iiHraBliniiiinnHii r THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1915-EVEWIMG EDITION. SECTION TWO PAGE FOUR ',! IA fwTvv iHy f ( Mi? mm V I J'U5! v a m At j v I ffijmrcli ! VLirctes I tiiu .scihptpkks I i God's law, na given In the j lllblc, Is tlio Christian's look- lng glass, which will show all j without cither flattery or liar- j j tlallty. Owen Fclthnm. I mktxhoihot episcopal, P Joseph Knotts, Tastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning Service nt 11 a. rn. Sunday morning Subject: "Estab lishing the New Covenant." Evening Subject: 'The Tower of the Gospel." All aro cordially Invited. Hpworth Lcaguo nt 7 p. in. Junior League Service Thursday nfternoon nt 3:45. Prayor Mooting Thursday ovon lug at 7:30 o'clock, fr 4 SEVENTH DAY AHVENTISTS. I Local Kldor, J. B. Quails. Sovonth Day Advcntlat services aro conducted every Snturduy as follows: Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Bible Study at 11 a. m. Young People's Socloty at 3 p. in. Prayor Mooting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. A'OIITH 1IEN'I PltESHYTEKIAN Itov. Frederick Shlralan. Pastor . Sorvlcca nt North Fork Coos lllvor. lloat leaves North Dond at 8:0 a. in. 4 4 i UNITED IlHHTIIItEN CHURCH I NORTH 1JBNI) i Mrs. It. N. Lewis, raptor Sabbath School nt 10 a. in. Christian Kndcavor at 7 p. n. Preaching nt 11 a. m. and 8 p.m. Prayer Mooting Wednesday oyo nlng at 8 o'clock. . FIKBT UAl'TIHT CUUIlCn I Ulblo Bchool at 10 a. m with graded classes and competent teach ers, A cordial wolcomo Is extonded to all. $ 4 I CATHOLIC CIIUHCII I NORTH IJENI) The Cock of the Walk Said Madame (Iran Hen lo the Cock of lite Walk, "Look here, Mr. Jtoostcr, it's my turn to talk. Be done with your strutting, you lazy spur-legs; Get ritjlil down to business and sit on these eggs.. For centuries last yon have taken your ease, When I, helpless creature, was cramping my Juices In sonic lonely spot hatching out broods of chickens. While you did the crowiny and raisiny the dickens. "I've seen yon with others but no wader when, M'hat's good for the rooster is yood for the hen. From this time henceforward I want you to know, My voice will be heard, for I'm learniuy to crow." Then, summoniny other y ray hens lo the spot. She (old them to "strike," and they chorused "why not ." So poor Mr. Rooster just curled up his leys In humble surrender and sat on the eyys. His temper was not of the pleasant est mood, Hut, yiviny him credit, he hatched out the brood; And when the sun set all the hilltops aglow, lie left his wee charyes and marched off to crow; A hawk circled 'round, and in one fearful swoop Swept all the young chickens right out of the coop. The- farmer beheld the transaction and sighed, "I see this is race mean fowl suicide, When hens start lo crow and roosters to hatch, With not one left lo teach chickens to scratch. They need a yood lesson before the fad spreads." So grasping his hatchet ho chopped off their heads. He then had lo broil them, himself, an the coals, For both wife and dauyhletr had gone to the polls. He pondered awhile and then, scratching his head, "I'm sorry I killed that poor rooster," he said. Florence CI off Schwarz. -v - i, ' NEW No Sundny evening services during , divorce from you; the month of August. Prayer meeting, 7:30 p. m. Thurs That she bo awarded tho care, custody nud control of the minor children of the plaintiff nnd de fendant. Service of this summons Is mndo by publication pursuant to nn order mndo by the lion. John S. Coko, Tho sorvlceu Sunday will bo an Circuit Judge of Coos County, Oro- METHODIST CHURCH Itov. A. S. Hlsoy, Pnstor. North Rend FIRST AnnniQN TO MABISHFIELD homes nre being built In First Addition and tho bulldem of theno homes nru anticipating the pleasure of spending the winter in u place or their own freo from the continual loss caused by pitying rent. They know they are getting something for tho money tlu-y Hpeml. THESE PEOPLE SURELY AUK DBTTKU OFF THAN YOU WHO ARE PAYING HUNT. Tho REYNOLDS DEVELOPMENT CO. Im making extensive Improvements In FIRST ADDITION nud more are being planned. You will profit great ly by buying a place of your own. Don't give your money away each mouth In tho form of rent with noth ing to show for It In tho end. GOT VALUE RECEIVED FOR YOUR MONEY. IN FIRST ADDITION YOU CAN EN.IOY ALL MODERN CONVENIEN CES City water, telephone, Jitney service, etc. It Is the most sensible place to Invest your money because Itu value la steadily increasing. Further particulars may be obtained nt our office. Lota 50xll!0 $300 each. Your own terms follows: Sunday School nt 10 a. tl:00 a. m. Sermon, m. Holy Redeemer Church, North Ileiul al 7 " m Vesper Clrclo and Epworth League First Mass at G:30 a. in. Last mass nnd sermon at 0:00 a. m. Rosary nud benediction at 7:30 p. m. Ruv. Wm. Hogau, Pastor. Address Mercy Hospital. Tele phone 2GI. I CATHOLIC CHURCH I MARS 1 1 FIELD 4- St. Monica's phureh, MarHhfleld, First muss with shuit Instruction at 8 u. m. Last uiasH, sermon and benedic tion at 10:30 a. m. Rev. II. J. McDovItt, Pastor. Rev. M. Wallace, Assistant. Address 31 South Sixth ut. Tel ephone -in. KPIKCOPAL CHURCH. Fourth and Market Streets I R. 15. Drowning, Rector 8:00 u. in. Holy Communion in St. Mary's chapel, North Demi. 10.00 a. m.: Holy Communion nud fiormnu in Hmmauiii'l church, Marsh field; subject of sermon, "Obedience, tho Organ of Spiritual Knowledge." Read St. John, 7:17. 7:30 p. m. Service and sermon In St. Luko'a Church, Miuplre. f r I NOKWKGIAN Ll'TIIKItAN. I I Rev. R. O. Thorpo Services will liu held in thu Norwo rlan Luthorau Cliiirch at Maruhfleld, Sunday ut 7: Hi p. in. No Sunday School. Services will bo held In the Nor wegian Luthur.ni chapel at North Rend, Sunday at 1 1 a. in. No Sun day bl'llOOl. 4- SWEDISH KVANOKLIOAL IiUTHKHAN CHURCH. Rov. II. F. nongtson. Pnstor. Rcsldonco 294 Highland avouuo Phono 94-R. Sundny school nt 9:45 a. m. Sermon 11 n. in. , gon, which order boars dato Juno 21, 1915, and directs publication hereof In the Coos Day Times onto each week for a period of six weeks, tho first publication thereof to bo made on tho :20th day of Juno, 19 Iff. E. DKRGLAND, Attorney for plaintiff. First publication June '2G, l'Jlii, mid last publication August 7, 191C. B Reynolds Development Co. j 7 11 (OWNER) , ?i . ! " ' 178 CcnLi'iil Ave. JF WILL HOLD PICNIC Special to tho W. O. W. and Wo men of Woodcraft nud families. Picnic at Charleston Day Sunday, August 8. Free tickets ut Illllyor's and Conkllu's cigar Rtorcs. Get them by Friday night. Alert leaves Marsh field at 8:30 a. m. Drlug your bas kets. C. II. Wilson nnd C. K. Klllott, committee. Times wnnt nds bring results. $ AT THE HOTELS Friday's iiitIwiIb at tho hotels were: At The rimmllci- Hotel M. O. Opstad, Langlols; W. (. Ilcs- hoy and wife, Coos River; S. Weekly, Myrtle Point; Kd. McKeown, Coos liny; Geo. It. Fuller, Portland; Chns. Dyette, Portland; K. D. Wcslender, Ilaudou; C. D. Gnbrlelson, Salem; K. R. Hurst, Portland; II. Anderson, Portland; J. K. Clnrk, Portland. At Tho Lloyd Hotel Joe Carter, Powers; Doyd Klnaey, Dixon; Jim Horton, Dixon. At The IUjiiho Hotel Clnreuco Greene, City: C. S. McCul loth, Coos River; Frank Hoge, Gold Heach; II. V. Hansen nud Oren Lnt tin, South Inlet; Alfred Morras, Ilaudou; K, G. Uineiihofer. Tar Heel; V. S. Warren, Random w. P. Spen cor, Gold Hunch; P. A. Peterson, Gar diner. At Tho St. Iiwreuco Hotel Henry Ilnhu, Salem: A. F. Hayes, Portland; W.J. Llod. Portland; Dan C. Simons, Seattle. CHRISTIAN KOIHNCH Services Sunday 1 1 u. m. Wi'dnuHdny, 8 i. in., Auditorium Public Library. Sunday School, U M. In Cluist lun Science Hall. Reading Room open dally oxcopt Sunday nnd holidays, 1 1 p. m. Christian Science Hall 237 Third St. North. LOW ! WEEK END FARES 1IKTWKKN MARSHFIELD LIMiy COAL. The kind YOU Imvo ALWAYS USUI). Phono 72. Pacific Livery nnd Transfer Company, Times Waut Ads bring results. AND Rowland Baker Powers $2.10 2.20 2.35 i rmtisTiAV nimiTnii i Services as follows nt Mm nhnroh cornor Sixth and Central: Regular services every Sundny, Ulblo School nt 10:00 a, m, MAHSHFIIILD PRI'-SDYTDRIAN Clll'HCII Rev. Stubblelleld, Pastor Chas. H. Lowry, clerk of sessions CJoo. J!. atnddn, Sunday School Superintendent. A. L. HuU, Treusiiror, Mrs. Chai. McKnlght, prosident Women's Auxiliary. S nudity school, 10 a. m, Preaching, 11 a.m. Piof. lYullnrp II. Loo will occupy the pulpit. Subje-t. "ChrlBtlnn LMuiatlon." SUMMONS In tho Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon, In and for Coos County. Hlluia AhbiuUt, plaintiff, vs. Kgen Ahhiulst, defendant I To Kgen AhluuUt,' the above nam-' ed defendant: , In the name of the Stato of Ore-1 gon: You are hereby required to! i appear and answer the complaint j filed against you herein within ten j ! days from tho date of the service1 lof this summons upon you if served within this counto, or if served I I within any other county In this I state, then within twenty days from i tho dato of such service, but If served by publication or by porsonal ' i service outside of the State of Ore-, ( gon, you Khali appear and answer on I or before the 9th day of August,' 19 IS. If you fall to appear and answer said complaint as above required I tho plaintiff will take Judgment, against you for want thereof and i will apply to the Court for the re-1 lief demanded In this complaint, a succinct statement of whUb Is- I That bl'e be granted a deireo of Tickets will bo sold between Marsh field and any of tho above points nt faros shown every Saturday and Sunday, good for return Monday following. CONVENIENT TRAIN SERVICE Further partltculars from nearest Agent. SOUTHERN PACIFIC JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agont. ""i MarshfieldCoquille Auto Stage Lenvo Leave Owl Pharmacy SlnrsJiflold h, Coqulllo A.M. A.M. 7:mi 7:oo ::JO d: on 11:00 I'.M. P.M. :oo jjjoo n.ao oiao MARSHFIKI.D.COQUILLK AUTO STAHIJ TIMK SCHKHULi: Schedule nrniuged to connect Willi boats to Ilaudou, Stages to Mjrllo Point, Wngner, Roseburg. No delay. Faro from Mnr.shfleld to Cqui!le: 75 wilts. Klaglo A IimU'tli, Props. Will furnish extra cars for extra trips day or night; also charter cars. $ 1 0.85 from COOS BAY PORTL AN D VIA DRAIN-ALLEGANY AUTO ROUTE Beginning Monday, August 9, the fare on the Coos Bay Allegany Drain auto route will be reduced from $8.50 to $6.00. The railroad fare from Drain to Portland is $4.85, making the total fare between the two points on ly $10.85. 1 6 HOURS FROM COOS BAY TO PORTLAND Autos Connect with afternoon train at Drain. The road is in fine shape and good autos with care ful drivers make the ride one of the most enjoyable and scenic in the state. ' Leaves Marsh field every morning, 5:30, Arrives at Drain at 2:00 o'clock. GOOD CARS CAREFUL DRIVERS MOST BEAUTIFUL ROUTE TO PORTLAND The Smokehouse AGENTS, MARSHFIELD PHONE 66-J or call D. L. F00TE, Proprietor of Auto Line Phone 28-J for information High Quality Grocerie Our own prompt and particular delivery sero ficient clerks being out of the high rent distrj keeping our prices as low as consistent with fioodl ness maKes Conner & Hoagland The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groce 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J a Lawn and Garden Sprinl i.... . ..i .... .jj i.x ,iiit: Dm, 'ccm u uno Miner mr iimu ur mutch ling Is required to nIuii an nimllcntloii ami mako nainwl ill,,. ...... .. i.inM .... ,i.iu rn. ,.. ri.A.i I.. All road Commission for Hpiliikllng Is 1.(10 t month forwl niunrii luri y.m ny ioilIOO(, IOI, or ICNS, OIIIIUIIIR ureij Payment of four months, or $1.00 In advance allow u )vnr 111 iiuviinro i or lawn sprlilKllng, wasiiing winnoKW etc., hut If paid liy tho inoiith use Is T only nllucd fa iiiiiiiiii pain. The rules filed with tlm I tullioixl ("oinmlsshin rcoulrtt incut lie niado in ndvnnco each month before iisliic mw sprinKiinj; no dono only hot ween (1 and H o'clock', mora uvciiIiik. Xo rcdiictloii in rates will lo nlloneil In cam not I'eoilli'Od fm uiirliikllni m'in lint- i.t tlm month. Il used for xirlnkllnK without payment ImvIiik hwn im Tiini-o or outshlo of hirlnkliiiK liour.s, tho service mfM hinit off nnd not turned m until $l.oo penally ha vmr Coos Bay Water Company .lilH.MII'l,lil U NlMClll HI'J.MIi unr.uu.1. Don'L take any chances Aetna-ize Yourself Td You cannot nfford to bo without health or accident t You not only need tho Insurance but you want toU' have tho correct policy In tho best and moat rollablt c. tho business. Seo mo or jihono mo at onco and I will explain It to I'1 E. I. CHANDLER., Agent Marahfleld. 300 Coko Iluliuing. IDEAL SUMMER TRIPS KtfMMiint. I livimn, .. ,..... onlli roOjl"" "turtiiuH leavuH .iiaiHiiueKi mr ui - Sunday ut 8 a. m and roturns nt C p. in. Launch KXPHKSS weok day Bnmo hours. llll'AI. 1,I)UI. .iim. .1 . . l.l'Vin (iltOl'M4 llrl.,.. ... li.. (rklJl' k juur iiiucii imsKeta, Koitnks ana iisihhb ' days' outing. Sunday School and all picnic crowds ' ItOUM) TltlP 7SC. I''or rluutcr apply on board or phono 31CX3 or phol OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE CJoi-ht At King, rais leave .Mnr.shfleld ? ,.., 1 1 , ., S'r:i::": iZZiTZ r, , " t ."., ill.. 11,1 Cars leave suns,, Hay 7 iu Up,, 1 ,, ,-, ,, lwucs, l.-mdre, .V! Tallied or Sontl, Stimuli, .THiinfMtoy 7." in. rsc Abstracts A.NU WW rOIt UKLIAULK AJISTItAOTS OF TITLE AHOUT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See "ILC oUAKAINTEE & ABSIKAl I w ma.o..., .i nnEGOJ "wiiutiip i i:ijii ,ixii i tiiiiiii ijiii: liii v QENKRAL AGKNTS, EASTSIDE AND SENGSTACKBjfy AGENTS FOlt OANADI ILHO-UJ I M - MM HKNKV HI DIAN ACIFIO IIAILH0 MNGSTACKEN, MANAGER BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE COOS A1 BIBH $?m"?'''2?''iiTrY'i