1 3 v 1 SECTION TWO PAGE TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST '7, 1915 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES M". O. MALOXKV, Killtor anil, 1'uh. DAN K. MALOXKV, Xcwn Killlor Official l'nper of Coos County Official Vapor City of Mnrshflelil. Kntorcd nt tlio Postofflco at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls aa second-class mail mntter tun sitckss oi' Tin: i-v.ih Satardlay Evesnimig Thousghte Oi LDWG AUTO TRIP -.. T ALL W13STKIIN iieoplo ndmlro the spirit shown liy San Francisco in rising from tho ruins of the fire and earthquake and their on tenirlBO in holding tho great exposi tion this year. If the San KrnneUco Star is correct In Its figures the fair will also he a financial success. Tho Slur snyB: I "Half of tho nllotctl llfo or tin Panarna-l'ucINc Imposition Is pat i and tho figures that talk say: Tola' receipts, 1(1,1:1.1,000; Zone, $:i,IOV 000; Exposition's share of Zone re ceipts, '$587,000; Admissions, $1, G2C.0OO; Attendance, 8,000,000! Expenses, per day, $10,000. I "Moro than 8,000,000 persons havo passed tho gates not including em-i ploycds and It Is helloved that tho admissions will total not less than 20,000,000. At every great exposition j of tho last twenty years. 10 per cent of tho concessions closed during tho first two months; hut hero less than C per cent have failed In tho first flvo months. It Is helloved that when tho gates aro finally closed there will ho n net halancc of profit." If tho fair succeeds under war con ditions It will he n triumph for (hu San Francisco spirit. DKI'IXITIOXS or IIO.Mi: TIIK golden setting, In which tho hrlghtcst Jewel Is "mother." A world of strife shut out, a world of love shut In. Homo Is tho liIos8om, of which heaven l tho fruit. Tho only spot In earth where tho faults and fallings or fallen humanity aro hidden under the mantle of char ily. Tho plnco where tho groat are sometimes small and tho small often groat. Tho father's kingdom, tliu child ren's paradise, tho mother's world. Tho Jowel casket, containing tho most precious of all Jowols domes tic happiness. Homo Is tho central telegraph of fico of human love, Into which run Innumcnihlo wires of affection, many The Lomely Little Fellows UK lonely little fellow sits among his idle toys, And finds 110 charm nbotit what once he thought his great est joys. lie does not run and laugh and play;' he will hut n't and wait And listen for a footfall or the rattle of the gate, And watch to seo somebody coming through the open door Somebody who will clasp him and will slug to him no moro. Ho is too young they toll us, far too young to know at nil Tho truth about tho sorrow that the hand of I'ato let fall And yet he sits and watches with his hope told In his eyes And ort with l'ps miniver ho will stifle little sighs; llo gazes from the window in the sunshine and tho rain And 110110 or us may fathom how his heart is wrung with pain. And nights ho bravely clambers in his little bed alone And whispers little prayers that his trusting soul has known Hlnce rirst he lisped thcin slo.wly, kneeling at somebody's knoo And should we tiptoe lightly to his bedside we should see Dim tear stains on his eyelids, for, the saino as you or I Tho llttlo hoy has stumbled on the barring question "Why?" Ho cannot understand It! Ah. wo try hard to hellcvo That lonely llttlo fellows know not what It is to grieve, (lnt they waken In tho morning and thoy look about to find Tho arms that once would hold them la embraces warm and kind, And they, too, have their sorrow, and they dumbly hold and keep A memory that mocks them of the grief thnt will not sleep. t Tho lonoly llttlo fellows! Do you know of one somowhero? Then go take him up and sootho him, while you smooth his sunny hair, And sing to him and whisper little stories nil tho while Until his eyes are laughing and Ills lips will wear a smile, Tor his life Is scant of gladness, and the shadows dull today Wten the lonely llttlo fellows do not slug and laugh nml play. ANON. ('. I'KXXKV VAHT Til AXI) VAHTV IS MOltXIXd H. KIIK'S a thought which will help you and help your neighbors. In speaking about anybody put the good word Inst. Don't say "Neighbor .(ones is public spirited, I'll admit, but ho Is HOOST VOl'lt mighty high tempor Xh'K.'llltOltS ed." Say "Neigh bor Jones Is rather high tempered, of course, hut ho Is a man who Is helping the community forward." Don't say, "Tom Hrown Is u hard working follow and good hearted, 1 think, but ho has been mighty low down, wild anil drink ing." Instead, say "Tom Hrown got pretty low down once, wild and drinking, hut now he's a hard work ing, good-hearted citizen." In other words wind up with tho emphasis on tho good trait rather tlinn tho bad one. Or better still, when you hear somebody's name mentioned and Its on the tip of your tongue to refer 0 1" COUKSK "canned music" has not supplanted finger mado mu sic, but it must bo admitted that there aro these days fewer pro posals of marrlago on the piano stools than there A SIIII'T IN Imvo over been be liOVH MAKIXd foro. Thoy hnvo fallen oft 77 per cent In seven years. In former times when wakeful mother heard tho des perate love music stop suddenly In tho parlor, and tho old plnno begin to respond fltfuHy to tho dainty touches or only one little hand, she understood that right then and there fit was up to the daughter to decide Just what was going to happen to Willie. of wMch, though extending thous ands of miles, aro never disconnected I " some blunder or falling you know from tho one great termliiiis. j about. Just try choking It down a Tho center of our affections. few times, leaving It unsaid, and seo around which our heart's host wishes '" you don't feel better Inside. Then entwine. jiiext time go a llttlo further and try . speaking of some good deed ho has ., done instead of mentioning tho time 1 WITH THF TflAT 'o made a mistake (even though Ain tuctca 'you yo,"'M,,r ,mvo "ov,jr "mi,u Inl- 1 AIMU IHh IhA Jjluhosl. and seo If you won't reel $ ' happier still. ! " u l'iMiin 111 any community 0001) lOVKNINO Kvoryono must seo dally lu- stances of people who com- plain from a mere habit of complaining; and make their friends uneasy, and stranger worry, by murmuring at olla that do not exist, and replu- ing at grievances which tiu-y do not really feel. draw. I will begin to boost 0110 another's 1 worthy deeds, they will soon rind .theniMolves living in a better coiu- j iiiuiilly than ever before and the t fill., iifiol ..I.. ..I. I. I.. !.... I t . A w l"ll lllilllll II in mill IP' ilUIIJU- lllir Hilt, t.t.ill....! Ili..t. ...Ill M...I .1 ..., ..I... mi. mi. ,11 inn; n 111 nun lllljlll- iseUes living In a bettor community 1 wiinout Having to move from where 'they are! The man who Iibh no Imagination never falls in love. N SACUAMHNTO, California, pub- He dancing Is to bo censored. Ac cording to tho now regulations It Is ordained that "there shall ho no clasping and that ono hand must bo free from tho NOW IT IS A body of tho part DAXCi: CIIXSOH nor at all times." and also there shall bo no hopping, no galloping, no charging, no pivoting, and 110 dip plug. It all sounds like the ad monition given by tho mother to her darling daughter that she might go swimming but not to go near tliu water. i:pcct to Ilrenlc Heeoitl Met ween AlaishlTeld mid Ito-cburj; Sajs Out loolc (i'(K)d .1. C. Penney, millionaire store owner, and party left this lnornlnir for Itosouiirg on the last leg or their unto trip from New York to San 1'rnnclsco. They left Marshfleld at 7 .'111 nml nviiwlnri In limkn n record1 "" - , run between Coos Hay and Kose-i burg. They came In yesterday in six, hours hut someone said that was not n record for the run and Chauffeur j Hums said that ho would reduce It today. ' Mr. Penney was pleased wlth.l Marshfleld and tho business that Manager Whitman has built up here. T. C. Husscll of Heavor Hill who was hero last evening Is an old friend of Penney, having known the hitter when he wns starting In business In Wyoming. After spending n Tow days at tho Exposition, thoy will visit the Cal ifornia stores In tho chain nnd then proceed to Arlzonn nnd New Mexico where he has other stores. Ills Itig'.'d Utiles Mr. Penney is known as tho nntl drlnk, nntl-gambllng and nntl-clgnr-otto employer, because of the hard-and-fast rule that his employes shall abstain from these vices, made when his first store was established, 1.1 years ago In Keinmoror, Wyo. There were 1 1 new stores In the chnln started only last spring, ono of them being In Marshfleld. There aro eight others In Oregon, one each nt linker City, Dallas, Albany, Ath onn. La Grnndo, Tho Dalles, Hose burg nnd Pendleton. All theso will have been visited 'by tho touring party. "Conditions in tho business world nro past their worst," Mr. Penney declniod. "Kvon If tho war lasts Tor another year business will steadily Improve. We count on doing $(.,000, 000 worth or business next year, whatever happens. I have no proph ecies ns to how long tho war- will last. .My boys and 1 wero touring Ku ropo when wo saw the troops mobil izing. Hut 1 don't claim to fee Into the future." 1 asuntJsafsasxxXKasiasvcjvsxmsa.'t.'a Ssrtwiih ! iTthk -li m, j !' l 'i iffiat s ar w& i ' t m itiir j taStl ill tft3txTP twJv y tits JMbnT pIwTCi Vt&EWLJ. V(aWm.A-Mi jfiJM " A mn30 Mall wmsmmmmmZSSSS5BX rtr a twct rrrN" f! un.unin wk'w'-'' .-IIN30A Mall NttV'nMiNlMPfTiaN DUIIUIMI. Uol O " Will l.llPllllllfl. Ixll lli.llllll. - l 1 Iu .....I ....1.1 lIllllllllUIH III UN Iiinilty.ltv'l ill'.". If orMriiiiHillM;lill' k inrllrlli j. 111, Tiifwim. Miiiin i. "," S....lal imlnliin In 'iiiii'i- i..IMMiiiilJmil. Ar.lilli-ilt.io, ..i,'l "II' !'. lirliliu;.LIIiiH ... 11 ...1. 19. .ut. i.i.... 1.1 '1 1 ilnliiit nml I'liii' ", ".il-i. I.nir, -11 il.il, illl-i'i lllllllll'IH-il I. II" I- ri ... : ..- 111 ruiK'iiiin 1. , ,, . ( , ... ... 11 nfiti t.,iiiiu.'. Ihlr- I! i,iiii-iii in iiiiiiv i-.i i' - -- . - .. , n en lui itiiiiitn 1 it 1 1 i'i(iiiiii-ii. mi. -1 " r. ' KIH!.1.1 llltn. . . tt Tiitllon Khmi. I.irinll"il" rormrn nml ni wmtioii. I.ieiiNi' F.n-ii -.I. Vt rlli-for I r .1. lii.-.iiililr-l Krulilm 'f ' ., .t.r.m-u -r Anrfinw UWJiVtKn.il I - w.ixjvi , H ' I M . OII.'HfN Jltf " "" " " w-tHL 1 Vacation Days" At Goodwills 1 ri Ntv e nMiNiM pj-tion ijuuuimi. u oi du..... i p-"' bi h ii iinirrn OREGON'S SCHOOL FOR OREGON'S TEACHERS OREGON NORMAL -SCHOOL MONMOUTH, OREGON PURPOSE: Tho training of teachers for professional work, FACULTY: Every member professionally tiained. DEPARTMENTS! For fitting elemcntaiy teachers for city and rural schools. COURSES: Professional, Supervisors, Rural Primary. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS: Completion of two years high school or its equivalent. GRADUATION: Completion of Elementary or Standard , Courses leads to State Certificate with out examination, TERMS BEGIN: Regular fall semester, September 13, INFORMATION: For further information write to Registrar, FINE CAMPING GROUPS EXCELLENT HOWIE COOKING SWIMMING, BOATING 'and FISHING DANCING PAVILION Several Imnl.q dully to Mnrslifi,,. InrliiilliiK Nieeil luiiiii-h j, Miii-slirlrl,i nt -1:1." dailj mm n,T,' tut lik Mltlit run umiittt. t "" "..,-,.... ,.,,.,, (iooi win s ill . every liloiiiiiij;, 1Vi Muishflclil uliiilll M::tO. IS1(4 ITIIMMIUMO. PIlOIIO illOJj l-'uniHTs, or lii(iilio or C'nin, smith (if Ml'llllKT KlllllllOU. ''lulling esssssssiamtxassm D FLY TuflP GRAVEL m Wo aro now priarcd to furulsh OUAVEL In any quRntltlui from pile In our yard or In cnrpnU lots, ut following prlceu: From pllo on uroiind, $1I.'6 jior ynrd. can oad Iota, tnkcti from earn, $2.00 per ynrd. IlPtnll licpiirtinent. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite iW-Offlco. riioni' 11)0. D WOOD! " WOOD! Kindling wood, por loud J?l.7,-j to $2 to faso Aldnr wood, 10 to 2-1 InulioB . Kreo Dclhoi-y W. II. IilX(K) I'houo 227-.I. North First St. SAVE MONEY ly urilcrliifr tlio fniuouj HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coul, por ton giQQ Liinil' coal, por ton Or linlf Ion of both $,;J I). Ml'SSO.Y, l'rop! I'lioiio lt.I up U'Jivo orders nt Jllllior'n Clpir Store Affa'sr. ii)ir. Al'TO STAfJi: S(i:i)luj TO I'OUTIiAMl VI V l'l.()li:xtK liiuw .Aliirsliflolil nml Florence IIKAIril OKKK'KIt .MAV IIAVK CI TV I'l'T SO.MI-: IX Wvon tlio OKiilltit limy wool pulled ovor Ills I'm. A woninn liu no K(iiihc of liuiimr. which may cmiIhIu why sho hiuih. A TIIOt'SAMI HII.I.S Isn't tlio holiiK kuoi-Kcd down thnt liurtH, . tho Muylut; liiioi'Ucd down thnt HtlllKH. .10 coiiiiiicror ofton wont down In tiuuw tuli. a 1111111 Hcrlnimlv IIIU IIIIHI, Hut ho roMc on IiIh diiuutloiiM "him. It iHIl't tllC llcllIK Hl'l llllflv t llClt COIIIltH, Hut tho HtnyliiK Kot ImiU that hllU. A iiiau never uioiiuu till he tiul IIIOIIIltH Not one. hut u thoiiwiud lillU." h'electod. Imvo tho Iowh: How would you lllio to no to hod with tin. Imp or dcitpalr ki'IiiuIiik at you and ai'lte next uioruluK to wee the iwisol of kooiI fortune miuIUiik nunt ln'iilKimnlly? Look out. for It might happen to you 11 It Iiiih happoiiod to Van Hud tion. hkciI :.'!, or Cliicliiuatl. hut moro rccoutly of Shcrldnn Ore. .Mr. Hud aon panned throiiKh Tort laud yoator day on Ilia way to Ohio to cluliu a for tuuo or $ir..ooo left him hy an undo from whom Mr. llu.Unn had not hoard for moro than flvo year. "I lived with no uncle, .1. .1. Cole man, i.muajuir of the Aimuliuii Sluul 1 Kmipt. I'omimny. of Olmlnimii." witii FORMER LOCAL MAN I Mr- ,l"n ywtunlny at tho Uroum Hotel, "until 1 wan 17 ypnra old. 1 left tne Kant iilno years a no iul camo to OiPKun. 1 wan In tho Cook IVay country for a numher of yearn nd all Hip time I had not let my undo know of mv wlimvalioun. I imvu Uou wnrkiiiK hi Shcrldnit for a year or o nnd tlu other day 1 thought that I er, an I wan luwer camo In n ffiU llMVa utlll III llin l,iiln. iBU .. .1....va Bona mid to.l,.v II.HI .1.0 w,u nurc'fo,. ISu0. , ., Umiw ,. ' Tho old faahloiied woman who uaod to hoist her aklrt around hor walat nnd alt down on her petticoat now liaa iv dniiKhter who can't do It he caiiBo alio Imi't wimHuk any petticoat. Wo hato to he IcouocluatU. hut If (.oorKO WaahliiKton mucr told a llo liTu married life with Martha muat havo hcou ono Iouk Klorlouti l.tittle. FORTUNE FALLS TO licllmcd to he .Man Who Liwil at North llciiil nml .Man led Tlieie Vnn Hudson of Slicildaa, Ore. who Kavo out a ntatemeut at I'ortlaui) that ho had Just Iiiheiltrd 4.,ou0 niui Don't mipposo that you aro a prlv HoKOii poraim who may touch pitch and remain undofllod you aro Just human like tho rest of 11s. Knrnoalnesa la tho heat j;irt of nioutal power and deficiency of heart la tho caiiao or many men novor mak ing n auccosa. Don't think that tho wild oata you havo acatlered hIoiik liro'a path way will not full to Ktow. You aro hound to outlier a (top later 011 whether you wlah or not. T. Haines anil Lou HchniK. llein onslrato Siirccos of Xew (on-ti-hanco to (.'et Hid of I'cMs City Henlth Officer Straw la con-, aldorliiK tho onlurhiK of koiiio apodal fly traps Inatallcd at different poluta! In tho city whoro tho fllen congro-, Kate. It la likely ho will hrliiK the mutter hofore tho council noxt .M011-, day ovonlii!,'. Whether tho city or1 aomo of tho -property ownora, whoao' plai-6 attract tho flloa, will hnvo to. pay tho hill remains to ho determin ed. A. T. Haluos and I.on Schnilt. a tnr toil tho anti-fly cruaado hy hulld liiK a couple of fly traps and liutal IIiik them aloiiK tho watc front. Thoy aro hullt out of luiuhcr, cov ered with ucrooii, and tho cost of the matorlal In them la only fifty-five ceutB aploco. Kach will catch several KallmiH of flloa nnd once Inaldo. they can he drowned, not only oIIiiiIiiuHuk ithi'in hut ivducliiK the propagation of DALLAS -l-'red I'lillllpa, a farm uie nulaaiicc. hand, waa gored hy a hull and died The recent warm day havo uiuile aa a reault. Mho fl-poat moro evident. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. suiiiimi.ii SANTA CLARA 8n,1 ini' SAN FRANCISCO, via Eureka yi-:dm:si)Ay. ai. mtii, i. .m. Steamship F. A. KILBURW PORTLAND Knl Is for 1 TIUKKDAY, At (JIKT ISiTH, 1. 3L SMITH TUILMIXAL DOCK W. H. STUHH, Ajjent Plume l:l Sunday 1 . . . ti 00 n.m. Monday a... . 0 ;I0 a.m. Tueaduy .... .'! . . . fi IT, a.m. WediiPadfiy . . I . . . 9 00 a.m. Tliuraday ... 5 ... 10 no a.m. rrlday ii. ..II ;io a.m. Saturdiiy .... 7. . . IJiOO m Suiiday .X . . . ;i 00 a.m. .Monday !). .. ; .10 a.m. Tueaduy .... 10. . . I 00 a.m. Wedneatlay ..11... 1:10 a.m. i Tliuraday . . . 12. . . '.00 am. I Krlday I.'i. . . .. 00 a.m. .. I uiSW-w T,'U' ' .- . . I - " ". aald that he had formerly lived ui.lWOMll, tt,.0 ,0 IUV ,, Coos Hay, U helloved to be a former ', ara tt An rvT-i( li II..!, .1 i.i f . .. it..i.... t .. .1 I North Head man. Mia. Dalny Audr h n'- i " ... ft". ' v" . (jr : y. " ' 'P ,: h Inter-Ocean TransportoO'on Co. Weekly Service Coos Hay mid aim KrancUco. STEALER WESTERNER Freight and Passenger Service WILL SAIL KliOM SAX FHAXCISCO OX .MOXJIAY, HIJIXOIXtJ Till: XAXX SMITH VIHCIOIIT l-'Olt THIS TIHP Suturday ....II... r. 00 a.m. Sunday in... ft 00 a.m. Monday 1 (! . . . ft :i() a.m. f ueailny ....17... (i 00 a.m. Wodniwdny ..18... tiiin a.m. V'huraday . . . .10. . . 0.00 a.m. Krlday 20... 10.. '10 am. Saturday ... .21. .. 11,110 a.m. Sunday 22... 1200 111 .Monday 2!l . . . :i 00 a.m. Tuoaduy ... .21.. . II 110 n.m. Wednesday . .2rV. .. I 00 a.m. Thui-aduy . . . 2U . . . -I . .10 a.m. I'YIiluy 27. .. ft 00 11.111. Saturday . ..28. .. ft 00 a.m. Sunday 20. . . ft 00 a.m. Monday .'10... ft ;i() a.m. Tueaduy ... .111. . . (1:00 a.m. f)u Trlpa LonvliiK MarahfleM Man 7:on n. in., you ahould niako Port laud tho same. day. Sao Pniuciaro Office, (MM) ril Ituildlng, ad Her tiumlm' m Cook Bay Agent, C. F. JHcOeobgi, Phone U. mmmmmmamm 1 I " . MERCHANTS CAFE I'opiilur l'laco for Good Meals Prices Reasonable Cor. Commercial and li'du'r. i:(,uh'I'J:d with wihklkss s Breakwat mi. SAILS A LW.il S OX Tl.MI-:. er PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Dr. A. L. Houseworth, Physician ami Siiikcoii OHIcoMivIiik lllix'K. I Oll'lco Iiuiiin: II to 1U 11. 111. -1 I and 7 to 8 p. in. I'liouwi: Office 1 ISI-.I; Hck., iti-U J. M. Wright SAILS KHO.M 31AI1!'IKI,I1KVJ-:V WMiAV JVUu U'flivn vr h, a. ,1. axd p'hom tHimux ,:v.iV" miiwi '4 1 1 i I '. J- MOHIt, Aucnt. " """ " M ' ' ll.ll. I I ! mi ' !l',1,"B'Wl"w'IWMftllhilMJimaB mi. I Phone 18!-S HUILDIXO COXTKPT0n Estimates furnished on request ho was tho Van llmlw.u who mar rlcd Mlaa Ik tliu HXlciit ni' ihii f.iiin.m .,r. ... Tonm-aiee Culboiaou at'i.in n 1- nin- ... j-. .i .: is;:,,,:::::,,r' v: - - - .i-wst ;;; x TV. --" ' " Mtht American Std .Winn iiciiu. 1 ne.v Kin mo uav miner al years ago. Auothcr hroihw, Hilt Com- Hudson. Jfft her alwut a 5 tnr ago, saying Ik- uaa jni to the old boine in Indiana The Fortune Sim-, Tho ar '. m th- i. mih - ;ol- I(KIIK pany " Mr. lludion will leave ovor the Croat Xorlhoru thia morning for tho Kasl. and as soon aa ho haa wad clear the title of his hurt lu hlu uu- Clt . -I, til- n- vwl' ll'tlltlllil l'-'l'l.Ulil nnd i. .ki it 1, !,. in .miiit home. Do our JUST AS EASY! fnmll iroiiliiK the Kloctrlcul way. 11 mu ho dune unUkly m fu-tlcl. it e.i bo doue with the iiiuMiiium of ,-uiuioit and the minimum of expimso HOT SUMMER DAYS BECOME COOL DAYS FOR , IRONING lor, with an Klectrlc rron easily attached to any convoiilent socket -Ironlnn can be done lu (he cooloit spflt about the house -out oa the porch If dm!rd in. 1 1,..,.. 1.... 1.. ...... ....1 i...inii; in i.iciiricity I- 1 r MARSHHELD-ROSEBURGAnTn LINE Best Cars Fare, $7 - Best D l.eavo Mai'.lillclil l.wiio ltokolniCK ' ' !' A nvers .M. TICKET OFFICE, 139 FRONT St MAItMIllKLI) - ' New Dodge Cars Dully Daily fare $7.00 Dr. H. M. Shaw lCjo, Km- nml Throat SpeclalW CLASSICS l-TTTi:i) I'lioiio IWIIJ, Hooins ilDO-'-Ol IcvIiik Illock. Dll. MATTli: 11. SHAW. I'liyhlcliin nml Surgeon I'houo :i;io-L Offlco lioiirs hy nppointnicnt. Benjamin Ostlind iVn coxsurnxG i:xixi:i: a" AISClllTKPr Offlcoa, 200 Irving Dloclt. I'hope 103-L or 2C7-J. Marshfleld, Orel H. G. Butler OIVI L KNGIXKKU Uoom 301 Coko Illdt'. I'lione Rosldenco I'houo 3C3-1j. H5-J. Cionnn, , 10o I I HnprrTiiiiiiii ,afcsBBTiil.iii.. h ---rMrrr."'"' i , J W. G. Chandler . AHCHITECT Rooms 301 nnd 302, Colce Bulia' Mnrshflold, Oregon. T 1 imes Want Ads Bring Result OREGON POWER CO. Win .Q Ti irnnn S ' AKCIIITKC-T Marshfleld, Oreeon. t'Tivriekn.-r. mm wprrygrBCT