OaUMHiMHW' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELk, OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1915 EVENING EDITION. FIVE BS252SEraraSB5il52H5E5E52n5MHa NEYTO LOAN Everything a Man Needs $100 to $100,000 On Improved Ranches IBBnway & McCarthy Mortgage Brokers j: .Myrtle Anus Mnrsliflcld II f JIM ill' 11 in. ti lit ii 1 1 lit in ''0 on't. 'ool burself l't fool yourself into be- liifi that the way of yes- pday is the way of today moms uusmessi pothing now is discover-1 ;ana macie every ciay, pods change as well as jrclmndlse. ifenty years ago mer- fants carried long time ac- jius ai uig proms, lociay quick sales and small )fits but many of them, l't fool yourself into be- iving that your competi- fs arc sleeping, fey are on tip-toe every i in the year, l't fool yourself into be- ing that ads of today are ire names and addresses id blatant assertions of periority, iey are true stories of the jgress being made in mcr- jandiso and tho pricos at lich they are sold, lad the ads, for that OUTING, FISHING or HUNTING TRIP Outing Shoes $2.25 Easy and comfortable BATHING SUITS SWEATERS SUMMER HATS AND THE BEST SUITS IN THE WORLD ' From $8.50 to $30. FIXUPl III 1 1 II 1 1 ill 111 I 11 II I 111 J II ii II ill I ! 'MERCHANTS CAFE Populnr I'lneo for Good Meals Prices Reasonable r. Commercial mid H'dtv'y. Where the Price is always Right, Marshficld North Bend JO DKvTTlES AUGUST TIDES Tlmo nnd height!) of tldca nt Marshflold. Tlio titles nro placed in order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino nnd heights on the second lino of each dny. A compar ison of coiiRCcntlvo heights wilt ln illcnto whether It is high or low water. High tldo on tho bar ono hour nnd G4 minutes earlier than nt Mnrshflcld. lira. Ft.. Ilru. Ft., llrs. Ft.. Uih. Ft.. lira. Ft.. Ilrs. Ft. . lira. Ft.. . I . 0. . r, . . ; c, . (i . 7, . 0, . 0, . n, . t. . r, . l, . r, :ig 7 :ir l 1 11" () 20 1 10 Ho I! 10.49 :u 1 1 . r, o JI.C I2.:i8 3.7 1.18 :i.8 7.10 o.:i 8.2:1 o.:i 8,rr, o.n 1.00 2.5 n.u 2.r, G.10 2.1 7.00 2.1 l.r.u 4.2 2.2c i.r. 2.5G 4.7 0.5G 4.7 0.19 4.8 l.t:i CO 0.0 0.0 7.42 2.0 8.21 1.8 s.r.s i.r SARTER'S For Your ICE CREAM everything sanitary always open for inspection Wo lnnko Ico ('ream to order, any kind and In nny (itiiui tlty, for parties, lodges, pic nics, etc. :: :: :: :: :: We do not pen It: of Its Q U A Ii I T V 'Dial t, peaks for Itself SARTER'S PIlOllO lidlt-.l, Mlllshflcld Front St., Opposite lllanco Hotel WEATHER FORECAST IDf Aroflitf4 I'rui to Coo B17 Tlmfi.J WEATHER FORECAST OREGON Fair, variable ' winds, mostly Northerly. LOOAIi TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 24 hours ending nt 4:13 a. 111., Aug. (5, by nnnj. Ostllnd, Bpoclal government motcorologlst: Maximum GO Minimum 51 At 4:43 n. in T4 Precipitation 01 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1914 G8.78 Precipitation aamo period last year GG.G4 Wind NorthwoBt, clear. Begins Suit. II, A. Copplo has be gun action In Justice Ponnock's court , against 1). F. Barnard for J24. For Rent i STORE ROOM Hlissel Building Central Avciiuo .jCi.f.OO per moiitli of will rout tho full store room If desired For Rent Store room under Lloyd Hotel Front Street Good lea no to desirable party. "Seo Held About II." W.A.REID, 150 Front St. Will Weil Announcement Is mndo that Charles a nun by ana nuima Winkler will bo married Soptombor 10. Move Residence. Mr, and Mrs. F. I). Fletcher who havo been residing nt Myrtlo Arms hr"n moved to npnrt ment No. 3 In the O'Conncll building. At Now Dock. Tho launch Ex prcss will also land nt tho now dock In Marshficld, taking advantage of tho bettor accomodations otferod there. T. J. HCA1FH & A. n. I10DQINB MnrQhffplrf PA,NT AND lYiarsiiTieia DECorating co, Estimates Furnished Phone llfl-R. Marfdiflcld, Oregon he Noble Theater To-Night fiPECIAL ATTRACTION "Tin: heeson iihotheus pkyyeiis and TRAINED ANIMAL SHOW" (veil nrth of vaudeville H Trained dogs 1 Ponies .Monkeys. i ctciilngV entertainment for old nnd young. SIX HEELS OF EXCELLENT MOTION PICTURES Francis A". Bushman, in EsMinny's Three Heel Feature: "Till: RETURN OF RICHARD NHAL" The latest prize mystery play produced in conjunction tilth "Lndlw World." "Till: NKJHT OPERATOR AT BUXTON'S. Ono of the Kiilem Hallroud Morles of tlio "Hazards of Helen" Mies. LATHE NEWS" Tho best u'.kI moit IntorestliM,' plctuivs of ntK as lliey reallj- happen. st Show starts promptly it7 L'pttuhs or down stolrs -5 contu Children l cents. TinoiTiw night entire change of program. ARCEL post your laundry e Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY W. T. U. Meeting. Tho Marah flohl W. G. T. II. will meet Raturdny afternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. M. R. Smith, Broadway and Commercial, to mako plans for attending tho county convention at North Bond. Opens iui orWce. A. G. Aaab, formerly superintendent of schools at North Bend, has opened an offlco In North Bend. Ho will havo chargo of H real estate and Insuranco business In which sovoral North Bond men will ho Interested. Was Witness. Ben McMullon who ils horo rrom .uyruo romi "o f"t. returned from Portland whoro ho Iibb I spent tho past month as n witness in , tho enso of tho Hodge Lumber Com i pany vs. F. A. Krlbs and othors, ln 'volvlng a controversy ovor on old timber dcnl. Socialist Picnic. Kdltor Kagan of Langlols arrived horo yestorday for a short stay In this section. Ho Is making a lecturing tour of Coos county In bohalf of tlio Socialists. Ho will address a picnic to bo hold nt the McCulloch place at Haynes Inlot Sunday. KIks Dtinco. At n meeting of tho Marshflold Lodgo of KIks last even ing, plans woro mndo for a social danco to bo hold at tho Goodwill pa vilion on South Coos Hlvor noxt Wed nesday night. A special boat will bo chartered to take tho KIks and their families thoro. i Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. lams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FUK HAHHUK wuim Jr Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work tne Dredge "Seattle" most powerful, host equipped nnd most thoroughly raodent twenty-lnch hydraulic dredgo In Pacific waters dos Bay office, Main office, Marslifleld, Oregon. Seattle, wasnmgion. W. V. T. l Convention. Tlio Coos County W. C. T. U: convention will bo hold at tho Presbytorlan church In North Bend next Monday and It Is expected that a large number will be present from tho different towns In th county. It will bo nn all day ses sion. Mrs. Kemp, state president, will address tho gamboling. May Build IJnm David Musson Is negotiating with II. J. Kimball Jr. for tho latter to.crrcct n largo ham for tho Musson Drny and Transfer business under n long term lense. Mr. Kimball may build the struct ure under tho garage building which ha recently erected near Second and Elrod. Williams Promoted. Tom Will iams, who has been in chargo of tho Dlsston saw exhibit at tho San Frnn cisco Exposition, has been given chargo of tho Portland branch of his firm and has had Coos Bay included In his now territory. Ho Is expectod In today or tomorrow on his Initial trip In his now territory. Work nt Ihiudoii. Donald M. Charloson, Port engineer, cnti-.o over yestorday from Bandon. Ho Bays that they arc making good progress with tho Jetty work. Hoy Itozcllo Is fore man of tho quarry whoro they nro taking out rock for the work. They nro getting tho dredgo Seattle! in readiness to bring her to tho Bay. Lcnvo for Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Max Tlmmorman and children loft this af ternoon on tho steamer F. A. Kll bum for San Francisco to stay for two or thrco weeks and attend tho cx posltipn. While In Callfornln Mrs. Tlmmorninn will purchnso tho stock for a millinery store which bIio will open on Front street early In September. Looks Over Timber. Geo. A. Loud, tho Bay City, Michigan, lum berman who has been horo looking over somo timber, nnd daughter, Miss Esther, and Ralph Hcald returned horo last ovonlng after a Jaunt to tho country. Mr. Henld Is endeavor ing to sell Mr. Loud eovcrnl tracts of timber In different parts of tho coun ty. Mr. Heald's father served In con gress from Michigan when Mr. Loud waB a member of congress there May Co East. Frank Pago who has been traveling through thlB sec tion for tho pnst flvo years for a plumbing supply houso loft this morning for his homo In Portland. Ho said that ho was expecting to bo transferred to an eastern territory and this might bo his last trip In horo. Ho promised to send II. J. McKootvn nnd somo othor local friends somo real maplo sugar from his old homo farm when ho receives his annual conBlgnmont from thoro. Ocean Is Calm. V. W. Langwor thy nnd C. S. Hoffman who woro up from tho bench, whoro their families nro camping, Bold that tho oconto was tho smoothest yesterday )thoy ovor saw it. Thoro was scarcoly n sign of n wavo and tho waters rolled In on tho beach caBlly, llko a Binall pond. Tho camnorB had great sport wading out and catching crabs, Mrs. Gordon Smith alono picked up twonty-flvo nt Bastendorf Beach. Have Crcwt Device. Frank Cattor lln who returned today from Port land says tlrat IiIb brothers havo Just acquired n patent gnrbago Incinerat or gas maker that Is a tvondor. Tho final patents woro granted last wcok. Sovonty-flvo cents worth of chemicals will consume a ton of gar bogo, and tho by-products of tho gar bago will produco a considerable profit abovo tho cost of operating tho plant. Tlio city of Portland 1b figur ing on installing ono. Letters for Dead Man. A letter was received nt tho Blanco hptol to day for J. S. Phlnney who ended his llfo horo last May. Ho feared that ho would becomo an lnvnlid, bolng af flicted with locomotor ataxia. Tho letter, according to n return address on tho onvolopo, wns from E. E. Hart shorn, 18 Boylston Square, Boston, Mass, Emmorson Ferry sent a lottor to Hnrtshorn tolling of Phlnnoy'a fato. Frlonds or relatives of Phlnney at JacksqnvJUo, Fla., wore notified at tho tlmo of his death. SOCIAL CALENDAR THURSDAY North Bond Swedish Luth- oran with Mrs. Llllobo, , North Bend Eastern Star social evening. Rainbow Club with Mrs. Adams, . FRIDAY North Bend Thlmblo Club with Mrs. Watters. SATURDAY II. C. Club with Miss Ruby Pittnjan. J ' PERS6NAL MENTION I $$ FRANK HARLOCKEIt loft today to visit tho Exposition. CHAS. ELFORD has gone to Cooaton for a short stny. MRS. E. D. MURGATOYD will leave Saturday for Portland. MRS. J. .1. FOSTER of EaBtsldo has gono to Catching Inlet. MATT L. MAY was a business vis itor nt Allegany yesterday. MRS. M. J. ELltOD loft today for n short visit in San Francisco. V. C. WEAVER of Eastsldo wob a Marshflold business visitor today. J. S. BARTON and wife and son aro bore from Coqulllo for a short tttny. S. SCOTNESS of Beaver Hill was a Marshflold business visitor ycB-torday. Paper Towels lnth( lntneMicnen i Sum uzsmis in mE4 mm Iiwfc-i fwiw- rrcirs sssr X1 MMtwwMM mSjar jjrxrjjK hmS nniyH mmi tYFrtEl. Scot Tissue Products Thoy Savo Tlmo and AVork Splendid for Picnics and Outings Sco Our Window Display 99 "The Owl Frank I). Cohan. The Central Avenue Drug Store T. C. RUSSELL of Beaver Hill was n Marshficld business visitor yc tcrdoy. ' MRS. ALEX .10HNSON and children left this nftornoou for nn outing on Coos Hlvor. MR. SABRO of Bandon Is upending n fow days horo as the guest of his friend, R. Buggo. C. D. OADRIELSON, an lnsurnnco man nt Salem, arrived horo today for n short stay. C. W. CUMBERS loft at noon "-da; In his auto for Curry county, hav ing hnd to wait over a day hero. GEO. WINCHESTER and Frank Lowo expect to lcavo soon for nn auto trip to Crater Lako and other points. CARL W. EVERTSEN nnd wlfo plan to roturn from their South Coos River camping trip tho Inst of thlB week. F. V. CATTERLIN and wlfo and hor mother, Mrs. Conrad, return ed last evening from a trip to Portland In tholr car. MRS. C. SCOTNESS and daughtor, Graco, of Bcavor Hill returned to day from n trip to Portland and ' other northern points. GEORGE ROSS camo down from Catching Inlot today on business. Mrs. Ross has boon In rather poor health for somo tlmo. MR. AND MRS. ALVA DOLL, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Spronglo, Andrew McClelland nnd D. L. Rood nro enjoying tin) day at Sunset Beach. L. W. TRAV13R and F. R. Kirk, of tho Bradley Candy Company, plan to leave noxt Sundny for a few weeks visit at tho exposition. MILO SUMNER nnd fnmly nro camping for n fow days at Sun Bet Bay, Mr. Sumnor going back and forth night and morning In his auto. MRS. A. D. TRAEIt will lcnvo to morrow for a short visit with Mrs. Tabor nt North Inlet. Sho plans to lcavo for Chicago about Soptomber 1. MRS W. E. BOIE nnd children nr rived horo today from Portland nnd Spokano to Join Mr. Bolo who recently completed n now homo hero for thorn. ' MISS ARMIDE TITTLE, who has boon visiting her aunt, Mrs. M. E. Everett nt North Bond, left today for Powers to visit at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Earl Suv-ago. MAX ROBBERTS, timekeeper nt Smlth-I'owora Camp Throe near Poworn Ib expected In tomorrow to visit his mothor, who arrived horo a fow days ago from Oklahoma. CARL MANNING and wlfo, of Port land, but former residents of Marshflold, aro guests at tho Ad dison Cook homo on Central Aven ue Mr. Manning loft horo abont ton years ago. CLARENCE K. ASH and brldo ar rived horo today on tho F. A. Kll burn nnd loft this afternoon for Ton Mile where thoy will spona tho balance of their honoymoon. Thoy will roturn In a week or ten days and bo at home near Fourth and Hall. ED McKEOWN, for years a fore man of tho Smith-Powers com pany, returned yostorday from Canada where ho has been spend ing tho past yoar. Mrs. McKoo.vn and baby remained there. He says that times are dull in Canada ow ing to the war, J. C. Penney Co. If it's from the J. C." PENNEY store it is always right in price, right in quality, and right in style. No old shelf -worn merchandise Where the quality and price are right it moves. l Clean new merchandise at a saving of from 25 to 33 1-3 per cent, every workin g day in the year is the motto of the J. C. PENNEY store. Bed Sheets 7l!0, good quality illc Bed Sheets 7(ll)(); n better quality IDc lied Sheets, HI l)0; no seams; extra quality (IDc Turkish Toweling; good quality toe nnd 21c yd. Straw Ticking; good quality l!c nnd tc yard Quilt (Yetous, illl inches Hide H l-:te yd. Silkolliic, il(l Inches tilde 10c yard Hope Muslin, ;t(l Inches wide iv .id. Ladles Sateen Skirts Ilc, (lc, 7c, Nile, t)Hc THE STORE WHERE A DOLLAR ALWAYS DOES ITS DUTY Tho f fi ?'cr T7' Wo lend Originators g J3. '' Others of Loir Prices yfrspfus'.-fc W VKVM-i'l:MZWKtV Follow NEXT DOOR TO MAHSHFIELD POST OFFICE A few prices that will save you money: Medium Bacon, per pound 24c French Ranch Eggs, per doz 30c Sugar (pure cane berry,), per 100-lb. sack $6.60 Apples from 90c per box to $1.35 for fancy stock. Plums for canning, per box 35c About the 15th of this month will be the time for canning Peaches and if you are going to put up some of this fruit, PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW and be sure to get some, the price will be about 65c per box for fancy Crawfords. ' GETTING'S CASH GROCERY North Broadway Near Central Ave. D. J. BEAKEY who hns been doing somo special work horo for tho Woodmen loft today for San Frnn- c,sco- l. 1. 1 DR. L. L. MAN.ER of Powers loft today for California where liu will claim. Miss Cowlc, a former teacher at Powers, aa his bride. MRS. R. K. BOOTH and Mrs. G. A. Bennett and Miss Lucy Hor tou returned today from an out ing nt tho Bonuott ranch hi tho Snud Hills. MIh Horton will lcavo for her homo In Poplar Bluff, Mo via San Francisco, the InBt of tho week. MISS IMOGENE BETTEYS, who has been visiting her ulster, Mrs. Lew Is E. Doll and doing somo oxton slvo writing about Coos Bay, loft yestorday for hor homo ut Den ver, Colorado, by tho way of San Francisco and Los Angeles. Miss Botteys says that Coos Bay Iiiih a great future J. F. SPUENGLE and wlfo, vice president and general manager of tho Audrow .McClelland Indus trial Mercantllo ami Realty Com pany of Pueblo, Colorado, arrived hero from San Francisco Tuos day to visit a fow days with Au drow McClelland nnd friends. On tholr way horo they stopped off at tho Sacramento Valley to look after business whoro Mr. McClel land has a largo tract of land in orchard groves and agriculture. Thoy will return homo by way of Seattle. DISCUSS (.OOP, ROADS Subject Taken up at Picnic Held Last Sunday Tho ranchers of HnyncH Inlet nnd tho Ton Mllo district hold a picnic at Sulphur Springs an the J. P. Da vis ranch last Sunday. W. J. Colo was tlio chief speaker for tho oc casion and ho talked on good roads and gavo somo interesting viows on tho question, A fine picnic dinner wns served, the meiiit consisting of chicken, mutton, Ico cream, coffeo and all kinds of pto and cake, tho lmllcs hating chargo of that feat urq of tho ontortnlument. A good roads picnic will bo hold at tho McCulloch ranch next Sunday Tho public Is Invited to attend tho picnic. , : NEW TODAY : $$ LOST Lndy's luitoniobllo gauniUt. Roturn to Times oftlcj. WANTED to cuimugc, new Diamond Point disc talking machine nnd records for a motor cycle. Must bo In good condition. Address Box K Bandon, Oregon. FOR SALE By Wed. evening, Aug. 11 th Beautiful solid quartorsaw cd whlto oak Princess Drcssor with 23 In. x SO In. Bov. pinto mirror. 1 Library table solid oak 24 x 34 top, with rocking chair and chair to match. Iron bed, Vornla Martin finish, with flue mnttrcss and springs. Ono five foot fir exten sion table slightly marred, 1 kit chen table with 2 bins and 2 drws. These aro A 1 bargains and may ho scon at residence of Mr. J. Le Nolr Rngsdale. J LOST AND FOUND t $ FOUND Small skiff on Coal Bank Slough. Inquire Times. LOST Morocco puiho containing $3 bill nnd about $r in change, Mon day botweon Dollcatcsson and Gol den Rule. Reward for roturn to Tho Times. U)ST Snmll Whlto French Poodle. AnsworB to nanio of Toto, Phono Western Union offlco. LOST Lady's gold watch. Initials E. L. T. Howard for roturn to Times offlco. J t FOR SALE t ' $$ FOR SALE Two flrst-cluss milk cows, fresh. Cheap If tnkou at once. Inquire II, Peck, Kltty it WANTED $$ WANTED Girl would, llko n phiro to work, for lonnl. luqulro F., euro Times, or phono 202 L. NOTICE The oxectitlvo committee of tho Marshflold Chambor of Commorco will moot Friday nftornoou at 4:30 and the general meeting of tho Chamber will bo hold Friday ovo nlng, August C, 1015, at 8 o'clock. It Is requested that all members at tend and aHslst In tho work of this chamber. JOHN W. MOTLEY, Secrotai.v. . $ HELLING GOODS Tho big problem In soiling goods Is getting tho customer into tho Btoro. Coos Bay Times ads will help you Bolve this problem. . ,! t FOR RENT ii $ FOR RENT Myrtlo Arms modern furnished apartments froo heat and water. $25 por month up. FOR RENT Ono unfurnished npnrt mont at Tho Hague Apply Pioneer Ilardwaro Co. FOR TRANSFER AND STOR AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AND BAGGAGE Call I FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono ltlit Residence Phone lit -J Market Ave. and Waterfront -