixllIM rrr.1 to Coo. bar TlDlM.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 11. General Augusto, ut the head of 200 troops, attacked St. Mure op Satur day and was repulsed by the Hal tleu committee of safety. Admiral Capertou today reported t)iat Au gusto was killed. Ho also reported uneasiness around Port au Prlnco and Capo Hultlon that may cause trouble. Westerner Due. Tho Westerner is due In tomorr. row from San Francisco, bringing tho Nairn Smith's freight. She will take a cargo of lumber to San Pedro from the Smith mill. Agent Mc George said that they expected to have a boat leaving San Francisco every week to. bring freight in place of tho Nairn Smith. EACUTNC VL TO TKEIBORDER Reports Indicate Today Situa tion With Mexico is Growing More Serious VESSELS GET READI Three Warships Ordered to Await Further Instruction of Department in South ' PRESIDENTRJTURNS HOME Leaves Summer White House This Afternoon for National Capital to Confer With Officials Regarding ' The Mexican Situation 4444444444444444 4 LATH HULLKTIN 4 4 4 4 Fleet May Go 4 4 WASHINGTON, D. C. 4 4 Aug. 11. Orders have been 4 4 Issued to tho Atlantic fleet 4 4 now nt Newport to bo pre- 4 4 pared to sail for Mexican wn- 4 4 tors. x 4 4 4 4 President Re'iirns 4 4 4 4 CORNISI, N. II., Aug. 11. 4 4 President Wilson left horo 4 4 nt 3 o'clock this afternoon 4 4 for Washington to confer 4 4 with tho officials thoro on 4 4 tho Moxlcau situation. 4 444 4 444 44 44 4 4 40 tUr Aaaoclalod Trrn Iu Coo Day Tlmw.l WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 11. In accordance with Secretary Lan slng'B announcement yesterday that it might bo nocossnry to strengthen tho forces on tho Moxlcau border bocauso of brigandage, orders prob ably will go out soon to army posts to hold troops In readiness, If not actually to movo thorn. Troops on Rorder. Under Major General FunBton's command on tho border aro about 1-1,000 troops. At other posts In continental United States aro about 12,000 mobllo troops. U was being suggested today If tho need of troops became Impera tive It might bo necessary to. uso national guardsmen. Tho battleship ..aw Hampshire and Louisiana aro on their way to reinforce Command er McNimuco'b little gunboat squad ron nt Vera Cruz, having sailed lust night from Philadelphia. Making Protests. Tho Carranza agency today an nounced Carranza had sent notes to Argeutlan and Chile protesting ag ainst their participation in tho Pan American conference. Racks Up Fnustou Secrotnry Garrison today tolo graphed to General Funston that ho would send all tho troops avatlablo if tho general needed thorn. Tho Sec rotary said Funston had not asked for more troops and nono had boon ordered to Texas. Tho War Depart ment referred to Funston all calls for more troops Including that of tho Amerlcnn consul at Nouvo Lar edo. WANT MORE TROOPS Request for Protection Comes From Imreilo, Tevim (11 Aano.'Utw I'rcaa lo Cooa flay Tlnid.) LAREDO. Tox.,Aug. 11. A. re quest for more troops In tho Lar edo district because of bitter feol 'ngs of some of tho Mexicans over tho non-recognltlou of Carranza, was wired to the stato department today by United States Consul Har riott at Nouvo Laredo, opposlto hero. DENIES REPORT Secretary of Navy Says Fleet Not Ordered till Ao Lle.i Treat to Cooa Day Tlmaa.) WASHINGTON. D. C, Aug. 11. Secretary Daniels lute today denied tho reports that tho Atlantic fleet at Newport hod been prepared to sail for Mexican waters, but announced ho had ordered the battleships New Hampshire, Connecticut and Louis iana to await further ordei "Southern wuters." Kllhiirn Is Duo, Agent Stuhr expects the Kllburn in early tomorrow morning from Eureka and San Francisco. She will probably sail north tomorrow, RRITISH VESSEL JtAMSEY DIM TROVER RY GERMAN STEAMER Latter Rlouit Up by Her Commander When Chased hy tho English Ship IDr AaioclalM PtM to Cooa Hay Tirana. LONDON, Aug. 11. Tho Rritlsh warship Ramsey lias been sunk In tho North Sea by the Gormnu steam er Meteor, It was officially an nounced tonight. Tho Meteor, ns she was being chased by Rritlsh vessels, wns blown up by her cominunder, tho statement adds. E VESSELS SUNK ONE WAS CARRYING OREGON WHEAT TO EUROPE Was X'orkeglaii Hark Moriin Which Hailed Emm Port land, Ore., for Unltctl Kingdom 44444444444444 RRITLSH TAKE AN AMERICAN STEAMER LONDON, Aug. 11. An nouncement Is made that the American tank stenmer Pctrollto has beon taken Into a Rritlsh port. 4444444444444444 Ily AaaoclatiMl I'rraa lo Cooa Hay Tlnara. LONDON, Aug. 11. Tho sinking of nlno more craft was announced this nfternoon. They wore tho Bri tish steamor Onkwood, tho Norweg ian hark Morna and buvcii trawlers. All tho crews wore saved. TlioMor nu, 1,152 tons, was hound from Portland, Oregon, for tho United Kingdom with wheat. Tho Oak wood was a steamer of 1,279 gross tons. TAKE RUSSIAN FORT GERMANS CLAIM ANOTHER VIC TORY IN POLAND TODAY Place Was Stronghold of CYnr's Ar my on Vistula River North. xvest of Wiu-smv 444444444444 4 REPORT AUSTRIAN'S 4 4 DRIVEN RACK 4 4 4 Illy Atiorlatail Tnaa to Coo. Day Tlmra. 4 LONDON, Aug. 11. Rome 4 4 asserts that tho Austrlaus In 4 4 Cudore, on the Austro-Itulluu 4 4 front, huvo been pushed 4 4 back. 4 4444444444444440 RERL1N, Aug. 11. Tho Gorman war offlco announced today tho occu pation of tho fortress of llonjamlno east of Novegeorglovsk, n RubbIuii stronghold on tho Vistula river northwest of Warsaw, RRITLSH HAVE MORE FORCES TO FIGHT TURKS Relief Is that Allies aro Now Very Anxious to Foit'o the Dar danelles ny Aaaoclateil Trcaa to Cooa Hay Tlmra.) LONDON, Aug. 11. Recognition of tho Imperative Importance to tho allies of forcing tho Dardanelles as tiro shortest road to retrieving Rus sian rovorses Is demonstrated by tho sudden lauding of llrltlli forces In tho vicinity of Kurachall on tho north of tho Gulf of Saros. Au yet there Is no proof tho Germans are proparlng to withdraw any consldor ablo portion of the troops from Rus sia. Partial dismantling of Vllna, pre paratory to evacuation, as reported from Petrograd, Is somowhuf puz zling to tho Rritlsh, who did not imagine tills interior Russian city was threatened. 4 4 444o44444 RET ALMOST COST HUGH SNEDDON'S LIFE Hugh Sneddon today wag ered friends that ho could swim across tho Ray, starting at tho Commercial Avenue wharf. Ho donned a bathing suit and started but gat tired when a little over half way across and had gone down a couple of times be a gasolino boat could bo rushed to his aid. 4444444444444444 TOO L M " Serious Charge Made by Grand Jury Against Owners of the Steamer Eastland ' BONDS ARE 120,000 Officers of the Vessel at Same 1 Time are Charged With Criminal Carlessness RETURNS ARTMADE TODAY Indict ment.s Aro In tho Criminal Court After Investigation of tho, Disaster Is .Made Names of ThoW Alleged to Re Guilty iny AanoclaleJ Pitm lo (.50a Bay Tlrafi.J CHICAGO, Aug. 1 1. Indlctmonta charging manslaughter and criminal carelessness wore returned before tho criminal court today In connec tion with tho Eastland disaster. Th captain, engineer and four officers and thu St. Joseph, Chicago, Steam ship company, owners, wore nrfmed. Those Indicted. Tho indicted wore: rr i4 George T. Arnold, president of tho company, it)1, William II. Hull, vice-president; W. C. Steele, secretary-treasurer; Ray W. Davis, assistant secretary treasurer; Harry Pcdorson, captain of "(lie Eastland; Joseph M. Erlckson, engineering tho Eastlnnd. ',l' Rig Rontls Required. Tho bonds wero flxod at $20tbb'0 each for tho company officials and $10,000 each for Pcdersen and Er lckson. Tho two lust named are charged with criminal carelessness and tho officials with manslaughter. ITER CASE HEARD. R. If. COREY SAYS COMPANY EXPENSES ARE HEAVY .' Cannot Afford (o put In Ton-Inch Main for FVrudalo r.ml North ' Rend Service Contending that tho proposed, ton- . l men wiuur mum, ucruuti reriiuutu, or dered by thu Railroad Commission, is not necessary and anyway that thoy cannot afford to go to tho ex pense of Installing It now, R. II. Corey of tho Coos Hay Water Corn pay wus on the witness stand tho greater part of today at tho hearing of tho question being conducted by Railroad Commissioner Frank J. Miller. Tho complaint invovles both Marshfiold nnd North Ror.d and city officials from tho two towns aro al so present. It was expected that tho, hearing would bo concluded this uf tornoon. ' . Mr. Coroy In tho courso of, his tes timony stated that tho Coos Ray Wa ter company has oxponded $15,305 In making Improvements ordered by tho Railroad Commission last year. Tho commission at tho time thoy or dered cortaln Improvements nlsa granted the water company a ma, teiial Incroaso In rates and It was' generally believed that tho Improve ments would bo much mora oxpon-, slvo. Mr. Coroy wlso said that tho wa ter company's total expenditures In repairs, Improvements and In chang es to conform with tho dredgo flit and streot grading was $42,650, Company's Condition Mr. Corey said thai tho company's liicoma has rocently boon materially reduced. Ho said that now It Is about ICOO per month less than it xvas last October and November, Furthermore ho said that tho entiro income went Into repairs and Im provements nnd that even then thoy had to borrow money at eight per cent Interest to pay part of tho costs. , Ho said that tho company was un ablo on Its own security to borrow' monoy but that J. W. Dennett and J. 11. Flanagan had to lond their personal stiroty to tho wator com-' pany's papor. Might Reduce Rates Commissioner Mlllor was not much Interested In this phase of Mr. Corey's testimony and for an In stant Indicated that ho would order1 it stricken from tho records. How ovor ho let It go through. Engineer' (Continued on Pago Two.) El f.