p r .v THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1915 EVENING EDITION ' THREE """ "" """' ' ' '"" "" ,LMmgEf?F'm!Zrmmia""m'' J """"'"'I , fAJ . UlimlMtmml ri-ti m Just As ,; Do your family ironing the Electrical way. It can be done quickly and '." frctlcssly. It can be done with the maxi mum of comfort and the minimum of expense. Hot Summer Days Become ?CboI Days for Ironing ,-For, with an Electric Iron k easily attached to any convenient socket ironing can be done in the coolest spot about . - the. house out on the porch if desired. And , ironing by Electricity is very economical too. Oregon Power Co ' Koontz Garage Agency for OVERLAND CARS GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: .. Phone 180-J Some are Restin i - . .-l'vtf V .jjurLon wiV II U.ul i . y The.Coos Bay Times pre- irf pares adver tising that hitsthe bull's eye. P is Want Ads Bring Results; fiflsy People JUST AT PRESENT. RUT THE TIMES TRUSTS YOU, A LIVE PUSIUNO Rl'SLNESS MAN ARE NOT. PUSH YOUR UUSINESS IN DULL TIMES AS WELL AS ALL OTHER TIMES. PUSH IT WITH GOOOD STRONG AD VERTISING. GOOD ADVERTISING IS A TONIC TO DEHILITATED, DULL TRADE. IT MAKES THE WEAK TRADE STRONG THE STRONG STRONGER. LET THE COOS RAY TIMES HELP YOU ON .YOUR AD VERTISING. IT IS HELP ING OTHERS MAYHi: IT CAN ASSIST YOU. OUR ADVERTISING MAN PLANS AND ADVJSES ON SPECIAL SALES OPENINGS INTRODUCING NEW GOODS AND ALL PHASES OF A D V E R T I S I N (I POLICY P5iRfVa!S VV.lZ' AFTER THE WAR IN EUROPE WHAT will the unprotected Widows and Orphans do? y Mil I. UUI1I.V .HlllU I fill I1IK1 U1U 1(11111- AFTER THF WAR OF LIFF!' Commissioners, charges of favor in i 'it vniin i , lllmii mill oMimagaiico in tlio oxpon- Wliat Will YOUR WidOWS antl uiltu.o of tlio road fund being made. orphans do, if unprotected?' 11,,1UT,'AX;,Tu;rte ,0. ,l" r, , ; , Ainoiicnn Osteopath Assocliillon YOU ShOllltl WOlTy ' mcotliiK my that many mothers lot i,lno , I their babies tllo because ot ignor- muui uaa unco In curing for tlioni. tri fw YkT SALEM 13. II. Sprnngcr lins r.riwaffl U l flfjnan lirouit 8,ilt ri" $'.-in against Liuvraiu jlo nuuuaU(ll0 ,,ltv of Slllolu n0KnK t)mt ho The Marshfield Life Insurance ?k.,l,Jurod by f,llUnK rrom u Hl,lc- Mail I 'I''"' DALLAS Tho Dalles busl- 1 "in i,' ii ti ... i moss tiion liavo launched a move- I,..,....,,,. .... 111,1.. M,....Jl.ft..l,t ., mmMMRSSStsSmm NOTICE Cream 20c per pint; Whip Cream 25C per pint Mill 71. o nop nimrt X 11 "m." Vr ' ' ii Buttermilk -10c per gallon BllttGr 30c ner nOUnd Pl,ULI " out, JU IJUi'l'U Ice 50c per 100 Special prices for larger quantities COOS BAY ICE &' , . nAr. , . . llcvod to bo Poto Clark wanted for COLD STORAGE CQ.Sv'rK,,?.' "or LERANON City Attomoy A. II. Phone 73. Deliveries at 8:30 a. m. and 2:00 p. m. daily 2ft COMMUTATION rjfl U TICKETS, $2.00. . Mursliflcld-North I lend Auto lilllO Cars every (en minutes finin (I a. in. (o 1- p. in.; to .South Slough onco n day, leaving at 1 1 n. in.; to Empire three trips a day. GORST At KINO, Props. City Auto & Taxi Co. Day ami Night .Service For tnxl, phono 20, Chandler Hotel For touring cars, .phono 20," Chandler Hotel LYNN LAMUI3TII, Prop. Now Cnrs Now Cars t Tl QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, Phono lOti-L. MAHSHFIKLW, OKJGON' WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, Marshfield-Coquiile Auto Stage Leave Ovl Pharmacy Mar.sliflold A. SI. 7:()() i)::to P.M. 1:00 n.ito Leave Coiiulllo A.M. 7:00 0:00 11:00 P.M. a: oo (i: no MARSIIFIELD.COQUILLE AUTO STAGE TIME SCHEDULE Schedule arranged to connect ullli boats to Ilaiidon, Stages to Mjrtlo Point, Wngnoi. Itosebiirg. No (lolays. Faro from Mai-shflold to Conulllo: 75 cents. Slaulo & Iimlvtli, Props. Will furnish extra cars for extra trips day 'or night; also charter cnrs. TELEPHONE The July telephone directory is now being distributed. Careful use of the directory will improve your service, CALL BY NUMBER. If you do not receive a copy of tho new directory promptly, call Chief Operator, COOS AND CURRY TELEPHONE CO. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Abstracts KOK HELIAI1LE AJtSTKAOTS OF TITUS AND I.M'UltMATlON AROU'D COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MARSHFIELD AND COQUILLE CITY, OREGON GENERAL AGENTS, KAST8IDE AND SENGSTACKEN'S ADDITION AGENTS FOR CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD LANDH HENRY SENGSTACKEN, MANAGER " All Over Oregon ASSETS ARE MAWY DW.LAS Petitions mo belli' olr otilntoil to bring nlioiit tln recall .. r rt . .. T...t .....nl .... i ,... ., utiilit run rt llnll I'tMil It'lititt tt1witl ! iiivnt iui it "v; uui itiiiiii, iihjii completed, will cllnilnato about :10 miles of tlio route arouinl Mt. Hood from Poitlnnd to Tlio Hallos. COKVALLIS Special trains wore run from Corvnllls to Albany to accommodate those who wont to hoar W. .1. Ilryan apeak. OREGON CITY Farmers of Clak ninus County are not greatly alarmed about tlio rain daninglng their wheat, very llttlo duningo being done bo far. i ASHLAND Former Iowa pcoplo numbering lOO. met at Ashland Llthln Park In tholr aiinunl picnic. HOOD RIVER Young boys aro accused of picking tiio pockets of reoplo when they are In bathing, n tot(,i of ?C7 having boon tnlcon In mis way. KAI.IJM John Monuhan, serving a term In tho penitentiary from Multnomah County, escaped whllo picking flax In tho field with other convicts. HOOD RIVER Tom Clark, an In dian arrested by tho police, Is bc- Todd, has started a distillery where ho will distill peppermint from the. product of In acres. 1 DALLAS B. M. Smith, former County Clerk of Polk County, has accepted a position as auditor of tho Stato Agricultural Collage. A LH ANY At a special election I1 held at Holly, a now union high school for that district was author ized by tho voters. PORTLAND ileal estato trans fers show an Increase over the mime period of Inst year. ALBANY A meeting of tho farm ers 'and fruit growers wns hold to dlsciiKS the flro blight which Is dum nglug tho fruit crop. J KIKJKNK Tho ministerial con ference which has boon In session at tho Oregon University has como to a close. ASTORIA Another carload of young fish has arrived to bo dis tributed In tho lakes In tho west ond of tho county. IIAUDMAN A flro swept through Hnrdmmi and burned several build ings, causing n loss ot $12,000. TOLKDO Ralph Plpon, n brldgo contractor, nnd a young lady, wore Itilitni1 tl'linn ft it tilltft 11 1 l It lt 11 j iti vii niaii ltd tin i u in n u iv ii tuuj woro riding turned turtle. t ri ivnp .pi.rt I.. ..i.. f 144V uii4iwr. 1 IIU JIIIIIUI It .ii. C. A. mouibeis hnyo taken up Indus- trial work with n view of assisting I their parents about tholr homes. ALIIANY Tho Albany pcoplo mado special arrangements for tho entertainment of William J. Rryan 1 who spoko in tho city today. ALRANY M. McDonald of Oronco has been olectcd a trusteo of tho Albany College to succeed Rov. A. M. WHIIaniH, of Seattle. REND Three forest fires nro rag ing In tho neighborhood ot Rend but so fur thoro has boon no vnlunblo timbor destroyed. GRESIIAM Oskar Hubor, who lms tho contract for paving tho Pow ell Valley rond, estimates that tlio pavoment can ho laid nt a cost of frbm $1.35 to $1.15 por square yard. KLAMATH FALLS Eugono Isa acs, a prouilnout Klamath Indian, who it Is alleged wns stubbed by Joe Rrown, anothor Indian last weok, dled as u result. DIRECTORY i I UNDERTAKING 1 villi bo kept H OPEN TO THE PURLIO H A regular htato licensed H iindoi taker will bo In H cliargo H Phono 105. J I 1 ....1 ! I I PORTLAND James J. Kennedy, who died at Ocean Park, was a Spanish-American war veteran mid was burled with mllltaiy honors In Port land. GRESIIAM Special Inducements In tho way of prlou for tho school children aro offered for exhibits at tho .Multnomah County fain to bo hold In September. LA GRANDE A Liberty Hell made entirely of cherries grown In tho La Grando district has been sent to tho San Francisco fair as an ex hibit. PORTLAND Mis. Thorn Tonscth, who has been n resident of Port land for twenty-five yonrs, died at tho homo of her son, Cornelius Ton seth, nt tho ago of 78 years. HOOD RIVER Tho party of lo cal people who had planned to climb .Mr. Hood postponed their trip aftor receiving a forecast ot probable bad weather on tho mountain. SIIKKIDAN Tho Sheriff has dis covered that a building which burn ed had been sot on flro in several places and that watch dogs tied at tho building had been poisoned. ASTOUIA Kdwnrd W. I'nsluw, a fireman on tho stoninor Nahcotta, which was In Port Astoria, has dis appeared and It Is believed that ho was drowned. KUOKNH It was decided by thoso In attondanco at the Inter-dononilim-tlonal conference that Inter-church rlvnlry and division ot church units was hurting the causo of rollglon. PORTLAND Harry Turtledove, a well-known IC-yoar-old high school boy, was killed In a collision be- tween a bicycle ho was riding and a motorcycle. KUGENU Tlio Oregon Ministers' association advocated tho crediting In high schools for work dono In Sun day school rathor than attempting tho Introduction ot tho Jiiblo in the schools. ORUOON Mrs. J. W. McDonald loft $1,000 worth of cash and dia monds in her burning house and wus prevented from returning to roscuo tho property by neighbors who fear ed she would bo killed. SALEM Tho Supremo Court haH decided thnt tho Portland Jltnoy bus ordlnanco is Invalid, but states that tho holding Is on a technicality and thnt tho city has n right to pnss a similar ordlnanco. ASTORIA Tho trial or J. L. Hor ry, auditor of Seaside, charged with malfeasance In offlco, wus halted when tho caso was roforrod back to tho grand Jury, tho Indictment being faulty. HOOD RIVER Corn growing In tlio Hood Itlvor district hns proved a success, hundreds of acres having boon planted slnco Hilly Sunday, tho evangelist, demonstrated on his farm that It could bo done. EUGENE Stops havo been taken to establish a market, tho Cominor- c"' Club naming committees to con- for with tho fnrmors regarding tho movement. PORTLAND Tho month of July has brought almost twice as much rnln as July last year but for the year thcro Is a deficit slnco Inst Sbptom lior as compared to tho previous yenr, according to tho Portland weather man. Mc.MINNVILLE Light rains nro halting tho work on tlio crops and if thoy contlnuo there will bo damage ilono in the neighborhood. faALE.M Tho Llun-Rcuton Coon- orntlvo t.rowors 4ssoclatlon hns ' ',con to"m', tov tno Prposo of rnls- lug nnd selling vegetables. I GRESIIAM Miss Edna Slioomnk or of Gieshnm will lonvo for San Francisco nnd from thoro will go to China to outer missionary work. McMINNVILLE Tlio St. .loo or chards, a largo tiact which was sot out to fruit nro now bearing for tho first tlmo and a largo amount of poaches from tho laud marketed. OREGON CITY Mrs. Grnco , Rrown has filed suit for $10,000 ingulust William Spldoll and Charles Rlugham nlleglng that thoy dofamod her good iiamo, r MEDFORD - Goorgp Andrew Jackson, known ns tho watermelon 1 king, died ut his homo In Modford. Ho crossed tho plains In 1851 and was ngod H2 years. PORTLAND Rov. and Mrs. W. R. Allon celebrated their fiftieth wedding nnnlversary nt their homo In Portland. L4V GRANDE Tho onstorn Oro gou lumbermen havo sent delegates to Spokauo to moot with tho Fed eral Trado Commission. CORVALLLS Mrs. II. W. Johnson of Corvallls who dlod I11 u hospital at Portland was brought back homo for burial. EUGENE Mrs. Charles V. Jarvls wns found iincoiibcloiis In hor homo having been Injured m u mysterious manner. OREGON CITY Grovor Fnulknor mid his six months old daughter havo boon brought back Irom Colorado bv an officer to answer u charge of not hiippurtlng his wlfo. ' KLAM4TTII FALLS J. R. Muson. I a non-partisan candidate, has been , elected mayor of Klamath Fulls. ROSERURG- Tho Rosoburg pco plo held n gonoral colobratlou wllon ! tho supromo court decided In favor of tho railroad bond lssuo. RAKER -Runchors of Grant ! county complain of a shortage ot I help as the harvest advances mid high iages are prophesied. I PENDLETON Tlio now na tltorlum In Pendleton will bo freo to all excepting on Sundays whon 11 chargo ot ton cents for Its uso will I bo mado. (IKIIM.WS CLAIM TO 1113 IX (iOOI) SIIAPI3 NOW Country Has Xot II eon Damaged And Xo Money I ton owed Fioiii Foreigners IJ13ULIX, Aug. :!. aornniny gives a list of assets at tho end of tho. i year of tlio war as follows: Tho country free of tho enemy ox ,copt a small strip In Alsace; has ppworful and active submarines and Zeppelin fleet; tho armies cnpiblo of making nn offensive fight In nny of tho scats of war; finances unim paired mid claims to bo only coun try which has not borrowed In for eign lands; large number ot nblo loaders to direct tho campaigns on land and many sea fighters; bus a million citizens In foreign hurls ready to como homo and fight; ter ritory prnctlcnlly undamagod by the wiir. It Is also stated Unit tlio iinmtvy hns spent $2,500,000,0 ); and that 250,000 men havo been killed. NINE ACCIDENTS That Will tlio Number lleported From Coos County A total of ldG accidents for tho wool: was reported to tho State La bor Commissioner. Threo woro fn tal. Ono of tho fatal accidents was reported from hero. Of tho total iiln'o accidents were reported from Coos County, ns follows: .1. 4. Twohy, North Uend, noso broken, construction. Raymond Collins, North lloud, eyes Injured, construction. Gcorgo E. Hudson, North Rend, eyes Injured, construction. Wiley T. Legg, North 'Rend, eyes Injured, construction. Robert M. Kcllnr, North Rend, eyo Injured, construction. C. C. Alison, Mnrshflold, faco cut sawmill. Ellis Hngistrom, Mnrshflold, scalp wound, logging. Georgo Troanor, Mnrshflold, fin ger mashed, logging. E. Syvcrson, Mnrshflold, blown up blasting, fatal, blasting. PAYS TEN CENTS FOR A LAND DEED Probably Smallest Government Entry Ever I'mvoil U K-IOOtbs of 1111 Aero WASHINGTON, D. C. , Aug. .1. Miss Serena Helen Rlue dropped into tho United States Laud Offlco utCiiHs Lake, .Minn., 11 few days ago mid paid tho Government 10 cents for a deed to her homestead 011 Turtlo Lake In thnt State. Miss IUuo's homestead consists of a triangular point of land Jutting into tlio lake, ISO root long In Its longest pnrt, nnd 38 fcot wtdo 1 In Its widest pnrt. Tlio entlro area ot . tlio homestead is 8-100 of an ncro mid the laud office authorities say It Is probably tho smallest entry over proved up, Tho young wo in it 11 who mado the ontry Is 27 yonrs old. To comply with the homestead law nnd obtain patent to her Inkosldo laud, sho built n log liouso, 1G x 10 fcot, nnd lived In It for seventeen months. Tho 10 cents paid Into, tlio land offlco was tho prlco fixed by tho Govoriimont for commuting tho entry to cash. In con sideration of tho 10 cents, she will not bo required to complete the threo years of rosldouco on tho land thnt would othorwlso hnvo been required. Of tho 3,181 squnro feet in Miss Rluo's homostend, tho law required her to cultivate 218 squnro fcot. In stead, sho cultivated mid grow crops 011 nearly halt tho area of the lot Ilor crops Included tomatoes, cab bngo and clover. .MARRIAGE LICENSES Tho following nro recent mnrrlago licenses Issued at tho county dork's orrica: Don J. Scott mid Loonu Evens llur brldgo. James Robert Culhortson and Eth el F. Martin. Harry S. Cordell and Lydla Roll Itodor. Mathlas Lux and Resslo May Jen sen. WILL GET IMOXEY Tho Coqulllo Sontlnol says: "Word has boon received hero that tho Den ver brokers who puichnsed tho city's $30,000 Issuo of refunding bonds has received the certificates attesting tho formal slguaturo of tho bonds; mid the romlttaiico to cover tho coutrm't prlco of tho bonds is expected here tho first of next weok. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will bo received until noon, Monday, August 9th, 1915, for tho construction ot a school building at Powers, Oregon, for School District No, 31. General work, plumbing and boat ing to bo let In separate contracts. Plans and specifications for the work may bo seen ut tho office ot Win. S. Tarpon, Architect, Marsh field, Oregon. A certified chock for five por cent of the amount ot bid must accom pany bid. Tho right Is resorved by tho school board to accept any, or ro ject nil bids recolved and no bid will bo considered accepted until after contract is signed. WM, S. TURPEN. Times want ads brlut' results. JUSTICE 'III S MAXV CASKS FILI3D IX C. L. PEX NOCK'S CorilT LAST FEW DAYS .Most of Them 4ro Actions to Collect Small AiihiiiiiIh Hut Keep Cou ntable Cov llusy Serving: Papers During tho last few days, Justice Ponnock has been kept busy receiving now cases, mostly small actions to collect money on small accounts. At tachments and other proceedings In cident thereto havo kept Constable Cox working overtime to sorvo all tho papers. Among those filed nro the fol lowing: Dnlfour-Guthrlo Co. vs. C003 Day Iron Works for $81. Finnish Cooperative Co. vs. M. V. Manning mid A, Manning. J. L. Ilowmmi vs. Harry Reynolds, $10. Levy & Spleglo vs. Farmers Union, $S3. Oregon City Mfg. Co. vs. E. nnr geron, $05. L SEVENTY-TWO HIGHEST HEACIN 13DIIV THE ML'RCL'RV The AveriiKO Temperature for tho Month Was .Slightly Over Six ty Degrees July wns a nice cool month In this locality. Tho tonipcrnturo was novor abovo 72 degrees. That was tho max imum tonipcrnturo for tho month, registered on the 11th. Tho minimum tonipcrnturo wits II on tho 17th. Tho menu maximum temperature was.GC 7 degrees mid tho mean minimum 53.7. Tho 'nverngo tempornturo for tho month wiib G0.2 degrees. Tho greatest dally rnngo of tempornturo was 22 degrees. Tho total precipitation for tho month wns 1.52 inches and the great est rainfall In 2 1 hours was ,G3 Inch es 011 tho Q tli. Thoro were ten days In tho month whon precipitation wns registered. Thoro woro II clenr days, II cloudy days and 3 pnrtly cloudy days. WILL DEVELOP THE SIXES RIVER MINE Group of California Men Havo Con trol of Property iiml Will Rulld Fltiino It Is stated that a group ot Cal ifornia men havo taken over tlio Dlvelblss mine on Sixes River and intend to develop It on a more ex tensive scalo than has ever beforo been attempted In tho locality. Re cently a band of Greek laborers came through this city nnd wont to Curry County to work on tho prJporty. Speaking of the 25 Greeks who tire employed, tho Ruudoii West ern World Buys:' "Thoy will bo placed at work Im mediately by Superintendent Thomp son 011 rushing construction work on tho five miles of flume nnd ditch that Is being built to carry tho water to the hydraulic mining ap paratus. Tho flumo is holng made of cedar boards split from logs In tho woods. It will carry 0110 of the largest heads of water ever used In mining oporntlons In this sec tion of the state mid will permit mi extensive development ot the mines. It will bo rushed to completion ns quickly ns possible in order to bo In operation beforo tlio winter rains sot In. "Tho mines aro what aro locally known ns the old Pntlsson nnd tlio Dlvolblss mining claims of Sixes, TJioy woro oponed by .Mr. liininn nbout two years ago and hnvo pro duced a number ot big clean-ups; 0110 of which mado only a short tlmo ago wns about $15,000. "Tho country traversed by tho flumo nnd ditch Is very rough mid construction work requires engin eering skill. CALLED TO JAIL Min. Funiilo O'Doniioll Wauled Again nt Coqulllo Continued efforts to keep out of Jail 011 tho part ot Mrs. Faiiulo O'Doniioll who wns tried for selling liquor nt the Aingo Hotel In Em pire, which somo tlmo ngo she con ducted, appear to have failed, from tlio following nppeurlng in tho Co qulllo Sentinel: "In tho caso ot the Marshfield bootloggor, Fminlo O'Doniioll, con victed of disposing ot intoxicating liquor on Sunday, who has kept out of Jail for a year or more by an appoal to tho Supromo Court, Dis trict Attomoy Llljeqvlst has Just re ceived notice from tho clork that tho application for a re-heurlug bus been donled. Sho Is expected over hero now In a few days to board ut tho Landrotb House." WILL DEMOXSTHATK Practical Lessons In Clearing Land To Ho CD veil Lessons In thq clearing of loggod off land, an Important problem in this locality, aro to bo given In Coon County, according to tho following from tho Coqulllo Sentinel: Messrs. Rordlo nnd Strait, two men sont out by the U. S. Department ot Agriculture will bo in this county about the middle of .ugiist to glvo doiuonstratloiV In ithe clearing of loggod off lands. It Is expected that those men will be In this county about threo days mid that ono ot their de monstrations will bo glvon In the log ged off land on the hill southeast of UiIb city. They will glvo talks 011 tho improvement ot logged off lands ami demonstrations of stump pulling, blasting nnd seeding on such lands. They will probably be at Coqulllo about August 15, Have your USTTlUt heads, bill heads, etc., priated at THE TIMES offlco. JULY A GOO IT r t ai ira no t