- wuk ii&vZmm Nf Jajwji.," i jmii.H'Hi m i 1KJ1 mm:jiMm ii n H MWyw flm; 'I n fBBBBTfJWlJt.-l-WJgJgriUUHM JWUlllpil4J! '--MMW.J.t - g- " S -- THE COOS BAY TIMES, IWARSHFIELlV, OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1915 EVENING EDITION. SECTION ONE PAGE THREE , t'ftmf ' r-Tsr ftCTYLE' SERVICE and RESULTING J3 SATISFACTION" that's the motto we have written boldly on the bull's eye of our business, and we strike it fairly and squarely all the time. Men and young men will do well to in spect our showing of good clothes, to fam iliarize themselves with the results we have secured and to make those results theirs. Soiifcs $SO to 30 We treat everybody alike, price all the time. The same FIXUP Two MARSHFIELD tores NORTH BEND JO iREVlTIE5 AUGUST TJDKS Time and heights of tides nt I Marshfleld. The tides nro placed in 'order of occurrence, with their times on tho first line and heights on the second line of each day. A compar ison of consecutivo heights will ln- dicato whether it Is high or low water. High tldo on tho bar one hour and H4 minutes earlier than at Murshfield. In... 8Hrs.. in... DIHrs., Ft... Mrs., Ft... lira. , Ft . . , C.22 o'f 7.11 0.0 0.20 5.1 1.10 6.2 1.50 5.3 12.38 n.7 1.18 a. 8 7.49 0.3 8.23 0.3 S.55 0.3 G.10 2.4 7.00 2.1 1.53 4.2 2.25 4.5 2.GG 4.7 11.43 5.0 0.0 0.0 7.42 2.0 8.21 1.8 8.58 1.5 WKATHKR FORECAST "TALK TO PORTLAND" Recent improvements In our long distnnco lines and swltch- boards lnivo resulted In much better transmission for telephone con tycrsatloiiH to Rosoburg, Eugene, Salem, Portland nnd nil Wcstorn Oregon points. Business men will now find It is as easy to talk to; their Portland correspondents as to their local customers. USE YOUR TELEPHONE. It saves you tlmo nnd money nnd wakes for moro satisfactory business relations. COOS AND CURRY TELEPHONE CO. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Dr AuocUtfJ l'n to Ceo Bjr Tlmtt. OREGON Fair, cooler east tonight; westerly winds. LOCAL TKMMMtATUnH RECORD For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 n. 111., Aug. 7, by Hen. Ostllnd, special government meteorologist: Maximum 70 .Minimum' 53 At 4:43 a. in 55 Precipitation 01 Precipitation bIuco Sept. 1, 1914 C8.78 Precipitation e&mo porlod i last yoar CC.C4 , Wind Northwest, clear. towed into town. Hull for South. A Portland paper says: Capt. T. J. Macgeuu of tho steam er Breakwater; Capt. Franke, mur ine superintendent of the Big Three line; Capt. Herbert V. llolmun, of tho American Transportation com pany, and A. Oettlnger, director of the Hlg Three line, wcic nniong the passengers on board the steamer Heaver. Out of the Navy. Henry Dcad inond, a young man of the Coquillo Valley, who has been serving in the U. S. Navy was In the city yesterday and left this morning for Coqullle where ho will visit his father Jap Deadmond who lives nenr there. Young Deadmond served for n period of four years In tho navy and got his discharge at Bremerton navy yards. Ho says that ho liked tho ser vice and after a tlmo as u civilian will enlist ngaln. enmo In via Allegany and made n quick trip. Business conditions ui'u Improving on the outside. HI) M'KKOWN, who arrived this week from C'nnadu to look after property Interests on tho Huy, will leave soon for the San Fran cisco exposition and from tliero will return to Cniiatlu to lemnln until next April. Then Mis. Mc Keown and tho baby will return to tho Hay with him to reside. ! J PERSONAL MENTION J CAPT J. ERNEST arrived home to day from a trip to tho exposition. t0f jMC WC(i W.M. K. HOMME was here from Cooston today on business. W. M. CHR1STENSON of Catching Inlet was a business visitor In Murshfield this morning. W. 11. WEBB, tho well-known Ihui- dou contractor, was a business 4 J INFORMAL CHAT $$ Mr. and Mrs. Chester Woleott, Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Woleott, Mrs. A. D. Woleott and Dwight O. Wol eott, were a party who motored to Sunset Hay last Sunday. Dr. a. W. Leslie Is expected home the first of the week after spend ing a few days in Portand where i ho attended tho Osteopathic Con-' vontlou. .Mr. and Mrs. Chester Woleott aro niovlni: into their new home on Birch Avenue, and will lie pleasant-' ly located there about tho middle 'OR SALE A IJIO SACRIFICE A rloso in business corner ono of tho best located In Murshfield owner nitiat sell at onco llest bargain on Coos liny offorlug an absolutely safe Investment. ALSO A NEW MODERN HUNOALOW Ioated in ono of tho best resldcucn i sections with hard mirfnred streets n Biinppy buy easy terms If desired. "SEE REID ABOUT IT" I A. REID, 150 Front St. ?RS he Noble Theater Tho Home of Paramount Features. I Tho U:lid episode of TIIK EXPLOITS OF KLAINK, entitled !LL 'I'ALi: HEART. Only ono inmt) Instiillincnt of this great rial story after this one bringing to a close tho grandest nnd lost Inteit'htliiK serial piny of all (line. See It tonight mul tomor- w matinee. ' BOno of the famous HAM comedies, TIIK 1MIOXKV CANNIBAL. Immense great you will laugh till you're sick. kPOISONKD HV ,JKA LOUSY A two-reel Kdlson piny that will bid jour attention from tho start. TIIK BO.VKDING HOUSK FKUD VltuKinph comedy with Wily ilik. Competition mill opposition Mint thing. War Is declared. tho result after (lie inlx.iip. I Photoplays thai will satisfy ovcij hotly. Lower floor, 15c; bill- iy, I tic; ehlltlreii, ,1c. kU'oiiioitow night : Tho hi;; Paramount product Ion "Tho Italliui," sl itH'ls. .MaHlu's ten-pl'.'fo uri'lii'Ntni. Coining hooii: Lottie rkfoitl In tho Rieat serial photoplay "A Diamond I'rtim tho Sky." pso all tho Keystone t'oincillcs. visitor In Murshfield yesterday. PI3TI3R M1RRASOUL and family have returned from un auto trip to Curry county. MISS FRANCES GOLDEN went to Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Kern of North ' Ueiid with their children will leav ! shurtly for a motor trip to tho Ee-l position. I Mrs. It. Woirell who has been vis iting ul the home of her sou C. H. , Worrell at North Head will leave Have you seen the new FALL COATS that have just arrived at the J. C. PENNEY STORE? The latest styles and clothes. They certainly are money savers and at prices so that every one ,rich or poor, can have the best there is in Fall coats. Come in and examine them, try them on, and be convinced for yourself that the J. C. PENNEY store will save you from 25 to 33 1 -3 per cent on your Fall Coat. Big line to choose from in a various line of patterns. BETTER COME' AND SEE. $8.00 Value, a dandy, our price $5.90 $10.00 value, Gray Plaid, our price $7.90 $12.50 value, Various line of patterns, our price .$9.90 $15.00 value, various line of patterns, our price $12.50 $20.00 value, Various line of patterns, oiir price $14.75 Coats at the beginning of the season at sales prices r f) 7 rr , TO o Wo lead Tho Originators of Low Prices NEXT HOOK TO MAIISHKIKLD POST OFFICII Incorporated J B-JJEAl'ifcSZZ.ZI Others Follow Cotiulllo yesterday to visit at the i nioiitli. early next week for her homo In Vancouver, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. John II. droves ot North Head aic among those who I will visit tho Exposition early thli BORN X $$ UEItqailEN To Mr. and Mrs. Oust Hcrggreu, nt their homo in North lleud, u suven and one-half pound boy. Doth mother and boh nro doing well. NELSON To Mr. and Mrs. P. N. NolKon at their homo tn North Bend, an elght-pound boy. .Mother !T0M MYHRS returned today from A. J: Sherwood home. WM. LEPPERT nnd daughter, from near Eugene, nro guests of lila sou Harry Lepport. W. C. SELLMER nnd wifo of Hnndon woro Murshfield visitors yes terday. DON GARDINER returned from a business trip to Coquillo this morning. MRS. MONSON nnd little sou return ed last evening from an outing on South Coos River. NICK DASTENDORF enmo up from his ranch at Hastcndorf beach today. nnd child nro doing nicely. WnutH Divorce Hnrry Edwards of Hay City has begun suit for di vorce from A Edwards. Mrs. Ed wards Is a dauohter of W. It. Footo of Eastsldc. lk'Kliw Suit. J. L. Bowman has begun suit lu Justice Pcnnock's court for tho collection of $20,15 from E. W. Smith. CetH Xew Car. A. K. Arkloy, manager of tho Simpson mills nt North Bend, has recolvcd a 1916 Bulck from dcorgo Goodrum. Buys- Out Partner. II. J. Snow today announced that ho had pur chased tho Interest ot his partner C. Synie, in tho Marshfleld Electric Company. Futlniii Car Here. D. h. Ulster of Eugene, salesman for the Fntlmn cigarettes which aro making such a hit, arrived hero yesterday with his special auto. Cotw Itlver Fire. Parties from Coos Rlvor reported u heavy smoko along tho upper river Indicating that n forest firo might havo broken out. Firo Warden Smith loft for there I yesterday afternoon to Investigate I 1 (JetH Verdict. A jury in Justice I .Shustor's court at North Bend yes-J , terday awarded D. Scott a vordlct San Francisco, where ho attended tho longshoremen's convention. MRS. HUGH M'LAIN and son, Wil fred, returned today from u trip to tho exposition. ROBERT PETERS and wlfo return ed today from a trip to San Fran cisco. E. P. LEWIS nnd tamlly returned today from a month's stay in Cal ifornia. MISS ALPHA MAUZEV arrived homo today from n trip to tho exposi tion. DR. J. T. McCORMAC loft this after noon for an over Sunday stay at tho O'Conuol summer homo on South Coea River. MRS. J. W. FLANAOAN and child ren enmo down from tho W. P. Murphy summer homo on Cobs River last evening. PAT DALTON, n woll known East sldo pioneer, Is leaving for Port land whoro ho oxpects to spend a fow months. (MRS. ROSS nnd son, Donald, enmo down last ovenlug from uu outing at tho Goodwill placo and will re turn tliero tonight. MRS. BELLE HEALEV and Miss Myrtlo Prat arrived today to visit nt tho homo of tho former's daughter, Mrs. M. L. Curry. They aro from Denver, INGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will ho kept )Pr.X TO TIIK PUBLIC regular state licensed e. undertaker w Ul ho In charge rhono 105-J SARTER'S For Your- ICE CREAM KVKKVTIIINCJ SANITARY ALWAYS OPKN FOR INSPECTION We iniiko Ico Cream to order, any kind nnd In any quan tity, for purtleH, lodges, pic nics, ete. :: :: :: :: :: ,for CG against Gust Warthun. Ho MUS p J DKNBVKUt of ChlcuBo, sued for $iui.tu uui warinun mm, !a counter claim of $90 nnd tho Jiry; compromised it. Gets Good Place. Word has been received hero that Bartlett Flanagan of this city, who recontly graduated I from tho Oregon Agrlcultuial col-1 lego, hns been appointed manager of a ranch near Eugeno. Tho position is said to bo n good one. SeekliiK Dlvowe Mrs. Bessol Farrln, according' to Portland pa-1 pors, Is seeking a dlvorco from her j husband, Jesso G. Farrln on tho, I grounds of cruelty. Tho defendant! I formerly lived hero and was a bar ber. Itepalr Dock. Work will begin in i a day or two repalilng a number of! (tho docks which were declared un-j 'safe. C. A. JohnBon will have charge ot the work in tho rear of tho Has jmussen, Flunagan & Bennett and sov- eral other properties. uccompanlcd by Miss Marshall, ar rived today on tho Santa Clara to visit Mrs. DoNevou's daughter, Mis. Hlllls Short at Lakeside, mi lls Short was in tho olty today to meet tho visitors. GEO. WINCHESTER and Fran Lowo leave today on their auto tour to Crater Luko and Southern California. They hunted all over Marshfleld and North Bend In a vain nttompt to find a Marshfleld penant to fly on their car. Thero wero nono for sale but ho finally borrowed one. B. E. DUNCAN of Portlaud and O. 11. Leavltt arrived In Marshflold yesterday ami will spend several days In tho hectlon. Mr. Duncan was formerly In tho real estate M. D. Sherrard of Bandun wai n ' North Bend visitor during; tho past week. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. E. Everltt, return ed recently from San Francisco whoio they wero Exposition visitors. Mis. II. S. Harris left this week for a mouth or six weeks visit with friends and relatives in Spokane, Seattle and Portland. Miss Elvira Frlzcen left Thursday on tho Kllburn for San Francisco whoro she goes to spend her vacation at tho Panama-Pacific Exposition, tlon this week. Miss Douglas will Sho will bo met thero by a pnrty of, outer tho Unlvorslty of California nt Portland friends, Including Missi Berkeley. A few prices that will save you money: Medium Bacon, per pound 24c Fresh Ranch Eggs, per doz 30c Sugar .(pure cane berry,), per 100-lb. sack $6.60 Apples from 90c per box to $1.35 for fancy stock. Plums for canning, per box 35c About the 15th of this month will be the time for canning Peaches and if you are going to put up some of this fruit, PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW and be sure to get some, the price will be about 65c per box for fancy Crawfords. GETTING'S! CASH GROCERY " North Broadway Near Central Ave. Loulso Royer who will bo romom bercd by mnny on tho Bay. Mrs. John F. Hall was a guest of Mrs. Robert McCann ut her homo in North Bend Wednesday. Mrs. Chas. Fcusler nnd daughter Maxlne, wero North Bend visitors during tho past wcok at tho homo of Mrs. E. E. Rlggs. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ollu returned i Thursday to their homo, In North I Bond after a delightful vacation spotu nt tho Exposition. Mrs. Robert Emery wns a passen ger on tho Kllburn Thursday for San Francisco whoro sho will en joy the exposition. Mrs. Georgo Hazer and daughter ; wero outgoing passengers on the Kit burn tho past week for California points. After spending somo tlmo at tho exposition Miss Hazel will re turn to school In Berkeley and re sume her studies thero. W. W. Greenwood nnd wlfo loft today for their homo at Seattle, after a short visit at the homo ot their nleco, Mrs. G. W. Kaufman. Mr. nnd Mrs. James Bennett will leave next Thursday for nn auto tour of California, going as far as San Dlegp. Anson Rogers ami wifo and Miss Lucy Hortou will leave in tho Rog ers nuto .Monday for San Frnnclsio. Mrs. Wnrd M. Blnko who was call- Mrs. Matt h. May who is Bojoum Ing lu San Francisco will not return to tho Bay until about September 1. Mtb. C. W. Cumbers Is expected homo next wool: from u visit In Snu Francisco tint! adjacent points. Mr. Cumbers will meet her at lloscburg. FLOWER I E .MANY SKK DISPLAY OF DAHLIAS II Kill- TODAY Iiiines llolaiiilson, Mr. F. A. Sarclil and Mix. Noils Jensen Ale tho Winners Tho exhibits nt the annual dahlia show at Locklmrt-Pursons Drug Store today were exceptionally flue, both us to tiunutity and quality. Tho store presented u sueuu of flo.'al beauty that was tho interest of iho Saturday crowd of shoppers who visited tho chll)H In grciyt nuin hei u. Mr. Edwin G. Scott, u. Marsh fleld f lot 1st, lu speaking of tho ex hibit, praised It ery highly, say ing that lu his previous experience In viewing and Judging dahlia shows ho had never boforo seen so fine an exhibit with so many perfect specimens. Dahlia growers respond ed to Minneapolis by tho Illness of ed generously with muuy vases of 'hu her mother, Mis. Mullen,, writes that j beautiful tlnlillas varying lu color tho latter Is much improved. Mrs. i from tho purest white to Jeupojt Blako will piobably not return un- criircon. HI early In September. I Tho tirst prize was uwuided to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Savago return-, James RoluiitUon, who oxhlbltod a largo vase of anemone typo lu sliuiica ot pink and lavender. Tho varletlus weie Lovluk, Jeuunu Chl 1'iot, Berthu Von Sutuor and Andrew Curnuglo. For second prize tho exhibit of .Mi 3 F. A. Sat'L'hl No. 15, a vaso of rod flowers and that of .Mrs. Noils Jensen No. 2, tho Caesar variety, palo yellow, tied. Mr. Parsons pre sented each exhibitor with a prhe. Among tho exhibits not prl.o wli. uers, eliciting much praise from the vloworu woro a vaso of cactus typo dahlias, a pale salmon shade, a ptuo cd this week from a pleasant auto trip to Portland whoro they vlaited their daughter, Mrs. II. L. Coleman. They mado tho tup both ways with out experiencing u Blnglo delay or mishap which added much to tho en joyment of tho outing. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. II. Curtis left today for Sacchl's beach whoro they will enjoy a fow days outing, Mr. ami Mis. J. Q. iJitrvis and children aro planning to spend a fow weeks at tho Merchant ranch near Dullards soon. Mr. and Mrs. Eurl Simmons of business In Hood River and Is un Butte, Montana, aro guests at tho ; whito exhibitor unusual beauty, ono old friend of James Montgomery I homo of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Sim-1 largo red dahlia, tho Souvenir do of tho Coos and Curry Tolophono jmons in tho Laugworthy apartments. Gustuv Uouzan, meusuiing oight Company. , Miss Besslo linmel returned Wed- Inches across and a vaso of tho Placed Untler Bond. Justice, GEO. ROTNOR, of tho Woolen Mlll"esday from a two weeks' camping I Geisha nIioty. SOAIFE a. n. nonaiNs hfipld PA,NT AND hhh ULWlln I II lJ X.V, , Estimates Furnished '14 (Ml. Marshfleld, Oregon Wo do not speak of Its Q U A L I T Y That speaks for itself SARTER'S Phono tidil.J, .Marshfleld Front St., Opposite Blanco Hotel jtatlons printed at Tho Times Havo your programs printed ut The Times office, Sinister yesterday put John Osborno under 750 bond to keep tho poaco' and then suspended commitment' during good behavior. Tho complain ant was W. H. Hudson. It seems that Judson, Osborno and a Mrs. Boycol 'who was keeping houso for Osborne,,) all lived in Judson's house. Accord-. Ing to tho Btorles thero was general household quarrel which ended In complaint being mndo. Auto Party Hero. P. B. Larawayi and wife and daughter, Miss Adah, and Misses Ida and Evelyn Turney arrived here last evening by auto from Hood River to spend a month at the homes of R. E. Laraway and Malr Dano. They drove through from Eugeno yesterday and when only four miles from Eugeno, lost a bolt out of their machlno and had to bo Store, returned last evening fiom i outing with Mrs. W. F. Irish nt Has-( jay B. Tower exhibited a freak a business trip to Portland, brlng itondorf Beuch. variety, all green, lesembllng un ing back u fine Winchester pump Miss BesB Douglas, daughter of .nitlchoko and named the Verdi gun which a friend presented him. Mr. and Mrs. W. 1'. Douglas, left Flora. On his arrival, ho found his new with her mother and brother, Dun- Two other exhibits not entered lu Bulck car waiting for him. Ho can, for tho San Francisco Exposl- the competition wore a vnso of Jnp- , . miogp K0,i iianded lllloti from tho (garden of Mrs. James Bennett bo foro which ovory spectator -slopped In admiration, and a floral bub'ect crntiibiited by Mrs. ,T. C. Jones which hung lu tho window and it tu'ited tho attention of tho passois by, Tho Jutlgos of tho show wore T. B. James, Edwin G. Scott and Mrs. M. C. Malouoy. IIL'XKKIt HILL AUTO SKltVICK IS VIM! Klchnrdson's now Bunker Hill nu-. to lino started Thursday with a big: patronngo. Tho largo cars and earn-, fill driving, running on schedulo and other dcslrnblo features won high ap proval from tho pcoplo that tho Hun sorves. Tho cars leave Frlzeon's on tho half hour and lenvo Llntlborg'K storo nt Bunkor Hill every half hour, Tho faro Is five couts. , t NEW TODAY OPPORTUNITY IN CALIFORNIA. Rich, level land near Sail Fran cisco, In small tracts. Farmoi'R adjoining my land nro prosperous. Pay mo $7.fi0 per month and take possession of n small farm. Prlco ono-hnlf whnt It is really worth. Heo owner boforo Wednes day nt 1118 Third st .Marshflold and got moro Information. FOR SALE lly Weil. eenliijr, Aug. 11th Beautiful solid quartorsaw ed white onk Princess Dressor with L'3 In. x 3(i lu. Bov. pluto mirror. 1 Library table solid oak 24 x nt top, with rocking chair and chair to mutch. Iron bod, Vomls Martin finish, with flno mattress and springs. Ono five foot fir exten sion table slightly marred, 1 kit chen table with 2 bins and 2 drws. 'J'hoso aro A 1 bargains and may bo seen at rosldouco of Mr. J, Lp Nolr Rngsdnlo at Eastsldo. WANTED Girl would llko work of any kind. Addiess E., euro Times. LOST Small White 1'reiiih Poodle. Answers to luuno of Toto. Phono Western Union office. X WANTED I $? WANTED to exchange, iirw Diamond Point dlsu talking muchiuo und records for a motor cycle. Must ho lu good condition. Address Box K., Baudou, Oregon, WANTED (.'HI would like a placo to work for board. Inquire F caro Times, or phono 202 L. t FOR RENT $ $ FOR BKNT Myitlo Anus modem furnished apartments froo boat nnd water. ?2G por month up. .- sxerfr.tss -, Kl mu ve ET TIIK YOUNGSTER A No. O Brownie Price $1.25 We will carefully explain It to him antl gtmniiiteo results. "The Owl" Till' KODAK STORK B DEE A now road Is being mado to Lost Lnko and It Is expected that It will bo teady for uutumoblle travel by fall. FOR BENT Ono unfurnished apart ment at Tho Hague. Apply Ploneor I laid ware Co. FOR TRANSFER AND STOIt AGK OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AND BAGOAGK Cull , FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono Kill Residence Phone la. J Maiket Ave. mid Waterfront mUNtSMOtXi itmmwmmw