TrfpmpVV, I 4 F TW0 THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1915-EVENIMS EDITION. FLAW FOB E PLANS MOOSE DY gfohgi: and nr.i.i: lf.coco to hi-: i'mi:'riints.Y haxhox pf.oim.i: Aitiuvfii: fok HIG KYKST Jtev. Father AlclieWtt Will Conduct Services nt Homo in South Aliir-h-field for niimnlim Victims Anuiist II. l" and I" ' I'" tov Celohiiitlim lo lie Weill by Order. ews of World's Greatest air Day by Day (Special to The Times.) HAXDON, Ore.. Ahr. I". Local, Atonso committees nre busy making flnnl iironnnitlons for tlie IjIk eelc- I CONSIDER FINAMGES TURK LEHDEH TELLS Tlio funernli of Gooige nml HeNn Lecoen will be held Thursday after- , , , , .1 . .. iiinai preparations ioi m- " .- noon nt '2 o clock from tlio Home irilHnll ,llll( ... ... i. ,, Unutloii of tlie imrents. Air. nml Airs. Henry LURUst N, 1". nml !!. Those In I.eeoeti on South Fourth stteot. Itcv. 'charge of tneinberHhlp nro rounding Fnther II .1 Mctievltt will "oruluet ;! nil prospective members to be n- in,ncr !' ted on tonight nml those accepted tht! services. I will be Inltlnteil next Thursday One scrvbe will be Iip'iI for tbe night, which will be the last op brother and sister who were tho vie-' portunlly to act Into the local ir- gniilzatlnil umier me special unpen-nation. I.IHlU I'l.f Hit: mvtil AXDI.IXfi AIOVF.V IIXH OF WAIt F.A.PLAIXS WOW CAAIPAIGV nit; tiiixcj COXm'CTKll AT HAHOAXFLI IS ks Kngliinil Flumes till Various Ways nl'IlnloicstliiK Fuels me (ilen In Letter tlnib of the tragic drowning nccl''enl In Coal' Dank Inlnt Sutiilay afternoon Mrs. Lcrocii, the mother, was re- Taking Cm i' of Cheat Conl lid llt .UwUtM I'itw lu Co. liar Tln.n I LONDON. Auk. 1 0. While the American problem 1b heliu; nppar- Fioiii Associated Press Cimes- pomteun nt Front The ndvoillslng conim'tiee fo.- thclently Ignored by the Ilrltlnli Gov- ported considerably linprooii n.i.iv. celebration has billed tlie county with t)rtimi,nl which In content to let gold Mr. Potnpiuilt. husband or one or the daughtcri of Mr nml Mr. I-' -coco, was Home lime ago ipporied i have been wounded in uie ngimn with the French iiriny and was In a day proper. large portent nml it Is anticipated thai a leionl breaking crowd will witness the numerous events to tnko nlme mi Aloiidny, which is .Moose hospital. ft It slip nwny in smull iiunntltlcs with out making mi effort to meet lis Indebtedness to the United States, much advice is being given by econ omists, through the medium of the WAR Alii- Two Hull (nines. 'Pini tin II (inliuia linL'ii linitl anlm.t ,.1.,.l 'o!l.,. "...! ilnmlnv nll.t r.ll tll.i Pl'CSS. IIS t(l tllO IllOSt Off lCnClOUS I I1HU JHiil, iii etuiKinji iiu hitler day a big parade, bended by the Coos Hay band will lie held. The feature evenls Include a free wrest- 'llng match on First stteet In which LL GO .iim Wilson, the lS-yenr old wonder will offer $100 to anyone staying 20 minutes. It Is said some good men will be on deck mid the local cham pion will be given a race for the money. Wrest line Ahitch. The biggest athletic feature is n uTnullliii' nmtcli Id lie held at ni.i... i.. ..i..i c.i. ........ ....... uni-lna will rnnlitinn in rlsn. It 111I1V , , ,, iii i, i milium' iiun iiiuuin auiuiiiiij uuii- o-. ...... - - -- wns used on Coos n b Aviator i.ti AK1IH( , ti Wlen ,,, Wilson develop thnt there will soon bo no will meet Tony AJax for a 000!ExchaiiKO at all ns In the case of side bet. There will be no time , , . A. , . , limit and the uffiilr promises to nt-.etroRrml where there exists only a tract people from nil parts of the, nominal exehnrke of 20 ('or cent i. i , '"'"' ,' , 'ngnliiHt her and gold exportation pro- """ Among oilier nurnciioiis win ne TO FIGURE II fi'OHKT KIXC! AIHSIIW W TO AW'IXICO Aressugo IteccUed to Send the clilne nt. Once to AvinUie nt Xogales, Arloim The Oorst and King airship which method of dealing with this problem, I which with an adverse trade balance or several hundred millions sterling growH more pressing every week. 1'lans l'leseiitcd One writer advocates compulsory economy to reduce ImportB and ar- Igues that If the American Kxchnnge continues ngnlust Great Diltnln the , ! prices of foodstuffs and other ncces- (llr AnocUlf.l rrr-ti ia roui Ur TIuim.1 OKN'IJItAL HRAnqiTAHTKUS, flnl llpoll, June N, (Correspondence by ninll of Tlie Associated Press) "There nre no secrets round Here. You can go anywhere you please," said Field .Marshal l.lmnn von Bun ders Pacini to the Associated Press lorrespondent, when the intter pre sented his credcntlnls mid linked for ptrmlsslou to visit the front "I may add thnt the military sit- uimoii is most iavorauie lor us, be cantlniicil. ''We Intend ilrlvlnir the Ilntlsh out of Arl llurnon. before !Tpno wns " fo,n, owa. Hut we are In no Iiipm.v he oaese we can achieve that wltliiMt :iiMlliig the sacrifices wlildi might still bo necessnry to get rid of the en emy." The supreme commander of 111? Turkish forces on the (ialHou'I Pen- Steel and which was the first airship ever regularly owned in his locality Is to figure In the Alexlcnn war op erations, It is believed. Oorst and King have lecelved a telegram from the Chrlstofferson Air, water sports, racing, tug-of-wnr, surf Craft Alanufactnrlng Company of San! board riding, dancing, vie. Complete Francisco asking them to ship ito south, and 1, 1 00 yardB wide In a lino drawn ucrosa Arl Hurnii. 'the site Is rather bare. TImmc is a small spring on It. and most nl the water needed by the llriMsh roops liar to be brought from tli mI- Jneent Islands. J The Turkish trenches am in one case only two yards from the !illish tiench. At another point Mie tmrch-,' i . . . . . . . i.. f ol the opposing lorces uie ' u ten yards apnrt. Constnnt Flipping liv the Turks is the cause of this in-1 J- terestlng condition. Alrendy the' Uiltlsh trenches hnve been blown up1 h the Turks In three phiroi. One of the former had fulled In .xpl'ide and .was the subject of study 01 sor-ie Turkish officers. Tlio iiot.ib coiislhted of n cast-steel outer shell. 2 V.. Inches In diameter ami .iboitt 0 Inches long. The shell contained an inner tube filled with n ex plosive. The C.alllpoll nniipnlgn rian or Hie allies, according to officers of the Ottoman army, was to tak" the foils guarding the entrance and lower reaches of the Dardanelles. For this purpose landings wore Miade at K u in Kale, Sld-el-llahr. Ail Huinu and Kiiba Tepe. lOssad Pacli.i Is or tli opinion that of these only Knha insisting al the suiiie time the assertion of the iilllea that the Kuiii Kale lanillug also been it slinui manoeuvre is due to (lie fact that the allied troop.i --unlet not keep the ground they had taken there. 'I ho landing nt Arl Huinu was In- :l inftw.J o 1 ' iflli J. ill-iilr r '?Ttr" tlfcjr. . -!t-T i&rimzsm!?. 'P-V jLftf;W'::J3 9rp"fi$ .7i7ri7'-tj1M " 1 m . .... ... u.i . rrtiaEjcafjaBaMn,w,atraTiriiTrrnifiiMiTiiiiliririi-T'TT'iiiii i i im i n m THE "GREATER Willi linw lllllllllliira. I...K.. Inrvnil tn'oiniiU. nnii ,,.... ''.'HOiitn... II la.i.lD.llic lliili.Tj.lrf i,",.,,Hfoi,,i- a I. ........ mi. . . " kiln inn.' ran. .Smlal t ralnl ,, L- I ";?, , T 1 4, ,' U Architect urn, l.iiv.M,.(,. t '','nniir iy Weil.. AIiihIi.. ri,.i,V. 'li.'.T'VlilnrtS in. IjirL-ii anil ntrniiir.1. ''.""'nt ,, ''l. . .. " HI lllll III.,.. . ''! II. Ar ni ijiiiiiiiiiiiii. "uotLiVMi l.llmny iif mum t,n Bn .... "nl Icmi Milldln,.-, fully ,.,m, !"'. "'',in.lkl. k-ylllllllHIUIIIH. u lh,-'l Tuition Inc. n,,..n....i. . "Jll Mnincn. 1:xiiihi'h l.ii. r,nn riKiiur '' ciiliiliiKH.indir,, UNIVERSITY OF i;1(ii:m Nl.,1 iiftt.. 3 nr ro "wi .h,,""""! High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery servlce-n fimnni plnrkfi llfiillfT nil nf tlin lllph rnnf rllni.!.!""' I I WlWl I 1 UIUIMU vwiiiq w . w 'O' ' I Ulll . . .l. ...I....I ll... Insula is n man somewhat advanced "'iiucu as a uhiik uiwi. uihiii u in years, but remarkably well pre- lottoiimn forces opposing the ullled served. He is about six fe-t il, i troops set ashore at Sld-el-Hahr. Ilv ,!,,,,.,, oceiipylng the narrow .part or uie peuinsuln between Arl lliiruu nui Alaidos, the Australians tin. New ni programs win ne out soon nun iiiuuii ..r.'f.... lu 1.. ttttl r,tli In tiitilt, lliii rritt ntintn ,. ,t,i, I4. Hi.'. I in ttu.ii, t,.. ,y. ... ... .ni ....; , tiu n.i.i.u once uie nir iiiiiiiniiu iu ...,, '-'-, coining affair one of the greatest In nest u.ik .. -mh, -. "",111.. HiMory o, ..... .-..y. Uo ,)U,I gf 0 MiMl mmMlmioMo worker ! . .. .' .ii. ... in n t- ii h m i-1- f ib n, earning large and Increasing wages tl.. ( the machine s jilted by one I 0 T Rfl T T R P 'economUe, remarking that "appeals of the factions In the Ale an roub-.WU L , U. V LL l U I ''- ' Gcr'a'- !l "ll" A les to bo iibciI for war purposes. jimi ui I i u i iiilli iiiui ' in iiuuiui, iiiii iiu iMiiiuuy iiii'i iii;i- ninl well proportioned In body l.s a soft iiuallty lu tlie Hikm oi hi.i liter mill nil t'xnri.Hsifiii in iiih I'v. p. i hlblted by law. Itussla however Is In Lilian Pacha came to Turke In the I onlniulers now iieninieti in .n tlie position or being seir-contalned sn. nier of liilll to assist, us livid : I!,,n,u W()l'1' l,lK0 t0 (',,, rf tliol.iml as far ns foodstuffs mo coiicorned.of the (leriiian military mission. In ll,lp of coinnuinlcatlons of (lie l'uiU- bread the reorcnniznHon of the Ottoman , '" troops in ain-ei-miii. .w.ui- i " .tickets iib the only method of milking i army, lie lias been nu Inderal l- i SUSPECT FOUL PLAY coos co. coxvi:xtiox i:m:cts OKFICKHS TOW KXKl'IXU VIIAW lU)l)V OF .IOIIX AlACKV i:.iil'ah:i) wiiii. nr, Hellef of the ori'lrcr.s Voiing Ainu Found Killed ; Hie annual convention of the Is Thai Hi.. .Coos County W. C. T. U. ennie to llend Wns a close nt the Xoith Horn! Presby jteilnii Church Inst evening with uu uddress by .Mrs. Jennie Kemp, or Foul piny lu connection with tlio ( i0rt ltinI. state president. The con- death or John Alacey nt (lardlner ls)Vl.,ltIon WllH ra,.ly woM at tiiiiUil. del- suspecieti ny mo oiuceiH who iuie been looking Into the case mid toe body of (he young mail, who at first whb though! to have been ly drowned at Oardlnor, will lie ills Intoned for (ho purpose of ninklng a further examination. Iteferrlug to the visit or Sheriff. Qnhio ami Coro ner Jewctt to (iiirdluer, a Itoschurg paper snys: "Severn! suspicious clicuiustaiicoa point to foul miiider. At the time the body was found It was thought Hint ll was u case of uccldeutal drowning, and the body was bin led accordingly without imiuest. Hut alnco then certain circumstances luivo como to light which have "uused suspicion Hint murder muy h.ive been committed. "The body will bo exhumed ami a t clous here." Kverybody Kne Another, in strongly urging the nniiiil Session Closes at Xoith Hend J groat wage earning Hrltlsh public Suite President, Airs. Jennie. to savo a portion of tlio weekly wage, Kemp, Present. ,. oruor that the uovernment may borrow It later nt Interest says the fact must not ho overlooked Hint while trade Is aupposedly good wo are not trailing under ordinary dr ill that capacPy. ami tlie splendid conduct or the FitHn'i's troops in this war may be said to be largely due to the reforms Insti tuted on his advice. Outlines the Phnis. while the troops landed al Sld-el-Pain were to advance north nml In so doing take the Turkish foitu on the ICuroponn shore of th Dardan elles from the Inntlslde. With these forts taken the wi.ler n utc to Constantinople woti'i! hae lnnninrr mil- nrlnoQ ns Inu ns cnnsislmil mill. ,,! ness makes . gil Conner & Hoagknd The Leading Grocers Dealers In Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and X -- - "TALK TO PORTLAND llecenl Iniiroveinents In our long distance lines and iim lioards have resulted in much better transmission for telephone lersations to Itoseburg, lOugene, Salein, Portland ami nil West Oregon points. Iliislness men will now find it Is iih easy to to their Porllnud corrcspoudeiitH as to their local customer, I'SK YOUIt THI.IOPIIONMC. It Haves you lime and motc; makes for uioie natlsfactoiy business relations. COOS AND CURRY TELEPHONE CO, FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING In his conversation with The As-ibeo en "s r,ir nH NnK""'- Prompt tlcally every town lu the county. The following officers were elect ed for the ensuing year: President Airs. Fnulds, Haudoii. Vlco.pros. AIib. Itobert AlcCann, , ninny North llend. ports Cor.-Kourclnry Airs. Huberly, or Hiindou. Itec.-Secretaiy Airs. W. J. ston, ('oiiiille. Treasurer Airs. Kiln (iuerln, or .Myrtle Point. Tlie following delegates were present: Fiom ilnmlon .Mrs. Knuhls, Airs. I.owe, Airs. Kisli nml Airs. Ilulierly. From Coiiullle Miss Allen. Airs. Nosier. .Mrs. I.ougstou mid Airs. Cus ter. From North llend .Mrs. Neilson, Cliitppelle, Airs. AlcCann. ciimstaiices, and practically alt en gineering firms, shipbuilders nml many manufacturers whllo paying out wages nud piling up profits, nre really trading with the government and not adding to the wealth or the nation, A million pounds spent on cotton produces wealth distributed in channels and also assists ox whereas the same sum spent on munitions Is trading with the gov ernment only. sociated Presu coi respondent, l.liun i Pacha outlined nr'fly tlie c.urso which inllltnry events on the ;enln suhi had taken alnce the hint! ug lu the last week or April. "In forty-nine days (the Intmlew occurred on June llth) the nlllis have dm.) little beside loiiug ground nieadl!," imlil the oinmiiud er. "Thel.' ofi'aiiilvii collapsed as soon as wo wcio able to counteraet t'lelr tactlc-i. It wist It borne lu mind that 'ills happened despite a super- action by the Turkish army ruined , the plan, bringing about what (leu- oral d'Ainade, commander of the Flench contingent. Is mid lo have1 Ten led. , BRITISH BOATS WILL GO TO AFRICA Hngltiml Will Semi Vessels' lo Con- iiicreil Territory Where They Were Hel'ore Denied Privilege Ilr AiocllrJ l'ff lo Com liny "limn. I LONDON. AllL'. II). Two line of lorlty iu ailil.ery tint left our own ( j.:nKllsh steamships nre prepurlug no ciinnco t0 ilV0 ti,. vessels call at tho ports Pwget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Constat COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coasl work the Dredge "Seattle" me most nimcrriii, Host equipped nnd most tlioronglilj modml tiveiity.Jneli lijilrnullc rtrcilgo Ir. rnclflc wntcn Coos Bay office, Main office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington! army of that churactor whuteier. Fm .mys and days 'he l0f tho conquerod (ieinian territory In MEAT SHORTAGE IS FELT IN SWEDEN l.nrge Fxporls lo f.'eiiiiauy. Wave Caused the People or Stockliuhu to SuliVi' liicoineiilciicc cm ci m OAaiiiiiuuioii uihiii! ny uie i or- jjrH oner, w nun on., n pos....e, iroiu From Alarslirield .Mrs ltH condition If Hie suspicious tlitit i .Ir. AlcCarty. nun CAini iiuiii iiii.i h, iiiiihih which I.'ioim Mvi'lll) can he ilutermliuid liy the body, lu the meantime the nherlfr will i;ie Hie whole matter n thorough lnestl-Katlnn. Illr Awoclatitl I'iihui lu (' llif Tlnifi ', ' STOCKIIOLAI, Aug. 10. Tlio shortage or meat in Sweden, caused strong nerves mean victory." i by Hie largo expoits of the past allied warships bombarded cm' searched ecry part of Hie pjiiliunin with an artillery fire as severe and incessant us, on the whole. It whm unproductive or results favorable to tlio HrlHsli and French troops. I will say that the moral effect of a heavy bombardment lu not as last ing lu the case of Turkish troops, as the allies muy have expected. Our brave Ottoman soldiers are not eas ily frightened by noise, owing to their splendid nerves and this is a war of nerves, a war Iu which fhrnian Southwest Africa. Heretofore tho Hrltlsh steamship Unci' have not been allowed to call at the ports of Swakopmuiid and Lu lled! Hay, although Gorman .il.lps were allowed free access to the llil tlsli ports on the Afrlcun coast. It Is expected that direct rallwav con liiunlcntioii between the port or Suckopmiiml nml Rhodesia will be established shortly. ELKS PUN (1 PICNIC FXPIKT HKi CHOWD TO PAHTI- ipati: ix itxrussiox The Murslifleld lodge or Klks bus completed urrmiKeinenis rur the big picnic mid moonlight ecurslou to the Goodwill plnco on South Coos Klver tomoirow night. Only tho members, their wives, I'mnUlc mid sweethearts are to participate. The Itnliilmw will leave AlarHlifleld at -I o'clock with tlio evcurnlon party, reachhiB Goodwill nt o'clock. Sup per will ho serud there following bathing mid Inter diiuciutc will he en joyed lu the paillion. Tlie party will leave for home at 1 1 o'clock. F. V Catteiiiii. who Is arranging tho ai fnlr experts that over loo will participate. .Marsh ami Go Point Anna Guer- lu. .Myrtle Itadclllfe, Airs. Ilerrlott and Nellie llogue. 1 Tlio following committee were up 1 pointed: HvuiiKollstlr - it, iv. C. Wayinlrt 'of North llend. Christian Cltlennhlp-- .Mrs. It. A, AiiiiIii. or Myrtle Point. , Flower and Hellef Work Airs, 'Orn AlcCmty. of Alnishflcld. I l.lternluie Airs. Fish, of Hun I don. i l.uuiberiueii Aim. Alugee. .Mtitlioi-M .Meet iiiK-Mrs. I. Strong. Pi mm .Mis. Alil'unu of Ninth llend. Alodiil Contest .Mr. Neilson North lleiiii. Anil Nmcotlcs Dr. simw, ol .Mnrhhflohl. twelve months to (lerniniiy, Is begin- niiig to he seriously felt 'lelnil meat denlers hnve here, nnd petitioned , the government to forbid exports. , During the first three months of iltil'i the country's exportation of icMllo were three times as heavy as .a yur ago, mid theie was u vlmllnr J liK-reiiso In the exports of drcssod lineal. Allowed Inspection PICNIC daxci: Steamer Hnlnbow will leave Marshfield nt I o'clock Wednesday, , AugiiBt 11, for Goodwill pavilion, Koontz Garage Agency for GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: .. Phone 180-1 i.mei in mo nay tne correspondent where Flks picnic and danco will was given a letter by I.linan Pacha 'be held. Party will reach Good In which ull commanders nt the W'8 at C o'clock; everybody goes, fin liter "t woro reiiested to penult an 'swIhiiuIub at 0:110; flno dinner wilt! i inspections of their sectors or the be served at 7:.'!0, and dancing he-! holder. Ou the rollowhiK duy, Juno (B,H at S::i0. Italnhow will lenvo U'th. tho positions at All Hurniion return trip nt 11 o'clock. were visited. , A!l Kk8 t)ielr wlvoS( daughters Hut iu tlio Aegean sea two Hrl- and sweethearts nro urged to par- iiHii ci insert! were maneuvering tlclpate. COAIAIITTKH. when tho ride to Arl Huinu homm. ' L Since .r,:;i() u. m. they had kept "V iwmmmiammma a rutnor bevere boinbardinent of cer tain parts of tlie peninsula. Passing through the section under flro It was obvious thnt Indirect fire, with out obi-ervers, Is a waste of aininu nltlon. Tlio flro of tlie cruisers was puiely "chance" work. No aero piano of captive balloon wus up and the heavy shells exploded In Hie Company would cease! open mid on the wheal fields. Nln :. next, thus withdraw-' cty were counted mid Hie iwnit n... GRAVEL LINERS DRIVEN FROM SEAS Terms or l.a I'ollelte Low Would Force Company to Operate at a Loss , Hef- the trans- Pacific .Mall wo are- now propared to furnish GRAVEL In any loutlMl irom pno iu our yard or In carload lots, at following prlcei: From pilo on ground, ?2.VC por yard. canoad lots, taken from cars, $2.00 per Il Itetall Departnient. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, Opposlto Post-Offico. rbonl HI APPEAL TO WIVES i SAN FRANCISCO. Aug Millie uiiiioiiucemeut Hint Pacific service or the Steamship November Hnlon Slminl--Mm. I.owe or nii. . . K ' H0 I,u ",n;L'-sl ' l,u,u'" ls '"I'lescnied by zero i American nee engaui'i In such com.. - --- meice, was uiinle today liy A. .1. Fioy. assistant lo the general mali nger. It Is the first time a ditto has been definitely set lor the termina tion or the trnns.Puririo service, at though the company has been reins lug in accept onleis for hnslness beyond that date, and LOW WEEK END FARES HKTWKK.V don Si'leutillc Temperance stop, of Coiiullle. -Mrs. Long- FOIt THANtSFIH; AM) STOW- A(.i: or hoi sF.iioi.n goods FltniGIIT Wll HAGGAGi: . Call , Hrltlsli In Trenches. The center of the itrltlsli position ix Arl llurnii, or Cup Ail. Hern a lout; outer tiench hns been dm; He hind this onlor trench the Hrltlsh osininiMieii n second Una of MARSHFIELD Tent Prices Are Low Now AND Rowland Baker YOU know the tenlble ..IHu-iimi that oiuen to many homes lion, n,c restili of a diliikiug luinlmud i sou You know ol tlie iliouei wiiMieil on "Drink ' that is iwede.1 n the hum. lo purchase rood and cloihliu t) HINI'J lias ned thoitsuuds or diliik iug men. It Is n home treatment untl xcun be given secretlj. Your money will be refunded If, aft, r .. trial, it lias lulled In benefit. Cikt. only 1.00 u box. Come iu mid get a free booklet Hud let iu tell you of tho good OItltl.N'15 ! dulus. Winkler PhgriMmy, (is IVutrai Av enue. I FERGUSON TRANSFER Phone lli:i Itesideiice Phone Ct-.l Almket e. and Watei front $2.10 2.20 2.35 I w, ilefeiibe, consisting of two sliort sec- JTOWerS lies. Hack of tho sotitheriimat ni these sectors lies -another trem h iTIokets will ho sold between Mmuii. Vlce-1'resl- icvlug. evldontlv. mm m v.,n,,,n,, .. field and nnv of tlio ..Iimv.. ....i Ulll It. P. Schweriu. wlio Is alsoj.iu mtllley ledoitbt located on thet f"ies shown every Saturday and " ......'.. iiiri-iihi siicu 'ji.niinu or cape Ail Itself. Sunday, good for return sec- SAVE MONEY by ordering tho fri"1 HFIMRYUII I P COAL Nut coal, por ton M I.ll inn coal, nnr toll .... Or half ton of both H I). JIUSS0N', m I'hniin 18-.T or IwlVO onl1 Ilillycr'a Cigar Stow M0NEYT0L0AN: This may lie called the center nt following ni ins ot Hie l.a Folleite M-a-Jthe British pus"ilon, (hough the left , unnk of the Hiltish consists of ., ' lAJNVKN kN uIiH'Ia uliMI.I Im. ,..l. I. .11 '" $100 to $100,000 On Improved Ranches conway & McCarthy Mortgage Brokers OfHco: Aljille iins .Maoliflcld in lion would be taken l'h. men s law, which uoos intn eif..ct Ninoiiiher Kit. would lone tho oiiipaiiy in operate at a loss, tie- ordiiig id In, tb asseitloiiM liy Schweiln mid Frey. The clause compelling Hie company to hire I'l'l.llw ?i iiiii. , ..tit .-. ...I I I. ..... - e. ...( ,.i ii nun. ... iiuiii luieu on tne southeast of the Alonday W linlesnlers ,, minifiicturerH " Just aiinoiii,.v,i ,jK icdiictloii l' Hio iu-Ii-is of i,.h ( m, al0 Him, ..1..I . " miniK mo peojilo of (Ills Hon tlio nilvuntage of It. No Iiiivh j.isl .ecelve.l n ship '""i.t r H.o im,, ullls 1Jo ln viiiIiiiw siii. t They , Klllllll(m, , , , and by us. t'n'm, In ilmi k.t us , . , . ami iUi, ,,os 'l'"l ,oii desire. wnnm Kindling wood, por load ! Alder wood, 1C to at luchea 2 " Fico Delivery V. II. usao Phono 227-J. North Ft T. J. HOA1FK on tlio size single short trench on a hill uhom HTD A TM orntrmn ' . ,-:rir;,:; Zr- ,TRAIN SERVICE Jolmson-Gulovsen Co t .ii.i.i i. . . . . ' raillo .I..11.. ..I ........ I ,ii.iiiiii,'iu ran iiniiersiaiiti any or der given in the native tongue or the otflcers. would eliminate the Chinese crews, ami so Increase the operating expense, Hint the company could not meet competition of the Japanese, they declared. ior KO'i-Heresi creek and follow? the coni'ho of an advanced trench a-ut two supporting sectors. Water K Scarce. With Arl Duron as pivot, the II. I-, tlsh position is crescent shaped, about :800 yards loin.' trnm nm-n, SOUTHERN PACIFIC XOltTU FltOXT STiM.', -. t-lai'M,!iMM,l,li JOHN Al. SCOTT, General Passonger Agent. WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, t a. n.flOi Marshfield j&ft Ksttmates FurnlSw Phono 140-R. MawWIeH. iiMncDTAk'lWfi u,v PARLOR . . 1... lAIlt .Will UV .fffl nnrv rrn rrllU VWU A reBiilar stato H"8 undertaker wl w cliargo rhono iOS'J w -- t , r"jj..f-.-)ij)Jyz