ilW ffuMn HllriV SSmmmStM ajHBmlfewMB"'' SECTION ONE--PAGE TWO TZcOAYTlMEtiiiilrOREG: SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1915 -EVENING EPITIOM. SHIPPING NEW, DIES II OAKLJIMDJVETERAMS P IGM IClPUHI A MEW STDREI Her lliislHiinl Wiw Engineer In, will Enjoy Itoimlt. ami V.iuhI ''' ';'' 1"'' Mtm Charge of Hulkllng of Loral i A.SIM m Park. North Hend, ' Vl.hl. tt III Adjoin the I re- Itnllroad Indcr It. A. ;rul.nn. UVilnrMbiy. AwniM M. , en. Cioil.ln,; More GEO. E. PEOPLES IS DECLARED BANKRUPT Notices lo Creditors llavo IW'eii Ito colvcd from Itd'CICC LI0S in California Xout , SMITH VESSEL TO CAItOO AltltOAl) take stea.mkii akinvks 1 ekaxcisco AM) I Tim Woolen Mill Store at Ntrth Tj.(l1 off ro((i njlv.Sa .anclsroj Smooth Sens Hit! Heavy Kotf off SllOO Tlio Cullff build adjoining the prosoiit tiuniiors Hun fiii' Slioi-t Time To IVo Siiiallci' Wwlx , ! Word wiih received here today Shore IUk Slilpiiient lor ' .Miiisliflcld Cannery Tlio Santa Clnra arrived In about WnvA ' ropi.ivnii lii'fo todnv of Pimm were roiiiDletod today for ......i r t. t k Miller nt . n I i. ,.! niriiir nf Mm Veterans . Hend Iiiik Juwt lotnpletod iirraiiKO 1 ill; u-n-u ui ,"'' '"' viiu iiiiHHiH r - -- - . N.i i. n.M.mi i'n i if fiiii.iwliir',...i H...I,. fniiiin..a nn.1 frlPiuly which monts fo- the opening or a JlUapiUll III wi,.m,.n v.... - r twill mi.. ............ 11,1. an operation. She had been allltiK 'wilt he held at Simpson Park. North ; store In mat city fnr nit.o (Imn lnil her case was not : II,. ml Wednesday. AtlKUSt 11. Tllt-i 'IIK rewarded as a critical one Mrs. Miller resided on Coo Hay .. ... ......! ..milttlrr Imr.l 111 IllP i.i.ntif Jul su.i.m ,.v....', ....... r. - - U.C.I.. , i l... il. L. . .... . ... i.. i . ....ll.,.l ..11 .1,., ., f..,,.i, Sin-,, with her husband who was chief; ( will he an all day affair and all ciii..h.r r.u.u ...... ... ... -.., ninety nays. .o iieiaiiH o.. Bn.. .... ..,, ...h ,.,... .... ... ...... ...... ciiRliiwr under It. A. Clraliiun. Mr. are re.iuosled to lirltm Idmlc dinner More In North Hend dualli.K ox. In- j0lIayH message an to whore Isho San rrnuelseo. On account of It. he Miller had marge of nil the ongln- baskets. The dinner will l.o spread oly In shoes. The now place wll Rl, bllt , nil,erlooil to he said he had not been able i M-t a. ennnce to sieep .or over iwu u.ija. Tlio Santa Clara had a bin ship ment of supplies for the Tallant The referee In bankruptcy for the northern district of California litis 'KOM SAN . ,,, ni,n,.,.H to creditors thill lioorgo E. Peoples lias been doriiirutn .i liniitcriti.t. Mr. Peoples resides now at Marysvllle at I'oipillle and Iheie had charge ol ,a good Heoiil El'ltKKA .tho eretunury nnd inir, Haxtor Hotel ami .... "" .. . . i,. uiiior enierpriHuH nt ,u " Mr. Peoples went aW ,Cnlt county Honielhin.r m. ' Iroi IIKO. " I JlOV There SCOl'TS Will !i(. Am :-Ntios1 tl 0l,A.. ,,f 11.'. Co,.,,. . ""grl ... .... ....... J, J III 7 ..' ..1 .. bitReiiient to 1..11, .... lrilW 1 MP b.l r ...a fni He formerly lived a hike Into tin. tn .. .pl,ti .1 "" 1 nk. ti, and onie, UjC''u SpanlHli"Vnr Veteran's nnd ot the Woolen Mill Store. Iwss been (Ilnt ,ll0 x,mn Smith had been chart- noon today from San Francisco and ysottV of 'veterans will unite in the rented nnd will be fitted out foi m,(1 u, lnIe foreign cnrjj.i from Kureka. Capt. Lofsted teported that " ' ' the shoe stock. It will Join the San Francisco. Tho charter Is for the sen was very calm but that a R.. "" oerlnff on the Coos and Eastern construction They were well known to the old- vldcd. liny. KoaebnrK the 'tables at the park and freowlll l opeiiert by September 1 with AM8trn. lion. coffee, butter and cream will be pro-' '"'" Rl0(,, ,,f women s nnd chll- ThP Xo, dren's shoes. 1111 has been on dry dock- at San Francisco this week and so will er residents of Coos Hay wIim v. Ill Icnrn with rpgret of her death. PIONEER IS EBB MltS. .1. AV. WILSON I'ASSKS A WAV AT POUT Oltl'OIIH Simeon .Miller will preside as chairman of the day. Major C 11. Xeek or Danilon will be the princi pal orator and there will ho address es by It. O. Craves and others. The detailed program has not been com pleted. There will also lie sports and , other diversions, catnp-flre stories. , etc. THE TIME TO CAH (U'ow Itotnor. inanaRer or the ,,l. j fll(1 Bm,)0 for t,0 long voy-! Cannery on North Front street which company, has Just returned from nR0 t wns r0,Orfed awhile 'back 1. John LaMuro will open soon. PEACHES She also had a blu shlpnient or fruit for local ltrins. AnioiiK those arrivini; 011 her Mrs. OS II LEHD-r. Hart lleen Hesident of Curry County For Nearly Unit' a Century (Special to The Times) POUT OltFOHD, Aiib. 7. Mrs. .Ins. W. "Wilson, one of the oldest pio neer women ot Curry county, iHed ,..,, ,,,,, Tllllll cBnt-liiirtli of of dropsy at tho home of her dniiKh-; K1 4W,VW, ,, s,,,, K.-auclhco er, .Airs. 13. h. Pierce. Monday morn-j )l1B (Ht ,,,. W(.)(H lllK, AIIKIISl . ships moih; i,r.Miii:u than anv OTHIIH COAST POUT Podiind, where- he met represputa-1 t,u t,,p own ,,,. ,atl been offered thrj. of maniiracturers and bo-iht . ?,)onoo for n thre(1 nl0nths charter, a fine stock of standard lines fori one reason. for nllowlnj; the Xann the new store. Smith to o on the charter was thnt , were: ()ip A(lt)m, Smt, is now nble to sup-; T. 11. Myers. Myrtle K. Pratt 'X . Ply the .San Fraiiclsro and Hay Point Hello Hon ley, Wilfred Mcl.aln. Win WORTH BEND NEWS "'ailL of th0 pompuny. many of the'u. Mct.uln, Harold Walrath. Airs F 1 recent orders being for San Pedro. ,, ue Novell, Miss . I. Marshall, Edith ffffTTT7YT . ,,. , ,., n ,.,.,' ..... ,, ., ,,,.. .,, ' llrown and wife have ar-. ntter shipments where there are tuners, M. C. Donovan. E. O. Samuels., here from Corvallls to open 1 ,.,.am,s to unload tho Nann Smith. Herbert Lewis. Eleanor Lewis. E. P. a notion store next to Tho Flxup. n hiikiIIit carrier can operate more i umls. Howard Lewis, Mrs. E. P.' Miss May Mercer, who Is sccre-' (.tUM,ny and especially In handling I Lewis. .Ins. MeMnnus. . I. C. Wallace. tary or the Vlsltliu; Nurses associa tion or Cleveland, Ohio, loU a few days ano for San Francisco after a pleasant visit at the homo of her father, A. It. Mercer, In Cooston. the smaller orders to the southern ports. .lust what, smaller vessels will be brought. In hero Is not announced. The Westerner will leave San Fran Nora F. Power, Frank .Martin, Alpha Mauzey, Earl Peters, Graham Jlacket .lames Maekln, Capt. J. Ernst. Ava Holmes, Chus. 1). WIiikIIr. Everet A. WitulllK, Evulyn M. WIndllg, E. .T. t). will be f worn the 20d:h to the 3Gttn of this mraoimth Wo are going to have several cars of the best Ashland and Rosoburg Crawfords tho latter part of tho month. Prices will be very low, and the quality very good, ..i ASK YOUR GROCER ABOUT TIICM KICKS'ABtHTTPL IS V. II. Sargent who wiih In from ,.!,. Mnminv m inmi lirn. hflmrlui: ui.i,, i u a.ii.i.iui a 1tf.1n.1u ... . . ....... .-.......,.,- ... . .-F ,-....(, kj.-, ,, 4-, llUIUilOUII) M. iiv.i Mrs. Wilson, whoso lnalden name, Coos Hay continues to Do tlio Ten Mile this week snid tnat iietltlons ,, tho Nann Smiths1 frelptht. Others Knmclseo Ilnlnes, Pedro Machado. was Susan T. ArnistroiiK, wns uorn leadliu; source of supply for the San would be circulated asking tho Conn-; wm a,fl0 hrlng freight. Mavoel Costos, A. W. Cook. in Ohio, May 1!i. lXllfi, and camo! iTancisco iiiinner maiKei as inu i t.v court 10 niiiiii a roau ironi iiayuos , This will leave the San Francisco to Curry county with her husband.! following figures of tho receipts Inlet to Lakeside. j CoOH ,lny ,,nBBonKor business excltt Jus. W. Wilson, bottling at Calf from the various coast ports for tuo Mrs M. Howell lias returned toiBvolv (0 tho Siultll Cnr an,i Ki ranch. In 1870. and nftorward mov-,lnst two weeks of .Inly show: Hood Itlver after a long visit at tho lMiril lag to northern Curry where they, '' ""' Spruce , homo of her dnughter, Mrs. Lester slnco resided, Mr. Wilson passed I Astoria 1. 100,000 , Union. 1 away a number of years ago. Aberdeen :i,(!00,000 I ,Jnec nnd Hert Kehoe. nccompanled , Tho doccased wns tho niothor of Mnmlon lMf.,000 ,y tholr aunt, MIbs Ella Maloney five chlldroii, JoffcrBon 1), Clnrinda Hrooklngs 1,1 10,000 arrived hero from Portland this week L. and Stonewall .1. Mary It. nnd -w ""J .. 1 to visit their fatlier, suporinteiuient AVado II. AVIIson. Joffcrnon resides coiuinmu mver buu.uuu . h, p. Koiioe or 1110 porter 111111. drays Harbor .00,000 j Captain 11. ChrlstlaiiBon will leave Port AlieillpM t. 000. 000 imvt n.,..,1- t. (nli. In II111 nvnn- ...nil " IIV.V I" .....v. w ..... - .. ., , ., ...... .,., 1 . sr.0,000 arry conro and Lylo CMiupollu. "' '"" ".. ,Z I for ,llc now ur BnvhlB 8luM"n- n, J87.0OO ,imV0 returned from a trip to tho ox-i "nu's "",l .,y' .N"' l,"v, Any . I department officers having ellmlnat. position. ' .iccuienis 0(j t0 ronereto walls around I i A II tmlinff bnH eniie tn Los All- Cut 'IV II. Mi.1pI1.ih nf tlin alnnm. tlio grounds llllll provision lor S'Jll- at Myrtle Point, Clnrinda Is Mrs. E. (1. Pierce nt whose home tho deceas ed died, Mary Is tho wlfo or W. .I.'1'01'1 ''"""' CiiImv Tit flu. If, iiiiiI Wmlit lu nub. 1 Seattle .... llHlilnir n naner In California. Mrs.1 Wlllapa ' l.IMO.OOO Pierce nntl S. J. Wilson are twins. MAKES 500TH TRIP CAPT. MeLKLL.W OF KILIH'ltN HAS ItEMAItKAHLi: IIECOKI) LIFE KAVINC STATION DEPAHT MENT Cl'TS OPT FEATFIIES Owing to so many members or tho Marshfleld Chamber ol foai- merco being out of town last even-.H lng, the meeting called ror that lime' wns postponed. It was proposed to tuko action oil the change In plans (L oay Produaee Co. Capt. MltS. IHCKEItSON HEAP ,geles, expecting to Join a socialist ,er F. A. Klluurn. when he arrived in ! 1I"K or covering the sandy site with colony about forty miles from that 1 port this week, had quite a record'11'1"" "' as 1110 appropriation lor Well Known Colored Woman Passe Albion 1,1 H, 000 Total ,.... 20,8 H, 000 HciLmioiI, LuroUa I, ! l. 000 .... nndur tho lendershln of .lob liar-i to announce This was his .'.OOth Away Suddenly Mrs. Hetty lllckerson died sudden ly at her home In the north purl of the city last evening. She was a col ored woman and was known to many In the city and wns commonly known as "Aunt Ilotty." She had worked for many of tho families lu Marsh field at different times and wiih hcl In regard by more than onu local housewife who had found her ser vices lu the household of benefit. Mrs. lllckerson was taken 111 or heart trouble several days ago and friends sent for her son, Hob Wyatt, who works at Powers. She got much better and yesterday It was thought who wns soon to recover when she stifrercd another attack and died. The funeral of Mrs. lllckerson will he hold Sunday arteruooii at 2 o'clock from tho Wilson Pnder tnklng parlors. Caspar Fort Hrag (reeiiwood rlinun they huvo obtained 25,000 trip for the North Pacific Steamship Mendocino 700,000 Total 7,:i:'.i,ooo d - ii FIRES li FORESTS "Ul ' I acres of land for the colony. .2,257,000 I H.u.potorson, school supervisor of d.iO.OOO jnehBon county, who hns been visit ing relatives hero left with 11 party for an auto trip to tho exposition. With him were Miss May Peterson tho station Is $ 1-1,000 greater than tho amount for which tlio contract , was let, It is believed that a strong. nmiifil 1 1 ff iriwiuiiiiinit lliitt'liii it'll! ' I lesull In the extra Improvements be-1 company 011 the Kllburn In running between San Francisco and Eureka. This servlco covered a period of eight years and during that time tho i"K allowed. captain crossed tho Eureka bar) Aside Irom adding greatly to the 1,000 times. I'nder the present ar- appearance of the station, the con- and Charles PeteiBon of North Ilond.'rangomeiit of making San Francisco, I crete walls will be a sareguard i and Claim Jennings and Miss Flor- Eureka, Coos Hay and Portland he against the surf during storms dam-' once .lenulngs of Med ford. croswes fourteen bars every round "glng the building sites. H. E. Smith, formerly of North; trip. I vinsim, movi'mi'V'ix i . .. 1 1 ...--.. .--...,....,... Hend. Is at Phoenix, Arizona, aim 1 otirln HAD IILA'.E ItKPOItTEP IN SMITI I1ASIX A.N'P XEAIt ('AMI ONE Nearly Tuo I. the eight years the cap- I Arrived may locate in that section. Main has not had any serious accl- SnMt.. Clara Fnrekn 11 -i Superintendent E. I. Cou and wife dents and ror a period or fourteen ;...... I , f.. ........ ll..,.'!... ...Ill 1..n..i. .nt ........I... ...... .1 .. ..!.... .. .I.... ...I..... .1... .. , , j aim niame.v ..uimi.i ui ivm.u bu.. iihuhuis uii.i ii.iiiiiki. iiiiiu nii uinu ItllStlel' I'ort 1111(1 1 II 1(10 Men Flghtl.iK l-'lre ; ror an auto trip 10 inn r.xposiuon. iwero not as many improvements 10 Hue to Sail or .Sn.lih.Powers Cmnpi I Mrs. It. O. Emery loft Thursday ; the Eureka bar as now. ho not ' nreakwnter, Portland. Sundav ... ..u Uli,ililn.iln ll'll Attll I. 111! f I 1 I t' I LI It . I t tt I Ifl I I t 1 1 III! 1 1 .-1 I. d . 1 1 f I full III mill At lower j .or oiir.e.uuiiiu iiiium no1-- "... , mi. if.u nuiiiiu w. living in nn .uii.iini morilllllf iiioiuiis uieaoy. huh is a record in. to ll), todnv. jher son. Fred, freedom. ,0l) winsor anil William Davis PETITIONS LITER After almost complete from roresi rires tills season. yesterday for tho San FraucUco and Curry districts yesterday exper-' Kxijosltloii. lenced a rush of Ihein. ,,,. k ,-nuuc, 8 H)Cndlng a couple A bad rire was reported under way'of wt,(.kH , t, Sl, .'ranclsco i:x at Smith basin where Henry lloeck ! iiomHIoii. completed his logging oiiertitlons last , w 1' n(,a,.t (H errectlng a rine fall. Another was reported burning ,...', " ,. ., .. ..,, ,,,, near I'atup unc nut tuo latter E. L was i not regarded as serious. Still nil- IOAI 'other had fire was reported near, Johnson .Mountain, near the Coos and i i Curry Hue. Fire wardens and help en Mile Pelegaiioii (iocs to Co- 'or wclo sent to each place. Willie to Muter Objection In i Near Power, the new Smlth-Po-! POWELL WILL FILE I IIOXPINU ItKOlKSTS Proposed Election V. L. Powell who has taken a leading part hi liniilutlng the pe tltloiiM asking Hie County Court to call u special election to unbuilt tlio iiucKtlou of hoiuliiiK the county for $.170.(1011 in build permanent roads This threatened rontddcnihlp damage. Open Now Camp. to ill) t.llllil l..l..m III.. ll. . .. .ill. tl I - ri",lM' ' """ "" i''niions win riKhthut tire all day yesterday at hU not l.o tiled until September. At '.,,, ,, , ,,,, WttH , , ui'Hi ii wms planned to file them IUfl R. lo.i.iy. lie is dewlrous of hiivluirl nt least 1 tt ti u MlKimtarus on the put I- j , ' ,, J Another camp has been opened uy A len Mile and North Hend ilol.u, Smtth-Powers company on Mill .nation went to I'uuullla this morn-i ,.riK,ki Ilwr ,,nw,.Wi t (1 UM1W1 (H lint o enter prulwt to the culling ,.,,, 8tfVI, ,,, raw, , ruri. ot the eloctlon. .Mr. Hiuor, Sr ,;, was among those going. i 'T;ilt ,, , , vt.y (). ,,ovv. .hi. i uneii w.i iiim ereu uuest- mil uiiut huve niUuiulomtiH'd Chus. Ilui: ii he iiuderstoud that Mr. Hall wan opposed to the iiritiit iwtltloim for the ttliM'tlnii. lie nalil that Mr 'uao proviued that members whoi Hal! approved or the plan. CAltl) OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to the lodges, churches anil friends ror tholr kindly sympathy in the death or our beloved wife and ...... .i... m.... l. f...rr.. 1, ti... ......... wers camps were lighting fires all "..... ...-... ....- . day yostorday. The works at l)asl,-lUll,,1,y "e,H 1,ml ,ho f"1'"' nev's cam., were .burned over hot ,rl,'", wrt IM"ociated more than the blaxe was extinguished without avon,K 11U1 ,pl1 any loss being Inclined, except 'he '' cost of flre-righllUK. No logs were damaiteil. Frank (irant had about lun men which no othor captain has made at thereon will coftse at vau inn-rest Eureka. Tho captain says ho hopes I lm'nu'"1 l'ijod. to-wlt: on Septem to make .100 more Hips and moie-l"or ,81, ''' '"' over expects to inako them without !,)n,ui1 ,l,,s ",l1 tUx' of August, I'.ii:. accident and will try to keep up his I ' '' WILLIAMS, splondld record. I Treasurer of the City of Marsh- Capt. McLellan Is a well known ' """ county. Oregon. mariner and lias many friends on . - - Coos Hay. BEER SEASON OPENS AUGUST 15 BETTER GET READY WOW SO THAT WHEN YOU GE A CHArMCE TO GO OUT .AFTER A NICE BUCK.ORI FRIEND SENDS IN A HURRY UP CALL, YOU WILLS! PREPARED TO BAG THE BIG GAME' We carry all sizes in the famous CARBINE WINCHESTER RIFLES Also the 250-300 SAVAGE RIFLES and .22-oalibre rifles in all makes We carry all kinds of ammunition and can supply jw particular desires Hunting axes, pack sacks, tents and everything thai til camper and hunter needs EKBLAD SON Sporting Hardware Builders' Supplies- Stow Front Street Marslifitf E1EJTESF11S .1. Coffelt and family. Hare, your LETTEK heads, bill heads, etc.. prluted at THE TIMES office. -. Second Hand Pianos & Organs We have an over stock of second-hand pianos and some performed an act or ilurlujc or en-'SllfJIUiy USCCl lllSlnimCIHS tliat uiiiiml In li'iv.iiiliinu u.viil.i no. be entitled to benell.s. but when Will 1)0 Sold at CXOCptlOlia ty n ' """,ls ,,Pttr,l,B "'"" ,! l'-r -he uuestlou arose over the dlru- ,n . , ' .,. ' l,""" "" W'" " tht' iuw l iur..i, iiiiu twills 111 Sllll. " A """'"""i i-u.ipiiii period 01 said bonds, to-wlt : on the first dav I em are viillim out about elKlu cai I loads of logM per day now. NOTICE OF ItEPEMPiiON OF SPE CIAL IMPROVEMENT IIONPS Notice is hereliy given that pur suant to the provisions of Chapter V of Tltlo XXVI. L. O. L., and in accordance with tlio terms nnd con dltloiiB of said bonds, tho City of Marshfleld wjll take up and cancel the special 'improvement bonds of said City of Marshfleld. Coos County. Oregon. Issued on tho 1st day of September, 1010, and numbered from 121' to 111 Inclusive, of said Issue respectively, bonds numbered 12'-'. 121. 12:., 120. 127. I2S, j::o. i::i. L!2. El.-., l.-!ti, Ii!", 1 10, HI, 1 2 and ILI boliix each for the sum of $.-.0(i.oii and bond numbered I2;i be ing for tho sum of $U2.Sti and bond numbered 120 being for the sum of 7!).. Ml. and bond numbered l.'i:i being for the sum of $lo:i.oo, and bond liuinbored l.'ll being for. the sum of $297. IT. and bond nuin beied l.'ts being for the sum or $200. on, and bond numbered EiO being lor the sum of I2S7.7I. nnd bond numbered 1 1 1 being for the , sum of $;:i)2.Sil. and all or' slon or aerlei. in Canada, where many or the Eaglen have enlisted lu the European war. an amendment was panned. It makes a specific evceptlon of soldiers and sailors taken sick or killed while engaging in the defeiike of their countii. and allow Cnn- SpoKane i ranges Seites (l llnier- li.miiieuts I'm' ibe Pleasure of IkIUm l.oilgeineii SPOKANE, Wash . Aug ii--The' iirami .erie Pranrnal Oidwr of a.iin.i .....mi,-. ,.. n... i. i Eagles, today pasted amtmdiaeMU to;0w .ervluB in Europe to collea ben oxl.tlng statutes ot the onlor, U- efl.s In nise of slcknew or deaih. uiMiorUinjs payuieuts r benefits to soldier. ;.ud ilori. killed iu th ar- iMCNDLlfTON Carl (liilott. a mn miiH of thvroHHtrlM ill which tMriMu ,- i'o,leiou who has been aerie. ftr JtUtU, bUlllj (w fU,w mn ,m lnw, Th iw gj tii wim' liwrt9rwQlhiiwigiit, L .L THOMAS MUSIC STORE 73 Central Avenue, ---------t-t -- - of September. IP IS. pay to the prop or owners and holders or said bonds, I race wtluc for each thereof with ac- I I rued interest to said date and the j owners and holders of said above described bonds nro hereby notiried l to present the samo for payment and intuollatlon to tho undersigned, the Treasurer of said city at his in the Flanagan & Honnott Hank lu , said city of Marshfleld. Coog Couutv. I Oregon, on said dote for payment, cancellation and redemption, and are furthor uotifled that Interest- I " 1 l TT j I '.' i 1 Tl TtTT . - m ---l ine iviosc economical tinamel Ware to be had is the ramous Robin Egg Blue Reed Enamel Ware Guaranteed for Three Years Also just receivedDirect from the Factory, a Full Line of Reed Wash Boilers Both Copper and Tin. These we are selling at the same olJ ii-w, iiutwunscanaing tne recent big advance in tne prices of copper and tin materials Reed Boilers - - - $2.75 to 4.00 We carry a Complete Line of Guaranteed Aluminum Ware It will pay you to try one of our Sample Aluminum Outfc u ""r1 T5? Piefces Une one quart; One Cl ( two quart, and One three quart Saucepans for $ A UU GOING & HARVEY CO. We Sell it for Less mmmmmmm!-"rr?r-i;rr- sHSiaffl