' fsvWPifWfflHBpSP'l- !'" . "V 'N FOUR THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1915 EVENING EDITION. Interesting News for Women! Ready! Fall Suits Specially Priced at $18.50 .,! ,,n MinL'itn. Mrs. M It. Smith. Mrs. llghtful hostess Wednesday nftor-1 t .. ... . -. ... ,- . .1. ! ..l 1.,... 1..tti. In Mnrili Itntlll h .iiKrtiRHcil bv .Mrs. W. J. 'Bell Chambers, Mrs. u. u. sinim mini noun "' " " "' "-,- ,of public health anil public m ... . . .1 I I... Mrn U Will BO UlHUIbBUU u, ..... . - .----..--. ....... , ..... ...,,, ..I.ili loiicston ami Mrs. J. F. (irubbs. I sou Itobert, .Mis Florence smuii, io iiic iiiuiiiuu.i. u. u. ".. .... " ... .... ...... ... . i trim. .. utmft linuttinad ai.ttH.nll. 1110 ...ll...l .....I..l i.ntiiltnra Mori MM. .N. N. I IH1IM mill UllUV. .U I . 11) i'"ii oi.u. v ....o....u.. .. will be a general discussion of the chambers, Mrs. J. Ilodcll. Mrs. J. J. subject "The Dangers Which Men- Cllnkeiibenrd, Mrs. 11. Rogers, Mrs. nee Our Sons and Daughters." Mrs. E. I,. Duxter, Mrs. T. F. Smith nud HOT GA1V1E SUNDAY.BASEBALLSC ladles busied themselves with cm- .;.KTKIII broidery und chat. An appetizing luncheon was served at the close of a vn IIA'I'rllHltV.HAV KK.iVfMui... ... '."' ' "'H 1U . I " .1 khH i-' miKv .. . "i v "-UP, TO I'liAV AT NORTH HK.M 'ho Orgnii Kemp will conduct a question box daughter, Mrs. Dell Saunders, WIN, the pleasant afternoon to those pros- S itlvaliy Between 'I'no and the official board will make n fred Saunders, Mrs. Edna K. Dyer, I out who were. Mrs. Karl Hutch his, i ,molw s.urs (IinhI Tim New, dlffcient, iliMlnrllvc! New In the length of the Coats, in tlio dip at the. .shies, In the high buttoning convertible collars, and In tho side pleated iiiclluiu full skills. Then thero nro two pock et effects, strikingly new sluipcit buttons, side or full belts. Bmk colors prevail: Murk, Navy Moo anil dark Green lead, though the lighter tuceds also me nioilMi. JMuteHnls ni-u Wlilpconl, Gnlmr illnes, Scrgo and Tweed. OTHER HANDSOME FALL MODELS AT $20.00, $25.00, $30.00, AND $35.00 HUB DR.Y GOODS CO. "SMART WEAK FOR WOMEEN" Coiner Uromlwny and Central Ave. Phono Ml . . ... .. - - li -i . report. .Mrs. Fred Wilson win sing. .Mrs. u. w. uuupueii, -Mrs. u. .. In the evening thero will be de- Hunch, Elizabeth Hunch, Mrs. B. L. votlonal exercises nnd nn address of i llessy, Huth Bessy, Frank Messy, welcome, by Rev. A. S. lllsey. The Mrs. L. D. Smith, Mrs. Nancy Mcln state president will speak on the tosh, Jessie Smith, Mrs. S. B. Cutllp, subject "The Whys and Whats of Mrs. Justrum, Gordon Justruin, the Prohibition Law." j Mrs. E. Adams, Mi's. E. L. Bessy, 'Mrs. W. C. Smith, Mrs. Carrie Dun- gan, Mrs. A. Smith, Miss Freda ENTERTAIN AT DINNER nolma, Hose Smith, Huth Dungan, 7T TTi ,, ,,.,. ., TIT 'Mrs MllIr nn. J- - Smith, Law Mr. and .Mrs. F. E. Wilson enter-, ' ' . . , . i .1 it.... - iM,i.. rence Hessy, Georgo Hessy, Robert tallied nt an Informal dinner lrldny ,,,... ' a . ..., . oveiilnir at their attractive homo In i r. ' ' ' " '.. North Marshfleld. Their guests were Mrs. Wilson, Sr., J. Uyrne, Dr McCornmc nnd 11. N. Fentou. .;. .j. .j. . Mrs. Ed. Thomas, Mrs. MIlus Rich nrdson, Mrs. 13. J. AmiH, Mrs. Arthur Derbyshire, Mrs. It. O. Hralnard, and Mrs. Hlchnrd Marshall who will Tigers I'lny Bonier Hill Tho game between Enstsldo nnd the Hatchery teams at North Hend I Mrs. Georgo Campbell. I HERE OX A VISIT YOUXH PEOPLE MEET Lutheran Young i Mrs. Ruth Davis and Miss Mnrgar ctt Mudgett of Valley City, N. D., arrived hero this week to visit at the homo of tho lattcr's aunt, Mrs. David August the 19th. I. PRIKCILLA CLUIl im i.noin'aa in iim chili mi Thursday. I tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock promises to bo one ot tno nest, oi mo season. Thero Is an intense feullng between both sties and today ninny wagers wore being niatlo by tho play ers on both teams as well hb their supporters. Eastsldo with Jim Collier in tno box has been making n strong show ing during the hist few games. Last Sunday tho recruited Hatchery team defeated the Tigers Hi to 0. Manager Frank Smith of tho Hatchery team On Wednesday afternoon nt her homo in Hunker 1 1 111. Mrs. L. Chrls tensen was tho pleasant hostess to the Prlscllla Club. The hours pass ed very enjoyahly in sewing nnd pleasant chat, and later a delicious repast was served to tho following ladles: Mrs. Hrent Mathisou, who A. Jones. They came via tho south- i The Norwegian rcop.es society ,ne;....ur8 ', rollt0, taking in tho San IDego a nicotine last night nt tho church nm, SaJ. FrancBC0 cx0i,itlous nnd parlors. Tho program consisted ot a . w1 return ,.ome yJa 1,ortInld( Seat. rending by l'eter Thorpe, a piano . . . llorthern ,,., MrB. solo by Alice Mnthlson and piano so- Dav(g ,s nJJ 0,(, 8CnooImato of Mr8. lections by Mrs. Simpson. Refresh- Jone8 nionts wore served by Andrew Ander- son and Petor Ommel. The membiSj XOItTII llEXI) PARTY played gamos nnd held n business . , session. Thoso In attendance were Mrs. Conner of North Hend who , Rev. and Mr. Thorpe, Mr- and Mrs. Wlll leave next week for Portland to T. U. Jackson, Mrs. Simpson, Miss maka her homo entertained a few Miller, Cora and Alice Mnthlson, E. . young friends nt her home Thurs- O. Mellon, II. Peterson, Andrew An- jny. soclnl chat and other diversions " ' ,." V . "")"" ' I (hnt i,8 loam Wll show Mnn- was tho honor guest, und Mrs. U. 1'. sajs in u " - ,,... Hush, Mrs. Ed. Duncan, Mrs. A. H. ngcr Johnson's Easts do organization Snow, Mrs. Fred Grlnolds, Mrs. WU- n tew things iibo.it the game. Ham Phillips, Mrs. Daniel Orr, Mrs. " la expected that Shnrkoy Per Fred Sanberg. Mrs. G. Johnson, and I kins will be hero again from Gar- Mr itnnrV All...... who nsslsted the diner to catch Norm Johnson. Plnv nt Ilenvcf Hill The Hluo Rldgo Tigers will piny Heaver 11111 at Heaver Hill tomor row afternoon. 0111, who wns put out of the box by being hit on the head last Sunday, will bo hack In the box for the Tigers tomorrow. Mrs. Win. HJorkqulst, Mrs. Mntt And- ,,nrann ,,.,. onimol. Chris anil Pet-1 w, n.,i i... ,..r.i...,.., n.. AVCTIOX "ItlDGi: CLUIl n, Mra. Carlson. Mrs. N. Olson. Gr Tllor0( Anton AbrnlmI1180ll d , glleflts lticlut,ed Misses Mablo West. Tcln-irmlnostess was Mrs. . C." .SSS, . "SSi' C ' I 5 C" WED IX COQL'ILLE cilia Schmltt fl. 1 gone Crosthwalto Wednesday when gren, Mrs. John Hlllstrom, Mrs. Chas. sho entertained tho Auction Bridge .Johnson, Mrs. Otto Hill, Mrs. John Club at a prettily appointed lunch- Holm, Mrs. John Ilendrlckson, Mrs. con nt, ono o ciock. covers wero, e. Johnson, Mrs. Matt Matson, Mrs. Tho innrrlago of Miss Myrtle Lund ' L luld for sixteen. Tlio rooms wero Olson of Berkeley Cnllfornln. Mrs. II .m.i nwi.ii n Knnwlton wnn nnlnm- n tmu,. ...,! n,n a n ,..,. Asplund, Mrs. Win. Asplund, Mrs. njre(, at tho homo of tho bride's, moll homo wns tho sceno of much BIRTHDAY PARTY attractively decorated with cut flow ers, sweet peas, und dahlias. The guests wero Mrs. A. T. Haines, Mrs. Wilde, mid .Miss draco Wlldo of Knu sas City, Missouri, Mrs. Chas Van IJiiyn and mother, Mrs. Roberts, Miss Daisy Rush, Mrs. Beard, Mrs. Dorsey Kroltzor, Mrs. J. S. Lyons, Mrs. W. II. Kennedy, Mrs. A. 13. Ail olsperger, Mrs. Carl DavlB, Mrs. An son Rodgers, Mrs. J. S. Hansen, nnd Mrs. Crosthwalto, Sr. The club hostess In serving. Tho club will meet on Wednesday, August the 18th with Mrs. G. Johnson. 1H7XKKII HILL PARTY 4 Last Sunday nfternoon a number of friends of Mrs. Ed. Duncan gath ered nt her homo Bunker Hill and prepared to stay tho remainder of tho day. A Jolly tlmo wns had In preparing for supper. Ice cream was, mndo nnd enkes, and all kinds of ('OOS HAY BAXD WILL RENDER good thinks appeared. Thoso assist-1 PROGRAM Tl'ESD.VY XKJHT lug in preparing tho refreshments Loh Angeles Tnkn. i... AL'iiIh .. PKHGKX'ivviiv, H PKHCKXTA(1K8 OK 'uat m J Loh Angeleq Z-i! San Francisco .GO r, 1 m..i.i ' m """'"'"i 0,1 c, Portland . ...r,7 ( Verl,," C8 tl Mull I .,.!,.. .. "s " ""- r.7 f. m ";,i lllr Anno, . . ,0(Vi I POHTLANI), Ore., ,w M Frunc'sco lost a Rome to ill yesterday and I.os Anee?..! tiln In tho game with PomJ mil t..,a A. .. ..'""! ..... ..... ..Hhf,ra ni theil O 11 II Jlllt irn T ' M urn II... I f... 1 u) .... ..v... .. ,w iiosiuon, Tho scores or ye8ter1' follow: ' 10 GIVE fl CONCERT Wt Uum. At Los Angeles Portland Los Angeles At Salt Lttko--Sail Francisco i Salt Lake At Oakland Vernon Oakland ! nnd enjoying tho dny wero, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Alhee, L. Chrlstenson. Ralph Cliristenscn, Clinton Christ- ensen. Ilia Chrlstenson. Olga Christ-, mrep(or anmmcm enseii, Air. nnu .Mrs. u. .ijinnson. Dh-ector l'Vnlon Ainioiinces Selec- HiiiiN for Opcu-alr EnteiUilmneiit In tho City Park Georgo Alhee, Henry Alhee, Mr. nnd i Mrs. A. II. Snow, Archlo Snow, Mar garet Snow, Uernlco Snow, Mr. and Mrs. Fd. Duncan, Edith Duncan, Alf. Storo, Mrs. Mntt Kronqulst, Mrs. mother, Mrs". O. O. Lund, In Coiiulllc merriment, when a few friends of Dnn Matson, Mrs. V. Lackstrom, Mr. Thursday evening, tho Rov. Mr. Wal- .Miss Mabol Iinmol aided her In celc- nild Mrs. Jolltl CnrlsOIl. Mrs. TJcril- Iwicl.- nfffMntlmr It wnn nil nnnt of ' lirnllnn. Iw.r lilrflwlnv A ..lnnonMt strom of Los Angeles Cnl., Mrs. Til- much Interest on Coos Hay ns the evening wns passed, with cards as IIowanl I)l,"cnn- nml AU,a Duncan. ton, Mr. nnd Mrs. Alex Matson, Mr. bride, who formerly rcsioed here, tho prlnclpnl diversion, nnd Inter do-1 and Mrs. Chnrlcs Solandcr, Mr. John- i,na nmny friends In Marshfleld. ' llclous roficshments wore served to, VISIT RELATIVES ey Matson, Mr. Gust Matson, Mr. Tho houso wns bcaiitmilly decor- tho guests who were, Miss HattlO HJnlmar Mntson, Mr. Ernest Mntson. ntCd for the occasion. Tho living Rehflold, Miss Jessie Moody, Miss , Mr. and .Mrs. E. E. Qulnn of Sc- Mr. CnrI MntBon, Mr. nnd Mrs. John room Wns beautified by whlto roses,, Helen Iinmol and Wayne Painter, nttlo arrived hero this week to visit Suit In four parts. "Don Quixote" hill ho u concert at tho city park Tuesday evening nt 7:110 o'clock. Following Is the program that Is to bo rendered. March. "On Tip Toe." Linden Overture "Poet und Peasant".... Rossini Idyl "Tho Glow Worm"... Llncko Piccolo Solo. Selected. Wolfram Smeddlng MntSOIl. MrS. OrVll WllSOIl. MrS. LCO- l, .tt..t... -,.,. I... .,l.,t. .,. nana I Unnnl.l Mlnlmlann .Vrllmi. Iln.L.n nt ll.n l,nmn nt I1..1. rnlntlona l,i,m I Ilnrd Masters. MrS. Jollll Bnckmnll. Il. nnlni cnl.m.m nvlnn.llni. In llm P.nnn ITncknr mill U- ,m,l Mra I Qlin la n ololnr nt Mro 11 A Plilirnli will meet on Wednesday. August tho Mrs. Hermnn Anderson, Mrs. CI. A. ,ttb)o whoro lnco car(l8 ,n lnk ; S. j. IminoI Lni, John Bcatto or Coos 1Uvor nml I Sill u 11 mi Mru r'lil'l llnvlu U'MI nn. n .t .. .1. ,n . ,. . . .. 1 1 : .Money, .Mrs. m. inrrin, .Mrs. r. forn ,ie8gn atJ,ic,i t!l0 finishing1 , Will Hcattlo of Ten Mile. Sho will tertaiu. IXFORMAL KVEXIXO Sclander, Mrs. Henry Russell, Mrs. touches. Alf. Giinnoll, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hon- T, wcitdinir mrci, w,,8 nlavcd by gol, Mrs. Hlomqulst, Mrs. II. Kino, Mlss Nnom, Knowlton. sister of the PICNIC OUTIXG Ono ot tho most delightful out Mr. nnd Mrs. John Strang, Rov. and Kroonit Tho i)rl(icsmald8 wero Miss ln8 ' tllu 801l80U wns enjoyed Inst j ,t horo IIo Is ,ltiieltea wth tho coun- bo remembered ns Miss Hcattlo. Mr. Qulnn is n sergeant on tho Scnttlo pollco forco nnd this Is his first vis- iMrs. H. F. Bongston, Misses. Solum i.-,i.A- vi.n.. r iio..i.ni.i ,..i, 'Sunday at Goodwills on South Coos 4'.. Mr nil, I Mro Tlnm.n.. I Inin,, .... In.. ! .i ........ .. .... "1""1 """ u .'luimmiiu """ n, ...... . . ...... lJ J . ttuLuu iiiilui Liiiv.1- i' ii rn riiu 11 nun in inunn in n t Edith Johnson Iillmnr tnlned a few friends Informally loBt'ornnt. Elvira Olson, Pcrclla Olson.' JZtlZl l.lTcno Friday evening at their homo In j Elslo Hlllstrom. Lena Matson. Ruth VI " , " ., 1 Carter North Hend. Dancing wns tho prln-.p Hlllstrom. Doris Llljcborg. Farrls f" " j !'" " 1," ,'" most becomingly gowned in do .cliotio, nnd of Roscburg River. Plenty of good things to eat wero taken along but not ono I brought back. After luncheon which ' BOX FIRE PARTY ir ii iisironi. woris i.iijcuorc. i-arris ..... . .... ....... .. was sorvcu in 1110 grove, tnov wero i iM.n m.n.im.. i n.n m i.. i.'.. clpnl diversion and wns Indulged In Svo8, Oby Richards. Illldur So-',"!.' nn 1 , I Joined by another crowd of young worth LeaCo enJovod n 'hon tiro to n lato hour or rather nn early hour when n dollclous collation was nerved to tho following guests, Mr. und Mrs. Arthur Derbyshire, Miss Freda Razor, Mr. nml Mrs. Mllns chenc. Both bridesmaids lander, Verhi Wilson, Helen Mot-(,nrR0 bouquotB of plllk BWeot pens ' I,eI'lQ frt" 'nrtlior down tho river party out nt Eastport on Wednesday ivy r.ivi viiiiui, .giies liaison, ... . Estor Asplund, Gcrdn Giinncll, Til tended .... llnlmn l.'ui.l.l l r, .!.,, r r'.... .. " ' . . . " ,Lnil lien, i.viera i.acusirom, i'. i.ncusirom with tulle. The groom wns nt-!"m) H reported having a good time. ' evening. Tho evening wns spent In !d by John Miller nnd Pearly ! v,"m,nB, CftJolng nnd more eats inylnK Kalne8 aml sUtlnB nrollnd tll0 Richardson Mr nn.l Mrs F I rm ' i . i , . '"""ol"",y'- " T,0 i,r,i0 wn8 i,caiitlfully costum- "u .--" i -Jiitiinuison, mi. ami Mrs. L. J. Arms, c.huiys Matson, Ireiio Johnson. Lena ',, ,,. nwn ,. '.. ...J turn trip. Evoryono wns laughing finished the day. Then all boarded fro tei,lnB Btore8. At about ten iae gasoline uoai uaaiuac tor tno re DtHtCAS SOCIETY I Tlio Dorcas society will bo enter tertalned on Wednesday next at thu homo of Mrs. 1). Jackson, on Catch ing Inlet. .IOLLV DOZEN I ; Tho Jolly Dozen will meet Wed nesday afternoon, August tho 11th, with Mrs. Ross at her homo In Bun ker Hill. Kino, Edith Johnson, Ellen Grant Elvira Illlstrom cd, hor gown being whlto shad- V. C T. V. COXVEXTION ow lnco ovor net nnd hor veil of whlto not being caught with orango blossoms. Sho carried a Inrgo bou- quot of white roses. I Following tho ceremony, a wod- 1 and chatting ns tho boat left tho Tho soventh nnniiul county con vcntlon of the W thirty a dnlnty lunch of sandwiches cako nnd lemonade was served. Tlinsn t.rnunnt U'nrn lloana MM. I dock and plowed her way qulotly drod ., nora r0w, Vera Hur- "," u '" v V lrl8' u"b' Coole'- Haubauch Sterns can en crash and she rembled from amlMc8srg , stem to stern. Tho ladles scream-1 , ,, ., , ,', , ,i.., ......, ..-n.. .. Howo- cl,ns- Haymond, Clydo Gnrst, ding supper was served. Later tlio ... ...,.., , , . , ! Rov. Vlosoph Knotts, Mr. Ulslniln- Coaulllo Submarine band rendered 1,7,0 H.nnlTl n ' or- Ml- tl Mrs- Kwl Scott. Mr. ninny selections before the charlvnrle Ca"tnl". hulte ' t,oni nB ho 8i,ld d " and Mrs. G. A. Williamson. Mr .i C. T. U. wlll bo!nnPtv nrnii ,,, Eo,, n,i BusunBiy: "J vo just run into a pll- .. . ,. ,. ,, ' ' ..j......... -.. ... ..w ,, Clin...!.. !. !.... ... l. '"""' "' ."".W, ...in. IlllllUl. Safruiiek 1. Spanish Vlllngu '2. Saiicho Pana. .'!. Dulcluea. I. Don Quixote. (This Suit Is founded on tho story of tho sanio name by CervnntoB, mid of tho four parts, thu first tlireo uro characteristic. 'Iho fourth Is somewhat descriptive, In troducing tho Don's warlike hut sad nature. During his Journey In (iiest of ndventure ho discov ers tho wind mills. After tho en counter ho again sets forrh, lamely nt first, hut eventiiully Is again tho sanio confident, hero:-cully-lncllned kulght ot yore.) Sehctlon from tho comlu opera "Tho Flro Fly." FrUn. Star .Spangled Banner. Aiiieilnin ,capif. At Now York - St. Louis-New York, net & ai wasuiugtiiii First giiiiio: Chlcngo Wnshlngtoii Second game: Chicago Washington At Philadelphia Detrolt-Phlladelplila, rain. At Boston Clovelnnd-llostoii, rain. National U-acue, At Chicago - Boston Qhlcngo At Plttchurg - Phlludolphla Pittsburg At Cincinnati New York ,,,,, Cincinnati At St. Louis - Brooklyn St. Louis P1CXK3 DANCE hold Monday. August !, nt tho Pres-jniudo things lively for tho newly bytorlan Church nt North Bend. Mrs. weds. Jennie M. Kemp, tho state president, will bo present. The nicotine will lug." Silently the brnvo men who wero tho first ones on deck, filed t AMONG THE SICK Mrs. Jons Hansen, who has boon (Ulto Blck nt hor homo In Ferndulo. Is reported Improving. Steamer Rainbow Marshfleld at I o'clock Wthfl August 11, for Goodwill ?8 whoro Elks picnic and o he held. Party will rtitlj will's nt 0 o'clock; everjW swimming at G:30; fine tog ho served nt 7:30, and dud glim at S::i0, Italnbov ill on return trip nt 11 o'elori. All Elks, their wives, id nnd sweethearts are urftHl tlclpato. COMMir PORTLAND- Aconfertt4 held Aug. 30 nt Portland UlJ jilaiiB for cduratlne fore!p nro naturalized. SWEDISH LADIES tho Tho Ladles Aid Society of Swedish Lutheran church wore de lightfully entertained Wednesday at tho homo of Mrs. Alex Mattson on Catching Inlet, Mrs. Alex .Mutsou nnd Mrs. John Matson entertaining. An interesting program was led hy Rev. II. F. Bcugston. Siiiuptous refresh-,ot luents wero served. Tho placo of tho'er llllftf (llln fhn nnlilt. nn.l nnnnn rnlnti. I frl.n L.l.ln ...n.. ....Ill ...!.. m " "W "" "" '-vu .v.t,ll- ... ...,., .BtB ,, .-,ea 0lCfl chap- ployed In Sheriff Johnson's offlco '.,,. .... ,. . ', -.. ' T llll PIllll'll In nrilnr lit 111 n to 'IM.n.n nml lu n mnil .linrmlnn. vnnn.r 11'n.l ' ' """ i",0 UUV'1U1J ul I will be a praise service led by Mrs. man. Tho groom Is a sou of R. ILlCi.r vv wlr I n ' ' IVtorson. and prayer hy Mrs. Knowlton and Is associated with his I tntoZ c 7' vT l.o.H.0 llnburly. At noon lunch father In tho drug business. Ho Is a J pBf ZJ'u Tl ' , n wlll be served by the ladles at the rising young business man of Co-' " !KK;. ' " a.D,a,gl: Col- Chinch ami In II... ..v.,.. .. ..nin I'""' """ " "'. "' will nlso bo served so It wlll not bo , Tho guests woro necessary for tho delegates to leave Mr. and Mrs. It. S. Knowlton, Mrs. the building during the entire ses- O. O. Lund, Pearly Lund, Esther Nel sl()"' son, Justine Carter, John Miller, Mr. Tho afternoon session will begin and Mrs. F. C. Truo, Frank Truo, nt l o'clock with report erman, Lawyer, Webb, Copple, Ras niussen and Noblo. 4 CHRISTIAN LADIES' PICNIC , v Tho Christian Woman's Board of noxt meeting wns not decided upon hut will bo at the homo ot some of tho inouihors on Coos River. Thoso present this week wero: ... . ..vv.w - , tlllM llintllll lftka. ..Q.irt.ln.. nl,A....l. will bo elected und other business transacted. At S:;io p. m. tboro will bo nn RAINBOW Cl.l'lt i iioko nresoiiL iiiir u'l.nir u-.tr... i .... ... t.. ....... . ...i .... . .. ,.. " li'IM i v "H lWl'Ul. IMII I1UIIII1III. 11111 I 111! Illllftll' I l.. .....la ...- i 1. .. .. a . I Mv. and Mrs. A. S.orgnr.l. Mr. ,i ' K .... .loci, w .,. " "L. ..' ". i ".. K "'8 '"". n"oimK...OI.,M?.''" 80-ved to about CO member, a Mrs. A. Bjork. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charley I Shall Wo Extend Our Clrdo or 11 Z, "" rr" fr'0BU"' th "10 ret,lri"K t0 vo Karlsou. Mrs. A. Lund. Mrs. Victor enco?" bv .M. ill,,,,...,.. ....,., .. , : W "" "V '" '", ." 1 "'"""" -.aiior luncli. Thoso enjoying Brand. Mrs, Win. llg.,.,l.t. Mr. ndMrs. Myrtle Rack.eff. Tho , es . ,. ! . "XT . . " ! " L "'?ut,BB w Mr' . Mrs' J' """ ,w " ! i .i niu ui.iu nus jones. mis. u. a. Connie. Mra. ! ijr;-r. I v if Tl. :-... ni... Qg phic advance in 20 years THE AUTOGRAPHIC KODAK P i turn made todni bfuime a ri-ionl tonuurow. Date and Title your ncg.it us by wutlin; on the film nt the tlmo you make them. Get jour films here We do developing RED CROSS DRUG STORE this month was: "Service ThroiiL'h I .the Living Christ." Mrs. Orn Me- n , ! 'Carty had chargo of the program. One of the enjoyable outings of At noon a ,ountlflll ,cn.c Iunch ml rk the C. Mnt. - passed out of doors under the beaut-; tie Blaine. Mrs. Samuel Gregg, Mrs, .... iriro. ..irs. .M.nius was n royal A. W. Gregg. Mr. and Mrs. Custer, hostess and proved It In ninny ways. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reld. Mr. and (At noon tho tables laden with good '.Mrs. Painter, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. things, fairly groaned under their Iinmol. Captain and Mrs. Dunstaii ( burden. The dinner was served In and Mrs. Ray Duustan of tho light "Caffeterla" style. In tlio afternoon hoUS0, Mrs. E. L. llopson, Mr. and n short business session was hold Mrs. llendrlx, Mr. nnd Mrs C A and plans mndo for the Rest Room. Sehlbrode, Fred Gottlns, Harry Get- Tho day passed pleasantly In sowing tins, Mrs. Harper, Mrs. L. L. Tlionins ' nnd a "Big Sing" In which all par- Mrs. Thomas of Salem, Misses Jos-' tlclpated, was ono of the mam fea- slo and Lulu Moody, Ida Nellson, 1tu,'f' Mabel and Helen Iminel, Blanch Cop- ' I hose attending wero: Mrs. Wlll ' pie. Dorothy and Lavlnla Painter, lam Richards, Mrs. Otto Hill, Miss Ruth llopson, Helen Reld, Katlo f Frances Hill, Mrs. Chas. Euegren, Grogg, Rowona Gregg, Wayne Pain- , Edwin Euegren, Ellen Enegren, Mrs. tor. Harry Copple, Warren Held, Er- i William UJorqulst, Mrs. Fred Bun- nest and Wilder Iminel,. Thoso uell nnd baby, Mrs. Georgo Smith, from North Bond wore: Mrs. Isaacs i Cecil Smith, Floronco Smith, Mrs. W. Mrs. Tope. Mrs. Stephens JL. Wlrth, Wilfred Wlrth. Susl ,Wlrth, Kvelyn Wlrth. Mrs. Floyd j PASTIME CLl'll I Coffelt, Mrs. Jessie Lnndrlth, Georgo ' Landrlth, James Lnndrlth, Mrs. Ed- Mrs. Roscoo Hazer was tho d j wil a IWffl (fl I vv;tlat makes the home beautiful ? I VLat g?e,atIy reduces the ho"sewives labors? 3 What adds most to th rnmUr f d- t, wnat proves cheapest in the long run? What turnishings are most durable ? How can you get Quality Furniture ? For either cash or en reasonable monthly payments. a'j-STr- A- -S Qimalitl Furnitm LJ r & J 'JJPfsT SSS 4- N Where do you get Quality Furniture? At nnUTRlRv-xW ,, ,tin1r1tT7t UNUN-GULUV! irm JKronti Marsi Phoinie 9)1 J 3WJ -AIa