Wi?, to, , ,t(l t U SIX THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1915 EVENING EDITION. All Women Should See These Crisp New Fall Suits Thoc Suit me Ihi toiy noueit Mjles fiif I 'nil nnil Winter, liullt Willi mi nUM's eje to their llo mill n tailor's cine for their fit ami flnMi. The MhiwIiik ionics a lilt imiIj lint llilt N onlj flint joii may MH HllMO 1ICW sljll'S llllll lllUO tllO plcllSllle Clf WCIIlllIK '' jour til ir "t litni?- . , 'llicic mi' iiiij iimnlirr of new featiue Hint will Inleiest joii, ( ninonR thorn Ihe loiiw-illhlo ioIIiiin Hint mnlco eneh model Ihor- uifchly iim (Iml for Immediate wnir ns well us I He J nil imjs iiiiu mo to mine. "You will find ii WsU mute Hum wmtli jour wlille. $15.00 to $35.00 llOUOR TKPI BAGK'D E E B PLENTIFUL BASEBALL SCORES COPPIMH' ii:ld i.ncidiixt callld m:- gami: wakdhx ihipohts av I Tllll' TllltOl'GH STATU n:u STANDINGS OP COAST MIAdt'l! I aim: not changhd Kierliil Showing I Just Wlinlow Centiiil .,. $18.50 HUB DRY GOODS CO. SMAUT WLWIt l-'Olt WOMHN COItNL'It IIHOADWAY AND CKNTItAL AVIJ. lMiono :ioi NEPHEWS IN WAR KEEPS OUT OF JAIL i:iji:vi:.v ih;lativi:s or maiisin .mils. KIHLD MAX Alti: PIGIITING I i-'axxii: o'Doxxniiii wins AXOTIICH POINT j;. A. KIcUmoiIIi Hems fiom Momhers of I'mnllj In the (lYtnimi Army K. A. Klclcworth or tills city Iiiih olmon nephew h In tliu (ionium army nnil l nntiimlly very lunch IntoretU Sin) of Hxeeiitlon Is Seemed for Her lij Attorney Sillier at Hlcienth Hour Mrs. Fniinlo O'DonncU who was to lmvu Immin her three montlm toun In the conntj Jail yestenliiy got another etl In tho proRrcBU of uf fairs in the I stay at tho liiBt minute ami will not blK war. Ho recently hail from his homo town, Dromon one of his relatives who states that stay of execution of thu sentence un- affalrs thero are not as hail as one woulil expect. There Is plenty of fooil I Man Who FJmired In Affair Was lit j Marshrielil a 1'ew i Diijh Ami Ono of tho cxcIthiB lm"dents of (Sinernor West's ailmlnlstrntlon Is 1 1 ecu I led h tho follow 'tig piess tel I errata from llaker Oro: William WloKanil and II. Stew art, the Coppei field saloon men whose bUii'Kh or liquor have been In Htor.iRo In tho Hills Transfer waie- Iioiihc slnro a ear iiro last .Innuaiy, hae paid tho storaRo charges and h.io taken their Roods back to Cop pcrfleld The owners will attempt to dispose of the liquor before tho pro hibition law Roes Into effect. The lirinor was seled when Governor West hcnt the inllltl.i to make Cop perflelil "dry," follow Ins complaint of citizens. There wait ipi'to a lot of Interest In the Copperfield affair at tho time that It happened. Col. II. K. L.i.v hoii who was in Miirshfleld a day nr two hro, Is the man who figured iii(te lousplcloiisb In tho affa'r. I In was at that time waidon of tho lliintci' Clubs Unto Cieatcd a Spirit of Protection Which Is Very lleiieflclal Uccauso of the greater spirit of protection shown by tho Hunters' clubs and tho sportsmen Individual ly, there aro more deer this year than there have been for ninny sea sons, b the report or Call D. Shoe maker, state r,uiio warden, who re turned yestciday from a 10 day tour through tho state. The vaidon visited the gamo re serves and the many hunters' clubs In order to familiarise himself with local conditions and get ueiimilnted. All the accounts t.iy the mountains abound with doer. Last winter tho light-footed anlmnls were little mo lested by tho wild cats and cougars, as thero was plenty of Tood to bo had. Tho main reason for the Incieaso, however, Is tho preventative meas user taken bv the organization of sportsmen. Heretofore some of the niembeis were the worst violators. They would shoot fenialo deer and then mutilate the carcass so that Portland Loses to los AiiKeles mill 1 M IUIIIC1 '.- " !.. r- - ------ Oakland ami Sim Kranelseo mo Victors PICKOHNTAGKB or COAST LKAGUIS ' w. l. r.c. San Kranclsco .IJ7 51 .55 1 Los Angeles . .'CI 57 .5117 Oakland 01 .501 Portland 57 5!1 .11! I Vernon 57 07 .100 Salt Lake . ...55 00 .151 L state penitentiary and Is a membort L0M(1 ot )0 rcc0Bnled by tho of the stato militia and Governor ,Bnlno wardens. S'nco the eo-opcra- Wcst ordered h in to go to Copper field and sol7o tho Honor. Lavvson i-ays that there was a good deal el live work has been Instituted be tween tho law enroreers and tho hunters most or the Illegal hunting exaggeiatlon about tho whole story ,a8 8t0p,,od. aB tho newspaper iiLcounts were sent1 ... ...,, ,istilct No. 1. which in- from linker ami tho Tacts were fre-r,lc8 aM lll0 counties west ot tho iiueiilly Rlcancd Inrgly by telephone CuhcuiIo Hnnge, tho open season Tor iiicmmkch between Halter and Cop- china phcasantB will bo from Octo peiflold. There wiib much said about ,)or t to ;Ui uth ti,0 CXCOptlon of the militia being called thero but j,u.i80 t0unty whore only ten days as a matter or furt Col. l.avvson i,,,,,.!,,,, ..nil i,n iiiimvpil. Iiuiilniiliii: went to Copperfield with a captain I 0 October I. Thero will bo no op- ' en Bcason In Coos, Curry and .loso 'phlne Counties. In tho Uastcrn Ore gon district, with tho exception ot II. l.'l 10 II. 10 0 '2 II. 13, 10 0 B hi.' -j ..-.... of tho nl0a guaiil and four prl- a otter have to go to jail tor a time at least ' , ' , . . ..mi . i .. vatos. At one time when trounlo in, from 1 1. N. Miller, her attorney, seemed a , , . , ' , , .. , wuh treatened two vo guari h m til September 1 to give him Hum tor,0'"'; "0,,t 1l,"'ro ,,ut ,tl,,oy ;voro ,'ot (Union County, thero will ho no China m. appeal. He will take It up on n.-clctt and were sent back on lie lhen8nllt H00tlK tIl,8 ycar. Tho nnil prices, tho letter tolls, are really not as high as In this country, except ing tho charges for coffee ami somo sales of liquor on Sunday held union- writ of habeas corpus and sn.vs that ho hopes to get tho law prohibiting same train. Col. Law son and the five other men took chargo of the ll'i lor and packed It up and as a matter stltutlomil. Mrs. O'Dounoll was sentenced to three months In Jail and to pay a fine or IL'OO Tor bootlegging nt Um pire. She Is at liberty under bonds. DriiVs Hcipiest Judge Coke refused to grant tho petition of Mis. Ohma Mnglutilfl for funds to appeal her ill voice ease to Mr. Hlckworth has been receiving tho Supremo court. Judge Coko ro of the products which must be export ed from other countries. Ono rclatlvo of Mr. Hlckworth Is now In Dromon, having come home from thq Russian rrout for a month's mention. This relative Is a brother or Miss Anna Johnnseu well known here. season In Un'6n will last rrom Oc tober 1 to 10. Ducks are nlontlful this year, mid or fact thosu six men were nil tho wln ,,roV,0 8,)0rt for thousands this iiillltln at Copperfield. The general !ycnr c!cc80 ai0 belnK k1vc 1)n)tty Impression nt the time was that a B00(, taro otl thu ro8ervu In Harney largo number of nafcmal guards county, so ..dusy will Increase In men were thero. 'numbers. HANDCAR ICED 1 T1 000 IS pnpors rrom (iermany mid has given fused to grant her a divorce from H. (I. ltUIIDDU OP ItHAVHIt HILL1 PHTITIOXS POIl IIOXD HLHCTIOX tim Tim nn Intorcstlni! man fiom To in Magluuls mid she wanted to ap- IS IXJl'ltUI) I SKtXKh LlltHltALLV one of the papers which shows where peal the ease but vuih without funds tho many vessels have been sunk . unless tho court would compel Magln-i Was Itlillnt,' on I'lntcni' Wlien Colli by tho German submarines, Tho niapiiils to make her u sufficient allow- hon Takes Place Others Ale Is shown In tho Times window'. ance. ADOPT STREET FLAW D E W 1 E S CHARGES j:astsii)i; citv copxcil coi:s aiil'AI) with impkovi:mi:xts Approves IMIm.iles of Hngliicvr Catluail Ciiiinclliiimi Mtvl.s ami Turn lleiiiiclt Clnsli Tho L'autslihi city coum II last even ing adopted the plans mid spcclfiia tlons of Hnglneer Calhcart for tho Coostou street Impiovemeuts. His ch tlimites call ror about $'j:i,(MMi worth or stieet work. The proper! owners now havo a week or so In whlih lo enter a reiuonslianie after which the council will take fuithcr action. Thero wan another clash last even ing between Tom lleiiuett, who lep resouts the (ounslto company, op posed the piopciHcit Impiiivemeut, claiming It would pimtlcall i unfit. eato tho proper!. He urged that the council bo lenient mid find some Iohh expensive way or providing thoioiiKii ranvs. Coumllmau Meeks again moikI Mr. Henuett and thu tou unite iiim pauy hard, claliiilug thai all llu lowusilo company did vwi.c to hold back that section while the disposed JA.MLS Ill'ltltAXI) HXPLALNS MAT TllltS 'IO JPSTICi: PHXXOCK Sllglilly Hull i 1 II. It. Iteeiler, proprietor of the Heaver Hill hotel, sustained a brok en leg yesterday when a handcar on which hu wm, riding ran Into a box ear. Tho rracturo was reduced by I Dr. Mingiis who does not anticipate any scilims results rrom It. til; Ataocltted I'rm lo Coos Ilr Tlmra I PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 5.-Port-land lost again today. Winning games phtcd by Oakland ami San Prnucibco did nut change the stand ing ol the Coast league teams. Tho bcoicb orosterday follow: Coast lcjigiio. At Los Angeles It, Portland 1! Los Angeles 0 At Oakland It. Vernon - Oakland !l At Salt Lake It. Sau Pianclsco ' Salt Lake 1 Xiitloiinl League. At Chicago Philadelphia-Chicago, rain. At Cincinnati Hrooklyn I Cincinnati I At Pittsburg Iloston 5 Pittsburg 1 At St. LouIb Now York 11 St. Louis ! Second game: New York 7 St. Louis 0 American League. At Philadelphia Detroit 1 Philadelphia 0 At Now York St. Louis-How York, wet grounds. At Washington First game: Chicago 0 Washington 1 Second game: Chfeago I Washington 3 At Hoston Clevcland-Hoston, rain. Xot Ceitnln Whether They Will be Piesented to Commissioners for Action Tomoriovv The petitions asking tho County Commissioners to call a Bpecial elec tion to submit the question of bond ing Coos County Tor ?370,00u to build permanent roads aro bolug fiooly signed. It is thu wish to get at least 10U0 signers, although tho JACK LONDON BUYING MYRTLE FURNITURE Notes I Author Ploa.scsl With One of Coos County llxlilhlts at the Kxpos'tlmi Mr. Iteeiler was tiding on tho Hat 'law does not require that number. liar with three Italian miners. Tho latter were working the ear, all com ing out from Heaver Hill to the Junc tion to catch tho train. They wore going along at a good cilp and tho conversation caused thorn to forget to watch tho track. Tho boxcar had been sot on tho hiding and tho hand car struck It before the party on It know .Neighbor of Veins Siin that Allega- lions Weio Mmlo W. (bout Ail) JiiMirinitloii Jiimes Dm laud of tho Hunker Hill distill t came In toda and Informed Justice Peunock that charges against him (Durrani!) were unfounded. He said that ho was leally tho one who had a gilevame. Some neighboring" of io danger. ciilldieii had been molesting the Dur-1 None or tho linllaua vvero Injured the calling of tho election. Thoio aro L'50 petitions being cir culated in various paits ot the county. Whether tho petitions will bo pre sented to tho County Court tomor row In not certain and will not bo determined until tonight. A Ten Mile delegation la said to he planning to go to Coqiilllo to morrow to enter protest against land children ami when he went to aslilu from a few bruises ami Bcratch protect them the others caused trnuli-1 . In. Ho said Ilia! Hie charges or Intox- - leu I Ion weie wioiig. Justlccf I'onnock said that he would tako tho matter, uA-rrDrDnMT iMCiAfe A ivttiuiuuum ivjuvvo 't Fred Chestnut, Chas. Hall and othora who had another plan lor calling the election mo also pro testing against the picscnt petitions. They wanted It specified that tho bond money was to ho oxpeuded under the direction or tho Stato under consideration. Otlieis In the neighborhood bear out the statement i( Durtaml. W J ' ' bo Shiimiock, which lv Condron ' Highway Commission nnd In this Hust who lives at Klagstafr said that 1iuj itif It a tew .veins ago for him- Uli' l'00H County would have a he had boon a neighbor of Duritiucl ' HUr, has been converted Into a tug- Wronger claim for a big portion fur eight .veins ami has ulwas found .,.,, i,v McDonald and Vaughn "f l,l,) pioposcd $10,000,000 state Prank Lowe has Just finished vvoik """'I lusl'1' for road building. Mr. on her and It Is expected that Geoigo ,""" l "'w nvvny. hut ho Is said to llerion, who will opeiato her. will "ave discussed this plan with S. him a peaierul and desirable uelgh hoi and (hat it was his opinion that the c hinges made against him weie or their piopuit at big prl on. Imitations pi tilled at The office. I'lmes Tlmos want ads bring losulls. outdo! without Justification. Mr. Dm rami states that the whole 'thing stalled because of one woman who wished tci make things unpleas ant fur him b.v filing the charges. Times want mis In lug retails. put hur Into service toda. vi:sTi'.itxi:it is comixg i HeiiKou ami othora piomliiont In tho Oiegon stato highway movement. XOriCU TO CltHDI'lOHS Lumber Si homier lo Hi lug Pail Nami Smith's Pieight lleie or YOU will need one for your outing, your vacation, your trip to the Fair, To get pictures of the baby. We have a com plete line $6 to $60 Films Developing Printing Kodak a Akrr.. tiflf . . ov .iJfiV; w i-.w: . iE5ttt?ufrratt(. - -" wasfr:' v 8m- ifj&TT.ir? In the County Couit of tho Stato of Oregon. In and' for Coos County. Agent t P. Mctleorgo lecelvedl , U) Ilmttl8 of 10 Vimo of advices late yosteiilay that the Nana j Wllaiu II. Cioss. deceased. Smith would piobably not bo nlilo Nollci) lg ,loro,,y Rhoil tllllt tho to sail from San Francisco for Coos', ,ioiBncil has been duly appointed Da until next Wednesday. Lidnilnlstratr x of the estate or Wll- Tl.e Westerner, which Is under', ,, t,roJ8i ,,0(.cnHOlli by ,0 chn. tor to cany white cedar finui rountv (.llrt of Oregon, in and for tho C A. Smith mill hoto to Sau (.00!l county. Podio, will leave San Pranclsco for A ,,; ,unnK clans nRnnBt coos nay next .Moima ami win, In lug pint or the Xauu Smith's fruikht. This will reduce the delay (Special to Tho Times ) SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 5. Jack i London, fiunous author, Just In fiom n rivo-mouths' sea trip, camo to the. Oiegon building the other clay, saw tho exhibits, registered ami under "remarks" said: "Kino and splen did." To tho one In charge, Jack said ho could write a book about thu Oregon showing. Incidentally ' ho remarked that ho had been buy ing tho Coos Hay myrtlo wood fur nlturo for several years, had $700 ' worth ordered at this time, and that I ho thought It the most beautiful of, all woods. j Francis Wilson, world-famous stage artist, lias come to tho build ing several llinou. Ho thinks tho furniture mado by the Oregon chil dren, together with tho dresses and other feattucs In tho educational display, wonderful In tho oxtronio hut not moiu wonderful than that 75c luncheon Borved by tho domestic science girls from thu Agricultural, college. Mrs. Phoobo Hearst, thu greatcBt of tho great In tho nay ro-j glon, Is anothor charmod with tho J domestic sclonco luncheons. Senator Hen Tillman, brandishing' n cniio rather than a pitchfork, saw tho Bights ami said hu would go back to Carolina tho happlor lor hav ing soon Oregon's building and dis play. Teddy Itoosuvolt ialloil to got Into thu Oregon building but dashed thiough tho Oregon exhibit lu tho , horticultural palaco ami was "de lighted" as a mattur of course. XKW'S or coquilli: ot slilppuiK. The Westerner does not imiy pmeugots. HAD HAD ACCIDP.XT Joslo Darker or Pain low lost a hotbo last week whllu attempting 1U15 cirial a wild steer. The horse was' i mining down a ver steep hill, noar said estate aro hereby lequlrod to piesent them, with tho proper voucit eis, to mo at tho office ot Chas. I. Kolgaul, in Room No, 1, over tho First National Hank or Coos Hay buiding, at Mnishtlold, Oregon, within six mouths fiom and aftor the dato ot this notlco. Dated this lilst day of July, A. I). Coos County Seat Lvruts ns 'mid llyi the Herald I C. A. Machou who has been qulto' sick for sovoral wooks has been taken to Miirshfleld, whore tho effect of Turkish baths will bo tried. Mrs Muclion accompanied hor husband,'1 and Mrs. D. I). Pilco has charge otl tho news stand in her nbsenco. ' jO)ED CROSS Draj PHONE 122 ANNIK SAIIA1I CROSS. AdmlnUtratiK of tho Kbtato of the bottom ot which there was a log William H. Cross, deceased. it had to Jump. It made the log all c'HAS. I RKIOARD, tight, but was unable to stop or turn Attorney ror Administratrix quick enough, and ran Its head (n,t publication, August .'. 111."; between the uojuU of a fence, break- i,abt publication, Sept. 2, 1015) lut Its nock. Mr. Haiker tsoaped with no InJui) save a shaking up (let our Job pi Int lug done at The - Coijiilllo Herald. I Times office. FOR AUTO SERVICE Any place, and time, our five, sov cn and nluo passenger cars with caro fill drivers will serve you. Rates Reasonable Day nnd Night Service C0RRIGAN & KNOX BROS. Right Cafe Phone 200-L. OUR ANNUAL DAHLIA S HO will be held SATURDAY, AUGUST r- Two Beautiful Prizes for Best Exhibits All Dahlias must be entered before 1 P, M. Sah Don't forget the day and date LOCKHAR.T-PAR.S0l DRUG CO. "Thi Busy Corner" T- 1 J3 T 11, jranors anu juiDrarie Xothlng will n't off jour llhuny er pnilur ( 1 Davenpoit. We linvo ineni in mock hi iiio viuutcr-Mn J Dull ami I'limeil, In Hid Iiiilliiliou nun (ruin Lcalhcra. Prices-$35.00 $37.50 $55.00 $51 They mo all (oiisti in teel in Iho lilies! pnlcnlcd iiidliixl. lo Hit, eNy lo lest on, easy to bleep on. See Ihcin. GOING HARVEY compli;ti: housk i'uit.Msiii:its. Koonfz Garage Agency for OVERLAND CARS GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELS MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: .. PiionHf FliiGnl & BE TT IK OIillKhT HANK IN COOS COUXI'V IXiiIiIIhIicmI 1NHI. Capita), Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid on Tlmo AND HAVINGS DKPOSlTtf orriccrH J. V. Ilennett, Piesldent. J. II. I'lamigan, Vice-Pi evident. II I. tlMIII .... 1. 1.. '. l milium, linilliu, -i i.'i.n. I.' wini hosier. Asst- lM A Bank of Persona! Service You will not always bo ablo to save money. because VOU will not nlwnvs hn nhln to cam it. Save now while everything is favoiable and I up a rosoivo tund to tall back on wnonyouream" pacity coases, as it surely will. We pay interest on savings ac counts and timo doposits. FIRST MATIDM1IL BUa OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Ticnt. OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE 2 l)U'i GoiDt X Kliif.'. f...... i ... ..... ...... -...-. .nno .Hill hlllieill 7 ll.Ill.i H '"" -J Vm leaie for Hmplio 7 ,1.111.. 1 1 a.-! '- p 1 r 1 ...... c .. Ht -... ..,i, nuiiM!i nay 7 a.ni., "jl "' ''!'", ..ii , larncei or mitn nioiikii, nwr- 'BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE COOS - - t -- - --- swffffwggsni KIVHjVf 2.