WKKKKKKKKKIImKm j'Mw TWO - " THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 9TH-EVEN1NG EDITION GOOS BAY TIMES M. C. MALOXEV, Editor nnil Pub. DAN E. MA LONE V, News Killlor Offlclnl OMIclnl Paper of Vapor City Coos County of Mnrslifleld. Entered nt tlio I'ostof flco at Marsh- flo11 Drnrnn fnr transmission thrauch tho malls as second-class nnll matter social calendar MON'DAY Alplia Delphian Society with Mr. Freil Wilson. WEDNESDAY Narclnans Cluli with Miss lllldji West nt Eastsldc. Dorcas Society wltn Mr?. ). Johnson. Jolly Dozen with Mrs. Ross. ' THURSDAY Mlnnlo-wls with Mrs. W.E Hoacland. CARDS are orx I Friends In this city have received from Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mnstlclc of Portland announcing the nmrrliiKo of their daughter. Miss Mniid La urn Mastlck, to Clarence E. Ash, which took place August 2. Mr. Ash Is of The Times forces nnd with his bride returned homu mis week. They aro now spending their honeymoon nt Ten Mile where they took a cottage for ten days. on the Santn Clara Saturday for their homo in Unite, Montnnn, nfter pass ing a few days with their parents Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Simmons nt the Lang worthy Apartments. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Haines and house guests Mrs. Wilde nnd Miss Orncc Wilde, of Kansas City .Miss ourl, were over Sunday visitors at Powers. . . Mrs. Edwin 0. Scott Is enjoying a visit with Miss Inez Clarke nnil Miss Luclla Horabaugh, of Smiths Centre, Kansas. Tho two latter will lnnvn Mnnrinr for their Homo, cn- rotito they will spend some time nt tho Exposition. Mr. nnd Mrs. Earl Simmons left on the Santa Clara Saturday for their homo In Unite. Montana, after pass ing a few days with their parents Mr. nnd Mrs. O. C. Simmons ut the ' Langworthy Appnrtments. Mr. and Mrs. (Icorgo Mnndlgo of North llentl with their house guest. Mrs. Alice Shannon, of Portland will leave early this week for a motor trip to Crater Lnko and Portland. Miss Orncc Kriiso wns a week end visitor at the J. W. Hewlett summer cottngc at Ten Mile. Professor Wnlace H. Lee or tho Presbyterian College of Albany was, Light House last week. Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Hylor spent a couple of days at North Hend laBt week comlnc In from their summer homo nt Lakeside to nttend the East ern Star Installation, last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hnzcr will leave soon for a trip to Port Orford whero they will nttend the Agate Carnival. Mrs. Lloyd Prescott of Portland arrived on tho Urcnkwnter Friday to spend n fow weeka with her mot' or Mrs. Tellcfsen ut her homo In Eastsldc. Miss Ellen FIoolc, of Portland, sang at tho recent piculc given by the C. W. U. M. Mrs. .Tames Qulnn, wife of Ciller SHIPPING NEWS BRE MITER LS SANTA j "III I am (MiiQl ss& TZ-tzmmzsa0 I SAILS WITH PASSENCERS AND VESSEL EREKJIIT FOR PORTLAND LEAVES ON REGULAR TRIP Sl'NDAY leaves On Her Rowilur Schedule nt Tillies PnssciiRfiw from Coos H.V to Ten O'clock Sunday .Morn- I Portland licnvlnj,' l.ito lug for North I Saturday Afternoon The steamer Urcnkwnter left for' The stenmcr Santa Clara sailed Portland on the regular schedule at Hate Saturday afternoon for Portland 10 o'clock Sunday morning. She car- on her regular trip. Tho following rled freight nnd passengers. Those were the outgoing passengers: md for Por land leaving on the' L. R. Birch. Mrs. L. R. Birch, Miss steamor were the following: Pauline Attlticer, Mr . E. - K 13 Fox, Mrs. E. E. I'OX, .Mrs. i- moons, .urn. . ihuiuuuuh " D Youtsey Mrs. E. D. Youtsoy. Mrs. Steinulst, May Stenqulst, M. C. Hnr .i' E White. Marlon Smith. N. D. .show, Lucy and Phoebe Hurshow, Trumbell, Mrs. A. Znnr. C. J. Smith. Mrs. Win. Scales, Miss (.-.scales, .. C L Jonks. Mrs. E. II. Edge, r. l .Mncuay, j. j. mowu, vims. ;mni- Lupine. Mrs. V. F. Norton Morgan, L. Mansfield, P. Mrs. J. Rcvllson. Miss E. Spencer, GHARTEH 75 DAYS NANN SMITH TO TAKE CARGO FROM CHILE TO SEATTLE In. Mrs. W. Llvlngood, Mrs. N. S. Ueynolds, A. It. Clayton, Mrs. 15. K. Clayton, Mrs. ueno rerry, uuioru and Harry Perry, W. W. Oreonwood, Mrs. W. W. Greenwood, J.RSpringle, Mrs. .1. R Sprlngle. ItrSTLER SAILS I - MRS. YAKE ENTERTAINS A I Qulnn, of tho Nairn Smith, Is giving 'm (.in Hilu uiink nt linr lininn In Snll I I Frnnclsco i and Mis. for Miss Paulino J. Bahr Matt May. Miss Bahr Is I 1111(1 tHIOl .Hl. .'-J ' - Mrs. Erwln Ynko entertained n located at tho Iindsccr Apt., Hush fow friends In honor of her mother, nnd Mason streets, San Francisco. Friday afternoon. Tho tlmo was pleasantly spent In sewing and social chat after which a dainty lunch wns served to tho following ladles: Mrs. Mynott, Raymond, Hauler, Hulnti, -iiini iiiiiiw Anderson, Kiiigm nun uimnuior. Mrs. Yako was assisted by tho Nt-i ..... ... ..v,jV..u MKFS tlo Misses Edith and Mildred Ander-(,m v J5i, J o ri'lillV CJ UXT V son, I 4 "Te "' j Relieved that Aid .May Ho Cilven I)- vmmm ROADS i TIII.MHLE CLl'H cally for Building of (nod Roads k .t......t.... I.... At ,.. laoi T 1. FTM. .... n..im.Mn In 1m V. f.lln.mn ft iv uiiuriiiiiiK nuaiuua nun uio. v. ii. i iiiuiu iiiiuuib iu uu a wi.u u. Wnttort) Friday afternoon when alio; Curry county receiving government extended her hospitality to tho North i aid for road building. Tho Gold llnml Tlitmlil" Rluli. 'I'lin rnnniR wern mado very attractive with tho beauti ful decorations, carrying out tho col or scheme of red and green, In swcot peaa and dahallas. During tho pleas unt ufternnou tho Indies busied them selves with embroidery. A short busi ness session was held and matters of Importance wore dlsuiiHsed, to bo announced later. The club had as guestH of honor Mrs. Tittle, of Mod sta, California, and Mrs. Alice. Shan non of Portland, Oregon Beueh Globe gives tho following stutoinnut. Jnnies B. Schuyler, u V. S. Engin eer from tho ofiico of Public High ways, waB sent hero by tho Forestry Department to look ovor Curry Coun ty and particularly the proposed Itoguo rlvor Hlghwuy. Mr. Schuyler has made close Inspection of Curry's needs uu to roads and highways. Ho eamo up the coast from Harbor and In company with County Engineer Cnpt. Will Mugeo and Crew to Go With Vessel Probably Cany Ni trates for the Allies Capt. H. W. Olson of the Adeline Smith, who arrived in late Satur day night from San Francisco stated that ho understood that the Xann Smith hnd been chartered by the W. It. Grace Co., the big international shipping firm, for a period of sev enty five days. She Is to tnko a cargo to Chile where it is under stood that she will take on a cargo of nitrates for Seattle. Capt. W. A. Magee and tho rcgulnr crew will probably make the charter voyages with her. It Is understood that the nltrntes aro for rcshlpment to Japan or Rus sia as" Immense quantities of war munitions aro being shipped from there to Asln now. Cnpt. Olson said that they had n good trip up tho coast. Mrs. Pratt, a cousin of .Mrs. Vernon A. Smith, nnd her two months-old baby came up with them for n visit at tho Smith homo here. Tho Adeline snlletl at 10 o'clock this morning for Bay Paint. Tho casollno schooner Hustler I sailed Sunday tomrnlng for Itoguo river. She had n cargo or salmon cans for tho "Wcdderburn Trading Company. Will Sail Thursday. Tho steamer Speedwell Is at Bnn- tlon nnd will nrrlvo hero probably tomorrow and will load lumber at North Bend. Sho Is duo to snll from that city nt 10 a. in., next Thursday. LEAVES WITH LUMBER Tim utnninor Tiverton londed with lumber from tho Porter mill of tho ( Simpson company sailed last evening ; for tho south. She crossed tho bar i nbont 7:30 p. m. The steamer Hardy Is now loading i nt tho Porter mill and win get nwny probably Thursday. EQUIPMENT HERE The equipment for the dredgo So attlo Is being brought to Coos Hay. Tho Seattlo is owned by tho Pugot Sound Bridge nnd Dredge Company anil has completed the work of dredging the Coqulllo river. She will lm iimnirlit tr f'noH Bnv nnd It Is un derstood will remain horo until sho i-i.rAitl'.Tli ARRIVES is ordered to some other point, liow- rr.l. ... .,... l."1l-,..l,,,ll, nrrlvnil nllovnr flip lllllllR (if tllO COlllDUllV TO- I l uu nn;uiiiu n. !. ., . ........ .--..- , -- -- ---- . - nanInn Sattirdnr on her regular run gnrdlng tho dredgo hnvo not been , frnin Hun Francisco. sra ui -.--." ' : . . ii'tiui'iimi wnnf in tint iwtrriinrti t'niiii Tho hostess was assisted In serving i . " ,f ; ..,.,,:, '...,; ,, f inuiine tho dainty rcfrcshniuntH by Mrs. John " " ' ' ' J,1 J01 u tr"' of ,IU"'CC II I rnvnn mill M IKU Wlllli WllflnrM. ' "" - Thoso present In addition to thosu nbovo mentioned were: Mrs. Dennis Hill. Mrs. It. II. Mr. Schuver'H nnrlleiilnr IiiihIiiohh U'nu tn trv in ilntiirmltiii U'lil(li vvnulil wore: .Mrs. iiuunin . ". ," " '" "v; ,.... V Woldy, Mrs. A. II. " l" Kreatest benefit to tho great- cm milliner 01 peopiu, n coasi roau through the county or a road from tho Interior down Itoguo river to the ocean. From Mr. Schuyler's conversa tion on the subject it Is believed he favors a const road. However lie k:ivh that 11 1 1 let of tho present road could lie utilized and he Derbyshire Mrs. J. B. Mullen, Mrs M. E. Everett. Mrs. A. E. Rose, Mrs. R. V. Ilazer. Mrs. F. E. Glazier, Mrs. II. J. Linden, Mrs. E. F. Kaiser. Mrs. II. E. BurmeiKter. Mrs. E. E. Hlggs. Mrs. William llondrlx. Mrs. M. G. Coleman. Mrs. J. II. Grooves. Mrs. Goorgn Mnndlgo, Mrs. Ira B. Hurtle, Mrs. E. F. HusKoll and Mrs. Charles places n rough estimate of Its cost Williams who will be hostess to tho i ut about seven hundred) (thousand club members on Friday. August tho dollars. Mr. Schuyler expressed hlm "0th. MiU as deeply Interested in Curry - i County, and. like inunv Forestry of- WEDDIN'G ANNOUNCEMENT ! 1 flclals. says that Curry will bo among ..- i i . i-. . . i AVAlt LOSSES A RE ENORMOUS PARIS. Aug. 7. Tho losses of Europe In tho present war up to May 31, as compiled by the follows: Killed Franco 100,000 England 181,000 Holglum I!,000 Russia l,r,0,000 Germany 1,030,000 Austria 1,010,000 Turkey 110,000 Totals 5,290,000 Fiench Ministry of War, are as Wounded 0G0.000 200,000 I'J.OOO 1,080,000 1,880,000 1, Slit", 000 111,000 0,178,000 Prisoners 180,000 110,000 15,000 850,000 100,000 010,000 115,000 2,030,000 Total 1,300,000 171,000 113,000 3,780,000 1,000,000 1,385,000 3111,000 M, 31)8, 000 AH Oveir Gregom ROSEBURG Tho caso of John Hunter nnd others, seeking to en join tho snlo of tho railroad bonds recently voted by tho people of Hose burg, Is on trial In tho circuit court. OREGON CITY John T. Apper EUGENE Dnlo Ouffoy who was In tho Lane county Jail on u charge of polygamy, cscapod when ho wns nllowed the prlvlllgos of u trusty nnd bus not been found. ROSEBURG Tho homo of II. L. tMIA n C ut It nnnn nrnnl U'llo fill JHIIIl'l UU fcJUUI-M wivi -t-vn ... . . HUH, Wftvll OI JldlD) IUUU till 4 II HfrJ Btroyod by tiro which started from 0f tho frco hunter license which la n .rtsxitt'i film iintlilnf Itnlnir stiVPtl t,.nt,l tv fnfna nt ttm Plvll Wttt from the hotiHo. iniul nmdo application for a license to , imnnLi: Tho people of Ulddlohunt. I aro lnaKliiK preparations ror meir j i0HTriAI)- '.... ... O 1 nn.n nnl ...limtttnifn lll PWIIIV UIH m J tfl V III! J VI II 111 ...v....l.k ...w. ifitll li.iiu'ii itti llin llnv ! llllll K!HM tlllll tlm f'fllllinlllii IllfliU'iiV jitTUfilu iiiu nun ituwMii ii niv iri, ." ........ ...... ,..v in"i,' The lirldo elect Is ono of MtirHliriililB ' w'' "t bo In It for seenle benuty , , , ,. , in., .and rugged grunduru compared to cbnrmliis young ladles. 1 liu wedding ! (lowu tlu, t.oa8t. will bo solemnized In tho CuthntU Church on Tuouduy, AugiiRt tho 'i Ith I J TAl'FV PULL t rn , , r i $ Dr. and Mrs. It, W, Morrow ente tallied a fow friends Informally last the ages of r i vi v qovon convicts wcro hurt , '""'K ln,l'- ,Uei1 nt Portland and tho l,wiAiallroad wcWont when men : body was taken to Hosoburg for bur weref(returnlng. from work In ta,iroMINVIMK-Tllo county courtl ..... ... t i1.n i linr. iwiliilnil Wllllnm riiiitllitrf ! ti i iiii'ni i.-i--v- -inn iivrnu nir mi i iuih uu iiiiini-ii 11 niiiini iiiiiniiiiL. im i AT THE HOTELS $' Roundup will aggregate $7,000 In commissioner to fill tho unexpired VII 11113 III! U1U utvill him .'. " - - . ...- ....... Thursday evening with n "Taffy Pull" from which the following , guests derived much enjoyment. Mr. j and Mrs. F. L. (iiuiuiU, Miss Mnblo i SATURDAYS ARRIVALS At The Cliaiuller Hotel Herbert Armstrong, North Bend: Inlet: Ed Scott, Coiiullle; Geo. A. hprliiguold mill running ny nringing Blake. Catching Inlet; E. G. Uracil- K8 Tom tho Coburg pond. Tho . , t n i, ii .. rnni. 1KB InB en nip will bo closed down' hofer. City; J. O. Belleu. Coqulllo: forhHbout oo'days. -and nt tho end of John Hoge and W. P. Spencer. GoIiitnnt tnio It will bo reopened if the Beach; J. G. Cochran and wife, Spo- condition of the lumber market war-. I...,,,, I .HUH u. AMUoii. Mrs. WlUon. Mr. and Mrs.!.,. r ,.,,,.,. ,, 0lii Xow Yo,.,.. ,, Nell MaeMlllan. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. T, r, UMm,. Beaver Hill! T. W. ,.., uan.sdoll Drain- Chas 11 I Uhhf COAU Tho Mn1 Y0U hn Held, Mr. nnd Mrs. . I. Q. .larvls. MU ' Younger Sacrainento- F lluiek . "Iimh""11' ,,,' ""' ALWAYS USED. Phono 72. Taclfk Margaret Shaw, and Mr. and Mrs. S '-i. ' T s'mUh 1 S, ! KVOBOr ,uu,,,lu,,,y' J V'Tvvi ... Wvory and 'IVansfer Company. Otis Wilson I'uiu. louianu. h. i. htnltli, Hose- ,yn junto,,, c'ooston. Fred Williams. . 1!LJ!,.. ;burg; S. C. Wilson and wife. Ban- ,.or,inil. c. ,,. EerguM.n. San Fran- BIRTHDAY PAR'I'Y i,ou: llort fumpl.oll. Grand UnpliU. i t.iBl.o; May Gibson. Portland; It. G. f 1 lMlnn: V. (1. lllndnmrsh and family CarU,r Blll wlf0i 0rcon t.0,nt. Cut ThtS Otlt Mrs. T. II. James surprised her . Hnimor: N. A. Nolson. Lakeside; Ed , - - TT- . " liUHbaud Inst Tuesday evening by In-j Hughes. Curry County! Hobt. E. ' CAMP CLOSES DOWN It AS Worth Money vltlng a fow friends to help celehratot Lally. Hofcohurg; C. A. HuibunU. Jr. I '" ' I his birthday. A Jolly time was fol-1 Portland: Mrs. C. Malohorn and ! UiMUli-ludlr Coniimny Is ........ i ,..i .-... . .. .. .. .. .. loweil I y reiiuniiiiieiiis. I nine iiivueii .urs. woro Mr. nnd Mr. F. E. Hague. Mr. M. F. Rnnnolls. Hamiln Moore and wife, Aberdeen. N D.: nnd Mrs. It. E. Lnrawny, Mr. and Aug. A. Nelson, Gardlnor; W. H. Mrs. E. F. Glvens. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fontalue and II. 1 Ciirlalliug W. Hlldonbrnnd, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Kennedy and .Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Q. Vim Duyn nnd Mrs. RohborU, Mr. and Mrs. Hague won the two prUes at ranis. 1 INFORMAL CHAT t $& Mrs. Edwin G. Seott Is enjoying visit with Miss Inez Clarke and MI-is Luellu Horalmuuh. of Snillhi Centre, Kuuaaii. The iwo latter will leave Monday for their hom. Kn-! rout they will spend some time t ' the Exposition. Mr and Mi . Karl Slmmo:is lloey, EiiKone: Mr. Geo. Jarnuon, Reno, Nov.: P. Podprnon, Allegan ; S. Weekly. Mr tlo Point; Mllo Pierson, Lakeside: II. B. Donahe), Portland: 11. E. Liip lou and dnuislitor, Portland. At Tho SI, Liuronco G. M. Williams. Falrvlow, Okla.: James Reeves. Portland: J. F. Mln nler. Corvnllls: A. R. CJnyton, Port land: Mrs. Hobo E. Cluyton, Port-laud. M Tho Blanco Ojieiatlons (Special to Tho Times.) EUGENE. Ore., Aug. !. Tho Booth-Kelly lodging camp In tho woods above Weudllug. wns closed down yesterday. By this action 100 men will be thrown out of employ ment. But recently the mill at Woiidling was closed. Tho closing of the logging camp at llils time by the Booth-Kelly com pany Is due largely to tho depression n i no nimnor iiiarKet. There is not Cut out this advortlscmcnt, pnclota D cents to Foley & Co., 2S35 Shelllolil Avo., Chicago, in., writing your nnmo una mUlrt'BS clearly. You will rc celvo in return u trial package con taining: (1) Foley's Honey nnd Tnr Com pound, tho stamlnrd family renwdy lor roughs, colds, croup, whoopm? cough, tightness nnd soreness In chest, grippe and bronchial coughs. (2) Foley Kidnoy Pills, for over worked and disordered kidneys and Madder ailments, pain In sides and hack duo tn Kidney Trouulo, soro muscles, ntlft Joints, backacho and rheumatism. wholesome and thoroughly cleantlnir cathartic. Especially comforting to demand euuiiKh to keep all their mills going. I i?'""n,e' especially comforting to The Springfield mlll.whlch Is one ,,y ovVVyiHufy wittf 'siSh ZZV of the most up-to-date plants III the I nnd torpid Uver. You run try iheso United States. Is able to cut enough ) ""l' f'"y umedlea for only Be. llllltlllAt t.l .'IIHItlll t..v .Inmn.t.l ml.... ' W. G. Miller. Gold Heaeh: Frank I now have In the log poiiiIb at Coburg ' or f.nI U wl Prescription Pliar- DMdmond Portland; W. II. Short ,iwinro In tho neighborhood of ,uac l'rnill Cohnu, Contral Avo- ,. , sa.ml... i.a ... ...,.. .... s..h.I,.-,0U 01U'8 "r l0s' It I tho Inton , " "l'Posito chandler Hotel. Tele- pi Wnsson Soi.thl1-'0" 'U'8 "' l0KS' II '8 tho n wui on, boutliitou or th(J cowimy t0 Kcs ep tho phouo 74. "WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE" THIS BANK SENDS MONEY TO THE OLD COUNTRIES IN THE SAFEST WAY AND AT LOWEST RATES HOURS 9 TO 3 SATURDAY EVE 7 TO 9 Your S fl o tamidhnM In liny coininuiiliy Is measured by your earning power, honesty and power of uceumulatlon. How often we hear Hie remark. "What has he done Tor himself, that he wishes lo represent the city, county or state?" A S&vlirags Accounimt will protect you from this usperslon. FIRST MATIDMilL BANK OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Went, FLANAGAN I BENNETT Bill OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNl'V Established J HMD. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid on Tlmo AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS Officers J. W. Bennett, President. . ' . J. II. I'lanagan, Vice-President. It. !'. Wllllniiis, Cashier. Geo. 1.'. Winchester, Asst. Cashier. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. Steamship MHk CLARA Sl,lls f"r SAN FRANCISCO, via Eureka WEDNESDAY, MC. I ITH, P. .M. .Steamship F. A. KILBURN PORTLAND sails for TIIUHSDAV, AUGUST ItiTII, P. M. SMITH TEH.MINAL DOCK W. E. KTUIIII, AKont Phono Did Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Weekly Service Coos liny and San Francisco. STEAMER WESTERNER Freight and Passenger Service WILL SAIL VIIOM SAN FHAXCISCO ON MOND.W, HHINGING THE NANN SMITH FHEIGHT 1011 THIS THIP San Fruucsco Office, dUO Fife lludluKl Hnd Mcr Nunihor 23 .Ooob Bay Ageut, 0. F. McGeokqe, Phone '44. i:quipped with wiheless CfPAmeKm 1 JUST RECEIVED ONE LOT OF SAMPLE CAPS All new shapes and patterns. . Regular. $1 .50 $ J J 5 and $2.00 sellers. Special this week w 1 Also a Choice Assortment of Men's All Wool Suits Not a bunch of dead ones, but real snappy, up-to-thc minute garments that sell regularly from & j g AQ $22.50 to $25.00. Special this week for. f - WATCH OUR WINDOWS 'I I ScandinaviaihAmeriGui Bail a m ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FHO.M MAKSIIFIELDEVEHY .IT HMUI ,1. AT 8 A. .M. Phono :io-J. 'eakwater SI'VIIW I.,,,...., M. .u .ko,1 ' m'S.JSSS 11. J. MOlllt, Agout, PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY Varatinn IV ,uwi,u" m At Goodwi FINE CAMPING GROUN; EXCELLENT HOME CQJ SWIMMING, BOATINgI , , "im i loniNU" DANCING PAVILION Sevcnil IkiiiI.m dully (0 j(( liicliidhiK Hiced amk Mni'ulirielil n .I.I- .... "" -- .. -.,, .in . ... hiK in time for supporj iM " J wIII'h nt 7 every niuriilnc J& .Murslifleld nhoiit 8::t0, HuteH reHHonnble, ii,on, , runners, or liiiiiro of Cipn hi hivaiiier iiaiuituw, Marshfield-CoJ Auto Maw licnxo Owl Phnniincy Mai-hhflold A.M. 7:00 0:H0 r.M. . l:oo ' n.iio I Ml 3.1 JIAItSIIFIELD.COQUILU; ii BTAGE 'TIME HClttLm Sclicdulo urrunccd to kL' with boats to Hntulon, guJi Mjrtlo 1'ohit, WuRncr, RmB No delays, M I' aro irom .iinr.suiu'id tovtod f ", 70 ccnti. iS&Klo.jA IjunU'tli, Ptom will'' furnish extra cart Jr ox tin trips day or night vlmrtor cara. 'SM 'Merchants cafe Popular rmro tot Good Meals Prices Reasonable Cop. Commercial nnd h'M AIN.TST, 1015 AUTO STAfiH SCIIKIinil If) l'OH'I'LAM VIA WjORB Lea'o .liuIiflclil mill lloml Moiuluy . . . 'I'licHdiiy . . WcilneHdny .Thuradny . Friday . . . Saturday . . Sunday . . . Monday . . . Tueoduy . . WVediicsduy f'liurHilny . . Friday . . . Saturday . . Sunday ... Monday . . . TucBdny . . Wednesday Thursday . Friday . . . Suturday . KSunday . . . .Monday . . . Tuesday . . .. 9. ..10. ..11. . .12. .'.'ill.' ..in. ..ic. ..17. ..18. ..It). "0 . v . "1 I'l , . MM . . . MU . ..24. ..25. , . mU . "7 ..Ml. ..28. ..2D. ..30. ..31. 3)30 4:00 4:30 C:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 G:30 C:O0 Mi 9.00 ..10:30 ..11:30 ..12:00 .. 3:00 .. 3:10 .. 4:00 .. 4:30 .. 5:00 .. 5:00 .. 5:00 .. 5:30 .. 6:00 nn TVIna T.onvlnir JlnrihW 7:00 n. in., you sliouM wt,fl laud tho sumo day. PROFESSIONAL DIRECffl Dr. A. L. Houseworiti, IMiyKlclan ami Sun? nfi-i,,.!iivliiL' ltlock- Of flco hours: 11 to lan.ai'1 'I mm 4 III n p. in. a I'hones: Office MiWs K18! I Rl Ufmntif j. m.,-v.iuiu pi0Mjj) Estlmatea furnished onrer- ui: n. ivi. oiictw 1 Eye, Ear iintl Tliroat 6P""I GLASSES rm-llionoi:i:i()-I. Hooiiw-w IrvliiB HlocK. 1)11. aiATTlE H.. SHAV Physician ami Surged .. .iin.I. -- mono on" .i Officer houw by al'P"1 ..mt inrETfl U...-- onfi Trvlne BWl Phono 103-Li or 267-J. a . .' "" DU' ....ntVEEB UlVI-li I:"Al"4 ul KoSia 30.4 Coko BWB- Pj" Itoaidonco l'liono ;w.G. Chandler Rooms 301 and 302, Co" MnrBhfielil, un- '- Wm Q Tiirnnn 1 AnbmiFX ' Marabfleld, Orefon. l