fe JriM aaHaft"MMwr inTniitJwiTnvnwi! THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1915 -EVENING EDITION. " SECTION TWO PAGP THREE v-i Bad les o MRS. GERTRUDE BROWN BOSTON'S WELL-KNOWN BEAUTY SPECIALIST feVill Give You a Free Massage In Your Own Home ' BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Generous arran clement has been made bv us in connection with n snnnini johstration of the exquisite HARMONY TOILET PREPARATIONS. She will show 3y actual massage how you can get the best results. If you are interested lir skin and you should be Mrs. Brown will be nlad to show von how can retain or restore its original attractiveness. She Arrives Monday, August 9, and will be with us until Saturday, August 14 ie can only accent a limited number of appointments each (lav. so to avoid dis- Intment you should phone early for a definite appointment. Klerstand her massage and advice on beauty culture costs you nothing, what fer. Let us know when she may call upon you, and we will be pleased to make Kecessary arrangements. hours for appointment are 9:00, 9:45, 10:30, and 11 o'clock a. m., and 2.15, 3:00, 3:45 and 4:30 o'clock p. m. daily. 3. Brown's services are also free to women's clubs. Just phone us. t ckhart-Parsons Drug Co. l S-ll . f Marshfield! m I ranrTPmmA itLii if i iv i;if2ur n 1 )j wd&&A V JJJIJjmIr III 1 L -.. CONTRIBUTIONS concornlng eoclnl hnppcnlngs, lntondod for publication In tho society depart ment of Tho Times, miiBt bo sub mitted to tho editor not later thnu C o'clock ji. m Friday of each week. (Exceptions will bo allowed only In cases whore tho events occurred lntor than tho tlnio mentioned.) WOMAX1XTHE CASH WSM BUSY CORNER" 77te $&fgdUL Sior Phone 298. IJ.HJ .HJH, AWfcg!BCSZ?aaBHBWi THE REXALL STORE BliRCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY WilRay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY iWCf jKacraj 'ank of sonal Service ;bu will not always be able to save money, ie you will not always be able to earn it, ,ve now while everything: is favorable and build iservc fund to fall back on when your oamiiiff ca rcases, as it surely will, Wo pay interest on savings ac counts and time deposits, HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171 o I WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 8 pci cent on savings HSTITO! L Bill OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For licnt. LI I I ETT B OLDEST HAXIC IX COOS COUNTY lMiibliHlic(i iHl. ipital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid on Tlmo AXI) BAVIXGS DEPOSITS Officers winett, President. ; .1. II. Flanagan, Vice-President. ' Jt. 1 WilllaniH, Cashier. Geo. !'. Winchester, As.st. Cashier. 1 I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 1 Local Treasurer X t SOUTH COOS HIVEK I JO AT SERVICE LAUNCH EXPRESS leaven Marshfield every day 8 a. in. Leaves head of river nt !J:15 p. in. STEAMER HAIXHOW leaves head of river dally nt 7 a. in. Leaves Marshfield nt " p. in, For charter apply on board. ROGERS . SMITH Proprietors Whnt'8 tho first thing people Hay when a man boos wrong? Thero Is one conclusion they who who make np the throng Always straightway come to when any man goes tumbling down When ho robs his fellow-men, when tho ones who praised him frown When his honor and his pride end In bitterness and shame, All his former friends decidu that somo woman was to blame. When a man his risen high, when he wins applause, Do tho pooplo reason why, do they guess tho causo? Do they tell each other then that somo woman mndo him great, That for her, with sword or pen, tolling early, striving late, Ho had will and strength to win, casting ovory doubt nsldo? Why blnmo woman for tho sin If the vlrtuo is denied? Uy S. K. Klscr. IIAXCIS had been born on the first of August, In a town in Maryland. Ills mother called him Francis beeauso tho writer of our "Star-Spangled Uannor" had been born on that date, and sho was proud of her country-mnn, and folt that sho could not honor his memory more thnn by naming her son after him. Francis hnd two celebrations every summer, ouo on the fourth of July, and tho other on his birthday, Au gust 1. That ho loved tho Star-Spangled Manner was but natural, and his little colonial suit was lot out In tho seams, and brushed up ovory year, for tho great day. Francis lived In tho suburbs, nnd tho birthday party took placo In tho garden near a tiny Inke. Can you Ini ngluo tho sploudld times ho nnd his llttlo friends had. Usually tho first of J August was too warm for romping, so Francis nnd his niotuor nrrangeu somo quiet games. Horo nro two of PERSONAL notices of visltora In tho city, or of Coos Day peoplo who visit In other dries, togothor with notices of social affairs, aro gladly received In tho social de partment. Tolephono 133. No Ucos of club raootlngs will bo published and secretaries aro kindly requested to furnish satno. that browns your rend F DRY WOOD .nt CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street lMiono 270 get Sound Bridge &. Dredging Co. Bridrjes, Buildinqs. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK )os Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" iit powerful, best cuulnned and most thoroughly modor twenty-Inch hydraulio dredge In Pacific waters Bay office, Main office, larsiuield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. OOfltZ Garage Agency for GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES jrine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty Front Street :: :: :: .. Phono 180-J 20 2Q Auto COMMUTATION' TICKETS, .i2,00. Marshficld-Xortli Uoml Lino Cars every ten minutes from (I a. m. to ill p. in.; to South Slough mien a (lav, leaving nt 11 it. in.; to Empire thrco trips u day. GORST ft KINO, Props. Matt L May Chandler Hotel, Tel. HO, MAHSIIFIEIJ), Oregon Tho representative of HAAS lUtOTIIEHS, H,-B. BRAND CAXXED GOODS has added to his lines tho AltMOL'lt ft CO'S PRODUCTS known as tho TOP NOTCH GOODS VERIUEST canned meats. 1(M per cent SIMON-PURE leaf lard. Their Star Stockinet hams and liacou and their WHITE l-'LVER laundry Miap. tho paper ajnd jioncll games thoy tlioy made for tho boy's eleventh birthday party. The first wns billed a country game, and a dozen blank cards wero ornamented with drawings of wasps and bees, nnd the word "sting" on one side, and numbers from 1 to 12 with these questions next to them, on the other. 1. A sting that cures fatigue. 2. A sting that cures hunger? !l. A sting that titles your room? I. A Htlng that cooks your meal? 5. A sting that makes you laugh? (!. A sting that foolish pooplo In dulge In? 7. A sting bread? S. A sting that makes you this pngo through? 9. A Btlng that tries? 10. A sting that adapts? 11. 'A sting that spoils your tools? 12. A sting that shop-keepers dis like? Answers: 1. Heating. 2. Feasting. 3. Dusting. 1. Itoasting. .". Justin. 0. Uonstlng. 7. Toasting. S. Interest ing. 1). Testing. 10. Adjusting. 11. Uustlng. 12. Trusting. Francis liked tho idea of this game, for ho loved tho country, with Its Insects nnd birds, but ho thought that several of Is city coubIi lns ought to hnvo a gamo to suit their tastes. "Can't you scare up a city game?" ho asked his mother. "I think I can," sho said. "Hand mo another dozen cards." These she labeled " A City Came," and sketch ed a "Skyscraper" building on cuch one. On tho other stdo sho wrote tho following 12 questions. Tho un swer to-each ending In "CITY" or In letters sounding like city. 1. What Is tho city of learning? 2. What Is tho city of onmlty?" 3. What is tho city of shrowd ncss? 4. What Is tho city of truth? n. What Is tho city of doubt. C. What is tho city of greed? 7. What Is tho city of ostenta tion? 8. What Is tho city of spring? 1). What Is tho obstinate city?" 10. What Is tho city of inclina tion? 11. What Is tho animated city? 12. What Is tho plain city? Answors: 1. Unlvor-slty. 2. Anl- ino-slty. 3. Saga-city. -I. Vora-clty, n. I'orple-xlty. (!. Vora-clty. 7. Pompo sity. 8. Elastl-clty. a. Pertlnn-clty. 10. Propensity. 11. Vlva-clty. 12. Slmpll-clty. den of tho .Myrtlo Arms. Mr. Sam Flotcher of San Francisco, a bro ther of Mr. F. D. Fletcher, who Is a guest at tho Fletcher home, wns tho honor guest. Dainty refreshments wuio served nt the closo to the fol lowing Invited guests: Mr. nnd Mrs. A. T. Haines. Mrs. Wlldo nnd daugh ter M1ph Craco Wilde of Kansas i no, Mr. nnd .Mrs. W. W Mr. nnd City, Missouri, .Mr. and .Mrs. Frank I'nrsons, Mr. and Mrs. Low Clllcs plt Mr. and Mrs. Karl Powell, Mr. and .Mrs. Thayer Crimes, Mr. and Mrs. William Crimes, Al Jensen, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoy K. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McCIcorgo, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. K. Perry, Mr. nnd Mrs. Linn Schmltz nnd Mr. and Mrs. Eugeno Crosthwnlte. ty wcro Mr. nnd Mrs. I. S. Kauf man, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. O. Kauf man and daughter Allco of Helena, Mont., Mr. and Mrs. D. Y. Stafford, Mrs, Chcnowlth nnd Frances and Ar thur Chenowlth of Decatur, 111., Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Porry, M.r. and Mrs. a. W. Kaufman nnd dr, lighter, Claud- Greenwood .Mrs. II. 13. of Seattle and Miller. I- IVKNTS OK POWMHS A pleasant surprise shower yns tendered Miss Eva Lewis, bride elect of Win. Preston, at tho homo of her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Low Is, Tuesday, August .1. .Many beau tiful and UBofuI presents wore re ceived by Miss Lewis. After re freshments were served Miss Lewis led tho guests to view n beautiful llttlo house, that Mr. Preston hns Just completed, nnd furnished. Tho wedding will tnko place In the near future. Thoso present were, Mrs. English, Mrs. Gemmoll, Mrs. Tulley, Mrs. J. Sugdun, Mrs. T. II. Williams, Mrs. 11. Davenport, Mrs. Sherwood, Mrs. Hoss, Mrs. Damoron, Mrs. C. 11. Stallard, Mrs. O. Ingbloom, Mrs. Pat terson, Mrs. W. Varney, Mrs. E. Duncan, Mrs. Wiseman, Mrs. John ston, Mrs. U. C. .Moore, Mrs. liny Urown, Mrs. Lowls, Miss Eva Lewis, Miss Fox, Miss Elliott, .Miss Uussto Varney, Miss Vesta McMahon, Miss Thelmn llcatlioringtou and Miss Lid dy Ingbloom. t 4 Tho cooked food snlo held at tho Hub storo In Powers, Saturday, July ill, was decldly a success. Tho La dles' Aid greatly appreciated tho In terest shown, which helped to mnko It a success. On August 21, the Ladles Aid will glvo a play, follow ed by a basket social at tho Matth ows hall at Powers. Everybody In XOHWKGIAX SOCIAL SEWIXO CLUIt .MEETS ; Tho' GlrlH Sowing Club "Tho Hap py Nino," of North Coos Hlver, hnd a very onjoynblo meeting Wednesday, August -1, at tho homo of Agues Hcu drlckson. Tho day was spout In sow ing and swimming. A doltclous pic nic luncheon was spread at noon. Thoso participating of tho dnlnty re freshments wore: Evelyn PIpor, Ilaz ul Cowan, Jeanetlo Nowlln, Onn Holm, SiiBan Malmffy, Esther Holm, Jcnnlo Uowmun, Ileryl Noah and Ag nes Hendrtckson. Tho club will meet August 18 with Ueryl Noah. IHUTIIDAV PAltTV simpmsi: pahtv City Auto & Taxi Co. Day and Night Service For taxi, phono 20, Chandler Hotel For touring cars, phono 20, Chandlor Hotol LYNX LAMHET1I, Prop. New Cars Now Cnra -! ! I ! l QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, Phono 10U-L. MAItSHFIKLH, OREGON WALLPAPER See VIERS About it, NOTICE TO COXTKACTOltS Is of Job Printing Done at The Times Office Scaled bids will bo received until noon, Monday, August 0th, 1015, for tho construction of a school building nt Powers, Oregon, for School District No. 31. General work, plumbing and heat ing to bo lot in separate contracts. Plans nnd specifications for tho work may bo seen at tho offlco of Will. S. Tarpon, Architect, Marsh field, Oregon. A certified check for five per cent of tho amount of bid must accom pany bid. Tho right la roserved by tho school board to accept any, or re ject all bids received and no bid will bo considered accepted until after contract Is signed. WM. S. TUIIPEN. GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF THE OAMLLAO AND DODGE AUTO SUPPLIES FOU ALL MAKES OF OAKS fM7 Central nv. Phono 373-L Mrs. G. D. Wlndblglor was happily surprised Thursday evening wlion n Tow Intimate frlonds dropped In and reminded hor that sho had passed another mllo-stono. Tho affair waa cleverly planned by tho guests and a delightful ovcnlng spout. Delicious refreshments wore sorved to thoso presont who wore: Mr. nnd Mrs. (1. D. Wlndblglor, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Curry, Mr. bikI Mrs. Charles 'La,' Chapollo, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Drown and Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Snow. i- SPIRELLA C0RSTS may be obtained in Marshfield from Mrs. Annie Holland, Onrpfipp 352 So, 5th St, Phone 200-X WEAVING All kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason, .680 12th Courth So. Phone 220-RU If you want to tie sure you are eating tho pure grain nWII: loaves, try It at tho Marliflchl linker)'. You it III seo our btuinps on every loaf. WEDDING AXXlVKIISAIIY Tho ninth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kinney wns celebrated last Tuesday ovonlug at Dastoudorf IJcnch with a hugo bonfire nnd pic nic lunch, A most dollghttul ov cnlng was spent and thoso motoring down wore, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Staddou, Mr. and Mrs. William Schroedor, Louis Schroedor, Miss Emmn Klunbcrg, a nleco of Mrs. Schroedor, .Mr. nnd Mrs, It. L. Mat hews, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ilnrvoy, Mr. Ralph Dean of Grants Pass, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hlldenbrnnd, Mr. und Mrs. E. F. Lemloux, Lloyd Lom loux, Mr. und Mrs. J. Q. Jurvls.Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kinney. Miss Morlo Cox, who Is camping at tho beach, Jqined tho party there. I $ V 4 DAXCIXG PAltTV V A delightfully Informal evening was that last Tuesday whan Mr. nnd Mrs. F. D. Fletoher Invited a few guests to while nwny a couplo Hard Cowan was hostess to a very dollghttul llttlo party at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. 'A. T. Thomns of Allegany, In honor of Ralph lllslt op's sixth birthday. Games woro played until l'lvo when n delicious llttlo suppor was served by the hostess, llnzol Cowan, who was as sisted In serving by lloryl Noah. Among tho llttlo friouds of Ralph's who wero present woro Jack PIpor, Marvin Roberts, Harold Ott, Leon ard Wilson, Raymond und Morlo Nowlln, Jlmmlo nnd Daisy Robin son, und Ralph Rlshop. . IIOPSE PAHTV . Mrs. A. L. Housoworth mid her guest, Mrs. Hnrt of Oklahoma, Mrs. Eugeno Crosthwnlto and her guo?t, Mrs. Crosthwnlte of Oklahoma, woro guests at tho C. R. Peck BUinmor homo on South Coob River Thursday und Friday, Dr. Housoworth Joining them Thursday evening. ! , 4 I Tho Ladles Aid Socloty of tho Nor wegian Lutheran Church at North Ilend wero cntertnlned by Mrs. L. Lilleuo. Thursdny afternoon. After tho business session, tho hostess sorved refreshments to tho follow ing:. Mrs. L. O. Strommcn, Mrs. L. Knudson, Mrs. J. Jncobscn, Mrs. O. Jnren, Mrs. E. Llllebo, Mrs. L. Carl son, Mrs, John Olson, Mrs. L. Ltllo ho, Mrs. R. O. Thorpe, nnd tho Miss es Loulso Llllebo, Scnova, Otllllo and Clnrn Olson, Efflo Flunton nnd Mario Carlson. Tho next meeting will ho on Sept. ! 2nd, and will bo In tho form of nu outing to tho homo of Mrs. L. O. Strommcn nt CooBton. ' ALPHA DELPHIAN SOCIETY 1 . Mrs. Hnrrlctt M. Kellogg vwiib hostess to tho members of tho Al- pha Delphian Socloty on Monday evening when tho club met for study. Tho lesson for tho ovcnlng was "Tho Ago of Ramosos" with special toplcu as follows, "Tho City of Thohcs" nnd "Tho ' Theban Necropolis" Mrs. Mnttlo Sliav. "Abu Slmbol" Greatest of Grotto Tompl08 Dy Myrtlo Mlllor. "Wns Rnmcscs n Great Pharaoh?" General Discussion "To what extent did physical con ditions mould tho character of tho pooplo." . . . Ily Ellon Rudnnn. Tho membors present wore, Mra Ollvo K. Urown, Myrtlo Downer, Harriett M. Kellogg, Agues Kunklo, Myrtlo Mlllor, Ellen Hudnns. Dr. Mnttio D. Shaw, nnd Robccca Wilson. Tho mooting will bo hold on Mon day ovcnlng with Mrs. Fred Wilson nt her homo on 110 North 1th St. ? HIHTIIDAY PAHTV A very dollghttul party waa glvoa at tho homo of Mrs. II. F. Maol, First Addition on Monday, August tho second In hoior of tho fifth birthday of her daiigf;:or, Voronn. Vurlous gnmes woro played until four o'clock when n dainty lunch eon wns served. Mrs. Mncl was as sisted by hot sister Miss Mildred Dundy nnd Mrs. G. W. Smith. Tho chlldron present woro Misses Mar garet Woods, Loulso and Dorothy Connor, Lcslto Union, Edith and Mil dred Anderson, Edith Cameron. Twlln, Mnrlo and Alpha Dlnkloy, El la Smith, Anna Gallagher, Tholma McCluro, Verona Maol. Musters Lcs- tor Stono, Wllllo Pottlt, Hon McCluro nnd Johnnlo Fitzgerald. LITTLE FOLKS PAltTV On Monday nftornoun Inst, llttlo Miss Mary Duustou was hostess to u party of llttlo folks at her homo, ut Capo Arago Light Iioubo. A de lightful afternoon was passed In playing gnmes, nnd tho eating of a delicious suppor with "a hugo birth day caka concluded tho nftornoon'H fun. Tho occuslon wns tho fourth birthday of tho tiny hostess. Tho llt tlo folks presont woro: Frances Hall, Phyllis Ha)!, Harwood Hall," Whltford Hall, Juno McLnughlln, Mnyhollo MoLaughlln't Howard McLaughlin, Gerald McLaughlin and Tholiun llouds. I W. C, 'I'. IT. I WED IN SEPTEMIlim Arthur K. Peck will leave about Soptombor 1 for Michigan whom ho will claim Miss HiilrknonB, a woll known mombor of Vho Mnrshflold teaching corps of last year, as a hrido. Tho nuptials will tako placo iHaabj An Interesting session of tho W. C. T. U. wns hold last Tuesduy nt tho Presbytorlnn Church In North Ilend. After tho devotional oxorclson a himlueHH mooting wait hold. Tho following committee appointed for j Monday: HofroBluuont, Mrs. William Ncllson, Mrs. W. II. Chapollo, Mrs. Itobort McCann; Music committee: .Airs. A. E. Hlsoy nnd Mrs. A. G. committee on general ur- at hor homo about Soptombor 1-1 nnd thoy will return via tho northern route, their houoymoou trip Includ ing u visit at Uuffalo, N. Y. C I HOUSE PARTY I Miss Esther Sullivan ontortnlned a fow of hor glil frlonds at hor fath or's ranch nt Coostou at a housn par ty this week. Thoso enjoying tho out ing wero Frances! Luso, Helen Mill In, Edna Kolloiid, Stolla Clirlsta son, Leora McClecs, Mablo Richard-1 son, Evelyn Justin. I . . REACH PICXIO , Last Sunday a dollghtful plciflc wns onjoyed nt tho beach by a par ty of Marshfield folk and tholr guests. Thoy enjoyed rock oystor gathering and other diversions which raugomouts, Mrs. Gcorgo Ilolstor, Mrs. W. E. Laird, ..Mrs. R. Hnzor. At tho conclusion of tho business ses sion Mrs. Jonnlo Kemp, stnto prou lilont of tho Woman) Chiistlnu Toiu peranco Union, nddresgod tho nieot Ing, and paid many beautiful trib utes to thoBo womon of tho country vho hnvo boon Instrumental in mak ing tho organization what It now Is, M0NEYT0L0AN $100 to $100,000 On Improved Ranches conway & McCarthy Mortnatjc Brokers Office: .MytHo Anns Mnrhhflold of hours Jn dancing on tho roof gar- tho beach nffords. Those In tho par- a' ' IH "I prwwwiWiliWiiptatwwHi MfflTOTiMWinMTW m fHrinmiww .J J'WW"" ,