Who Said Duke Pinched the Lunch? kill j World Color rrlntlntCo.. SI Loult, Mo. . """" " ' s cHnoly ncWexly nnfliiiiS "SSSS 1 t 1 . ' i rAiK 1 ira 1 . .. " 5.- cLidnt invite me, 1 1 ii 1 1 1 - ?sit 4TPm&v -ncIWeily h'xd -& picnic, Jrid.-isrM Jo, I wenfc to -the- maja voKo renttr fijOninp' -tackle -tu-id aot- -pole. -gaicl Wo 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' - 1 ' HOTGi SCRAPS TN-GCjeWDOUN'S RAZS QOU 'TO' OXVE TlltS" WZZIE CUT OUT THE SCRAPS SHOWN BELOW AND fiV PUTTING THEM TOGETHER COT?RECTk.Y VOU CAN SEE HOW THE QOILT Wli.X- LOOK WHEN .GWBNDOWM'COMPLETES IT- I C 's -1 n s :in I K U I f" Hr I a "fc II f TT hBjJ J 1 i Jvsl 1 iv v-u I I ta V v"n 7 (i 1 a ii 1 a Fizrir. " mllB3MJjMlJllirss 9 a w " w . V5 o.-t! I don't aJee wl-i Andy cJaid. I pincKed ihe. luncK- O "-for, iha craJbt did it. ANNA BELLE Qoes to a "Ball Game Dear FrlcndoTlic other day Drothor Harold's baseball team gave a bencAt game for our Sew ing Society, nnd of course, wo had a big. crowd. Dear Uncle Ezra Insisted on paying $5.00 for his ticket, and of course, that helped our treasury very much. I tell you It's fine to hnvo a dear uncle llko my Uncle Ezra, for he's alwayB doing something nice to help us along In our great work. Well, getting back to the ball game, It was a real good contest, as Uncle Ezra called It, but 1t seemed llko real baseball to me. Vcsterday's mall brought mo a great bunrh of letters from friends and every one of them re ported good news In SEWING SOCIETY work. If you haven't sent for your Certlflcato of Mem bership there Isn't a better time to do it than right now. Wo need all the good members llko you wo can get and you know the winter days will bo with us again before wo realize It. Just address me care this paper, enclose a two-cent stamp for postage and I'll be glad to send you one. Or. If you're an officer In your Society will send as many as you wish fot yourscll and mem bers. Write today to your loving, A) III ill m$Mm 7C w iM0 1 'Ml ( s wimmk It 'eslfl liM y?r 41 wK lHWftW vfwl IrrA y$2r llM fi 1 1 I 111 WmM S- VjV A I I Pt "fHLS r X W V y I I 111 I 1 I l I A I ' - Wv SSjm"? J ir n CI it 1 J'jn IMA fflriv llfSf it 'TTMtwsap Tr?,r?irrs "Vlll1fc" ,J 'rji?i i ' '., 4F : lmLmmTT kT f