th&W -. i inn idnrmritoiiT IhVliMM t- Wu MiwtmvMriMmimymifoiimmi&i'MmR; aiMiitf.fcAaBttatttewiAiuui tuiw JttMtittujiMiiiaieiiAUiii SECTION TWO Society and Church News Vol. No. XXXIX. Established 187H Ah Tho Const Mall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall nnd Coos Uny Advertiser. No. 12 News of European War u n u :: u n u n n GERMANS WILL ALTER .BRITISH SOLDIERS ARE News , of Nearby Towns it t: u tt u it tt u s: u Coos Bay Should Develop a Water Carnival GOVERNMENT OF POLAND HYPNOTICALLY TREATED IS dans wm?B Distinctive Will Unite (In; Country nnd llrlK Jnlo Closer Touch With I Teutons Dr Attocltted I'rcm to Coot D TlmM. LONDON, Auk. 7. With the Brent KurbIiui fortresses of Wuranw nnd Ivnngorod captured ami the fall of Riga Imminent, tho Austro-German onslaught linu reached Its height In the Bust nnd tho next stop will ho the Gorman omporor's triumphant en try Into tho Polish capital. That event will likely soon ho followed hy the pronouncement of n united nnd soml nutonoiuous 'Poland, embracing not Vi only tho territory wrested from tho Russlnns, hut tho Austrian crown land of Qiillcln. Flglitlnj; for Railroad In tho mcatitlmu tho Husslnn nr m lea nro trying to fight their way backward toward Itusshi proper, try ing to Ucop tho Invaders off tho rail ways running north nnd south In or der that tho ends of tho German nip pers tuny not meet nnd In closing bring disaster to tho Husshtn army. Retreat Difficult Tho position of tho nrniy of Grand I)uko Nicholas Is now n matter of Bollcltudo as tho occupation of War saw Is hellovcd to bo tho prelude to a later purpose, that of enveloping tho retreating forces. Hack of tho retreating Russians Is ftho vast morass of central Poland with few railways nnd prlmntlvc rnnds, making virtually Imposslhlo tho quick movement of guns and sup plies while back of Warsaw, tho only fortress nvallablo as a rallying point for Russians In Hcst-Lltovsk. Menaced TmW AViijh Thus tho Russians nro menaced by von Dulow's columns bending south- ft 'wnrd nnd von Mnckcnzon's nrniy bonding northward. Tho German of fer of nutontomy to Poland is regard ed na a bid against tho similar Rus- slnn declaration promising eventual Polish autonomlty under Russian su zerainty. NO Oll-'TS TO SOLRIKHS Cannot bo Mulled From United Sln ' te.s to Kuropcuii War 1'YoiiIn Postmusters linvo received Inslruc Btructious from tho department that pnrcels containing tobneco, cigars nnd cigarettes, addressed to French troops nnd prisoners of war In Franco nro not to bo accepted for mailing by postmasters In this coun try. This ruling has boon mndo bo causo tho men in tho trenches aro tumble In tho majority of cases to pay tho duty on parcels they ro celvo. Especially on tobaccos of nny kind tho French authorities have imposed a heavy duty. WHAT COXQUKST MKANS The peoplo of Wlndati, Poland, nro experiencing what It menus to have their country overrun by tin Invader. Tho Gormnn victors distributed farm machinery, and ordered thut harvest ing of tho crops proceed. Ono fifth of tho hnrvest taken was to ho re served; tho remaining four fifths to go to tho conquorors, workors disap pearing bring n penalty upon tho fnrm from which tlioy go; tho farm is penrlng bring a penalty upon tho o ho conflficnted. RADIUM IS CHBAPKK (II; AiioeltteJ I'rrtt tu Coot 7 Timet. LONDON, Aug. 7. Whllo most commodities have grown steadily dear since tho war begun, tho price of radium shows a drop of about n tliousaud dollars a gram In tho last year. Tho ronson apparently Is that Homo peoplo who held limited quan tities of tho avnllablo supply wero compelled to sell at loss. Tho Drltlsh Army Medical Depart ment plans to uso radium trcntmont for tho benefit of obstlnato cases of rheumatism contracted in the ti en cites. GIVES HALLY CRY gi:o. w. pkrkins addiu:ssi:s TI1I2 PHOGRKSSIVKS Say Party Only One Prepared for IVato its Well ls for War tlly AnoclileJ rrttt to Coot Bar Timet. ALBANY, N. Y., Aug. C found ing tho rallying cry for Progressives to Btand by tho party, Gcorgo W. Perkins told tho up-state lenders at an executive meeting yesterday, tho Progressive organization wns tho only ono that stands for pre paredness for peace ns woll as pre paredness for war, Difficult Operations Mndo Possible I'ltder Conditions Ollioiw fo Prohibitive Dr Aa.cllcl Treat to Coot Hit Timet, LONDON, Aug. 7. Practically ev ery hospital for soldiers now has on Its staff one or more physicians train ed In' administering hypnotic treat ment. According to tho medical cor respondent of tho Dally Mall, the re sults obtained have been little short of mlrnctilous. Tho chief tiso of hypnotism bus boon In cases of shell-shock whore, In addition to an actual wounding the patient 1b suffering from a pronounc ed disorganization iof tho nervous system. This may take tho form of complete or partial blindness, loss of hearing or speech, paralysis, melan cholia, or Iobs of memory. Tho treatment consists of hypno tising tho patient, nnd while ho Is In tho hypnotic stnto tho operator coaxes him to cxorclso Uioro sen ses and functions which previously linvo been lost or quiescent. Then tho lost sight or memory Is gradually awakened In tho unhypnotlzed state, nnd, according to the Mull's corres pondent, a complete euro Is almost always merely a question of time. CALL OUT OLD MUX Hungarians up to 150 Yeats of Ago Respond to Call for Soldiers (lif AiioclttoJ rrt.i to coot Day Timet.) RURAPICST, Hungary, Aug. 7. All men of tho Lnndsturm up to r. 0 years of ngo linvo now been ordered up for re-exnmlnutlon by the army doctors. In nccordance with a now decree, nil men will In the future bo clnbslflcd as either fit for mili tary service, fit for guard service, or physically Inrnpnblo of any kind of work. All those belonging to tho first two classes will bo enlist ed, tltoso who tire not judged fit for military service at tho front will serve us guards for tho prisoners camps, railway lines, und ware houses, relieving those now doing such service for tho front. Some of the men of tho younger military classes have thus far un dergone six or more medical examin ations. TAMPKHING W ITU MAIL Dr AuoclttM rrrat to Coot 1117 llmM.) HHRLIN. Aug. 7. Tho govern ment reports tho possession of con stantly Increasing evidence that tho utiles aro tampering with mull, not only fur Germany from neutral countries, but also for neutral coun tries from neutral countries. Prlvnto letters from Urnzll to Switzorlnnd, from Amorlca to Swltss orlund, und from Spain to Switzer land, have nrilved, It Is said, open ed and bearing ij label' with the wordB! "Ouvert par 1'Autorlto MM- tnlro." Protests that this Is a brench of International law have been unavailing thus fur. COST OK HATTLKSHIPS Ur Attocltttd rrrtt to coot Btj Tlmw.J LONDON, Aug. C Some interest ing figures rogardlng Great llrltnln's tiavnl expenditures uro mndo public In a Illuo Rook just Issued, although dated back to March 31, 1911. It Is noted that tho government's decision to rush tho Qucon Kllzn hoth to completion had added an oven ?1,G00,00 to hdr estimated cost up to March 31, 1011, on which dnto ?7,1 00,000 had been spent on her. How much It cost to completo hor af ter that dato Is not specified. On March 31, 1914, four months hoforo tho beginning of tho wnr thero wore ICO vessels of various sorts being built for tho Drltlsh Na vy. Tho cost of soveral ships that linvo been mentioned during tho war Is given as follows: nattlo Cruisers: Lion $9,855,000 Princess Royal $9,840,000 Queen Mary $9,805,000 Battleships: Ajax $8,985,000 Centurion . . $8,970,000 King Georgo V 8,890,000 Mnrlbourough (unfinished) $9,035,000 AID TO RUSSIA tD7 AuoclttM Ptett to Coot Bar TlmM. PRTROGRAD, Aug. 7. Savings deposits In local banks continue to pile up due to tho suppression of the vodka traffic nud to other economies attendant upon tho war, Tho first five months of 1915 showed on in crease In deposits over the same per iod of tho previous year of $122,500. On Juno 1 deposits nggregnted $1,039,900 in cash and $219,550 in bonds. HERE'S A SUGGESTION FROM GRAY'S HARBOR THAT MIGHT BE MADE INTO A BIG, BOOMING CELEBRATION IN THIS SECTION SKIPPING, ROPE ON SPIN NING LOG IN WATER WHILE WEARING ROLLER SKATES ONE OF THE NOVEL FEATURES. ' mist I .. " ." .' fJb&&fiZ3 m MSI.- 'wtHt4 (LTJSrTHlLC Cli liW .T 5ijw - .. ..Tg-ljjaiWif ' . ' IBElMi :M i. Wit &' -ll1 'if &M ' Xclsuu Knight Con;;iu:u:.ittiig ("liurles Contest T UK T1.MKS has frequently urgod tho suggestion that Coos Hay dovelope it water carnival col- would be dUt'nctlve ! obratlon that und characteristic of this section. Tho accompanying pictures of tho feature, of a celebration mimed tho "Splash" recently held at Gray's Harbor, suggest what might bo done on Coos Ray along this line. T UK success of big celebrations hold In a city depends to a very croat oxtont uiion the manner In which tho visitors aio ontortnlned. J In but few othor placos. The nccom- If they aro shown a good time and panylng plcturos show soma of the are really mado to onjoy themselves water siiorts which wero hold at I thoy go away pleaded and como back Grny'H Harbor whoro n recont colo- tho next tlmo tho city under.tnkos any bratlon wns a grout success. big event. Particularly If thero Is The water features have been to a something novel and different arogreat extent neglected hero, While ::mTtm, -.V.'nner of lliicklng the visitors pleased A number of tho localities In Oro- gou nuvo noconio quite lumoiis just bocnuso of homo distinctive gather-' . . i. . ,Ing. Portland with Its rose carnival' dlnury kind Is nothing dirroront ovory our Is known for that par-'fron what may bo held auywhero In tleulur show all over tho country. Kloronco has Its rhodondron show, Poit Orford Its Agato Carnival and nil of which have becomo quite not ed und Just bocuuse they uro distinct ive nnd chnractoristlc of the place. Coos nay on account of Its water facilities has ji chanco to hold col- 'ebratlons which could bo urrnngod I "7Z3j" c.ncfi'.r'j'onls thoy often mnko up ono fcuturo or a celebration on Coos Ray thoy really bhoiild ho tho main feature. Ordinary rnccB and contest in tho way of sports on laud can bo held In any Inland city but thero nro not many places with tho facilities to glv un all water carnival such as Coo" Ray affords. Local people nro ho ucciis touted to Boeing tho buy that thoy forget how attractive tho water i to those who llvo Inland, When thu mllron'' Is finished there will ho many visitors from tho outside und the next big celebration on Coos Hay Hhould bo n wnter cur nival. Thero I everything hero to mnko such an undertaking it success and tho blK buy Is an Ideal place for holding wMtor sports of all kinds. DecorutM and Illuminated boats In u merino parade would hu much mor uttructlvo 'than any laud par ade for tho ioiikou that It would bo dirforont nud could only bo held where there Is u largo body oT wa ter. Peoplo would tomo from tho In terior to seo a wnter carnival when the ordinary laud colouration would not attract them becniiso thoy can seo tho same thing at home Tho largo body of wnter und beau tiful rivers tributary muko up ono of Coos Ray's groatost assets. Tho locality will bo a groat resort point when tho railroad Is finished and tho water features should bo 'mudo tho most of as it Is tho fact that tho plaro is on tho water that It will attract tourists and others, A wntor carnival rould ho mndo a beautiful ovont und It will bo found .1... I ...III nti lnll..nHll. ..tntn nun h win unmet mi um mu oimu whoio u public celebration of ho or- tho state. sta(Ji:s onr coos road Automobiles nro now being op oiuted between Rosoburg und Marsh- fiold over tho old Coos Hay Wagon reart Tlc )llHt 0f tho horse drawn vnhiciiui which nnorutnd between Roston and Lairds during tho spring n,j ourly summer weio taken off yesterday and tho drivers leturn- Pj t0 UoBoburg today. Rosoburg Review. Times Want ads brin roBulti. NEWS OF THE PEOPLE OfSCHOFIELD Happenings at l'tup(tia Klxor Neigh- liorhood Which Has Seen .Much Acthlly of ltto fSpeclul to Tho Times) SCIIOKIICLD, Ore., Aug. 71 Sur veyor 1 I). Rrowno, Mrs. Rrowno und bou Darwin linvo returned after soveral weeks at San Kraiiclsco. Rov. W. Krank Glocckher, of Grnnts Pass, spout last Sunday at tho Rrowno homo, nud preached In tho afternoon at tho school house. Arthur Walker Is reported to linvo bought tho Thorp ranch of tho Southern Pacific Company. This, with his other holdings will mnl(o one of the best dairy ranches lit Southern Oregon. Prof. G. M. Sprnguo nnd family nro spending tho summer on their homestend up tho Wind rlvor. Miss Klla Sprogue, of tho Coos Riv er consolidated school, Ib Visiting nt tho homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Sprnguo. T. P. Rlcrly Ib making somo sub stantial Improvements on his home stend In tho way of wnter system und soma bridges Allured Walkor, recently operated on for npendlcltlB, hy Dr. Houso worth of Mnrshfleld, Is reported rest ing easier. All Schofiold hopes for her early recovery. Miss Jennlo Walker, of tho Scap pooso schools Is Bpendlng her vaca tion with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrles Wnlkor. Wm, Chandler nnd crow of forest ers from Coitulllo nro extending n trull and telcphono to Dean's Moun tain. It Is planned to completo tho trail to Loon Lake another season. Friends of Joseph Henderson, the Pioneer survoyor nnd cruiser, will ho Kind to know of his successful oper ation for removal of cancer on his recent trip to Knnsns City. Miss M. Torhet, superintendent of tho Sunday School reports splendid Interest nnd Increasing attendance. Wm. Thompson, tho gonlnl watch man of the tunnel auup reports no thing worso than n window broken for tho sake of somo bacon nud can ned fruit. GOLD 1IKACII XKWS Doings of Curry County Peoplo 'Fold In (ho Globe Tom Smith, ono of tho oldest res idents on the river, departed last wek via Rrooklngs for San Kran- clsco to enter tho German Hospital to undergo an operation. Miss KIb:o Johnson, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Johnaon, arrived hero und will mnko this her future homo with hor 'parents. Grandma Miller, who has been nil lug so long, Is gradually growitif, weaker, und hut little hopes uro en tertained of her over getting up again. Don Lucas received the appoint- as a delegate from Curry Cotluty to tho Corn Festival at tho Panama Pacific Imposition, to bo held In tho Oregon building on August 5 nud 0th. Tho little girl or Mr. und Mrs. Aco Tumor Is now recovering from a mild attack of smallpox. It Is said that Henry Colvlu also hud his turn with tho disease ut thu homo of Mr. Tumor. NKWH OP IIAUSIIR (Special to Tho Times.) HAUSKR, Oro., Aug. 7. Kldor Stolnhoff pieuched at North Inlet chapel last Sunday when there wns u lurgo attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Lyon und family uro visiting with their old friends und looking after their cranberry ranch. Sidney Deuu and family, who huvo been nt tho Miller tlo rump for tho pust six months started today for California. Thoy will drive through In a wagon. Tho .Southern Pacific men nro lay ing rails botweon Iluttorflold- und Saunders Lakes. SHIP .MANV OATTLi: Wednesday, Gourley and Jones, of Myrtla Point, drove out over tho Coos liny road, fifty four head of beof cuttle, They drive to Rosuhurg nud ship to Portland. The cuttle wero the finest, smoothest bunch thut linvo been shlpcd In a long time. Coqulllo Herald. GO TO HXPOSITIOX Mr. nnd Mrs. P. n. Sagttbord, of Gardiner, left horo this morning to visit tho San Francisco exposition. Thoy nrrlved yostordny nud spent tho night with friends horo Roso burg Review, ROADS BEING IMPROVED IN ALLEGANY SECTION Others Items of Interest of Peoplo In tho Upper North I'ork Country (Special to Tho Times) Tho roads are In flue Bhnpo on the Hast Kork. Tho stngo cars carry good loads of patruugors now. Road master Daggett Is making n now pleco of road up near Gould's Sluice dam on West fork which will bo a great Improvement when fin ished. Tho road along thero needs work, as It Is the worst In tho dis trict. Thero wns it big dnnco at tho Hall Inst Saturday night, about thtrty flvo couples attending. Thero wero three cars from Loon Lnko loaded with dancers and nil hud a good tlmo. Tho dog show did not put on a pprformnnco hero, much to tho ro gret of tho youngsters, somo of them saw tho ponies nud dogs on the road however. K, C. Rnrchu hns boon Bonding green com to market for the past week. Ho linn the earliest In this section. anotiikr pioni:i:r gonr Andrew Hoover, an old pioneer of Coos County, died at his homo In Frultvnlc, California, at tho ngo of 73 years. Ho citmo to Coos County in January, 1875, nud engaged In mill work nt Norway. In tho fan of 1883 ho left Coos County nnd moved to Douglas County whoro hu worked In flour mills. In 1891 ho left Douglas County for California whero ho hits nlnco resided. Ills death wns duo to a full ho rocelvod whllo working nt tho carpenter trade about six mouths ngo. Ho was n muu beloved by nil who know him. Hu leaves behind to mourn his loss his wife, Minerva Harriett; two sons, James L. Hoover of Powors, and Wilbur A. Hoover of Rnndon; flvo duughters, Mrs. Kva A. Nichols of Rnndon, Mrs. Mitry 12. Lcsllo of Union, Mrs. Colo Armstrong of Po wors and two others of California, Hu iiIbo leaves u hrothor, Willis A. Hoover of llandon nud n sister, Mrs, Luuru Rohlson of Norwuy. Tho .fu neral was hold ut his into residonco und the Interment in Kvorgrcon comelory, Oakland, Cal. Randon Recorder. to mini: on rkach The following Is from tho Gold Reueh (Hobo: A portion of the mining machin ery to bo used by J. It. Peters on tho beach' hero nrrlved on the Rust ler. Tho mnchlnory consists of two engines, a largo boiler and sovoral minor nrtlcles connected with ftho plant. Mr. Peters who returned a few days ago, Is now siiporlntoudlng tho setting up of tho mnchlnory on tho rlvor front, nfter which It will ho hauled to tho place of operntlor on tho beach South of town. All tho innelnory has not yet arrl hut Mr. Peters expects It hero by tlmo ho can get what Is hero It llnt and bo ready for It. LOON LARK ROAD A number of Loon Lake peoplo appealed before the County Court this morning and asked for informa tion rogurdlug tho expenditure of ...... ......... i--'"M. coiiBiiiorunie money voieit iy upociut 's tax by tho Loon Lnko citizens at a recent election hold thero. Tho money Is to bo spent Improving tho so-culled Loon Lnko road uudor tho direction of County Commissioners It. P. Nichols and Harry Plukstou. Messrs. Plukuton nnd Nichols nro planning to leave for Loon Lake us soon us tho present term of court reaches an end. Whllo thero thoy will lay out tho work, which will bo rushod to Bpeody completion. Rosoburg Rovlow. 1'OKMKK NORTH RKND FOLKS Georgo Lnngonborg nud wife ar rived horo yosterday from Porter vlllo, Cal., to spend a few days with friends. Thoy mudo thu trip by automobile and report a de lightful tlmo. Mr, uud Mrs. Lan gouborg formerly lived in RoHoburg, whero thoy uro well known Roso burg Rovlow. PAIR AT ROHIRUMKI ROSKHURG, Aug. 7. -Aftor con siderable uncertainty as to whether It would bo possible to hold a Coun ty fair this yeur, the Douglas County fair hoard has decided to hold tho annual County Fair on Soptombor IT. to 17, bolng far three days in stead of four as formerly,